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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The limitations of the legal response to domestic violence in England and Wales : a critical analysis

Bishop, Charlotte Bishop January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the limitations of the legal responses to ‘domestic violence’ from the perspective of two central arguments; first, domestic violence is a social problem, rather than one caused by the deviancy of particular individuals, and, secondly, legal and societal understandings display a misplaced focus on ‘violence’ as the defining feature of an abusive relationship. By failing to address the root social causes or comprehend the true dynamics of abusive relationships as a range of coercive and controlling strategies, incidents of mainly physical violence and the behaviour and personality of the abused woman become the social and legal focus. The thesis asserts that the root causes of domestic violence are the gendered expectations placed upon masculinity and femininity, thus explaining why it is women that are predominantly the victims. To refute the common misconception that women would exit an abusive relationship if they wanted to, a comparison is made between domestic violence and capture crimes such as kidnapping, and the range of social and psychological difficulties encountered by women as a result of the abusive relationship are used to support the claim that the sense of self, autonomy and decision-making ability of the victim is so undermined by the abuser’s tactics that they become entrapped in the abusive relationship. It is then argued that societal and legal misunderstandings of the dynamics and impact of the abuse lead to misinformed legal responses based upon the premise that women are able to safely report domestic violence and receive an adequate response, should they choose to do so. Bringing together critiques of the operation of the civil and criminal justice system in this context with the possibilities and limitations of the international human rights system, the thesis aims to demonstrate not just where the legal responses pertaining to domestic violence are limited, but also why. The research concludes that a legal approach to this problem which overlooks the root causes and over-emphasises isolated incidents of mainly physical violence does not and cannot work; the causes and impacts of domestic violence must be understood and addressed at a society-wide level.

Controle da atividade do árbitro / Control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration

Mejias, Lucas Britto 10 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o controle da atividade do árbitro. Parte-se da premissa de que o papel desempenhado pelo árbitro na condução do processo - denominado atividade do árbitro em contraposição ao resultado dessa atividade: a resposta jurisdicional - está sujeito a desvios. A assunção dessa função pode ser viciada, já que o exercício da arbitragem somente é admitido dentro de determinados limites e condicionado ao consentimento das partes. Da mesma forma, as providências adotadas pelo árbitro no curso do processo podem apresentar inconsistências em relação às disposições legais e contratuais a elas aplicáveis. Diante disso, investiga-se de que forma tais desvios podem ser controlados, estudando-se, para tanto, (i) os órgãos responsáveis por tal controle, (ii) o momento em que tal controle pode ocorrer, (iii) os mecanismos pelos quais tal controle é admitido, e (iv) os vícios na atividade que ensejam controle. / This paper addresses the control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration. It assumes that the role of the arbitrator in developing arbitration what contrasts with the role in deciding the case is subject to irregularities. The assumption of the arbitrators function can be irregular, as arbitration is authorized only within certain limits and conditions and if the parties agree with it. Besides, the steps taken in developing the arbitration might violate legal and contractual rules applied to it. Given that, this paper deals with how such irregularities can be controlled, analyzing (i) the courts responsible for such control, (ii) the moment when this control is allowed (iii) its legal remedies, and (iv) which irregularities authorize control.

Controle da atividade do árbitro / Control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration

Lucas Britto Mejias 10 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o controle da atividade do árbitro. Parte-se da premissa de que o papel desempenhado pelo árbitro na condução do processo - denominado atividade do árbitro em contraposição ao resultado dessa atividade: a resposta jurisdicional - está sujeito a desvios. A assunção dessa função pode ser viciada, já que o exercício da arbitragem somente é admitido dentro de determinados limites e condicionado ao consentimento das partes. Da mesma forma, as providências adotadas pelo árbitro no curso do processo podem apresentar inconsistências em relação às disposições legais e contratuais a elas aplicáveis. Diante disso, investiga-se de que forma tais desvios podem ser controlados, estudando-se, para tanto, (i) os órgãos responsáveis por tal controle, (ii) o momento em que tal controle pode ocorrer, (iii) os mecanismos pelos quais tal controle é admitido, e (iv) os vícios na atividade que ensejam controle. / This paper addresses the control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration. It assumes that the role of the arbitrator in developing arbitration what contrasts with the role in deciding the case is subject to irregularities. The assumption of the arbitrators function can be irregular, as arbitration is authorized only within certain limits and conditions and if the parties agree with it. Besides, the steps taken in developing the arbitration might violate legal and contractual rules applied to it. Given that, this paper deals with how such irregularities can be controlled, analyzing (i) the courts responsible for such control, (ii) the moment when this control is allowed (iii) its legal remedies, and (iv) which irregularities authorize control.

Aktuální otázky vztahu ochrany osobnosti a médií / Current problems of relation between protection

Kobeda, Kryštof January 2011 (has links)
Current issues of relationship between the personal right of individual and media: abstract in English The theme of this thesis is protection of personal rights of individual in mass media. This theme is, according to our opinion, current topic because there are conflicts between the personal rights of individual and the right to freedom of expression nearly every day. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse, if the attitude of the courts to the protection of these two rights is equal and if the individuals, who have disadvantageous position against the mass media, can adequately defend their rights. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one is introductory. Chapter two briefly defines the issue of personal rights of individual. The third chapter consists of four parts. Each of these parts deals with one personal right and characterises the rules which mass media have to comply with in order not to contravening the personal rights of individual. Fourth chapter describes the ways how individual can defend himself or herself against the violation of his or her personal rights. This chapter describes all legal remedies possible according to the Czech laws. It means legal remedy on the base of civil law, criminal law, administrative law and the remedies according to the special laws, complaint to the...

Dovolání v civilním procesu / Application for an appeal review on the points of law in civil procedure

Hrbek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the effective regulation of the application for an appeal review reflecting it from the point of its value background, historical development and the relevant case-law. With an intention to point out the necessary backing for the critical assessment of specific elements and the present form of the application for an appeal review in a civil procedure as a whole, the thesis deals with the theoretical basis of the legal remedies in the civil procedure and with the role of the application for an appeal review in their effective regulation. In the thesis, particular attention is paid to the purposes of the application for an appeal review, i.e. to the unification of the case-law and the protection of the rights of an individual in a particular case, as far as to their relation to the legal certainty resulting from the final decisions, which the use of the application for an appeal review undermines. The thesis contains the general conclusions on the relationship between these values and the conclusions on the appropriateness of the regulation of the particular elements of the application for an appeal review, which are connected with these values. A special chapter of this thesis deals with the history of the appeals focusing only on that facts and legal constructs, which are...

Preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra kaip "teisinų priemonių sistemos dalis": ar pareiga kreiptis preliminaraus nutarimo užtikrina veiksmingą teisminę gynybą? / Preliminary ruling procedure as a part of "complete system of remedies": does the obligation to seek preliminary ruling ensure effective judicial protection?

Rinkevičiūtė, Aistrida 17 January 2007 (has links)
Teisė kreiptis į teismą yra esminė individo subjektinių teisių apsaugos sąlyga. Tas pats pasakytina ir apie asmenims suteikiamas teises Bendrijos teisės sistemoje. Europos Teisingumo Teismas (ETT) turi išimtinę teisę atlikti Europos Bendrijos institucijų priimtų aktų teisėtumo priežiūrą. Be to, ETT pavesta aiškinti EB teisės nuostatas. Šiuo metu tiesioginio kreipimosi į ETT ribos, vadovaujantis EB Sutarties 230(4) straipsniu, yra griežtai apribotos. Todėl netiesioginis kreipimasis į ETT, pasinaudojant preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra, valstybių narių nacionaliniuose teismuose tapo bene labiausiai paplitusiu ir dažniausiai naudojamu teisinės gynybos keliu asmenims, siekiantiems apginti savo teises ir teisėtus interesus, kuriuos laiduoja EB teisė. Teisingumo Teismas savo praktikoje yra ne kartą pažymėjęs, kad preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra laikytina alternatyva tiesioginio ieškinio padavimo procedūrai pagal EB Sutarties 230 straipsnio 4 dalį ir tuo būdu akcentavęs EB Sutartimi įtvirtintos teisinių priemonių sistemos universalumą. Vis dėlto ETT vėlesnėje praktikoje netiesiogiai pripažino, kad ši Bendrijos teisėje įtvirtinta teisinių gynybos priemonių sistema nėra tokia ideali, kokios norėtųsi, ir kartu nurodė valstybėms narėms pareigą panaikinti joje egzistuojančius trūkumus ir spragas. Pagrindinė preliminaraus nutarimo procedūros problema yra ta, kad ji nėra tiesiogiai prieinama individams, o skirta valstybių narių nacionaliniams teismams. Pastariesiems suteikta teisė... [to full text] / Access to court is essential for the protection of all rights of individuals. The same holds true for the rights individuals derive from Community law. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the only court competent to review the legality of acts of the Community institutions. In addition, the ECJ has the last word on the interpretation of Community law. The direct access for individuals to the ECJ, pursuant to Article 230(4) EC, is strictly limited. Thus, the indirect access to the Court through national courts by means of the preliminary ruling procedure has become the most common procedural route for individuals. The Court has repeatedly indicated this procedure as an alternative to Article 230(4) EC and has emphasised the completeness of the system of remedies of the EC Treaty. Although in the last jurisprudence the ECJ has indirectly admitted that the system of remedies is not as complete as it should be and has appealed to the responsibility of the Member States to amend the system. The main problem with the preliminary ruling procedure is that it is not a matter of right for individuals. It is up to the national court to decide whether or not to seek a preliminary ruling and how to phrase the questions submitted to the ECJ. National courts “against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy” are obligated to refer questions of Community law to the ECJ, but the Court has ruled that this duty is not absolute. Apparently it happens that these limitations, and the... [to full text]

Incarceration and Reintegration: How It Impacts Mental Health

Marier, April M, Reyes, Alex Alfredo 01 June 2014 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background: Previous criminal justice policies have been non-effective leading to overpopulated prisons and unsuccessful reintegration. There is a lack of effective supportive and/or rehabilitative services resulting in high rates of recidivism and mental health implications. Objective: This study investigated the perceived impact that incarceration and reintegration with little to no supportive and/or rehabilitative services has on the mental health status of an individual. The emphasis was on participant perception and not on professional reports because of underreporting and lack of attention to mental health in the criminal justice system. Methods: Focus groups in the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley were held to gather preliminary data used to develop the survey for this study. The survey was distributed to 88 male and female ex-offenders over the age of 18 who were no longer on probation or parole. Secondary data from United Way 211 and California State Reentry Initiative was collected to report current trends of supportive and/or rehabilitative services. Results: Incarceration was found to negatively impact perceived mental health status, but reintegration was not. Supportive and/or rehabilitative services continue to be rarely offered and accessed, but when accessed, perceived mental health status is better. Supportive and/or rehabilitative services are more readily available. People who are using these services are improving their quality of life, becoming productive members of society, and preventing recidivism. Conclusions: A paradigm shift is currently under way to reduce recidivism by improving supportive and/or rehabilitative services during incarceration and reintegration. Many offenders are receiving services as an alternative to incarceration, recidivism rates are being reduced, and ex-offenders are becoming productive members of society. The field of social work is an integral part of reentry services and should continue advocating for policies and services that support reintegration efforts at the micro and macro level.

Förtal mot juridisk person och bristen på effektiva rättsmedel i svensk rätt : Ett skadeståndsrättsligt perspektiv / Defamation of Legal Persons and the Absence of Effective Legal Remedies in Swedish Law : From a Tort Law Perspective

Huskanovic, Edina January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Yttrandefriheten utgör en av grundbultarna i en demokratisk rättsstat. I svensk rätt är den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten, reglerad i TF och YGL, starkt förankrad. De inskränkningar som får göras i denna bygger på noggranna överväganden. Att utpeka annan fysisk person såsom brottslig, klandervärd i sitt levnadssätt eller eljest lämna uppgift som är ägnad att utsätta denna för andras missaktning utgör förtal. Förtal är såväl ett yttrandefrihetsbrott enligt 7 kap. 4 § p. 14 TF, som ett brott mot person enligt 5 kap. 1–2 §§ BrB. Det som den svenska förtalsregleringen syftar till att skydda är den objektiva äran: anseendet, det goda namnet och ryktet hos det potentiella offret.   I svensk rätt har intagits en ståndpunkt om att juridiska personer inte är berättigade till ett rättsligt skydd vid förtal, eftersom förtalet inte anses angripa någons anseende. Införandet av ett straffrättsligt ansvar vid förtal mot juridisk person har föreslagits, men avfärdats med motiveringen att det skulle utgöra en omotiverad inskränkning i yttrandefriheten. I vissa utländska rättssystem, vilka upprätthåller en stark yttrandefrihet, åtnjuter juridiska personer dock ett rättsligt skydd mot förtal genom straffrättslig eller civilrättslig lagstiftning. Juridiska personer åtnjuter därtill flertalet grundläggande ekonomiska och personliga fri- och rättigheter inom unions- och konventionsrätten. Av nämnda fri- och rättigheter är rätten till effektiva rättsmedel av särskild betydelse. Därtill är medlemsstater i Europeiska unionen (EU) skyldiga att tillhandahålla effektiva rättsmedel till enskilda för att säkra ett effektivt domstolsskydd. Det har ännu inte prövats huruvida en särskild civilrättslig skadeståndsreglering vid förtal mot juridisk person bör införas i svensk rätt, i syfte att skapa ett effektivt rättsmedel som är mindre benäget att inskränka yttrandefriheten.   I förevarande framställning konstateras att juridiska personer åtnjuter ett kommersiellt anseende och ett rykte som kan bli föremål för kränkningar genom förtal. Skadeverkningarna av förtal är i huvudsak ekonomiska. Svensk rätt, avseende bristen på rättsmedel vid förtal mot juridisk person, är oförenlig med unions- och konventionsrätten, eftersom den riskerar att direkt kränka juridiska personers grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. I svensk rätt existerar en möjlighet att reglera förtal mot juridisk person i skadeståndslagen (1972:207). Direkta ingrepp i den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten undviks därigenom. Det särskilda civilrättsliga skyddet som i förevarande framställning föreslås, bör omfatta ogrundade uppgifter som utgör anklagelser om brott vilka har begåtts inom den juridiska personens verksamhet eller i dennas namn, eller eljest ogrundade uppgifter om specifik omständighet. Det nämnda skyddet mot förtal bör kunna göras effektivt genom införandet av en särskild skadeståndsregel.

Les principes directeurs du procès dans la jurisprudence du Conseil Constitutionnel / The Trial’s guiding principles in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council

Lestrade, Éric 21 November 2013 (has links)
Malgré le peu de fondements écrits consacrés à la justice dans le texte de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958, le Conseil constitutionnel, en réalisant un travail d’actualisation à partir de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, a permis l’émergence d’un droit constitutionnel processuel, construit autour de principes directeurs. Ceux-ci peuvent être répartis dans trois catégories : deux principales, selon que l’acteur du procès prioritairement concerné soit le juge ou les parties et une troisième, complémentaire, celle des garanties procédurales, permettant de favoriser les qualités essentielles du juge et de contrôler le respect des droits des parties. Une gradation des exigences du Conseil constitutionnel est discrètement perceptible entre les deux premières catégories de principes, plus facilement identifiable entre celles-ci et la dernière famille. Cette échelle décroissante de « densité » des principes directeurs du procès témoigne d’une véritable politique jurisprudentielle en matière de droit constitutionnel processuel, qui met l’accent sur l’accès au juge, doté des qualités indispensables à l’accomplissement de sa mission juridictionnelle. Toutefois, aussi satisfaisante que soit l’action du juge constitutionnel français à l’égard du droit du procès, celle-ci nécessiterait aujourd’hui le relais du constituant, afin de moderniser le statut constitutionnel de la justice. / In spite of a relatively low number of written dispositions dedicated to justice inside of the body of the Constitution of October 1958 4th, the constitutional Council, while updating this text through the Declaration of Human Rights, contributed to the development of a procedural constitutional law, which is structured around guiding principles. Those principles can be classified within three different categories : two major categories depend on the trial actor that is primarily concerned, either the judge or the parties; a third and additional category pertaining to procedural protections, fosters the essential qualities of the judge and secure the protection of the parties’ rights. A gradation of the requirements of the constitutional Council is discreetly perceptible between the first two categories of principles, and more easily identifiable between those first two categories and the last one. This decreasing scale of “density” yoked to the trial guiding principles highlights a genuine judicial policy when it comes to procedural constitutional law, emphasizing access to the judge, whom is given essential qualities in order to achieve its judicial duty. However, the action of the French constitutional judge, as satisfactory as it is towards the rights of the trial, would easily support the intervention of the constituent power in order to update Justice’s constitutional status.

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