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Otázky struktury osídlení severovýchodní části středních Čech ve starší době bronzové na příkladu opevněné lokality Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí / Settlement structure of the Early Bronze Age in the northeast part of central Bohemia - the case study of fortified settlement in Brandýs nad Labem-VrábíLangová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Between 2007 and 2016, there was a rescue archeological research done by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in the locality of Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí at the site "U Vodojemu", where, above other, a large settlement from the Early Bronze Age was uncovered. Based on the ceramics, it is possible to classify it chronologically as the early period of the Únětice culture, typologically then, it is possible to associate the ceramics found with the post-classical phase of the Únětice culture. The discovery of the U-shaped ditch adjacent to the ground edge of the Hrušovský stream indicates that the settlement was fortified for a certain time, approximately at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Based on the nature of the ditch filling, of the ceramic findings with analogies in the beginning of the tumulus culture, as well as of the carbon dating, it is obvious that the settlement served further on after the downfall of this fortification, too, and thus for another 100 years at least. In the context of another very numerous, contemporaneous findings in the cadaster of Brandýs nad Labem, it is visible that the site "U Vodojemu" used to be a part of a large settlement agglomeration. A detailed mapping of the Early Bronze Age findings from the district of the north-east part of Central Bohemia has...
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Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico a través de la gamificación en estudiantes de primaria. / Development of critical thinking through gamification in elementary students.Bellido Gonzales, Johar Alberto, Janampa Ancajima, Rossmery 09 July 2020 (has links)
En la siguiente investigación, el objetivo ha sido comprobar si la metodología llamada gamificación, junto a tecnologías de la información (TIC), puede ayudar a los estudiantes de primaria a desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Actualmente, por motivos de salubridad contra el COVID-19, los colegios han cerrado sus puertas y se han enfocado en promover una educación a distancia. El método de educación ha dado un salto abrupto y ha demostrado que el profesorado no está preparado para brindar una educación a distancia de calidad. Por este motivo, se busca también comprobar si la gamificación junto a las TIC pueden ser una opción al momento de brindar o proporcionar actividades a distancia. / In the following investigation, the objective has been to check whether the methodology called gamification, together with information technologies (ICT), can help elementary students develop critical thinking. Currently, for health reasons against COVID-19, schools have closed their doors and focused on promoting distance education. The method of education has taken an abrupt leap and has shown that teachers are not prepared to provide quality distance education. For this reason, it is also sought to check if gamification together with ICTs can be an option when offering or providing remote activities. / Trabajo de investigación
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From Victim Diaspora to Transborder Citizenship? : Diaspora formation and transnational relations among Kurds in France and SwedenKhayati, Khalid January 2008 (has links)
Denna avhandling är en komparativ undersökning av pågående förändringsprocesser bland kurder i Marseillesregionen i Frankrike och Stockholmsregionen i Sverige. I fokus står skiftet från en endimensionell och offerrelaterad kurdisk diasporisk identitet mot en mer sammansatt och aktiv. Studien går bortom entydiga erfarenheter av smärta, trauma och offerkänsla i syfte att lyfta fram en rad andra diasporiska situationer och företeelser såsom institutionella och transnationella formationer, assabiyya nätverk, ”on air” och ”online” verksamheter, kulturella och litterära aktiviteter osv., som samtliga är centrala element när det gäller att upprätthålla ett gränsöverskridande medborgarskap bland diasporiska kurder i de bägge länderna. Studien vidhåller dessutom att kurder i både Sverige och Frankrike på olika sätt är utsatta för diskriminering och socialt utanförskap. Avhandlingen visar hur kurder i Frankrike och Sverige utvecklar olika diasporiska diskurser och handlingsmönster. Beroende på en relativt likartad social bakgrund och på den exkluderande politiska miljö som finns i Frankrike så upprätthåller kurderna i Marseillesområdet en påtagligt offerrelaterad diasporisk diskurs. Samtidigt är framväxten av ett gränsöverskridande medborgarskap här starkt begränsad. Eftersom kurderna i Sverige är dels jämförelsevis socialt och politiskt diversifierade och dels vistas i en mer gynnsam politisk miljö upprätthåller de inte bara en mer flexibel diasporisk diskurs än kurder i Marseillesområdet. De har också utvecklat ett mer långtgående gränsöverskridande medborgarskap. / This study is a comparative exploration of an ongoing process of change from a mono-dimensional, victim-related Kurdish diasporic identity to a more modulated, dynamic and active form of it among Kurds in the Marseille region in France and the Stockholm region in Sweden. The study goes beyond the experience of pain and trauma and the sense of victimhood in order to depict a multitude of other diasporic situations and trajectories such as institutional and transnational arrangements, assabiyya networks, “on air” and cyberspace “online” involvements, cultural and literary activities, and so forth, which are necessary elements for the development of the practice of transborder citizenship among diasporan Kurds in the two countries. The study argues that the Kurds in France and Sweden have conceived different diasporic discourses and at the same time have chosen different modes of action. Due to their uniform social background and the exclusionary French political environment, the Kurds in the region of Marseille maintain a tangible victim diaspora discourse and limited practice of transborder citizenship. As the Kurds in Sweden are socially and politically diversified, and as they live in the more favorable Swedish political environment, they maintain not only a flexible diaspora discourse but also a more highly developed practice of transborder citizenship than the Kurds in the Marseille region.
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Les orgines historiques de la coopération économique régionale comme forme non-hégémonique de coopérationAugustynek, Dariusz 10 1900 (has links)
Le mémoire s’intéresse à l’émergence historique de la coopération économique régionale comme
forme non-hégémonique de coopération. Nous y proposons une approche alternative au problème
de l’origine de la coopération systémique, par rapport à la conception d’origine hégémonique de la
coopération systémique, propre aux théories néolibérale et néoréaliste. Plutôt que par le biais des
théories du marché, l’origine de la coopération est approchée par le biais des processus caractérisant
l’anarchie-même tel le processus de construction anarchique des formes de guerre. Et plus
spécifiquement, des formes de guerre dont l’usage soumet la structure anarchique à des contraintes
extrêmes, mettant celle-ci en crise, exemplifiée par la chute de la puissance hégémonique, la fin
d’un système hégémonique et le début de coopération systémique non-hégémonique, de nature plus
régionale et économique. En privilégiant l’approche historique, nous insistons notamment sur
l’impact critique du commerce au loin et du crédit international dans la construction par la structure
anarchique des formes de guerre que la puissance hégémonique ne peut plus supporter. / Historical origins of regional economic cooperation as a non-hegemonic form of
This thesis examines the emergence of the regional economic cooperation as a non-hegemonic form
of cooperation. We propose an alternative to the prevailing conception of hegemonic origin of
systemic cooperation, proposed by the neorealist and neoliberal theories. Rather than relying on
theories of the market, we focus instead on some critical processes of the anarchical structure itself,
such as creation of forms of war by anarchy. More specifically, we focus on the forms of war that
put the anarchical structure under maximal strain, bringing it to an overwhelming systemic crisis,
the fall of a hegemonic power, the end of a hegemonic system, and the onset of a non-hegemonic
systemic cooperation of more regional and economic nature. Prioritizing the historical approach we
stress especially the role of long-distance trade and international credit in the construction, by the
anarchical structure itself, of forms of war impossible for the hegemonic power to withstand.
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L’aérobiologie du pollen de bouleau (Betula spp.) : synergie avec les facteurs environnementaux et impacts sur les maladies respiratoiresRobichaud, Alain 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse de la diversité inter et intra-spécifique des paramètres de l’architecture des systèmes racinaires chez les Solanacées / Analysis of the inter and intra specific diversity of the parameters of the root system architecture in the SolanaceaeBui, Hong-Hai 20 November 2015 (has links)
Analyse de la diversité inter et intra-spécifique des paramètres de l’architecture des systèmes racinaires chez les Solanacées. Les racines des plantes jouent un rôle important pour garantir productivité et résistance à de nombreux stress. Dans le nouveau contexte agricole, l’importance de ce système racinaire et de sonarchitecture sont remises au premier plan. Notre étude porte sur la dynamique de l’architecture racinaire des solanacées, qui contient un ensemble d’espèces horticoles importantes pour l’alimentation. Notre travail porte sur 32 génotypes, parmi 3 groupes d’espèces: aubergines, piments et tomates.Dans cette étude, nous proposons tout d’abord une analyse de la diversité inter et intraspécifique de l’architecture racinaire à travers l’évaluation d’un ensemble de traits qui sont aussi les paramètres d’un modèle dynamique de simulation (ArchiSimple : Pagès et al, 2012). Cette première évaluation a été faite en pots, en utilisant un milieu très favorable à la croissance des plantes et à l’enracinement. Nous montrons que les traits racinaires choisis présentent en effet des variations d’origine génétique, généralement plus fortes entre espèces qu’au sein des espèces. Nous avons également observé des corrélations entre certains traits qui révèlent des compromis ou des coordinations dans les processus de développement.Pour aller plus loin dans la signification des traits racinaires choisis et leur stabilité vis‐à‐vis des conditions environnementales, nous avons également évalué ces traits en conditions de culture hydroponique. C’est un milieu reconnu comme radicalement différent, intéressant pour les possibilités de visualisation des racines qu’il offre. Un dispositif avec des rhizotrons hydroponiques a été construit spécifiquement pour cette expérimentation. Nous avons confirmé, dans ces nouvelles conditions, les différences d’origine génétique entre les différents génotypes utilisés. De plus, nous avons comparé de manière systématique les valeurs de traits mesurés avec celles de la précédente expérimentation. Certains traits se révèlent stables ou très corrélés (e.g. diamètres, distances interramification)alors que d’autres présentent des différences beaucoup plus fortes (e.g. vitesses de croissance, vitesses d’émergence des racines adventives).Une troisième expérimentation, utilisant différentes combinaisons de greffage entre génotypes, nous a permis d’approfondir la question du contrôle des traits par des interactions au sein de la plante: soit à courte distance au sein du système racinaire, soit à plus longue distance parle système aérien. Deux traits importants ont été étudiés (le diamètre apical et la densité de ramification) en utilisant des combinaisons de génotypes ayant des valeurs contrastées par rapport à ces traits. Il en ressort des réponses très différentes, avec un effet marqué du greffon sur les111RésuméBui H.H. (2015), Diversité inter- et intra-spécifique des paramètres racinaires chez les Solanacées diamètres, révélant qu’une partie au moins du contrôle de ce trait est effectuée par le système aérien, et un effet faible ou inexistant du greffon sur la densité de ramification, révélant un contrôle local de ce trait, par des interactions à courte distance entre les racines. Cette expérimentation par greffage a montré un potentiel très intéressant pour mettre en lumière divers mécanismes de contrôle des traits au sein de la plante entière.Cette étude mérite d’être prolongée par des analyses plus systématiques des déterminismes de variation des traits de l’architecture racinaire, et par des simulations par modèle qui permettront de synthétiser les conséquences des variations de traits sur les performances globales des systèmes racinaires pour la prospection du sol. / Analysis of the inter and intra specific diversity of the parameters of the root system architecture in the Solanaceae.Plant roots play an important role to ensure the productivity and the resistance to manystresses. In new agricultural context, the importance of root system and its architecture are placed tothe forefront. Our study focuses on the root architecture dynamics of Solanaceae, which contains aseries of important horticultural species for the alimentation. Our work was based on 32 genotypesbelonging to three groups of species: aubergines, capsicums, and tomatoes.In this study, we propose firstly an analysis of inter‐ and intra ‐ specific diversity of rootarchitecture through evaluating a set of traits which are also the parameters of a dynamic simulationmodel (ArchiSimple: Pagès et al, 2012). The experiment in pots with a very favorable condition forplant growth and rooting was conducted for the first evaluation. It showed that the selected roottraits present an effect of genetic ‐ originated variations and this effect is usually stronger amongspecies than within species. We also found correlations between certain traits, which revealcompromises or coordinations in the developmental processes.In order to go deeper into the signification of selected root traits and their stability toenvironmental conditions, we also evaluated these traits in hydroponic culture. This environment isradically different, and interesting for its possibilities to visualize the roots. An experimental setupwith hydroponic rhizotrons was specially built for this experiment. In the new conditions, the genetic‐ originated differences between different genotypes used also were found. In addition, wecompared systematically the traits values with those of the previous experiment. Certain traits arestable or highly correlated (e.g., apical diameter, inter‐branch distance), while others are muchdifferent (e.g., root growth rate, emission rate of adventitious roots).In a third experiment, we used different grafting combinations between genotypes todeepen the question of the control of root traits by interactions within plant: either short distancecontrol within root system or long distance control by aerial system. Two important root traits (apicaldiameter and branching density) have been studied by grafting between genotypes which havecontrasting values on these traits. The different responses appear: a significant effect of scion ondiameters, which indicate that at least of this trait is controlled by shoot system, and a weak effect orno effect of scion on branching density, revealing the local control of this trait, by short distanceinteractions between the roots. This experiment showed a great potential of grafting to highlightvarious control mechanisms of root traits within whole plant.AbstractBui H.H. (2015), Diversité inter- et intra-spécifique des paramètres racinaires chez les Solanacées 113This study deserve to be extended by more systematic analysis of determinisms of variationsof root architecture traits, and by using simulation model which allow to integrate the consequencesof traits variations on global performances of root system for prospecting of soil.
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Les orgines historiques de la coopération économique régionale comme forme non-hégémonique de coopérationAugustynek, Dariusz 10 1900 (has links)
Le mémoire s’intéresse à l’émergence historique de la coopération économique régionale comme
forme non-hégémonique de coopération. Nous y proposons une approche alternative au problème
de l’origine de la coopération systémique, par rapport à la conception d’origine hégémonique de la
coopération systémique, propre aux théories néolibérale et néoréaliste. Plutôt que par le biais des
théories du marché, l’origine de la coopération est approchée par le biais des processus caractérisant
l’anarchie-même tel le processus de construction anarchique des formes de guerre. Et plus
spécifiquement, des formes de guerre dont l’usage soumet la structure anarchique à des contraintes
extrêmes, mettant celle-ci en crise, exemplifiée par la chute de la puissance hégémonique, la fin
d’un système hégémonique et le début de coopération systémique non-hégémonique, de nature plus
régionale et économique. En privilégiant l’approche historique, nous insistons notamment sur
l’impact critique du commerce au loin et du crédit international dans la construction par la structure
anarchique des formes de guerre que la puissance hégémonique ne peut plus supporter. / Historical origins of regional economic cooperation as a non-hegemonic form of
This thesis examines the emergence of the regional economic cooperation as a non-hegemonic form
of cooperation. We propose an alternative to the prevailing conception of hegemonic origin of
systemic cooperation, proposed by the neorealist and neoliberal theories. Rather than relying on
theories of the market, we focus instead on some critical processes of the anarchical structure itself,
such as creation of forms of war by anarchy. More specifically, we focus on the forms of war that
put the anarchical structure under maximal strain, bringing it to an overwhelming systemic crisis,
the fall of a hegemonic power, the end of a hegemonic system, and the onset of a non-hegemonic
systemic cooperation of more regional and economic nature. Prioritizing the historical approach we
stress especially the role of long-distance trade and international credit in the construction, by the
anarchical structure itself, of forms of war impossible for the hegemonic power to withstand.
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The effects of fly-in/fly-out commute arrangements and extended working hours on the stress, lifestyle, relationships and health characteristics of Western Australian mining employees and their partnersClifford, Susan Amanda January 2010 (has links)
The Western Australian (WA) mining industry directly employs approximately 56,000 people. Almost half work Fly-in/Fly-out commute arrangements (FIFO, e.g. employees living in a city are flown to a remote worksite where they live and work during their work roster) and approximately half work more than 50 hours per week, on average. There are many anecdotal claims that FIFO has negative impacts on WA mining employees, leading to an elevated risk of high stress levels, depression, binge drinking, recreational drug use and relationship break-ups. Previous studies found FIFO can be stressful, and have negative impacts on WA employees 'and partners' lifestyles and relationships. This project investigated the long-term (Study One) and short-term (Study Two) impacts of FIFO and extended working hours on a representative sample of WA FIFO mining employees and partners. In Study One, a total of 222 FIFO and Daily Commute (DC) mining employees and partners completed an anonymous questionnaire investigating long-term impacts on work satisfaction, lifestyle, relationships and health. A subgroup of 32 Study One FIFO employees and partners also participated in Study Two; a detailed study of the short-term impacts of FIFO and extended working hours and how these impacts fluctuate in intensity during the mining roster. Study Two participants completed a diary and provided saliva samples each day throughout a complete mining roster. The main findings of the study were that FIFO and extended working hours had negative impacts on employees work satisfaction and FIFO was frequently reported to be disruptive to employees 'and partners' lifestyle, in the long-term. However, FIFO and extended working hours did not lead to poor quality relationships, high stress levels or poor health, on average in the long-term; there were generally no significant differences in these characteristics between FIFO and DC employees, or between the FIFO sample and the wider community. There were minor differences between FIFO and DC employees in long-term health characteristics, and Study One employees had similar, or in some cases poorer health outcomes than other community samples.
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Health risks of distance running: modelling the predictors of running addiction, overuse injuries, and infectious illnessStruwig, Gillian Anne 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Regular exercise has significant physical and psychological health benefits yet, paradoxically, may also have harmful effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical and psychological health risks of distance running, a popular participation sport in South Africa. Structural equation modelling was employed to examine the personality and motivational antecedents of running addiction and its influence, in turn, on self-reported overuse injuries and upper respiratory tract infections in 220 athletic club members. The predictors and physical health effects of customary training load were also assessed. It was found that perfectionistic concerns, Type A behaviour pattern, and task goal orientation had a direct, positive impact on running addiction, which predicted higher running injury scores. In contrast, training workload (Volume × Intensity) was inversely related to injury risk. Neither running addiction nor any training load variables influenced infectious illness susceptibility. The findings of this study indicate that maladaptive perfectionism, Type A behaviour, and achievement goal orientation may be risk factors for running addiction, which may, in turn, contribute to increased injury incidence in South African distance runners. Conversely, heavier training loads may be protective against injury occurrences in this population. The results of this research may help to enhance current understanding of the possible health hazards of distance running. This knowledge may have practical implications for the health and well-being of runners of diverse levels of ability and experience. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Digitálně řízený vícekvadrantový zdroj / Digitally controlled multi-quadrant power supplyChytil, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deal with design of multi-quadrant power supply in linear and switching mode. In the case of the switching mode energy recuparation is also considered as well as optimalization of change of load response over time. Power supplies are designed as general purpose laboratory and process power supplies. Power supplies are designed so that they can be connected via galvanic insulated USB interface with a PC
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