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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mötesplats Förskolan : vad anser pedagogerna vara nödvändiga kompetenser och viktigast i arbetet med etnisk mångfald?

Sandberg, Anette January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka kompetenser pedagogerna anser vara nödvändiga och vad de anser vara viktigt i arbetet i dagens etnisk kulturella förskola. För att ta del av pedagogernas kunskaper kring detta intresseområde, gjordes det strukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna anser att kunskap och förförståelse om barns kulturella bakgrunder behövs och är viktigt. Språket är också en viktig aspekt, när det gäller integreringen av barn från andra kulturer. Pedagogerna anser därför att kompetensutveckling är nödvändigt. Genomgången av litteraturen visade att studenter på lärarutbildningarna inte anser att de får tillräcklig kunskap om mångkultur i förskola och skola och som motsvarar de nya krav som ställs på pedagogerna i dagens internationaliserade samhälle

Bibliotek i samhällets tjänst : Att arbeta i projekt för att nå en ny målgrupp / The Library, in the service to society : Working on projects toreach new audiences

Engblom, Sara, Elmqvist, Sara January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate how to work in a projectwhen to reach a new audience. We have seen that a large part oflibrarywork can not be measured using numbers and statistics, andconsider that this work should be recognized. The essay startingpoint is a project run by the City of Malmö, the Ida Project. Theproject approached a new target group for the library with the focuson non-instrumental activities, where the project's goal was to workwith empowerment, proximity and information. Thus, we see aninterest in studying the lessons learned here. To answer the aim ofthe essay we pose three questions;Did the projects location have any significance for theimplementation of the project?Did the project promote any meetings within the group?How did the libraries work to include the target group in society?We have used qualitative interviews and four libraries wereinterviewed. We use the model developed by Casper HvnegaardRasmussen, Henrik Jochumsen and Dorte Skot-Hansen (2011) asan analytical tool to see how the Ida Project has worked to reachtheir target audience. Our conclusion is that the project contributeda more flexible library that could operate outside traditionalboundaries. The project strengthened the library's non-judgmentaland secure environment. The project promoted various meetings inan inclusive environment and contributed to creative alliances onseveral different levels.

Idrottsplatsen som målpunkt och mötesplats : En studie av idrottande ungdomars rörelsemönster och kontaktskapande mellan områden

Holmquist, Liz January 2017 (has links)
This research aimed to study how athletic adolescents move between different areas; what the nodes are and to which extent sports fields are of importance. Furthermore, the study was constructed to investigate if sports could be a factor in increasing the movement between residential areas and produce social integration. The methodology includes surveys with four football teams in Stockholm, a group interview with three adolescents and a spatial analysis of the two sport clubs’ (to which the teams belong) catchment areas. The findings show that friends are the most significant reason for young people to move between areas, closely followed by leisure activities and school. In addition, new friends from different residential areas are made through football. Girls, in contrast to boys, spend more time at the new friend’s homes in other residential areas. To athletic adolescences the sport field is a major node even outside practices. Though the sample is too narrow to generalise, the results from this study indicate that sport fields and sport both can act as a node and produce social integration.

Folkets park i Lund : sedd ur ett landskapsvetenskapligt perspektiv

Meiby, Madeleine January 2011 (has links)
Stadsdelen Väster i Lund har dålig tillgång till grönytor och en tydlig avsaknad av ett ordentligt stadsdelscentrum. Här finns dock stadens gamla Folkets park med potential att bli en grön mötesplats. Syftet med detta arbete är att göra en analys av Folkparkens potential och se till hur parken skulle kunna bli en mer attraktiv och funktionell samlingspunkt. Delvis baseras arbetet på empiriskt material i form av observationer och en enkätundersökning för att få fram vad Folkparkens besökare har för vanor och önskningar för området delvis baseras arbetet på kommunala dokument, tidigare inlämnade förslag, en jämförelse med andra fungerande parker och tidigare gjorda arbeten som berör planering av stadsrum vars teorier jag applicerat i mitt arbete. Resultatet av mitt arbete är utformat som en sammanfattning av inhämtat underlag, vilken jag sedan baserar min diskussion på. I rekommendationerna utelämnas folkparkshuset eftersom jag tror att kommunen i dagsläget inte vill finansiera den ombyggnad som krävs för att få in någon verksamhet i huset. I stället föreslår jag att öka just parkens attraktivitet för att på så vis öka intresset för att investera i huset.

Folkbibliotek som mötesplats för flyktingar : En undersökning av två folkbibliotek och deras potential att öka socialt kapital i samhället

Blomfelt, Therese January 2014 (has links)
This essay points at the importance of public libraries as arenas of meetings between refugees and the local population, and by this - creating social kapital in the society as a whole. The researchers Aabø, Audunson and Vårheim have created theories about low-intensive meeting places, that means – neutral, public places where accidential meetings with different strangers can happen, which can create social capital and trust among each other. To complement these theories I also use Vårheim who have implementet social capital-theories to the sphere of public libraries. These two theories complement each other and can help me investigate two public libraries in a rural area in Sweden. My purpose is to see how these two libraries are used as low-intensive meeting places for refugees and if the libraries contribute to build social capital in the society. I am interviewing library personal and the two heads of the libraries. I want to see what services etc. they provide for refugees and overall their thoughts and attitudes towards the library as a meeting place for refugees. In conclusion I have found that neither library is very strong when it comes to the function of creating meetings between refugees and the local population. But overall they have open attitudes towards it, and they try in different ways to provide services for immigrants. I can see in the material that these libraries have a good platform and possibilites of creating social capital in the society, and in many ways they contribute to this.

Folkbiblioteket och nyanlända : En kvalitativ undersökning hur bibliotekspersonal arbetar och uppfattar sin funktion i integrationsprocessen / Public Library and refugees : A qualitative study of how librarians are working and perceive their role in the integration process

Hellström, Leila January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is a study of how librarians from five public libraries are working and perceive their role in the integration process. The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how librarians discusses about working with refugees. Qualitative interviews are used as a method to answer my questions and the theoretical framework was based on Jochumsen, Hvenegaard & Skot-Hansen´s "The four space" model, which sees the library as a meeting space, inspiration space, learning space and performative space. Five categories emerged from the empirical data about the librarians view of the library as a meeting place, the librarians supporting role in the integration process, the interaction between internal and external actors, media supplies and integrative activities. The analysis showed that especially three of the four categories based on The four spaces model were prominent; library as an inspiration space, learning space and meeting space. These three were discussed on the basis of an overall concept of the library as a living room. The least prominent category was library as a performative space. Respondents see their role in the integration process as a part of a democratic society, which means that the library is an open, public meeting place where people have access to information, learning and culture. Librarians highlighted three obstacles in their efforts in the integration process, which was about the lack of time, lack of resources and language skills.

Språkcaféer på folkbibliotek : Platser för möten, integration och lärande / Public library language cafés : Places for meetings, integration and learning

Knutsson, Jonna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the participants of the public library activity language café, where immigrants and refugees with the help of native Swedes practice the Swedish language. The aim of the thesis is more specifically to examine the function of this activity for its participant’s processes of learning and integration. To investigate this, four questions were asked: which experiences do the participants have of language cafés? How can the language cafés contribute to the process of language development for the participants? Which part does the language cafés play for its participants from a perspective of learning? Which function do the language cafés play for its participants’ processes of integration? These questions were processed through qualitative interviews with participants at language cafés in two public libraries. Concepts from the models the four spaces by Jochumsen et al. (2012), and The indicators of integration framework by Ager and Strang (2008) were then used to analyse the empirical material from perspectives of language, learning and integration. The concepts chosen were: meeting space, learning space, empowerment, language & cultural knowledge, social bridges, social bonds and social links. The result of this investigation shows that the language cafés play the role of a platform for the participants’ language development, retrievement of societal information, and crosscultural meetings. Although the participants integration processes did benefit from the social environment offered by the language cafés, the impact of this activity from a perspective of two-way-integration would have been more efficient if more native Swedes would have taken part.

Tysthetsnormen : En diskursanalytisk studie av debatten om stökiga folkbibliotek i relation till historiska biblioteksdiskurser / The Norm of Silence : A Discourse Analysis of the Debate on Unruly Public Libraries in Relation to Historical Library Discourses

Qvist, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine how discourses appearing in a Swedish media de-bate in 2015 about the unruly public libraries relate to former, historical discourses con-cerning public libraries. Through a discourse analytical approach, I analyze the beliefs, norms and values of the public library as expressed by the various participants in the debate and how these statements relate to historical library discourses that have been prevalent in Sweden during the 1900s.Two discourses were identified: the literary discourse and a discourse that perceive the library as a democratic meeting place. Within the literary discourse, which is clearly influenced by the public library ideas that became influential in Sweden in the early 1900s, emphasis is placed on the printed book; the public library is expected to be a place where silence reigns. Within the competing discourse, which has its roots in the 1970s, the library is seen as an open meeting place for various activities, not only for reading.The literary discourse has been and still is the dominant discourse. Within the literary discourse the public library is seen as a tool for public education. In the early 1900s the workers and the less well-off would be formed into responsible citizens. In modern times, there have been changes within the discourse and now it is rather the well-behaved young people with an immigrant background that are subject to public library's attentions. The hegemonic position of the literary discourse makes the notion that there should be a careful silence in public libraries perceived as self-evident. This in turn affects the possibility to innovate and further develop public library activities.

Istället för en parkbänk : Värdet att forma fysiska mötesplatser i en digitaliserad värld

Axelsson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
This work is a thesis in Information Design with a focus on Spatial Design. The purpose of the work is to investigate the needs and functions that a larger food store’s foyer boutique has to fill, with increasing digitalization and the changing habits of shoppers using more online services instead of shopping in physical stores. Digitalization means that people do not have to shop at a physical location, with a result in people no longer meeting face-to-face in the same manner as before. The work also examines how the store’s foyer area spatially can make visible and communicate a solution to meet these needs and functions. Questionnaires have been developed to find out what needs and functions a food store’s foyer boutique needs to fill. A focus group has been carried out with participants who are knowledgeable in the area of shop fittings. Also, a site analysis of ICA Maxi Eurostop in Örebro has been carried out in order to be able to communicate and make visible a solution to the needs and functions to be found in a grocery store's foyer boutique.  Based on theory and empirical evidence, a design proposal has been developed that shows how larger food stores' foyer boutiques can be used as meeting places. Instead of only placing a bench, this work has produced a modular booth with several types of seating possibilities. The module booth also has electrical outlets to be able to charge digital devices and has ceilings and fabric-covered walls to reduce the transition of sound, thus forming a kind of sound-damping room within the room. By placing out different types of seating opportunities, more people can stop and meet, which can facilitate social interactions between people (Gehl 2011).  Keywords: Digitization, shop fittings, meeting place, spatial design, public spaces. / Det här arbetetär ett examensarbete inom Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning.Syftet med arbetet är att undersökavilka behov och funktioner som en större matbutiks förbutik har anledningatt fylla,i och med den ökade digitaliseringen och de förändrade handelsvanorna med att handla onlineistället för i fysiska butiker, där resultatet att människor som är olik varandra inte möts på samma sätt som tidigare. Arbetet undersöker även hur förbutiksområdet rumsligt kan kommunicera och synliggöra en lösning för att mötadessabehov och funktioner. Frågeenkäter har tagits fram för att ta reda på vilka behov och funktioner som en matbutiks förbutik behöver fylla. En fokusgrupp har utförts med kunniga inom butiksinredningoch en platsanalys av ICA Maxi Eurostop i Örebro har utförts för att kunna kommunicera och synliggöra en lösning på de behov och funktioner som kan finnas i en matbutiks förbutik. Utifrån teori och empiri har ett designförslag tagits fram som visar hur större matbutikers förbutiksområden kan användas som mötesplatser. Istället för att endast placera ut en bänk på ytan så har det i detta arbete tagits fram ett modulbås med flera typer av sittmöjligheter. Modulbåsen har äveneluttag för att kunna ladda digitala enheter, och har tak och tygbeklädda väggar för att minska övergången av ljud, vilket därmed bildar ett slags ljuddämpande rum i rummet. Genom att placera ut flertyper avsittmöjligheter kan fler människor stanna upp ochmötas, vilket kan underlätta för sociala interaktioner olika människor emellan(Gehl 2011).

”Jag diggar det!” Tolv ungdomars syn på biblioteket : en studie på Stadsbiblioteket Dynamo / ”I dig it!” Twelve young people's views on the library : A study at the City Library Dynamo

Broberg Bro, Cecilia, Fallby, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is based on a study conducted at the City Library Dynamo in Gothenburg where data have been collected through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15 - 25 years. Our intention was to examine what young people think about the City Library Dynamo as a venue, and how they perceive its activities and functions.In order to compare two different cultural venues for young people, where Dynamo is one, interviews were also conducted at a location other than the library, at Arena 29, a cultural activity house for young people in Gothenburg. Twelve qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect data which was then transcribed and structured. As a theoretical framework we have used the new model for the public library, developed by Hvenegaard, Jochumsen and Skot-Hansen 2010.Our result shows a thoroughly positive image of the City Library Dynamo, particularly as a meeting and study place. Young people stated that they felt welcome and that the City Library Dynamo was designed and tailored to match their needs. Through our interviews, we understood that the need to feel recognized and welcomed is primary for this age group, regardless the type of institution. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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