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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clinical psychology : development of measures for schema therapy

Louis, John Philip January 2018 (has links)
Schema therapy is a leading contemporary approach to treating mental illness. The therapy integrally uses self-report measures of negative schemas (“long lasting patterns of emotions, cognitions and memories”), and the negative parenting patterns that are linked to the development of these schemas. However, the negative parenting measures are insufficient, and there are no corresponding measures of positive schemas or positive parenting patterns. Study 1 focused on the development of a measure for positive schemas, the Young Positive Schema Questionnaire (YPSQ). Study 2 focused on the development of a measure for positive parenting patterns, the Positive Parenting Schema Inventory (PPSI). Finally, Study 3 empirically showed that the subscales of the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) were not robust, and it provided a revised alternative (YPI-R2). For all three studies combined, community samples (n = 204 to 628) were collected from five countries in Asia (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines) as well as the United States. The factor structure of the three instruments (the YPSQ, PPSI and YPI-R2) was stable in both Eastern and Western samples (in multigroup confirmatory factor analysis). All three scales showed prediction of mental health over and above what was possible with previous measures (incremental validity). The scales were not simply proxies for previously measured constructs (divergent validity). These scales also demonstrated significant associations with other established measures of parenting (construct validity). They also showed associations with negative schemas, well-being and ill-being (convergent validity). This thesis provides the tools needed to include a focus on positive as well as negative schemas and parenting patterns in both research and clinical practice. It also shows the benefits of so doing.

Estudo das relações entre a atitude de perdoar ofensas interpessoais e os esquemas iniciais desadaptativos

Santana, Rodrigo Gomes 30 August 2011 (has links)
This research was designed to examine the relationship between the willingness to forgive in specific situations and intensity of Early Maladaptive Schemas in a nonclinical sample of adults. Forty-one people participated in the survey, with an average age of 27.8 years. Were used three instruments: the Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI), the Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale and the Young Schema Questionnaire (short version). After application of the measures, statistical procedures were applied. In terms of results related to EFI, the same way in other studies that used this scale, were found positive correlations of the subscales of behavior, cognition and affection among themselves and with the total score of EFI, as well as with the 1-Item Forgiveness Scale an independent measure to evaluate how much the individual has forgiven the offender, in a complete mode. The results also showed that the EFI total score and the 1-Item Forgiveness Scale correlated positively, while the social desirability scale didn t show significant correlations with any of the two measures. Concerning the intensity of the offense, there was a negative correlation of this variable with measures of forgiveness, indicating that the degree of forgiveness was less the greater the perceived intensity of injury. With respect to the intensity of forgiveness, the average degree of forgiveness of the participants was 266 points a score that ranges from 60 (low degree of forgiveness) to 360 (high degree of forgiveness) and over half of the sample (61%, n = 25) reported levels of forgiveness higher than average. In terms of degrees of forgiveness measured by subscales of the EFI, the results showed that sample expressed more intensely the cognitive forgiveness (M = 96.8). The degree of affective forgiveness (M = 81.3) remained significantly lower than the degree of behavioral forgiveness (M = 88.2) and cognitive forgiveness, indicating that it was harder to participants offer the emotional forgiveness. Finally, considering the main objective of this research, the results showed negative correlations between the measure of forgiveness used as a criterion variable (1-Item Forgiveness Scale) and four of the five domains of schemes proposed by Young, to wit: disconnection and rejection (&#961; = -0.534, p <0.05), impaired autonomy and performance (&#961; = -0.440, p < 0.05), other-directedness (&#961; = -0.371, p < 0.05) and finally, the impaired limits domain (&#961; = -0.472, p < 0.01). Thus, the probability of the participants forgive their offenders has decreased as a function of the magnitude of the participant's domains and their schemes. The results observed in this study expands the current knowledge about the process of forgiveness, as well as about its interface with the cognitive structures called schemas, which have an important role in the organization of the personality, from the therapeutic point of view in cognitive approaches. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar a relação entre a disposição para perdoar em situações específicas e a intensidade dos Esquemas Iniciais Desadaptativos (EIDs) em uma amostra não clínica de indivíduos adultos. Participaram da pesquisa 41 pessoas, com idade média de 27,8 anos. Foram utilizados três instrumentos de avaliação: a Escala de Atitudes para o Perdão (EFI), a Escala de Desejabilidade Social de Crowne-Marlowe e o Questionário de Esquemas Young (versão breve). Após a coleta, os dados foram submetidos a procedimentos estatísticos descritivos e correlacionais. Em se tratando dos resultados referentes à EFI, assim como em outros estudos que utilizaram a mesma escala, foram verificadas correlações positivas das subescalas de comportamento, julgamento e afeto, entre si, e com o escore total da EFI, assim como com a escala independente Item do Perdão uma escala independente que mede o quanto o indivíduo perdoou o ofensor de forma completa. Os resultados mostraram também que o escore total da EFI e do Item do Perdão correlacionaram-se positivamente, enquanto que a escala de desejabilidade social não apresentou correlações significantes com nenhuma das duas medidas. Com relação à medida de intensidade da ofensa, observou-se uma correlação negativa desta variável com as medidas de perdão, indicando que o grau de perdão foi tanto menor quanto maior a intensidade percebida da mágoa. Com respeito à intensidade do perdão, o grau médio do perdão dos participantes foi de 266 pontos num escore que varia de 60 (baixo grau de perdão) a 360 (alto grau de perdão) sendo que mais da metade da amostra (61%, n = 25) reportou graus de perdão superiores à média. Em se tratando dos graus de perdão medidos pelas subescalas da EFI, os resultados mostraram que a amostra expressou o perdão mais intensamente pela via cognitiva. O grau de perdão afetivo (M = 81,3) permaneceu significativamente menor que o grau de perdão comportamental (M = 88,2) e cognitivo (M = 96,8), indicando que foi mais difícil para os participantes perdoar afetivamente. Finalmente, considerando o objetivo principal desta pesquisa, os resultados mostraram correlações negativas entre a medida de perdão utilizada como variável critério (Item do Perdão) e quatro dos cinco domínios de esquemas propostos por Young, a saber: desconexão e rejeição (&#961; = -0,534; p < 0,05), autonomia e desempenho prejudicados (&#961; = -0,440; p < 0,05), orientação para o outro (&#961; = -0,371; p < 0,05) e por fim, o domínio de limites prejudicados (&#961; = -0,472; p < 0,01). Assim, a probabilidade de que os participantes perdoassem de forma completa seus ofensores foi menor à medida que apresentassem maior intensidade nestes domínios e seus esquemas. Os resultados verificados nesta pesquisa ampliam o conhecimento atual que se tem em relação ao processo de perdão em si, bem como a respeito de sua interface com as estruturas cognitivas denominadas esquemas, que têm um importante papel na organização da personalidade, do ponto de vista terapêutico nas abordagens cognitivas. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada

Characterization of Perfectionism in Gifted Students: an exploratory Case Study / Caracterización del Perfeccionismo en Estudiantes con Alta Capacidad: Un Estudio de casos exploratorio / Caracterização de Perfeccionismo em Estudantes com Alta Capacidade: um Estudo de Caso Exploratório

González Urbina, Andrea, Gómez-Arízaga, María Paz, Conejeros-Solar, María Leonor 18 July 2017 (has links)
Perfectionism has been investigated related to the consequences to mental health it might entail for gifted students and their socioemotional development. However, findings have been inconclusive. This exploratory study aims to discover the main characteristics of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism in gifted Chilean secondary students. For this purpose,  extreme cases were found using Frost´s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale to subsequently conduct semi-structured interviews with a sample of four students. Results pointed to parental and societal expectations as the main aspects involved in the development of perfectionism, which sheds light on how to support the manifestation of perfectionism both in educational and clinical realms. / El perfeccionismo ha sido investigado en torno a las consecuencias que este podría significar para la salud mental de alumnos talentosos y su desarrollo socioemocional. Sin embargo, los hallazgos han sido poco concluyentes. Este estudio exploratorio apunta a descubrir las principales características del perfeccionismo adaptativo y desadaptativo en estudiantes chilenos académicamente talentosos de educación media. Para ello se detectaron casos extremos con la aplicación de la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo de Frost, para luego realizar entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas en una muestra de cuatro casos. Los resultados apuntan a las expectativas parentales y sociales como los principales aspectos involucrados en el desarrollo del perfeccionismo, entregando así luces de cómo apoyar la manifestación del perfeccionismo en el ámbito educativo y clínico. / Apesar dos estudos sobre a cognição dos alunos com Altas Habilidades ser abrangente, investigar as questões sócioemocionais desse grupo se faz necessário. Uma das vertentes que vem sendo estudada é o perfeccionismo, pois apresenta significado para saúde mental e desenvolvimento desse grupo de pessoas. Contudo, as descobertas ainda são pouco conclusivas. Este estudo exploratório visa descobrir as principais características do perfeccionismo adaptativo e mal adaptativo em estudantes chilenos academicamente talentosos do Ensino Médio – 1º a 3º / Ensino Fundamental – 5º-9º através da Escala Multidimensional de Frost. Para isso, detectou-se casos extremos com a aplicação desse modelo e na sequência do trabalho foram realizadas entrevistas com profundidade em uma amostra de quatro casos. Os resultados apontam para as expectativas sociais e familiares como os principais aspectos envolvidos no desenvolvimento do perfeccionismo, tanto no âmbito educativo quanto no clínico.

Epävakaan persoonallisuuden hoitomallitutkimus Oulun mielenterveyspalveluissa

Leppänen, V. (Virpi) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a common mental disorder involving a substantial decrease in functional ability, self-destructive behavior and extensive burden on the health care system. This study project aimed to create a well-structured and easily applicable treatment model for patients with severe BPD. The effectiveness of the treatment model was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. The study group consisted of 71 patients with a mean age of 32 years. During the intervention period (1 Aug 2010 - 31 Jul 2011) 24 patients received new treatment (Community Treatment by Experts, CTBE) while 47 patients received treatment as usual (TAU). Patients in the CTBE group had 40 individual therapy sessions and 40 psychoeducational group sessions, where they were taught the key concepts of schema therapy (ST). Requirements for the therapists providing individual therapy were as follows: willingness to treat patients with BPD, commitment to weekly individual sessions with patients and commitment to participation fortnightly in a CTBE supervision consultation group, but no former psychotherapy training was required. Psychiatric treatment of the TAU group was variable. Changes in BPD symptoms, health-related quality of life, early maladaptive schemas and schema modes were measured at the beginning and at the end of the one-year intervention. At the end of the year there were 20 patients (83%) in the CTBE group and 33 patients (70%) in the TAU group. After the intervention the patients in the CTBE group had less self-destructive behavior, impulsivity, and paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms than patients in the TAU group, which means the CTBE treatment model was able to reduce the most serious symptoms of BPD. It is possible that the reduction in self-destructive behavior of CTBE patients is linked to the fact that certain early maladaptive schemas, such as rejection, mistrust and social isolation, decreased during the intervention. Similar changes were not seen in the TAU group patients. The study showed the CTBE treatment to be more efficient than TAU treatment. In addition, the CTBE model is applicable to public mental health services using existing professionals. / Tiivistelmä Epävakaa persoonallisuus on tavallinen mielenterveyden häiriö, johon liittyy huomattavaa toimintakyvyn alenemista, itsetuhoisuutta ja runsasta terveyspalvelujen käyttöä. Tässä tutkimusprojektissa luotiin Oulun kaupungin mielenterveyspalveluihin uusi hoitomalli vaikeaoireisille epävakaasta persoonallisuudesta kärsiville potilaille. Hoitomallin tehokkuutta arvioitiin satunnaistetulla kontrolloidulla tutkimuksella. Tutkimusjoukon muodosti 71 potilasta, keski-iältään 32 vuotta. Interventiovuoden ajan (1.8.2010–31.7.2011) 24 potilasta sai uuden hoitomallin mukaista hoitoa (ns. hoitomalliryhmä) ja 47 potilasta tavanomaista psykiatrista hoitoa (ns. verrokkiryhmä). Hoitomalliryhmän potilaat kävivät vuoden aikana viikoittain yksilöhoidossa (40 käyntiä) ja psykoedukatiivisessa ryhmässä (40 istuntoa), jossa potilaille mm. opetettiin skeematerapian keskeisiä käsitteitä. Yksilöhoidon toteuttaneilta työntekijöiltä ei edellytetty psykoterapiakoulutusta. Sen sijaan heiltä edellytettiin kiinnostusta epävakaan persoonallisuuden hoitoa kohtaan sekä halua sitoutua interventiovuoden ajaksi viikoittaisiin yksilötapaamisiin ja kahden viikon välein kokoontuvaan työnohjaustyyppiseen konsultaatioryhmään. Tavanomainen psykiatrinen hoito oli vaihtelevaa. Interventiovuoden alussa ja lopussa mitattiin epävakaan persoonallisuushäiriön oireita, terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua sekä varhaisia haitallisia skeemoja (tunnelukkoja) ja skeemamoodeja (minätiloja). Interventiovuoden päätyttyä hoitomalliryhmässä oli jäljellä 20 potilasta (83 %) ja verrokkiryhmässä 33 potilasta (70 %). Hoitomalliryhmän potilailla oli interventiovuoden jälkeen vähemmän itsetuhoisuutta, impulsiivisuutta ja paranoidisia ajatuksia tai dissosiatiivisia oireita kuin verrokkiryhmän potilailla, eli hoitomallilla pystyttiin vähentämään kaikkein vakavimpia epävakaaseen persoonallisuushäiriöön liittyviä oireita. On mahdollista, että itsetuhoisuuden väheneminen hoitomalliryhmässä liittyy siihen, että tietyt haitalliset skeemat, kuten hylkäämisen, epäluottamuksen ja sosiaalisen eristäytymisen skeemat, lievenivät hoidon aikana. Tavanomaista psykiatrista hoitoa saaneilla potilailla ei tapahtunut vastaavia muutoksia. Tutkimusprojekti osoitti, että hoitomallin mukainen epävakaan persoonallisuuden hoito on tehokkaampaa kuin tavanomainen psykiatrinen hoito. Lisäksi hoitomalli on sovellettavissa julkisen sektorin psykiatriseen palvelujärjestelmään ja käytettävissä oleviin henkilökuntaresursseihin.

Estilos de apego y esquemas maladaptativos en jóvenes peruanos que tienen pareja / Attachment styles and maladaptive schemes in young Peruvians who have a partner

Martinez Aguila, Samantha Cristina 11 December 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es relacionar los estilos de apego y los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos en jóvenes que tienen una relación de pareja. Participaron 172 personas de 19 a 30 años. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la Escala de Apego Adulto de Márquez, Rivera y Reyes (2009) y el Cuestionario de Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos, validado en Perú por León y Sucari (2013). Se encontró relación entre el apego seguro se asocia de manera negativa con el esquema de abandono, también se encontró correlación positiva entre el apego evitativo y el esquema de desconfianza; asimismo, una correlación positiva entre apego ansioso y el esquema de abandono. Se concluye que los estilos de apego están relacionados con los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos. / The objective of this research is to relate early attachment styles and maladaptive patterns in young people who have a relationship. 172 people from 19 to 30 years old participated. The instruments used were the Adult Attachment Scale by Marquez, Rivera and Reyes (2009) and the Early Maladaptive Schemes Questionnaire, validated in Peru by Leon and Sucari (2013). A relationship was found between secure attachment is negatively associated with the abandonment scheme, and a positive correlation was also found between avoidance attachment and distrust scheme; likewise, a positive correlation was found between anxious attachment and abandonment scheme. This research concludes that attachment styles are associated with maladaptive schemes. / Tesis

Dependencia emocional y esquemas maladaptativos tempranos en estudiantes de un instituto superior / Emotional dependence and early maladaptive schema in students in a public institute

Carrasco Ruiz de Castilla, Malena Raquel 19 March 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación entre la dependencia emocional (DE) y los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos, en jóvenes estudiantes de un instituto público de Lima Metropolitana. Se utilizó un muestreo intencional. La muestra está conformada por 176 jóvenes de ambos sexos, con edades que oscilan entre los 17 a 29 años. Como medida de evaluación se empleó la Escala Breve de Dependencia Emocional (EBDE), construida en Perú por Ventura (2018) y el Young Schema Questionnaire Short Form (YSQ- SF), adaptada en Colombia por Londoño et al. (2012). Se obtuvo como resultado que los esquemas y la DE presentan una correlación positiva; encontrándose que el esquema de abandono presenta una relación grande con la DE y con dos de sus dimensiones (necesidad de afecto y miedo al abandono), mientras que los esquemas de aislamiento social e inhibición emocional presentan una relación baja. El objetivo específico es comparar las respuestas obtenidas en la EBDE según sexo, y se encuentra que las diferencias no tienen significancia práctica, sin embargo, los varones puntúan más alto en miedo al abandono y baja autonomía. Las implicancias de los resultados se analizan en discusión. / The objective of the investigation is to determine the relation between the emotional dependence and the early maladaptive schema, in young students at a public institute in Lima. An intentional sampling was used. The sample consisted of 176 students male and female between 17 and 29 years old. In order to assess the research variables, the Escala Breve de Dependencia Emocional (EBDE) made in Lima-Peru by Ventura (2018) was used for Emotional Dependence; and the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ-L2) adapted in Colombia by Londoño et al. (2012) was used for early maldaptative schema. Results show that schema and emotional dependence present a positive correlation; finding that the abandonment scheme have a big relation with emotional dependence and with two of its dimensions, while schema of social isolation and emotional inhibition presents a low relation. The specific objective is comparing the responses obtained in the EBDE according gender, the result shows that there is no practical significance between the differences, however, men score higher in fear of abandonment and low autonomy. The implications of the results are analyzed in discussion. / Tesis

Efficacy of musical interventions on social, maladaptive and language outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder, a systematic review and meta-analysis

Roth, Nathalie 07 1900 (has links)
Un nombre croissant d’études indique que les interventions musicales (IMs) ont des effets bénéfiques sur les enfants et adolescents atteints d’un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). À ce jour, aucune revue systématique utilisant une approche méta-analytique n’a investigué l’efficacité des IMs sur trois des symptômes prédominants du TSA, soit le fonctionnement social, les comportements mal-adaptés et le langage. Dans ce mémoire, tous les 17 articles scientifiques comparant les IMs à des interventions non-musicales (INMs) ont été décrits systématiquement et évalués selon les lignes directrices de CONSORT. Onze études répondaient aux critères d’inclusion des présentes méta-analyses, chacune rapportant des mesures d’évaluations longitudinales ou d’évaluations pendant les sessions. Les résultats des méta-analyses ont démontré un bénéfice des IMs chez le TSA, particulièrement pour les mesures des comportements sociaux mal-adaptés. Une comparaison entre les IMs et les INMs indiquait un avantage pour les IMs comparément aux INMs en ce qui concerne les comportements sociaux, mais aucun avantage pour les comportements mal-adaptés non-sociaux et le langage. La revue systématique a révélé des lacunes méthodologiques des études évaluées, telles que des tailles d’échantillons restreintes, des durées et intensités d’interventions limitées, un manque d’information à propos des échantillons et des critères d’appariement, puis le biais d’attrition. La combinaison de cette revue systématique et des méta-analyses a permis une mise à jour de l’évaluation des preuves de l’efficacité des IMs pour les jeunes ayant un TSA, ainsi que de donner des recommandations aux chercheurs et cliniciens afin d’améliorer la pratique dans ce domaine. / There is considerable interest in using music interventions (MIs) to address core impairments present in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). An increasing number of studies suggest that MIs have positive outcomes in this population, but no systematic review employing meta-analysis to date has investigated the efficacy of MIs across three of the predominant symptoms in ASD, specifically social functioning, maladaptive behaviors and language impairments. In this thesis, all available peer-reviewed studies (n = 17) comparing active MIs to non-music interventions (NMIs) were systematically summarized and evaluated using quality assessment based on the CONSORT statement. Eleven studies fulfilled inclusion criteria for meta-analysis, which differentiated between within-session and longitudinal outcomes. The quantitative analyses results supported the effectiveness of MI in ASD, and particularly for measures sensitive to social maladaptive behaviors. Comparing between MI and NMI, the results were generally suggestive of benefits of MI over NMI for social outcomes, but did not find benefits for non-social maladaptive behaviors or language outcomes. The systematic review revealed important methodological issues present in these studies, such as small sample sizes, restricted durations and intensities of interventions, missing sample information and matching criteria, and attrition bias. Together, the combined systematic review and meta-analyses provided an up-to-date evaluation of the evidence for MI’s benefits in ASD children and provide key recommendations for future clinical interventions and research about best practice in the domain.

Plainte subjective de mémoire : déterminants psychologiques, recherche d'aide médicale et efficacité d'une prise en charge psychoéducative / Subjective memory complaint : psychological determinants, medical help-seeking and efficacy of a psychoeducational program

Tandetnik, Caroline 13 November 2015 (has links)
Contexte : La plainte subjective de mémoire correspond à la perception de difficultés de mémoire par le sujet, alors que les performances mnésiques objectives, évaluées par un bilan neuropsychologique, sont normales. Notre recherche visait premièrement à identifier les déterminants psychologiques de la plainte subjective de mémoire et deuxièmement, à évaluer les effets d'un programme psychoéducatif dédié à cette plainte, le programme PrévMém. Méthodologie : Les participants, qui tous se plaignaient de leur mémoire, ont été recrutés soit par les neurologues d'un service spécialisé dans la mémoire, soit par le biais d'une complémentaire santé. Un bilan neuropsychologique permettait de confirmer l'absence de troubles objectifs de mémoire. Des évaluations psychologiques (plainte de mémoire, métamémoire, dépression, anxiété, schémas précoces inadaptés de Young) par auto-questionnaires informatisés ont eu lieu avant le programme (n=144), à la fin du programme (n= 104) puis un an après la fin de celui-ci (n=34). Un bilan neuropsychologique était à nouveau réalisé un an après la fin du programme. Le programme PrévMém consistait en 5 séances de deux heures en groupe, à raison d'une séance par semaine animées par différents professionnels de santé. Résultats : A l'entrée du programme, les facteurs les plus prédictifs de la plainte de mémoire étaient les schémas de Young, en particulier celui de dépendance / incompétence. De plus, les personnes qui ont été recrutées par le biais d'une consultation dans un service hospitalier spécialisé, se distinguaient des autres par un niveau plus élevé de plainte de mémoire et de symptomatologie anxio-dépressive. Le programme PrévMém a permis de diminuer significativement le niveau de plainte de mémoire, le perfectionnisme mnésique et les inquiétudes envers la maladie d'Alzheimer. Conclusion : Notre étude a confirmé l'influence des facteurs psychologiques sur la plainte de mémoire et a mis en lumière la valeur prédictive du schéma cognitif dépendance / incompétence. Elle a également montré l'intérêt d'une prise en charge psychoéducative. Les résultats suggèrent d'introduire, dans de futures interventions psychothérapeutiques, un travail cognitif ciblé sur ce schéma de dépendance / incompétence. / Background: Subjective memory complaint refers to self-experienced memory difficulties while having normal performances on standardized neuropsychological tests. Our study aimed firstly to identify the psychological predictors of subjective memory complaint and secondly to assess the effects of a psychoeducational program dedicated to this complaint, the PrévMém program. Methods: The participants, who all voiced a memory complaint, were recruited either by neurologists from a memory clinic, or through a health insurance plan. A neuropsychological assessment was performed to confirm the absence of memory impairment. The participants were administered computerized self-report psychological assessments (memory complaint, metacognition, depression, anxiety, Young early maladaptive schemas) before the program (n = 144), at the end of the program (n = 104), and finally one year later (n = 34). Another neuropsychological assessment was also performed one year after the end of the program. The PrévMém program consisted of 5 weekly 120-minute sessions, in a group setting, led by different health professionals. Results: At the time of entrance into the program, the best determinants of subjective memory complaint were the Young early maladaptive schemas, more specifically that measuring dependence /incompetence. In addition, participants who were recruited through the memory clinic differed from the others in that they showed a higher level of memory complaint and a higher level of anxiety and depression. The PrévMém program significantly reduced the memory complaint, memory "perfectionism" and concerns towards Alzheimer's disease. Conclusion: Our study confirmed the influence of psychological factors on memory complaints and highlighted the predictive value of the dependence / incompetence cognitive schema. It also underscores the value of a psychoeducational intervention. Our results suggest that it may be worthwhile to introduce cognitive restructuring that targets the schema of dependence/incompetence in future psychotherapeutic interventions.

Исследование связи перфекционизма с экзистенциальной исполненностью и другими психологическими особенностями личности : магистерская диссертация / Investigation of the relationship of perfectionism with existential fulfillment and other psychological characteristics of the individual

Матросова, Т. М., Matrosova, T. M. January 2023 (has links)
Объектом исследования явился перфекционизм. Предметом исследования стала связь перфекционизма с экзистенциальной исполненностью, толерантностью-интолерантностью к неопределенности и формально-динамическими свойствами индивидуальности. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и списка литературы (66 источников). Объем магистерской диссертации 83 страницы, на которых размещены 13 таблиц и 8 рисунков. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме «перфекционизм». Также включены разделы, описывающие экзистенциалььную исполненность, формально-динамические свойства индивидуальности и толерантность-интолерантность к неопределенности. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава описывает эмпирическую часть исследования. Представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования, а также полученных результатов. В исследовании были использованы методики: «Многомерная шкала перфекционизма» П. Хьюитта и Г. Флетта в адаптации И. И. Грачевой; «Дифференциальный тест перфекционизма», оригинальная методика А. А. Золотаревой; опросник формально динамических свойств индивидуальности (ОФДСИ-26), сокращенный В. М. Русалова; «Диагностика экзистенциальной исполненности» (авторы В. Б. Шумский, Е. М. Уколова, Е. Н. Осин, Я. Д. Лупандина); «Новый опросник толерантности-интолерантности к определенности» Т. В. Корниловой, контент-анализ. По итогам эмпирического исследования представлены результаты сравнительного, корреляционного и регрессионного анализа. Определено, что адаптивный перфекционизм положительно связан с активностью и отрицательно-с эмоциональностью. Также адаптивный перфекционизм положительно связан со всеми параметрами экзистенциальной исполненности, тогда как связь с толерантностью к неопределенности отсутствует. Напротив, дезадаптивный перфекционизм положительно связан с эмоциональностью во всех сферах и отрицательно – с активностью и экзистенциальной исполненностью. Дезадаптивный перфекционизм связан со всеми параметрами дифференциальной модели перфекционизма П. Хьюитта и Г. Флетта, а именно, с перфекционизмом, ориентированным на себя, на других и с социально предписанным перфекционизмом. При этом перфекционизм, ориентированный на себя, отрицательно связан с параметрами экзистенциальной исполненности «Бытие-в-мире» и «Самоценность». Перфекционизм, ориентированный на других, отрицательно связан с параметрами экзистенциальной исполненности «Бытие в-мире», «Ценность жизни» и «Самоценность». Социально предписанный перфекционизм отрицательно коррелирует со всеми параметрами экзистенциальной исполненности. В результате регрессионного анализа было определено, что предиктором адаптивного перфекционизма со стороны формально динамических свойств индивидуальности является высокая активность, а со стороны экзистенциальной исполненности – параметры «Ценность жизни» (отрицательный вклад), «Самоценность» и «Смысл» (положительный вклад). Предиктором дезадаптивного перфекционизма со стороны формально динамических свойств индивидуальности является высокая эмоциональность, а со стороны экзистенциальной исполненности – параметр «Бытие-в-мире» (отрицательный вклад). В заключении обобщены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны перспективы дальнейшей работы в данной проблематике. / The object of the study was perfectionism. The subject of the study was the relationship of the perfectionism with existential fulfillment, tolerance-tolerance to uncertainty and formal-dynamic properties of individuality. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references (66 sources). The volume of the master's thesis is 82 pages, which contain 13 tables and 8 figures. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the elaboration of the problem, sets the purpose and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of research, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of "perfectionism". Also included are sections describing existential fulfillment, formal-dynamic properties of individuality and tolerance-intolerance to uncertainty. The conclusions of the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter describes the empirical part of the study. The description of the organization and methods of the conducted research, as well as the results obtained, is presented. The following methods were used in the study: "Multidimensional scale of perfectionism" by P. Hewitt and G. Flett in the adaptation of I. I. Gracheva; "Differential test of perfectionism", the original method of A. A. Zolotareva; questionnaire of formally dynamic properties of individuality (OFDSI-26), abbreviated by V. M. Rusalov; "Diagnostics of existential fulfillment" (authors V. B. Shumsky, E. M. Ukolova, E. N. Osin, Ya. D. Lupandina); "A new questionnaire of tolerance-intolerance to certainty" by T. V. Kornilova, content analysis. Based on the results of the empirical study, the results of comparative, correlation and regression analysis are presented. It is determined that adaptive perfectionism is positively associated with activity and negatively with emotionality. Adaptive perfectionism is also positively associated with all parameters of existential fulfillment, while there is no connection with tolerance to uncertainty. On the contrary, maladaptive perfectionism is positively associated with emotionality in all spheres and negatively with activity and existential fulfillment. Maladaptive perfectionism is associated with all the parameters of the differential model of perfectionism by P. Hewitt and G. Flett, namely, with perfectionism focused on oneself, on others and with socially prescribed perfectionism. At the same time, self-oriented perfectionism is negatively associated with the parameters of existential fulfillment of "Being-in-the-world" and "Self-worth". Perfectionism, focused on others, is negatively associated with the parameters of existential fulfillment "Being in the world", "Value of life" and "Self-worth". Socially prescribed perfectionism negatively correlates with all parameters of existential fulfillment. As a result of regression analysis, it was determined that the predictor of adaptive perfectionism from the formally dynamic properties of individuality is high activity, and from the existential fulfillment – the parameters "Value of life" (negative contribution), "Self-worth" and "Meaning" (positive contribution). The predictor of maladaptive perfectionism on the part of the formally dynamic properties of individuality is high emotionality, and on the part of existential fulfillment is the "Being–in-the-world" parameter (negative contribution). In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and the prospects for further work in this area are described.

Retrospective Reporting of Childhood Experiences and Borderline Personality Disorder Features in a Non-Clinical Sample: A Cognitive-Behavioural Perspective

Carr, Steven, steven.carr@rmit.edu.au January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) symptoms and childhood experiences, and to explore the role of Early Maladaptive Schemas and core beliefs as variables possibly mediating this relationship. Previous research with clinical samples has established a strong link between childhood maltreatment and adult BPD (& other PD) symptoms in clinical samples. However, difficulties with these studies limit the specificity of results. For example, BPD has been shown to be highly comorbid with other axis I and axis II psychiatric conditions. Given that studies examining the relationship between BPD and childhood maltreatment generally fail to control for these comorbid conditions, the specificity of their results must be questioned. Furthermore, it has been well established that childhood familial environment is strongly related to childhood maltreatment. Again studies examining the relationship between BPD and childhood maltreatment have generally failed to concurrently assess childhood familial environments, hence opening the possibility that the relationship between BPD and childhood maltreatment may be due to family functioning rather than childhood maltreatment per se. Finally, studies linking childhood maltreatment with adult BPD have primarily utilized clinical samples. However, the primary use of clinical samples to examine the aetiology of disorders in this context ignores the vast literature showing adequate psychological functio ning for the majority of individuals exposed to childhood maltreatment. Hence, the primary aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adult BPD symptoms in a primarily non-clinical sample whilst statistically controlling for commonly comorbid axis I and axis II symptomatology and concurrently measuring childhood familial functioning. It was a secondary aim of the current study to examine the mediating effects of beliefs on the relationship between childhood factors (i.e., childhood maltreatment & childhood familial functioning) and adult BPD symptomatology. That is, cognitive-behavioural theorists argue that personality disorders may be triggered by adverse childhood experiences leading to maladaptive beliefs (or schemas) related to the self, others, and the world, and it is these beliefs which lead to the behavioural disturbances evident in personality disorders. One hundred and eighty-five primarily non-clinical participants completed questionnaires measuring a variety of axis I and axis II symptoms, early maladaptive schemas and core beliefs, as well as retrospective reports of family functioning and childhood maltreatment. Results showed a significant relationship between childhood factors and adult BPD symptomatology. For example, the largest correlation between BPD symptoms and a childhood factor was .27 (for childhood emotional abuse). Furthermore, early maladaptive schemas and core beliefs were found to mediate the relationship between childhood factors and adult BPD symptomatology thus supporting cognitive-behavioural theories of personality disorders. However, early maladaptive schemas and core beliefs were also found to mediate the relationship between childhood factors and other Axis I and Axis II symptoms. Hence, it was concluded that while there was some support for a cognitive mediation hypothesis for BPD symptoms, future research is needed in exploring the specificity of the cognitive mediation hypothesis for BPD.

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