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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crimean Rhetorical Sovereignty: Resisting A Deportation Of Identity

Berry, Christian 01 January 2013 (has links)
On a small contested part of the world, the peninsula of Crimea, once a part of the former Soviet Union, lives a people who have endured genocide and who have struggled to etch out an identity in a land once their own. They are the Crimean Tatar. Even their name, an exonym promoting the Crimeans’ “peripheral status” (Powell) and their ensuing “cultural schizophrenia” (Vizenor), bears witness to the otherization they have withstood throughout centuries. However, despite attempts to relegate them to the history books, Crimeans are alive and well in the “motherland,” but not without some difficulty. Having been forced to reframe their identities because of numerous imperialistic, colonialist, and soviet behavior and policies, there have been many who have resisted, first and foremost through rhetorical sovereignty, the ability to reframe Crimean Tatar identity through Crimean Tatar rhetoric. This negotiation of identity through rhetoric has included a fierce defense of their language and culture in what Malea Powell calls a “war with homogeneity,” a struggle for identification based on resistance. This thesis seeks to understand the rhetorical function of naming practices as acts that inscribe material meaning and perform marginalization or resistance within the context of Crimea-L, a Yahoo! Group listserv as well as immediate and remote Crimean history. To analyze the rhetoric of marginalization and resistance in naming practices, I use the Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) within recently archived discourses. Ruth Wodak’s DHA strategies will be reappropriated as Naming Practice Strategies, depicting efforts in otherization or rhetorical sovereignty.

Capacidades para la liberación epistémica en los procesos de coproducción de conocimiento entre universidad y sociedad a partir de metodologías participativas transformadoras. / Capabilities for epistemic liberation in the processes of co- production of knowledge between university and society based on transformative participatory methodologies

Leivas Vargas, Monique 12 December 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral analiza cuatro procesos de coproducción de conocimiento entre universidad y sociedad, facilitados a partir de metodologías participativas, así como sus contribuciones a la expansión de cuatro capacidades para la liberación epistémica en las personas que participan. Los principales fundamentos teóricos que orientan este estudio son el Enfoque de Capacidades para el Desarrollo Humano, la Justicia Epistémica y la Educación Liberadora. Esta tesis se realizó en la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones científicas, recogiendo tres artículos y un capítulo de libro publicado en una editorial de prestigio. La estrategia metodológica es de tipo cualitativo y se realiza a partir de la observación participante, entrevistas, talleres participativos y análisis del discurso (capítulo 1). A partir de una perspectiva crítica de las injusticias epistémicas propuestas por Miranda Fricker (2015), me posiciono desde las personas oprimidas a nivel histórico en los procesos de producción de conocimiento entre universidad y sociedad. Desde tal posicionamiento teórico y práctico en torno a la educación liberadora propuesta por el pedagogo brasileño Paulo Freire (1970;1978) identifico, formulo y analizo cuatro capacidades para la liberación epistémica que se alinean con los valores y principios del desarrollo humano. Estas capacidades se han visto potenciadas en las personas que participaron en los cuatro casos de estudios que serán explorados en esta tesis: la experiencia de investigación-acción participativa con cartografía social con niñas y niños de 4º Primaria del CEIP Vicente Gaos (capítulo 2); el proceso de Aprendizaje en Acción con alumnado del Máster en Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universitat Politècnica de València y actores del barrio Na Rovella (capítulo 3); el subproceso de Fotovoz con las y los jóvenes de secundaria del IES Jordi de Sant Jordi (capítulo 4); y la iniciativa de la Red de Investigadores Comunitarios (RIC) en Medellín, Colombia (capítulo 5). Estas capacidades para la liberación epistémica son: la capacidad de ser reconocida como sujeta productora de conocimiento válido, la capacidad de hacer desde la apertura comunicativa, la capacidad de aprender del saber colectivo para el bien común y la capacidad de transformar desde la acción colectiva. Por otro lado, también identifico cuatro opresiones que limitan y obstaculizan la expansión de estas capacidades en las interacciones educativas y en los procesos de producción de conocimiento. La opresión ontológica limita y obstaculiza la capacidad de ser, las opresiones de tipo epistémica - expresivas e interpretativas - limitan, respectivamente, la capacidad de hacer y aprender, y las opresiones epistemológicas limitan la capacidad de transformar. A partir de tales capacidades y opresiones, exploro el caso de resistencia e insurrección hermenéutica de las lideresas y líderes comunitarios que participan en la RIC. A continuación, realizo una discusión global de los principales resultados de la tesis (capítulo 6). Por último, recojo las principales contribuciones y conclusiones del presente estudio doctoral a los procesos de coproducción de conocimiento entre universidad y sociedad que pretendan contribuir a la liberación epistémica de las personas que participan (capitulo 7). / [CA] La present tesi doctoral analitza quatre processos de coproducció de coneixement entre universitat i societat, facilitats a partir de metodologies participatives, així com les seves contribucions a l'expansió de quatre capacitats per a l'alliberament epistèmica en les persones que participen. Els principals fonaments teòrics que orienten aquest estudi són l'Enfocament de Capacitats per al Desenvolupament Humà, la Justícia Epistèmica i l'Educació Alliberadora. Aquesta tesi es va realitzar en la modalitat de compendi de publicacions científiques, recollint tres articles i un capítol de llibre publicat en una editorial de prestigi. L'estratègia metodològica és de tipus qualitatiu i es realitza a partir de l'observació participant, entrevistes, tallers participatius i anàlisis del discurs (capítol 1). A partir d'una perspectiva crítica de les injustícies epistèmics propostes per Miranda Fricker (2015), em posiciono des de les persones oprimides a nivell històric en els processos de producció de coneixement entre universitat i societat. Des de tal posicionament teòric i pràctic entorn de l'educació alliberadora proposada pel pedagog brasiler Paulo Freire (1970;1978) identifico, formulo i analitzo quatre capacitats per a l'alliberament epistèmica que s'alineen amb els valors i principis del desenvolupament humà. Aquestes capacitats s'han vist potenciades en les persones que van participar en els quatre casos d'estudis que seran explorats en aquesta tesi: l'experiència de recerca-acció participativa amb cartografia social amb nenes i nens de 4t Primària del CEIP Vicente Gaos (capítol 2); el procés d'Aprenentatge en Acció amb alumnat del Màster en Cooperació al Desenvolupament de la Universitat Politècnica de València i actors del barri Na Rovella (capítol 3); el subproceso de Fotovoz amb les i els joves de secundària de l'IES Jordi de Sant Jordi (capítol 4); i la iniciativa de la Xarxa d'Investigadors Comunitaris (RIC) a Medellín, Colòmbia (capítol 5). Aquestes capacitats per a l'alliberament epistèmica són: la capacitat de ser reconeguda com a subjecta productora de coneixement vàlid, la capacitat de fer des de l'obertura comunicativa, la capacitat d'aprendre del saber col·lectiu per al bé comú i la capacitat de transformar des de l'acció col·lectiva. D'altra banda, també identifico quatre opressions que limiten i obstaculitzen l'expansió d'aquestes capacitats en les interaccions educatives i en els processos de producció de coneixement. L'opressió ontològica limita i obstaculitza la capacitat de ser, les opressions de tipus epistèmics - expressives i interpretatives - limiten, respectivament, la capacitat de fer i aprendre, i les opressions epistemològiques limiten la capacitat de transformar. A partir de tals capacitats i opressions, exploro el cas de resistència i insurrecció hermenèutica de les lideressis i líders comunitaris que participen en la RIC. A continuació, realitzo una discussió global dels principals resultats de la tesi (capítol 6). Finalment, recullo les principals contribucions i conclusions del present estudi doctoral als processos de coproducció de coneixement entre universitat i societat que pretenguin contribuir a l'alliberament epistèmica de les persones que participen (capitulo 7). / [EN] This doctoral thesis analyses four processes of co-production of knowledge between university and society, facilitated from participatory methodologies, as well as their contributions to the expansion of four capabilities for epistemic liberation in the people who participate. The main theoretical foundations that guide this study are the Capability Approach for Human Development, Epistemic Justice and Liberating Education. This thesis was carried out in the form of compendium of scientific publications, collecting three articles and a book chapter published in a prestigious publisher. The methodological strategy is qualitative and is carried out based on participant observation, interviews, participatory workshops and discourse analysis (chapter 1). From a critical perspective of the epistemic injustices proposed by Miranda Fricker (2015), I position myself from the historically oppressed people in the knowledge production processes between university and society. From such a theoretical and practical position around the liberating education proposed by the Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire (1970; 1978), I identify, formulate and analyse four capabilities for epistemic liberation that are aligned with the values and principles of human development. These capabilities have been enhanced in the people who participated in the four case studies that will be explored in this thesis: the participatory action-research experience with social mapping with 4th grade boys and girls from CEIP Vicente Gaos (chapter 2); the Learning in Action process with students of the Master's Degree in Development Cooperation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and actors from the Na Rovella neighborhood (chapter 3); the Photovoice thread with secondary school youth from the IES Jordi de Sant Jordi (chapter 4); and the initiative of the Network of Community Researchers (RIC) in Medellín, Colombia (chapter 5). These capabilities for epistemic liberation are the capability to be recognized as a producer of valid knowledge, the capability to do things from communicative openness, the capability to learn from collective knowledge for the common good, and the capability to transform from collective action. On the other hand, I also identify four oppressions that limit and hinder the expansion of these capabilities in educational interactions and in knowledge production processes. Ontological oppression limits and hinders the capability to be, epistemic type oppressions - expressive and interpretive - limit, respectively, the ability to do and learn, and epistemological oppressions limit the ability to transform. From such capabilities and oppressions, I explore the case of resistance and hermeneutical insurrection of the community leaders who participate in the RIC. Next, I make a global discussion of the main results of the thesis (chapter 6). Finally, he collected the main contributions and conclusions of this doctoral study to the processes of co-production of knowledge between university and society that seek to contribute to the epistemic liberation of the people who participate (chapter 7). / Leivas Vargas, M. (2022). Capacidades para la liberación epistémica en los procesos de coproducción de conocimiento entre universidad y sociedad a partir de metodologías participativas transformadoras [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190625 / Compendio

A Genealogy of Disability and Special Education in Nigeria: From the Pre-Colonial Era to the Present

Senu-Oke, Helen 01 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Pathology of Alienation: A Psycho-Sociological Approach to the Theater of Paloma Pedrero

Taylor, Aaron 31 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Where does it Begin?: Advocacy for Elementary School Social Studies An Analysis of Early and Middle Childhood Teacher Educators in Ohio Colleges and Universities

Knight, Rhonda Talford 08 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Les faces contemporaines de l'oppression à travers la pensée politique d’Iris Marion Young

Farhat, Saja 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une étude des travaux de Young sur « Les cinq faces de l’oppression » dans le but d’explorer plus en détail certains enjeux contemporains, en se concentrant particulièrement sur les manifestations discrètes ou invisibilisées des injustices, analysées à travers le prisme de « trois faces de l’oppression ». La pensée politique de Young critique les tendances réductionnistes du paradigme libéral rawlsien en philosophie politique anglo-américaine, qui tend à occulter les expériences singulières de l’oppression en simplifiant leur complexité jusqu’à des questions de redistribution. Bien que Young ne nie jamais l’importance de la justice distributive, ses travaux mettent en lumière des concepts tels que la marginalisation, l’impuissance et l’impérialisme culturel, soulignant leur importance comme outils analytiques pour identifier et comprendre d'autres dimensions de l’injustice dans le monde contemporain. Tout d’abord, ce mémoire expose la manière dont la marginalisation prive les groupes sociaux de ressources essentielles et d’opportunités, confinant les individus à des rôles qui limitent leur autonomie et alimentent des sentiments d'inutilité, d'ennui et de dévalorisation personnelle. Ensuite, cette étude traite de l'impuissance vécue par les non-professionnels, souvent privés de pouvoir décisionnel et de respectabilité dans la division contemporaine du travail. Finalement, l'analyse de l'impérialisme culturel révèle la façon dont l'universalisation des expériences et des valeurs du groupe dominant peut subjuguer les identités culturelles et les réalités sociales des groupes subordonnés, produisant ainsi des injustices épistémiques. En affinant notre analyse des diverses dimensions de l’injustice, ce mémoire aspire à enrichir notre compréhension de la justice sociale / This thesis conducts a study on Young's "Five Faces of Oppression," aiming to delve into contemporary issues, especially focusing on subtle or overlooked injustices through the lens of "three faces of oppression." It critiques the reductionist tendencies of the Rawlsian liberal paradigm in Anglo-American political philosophy for oversimplifying oppression to mere questions of redistribution. Young highlights concepts like marginalization, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism as analytical tools to understand different dimensions of injustice. The thesis discusses how marginalization deprives social groups of essential resources and autonomy, explores the powerlessness of non-professionals in the labor division, and examines how cultural imperialism can subjugate subordinate groups' identities, leading to epistemic injustices. This study aims to deepen the understanding of social justice by refining the analysis of injustice's varied dimensions.

Paving Future Pathway for Disconnected Voices to Unbalanced Digital World : An analysis of multi-stakeholder perspective on improving the digital support for digitally-disadvantaged languages

Rebin, Biyanto January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the current situation, challenges, and proposed recommendation of digitally-disadvantaged languages (DDL) in the social and digital context from six stakeholders' perspectives: academia, civil society organizations, for-profit corporations, government, language community, and language supporters, with additional language policy analysis in Indonesia and Sweden. Three interrelated theories - the digital divide, ecolinguistics, and digital justice - provide a framework for understanding digitally-disadvantaged languages' situations and challenges. The thesis employs semi-structured interviews for data collection and thematic analysis to analyze the collected data, and a comparative policy analysis accompanies it on digital language regulation in Indonesia and Sweden. Two established frameworks on general digital development issues, Principles for Digital Development (PDD) and Digital Justice Principles (DJP), were introduced to compare these languages’ challenges and propose recommendations for their future. Although the comparison demonstrates a strong connection between these established principles and these languages, there is still a need for a tailored framework focused explicitly on digitally-disadvantaged languages. The thesis concludes with the final result: collaborative efforts among stakeholders, especially the language community as the central actor and the government as the regulator, are the key to improving digital support and accommodating the need for digitally-disadvantaged languages.

Socio-economic history of North Shawa, Ethiopia (1880s-1935)

Demisie, Dechasa Abebe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to address how and why North Shäwa deteriorated from a political heartland to a region of impoverished peasants by the beginning of the 20th century. One of the factors that determine the selection of the place for a seat of the government for a region or country and sustainability of its system is its resource potential. In this case, arable and grazing land with other related land resources were decisive. They were some of the major factors contributing to both the origin and development of the kingdom. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, the region was abandoned by the court and by a significant proportion of its population. This was mainly because of the impoverishment of the region. The growth of the number of consumers (town dwellers) and the supplies needed by the kingdom exceeded the carrying capacity of North Shäwa. The economic productivity of the region could not correspond to the development of its needs. Thus, this thesis accords due emphasis to the factors that contributed to the impoverishment of North Shäwa and the consequences that followed. Throughout the thesis, North Shäwan peasants are the main subject of discussion. Political, social, cultural and geographical factors that impacted on the peasants’ economy and that retarded its development are discussed in the study. It also attempts to unearth the measures taken by the court and peoples of North Shäwa to withstand or escape from the prevailing socio-economic problems. Finally a comparison is made with other regions of the country to describe the political and socio-economic status of North Shäwans that continue to live in the region. This discussion covers the period from the 1880s up to the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1935 / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (History)

Challenges facing black managers regarding upward mobility in corporate South Africa

Matandela, Wanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study identifies the problem of job mobility among black managers in corporate South Africa, which is due to various factors explored in this research. The central theme of this research is to highlight the major challenges faced by black managers in the corporate sector to upward mobility. An extensive review of the literature, including legislation, textbooks, journal articles, internet and existing case studies has been conducted. A questionnaire survey of black managers who were members of the Black Management Forum was conducted with a view to gaining insight regarding key issues faced by black managers in corporate South Africa. Black managers surveyed came from different sectors of the economy, operating at different levels of management, from junior to top management. The results from the survey were analysed, and showed that black managers do not get proper organizational support, training and development to enable them to perform their duties and reach their maximum potential. Other issues from the survey findings include racial discrimination, lack of mentorship and support from top management, marginalization, tokenism, lack of career planning. These all present major challenges facing black managers seeking upward mobility in the workplace. Several recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative impact for both organisations and black managers caused by job-hopping resulting from these obstacles faced by black managers in the workplace. These include creating a working environment that is inclusive, where every employee feels recognised and valued for his or her efforts. Furthermore, it is recommended that organizations promote an environment that embraces diversity of cultures, where all employees are treated equally and fairly with due regard to their constitutional rights to equality and dignity. The author also suggests that organizational core values must reject unfair discrimination and promote tolerance of the different cultures and behaviours that exist within the organisation. It is further suggested that for these recommendations to work in practice, transformation must be a primary objective of the organisation. This must be accompanied by a change of mindsets and attitudes, and supported by management. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie identifiseer die probleem van werk mobiliteit van swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid-Afrika. Verskeie faktore wat lei tot die probleem word in die studie ondersoek. Die sentrale tema van die studie is om die hoof uitdagings wat mobilitiet van swart bestuurders in die korporatiewe sektor in die gesig staar te ondersoek. ‘n Omvattende literatuurstudie is onderneem en wetgewing, handboeke, joernaal artikels, die internet en bestaande gevallestudies is geraadpleeg. ‘n Vraelys is gebruik as metode vir die studie. Swart bestuurders wat lede is van die Swart Bestuursforum is gebruik vir die studie, met die doel om hulle insig oor belangrike sake wat swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid Afrika in die gesig staar. The swart bestuurders wat gebruik is vir die studie kom van verskeie sektore in die ekonomie. Hulle werk op verskillende vlakke wat strek van junior tot topbestuur. Die resultate van die studie is geanaliseer en het gewys dat swart bestuurders nie ordentlike organistoriese ondersteuning, opleiding en ontwikkeling ontvang om hulle pligte te verrig en hulle volle potensiaal te bereik nie. Ander kwessies geidentifiseer gedurende die studie is rasse diskriminasie, gebrek aan mentorskap en ondersteuning van topbestuur, marginalisme, oëverblindery en gebrek aan loopbaanbeplanning. Verskeie aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om die negatiewe impak van die rondbeweeg van swart bestuurders binne organisasies te verminder. Die aanbevelings sluit in die bewerkstelling van ‘n werksomgewing wat inklusief is, en waar elke werknemer voel dat hulle word erken en gewaardeer vir sy ywer. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat organisasies ‘n omgewing wat diversiteit van kulture insluit en bevorder, en waar werknemers regverdig en gelyk gehanteer word, met behoorlike oorweging aan hulle konstitusionele regte tot gelykheid en waardigheid. Die navorser beveel ook aan dat organisasies se kernwaardes moet onder geen omstandighede onbillike diskriminasie duld nie en moet die verdraagsaamheid van verskillende kulture en gedrag wat in die organisasie bestaan bevorder. Dit word verder aangeraai dat vir die aanbevelings om in die praktyk te werk moet transformasie ’n primere objektief wees wat gepaard moet gaan met ‘n verandering in gemoed en houding en ‘n algehele ondersteuning deur bestuur. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie identifiseer die probleem van werk mobiliteit van swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid-Afrika. Verskeie faktore wat lei tot die probleem word in die studie ondersoek. Die sentrale tema van die studie is om die hoof uitdagings wat mobilitiet van swart bestuurders in die korporatiewe sektor in die gesig staar te ondersoek. ‘n Omvattende literatuurstudie is onderneem en wetgewing, handboeke, joernaal artikels, die internet en bestaande gevallestudies is geraadpleeg. ‘n Vraelys is gebruik as metode vir die studie. Swart bestuurders wat lede is van die Swart Bestuursforum is gebruik vir die studie, met die doel om hulle insig oor belangrike sake wat swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid Afrika in die gesig staar. The swart bestuurders wat gebruik is vir die studie kom van verskeie sektore in die ekonomie. Hulle werk op verskillende vlakke wat strek van junior tot topbestuur. Die resultate van die studie is geanaliseer en het gewys dat swart bestuurders nie ordentlike organistoriese ondersteuning, opleiding en ontwikkeling ontvang om hulle pligte te verrig en hulle volle potensiaal te bereik nie. Ander kwessies geidentifiseer gedurende die studie is rasse diskriminasie, gebrek aan mentorskap en ondersteuning van topbestuur, marginalisme, oëverblindery en gebrek aan loopbaanbeplanning. Verskeie aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om die negatiewe impak van die rondbeweeg van swart bestuurders binne organisasies te verminder. Die aanbevelings sluit in die bewerkstelling van ‘n werksomgewing wat inklusief is, en waar elke werknemer voel dat hulle word erken en gewaardeer vir sy ywer. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat organisasies ‘n omgewing wat diversiteit van kulture insluit en bevorder, en waar werknemers regverdig en gelyk gehanteer word, met behoorlike oorweging aan hulle konstitusionele regte tot gelykheid en waardigheid. Die navorser beveel ook aan dat organisasies se kernwaardes moet onder geen omstandighede onbillike diskriminasie duld nie en moet die verdraagsaamheid van verskillende kulture en gedrag wat in die organisasie bestaan bevorder. Dit word verder aangeraai dat vir die aanbevelings om in die praktyk te werk moet transformasie ’n primere objektief wees wat gepaard moet gaan met ‘n verandering in gemoed en houding en ‘n algehele ondersteuning deur bestuur.

To "Make" or to "Buy"?Innovation and Vertical Integration in Vertically-related Markets

李文傑, Lee, Wen-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一個簡單賽局理論模型為分析依據,探討企業間的自製或是外包策略對整體社會福利的影響。 傳統經濟理論分析告訴我們自製策略可以解決雙重邊際化的問題。但在本文我們舉出一個反例,亦即當存在研發的可能及上下遊市場的研發外溢效果時,垂直整合可能會造成廠商過度研發的情形,最終產生整體社會福利不效益情形。 / In this paper, we set up a game-theoretic model, in which the whole industry is composed of a downstream monopolist and two upstream firms. This paper discusses the major debate in a firm’s market strategy: to make or to buy the components it needs. Traditionally, economic theories told us that vertical integration strategy (make strategy) can solve the problem of double marginalization and hence increase profits as well as social welfare. Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily hold when R&D possibility is introduced. We show that when there is downstream to upstream R&D spillover, vertical integration may result in an over-investment in R&D from the social standpoint. This result may shed some light on the rationale behind recent antitrust rulings.

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