Spelling suggestions: "subject:"martin tuber"" "subject:"martin huber""
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Till-tal och an-svar : En konstruktion av pedagogisk hållning / Calling and Respons(e)ibility : A construction of pedagogical creedJons, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to construct as philosophical conceptualization of pedagogical attitude. Founded on Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, the construction suggested in the study takes on a normative character, thus understanding pedagogical attitude as a matter of pedagogical creed. The author proposes a construction where existence is understood as a matter of Calling and Respons(e)ibility. Pedagogical attitude is thus understood in accordance with the notion of paying heed, responsibly responding and calling. As a consequence this conceptualization calls on the teacher to speak authentically, serve, embrace a loving leadership, provoke and dare to take risks. Within the concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility, “calling” means addressing a particular other, whilst respons(e)ibility is a term chosen to make the concept connote to the response as well as the responsibility taken in relation to a particular calling. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is understood as closely connected to the religious concept of vocation, although recycled in a secularized meaning, thereby put forth as a matter of realizing the fate of the teacher, the student as well as the field/subject. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is in the study connected to the notions of “mothering”, obedience and adjustment as well as to the notions of responsibility, fidelity and being enterprising. Using a methodological approach of philosophical conceptualization suggested by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the study sets out to reuse such old theological concepts as vocation, calling, paying heed and responding responsibly in new forms in a pedagogical context, thereby intending to discover, articulate and discern new aspects of that context. By conceptualizing pedagogical attitude on the basis of an existential, normative and relational perspective, using the notion of calling and respons(e)ability, the study aspires to contribute to the ongoing conversation concerning teacher-student-relationship.
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Dialogens former : En undersökning av tänkandets förutsättningar i konstnärliga processer / Provföreläsning med titeln: Hur skapas en kreativ dialog mellan regissör och skådespelare? - Om orsak och verkan i teatrala möten.Lagerås, Bodil January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Utgångspunkten i masteravhandlingen är att mellanmänsklig dialog är en förutsättning för tänkande i konstnärliga processer. Mitt syfte är att undersöka vilka dialogiska former som är verksamma i tänkande och hur relationen mellan dialog och tänkande kan interagera i olika konstnärliga kontexter. Masteravhandlingen är uppbyggd med tre spår: teorispåret, samtalsspåret och dramatikspåret. I teorispåret utgår jag ifrån Martin Bubers, Michail Bachtins och Hannah Arendts texter om dialog och tänkande. I samtalsspåret diskuterar jag teoretikernas idéer med en fokusgrupp bestående av yrkesverksamma konstnärer inom skilda konstnärliga discipliner. Informanternas erfarenheter kommer i dialog med teorierna. I dramatikspåret presenterar jag exempel på hur sceniska dialoger kan tillföra ytterligare en komplexitetsnivå i diskussionen om vår förmåga och oförmåga till mellanmänsklig dialog. De tre spåren visar tillsammans, utifrån skilda infallsvinklar, att dialog i konstnärligaprocesser inte är möjlig utan en ömsesidig tillit. Tilliten ska i sammanhanget förstås som en aktiv handling att vilja samtala, för att kunna samtala. Det framkommer också hur betydelsefull frågan och lyssnandet är för att kunna tänka och ha en dialog. När vi ställer frågor behöver vi öppna oss för att vi inte vet och lyssna för att höra även det vi inte förväntar oss. De oväntade frågorna och det oväntade lyssnandet. Spåren visar också hur tänkande inbegriper ett görande, i en konkret och fysisk bemärkelse, som en förutsättning för att fördjupa tankeprocesser. Kroppen som en del av tanken. Till detta utmärks konstnärligt arbete av att ha en riktning utanför sig själv, en riktning vars vilja är att kommunicera med den andre. Utan riktning till konstverkens mottagare faller dialogen samman. / Abstract The premise of this master’s thesis is that - within the context of the artistic process -interpersonal dialogue is a prerequisite for the act of thinking. My aim is to investigate which dialogue forms are active in such acts of thinking and how dialogue and thinking can interact in different artistic contexts. The thesis consists of three tracks: a theory track, a conversation track and a drama track. In the theory track, I expand on Martin Buber’s, Michail Bachtin’s and Hannah Arendt’s texts on dialogue and the act of thinking. In the conversation track I discuss these theories with a focus group of professional artists active in a variety of fields. Here the practical experiences of the informants come into dialogue with the theories expressed in the thesis. In the drama track, I show how different scenic dialogues are able to add yet another level of complexity to the discussion of our ability (or inability) to participate in interpersonal dialogue. The three tracks show from a variety of perspectives that dialogue within the artistic process is not possible without mutual trust. In this context trust is understood as an act of intending to engage in dialog. Mutual trust also exposes the importance of questioning and listening in order to be able to think and participate in dialogue. When we ask a question we must be open to that which we do not know and to that we do not expect to hear. The tracks also show that the act of thinking is also an action, in a physical, practical sense, which is itself a prerequisite to being able to think more deeply. It is also important that artistic work be characterized by having an aim beyond itself - an ambition to communicate with an Other. Without such an aim, dialogue can only fail.
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L’esprit de la philosophie de Martin BuberMaroşan, Mario Ionuț 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Esta tese, Bebês e livros: relação, sutileza, reciprocidade e vínculo, busca compreender especificidades da relação dos bebês no encontro com os livros. Que itinerários percorrem até o encontro com este objeto? Que elementos convidam, provocam o bebê a essa interação? O que os gestos e ações dos bebês revelam, desvelam sobre seus modos de receber e compreender este artefato da cultura? Indagações que subjazem à premissa de que o bebê atua sobre objetos e situações a partir de sua condição de pessoa. A relação, tomada como princípio, assume a sutileza como fio que tece convites, abertura para o acolhimento dos diferentes itinerários de cada bebê no seu processo de imersão no mundo, para o qual o bebê se dá em pequenas doses. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma creche filantrópico-conveniada, da zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A primeira parte da tese versa sobre essas considerações na construção das categorias bebês, relação, sutileza, reciprocidade e vínculo. Categorias que orientam a segunda parte da pesquisa, na qual se desdobram reflexões sobre as ações dos bebês com as outras pessoas – bebês e adultos – e com os livros. Ações construídas e observadas a partir da proposta de cenários literários que envolveram objetos – livros, tecido, câmera fotográfica –, e as pessoas da pesquisa. Os itinerários relacionais dos bebês apontam para uma relação subversiva com o livro, que se coaduna com os movimentos inaugurais, espontâneos, marcados pela força dos gestos que põem o livro al dente; do livro que instiga jogo a partir de sua materialidade – abre-fecha-abre-fecha –, dos brinquedos com a língua; da reciprocidade e do vínculo que se desdobram a partir das relações e interações entre pessoas e livros. Especificidades que convidam a refletir sobre o antes, sobre gestos e movimentos que despontam possível gênese da descoberta do livro pelo bebê. A partir dessa relação, o livro revela-se como matéria e materialidade fora do lugar ordenado, sacralizado que, por vezes, ocupa institucional e socialmente, levando-o a ser alterado, modificado, atualizado a partir da força transformadora do bebê. Faces e interfaces geracionais que se fiam na sutileza, na reciprocidade, no vínculo, confirmando a relação como princípio. Os estudos da Filosofia Antropológica de Martin Buber, da Psicologia e Psicanálise de Donald W. Winnicott compõem o tecido sob o qual tece, fia, se desfia, se fabula sobre bebês e livros. / [fr] Cette thèse, Bébés et livres: relation, subtilité, réciprocité et lien cherche à comprendre des spécificités de la relation des bébés dans sa rencontre avec les livres. Quels chemins trace-t-il jusqu à la rencontre de cet objet? Quels éléments invitent, attirent le bébé à cette interaction? Quelles manières de recevoir et de comprendre cet artefact de la culture sont révèlées et dévoilées par les gestes et les actions des bébés? Questions qui sont soumises à la prémisse que le bébé agit sur des objets et des situations à partir de son statut de personne. La relation prise comme principe nécessite de subtilité comme d un fil qui tisse des invitations, ouverture pour accueillir des différents itinéraires de chaque bébé dans son processus d immersion dans le monde, pour lequel le bébé est donné à petites doses. La recherche a été réalisée dans une crèche philanthropique-convenue, situé dans la zone sud de la ville de Rio de Janeiro. La première partie de la thèse traite de ces considérations pour la construction des catégories bébés, relation, subtilité, réciprocité et lien. Celles qui guident la deuxième partie de la recherche, dans laquel les réflexions se déroulent sur les actions des bébés envers d autres personnes - bébés et adultes - et des livres. Actions construites et observées à partir de la proposition de scénarios littéraires impliquant des objets - livres, tissu, caméra, - et les participants à la recherche. Les itinéraires relationnels des bébés pointent vers une relation subversive avec le livre qui s inscrit dans les mouvements inauguraux, spontanés, marqués par la force des gestes dont ils prennent le livre aux dents; du livre qui incite à jouer à partir de sa matérialité - ouvrir-fermer-ouvrir-fermer - jeux et jouets avec la langue; de la réciprocité et du lien qui se déroulent à partir des relations et interactions entre les gens et les livres. Des spécificités qui invitent à réfléchir sur l avant, sur des gestes et des mouvements qui pointent vers une possible genèse de la découverte du livre par le bébé. A partir de cette relation le livre se révèle comme matière et matérialité, au-delà de la place ordonnée et sacralisée qui, parfois, occupe à la fois institutionnellement et socialement, en devenant un objet à être modifié, actualisé par la puissance de transformation du bébé. Faces et interfaces générationnelles qui se tissent en subtilité, réciprocité, lien, misant en evidence la relation en tant que principe. Les études de la Philosophie Anthropologique de Martin Buber, la Psychologie et la Psychanalyse de Donald W. Winnicott composent le tissu où on enfile, désenfile, fabule sur bébés et les livres.
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[pt] O presente trabalh o investiga o pensamento teológico político de Johann
Baptist Metz, em diálogo com filósofos judeus século XX enfatizando a memória
subversiva da s vítimas, como um critério comum de autoridade. Fundamenta a
busca por transformação de estruturas sociais injustas no retorno às tradições
judaico cristãs e m harmonia com o e spírito do Concílio Vaticano II, assum indo o
projeto do Reino de Deus para a paz no mundo Os pontos convergentes incluem a
Alteridade a Responsabilidade Ilimitada, o Rosto do Outro, o diálogo do Eu e Tu,
a Linguagem Profética e a pol í tica engajada pela paz. A tese possui três partes: a
bi ografia do autor, a Teologia do Mundo, o tempo ilimitado, história e relação da
humanidade com Deus; a práxis da Teologia Fundamental, a mudança
hermenêutica e a sua eficácia teológic a O segundo bloco apresenta os pensadore s
de origem judaica, que sofreram com a perseguição nazista Abraham Heschel,
Emmanuel Levinas, Hans Jonas e Martin Buber, relacionando suas experiências e
contribuições teológicas e filosóficas. A última parte aborda o silêncio de Deus, a
autoridade da vítima, o sofrimento humano, a anamnese no cristianismo, a didática
narrativa, a compaixão e a responsabilidade do cristianismo na Shoá. A tese busca
enfatizar o diálogo entre esses autores, rec onhecendo a relevância de suas
contribuições para aproximar judaísmo e cristianismo e refletir sobre questões
injustas da sociedade. Espe ra se que o trabalho desperte o interesse pelo
pensamento de Metz e suas contribuições para a teologia da América Latina e do
mundo, encorajando reflexões sobre importantes questões frequentemente
desconsideradas. / [en] The present work investigates the theological-political thought of Johann Baptist Metz in dialogue with 20th century Jewish philosophers, emphasizing the subversive memory of the victims as a common criterion of authority. It grounds the search for the transformation of unjust social structures in return to Judeo-Christian traditions. In harmony with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, embracing the project of God s Kingdom for peace in the world. Converging points include Otherness, Unlimited Responsibility, the Face of the Other, the dialogue of Self and Thou, Prophetic Language, and peace-engaged politics. The thesis is divided into three parts: the author s biography, the Theology of the World, unlimited time, history, and humanity s relationship with God; the praxis of Fundamental Theology, hermeneutical change, and its theological effectiveness. The second section presents thinkers of Jewish origin who suffered under Nazi persecution: Abraham Heschel, Emmanuel Levinas, Hans Jonas, and Martin Buber, relating their experiences and theological and philosophical contributions. The final part addresses the silence of God, the authority of the victim, human suffering, anamnesis in Christianity, narrative didactics, compassion, and Christianity s responsibility in the Shoah. The thesis aims to emphasize the dialogue among these authors, recognizing the relevance of their contributions to bringing Judaism and Christianity closer together and reflecting on unjust issues in society. It is hoped that this work will spark interest in Metz s thought and his contributions to Latin American and global theology, encouraging reflections on important and often overlooked questions.
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Buberův kulturní sionismus a Masarykův humanismus - komparativní studie / Buber's Curtural Zionism and Masaryk's Humanism - Comparative StudyVenclová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
99 Summary Buberův kulturní sionismus a Masarykův humanismus - komparativní studie Buber's Cultural Zionism and Masaryk's Humanism - Comparative Study Marie Venclová This thesis deals with various aspects of understanding the term nation, its roots and dimensions in the works of Martin Buber and Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. The comparative study is based on analysis of Buber's Three Addresses on Judaism and Masaryk's Problem of a Small Nation. In these texts the philosophers present their attitudes and ideas about the meaning, origin and content of the existence of a nation. The results of the comparison show, that their points of view are similar in more than a few aspects and what most importantly bonds their ideas is the moral, spiritual and cultural understanding of the meaning of a nation. Furthermore, they both stress the responsibility of each and every individual part of the society for implementing such ideas into practice. Buber's cultural Zionism as well as Masaryk's humanism are also concepts based on critical self-reflection and need of education, which serves to broaden horizons and identify positive values in one's own nation. Motivation for this thesis resided in unique legal position of the Jewish minority in Czechoslovakia after the First World War. Based on the results of the comparison we...
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Individuation med olika mål? : en jämförande studie över C. G. Jungs och M. Bubers syn på människans relation till det transcendentaAhlvin, Dan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Mitt syfte med detta arbete är att försöka belysa den svårighet som både Jung och Buber såg för människan att finna helhet och äkthet i livet. Denna fråga är för mig högst aktuell i det samhälle jag lever i idag. Genom en uppdelning av tiden och rollerna har helheten gått förlorad vilket hotar att splittra människan. Risken är att hon alieneras till sig själv och andra människor. Denna alienering visas genom meningsförlust och en relativiserande hållning. Med Jungs respektive Bubers tankar vill jag jämföra deras slutsatser och därefter finna svar på det transcendentas (det heligas) roll för människans helhet och möjlighet att vara människa.</p><p>Frågor som jag vill försöka besvara:</p><p>- Skiljer sig Jungs Själv och Bubers eviga Du från varandra?</p><p>- Vad blir den praktiska skillnaden ifråga om individuationen?</p><p>- Hur relaterar femtiotalets konflikt dem emellan till de föregående frågorna?</p><p>- Vad kan vi idag lära oss av denna konflikt?</p>
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Individuation med olika mål? : en jämförande studie över C. G. Jungs och M. Bubers syn på människans relation till det transcendentaAhlvin, Dan January 2006 (has links)
Mitt syfte med detta arbete är att försöka belysa den svårighet som både Jung och Buber såg för människan att finna helhet och äkthet i livet. Denna fråga är för mig högst aktuell i det samhälle jag lever i idag. Genom en uppdelning av tiden och rollerna har helheten gått förlorad vilket hotar att splittra människan. Risken är att hon alieneras till sig själv och andra människor. Denna alienering visas genom meningsförlust och en relativiserande hållning. Med Jungs respektive Bubers tankar vill jag jämföra deras slutsatser och därefter finna svar på det transcendentas (det heligas) roll för människans helhet och möjlighet att vara människa. Frågor som jag vill försöka besvara: - Skiljer sig Jungs Själv och Bubers eviga Du från varandra? - Vad blir den praktiska skillnaden ifråga om individuationen? - Hur relaterar femtiotalets konflikt dem emellan till de föregående frågorna? - Vad kan vi idag lära oss av denna konflikt?
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現代ユダヤ思想における神権政治をめぐる論争 : ブーバー、ヴァイレル、ラヴィツキーの理解を中心に / ゲンダイ ユダヤ シソウ ニオケル シンケン セイジ オ メグル ロンソウ : ブーバー、ヴァイレル、ラヴィツキー ノ リカイ オ チュウシン ニ / 現代ユダヤ思想における神権政治をめぐる論争 : ブーバーヴァイレルラヴィツキーの理解を中心に平岡 光太郎, Kotaro Hiraoka 31 March 2014 (has links)
博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Meeting Mosses: Toward a Convivial Biocultural ConservationZhu, Danqiong 12 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation I propose an ethical framework for "meeting mosses." At first glance, mosses are a tiny type of plants that have been uncritically understood as "primitive plants," to the extent that they are defined by negation as "non-vascular plants." Hence, mosses have been considered as "primitive" relatives of "true" vascular plants. This distortion is linked to the fact that mosses have been overlooked and represented as a radical otherness in Western civilization. To critically examine this distortion of, and injustice toward mosses, I use the methodology of field environmental philosophy within the conceptual framework of biocultural ethics developed by Ricardo Rozzi. I complement these concepts with foundational philosophical work by continental philosophers Martin Buber and Immanuel Levinas, and ethnobotanist and indigenous writer Robin Wall Kimmerer, with emphasis on their discourses of meeting, "face-to-face," otherness, heterogeneity, and alterity. Collectively thinking with these philosophers, I address the possibility of genuinely "meeting mosses," valuing them as such and not merely as a primitive "relative" or "ancestor" of vascular plants. Drawing on several botanists' accounts of plant language and plant wisdom has sharpened my reading of human-moss interactions and enriched my engagement with the heterogeneity and alterity of the Western philosophical tradition. In his book Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition, Humanist scholar Robert Pogue Harrison argues that care (for plants and life) is the human vocation. Harrison's discussion of the diversity of "gardens" helped me to clarify multi-dimensional human-moss interactions. In terms of content and structure, I organize my analysis based on two central dimensions of human-plant interactions stated in Rozzi's biocultural ethics: biophysical and cultural, particularly, symbolic-linguistic dimensions. I explore the biophysical dimension of biocultural conservation focusing on mosses in a region where they represent the most diverse and abundant type of plants, southwestern South America. In this region, I conducted fieldwork at three reserves in Chile, Senda Darwin Biological Reserve on Chiloe Island, Magallanes National Reserve, and Omora Ethnobotanical Park in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, south of Tierra del Fuego. I investigate the linguistic-cultural dimension, through the scientific binomial nomenclature as well as through the traditional naming by indigenous cultures, particularly in China. Additionally, I examine the arts as an important cultural expression of interacting with mosses that inspires biocultural conservation. I examine the role that the arts play in the education and conservation programs at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in Chile and Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden in China, as a way to invite students and others to have direct encounters with mosses which lead to hands-on (tactile and place-based) moss conservation. I begin this study with a deliberation of the multiple injustices embedded in contemporary social-ecological-cultural dimensions of global change, and I suggest pathways towards caring for plants and the diversity of life. Caring for mosses is not a one-way human-plant-directed process. By nourishing our physical and cultural lives, we can metaphorically say that mosses "take care" of humans. Once we integrate both "caring for mosses" and being sensitive to the "mosses caring for us," then biocultural conservation moves towards a more reciprocal conviviality. In addition to collectively thinking with other humans, metaphorically I aim to think and feel with the mosses, and therefore I am transformed by them. This is the ultimate meaning of "meeting mosses."
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