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Fokus på omsorgstagarna. En kvalitetssäkringsmetod för en mer individualiserad äldreomsorgEkmark, Anna, Olofsson, Emilie January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att utforma ett kvalitetssäkringsinstrument för att kunna genomföra en kvalitetsmätning av avgränsade delar inom äldreomsorgen i Båstad kommun. Vårt uppdrag var att undersöka kvaliteten på ett projekt kallat ”Hemteamet”. Ett mätinstrument togs fram med utgångspunkt från aspekter som är viktiga att beakta vid en kvalitetsmätning inom omsorg och vård i ordinärt boende, utifrån omsorgstagarnas perspektiv. Vi har, för att svara på våra frågeställningar, genomfört litteraturstudier och som kvantitativ metod tagit fram en enkät. Enkäten fokuserar på den enskilde omsorgstagarens upplevelser av kvaliteten på omsorg och vård. Den bygger på sex temaområden; Trygghet, Bemötande, Självbestämmande, Välbefinnande, Hotellfunktion och Vårdsäkerhet. De teoretiska perspektiv vi utgått från är humanismen med fokus på Maslows behovstrappa och det salutogena perspektivet med fokus på KASAM (Känsla Av Sammanhang). Vi utgick från KUPP-metodens (Kvalitet Ur Patientens Perspektiv) åtgärdsindex vid bearbetning och analys av vårt material. Resultatet vi fått fram för ”Hemteamet” har primärt analyserats och diskuterats genom att jämföra olika delaspekter med varandra inom gruppen. För att ytterligare kunna diskutera resultatet genomfördes motsvarande kvalitetsmätning på en utvald hemtjänstgrupp i samma kommun. Resultatet från de båda mätningarna har vi använt i ett jämförande perspektiv. Vår undersökning visade att respondenterna i ”Hemteamet” överlag var nöjda med omsorgen och vården. Dock bör följande aspekter tas i beaktande då de har fått sämre resultat än övriga delaspekter; 1) information: att omsorgstagarna får information om ändringar i dagliga rutiner, 2) rutiner: att omsorgen och vården styrs av omsorgstagarens behov och inte personalens rutiner, 3) närvaro: att omsorgspersonalen inte ska ha bråttom och 4) tillgänglighet: att den enskilde ska vara informerad om och av sin kontaktperson. Vi har funnit ett signifikant samband mellan temaområdena Trygghet, Bemötande samt Självbestämmande och respondenternas upplevda psykiska hälsa. Enkäten har fungerat relativt bra men en del frågor har krävt revidering för att kommunen i framtiden löpande ska kunna använda sig av vårt framtagna kvalitetssäkringsinstrument. En reviderad enkät medföljer därför denna uppsats.
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The connection between household savings ratio and human development index : Which factors affect the household savings ratio?Persson, Sanna, Pettersson, Jerry January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates which factors affecting savings behavior by using a fixed effect regression model. To see what affects the household savings rate the following independent variables is considered: Natural logarithm of trend per capita income, natural logarithm of deviation from trend per capita income, growth of disposable income, real interest rate, inflation, wealth in relation to household disposable income, foreign savings in relation to disposable income, dependency ratio and human development index. To see whether changes of human development within a county impacts the household´s savings ratio this variables was included in a separate regression. To avoid possible biasedness from ordinary least square, a panel data technique called fixed effect regression model is used. The investigated time period is between year 1999 and 2016 and to make a restriction, variables from 25 developed countries were studied. The involved economic theories in this work are Keynesianism, permanent income hypothesis and the savings theory behind Maslow´s behavioral pyramid. The result made by using this study is that growth in income and foreign savings in relation to disposable income is insignificant and can´t be used in explaining the differences between household´s savings. Human development index within a country has a negative effect on the savings ratio but a conclusion regarding whether changes in HDI´s does affect savings can´t be made and more research within that field is needed.
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Impacto da mentalidade do produtor e do engajamento dos funcionários sobre a qualidade do leite / Farmer mindset and employees engagement impact on milk qualityFreitas, Larissa Nazareth de 23 September 2016 (has links)
A mastite é uma das principais doenças enfrentadas por produtores de leite do mundo todo. Um dos indicadores que está diretamente relacionado com a doença no rebanho é a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Estudos recentes mostram que um dos fatores de risco associados à mastite é o homem. Isto é, fatores relacionados às práticas de manejo, gestão da propriedade e às características pessoais do produtor, como personalidade, atitude, crenças, intenções, habilidades, conhecimentos e outras são importantes, além do engajamento dos funcionários. Dessa forma, entender a influência do homem é fundamental para o controle e a prevenção da mastite. O objetivo deste trabalho foi i) verificar se as motivações e barreiras percebidas pelo produtor rural podem explicar a variação da (CCS) do tanque em fazendas de leite, ii) avaliar a mentalidade do produtor de leite com relação ao futuro do próprio negócio e, iii) se as necessidades dos funcionários de fazendas produtoras de leite estão sendo atendidas. Para isso, um estudo foi conduzido em 75 propriedades de leite da região sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com os produtores e funcionários, utilizando um questionário composto por perguntas abertas e com respostas na escala Likert. Todos os questionários foram aplicados pelo mesmo pesquisador. Para o estudo da mentalidade do produtor foi utilizado o Modelo Comportamental Fogg (MCF) e, para o estudo do engajamento dos funcionários, foi utilizada a Teoria de Motivação de Maslow. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os modelos de equações estruturais e análises descritivas. Pelos resultados encontrados é possível concluir que a variação da CCS do tanque é explicada pelas motivações e barreiras percebidas pelos produtores, ou ainda, que o Modelo Comportamental Fogg (MCF) pode ser usado para explicar a influência do homem sobre a mastite. Além disso, é possível concluir que os produtores de leite não possuem mentalidade positiva com relação ao futuro do negócio e estão desmotivados com a atividade leiteira. Com relação aos funcionários, estes não estão engajados e existe uma grande barreira de comunicação entre produtor e funcionário, pois o produtor de leite não sabe o que o seu funcionário valoriza. Por fim, este estudo permite concluir que, empresas de consultoria que trabalham com a melhoria da qualidade do leite, deveriam focar também no fator humano através do estudo da mentalidade do produtor e do engajamento dos funcionários. / Mastitis is a major disease faced by dairy farmers worldwide. One of the indicators directly related to the prevalence of the disease in the herd is the bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC). Recent studies showed that one of the risk factors associated with mastitis is the human factor. That is, factors related to management practices, farm management and personal characteristics of the farmer, such as personality, attitude, beliefs, intentions, skills, knowledge and others are important, besides to employee\'s engagement. Therefore, to understand the influence of humans is fundamental to control and prevent the disease. The main goal of this study was i) to determine whether the motivations and barriers perceived by farmers can explain the variation in the BTSCC, ii) to evaluate the farmer mindset about the business future and, iii) if the needs of dairy farms employees are being met. Thus, a study was conducted at 75 dairy farms in southern Brazil. Data collection was conducted through interviews with farmers end employees using a survey based on open questions and Likert scale answers. All surveys were given by the same researcher. Fogg Behavioral Model (FBM) was used to study the farmer mindset and Maslow\'s Motivation Theory was used to study employee\'s engagement. In statistical analysis, structural equation models and descriptive analyzes were used. Through the results found is possible to conclude that variations in BTSCC can be explained by the motivations and barriers perceived by farmers and that the Fogg Behavioral Model (FBM) used in this study can be used to explain the influence of human behaviors towards mastitis control. In addition, it is possible to conclude that dairy farmers in the study area have no positive mindset regarding the company\'s future and are unmotivated with the dairy business. Regarding the employees, they are unmotivated and there is a barrier of communication between the farmer and the employee, because the farmer does not know what her or his employees most valorize. Finally, this study showed that consulting companies focused on improving the milk quality should also pay attention to the human factor through the study of farmer mindset and employee\'s engagement.
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Den potentiella människan : En undersökning av teorier om självförverkligande / The Potential Human : A Study of Theories of Self-realizationNilsson, Staffan January 2005 (has links)
<p>“What characterizes an acceptable theory of self-realization?” The thrust of the present dissertation is towards seeking an answer to this central problem, which stems from the fundamental human experience that life involves change, and that in a modern society such change is often expected to be towards a realization of potentials and the good life for the individual. </p><p>The dissertation has a three-fold purpose. The first is to clarify the content of five modern theories of self-realization from three academic fields. The theories are those of the psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, the philosophers Charles Taylor and Alan Gewirth, and the theologians Reinhold Niebuhr and Bernard Lonergan. These are methodologically studied by the help of seven analytical questions. The second purpose is to perform a lengthwise comparatative analysis of the five theories, the results of which lead to the third; namely to critically discuss several elements of the reality of human life which have proven to be missing or supressed in much of the material.</p><p>The theoretical framework for the dissertation runs along two axes: one concerns what is developed as a distinction between internalism and relationalism, and the other is to cast a critical light on the lack of attention paid by the the theories of self-realization to experiences which run counter to optimistic ideas of individual development, such as death, loss and dependence. </p><p>The dissertation concludes with an outline for a constructive position based on the necessity of a theory’s closeness to experience, and on the need for reconcilitation of what may seem to be unabridgeble in human life. A theory of self-realization must do more than formulate positive conditions for change. It must also take into consideration conditions that are not directly related to, and sometimes even run contrary to, realization of the self.</p>
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Den potentiella människan : En undersökning av teorier om självförverkligande / The Potential Human : A Study of Theories of Self-realizationNilsson, Staffan January 2005 (has links)
“What characterizes an acceptable theory of self-realization?” The thrust of the present dissertation is towards seeking an answer to this central problem, which stems from the fundamental human experience that life involves change, and that in a modern society such change is often expected to be towards a realization of potentials and the good life for the individual. The dissertation has a three-fold purpose. The first is to clarify the content of five modern theories of self-realization from three academic fields. The theories are those of the psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, the philosophers Charles Taylor and Alan Gewirth, and the theologians Reinhold Niebuhr and Bernard Lonergan. These are methodologically studied by the help of seven analytical questions. The second purpose is to perform a lengthwise comparatative analysis of the five theories, the results of which lead to the third; namely to critically discuss several elements of the reality of human life which have proven to be missing or supressed in much of the material. The theoretical framework for the dissertation runs along two axes: one concerns what is developed as a distinction between internalism and relationalism, and the other is to cast a critical light on the lack of attention paid by the the theories of self-realization to experiences which run counter to optimistic ideas of individual development, such as death, loss and dependence. The dissertation concludes with an outline for a constructive position based on the necessity of a theory’s closeness to experience, and on the need for reconcilitation of what may seem to be unabridgeble in human life. A theory of self-realization must do more than formulate positive conditions for change. It must also take into consideration conditions that are not directly related to, and sometimes even run contrary to, realization of the self.
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Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus? / Does Private Military Companies represent a threat or an asset to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding re-recruitment with the focus on the soldiers of FS21?Pärnering, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers’ attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees. Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I’m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions. The soldiers and squad leaders isfurther referred to as “the soldiers”. These soldiers were consisting of 59 males and femaleswhich were in the final stage of the preparation for their Afghanistan tour. The name of thetour is FS21. Result: According to the survey a great number of respondent soldiers claimed they wouldleave the Swedish Armed Forces in order to be employed in a PMC if the salary would proveto be better. The things that were most important to the soldiers were the colleagues and a funjob as well as the closest in command. After that the salary was vital. At the bottom,according to the soldiers, was an ethical and fair job which would be highly valued in the eyesof the public. According to the statements made by the soldiers the main reasons to stay in theArmed Forces was the group cohesion, the fellowship, the friends and the closet in command.It’s not about the Armed Forces as a department or an employer, it’s the colleagues. Conclusion: This doesn’t collide with van Doorns theory1, it merely enhance the statementwhich van Doorn expresses; that the abandonment of the conscript system will force the statemanagement out on the labour market embossed by a harsh competition of the working force.In lack of possibility to measure up with the civil salary capacity the consequence could fairlybe that the troops are recruited from marginalized groups, which threatens the Armed Forcescapacity. This could also mean that the Armed Forces train and educate individuals frommarginalized groups, as well as the ordinary male or female, and of a sudden they are mostattractive at the civil sector which appreciate military skills and knowledge and se it assomething they could benefit from.This request that the Swedish Armed Forces have an ambition to keep the soldiers it educate,a more active work in keeping the soldiers in the own organisation – merely by meeting theneeds of the soldiers. It is a constant necessitate re-recruiting every day, not when thecontracts reaches its due date. / Ämne: Självständigt arbete i Krigsvetenskap (15HP) som behandlar frågan huruvida PrivataMilitära Företag är en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällandeåterrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus. Med återrekrytering menas förnyelse avkontrakt som löper mot sitt slut.Det som undersöks är bland annat den generella inställningen hos soldater som har gjortmilitärtjänst enligt det gamla värnpliktssystemet och nu är anställda med målsättning attgenomföra utlandsmission med Afghanistan som operationsområde. Vidare undersöks derasinställning till Försvarsmaktens personalpolitik samt deras inställning till den privata sektornsom vill/kan dra nytta av kompetensen som soldaterna besitter. Skulle dessa soldater kunnatänka sig att lämna Försvarsmakten till förmån för privata företag som säger sig kunna lösaliknande uppgifter, och detta innan kontraktet med Försvarsmakten löpt ut? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap om inställningen hos anställdasoldater ur FS21. Hur är deras inställning till Privata Militära Företag? Vidare att undersökaom Försvarsmakten, enligt dessa soldater, erbjuder dem det som önskas/anses skäligt för attinte lämna sin anställning till förmån för PMF och därigenom klargöra vad det är soldaternavärderar som anställd. Genomförande, Metod, Material: Metoden jag nyttjat mig av är en respondentundersökninggenom en enkät. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts där soldater och gruppchefer har svaratpå frågorna. Soldaterna och gruppcheferna benämns genom uppsatsen som enbart”soldaterna”. Dessa soldater utgjordes av 59 män och kvinnor som då var i slutskedet på sinutbildning och i sina förberedelser för utlandsmission till Afghanistan. Missionens benämningär FS21. Resultat: Genom enkätundersökningen påpekade väldigt många av de tillfrågade soldaternaatt de skulle lämna Försvarsmakten för att istället ta anställning inom ett PMF om lönenvisade sig vara bättre. Det som var viktigast för soldaterna var arbetskamrater och ett roligtjobb samt den närmaste chefen. Därefter var lönen att betrakta som vital. På näst sista platshamnade enligt soldaterna ett etiskt och korrekt arbete som i allmänhetens ögon är högtvärderat. Enligt de uttalanden som soldaterna gjort i fritextsvaren så är det främstgruppsammanhållningen, samhörigheten, kamraterna och den närmsta chefen som äranledningen till att stanna. Det är inte Försvarsmakten som myndighet eller arbetsgivare i sig,utan kollegorna. Slutsatser: Detta krockar inte med van Doorns teori2, utan snarare förstärker det påståendetsom van Doorn uttrycker om att övergivandet av värnpliktssystemet medför att statsledningentvingas ut på en arbetsmarknad präglad av en hård konkurrens om arbetskraften. I brist avmöjligheter att följa de civila lönetrenderna kan följderna bli att manskapet kan komma attrekryteras ur marginaliserade grupper och därigenom äventyra försvarskraften. Det kan ävenbetyda att Försvarsmakten tränar upp och utbildar individer ur marginaliserade grupper, tillikasom gemene man och kvinna, så att dessa plötsligt blir attraktiva hos den civila sektorn somser soldaternas kunskap och militära färdigheter som något de kan dra nytta av.Det krävs av Försvarsmakten att det finns en ambition att behålla de soldater som utbildas, ettmer aktivt arbete i att behålla soldaterna i de egna leden – främst genom att möta soldaternasbehov.Det är en ständig nödvändighet att återrekrytera varje dag, inte enbart när kontrakten börjarnärma sig sina slut.
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Developing a mentorship tool to improve work performance.Mashilo, Keitokile Hope. January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to find out if there is a mentorship
tool available to guide mentorship after merger; determine
effective mentoring techniques for improving work performance;
and develop an appropriate mentorship model for improving
work performance within tertiary institution . The main challenge
is that the National Department of Education started a process
of merging institutions of Higher Education. A number of tools
that will help to support these mergers are lacking. The case
study used was based on an in-depth analysis of events and
programmes culminating from the merger of the two institutions.
The Durban Institute of Technology in KwaZulu-Natal was
identified and selected because it is the first institution to result
in a merger. The documents selected provide the greatest
amount of data and the researcher knows which documents
deserve more attention than others. The following data sources
were selected: Technikon Natal and M L Sultan Technikon
merger documentation of 26 March 2002; Department of
Education National Plan for Higher Education of 2001 and
Andersen's Climate Survey Report on the Durban Institute of
Technology of 2002. The theory behind this mentoring tool is
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow's view of human needs in
the work place is described as self-actualization . This theory of human needs guided the development of the mentorship tool.
This is because employees who are mentored will achieve job
performance expected of them. Although a well implemented
mentoring programme can help with retention of staff, an
institution needs to be aware that it may foster an individual's
growth faster. Mentoring affects self-confidence and sense of
marketability among employees and may thus cause an
increase in market vulnerability. / Thesis (M.B.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.
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La imatge de l'home còsmic com arquetipus de la saviesa humana. (El rerafons simbòlic de la psicologia filosòfica d'Abraham Maslow)Birulés Pons, Joaquim 08 November 1991 (has links)
La tesi mostra la presència d'un rerefons simbòlic (el de la figura imaginària de l'home còsmic) en el model contemporani d' “home autorealitzat" que ens ofereix la psicologia filosòfica d'Abraham Maslow (USA, 1908-1970). Òbviament, existeix una certa “descosmització” d'aquest home universal i creador en la psicologia de Maslow, podríem dir que existeix una certa tendència a la secularització i a la psicologització que amaga el profund arrelament de l'home autorealitzat en el món simbòlic que genera les diverses imatges d'home còsmic. Per això mostrem, sota l'entramat conceptual d'una terminologia psicosocial, la presència d'una xarxa d'esquemes, imatges i símbols iaomorfes de la genèrica figura simbòlica de l'home còsmic. Aquesta figuració ens ofereix una imatge molt optimista de l'home i del seu entorn, fent palès que el sentit suprem de la funció simbòlica és l'eufemisme actuant com a “principi-esperança”, l'horitzó-de-sentit, mític, ideal. La “personalitat creadora", de Maslow, s'analitza a la llum de les mateixes línies d'interpretació simbòlica que serveixen per a llegir d'altres figuracions que són precedents històrics del genèric "home còsmic”, mostrant així determinats isomorfismes estructurals.
Què podem concloure després del trajecte que hem fet al llarg d'aquest estudi? En primer lloc, que les figuracions d'home còsmic triades com a mostra (Patañjali, Upanishads clàssics, A. Maslow) poden ser analitzades de manera central des d'una perspectiva simbòlica i a la llum de la que hem considerat la seva imatge metafòrica central. Alhora, que totes tres figuracions, tan inqüestionablement diferents i amb semàntiques filosòfiques tan diverses, poden ser llegides des d'un rerefons d'isomorfismes simbòlics que els confereix uns "mínims" comuns I la creença en una suposada naturalesa humana; l'anhel existencial -ràpidament simbolitzat- d'esdevenir una totalitat plena i harmoniosa; i la necessitat, per tal de refermar i aconseguir els dos punts esmentats, d'eufemitzar simbòlicament tot allò que hi ha a l'existència de dolor, limitació, particularitat, contingència.
Aquest objectiu simbòlic de les figuracions de l'home còsmic (que no és únic però sí el que a nosaltres ens interessa) pot ésser analitzat, en la seva realització, des d'unes línies simbòliques que hem aportat i utilitzat posant de manifest la seva fertilitat interpretadora: la línia caiguda-exaltació (que és objecte d'eufemització, perquè representa la limitació i la diferència); la línia impuls natural-activitat conscient, que és el fonament de la interiorització com a connexió amb la pròpia natura humana o potencial i que genera el predomini de les imatges del descens i en general del règim nocturn de la imaginació simbòlica; i la línia interiorització-expansió que ens mostra tota la gamma simbòlica de "l'espai de les vivències". Alhora, l'orientació de l'expansió genera l'ús d'imatges i esquemes de la imaginació simbòlica pertanyents a la verticalitat, al caràcter solar i, en general, al règim diürn de la imaginació, confirmant-nos en què el món simbòlic tendeix a relacionar-ho tot en un únic cercle significatiu, i que en això resideix la seva riquesa i la seva limitació: tendeix a la síntesi final i a la visió de conjunt.
En definitiva, al llarg del trajecte d'aquesta tesi hem vist com l'home còsmic, en tant que símbol humà per excel.lència, ens posa de manifest els següents punts:
1.- Una reflexió sobre l'àmbit simbòlic, les seves possibilitats, funcions i limitacions.
2.- Queda mostrat l'home còsmic com a projecció simbòlica del nostre anhel d'una totalitat que no som, però a la qual hi tendim.
3.- El simbolisme de l'home còsmic apunta a la transcendència, allò que no es pot nomenar ni "posar damunt la taula".
4.- En aquest món simbòlic es desenvolupa un espai imaginari, unitari i complet, on tot està relacionat i on és possible realitzar allò impossible (la utopia).
5.- Se'ns mostra un catàleg variat de maneres d'eufemitzar, posant de relleu la funció eufèmica com la funció per excel.lència de la imaginació simbòlica.
6.- En tant que horitzó utòpic de sentit, emmarca, impulsa i orienta projectes vitals, individuals o socials, d'autotransformació o/i de canvi social.
7.- Alhora, aquesta utopia és font de tota una diversitat de dissenys axiològics possibles (amb les seves implicacions filosòfiques).
8.- Ens posa de relleu que darrera els horitzons utòpics de sentit alena, no sols l'eufemisme pur, sinó també el "principi esperança". És a dir, si l'home és un "animal simbòlic" vol dir que mai no podrà/voldrà renunciar a l'esperança.
9.- La psicologia filosòfica d'Abraham Maslow és un testimoni contemporani d'aquesta tendència humana cap al valor totalitzador i els horitzons de sentit, així com cap a l'esperança i l'esforç envers la transformació o millora de l'home. Aquesta recerca de l'home autorealitzat, o universal i creatiu, conté i implica mixtificacions i paranys, però també, per què no?, esperances. / The thesis proves the presence of a symbolical background (that of the imaginary figure of the cosmic man) in the contemporary model of the "self-realized man” as shown in the psychological philosophy of Abraham Maslow {USA, 1908-1970).There is undeniably a certain "descosmiczation" of this “universal man” and creator in Maslow's psychology. We could date that there is a tendency towards secularizing and psychologizing that lies behind the symbolical world where the self-realized man is rooted, thus generating the various images of the cosmic man. We hence prove that under the conceptual framework of a psychological terminology, there lies the presence of an actual network of schemes, images and isotope symbols of the generic and symbolical figure of the cosmic man. This figure as such, casts a very optimistic picture of man and his environment, clearly showing that the ultimate meaning of the symbolical function is euphemism, acting as an "auspicious principle", the mythical and ideal perspective of meaningfulness. Maslow's "creative personality" is herein analysed by the light of the very lines of symbolical interpretation used to interpret other earlier figurations, forerunners of the generic "cosmic man”, thus showing certain structural isomorphisms.
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Impacto da mentalidade do produtor e do engajamento dos funcionários sobre a qualidade do leite / Farmer mindset and employees engagement impact on milk qualityLarissa Nazareth de Freitas 23 September 2016 (has links)
A mastite é uma das principais doenças enfrentadas por produtores de leite do mundo todo. Um dos indicadores que está diretamente relacionado com a doença no rebanho é a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Estudos recentes mostram que um dos fatores de risco associados à mastite é o homem. Isto é, fatores relacionados às práticas de manejo, gestão da propriedade e às características pessoais do produtor, como personalidade, atitude, crenças, intenções, habilidades, conhecimentos e outras são importantes, além do engajamento dos funcionários. Dessa forma, entender a influência do homem é fundamental para o controle e a prevenção da mastite. O objetivo deste trabalho foi i) verificar se as motivações e barreiras percebidas pelo produtor rural podem explicar a variação da (CCS) do tanque em fazendas de leite, ii) avaliar a mentalidade do produtor de leite com relação ao futuro do próprio negócio e, iii) se as necessidades dos funcionários de fazendas produtoras de leite estão sendo atendidas. Para isso, um estudo foi conduzido em 75 propriedades de leite da região sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com os produtores e funcionários, utilizando um questionário composto por perguntas abertas e com respostas na escala Likert. Todos os questionários foram aplicados pelo mesmo pesquisador. Para o estudo da mentalidade do produtor foi utilizado o Modelo Comportamental Fogg (MCF) e, para o estudo do engajamento dos funcionários, foi utilizada a Teoria de Motivação de Maslow. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os modelos de equações estruturais e análises descritivas. Pelos resultados encontrados é possível concluir que a variação da CCS do tanque é explicada pelas motivações e barreiras percebidas pelos produtores, ou ainda, que o Modelo Comportamental Fogg (MCF) pode ser usado para explicar a influência do homem sobre a mastite. Além disso, é possível concluir que os produtores de leite não possuem mentalidade positiva com relação ao futuro do negócio e estão desmotivados com a atividade leiteira. Com relação aos funcionários, estes não estão engajados e existe uma grande barreira de comunicação entre produtor e funcionário, pois o produtor de leite não sabe o que o seu funcionário valoriza. Por fim, este estudo permite concluir que, empresas de consultoria que trabalham com a melhoria da qualidade do leite, deveriam focar também no fator humano através do estudo da mentalidade do produtor e do engajamento dos funcionários. / Mastitis is a major disease faced by dairy farmers worldwide. One of the indicators directly related to the prevalence of the disease in the herd is the bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC). Recent studies showed that one of the risk factors associated with mastitis is the human factor. That is, factors related to management practices, farm management and personal characteristics of the farmer, such as personality, attitude, beliefs, intentions, skills, knowledge and others are important, besides to employee\'s engagement. Therefore, to understand the influence of humans is fundamental to control and prevent the disease. The main goal of this study was i) to determine whether the motivations and barriers perceived by farmers can explain the variation in the BTSCC, ii) to evaluate the farmer mindset about the business future and, iii) if the needs of dairy farms employees are being met. Thus, a study was conducted at 75 dairy farms in southern Brazil. Data collection was conducted through interviews with farmers end employees using a survey based on open questions and Likert scale answers. All surveys were given by the same researcher. Fogg Behavioral Model (FBM) was used to study the farmer mindset and Maslow\'s Motivation Theory was used to study employee\'s engagement. In statistical analysis, structural equation models and descriptive analyzes were used. Through the results found is possible to conclude that variations in BTSCC can be explained by the motivations and barriers perceived by farmers and that the Fogg Behavioral Model (FBM) used in this study can be used to explain the influence of human behaviors towards mastitis control. In addition, it is possible to conclude that dairy farmers in the study area have no positive mindset regarding the company\'s future and are unmotivated with the dairy business. Regarding the employees, they are unmotivated and there is a barrier of communication between the farmer and the employee, because the farmer does not know what her or his employees most valorize. Finally, this study showed that consulting companies focused on improving the milk quality should also pay attention to the human factor through the study of farmer mindset and employee\'s engagement.
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Die sistematies-teologiese betekenis van menslike behoeftes (Afrikaans)Pauw, Christiaan Johannes 29 September 2006 (has links)
This study analysis the concept of human needs form a systematic theological perspective. The definition of human needsis formulated to include the element of deficiency as well as the element of potential The study is divided in three parts according to the author’s definition of the task of systematic theology as coherent articulation of the Christian faith, the apologetic defense of the Christian faith against competing truth claims and the establishment of guidelines for the practical work of the church. According to this definition of the task of systematic theology, the study is divided into three parts. Part one analyses some of the classical loci of dogmatics for their implications for a Christian perspective on human needs. The doctrines of God, creation, Christ and salvation, the Spirit and the church as well as the doctrine of sin are analysed here. Special attention is paid to theological anthropology by analyzing the contributions of Karl Barth and Wolfhart Pannenberg in this regard. Part two analyses the origins and factual basis for the popular claims that a hierarchy of needs exist and that people have infinite needs. Serious deficiencies are found in Maslow’s theory of the pre-potency of needs. The contribution of Max-Neref, especially his distinction between needs and satisfies, facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the subject. As a conclusion to this part the results of part one and two are used to give a short outline of a Christian perspective on human needs. Humans need God as the basic ground and purpose of their existence. The presence of God is both mediated and presupposed by the fundamental need for other people. All human needs have a material basis. Human needs should be thought of as a network and not as a hierarchy. Here the symbolic needs facilitates the integration of the person while the material needs maintain the basis on which integration takes place People do not have infinite needs but needs the Infinite One. The third part provides clarity of what the concepts holistic and relevant mean for Christian ministry. / Thesis (DD (Dogmatics and Christian Ethics))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
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