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[pt] Sistemas de Medição de desempenho (SMDs) vem ganhando crescente destaque nos ambientes corporativo e acadêmico, tornando-se uma importante ferramenta para a gestão de operações. Contudo, ainda há uma carência de estudos de SMD contemplando a indústria automotiva, em particular, em elos específicos de sua cadeia de suprimentos como os associados aos terminais de veículos em áreas portuárias. A literatura acadêmica também carece de mais estudos com evidências empíricas sobre a aplicabilidade dos SMDs que, em sua maioria, concentram-se em metodologias de estudo de caso ou surveys. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação é desenhar um SMD, com foco no conjunto de
indicadores de desempenho, para as operações de um terminal de veículos localizado no porto do Rio de Janeiro. A presente dissertação utiliza o método empírico de pesquisa-ação e apresenta as lições aprendidas no desenho do SMD que culminou no desenvolvimento de um Painel de Bordo experimental, abastecido com seis meses de dados reais. O SMD forneceu suporte a alta administração para tomadas de decisão, além de corroborar questões chaves da literatura referentes ao desenvolvimento do SMD, como a importância do apoio da alta administração, mitigação dos efeitos das limitações dos sistemas de informação, clareza e simplicidade no desenho do SMD de maneira que seja evitado o excesso de
indicadores de desempenho no sistema. / [en] Performance Measurement Systems (PMSs) have gained increasing prominence in the corporate and academic environments, becoming an essential tool for operations management. However, there is still a lack of PMSs studies contemplating the automotive industry, particularly, in specific links of its supply
chain such as those associated with vehicle terminals in port areas. The academic literature also lacks more studies with empirical evidence on the applicability of PMS, which mostly focuses on case study methodologies or surveys. Within this context, the objective of this dissertation is to design a PMS, focusing on the set of performance indicators, for the operations of a vehicle s terminal located in the port of Rio de Janeiro. This dissertation uses the empirical action-research method and presents the lessons learned in the design of the PMS, which culminated in the development of an experimental Maple Panel, supplied with six months of real data. The PMS provided support to top management for decision making, in addition to
corroborating key issues in the literature regarding, like highlighting the importance of support from top management, mitigating the effects of the limitations of information systems, clarity and simplicity in the design of SMD in order to avoid excessive performance indicators in the system.
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Design and Implementation of the SAX, a Robotic Measurement System for On-Chip Antennas at 140-325 GHzPontusson, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
There is currently a demand of mm‑wave on‑chip antennas to enable all kinds of new applications in several different areas. But the development requires, among other things, special equipment used during the measurement phase due to the small dimensions and the high frequencies. In this project a robotic measurement system, SAX (Single Arm eXtra), was designed and constructed at Micro and Nanosystems (MST) department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). The purpose of the SAX is to enable radiation pattern measurements of on‑chip antennas ( 140 GHz to 325 GHz ), whether the boresight is vertical or horizontal along with other requirements, by moving a converter with the measurement antenna around the antenna in question. Several alternative designs for the basic construction, both from other works and invented by the author, were analyzed based on the requirements for this project and other limitations. The chosen unique design, the SAX, is very compact and uses only one stepper motor. Several parts have been developed in this project to ensure the proper functionality of the SAX. That includes a main operator program, a motor input signal generating program, a motor input signal executing system, a security system, and a system for controlled rotation of the SAX. For the input signal to the motor two different algorithms to generate the time delays were developed and tested. They were adapted to make the motor manage the sweeps of an ever‑changing load with high inertia during acceleration and deceleration. One of them was developed to make the time delay array generation much more efficient albeit with larger approximation error. The SAX worked well and should be rather easy‑to‑use regarding the operation of the system, from the physical maneuvering to utilizing the sub‑systems to the running of the main operator program. It fulfilled the specific requirements by enable a cross pattern measurement from -60° to +60° both from above and from the side, adjustment of the radius between 15cm to 45cm , adjustment 10cm in height, to be rotated along the floor in steps of 1°, measurement steps of 1° with an accuracy of less than 0,5° (the largest error was measured to be ≤ 0,461°). However, some calibration work needs to be done before the optimal performance of the system is reached. As a verification of the operation of the system data from measurements of open‑ended waveguides was presented. / Det finns en efterfrågan på chipantenner för millimetervågor eftersom de kan möjliggöra allehanda produkter inom flera olika områden. Forskningen på dessa ställer dock bl.a. speciella krav på utrustning som används under testmätningsfasen p.g.a. de små dimensionerna och den höga frekvensen. I detta projekt har ett robotsystem, SAX (Single Arm eXtra), utformats och konstruerats på avdelningen för Mikro- och nanosystem på KTH. Syftet med SAX är att mäta högfrekventa chipantenner ( 140 GHz till 325 GHz ) genom att förflytta en frekvensomvandlare med tillhörande mätantenn i en cirkulär bana runt antennen ifråga, oavsett om den är riktad vertikalt eller horisontellt och givet andra kravspecifikationer. Flera designalternativ för den grundläggande konstruktionen, både från andras arbeten och framtagna av författaren själv, har analyserats utifrån kravspecifikation för detta projekt och andra begränsningar. Den valda unika designen, SAX, är väldigt kompakt och använder sig bara av en stegmotor. För att möjliggöra funktionen i den slutgiltiga produkten har flera delar tagits fram vilka inkluderar ett operatörsprogram, ett program för genererandet av motorstyrsignaler, ett program för motorstyrning, ett säkerhetssystem och ett rotationssystem för kontrollerad rotation av SAX. För genererandet av motorstyrsignaler i form av tidsfördröjda pulser framtogs två olika algoritmer. De ger anpassade accelerations- och retardationssignaler för att motorn ska klara av att förflytta en föränderlig last med stor tröghet. En av dessa framtogs med syfte att mycket effektivt generera pulstiderna om än med större approximationsfel. SAX fungerade tillfredsställande och torde vara ganska lättanvänd med tanke på vad systemet kräver av operatören, från att fysiskt manövrera systemet till att använda delsystemen till att använda operatörsprogrammet. Systemet uppfyllde de givna specifika kraven genom att möjliggöra mätningar i form av ett kryssmönster från -60° till +60° både ovanifrån och från sidan, radiejustering från 15cm till 45cm , höjdjustering över 10cm , rotation över golvet i steg om 1° , mätningar i steg om 1° med en noggrannhet på 0,5° (den största avvikelsen uppmättes till ≤ 0,461°). Vidare kalibrering behöver dock utföras för att utnyttja den fulla potentialen hos konstruktionen. För att verifiera funktionsdugligheten för systemet presenterades data från mätningar gjorda på öppna vågledare.
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Evaluation of the Automated Laser Rut Measurement System Used by the Ohio Department of TransportationHoffman, Bradley R. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Power Systems Frequency Dynamic Monitoring System Design and ApplicationsZhong, Zhian 25 August 2005 (has links)
Recent large-scale blackouts revealed that power systems around the world are far from the stability and reliability requirement as they suppose to be. The post-event analysis clarifies that one major reason of the interconnection blackout is lack of wide area information. Frequency dynamics is one of the most important parameters of an electrical power system. In order to understand power system dynamics effectively, accurately measured wide-area frequency is needed. The idea of building an Internet based real-time GPS synchronized wide area Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) was proposed to provide the imperative dynamic information for the large-scale power grids and the implementation of FNET has made the synchronized observations of the entire US power network possible for the first time. The FNET system consists of Frequency Disturbance Recorders (FDR), which work as the sensor devices to measure the real-time frequency at 110V single-phase power outlets, and an Information Management System (IMS) to work as a central server to process the frequency data. The device comparison between FDR and commercial PMU (Phasor Measurement Unit) demonstrate the advantage of FNET. The web visualization tools make the frequency data available for the authorized users to browse through Internet.
The research work addresses some preliminary observations and analyses with the field-measured frequency information from FNET. The original algorithms based on the frequency response characteristic are designed to process event detection, localization and unbalanced power estimation during frequency disturbances. The analysis of historical cases illustrate that these algorithms can be employed in real-time level to provide early alarm of abnormal frequency change to the system operator. The further application is to develop an adaptive under frequency load shedding scheme with the processed information feed in to prevent further frequency decline in power systems after disturbances causing dangerous imbalance between the load and generation. / Ph. D.
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High Accuracy Real-time GPS Synchronized Frequency Measurement Device for Wide-area Power Grid MonitoringXu, Chunchun 04 May 2006 (has links)
Frequency dynamics is one of the most important signals of a power system, and it is an indicator of imbalance between generation and load in the system. The Internet-based real-time GPS-synchronized wide-area Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) was proposed to provide imperative frequency dynamics information for a variety of system-wide monitoring, analysis and control applications. The implementation of FNET has for the first time made the synchronized observation of the entire U.S. power network possible with very little cost.
The FNET is comprised of many Frequency Disturbance Recorders (FDR) geographically dispersed throughout the U.S. and an Information Management System (IMS), currently located at Virginia Tech. The FDR works as a sensor, which performs local measurements and transmits calculations of frequency, voltage magnitude and voltage angle to the remote servers via the Internet. Compared with its commercial counterpart Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), FDR provides less expensive version for networked high-resolution real-time synchronized. The improved single phase algorithm in the FDRs made it possible to measure at 110V level which is much more challenging than PMUs due to the noise involved at this level.
This research work presents the challenges and issues of both software and hardware design for the novel measurement device FDR, which is one of the devices with the highest dynamic precision for power system frequency measurement. The DFT-based Phasor Angle Analysis algorithm has been improved to make sure the high-resolution measuring FDRs are installed at residential voltage outlets, instead of substation high-voltage inputs. An embedded 12-channel timing GPS receiver has been integrated to provide an accurate timing synchronization signal, UTC time stamp, and unit location. This research work also addresses the harmonics, voltage swing and other noise components' impacts on the measurement results, and the optimized design of filters and a coherent sampling scheme to reduce or eliminate those impacts. The verification test results show that the frequency measurement accuracy of the FDR is within +/-0.0005Hz, and the time synchronization error is within +/-500ns with suitable GPS antenna installation. The preliminary research results show the measurement accuracy and real-time performance of the FDR are satisfactory for a variety of FNET applications, such as disturbance identification and event location triangulation. / Ph. D.
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Measured and Modeled Time and Angle Dispersion Characteristics of the 1.8 GHz Peer-to-Peer Radio ChannelPatwari, Neal 08 May 1999 (has links)
In an extensive outdoor propagation study, low antenna heights of 1.7 m are used at both the transmitter and the receiver to measure over 3500 wideband power-delay profiles (PDPs) of the channel for a peer-to-peer communications system. Rural and urban areas are studied in 22 different transmitter-receiver links. The results are used to characterize the narrowband path loss, mean delay, root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread, and timing jitter of the peer-to-peer wideband channel. Small-scale fading characteristics are measured in detail by measuring and analyzing 160 PDPs within each local area. This thesis shows the measurement setup for the calculation of fading rate variance and angular spread and reports the first known attempt to calculate angular spread from track power measurements. New analysis presented in this thesis shows the effect of measurement error in the calculation of angular spread. The expected characteristics of angular spread are derived using two different angle-of-arrival (AOA) models from the literature. Measurement results show initial validation of Durgin's angular spread theory. A new measurement-based algorithm for simulating wideband fading processes is developed and implemented. This simulation technique shows promise in the simulation of high-bit rate peer-to-peer radio communication systems. / Master of Science
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Mesure de la performance dans les organisations de réadaptation en déficience physiqueZidarov, Diana 08 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à évaluer le degré d’implantation et d’utilisation de systèmes de mesure de la performance (SMP) par les décideurs des organisations de réadaptation et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant influencé leur implantation. Pour ce faire, une étude de cas multiples a été réalisée comprenant deux sources de données: des entrevues individuelles avec des cadres supérieurs des organisations de réadaptation du Québec et des documents organisationnels. Le cadre conceptuel Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research a été utilisé pour guider la collecte et l’analyse des données. Une analyse intra-cas ainsi qu’une analyse inter-cas ont été réalisées.
Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de préparation organisationnelle à l’implantation d’un SMP était élevé et que les SMP ont été implantés avec succès et utilisés de plusieurs façons. Les organisations les ont utilisés de façon passive (comme outil d’information), de façon ciblée (pour tenter d’améliorer des domaines sous-performants) et de façon politique (comme outil de négociation auprès des autorités gouvernementales).
Cette utilisation diversifiée des SMP est suscitée par l’interaction complexe de facteurs provenant du contexte interne propre à chaque organisation, des caractéristiques du SMP, du processus d’implantation appliqué et du contexte externe dans lequel évoluent ces organisations.
Au niveau du contexte interne, l’engagement continu et le leadership de la haute direction ont été décisifs dans l’implantation du SMP de par leur influence sur l’identification du besoin d’un SMP, l’engagement des utilisateurs visés dans le projet, la priorité organisationnelle accordée au SMP ainsi que les ressources octroyées à son implantation, la qualité des communications et le climat d’apprentissage organisationnel. Toutefois, même si certains de ces facteurs, comme les ressources octroyées à l’implantation, la priorité organisationnelle du SMP et le climat d’apprentissage se sont révélés être des barrières à l’implantation, ultimement, ces barrières n’étaient pas suffisamment importantes pour entraver l’utilisation du SMP.
Cette étude a également confirmé l’importance des caractéristiques du SMP, particulièrement la perception de qualité et d’utilité de l’information. Cependant, à elles seules, ces caractéristiques sont insuffisantes pour assurer le succès d’implantation.
Cette analyse d’implantation a également révélé que, même si le processus d’implantation ne suit pas des étapes formelles, un plan de développement du SMP, la participation et l’engagement des décideurs ainsi que la désignation d’un responsable de projet ont tous facilité son implantation. Cependant, l’absence d’évaluation et de réflexion collective sur le processus d’implantation a limité le potentiel d’apprentissage organisationnel, un prérequis à l’amélioration de la performance.
Quant au contexte externe, le soutien d’un organisme externe s’est avéré un facilitateur indispensable pour favoriser l’implantation de SMP par les organisations de réadaptation malgré l’absence de politiques et incitatifs gouvernementaux à cet effet.
Cette étude contribue à accroître les connaissances sur les facteurs contextuels ainsi que sur leurs interactions dans l’utilisation d’innovations tels les SMP et confirme l’importance d’aborder l’analyse de l’implantation avec une perspective systémique. / This thesis aims to assess the degree of implementation and use of performance measurement systems (PMS) by decision makers in rehabilitation organizations and to understand the contextual factors that influenced their implementation. A multiple case study was conducted using two data sources: individual interviews with senior executives in rehabilitation organizations from the province of Quebec and organizational documents. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research was used to guide the collection and analysis of data. Intra-case analysis and a cross case analysis were conducted.
Our results show that organisational readiness for PMS implementation was high and that the PMS was successfully implemented and used in several ways, based on organizational needs. Organizations used them passively (as an information tool), purposefully (to act on underperforming areas) and politically (for negotiating with government authorities).
This diverse use of PMS is the result of complex interactions between factors from the internal context of each organization, PMS characteristics, the implementation process and the external environment in which these organizations operate.
Within the internal context, the continued commitment and leadership of senior management were decisive in implementing the PMS through their influence on the identification of the need for a PMS, users’ engagement, organizational priority given to the PMS, resources allocation to its implementation, quality of communications and organizational learning climate. However, even if factors such as resources allocated to the implementation, organizational priority of the PMS and the learning climate were found to be barriers to its implementation, ultimately, these barriers were not important enough to hinder PMS use.
This study also confirmed the importance of PMS characteristics, particularly the perception of quality and usefulness of the information. However, by themselves, these characteristics are insufficient to ensure implementation success.
This implementation analysis also revealed that although the implementation process did not follow formal stages, a PMS development plan, participation and commitment of decision makers and the appointment of a project leader all facilitated implementation of the PMS. However, the lack of evaluation and collective reflection on the implementation process limited the potential for organizational learning, a prerequisite for performance improvement.
As for the external context, the support of an external organization proved to be an essential enabler for PMS implementation by rehabilitation organizations despite the absence of governmental policies and incentives to do so.
This study contributes to increasing knowledge about the contextual factors and their interactions in the implementation of innovations such as PMS and confirms the importance of addressing implementation analysis with a systemic perspective.
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Ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver Tastspulen / A method to improve the properties of magneto-inductive coilsHeidary Dastjerdi, Maral 06 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Magnetisch-induktive Techniken finden seit langer Zeit viele Anwendungsfelder in der Medizin, Sicherheitstechnik und der Industrie. Obwohl die technischen Grundlagen seit vielen Jahrzehnten bekannt sind, werden auf Basis detaillierter Analysen spezielle Lösungsansätze verfolgt, die neuartiges Anwendungspotential erschließen sollen. Dazu dienen verbesserte Werkzeuge wie Computersimulationen und analytische Berechnungen sowie neu kombinierte Methoden und Aufbauten aus Leistungselektronik und Signaldetektion.
Die Vorteile magnetisch-induktiver Techniken sind dabei u.a., dass sie das Prüfobjekt nicht schädigen, berührungslos arbeiten, robust gegenüber Verschmutzungen und einfach im Aufbau sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Technik ist die unzureichende Auflösung von feinen Strukturen.
In der aktuellen Forschung und Entwicklung werden unterschiedliche Spulenanordnungen zur Anwendung in industriellen und medizinischen Fragestellungen untersucht und optimiert. Thema dieser Arbeit ist es, durch Verbesserung der Spuleneigenschaften, neue Anwendungsbereiche für die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung zu erschließen. Es wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver Tastspulen zu verbessern und so den Aufwand bei der Signalverarbeitung zur Rekonstruktion im Rechner zu reduzieren sowie die Auflösung zu erhöhen. Dazu werden zwei Spulenanordnungen, Transmissions - Tastspulen und Gradiometer - Tastspulen, vergleichend gegenübergestellt und ihre technischen Grenzen aufgezeigt. / Magneto-inductive techniques are found in many fields of application areas so in medicine, security technology and industry. Although the technical basis has been known for many decades, special solutions are pursued on the basis of detailed analysis that should open new application potential. These are enhanced tools such as computer simulations, analytical calculations, new combined methods and structures of power electronics and signal detection.
The advantages of magneto-inductive techniques are that they do not damage the test object, are contactless, robust against dirt and simple in construction. A disadvantage of this technique is the insufficient resolution of fine structures.
In current research and development different coil assemblies are investigated in industrial and medical applications. The aim of this work is to improve the coil properties by changing geometric constructions and current patterns of the coils, in order to allow a sharper localization of objects in space and to tap new application areas for non-destructive testing. A method to improve the properties of magneto-inductive coils and thus to reduce the effort in signal processing and image reconstruction as well as to increase the resolution is presented. Two different coil assemblies, gradiometer – coils and transmission – coils, are compared and their technical limits shown.
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Mensuração de desempenho: uma proposta de melhoria à metodologia do "Balanced Score Card" / Performance measurement: a proposal of improvement to the methodology of the Balanced Score CardSantos, José Francisco dos 11 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-11 / nenhum / The present moment induces to the adoption, by the companies, of a system of performance management, which considers the market competitiveness and the strategies chosen by the companies, in order to achieve its objectives inside the market. The performance measures, when interrelate mission, strategy, targets and process analysis of the company, guided by the customer satisfaction on products and services provided, become a fundamental factor to manage the organizations.
This dissertation has the objective of proposing an improvement of the model of process performance measurement based on the Balanced Score Card model, aimed to contribute on how to operating the model and, at the same time, present a simulation application of the model to an economic segment of business.
This work, based on the theoretical system of BSC, presents a proposal of an improved model which aims, as from the adoption of the fifth perspective, the use of the critical success factors of the company, together with the use of the key sectors laid down by the Management by Objectives, identify and structure its strategic indicators; besides, it establishes routines of continual updating of that structure, considering the tactical and strategic feedback.
The proposed model intends to be used by a company, belonging to the chemical distribution economic segment, inside the Brazilian market / O momento atual induz à adoção, pelas organizações, de um sistema de acompanhamento de desempenho que considere a competitividade do mercado e as estratégias estabelecidas pela empresa, para atingir seus objetivos neste mesmo mercado. As medidas de desempenho, ao associarem missão, estratégia, metas e análise de processos da empresa, dirigidas pela satisfação dos consumidores de seus produtos e serviços, tornam-se um fator fundamental para a gestão da organização.
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de propor um aprimoramento do Modelo de Medição de Desempenho de Processos, alicerçado no BSC Balanced Score Card , destinadas a contribuir para operacionalizar a implantação do modelo, e ao mesmo tempo, apresentar uma aplicação simulada do modelo melhorado para uma empresa de um setor econômico de negócios.
Este trabalho, embasado na sistemática teórica do BSC, apresenta uma proposta de modelo aprimorado que objetiva, a partir da adoção de uma quinta perspectiva, do uso dos fatores críticos de sucesso da empresa, conjugado com a utilização dos setores-chave preconizados pela Administração por Objetivos, identificar e estruturar os seus indicadores estratégicos, além de retratar mecanismos de contínua atualização desta estrutura, considerando as revisões táticas e estratégicas.
O modelo proposto é dirigido à implantação numa empresa do segmento econômico de distribuição de produtos químicos no mercado brasileiro
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Modelo de gestão orientado à economia circular e à melhoria de desempenho ambiental do ciclo de vida de produtos / Management model oriented to circular economy and improvement of environmental performance of life cycle of productsIritani, Diego Rodrigues 02 October 2017 (has links)
Os temas economia circular e gestão do ciclo de vida de produtos vem ganhando cada vez mais importância nos meios acadêmico e empresarial. Isso se deve a diversos fatores, como o risco de esgotamento de recursos naturais, o aumento do preço de commodities e um maior rigor das legislações. Fica cada vez mais evidente a necessidade de mudança do modelo linear para modelos circulares. Entretanto, a literatura carece de referências que auxiliem as organizações modificarem a gestão para atender essa necessidade. Apesar disso, são poucos os trabalhos que sistematizam as práticas e técnicas em modelos de referência para a gestão, fazendo com que as organizações não saibam por onde começar sua jornada rumo à economia circular. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor um modelo de gestão orientado à economia circular e à melhoria ambiental do ciclo de vida de produtos. O modelo em questão foi desenvolvido a partir de uma extensa revisão da literatura sobre os temas gestão do ciclo de vida, economia circular, sistemas de medição de desempenho e gestão ambiental. Os princípios, práticas e técnicas encontrados foram sistematizados na estrutura da ISO 14001:2015, resultando na primeira versão do modelo. Em seguida, o modelo foi avaliado por especialistas e profissionais da área de gestão ambiental, gestão do ciclo de vida e economia circular. Adicionalmente, foram realizados estudos de casos em empresas que adotam práticas de gestão do ciclo de vida e economia circular, com o intuito de se identificar novas práticas, instrumentos, além das barreiras que essas empresas enfrentam. Por fim, o modelo foi revisado e melhorado, resultado na versão final. O resultado desta pesquisa contribui para a teoria e prática de gestão organizacional, ao propor um modelo com práticas e técnicas, com base científica, ao passo que apresenta um guia para empresas inserirem práticas de gestão que suporte a transição para economia circular. / Circular economy and life cycle management have been have increasingly gained attention of researchers and practitioners. The risk of depletion of natural resources, the higher prices of commodities and strict laws are pushing companies towards a new way of doing business. The current linear model is no more suitable, but question like where and how to start this change have not yet been answered. There is a lack of studies that attempt to answer this question, especially regarding organizational management. This thesis aims to fill this gap by developing a management model oriented to circular economy and improvement of environmental performance of life cycle of products. The model was developed throughout an extensive literature review on life cycle management, circular economy, performance measurement and environmental management. The circular economy and life cycle management principles, practices and techniques were systemized into ISO 14001:2015 framework. Then, experts and practitioners evaluated the model answering a questionnaire. Next, cases studies were carried out in companies that adopt life cycle management and circular economy practices. The main purpose of cases studies was to identify circular economy and life cycle management practices and the main barriers to its implementation. Finally, the model were revised and improved. The management model contributes to literature, by framing practices and tools in phases and steps, while it presents a guide for companies to include circular economy and life cycle approach into business management.
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