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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Himlen, Havet & Riddaren : Fantasyillustrationer om mobbning och utanförskap

Bengtsson, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Information kring mobbing och utanförskap är viktig men kan ofta upplevas som torr och ointressant. Detta kandidatarbete utforskar fantasyillustrationer som ett sätt att hantera svårare ämnen genom berättande och underhållning. Jag har forskat kring berättande och fantasygenren som verktyg för att kunna diskutera svårare ämnen på ett mindre konfronterande och mer lättmottagligt sätt samt hur illustration kan användas som ett medium för att berätta. Detta har lett till min gestaltning, en fantasyberättelse om mobbning och utanförskap vid namn ”Himlen, Havet och Riddaren”. Jag har samarbetat med Lotusmodellen och deras Trygga Klassen arbete för att utveckla en berättelse och sedan genom en process av konceptarbete utvecklat karaktärer och en visuell värld av unga riddare på en ö i ett grönt hav. Jag har använt mig av storyboarding och ett flertal illustreringsbaserade berättarmetoder som färgmening och komposition för att skapa en berättelse som är tydlig trots att den saknar text eller berättare. Jag har testat och använt digitala illustrationsmetoder för att arbeta effektivt och hinna med ett stort arbete under kort tid. Resultatet är en video bestående av 36 illustrationer som tillsammans bildar en berättelse som visualiserar mobbing och utanförskap med ett positivt budskap och en stämning som förstärks med timing, ljudeffekter och musik. / Information about bullying and exclusion is important but can often be perceived as dry and uninteresting. This bachelor thesis explores fantasy illustrations as a way to deal with more difficult topics through storytelling and entertainment. I have researched storytelling and the fantasygenre as a tool for discussing more difficult topics in a less confrontational and more receptive way as well as how illustration can be used as a medium for storytelling. This has led to my design, a fantasy story about bullying and exclusion called “Himlen, Havet och Riddaren”. I have collaborated with Lotusmodellen and their Trygga Klassen work to develop a story and then through a process of concept art developed characters and a visual world of young knights on an island in a green sea. I have used storyboarding and a number of illustration-based storytelling methods such as colour meaning and composition to create a story that is clear even though it lacks text or narrator. I have tested and used digital illustration methods to work efficiently and get a great deal of work done in a short time. The result is a video consisting of 36 illustrations that together form a story that visualizes bullying and exclusion with a positive message and a mood that is enhanced with timing, sound effects and music.

The municipal challenges of the accessibility act : A study of the challenges in compliance with the Swedish act on accessibility to digital public service within Swedish municipalities

Westin, Mia January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization in society is going fast and was accelerated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. By this, many people's everyday tasks were transferred to digital environments. This meant in Sweden that most new internet users in 2020 were people over the age of 75 and people with different types of disabilities. Due to this increase in digitalization and all these new internet users, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance. Since September 2020, all Swedish municipalities' websites must be accessible by law. Municipalities have a great responsibility to make information and necessary services available to the public. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well municipalities succeed with their work with web accessibility as a consequence of the legislation in Sweden and identify where the municipalities meet concrete obstacles in order to comply with the law. The purpose was also to investigate how the work with web accessibility on municipal websites can be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities. To fulfill the purpose, two research question was formed for the study: 1.     In the process of making municipalities’ websites accessible, which are the concrete obstacles that make the work difficult for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?   2.     How can the work with the accessibility of municipal websites be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities? To answer the research questions, two methods were chosen, a web survey and in-depth interviews, which corresponds to a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. The web survey was sent out to all municipalities in Sweden with the focus to answer RQ1 and the in-depth interviews were conducted with two accessibility experts with the focus to answer RQ2. Several obstacles were identified relating to lack of resources, lack of competence, lack of understanding of the law and the interpretation of it, attitudes, and old technology. Solutions on how the work can be simplified for those who work with web accessibility were identified relating to attitudes, resources, competence, legislation, and consumer demands. The main conclusions were that even though a municipality comply fully with the law, it does not mean that the website is accessible for all users, hence the law is not comprehensive enough. It also shows that there are several aspects that makes it hard for the municipalities to comply with the law and that most of these aspects also are the areas that needs improvement for the work to be simplified for the municipalities.

Intercorrelation between sound design, binaural and non-binaural audio systems : Effects on general vertical localization precision and reaction time in a non-visual directional choice task 3D game

Baker, David January 2022 (has links)
Spatialization of audio in the vertical plane has historically been limited. Instead, sound designers have used basic DSP to create pseudo height effects to explain the positions of corresponding objects. In recent years, binaural synthesis has become more widespread following an increase in the use of software rendering methods. With these advancements, uncertainty seems to be present around best practices when combining sound design with binaural synthesis for vertical placement of audio cues in games. This thesis compares the vertical localization performance between head related transfer functions (HRTFs) and stereo interaural level difference (ILD), when sounds have been designed with basic DSP to have auditory spatial schema (ASC). A sort of embedment of positional information. It was found that there was no significant time difference between the conditions, while hitcount, the number of correct directions selected, displayed a significant difference in some of the comparisons.

Approaching the journey of digital transformation in public sector culturalorganisations

Johansson, Corinne January 2022 (has links)
The public cultural sector in Sweden has been facing the challenges of digitalization over the last decade. The Swedish government has over these past years introduced various strategies and visions for taking advantage of the opportunities that digitalization provides. Due to the implications of the pandemic, many public cultural sector organisations were forced to go through some form of rapid digitalization. However, it is not known how these rapid digital efforts will affect the public cultural sector going forward. Digitalization is not a one-time event, a change in organisational strategy, processes and culture need to happen for digital transformation to occur. The case study of Malmö Opera examines the digitizing activities between 2017 - 2022 in the context of digital transformation. The results of the study showed that although digital efforts had been made prior to the pandemic, a rapid period of digitization occurred during the pandemic years. During 2020 and 2021 the organization took substantial strides in digital progress speed up by the impacts of the pandemic. After the restrictions lifted, digital developments in Malmö Opera were at a slow down due to a lack of dedicated recourses that had be available during the pandemic. The findings of this theses suggests that digital transformation is one way to face the challenges that digitalisation provides. By applying a framework or process for the digital transformation journey this provides a tool for decision makers for how to approach digital transformation on an organisational level.

Malmö Museer – öppenhet och lättillgänglighet av samlingar / Malmö Museums - openness and easy accessibility of collections

Ekberg, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Digitalisering påverkar de flesta verksamheter i någon mån och museiverksamheter är inget undantag. Det finns flera olika digitala verktyg som kan användas för att förädla museers kulturella utbud och detta arbete ämnar undersöka hur Malmö museer gör detta. I en tid där allt större press sätts på museer att offentliggöra sina samlingar för allmänheten samt främja tillgänglighet och öppenhet är det relevant att undersöka hur Malmö museer väljer att visa upp sina digitala samlingar. Uppsatsen behandlar således den digitala katalogiseringen av museiinnehåll i form av bilder och föremål på Malmö museers digitala databas Carlotta. Det utfördes en fallstudie bestående av en observation med Carlottagruppen samt ett samtal och två intervjuer med två nyckelpersoner inom Malmö museer. Resultatet från denna datainsamling diskuteras i förhållande till annan forskning. Dessutom jämförs även en föremålsbild från Carlotta med en från Rijksmuseum för att visa på likheter och skillnader. Det framgår att Malmö museer är väl medvetna om vad de behöver göra för att säkra sin plats digitalt men det finns hinder på vägen i form av resurs- och kompetensbrist. Museet uppmuntrar till nedladdning, återanvändning och publikation av deras material så länge källhanteringen sker korrekt. Ett av museets viktigaste arbeten är att varumärkesprofilera sig själva som viktiga för allmänheten – en sorts kamp för överlevnad, enligt en av respondenterna. Det främsta målet med Malmö museers digitala arbete är att tillhandahålla material till allmänheten utifrån öppenhets- och offentlighetsprinciper. / Digitization affects most organisations to some extent and museums are no exception. There are several different digital tools that enable the refinement of the museums’ cultural offerings. This study intends to investigate how Malmö museums takes advantage of them. At a time when increasing pressure is being placed on museums to publish their collections to the general population, to be accessible and open, it is relevant to see how Malmö museums choose to display their digital collections. Therefore, this essay is interested in the digital cataloging of museum content in the form of images and objects on Malmö museums database Carlotta. A case study consisting of an observation with the Carlotta-group was executed in addition to a conversation and two interviews with key persons within the museum. The results from this data are discussed in relation to other studies. Furthermore, an object image from Carlotta and one from Rijksmuseum are compared to show their similarities and differences. It turns out that Malmö Museums are aware of what needs to be done to secure their place in the digital sphere, but that there are obstacles such as a lack of resources and skills. Malmö museums encourages others to download, reuse and publish their material as long as they reference it correctly. One of the most important aspects of Malmö museums work is to market themselves as important to the public – a sort of fight for survival, according to one of the respondents. The primary goal for Malmö museums is to provide material to the public based on openness- and publicity principles.

Binaural versus Stereo Audio in Navigation in a 3D Game: Differences in Perception and Localization of Sound

Widman, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Recent advancements in audio technology for computer games has made possible for implementations with binaural audio. Compared to regular stereo sound, binaural audio offers possibilities for a player to experience spatial sound, including sounds along the vertical plane, using their own headphones. A computer game prototype called “Crystal Gatherer” was created for this study to explore the possibilities of binaural audio imple- mentation regarding localization and perception of objects that make sound in a 3D game. The game featured two similar game levels, with the difference that one used binaural sound, and the other stereo sound. The levels consisted of a dark space that the player could navigate freely with the objective to find objects that make sound, called “crystals”, as fast as they could. An experiment was conducted with 14 test sub- jects that played the game, qualitative and quantitative data was collected, including the time the players took to complete the game levels, respectively, and answers about how they experienced the levels. A majority of test subjects reported that they per- ceived a difference between the levels. No significant difference was found between the levels in terms of efficacy of finding the objects that made sound. Some test subjects stated that they found localization was better in the binaural level of the game, others found the stereo level to be better in this respect. The study shows that there can exist possibilities for binaural audio to change the perception of audio in computer games.

Notifikationsmodeller i virtuell verklighet vid träning inför akuta situationer : En jämförelse mellan två grafiskt presenterade notifikationsmodeller

Bramstedt, Robert January 2020 (has links)
VR står för Virtual Reality och används idag ofta för utbildning, både inom skola och yrkesgrupper då det har uppvisat goda resultat och är relativt billigt att utföra jämfört med att träna till exempel personal inom brandkår, sjukhus och polis. Finns det en applikation där flera användare inklusive en instruktör kan samverka oberoende plats och plattform blir det bättre ur både logistiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Det finns idag ingen standardiserad modell för notifikationer inom VR och därför finns det en mängd olika modeller för att fånga användarens uppmärksamhet. Det här arbetet handlar om att undersöka webbläsaren som verktyg för en Virtual Reality- applikation där flera användare samtidigt kan använda applikationen oberoende av vilken plattform som används. Anledningen till att det skall fungera för flera användare samtidigt är för att applikationen är till för träning inför akuta situationer och då skall både instruktör och användare kunna vara i applikationen samtidigt.  Arbetet handlar också om att ta reda på vilken av de två notifikationsmodeller som i det här arbetet testas är det mest tidseffektiva vid träning av brandkår med hjälp av VR-teknik. Resultatet har framkommit genom utförda användartester genomförda med hjälp av en prototyp som har utvecklats; samt intervjuer av de testpersoner som har deltagit i användartester. Testpersonerna delades upp i två lika stora grupper på 10 st i varje grupp för att testa två olika notifikationsmodeller. De testade notifikationsmodeller är en statisk nödutgångsskylt och en visuell vägvisare i form av en pil i golvet som rör sig i för scenariots uppgift rätt riktning. Uppgiften som testpersonerna fick var att ta sig från en punkt till en annan i en rökfylld lokal på så snabb tid som möjligt, med hjälp av den notifikation som tilldelades. Testpersonerna rangordnades efter att samtliga test var genomförda. Den som klarat sig bäst i den ena gruppen jämfördes med den som klarat sig bäst i den andra gruppen och så vidare. Resultatet visar tendenser åt att den visuella vägvisaren var den mest effektiva av de två notifikationsmodeller som testades. Deltagarna i gruppen som använde den visuella sökvägen presterade något bättre, vilket indikerar en trend mot preferenser för den notifikations modellen framför den statiska nödutgångsskylten.

Notifikationer och kognitiv belastning : Kan arbetsminnets kapacitet utvidgas genom rätt val av notifikation? / Notifications and cognitive load : Can the working memory capacity be expanded by choosing the right notification?

Fältström, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
För att möjliggöra interaktion med den stora mängd datorenheter som dyker upp i vår vardagkrävs nya gränssnitt och ett nytt synsätt på teknologi. Reflexiv interaktion, en specifik del avperifer interaktion, ämnar att skapa interaktioner som sker under en bråkdel av en sekundmed ett sekundärt system, vilket skapar bättre förutsättningar för ett effektivt arbete ochminskar risken för misstag. Kognitiv belastning är centralt inom perifer interaktion och ännuviktigare i reflexiv interaktion, det saknas dock undersökningar där den kognitivabelastningen mäts och undersöks för perifera eller reflexiva interaktioner.Teorin om kognitiv belastning är väl utforskad inom forskningsområdet instruktionsdesign,och delar av den kunskap som skapats inom instruktionsdesign har applicerats inommänniska-datorinteraktion. Det finns dock fortfarande aspekter av kognitiv belastning somundersökts i instruktionsdesign men är outforskade inom människa-datorinteraktion.En studie med 19 deltagare har undersökt den kognitiva belastningen för en central del ireflexiv interaktion: notifikationer. Studiens resultat visar på att skillnaden i kognitivbelastning mellan ljudliga och visuella notifikationer är väldigt liten.

Digitalisation at Museums : A study on the various effects digitalisation have had on museums and how museums can develop new digital interactions for their visitors.

Taher, Hassan January 2020 (has links)
With digital presence becoming an increasingly big part of museums, more resources have been put on digital interactions. This thesis studies how Malmö Museums can enforce their digital strategy by taking advantage of the Norwegian method – Tingens Metod (Method of Things), and by renewing their digital presence. Because of the COVID-19 crisis and the technological advancements of the past decade, museums are using digital technologies more than ever before to reach their visitors. By using Tingens Metod, we have been able to show how collaborative digital workshops with different participating groups can open the museum process to be an open dialogue between museum creators and the museum’s visitors. The workshops have led to a democratisation of artefacts, and a new-found appreciation for the conservation that occurs at museums. These workshops have also shown that participants would like to use digital tools and interactions in their exploration of a museum’s wide collection of artefacts. The results of this thesis project have led to the creation of a two-part prototype. First, the Tingens Metod workshops are adapted to become a recurring playtest programme at the museum. Second, an overall renewed digital presence which reimagines the museum’s digital presence in a modern and reimagined way should be available on platforms that visitors are using. Together these two parts form a proposed prototype which can be adapted by Malmö Museums in their continued effort to reach their long-term digital strategy goals.

Exploring the impact of familiarity on the emotional response to acousmatic sound effects in horror film

Lantz, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Ever since the introduction of sound in film, sound effects have played a big part in the experience of the film audience. Acousmatic sound effects are diegetic sounds that lack a visual source on screen, and they are frequently used in horror films. This research explores the relationship between familiarity with sound effects and the emotional response in the audience. An experiment was conducted where two test groups watched an excerpt from a horror film where acousmatic sounds were a big part of the soundtrack. One of the test groups watched a version where there were reoccurring familiar acousmatic sounds, and the other group watched a version with random un-familiar acousmatic sounds. Data was collected through self-report and physiological measurements. The results suggest that there is a dissonance between the conscious and unconscious emotional experience of suspense and fear. The physiological measurements indicate a higher emotional arousal in the group that watched the unfamiliar version of the stimuli, while the self-report propose a stronger conscious build-up of suspense leading to a stronger experience of fear in the group watching the familiar version. Further research directions based on the result of this research are presented.

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