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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization and evaluation of a 6.5-kV silicon carbide bipolar diode module

Filsecker, Felipe 07 December 2016 (has links)
This work presents a 6.5-kV 1-kA SiC bipolar diode module for megawatt-range medium voltage converters. The study comprises a review of SiC devices and bipolar diodes, a description of the die and module technology, device characterization and modelling and benchmark of the device at converter level. The effects of current change rate, temperature variation, and different insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules for the switching cell, as well as parasitic oscillations are discussed. A comparison of the results with a commercial Si diode (6.5 kV and 1.2 kA) is included. The benchmark consists of an estimation of maximum converter output power, maximum switching frequency, losses and efficiency in a three level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage-source converter (VSC) operating with SiC and Si diodes. The use of a model predictive control (MPC) algorithm to achieve higher efficiency levels is also discussed. The analysed diode module exhibits a very good performance regarding switching loss reduction, which allows an increase of at least 10 % in the output power of a 6-MVA converter. Alternatively, the switching frequency can be increased by 41 %.:1 Introduction 2 State of the art of SiC devices and medium-voltage diodes 2.1 Silicon carbide diodes and medium-voltage modules 2.2 Medium-voltage power diodes 3 Characterization of the SiC PiN diode module 37 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Experimental setup 3.3 Experimental results: static behaviour 3.4 Experimental results: switching behaviour 3.5 Comparison with 6.5-kV silicon diode 3.6 Oscillations in the SiC diode 3.7 Summary 4 Comparison at converter level 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Power device modelling 4.3 Determination of maximum converter power rating 4.4 Analysis 4.5 Increased efficiency through model predictive control 4.6 Summary 5 Conclusion

Investigation On Dodecagonal Multilevel Voltage Space Vector Structures By Cascading Flying Capacitor And Floating H-Bridge Cells For Medium Voltage IM Drives

Mathew, Jaison 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In high-power electric drives, multilevel inverters are generally deployed to address issues such as electromagnetic interference, switch voltage stress and harmonic distortion. The switching frequency of the inverter is always kept low, of the order of 1KHz or even less to reduce switching losses and synchronous pulse width modulation (PWM) is used to avoid the problem of sub-harmonics and beat frequencies. This is particularly important if the switching frequency is very low. The synchronous PWM is getting popularity as its realization is very easy with digital controllers compared to analog controllers. Neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverters, cascaded H-bridge, and flying-capacitor multilevel inverters are some of the popular schemes used for high-power applications. Hybrids of these multilevel inverters have also been proposed recently to take advantage of the basic configurations. Multilevel inverters can also be realized by feeding the induction motor from both ends (open-end winding) using conventional inverter structures. For controlling the output voltage of these inverters, various PWM techniques are used. Chapter-1 of this thesis provides an over view of the various multilevel inverter schemes preceded by a discussion on basic two-level VSI topology. The inverters used in motor drive applications have to be operated in over-modulation range in order to extract the maximum fundamental output voltage that is possible from the dc-link. Operation in this high modulation range is required to meet temporary overloads or to have maximum power operation in the high speed range (flux weakened region). This, however, introduces a substantial amount of low order harmonics in the Motor phase voltages. Due to these low-order harmonic frequencies, the dynamic performance of the drive is lost and the current control schemes are severely affected especially due to 5th and 7th harmonic components. Further, due to these low-order harmonics and non-linear PWM operation in over-modulation region, frequent over-current fault conditions occur and reliability of the drive is jeopardized. The twelve sided-polygonal space vector diagram (dodecagonal space vectors) can be used to overcome the problem of low order 5th and 7th harmonics and to give more range for linear modulation while keeping the switching frequency at a minimum compared to conventional hexagonal space vector based inverters. Thus, the dodecagonal space-vector switching can be viewed as an engineering compromise between low switching frequency and quality load current waveform. Most of the previous works of dodecagonal space-vector generation schemes are based on NPC inverters. However, sophisticated charge control schemes are required in NPC inverters to deal with the neutral-point voltage fluctuation and the neutral-point voltage shifting issues. The losses in the clamping diodes are another major concern. In the second chapter, a multilevel dodecagonal space-vector generation scheme based on flying capacitor topology, utilizing an open end winding induction motor is presented. The neutral point charge-balancing problem reported in the previous works is not present in this scheme, the clamping diodes are eliminated and the number of power supplies required has been reduced. The capacitors have inherent charge balancing capability, and the charge control is done once in every switching cycle, which gives tight voltage control for the capacitors. For the speed control of induction motors, the space-vector PWM scheme is more advantageous than the sine-triangle PWM as it gives a more linear range of operation and improved harmonic performance. One major disadvantage with the conventional space-vector PWM is that the trigonometric operations demand formidable computational efforts and look-up tables. Carrier based, common-mode injected PWM schemes have been proposed to simplify the PWM process. However, the freedom of selecting the PWM switching sequences is limited here. Another way of obtaining SVPWM is using the reference voltage samples and the nearest vector information to switch appropriate devices for proper time intervals, realizing the reference vector in an average sense. In-formation regarding the sector and nearest vectors can be easily obtained by comparing the instantaneous amplitudes of the reference voltages. This PWM approach is pro-posed for the speed control of the motor in this thesis. The trigonometric operations and the requirement of large look-up tables in the conventional SVPWM are avoided in this method. It has the additional advantage that the switching sequences can be decided at will, which is helpful in reducing further, the harmonic distortion in certain frequency ranges. In this way, this method tries to combine the advantages of vector based methods (conventional SVPWM) and scalar methods (carrier-based methods). The open-end winding schemes allowed the required phase voltage levels to be generated quite easily by feeding from both ends of the windings. Thus, most of the multilevel inverters based on dodecagonal space-vector structures relied on induction motors with open-end windings. The main disadvantage of open-end winding induction motor is that six wires are to be run from the inverter to the motor, which may be unacceptable in certain applications. Apart from the inconvenience of laying six wires, the voltage reflections in the wires can lead to over voltages at the motor terminals, causing insulation failures. Where as the topology presented in chapter-2 of this thesis uses open-end winding motor with flying-capacitor inverters for the generation of dodecagonal space-vectors, the topology presented in chapter-3 utilizes a cascade connection of flying-capacitors and floating H-bridge cells to generate the same set of voltage space-vectors, thus allowing any standard induction motor as the load. Of the methods used for the speed control of induction motors, namely sine-triangle PWM and space vector PWM, the latter that provides extra modulation range is naturally preferred. It is a well-understood fact that the way in which the PWM switching sequences are applied has a significant influence on the harmonic performance of the drive. However, this topic has not been addressed properly for dodecagonal voltage space-vector based multilevel inverter drives. In chapter-4 of the thesis, this aspect is taken into ac-count and the notion of “harmonic flux trajectories” and “stator flux ripple” are used to analyze the harmonic performance of the various PWM switching schemes. Although the PWM method used in this study is similar to that in chapter-2, the modification in the PWM switching sequence in the PWM algorithm yields significant improvements in harmonic performance. The proposed topologies and PWM schemes are extensively simulated and experimentally verified. The control scheme was implemented using a DSP processor running at a clock frequency 150MHz and a four-pole, 3.7kW, 50Hz, 415V three-phase induction motor was used as the load. Since the PWM ports are limited in a DSP, a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) was used to decode the PWM signals from the DSP to generate timing information required for PWM sequencing for all the power devices. The same FPGA was used to generate the dead-time signals for the power devices also.

Power line communications for the electrical utility: physical layer design and channel modeling

Aquilué de Pedro, Ricardo 16 July 2008 (has links)
El món de les comunicacions per la xarxa elèctrica (CXE) pot ser dividit en tres grans tipus: CXE en baix voltatge (CXE-BV), en mig voltatge (CXE-MV) i en alt voltatge (CXE-AV). En aquests últims anys, les CXE-BV han atret una gran expectació, ja que les seves capacitats han fet d'aquesta tecnologia una bona opció com alternativa pel bucle local d'accés i pel desplegament de xarxes d'àrea local, focalitzades aquestes últimes en l'entorn domèstic. A més, les CXE-BV inclouen un conjunt d'aplicacions de baixa velocitat orientades a l'operador, com la lectura automàtica de comptadors (LAC), distribució de càrrega, facturació dinàmica, etc. Per altra banda, les CXE-MV i CXE-AV, històricament lligades a tasques de telecontrol i teleprotecció, s'estan començant a considerar com un canal de comunicacions eficient i fiable. El desenvolupament de sistemes digitals i els esforços d'estandardització estan fent d'aquests canals un medi atractiu per a que els operadors elèctrics ofereixin serveis de comunicacions, ja que no necessiten invertir en infraestructura perquè la xarxa elèctrica ja està desplegada.En aquesta Tesi s'introduiran i es comentaran les particularitats de les tres xarxes elèctriques, després, es mostraran al lector les solucions tecnològiques existents pels canals de BV basats en la norma Europea CENELEC així com pels canals d'AV, mostrant que els sistemes actuals de LAC ofereixen una diversitat freqüencial molt baixa i que els mòdems CXE-AV estan ancorats en estendards antiquats.Aquest treball es mou per les tres topologies de la xarxa, particularment, en aplicacions orientades a la banda CENELEC, en mesura i modelat de canal, i en mesura i disseny del nivell físic per sistemes CXE-BV, CXE-MV i CXE-AV respectivament. Els sistemes actuals que exploten la banda CENELEC ofereixen mecanismes d'explotació de la diversitat freqüencial del canal molt limitats o nuls, donant lloc a una baixa robustesa en front a interferències i soroll de fons acolorit. Aquest treball proposa un esquema de modulació multiportadora que, mantenint una complexitat baixa, ofereix unes altes prestacions permetent un bon nivell d'explotació de la selectivitat freqüencial. Per al que a CXE-MV respecta, aquesta Tesi desenvolupa un model de canal determinístic-estadístic pels anells urbans de distribució de potència i, finalment, en sistemes CXE-AV, aquest treball proposa, basat en mesures de canal i proves de camp, un nivell físic de banda ampla capaç de incrementar la velocitat de comunicació mentre manté una baixa densitat espectral de potència limitant així la interferència a altres sistemes.PARAULES CLAU: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters. / El mundo de las comunicaciones por la red eléctrica (CRE) puede ser dividido en tres grandes tipos: CRE en bajo voltaje (CRE-BV), en medio voltaje (CRE-MV) y en alto voltaje (CRE-AV). En estos últimos años, las CRE-BV han atraído una gran expectación, ya que sus capacidades han hecho de esta tecnología una buena opción como alternativa para el bucle local de acceso y para el despliegue de redes de área local, focalizadas estas últimas en el entorno doméstico. Además, las CRE-BV incluyen un conjunto de aplicaciones de baja velocidad orientadas al operador como la lectura automática de contadores (LAC), distribución de carga, facturación dinámica, etc. Por otro lado, las CRE-MV y CRE-AV, históricamente ligadas a tareas de telecontrol y teleprotección, se están empezando a considerar como un canal de comunicaciones eficiente y fiable. El desarrollo de sistemas digitales y los esfuerzos de estandarización están haciendo de estos canales un medio atractivo para que los operadores eléctricos ofrezcan servicios de comunicaciones, ya que no necesitan invertir en infraestructura porque la red eléctrica ya está desplegada.En esta Tesis se introducirán y se comentarán las particularidades de las tres redes eléctricas, luego, se mostrarán al lector las soluciones tecnológicas existentes para los canales de BV basados en la norma Europea CENELEC así como para los canales de AV, mostrando que los sistemas actuales de LAC ofrecen una diversidad frecuencial muy baja y que los módems CRE-AV están anclados en estándares anticuados.Este trabajo se mueve por las tres topologías de red, particularmente, en aplicaciones orientadas a la banda CENELEC, en medida y modelado de canal, y en medida y diseño del nivel físico para sistemas CRE-BV, CRE-MV y CRE-AV respectivamente. Los sistemas actuales que explotan la banda CENELEC ofrecen mecanismos de explotación de la diversidad frecuencial del canal muy limitados o nulos, dando lugar a una escasa robustez frente a interferencias y ruido de fondo coloreado. Este trabajo propone un esquema de modulación multiportadora que, manteniendo una complejidad baja, ofrece unas altas prestaciones permitiendo un buen nivel de explotación de la selectividad frecuencial. Por lo que a CRE-MV respecta, esta Tesis desarrolla un modelo de canal determinístico-estadístico para los anillos urbanos de distribución de potencia y, finalmente, en sistemas de CRE-AV, este trabajo propone, basado en medidas de canal y pruebas de campo, un nivel físico de banda ancha capaz de incrementar la velocidad de comunicación mientras mantiene una baja densidad espectral de potencia limitando así la interferencia a otros sistemas.PALABRAS CLAVE: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters. / The world of Power line communications (PLC) can be divided into three main types: low voltage PLC (LV-PLC), medium voltage PLC (MV-PLC) and high voltage PLC (HV-PLC). These last years, LV-PLC has attracted a great expectation since its wideband capabilities has made this technology a suitable choice for last-mile access and in-home communications. Moreover, LV-PLC also includes a utility oriented low frequency and low speed applications, such as automatic meter reading (AMR), load distribution, dynamic billing and so on. On the other hand, MV-PLC and HV-PLC, historically oriented to teleprotection and telecontrol tasks, are being considered as a reliable communication channel. The development of digital equipment and the standardization efforts are making those channels an attractive medium for electrical utilities telecommunications services, since the network, as well as in LV-PLC, is already deployed. In this PhD dissertation, the three different PLC topologies are reviewed and the different communications techniques in such channels exposed. Then, a deep technological review of existing AMR solutions for the European CENELEC band, as well as HV-PLC systems is given, showing that existing AMR systems deliver low frequency diversity and HV-PLC systems are anchored in old fashioned standards.This work walks around the three topologies, specifically, CENELEC band utility oriented applications, channel measurement and modeling and channel measurement and physical layer design, regarding LV-PLC, MV-PLC and HV-PLC respectively. Existing CENELEC compliant systems deliver low or none frequency diversity mechanisms, yielding in a low robustness against colored noise and interference. This work propose a multicarrier based physical layer approach that, while keeping the complexity low, delivers high performance allowing a great level of frequency diversity. Focusing on MV-PLC, a hybrid deterministic-statistical channel model for urban underground rings is developed and, finally, in HV-PLC systems, this work proposes, based on measurements and field tests, a wideband physical layer in order to increase data rate while keeping low both the power spectral density and possible interference to other systems.KEYWORDS: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters.

Energy Usage Evaluation and Condition Monitoring for Electric Machines using Wireless Sensor Networks

Lu, Bin 16 November 2006 (has links)
Energy usage evaluation and condition monitoring for electric machines are important in industry for overall energy savings. Traditionally these functions are realized only for large motors in wired systems formed by communication cables and various types of sensors. The unique characteristics of the wireless sensor networks (WSN) make them the ideal wireless structure for low-cost energy management in industrial plants. This work focuses on developing nonintrusive motor-efficiency-estimation methods, which are essential in the wireless motor-energy-management systems in a WSN architecture that is capable of improving overall energy savings in U.S. industry. This work starts with an investigation of existing motor-efficiency-evaluation methods. Based on the findings, a general approach of developing nonintrusive efficiency-estimation methods is proposed, incorporating sensorless rotor-speed detection, stator-resistance estimation, and loss estimation techniques. Following this approach, two new methods are proposed for estimating the efficiencies of in-service induction motors, using air-gap torque estimation and a modified induction motor equivalent circuit, respectively. The experimental results show that both methods achieve accurate efficiency estimates within ¡À2-3% errors under normal load conditions, using only a few cycles of input voltages and currents. The analytical results obtained from error analysis agree well with the experimental results. Using the proposed efficiency-estimation methods, a closed-loop motor-energy-management scheme for industrial plants with a WSN architecture is proposed. Besides the energy-usage-evaluation algorithms, this scheme also incorporates various sensorless current-based motor-condition-monitoring algorithms. A uniform data interface is defined to seamlessly integrate these energy-evaluation and condition-monitoring algorithms. Prototype wireless sensor devices are designed and implemented to satisfy the specific needs of motor energy management. A WSN test bed is implemented. The applicability of the proposed scheme is validated from the experimental results using multiple motors with different physical configurations under various load conditions. To demonstrate the validity of the measured and estimated motor efficiencies in the experiments presented in this work, an in-depth error analysis on motor efficiency measurement and estimation is conducted, using maximum error estimation, worst-case error estimation, and realistic error estimation techniques. The conclusions, contributions, and recommendations are summarized at the end.

On the Internal Dynamics and AC-Motor Drive Application of Modular Multilevel Converters

Antonopoulos, Antonios January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an effort to investigate the operation and the performanceof modular multilevel converters (M2Cs). Proven to be the most promisingtopology in high-voltage high-power applications, it is necessary to put aneffort in understanding the physical laws that govern the internal dynamicsof such converters, in order to design appropriate control methods. AlthoughM2Cs belong to the well-studied family of voltage-source converters (VSCs),and claim a modular structure, their control is significantly more complicatedcompared to two- or three-level VSCs, due to the fact that a much highernumber of switches and capacitors are needed in such a topology. This thesishighlights the important parameters that should be considered when designingthe control for an M2C, through analyzing its internal dynamics, and alsosuggests ways to control such converters ensuring stable operation withoutcompromising the performance of the converter.Special focus is given on ac motor-drive applications as they are very demandingand challenging for the converter performance. Interactions betweenthe internal dynamics and the dynamics of the driven motor are experimentallyinvestigated. The problem of operating the converter when connectedto a motor standing still is visited, even under the condition that a greatamount of torque and current are requested, in order to provide an idea forthe converter requirements under such conditions. Finally, an optimization ofthe converter operation is suggested in order to avoid overrating the convertercomponents in certain operation areas that this is possible.All analytical investigations presented in this thesis are confirmed by experimentalresults on a laboratory prototype converter, which was developedfor the purposes of this project. Experimental verification proves the validityof the theoretical investigations, as well as the correct performance of thecontrol methods developed during this project on a real, physical converter,hoping that the results of this thesis will be useful for large-scale implementations,in the mega- or even giga-watt power range. / Denna avhandling är ett försök att undersöka drift och egenskaper avmodulära multinivåomvandlare (M2C:er). Eftersom denna topologi anses varaden mest lovande inom högspänings-högeffekt-tillämpningar är, och somett underlag för att kunna formulera lämpliga styrmetoder, är det nödvändigtatt lägga kraft i att försöka förståde fysikaliska lagar som styr den inredynamiken i sådana omvandlare. Även om M2C:erna tillhör den välstuderadefamiljen av spänningsstyva omvandlare (VSC:er), och har en modulärstruktur, är deras reglering avsevärt mer komplicerad jämfört med två- ellertre-nivåomvandlare, eftersom ett mycket större antal switchar och kondensatorerär nödvändiga i en sådan topologi. Denna avhandling sätter fingretpå de parametrar som måste beaktas när man konstruerar regleringen för enM2C, genom att analysera den interna dynamiken, samt att föreslå sätt attstyra sådana omvandlare såatt stabil drift kan säkerställas utan att negativtpåverka prestanda.Ett speciellt fokus läggs på växelströmsmotordrifter eftersom de är särskiltutmanande vad gäller prestanda. Växelverkan mellan den interna dynamikenoch motorns dynamik undersöks experimentellt. Problemet att driva motornvid stillestånd behandlas även i fallet med hög ström och högt moment för atterhålla kunskap om kraven påomvandlaren i sådana fall. Slutligen föreslås enoptimering av omvandlarens drifttillstånd för att undvika överdimensioneringav omvandlarens komponenter i de fall detta är möjligt.Alla analytiska undersökningar som läggs fram i denna avhandling är bekräftadegenom experimentella resultat från en laboratorieomvandlare, somutvecklats inom ramen för detta arbete. Den experimentella verifieringen bevisargiltigheten av alla teoretiska undersökningar. Den visar också på demycket goda prestanda som de utvecklade styrmetoderna har vid drift aven verklig fysisk omvandlare. Förhoppningen är att resultaten från detta arbetekan komma till använding i storskaliga implementerinar i mega- ellergiga-wattklassen. / <p>QC 20141201</p>

Μελέτη του ενεργειακού συστήματος της Ικαρίας

Κατσάφαρος, Ιωάννης 15 March 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία συνιστά μια επισκόπηση του Συστήματος Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας της νήσου Ικαρίας. Πρόκειται για ένα Αυτόνομο Σύστημα Παραγωγής, που βασίζεται σε έναν Τοπικό Σταθμό Παραγωγής, ισχύος 14 MW, που λειτουργεί με εμβολοφόρες πετρελαιομηχανές. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι τόσο η μελέτη του συγκεκριμένου συστήματος, αλλά και η γενικότερη προσέγγιση των ΣΗΕ, και ειδικά των ΑΣΠ με τις ιδιαιτερότητες που τα χαρακτηρίζουν. Στην συνέχεια χρησιμοποιείται το λογισμικό προσομοίωσης HOMER Energy, με το οποίο κατασκευάζεται ένα μοντέλο του ΣΗΕ. Το λογισμικό εκτελεί τεχνοοικονομική ανάλυση της λειτουργίας συστημάτων, σε όλο τον κύκλο ζωής τους, και εξάγει συμπεράσματα όσον αφορά την βιωσιμότητα και την βέλτιστη μορφή τους. Με το εργαλείο αυτό διερευνώνται ζητήματα όπως η δυνατότητα διείσδυσης Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας στο ΑΣΠ Ικαρίας, καθώς και η μελλοντική λειτουργία του συστήματος, μετά την ένταξη του κατασκευαζόμενου Υβριδικού Ενεργειακού Έργου (αιολικού - υδροηλεκτρικού). Το πρότυπο αυτό έργο, ισχύος μέχρι 6,8 MW, θα επιτρέπει την αποθήκευση ενέργειας, με την μορφή της αντλησιοταμίευσης, σε δεξαμενή νερού. Η μελέτη του ΣΗΕ Ικαρίας συμπληρώνεται με την ανασκόπηση του ζητήματος των κεραυνικών πληγμάτων στις γραμμές μέσης τάσης, όπου γίνεται υπολογισμός των αναμενόμενων σφαλμάτων, σε αντιπαράθεση με καταγεγραμμένα, ενώ προτείνονται λύσεις για την μείωση των προβλημάτων που δημιουργούν οι υπερτάσεις. Η συλλογή των στοιχείων της εργασίας έγινε από επιτόπιες καταγραφές, από δεδομένα που μας διατέθηκαν και από δημοσιευμένες πληροφορίες. Τα στοιχεία αυτά παρουσιάζονται κατά την επισκόπηση, μαζί με απαραίτητες διευκρινήσεις και παραπομπές στην βιβλιογραφία. Στην συνέχεια με τα στοιχεία αυτά κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του συστήματος, γίνονται οι υπολογισμοί, και συγκρίνονται τα αποτελέσματα. Αφού στο 1ο Κεφάλαιο δοθούν οι απαραίτητες εισαγωγικές διευκρινήσεις για τα ΣΗΕ και τα ΑΣΠ, και μια αναφορά στις ΑΠΕ, παρουσιάζονται στο 2ο Κεφάλαιο γεωγραφικά στοιχεία για το νησί, και μια σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή στο ενεργειακό του σύστημα. Η επισκόπηση του ΑΣΠ Ικαρίας ξεκινά στο 3ο Κεφάλαιο με τα στοιχεία της Παραγωγής ενέργειας, περιγράφοντας αναλυτικά τον ΤΣΠ, τις μονάδες και τις εγκαταστάσεις του και αναλύοντας την λειτουργία του. Περιγράφεται έπειτα μία εγκατεστημένη Ανεμογεννήτρια των 600 kW, εξηγείται η λειτουργία της και σημειώνεται η επίδρασή της στην παραγωγή. Παρουσιάζεται το Υβριδικό Ενεργειακό Έργο, οι αρχές λειτουργίας, τα επιμέρους στοιχεία και αναφέρεται η αναμενόμενη συμπεριφορά του. Στην συνέχεια στο 4ο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται η επισκόπηση της Διανομής ενέργειας. Παρουσιάζεται το εναέριο δίκτυο Μέσης Τάσης, ο εξοπλισμός των γραμμών και η γεωγραφική εξάπλωση. Περιγράφονται τα δίκτυα διανομής Χαμηλής Τάσης, από τους Υποσταθμούς μέχρι τους καταναλωτές. Στο 5ο Κεφάλαιο η λειτουργία του ΣΗΕ εξετάζεται σαν σύνολο, με στοιχεία για την παραγόμενη ενέργεια, 28 GWh ετησίως, την εποχιακή και ημερήσια διακύμανση της ισχύος και την μελλοντική αύξηση της κατανάλωσης. Επισημαίνονται έπειτα οι κυριότερες αιτίες σφαλμάτων, οι μηχανισμοί δημιουργίας των συμβάντων κυρίως από καιρικά φαινόμενα, καθώς και η καταγραφή και η αποκατάσταση των βλαβών. Τέλος, στο 6ο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η μελλοντική εξέλιξη του συστήματος, μετά την ένταξη του Υβριδικού Έργου, την αναβάθμιση του ΤΣΠ και του δικτύου ΜΤ, και οι προοπτικές για επιπλέον ΑΠΕ. Εκτός από τα Αιολικά συστήματα, εξετάζονται τα Φωτοβολταϊκά και η Γεωθερμία. Αναφέρεται και η ενδεχόμενη διασύνδεση του νησιού με το ηπειρωτικό δίκτυο της χώρας. Στο 7ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται η προσομοίωση του ΣΗΕ, με το λογισμικό HOMER. Παρουσιάζεται το πρόγραμμα, και οι οικονομικές έννοιες που χρησιμοποιεί για την αξιολόγηση των συστημάτων. Η διαδικασία μοντελοποίησης παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά. Αρχικά κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του παρόντος συστήματος, όπου διαπιστώνεται η ορθότητα του μοντέλου σε σχέση με το πραγματικό σύστημα, και σημειώνεται η θετική οικονομική επίδραση της Α/Γ στο ΑΣΠ. Από την άλλη, διαφαίνεται η αδυναμία του προγράμματος να αντιληφθεί τα όρια διείσδυσης ΑΠΕ. Στην συνέχεια, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν το παραπάνω ζήτημα, εμπλουτίζεται το μοντέλο με επιπλέον ΑΠΕ, και προκύπτει το συμπέρασμα ότι συμφέρει πρωτίστως η εγκατάσταση άλλων 2 Α/Γ, και 200 kWp Φ/Β συστημάτων, αλλά δευτερευόντως και άλλων συνδυασμών, μέχρι 7 Α/Γ συνολικά. Έπειτα, κατασκευάζεται το μοντέλο του Υβριδικού, προσεγγιστικά, λόγω έλλειψης υποστήριξης από το HOMER. Τα αποτελέσματα της εξομοίωσης της λειτουργίας του είναι σε συμφωνία με τα αναμενόμενα. Προκύπτουν επίσης τα εξής συμπεράσματα: (α) Το Έργο είναι οικονομικά βιώσιμο. (β) Η οικονομική επίδοση του Έργου βελτιώνεται με δέσμευση επιπλέον νερού στις δεξαμενές για αντλησιοταμίευση. (γ) Το Έργο υποστηρίζει οικονομικώς Ανεμογεννήτριες μέχρι 10 MW και Φ/Β 2,5 MWp. (δ) Το Έργο δεν επαρκεί για την μελλοντική αύξηση της κατανάλωσης, ακόμα και με επιπλέον ΑΠΕ, εκτός και αν αυξηθεί παράλληλα η ισχύς του ΤΣΠ. Η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται στο 8ο Κεφάλαιο, με το ζήτημα της θεωρητικής πρόβλεψης σφαλμάτων από κεραυνούς. Αφού παρουσιαστεί το φαινόμενο και οι επιπτώσεις του στις γραμμές, γίνεται υπολογισμός των αναμενόμενων σφαλμάτων σε όλο το δίκτυο ΜΤ της Ικαρίας, μήκους 120 km, με την χρήση (α) της απλής μεθόδου Ισοδύναμης Συλλεκτήριας Επιφάνειας, και (β) της μεθόδου που προτείνεται από τον κανονισμό IEEE-1410, περί βελτίωσης της αντικεραυνικής συμπεριφοράς ηλεκτρικών γραμμών. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν πολύ λιγότερα σφάλματα από τα καταγεγραμμένα κάθε χρόνο (90 έναντι 175 μέσο όρο). Εξηγούνται οι βασικότερες αιτίες, όπως η γενικότητα των υπολογισμών, η ασάφεια στις καταγραφές, αλλά και το γεγονός ότι συγκεκριμένα γεωγραφικά σημεία καταπονούνται ιδιαίτερα από κεραυνικά πλήγματα και είναι υπεύθυνα για πολλά σφάλματα. Το τελευταίο, επιδεικνύεται με την μελέτη ενός ορεινού εκτεθειμένου κλάδου των γραμμών, μήκους 2 km, που παρουσιάζει 20,5 ιδιαίτερα καταστροφικά σφάλματα ετησίως, έναντι των 1,5 που αναμένονται. Προτείνονται τέλος κάποιοι οικονομικοί τρόποι προστασίας, με περισσότερους απαγωγείς υπερτάσεων και βελτίωση της γείωσης και της στάθμης μόνωσης της γραμμής. / This diploma thesis is an overview of the Electrical Power System of Ikaria Island. It is an Autonomous Production System, based on a Local Station with diesel engines. The thesis describes the Station, an installed Wind Turbine, and the Hybrid Power Plant under construction. It presents the Distribution System, consisting of overhead medium voltage power lines, as well as the low voltage distribution wiring. It includes information about the power production, the main system faults, and the future development. The study is supplemented by a simulation of the system, using HOMER Energy software, in order to investigate the renewable penetration potential, and to validate the operation of the Hybrid Power Plant. The thesis is concluded with the estimation of lightning faults on the power lines of the island's grid.

Návrh úprav a konfigurace sítě 22 kV po instalaci transformace 110/22 kV ve spínací stanici Brno-sever / Proposal of design and configuration of 22 kV network after installation of 110/22 kV transformation in Brno-Sever switching substation

Mišinger, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with distribution networks in terms of distribution according to different criteria, describes the main elements of electric distribution networks and their qualities. The following describes the methods of calculating the steady state of electrical networks. These methods are nowadays used as basics for computer programs. In the penultimate chapter of the theoretical part are summarized the principles for the development of present networks and construction of new electrical networks. The aim of practical part of the thesis is to assess the current condition of the network 22 kV in the city of Brno and assess the condition after installation of 110/22 kV transformation in Brno-Sever switching substation. After evaluating the results of steady state electrical network and identifying certain problems is the following aim a proposal of solving problems that emerged in the network. The result should be operational, functional and reliable electric distribution network. This thesis used to calculate the steady state electrical networks by software PAS DAISY Off-Line Bizon V4.

Static and Dynamic Characterization of power semiconductors

Mejean, Alexandre January 2019 (has links)
Characterizing  power  switches  is  an  indispensable  step  when  designing  a  converter.  This  thesisinvestigates ways to achieve static and dynamic characterization of semiconductors for high power applications such as power grid or train traction. The static characterization has been tested with a Keysight B1506A device analyzer. The problems encountered have been analyzed and corrected.Then the design of a high current switching test bench for dynamic characterization is explained. The full-bridge  configuration  allows  controlled  and  spontaneous  commutations  so  the  bench  can measure hard and soft switching. The voltage can be up to 10 kV and the current up to 3 kA during the commutation. The choice of the probes is justified. The issues of bandwidth, input impedance and common mode current are taken into account. Data are processed in order to interpolate theswitching loss in hard and soft switching. / Karaktärisering  av  halvledarbrytare  är  ett  viktigt  steg  när  man  utformar  en  omvandlare.  Dennaavhandling undersöker olika sätt att uppnå statisk och dynamisk karakterisering av halvledare för högeffekttillämpningar såsom elnät eller ellok. Statisk karaktäriseringen har utförts med en Keysight B1506A-enhetsanalysator. De problem som uppstått har analyserats och korrigerats.Utformningen    av    en    testbänk    för    dynamisk    karakterisering    förklaras.    Den    kompletta bryggkonfigurationen möjliggör kontrollerad och spontan kommutation med spänningar upp till 10 kV och  strömmar  upp till 3 kA så att  bänken kan mäta hård  och mjuk  växling.  Valet  av sonderna förklaras.   Frågorna   om   bandbredd,   ingångsimpedans   och   common-mode   ström   tas   med   iberäkningen. Data bearbetas för att interpolera kopplings förlusten i hård och mjuk växling.

Monitoring of Partial Discharges on Cable Terminations : An experimental approach to evaluate non-conventional online PD measurement techniques / Övervakning av partiella urladdningar vid kabeländar : En experimentell utvärdering av icke-konventionella mättekniker

Sibo, Tony January 2023 (has links)
The transmission of electric power over long distances has historically posed challenges. However, the advent of high-voltage engineering has not only addressed distance barriers and power losses in electricity transmission and distribution, but it has also significantly improved the efficiency and transmission capacity of power grids. However, the use of high-voltage techniques has presented new challenges in identifying suitable insulator materials capable of withstanding high electrical stresses associated with elevated voltages. A significant issue arising from these extreme electrical stresses is the occurrence of partial discharges (PDs). Those are electrical sparks or pulses in the magnitude order of pico- or nano-coulombs (pC or nC) emitted from high voltage conductors due to the presence of impurities, contaminants or defects in their insulation system. PDs pose a serious threat to the insulation material due to their aggressive nature in breaking down weak points or links inside the insulation system leading to short-circuit and system failure. Means of offline or conventional testing of power assets against partial discharges has proven to be extremely precise but it is often an unavailable option since it requires a total power shutdown. In this paper, the performance of existing online PD detection techniques is tested and evaluated in terms of performance against conventional PD monitoring methods. Five non-intrusive detectors including an infrared camera (IR-camera), an ultrasonic sensor , a temperature and relative humidity sensor (TRH-sensor), high-frequency current transformer (HFCT sensor) and transient earth voltage antenna (TEV-antenna) were tested in a laboratory experiment for detection of PDs emitted by artificially-created defects inside a medium-voltage cable termination. The results showed varying sensitivity levels among the sensors, with the HFCT sensor demonstrating the highest sensitivity to all types and magnitudes of PDs. The IR-camera and ultrasonic sensor also showed potential, while the TRH-sensor exhibited poor sensitivity. The TEV-antenna had limited reliability. The findings of this study are that the HFCT system proved to be highly reliable for online PD monitoring, followed by the IR-camera and ultrasonic sensor, while the TEV-antenna and TRH-sensor showed lower reliability. In future work, further research on testing the HFCT system on-site can be conducted along with performing longer thermographic detection tests using the IR-camera to further investigate their potential in online PD detection. / Överföring av elektrisk kraft över långa avstånd har historiskt sett varit utmanande. Införandet av högspänningsteknik har inte bara övervunnit avståndsbarriärer och effektförluster vid överföring och distribution av elkraft, utan det har också avsevärt förbättrat kraftnätens effektivitet och överföringskapacitet. Användningen av högspänningsteknik har dock också inneburit nya utmaningar såsom utveckling av lämpliga isoleringsmaterial som tål höga elektriska påfrestningar vid höga spänningar. Ett betydande problem som härrör från dessa extrema elektriska spänningar är förekomsten av partiella urladdningar. Dessa urladdningar identifieras vara elektriska gnistor eller pulser i storleksordningen pico- eller nanocoulombs (pC eller nC) som emitteras från högspänningsledare på grund av närvaron av föroreningar eller defekter i närliggande isoleringssystem. PD:er utgör ett allvarligt hot mot isoleringsmaterialet på grund av deras aggressiva natur för att bryta ner svaga punkter eller länkar i isoleringssystemet, vilket kan leda till kortslutningar och systemfel. Konventionella metoder för att testa nätkomponenter mot partiella urladdningar har visat sig vara extremt noggranna, men detta är ofta inte ett tillgängligt alternativ eftersom det kräver ett totalt strömavbrott för att utföras. I denna studie testades och utvärderades prestandan hos befintliga metoder för online-detektering av partiell urladdning i förhållande till konventionella övervakningsmetoder. Fem icke-invasiva detektorer, inklusive en infraröd kamera, en ultraljudssensor, en temperatur- och relativ fuktighetssensor, en högfrekvent strömtransformator och en transient jordspänningsantenn, testades i ett laboratorieexperiment för att upptäcka partiella urladdningar orsakade av artificiellt skapade defekter i en mellanspänningskabelavslutning. Resultaten visade varierande känslighetsnivåer bland sensorerna, där högfrekventa strömtransformatorn visade den högsta känsligheten för alla typer och storlekar av partiella urladdningar. Den infraröda kameran och ultraljudssensorn visade också potential, medan temperatur- och relativ fuktighetssensorn visade låg känslighet. Den transienta jordspänningsantennen hade begränsad tillförlitlighet. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att den högfrekventa strömtransformatorn visade sig vara mycket tillförlitlig för online-övervakning av partiella urladdningar, följt av den infraröda kameran och ultraljudssensorn, medan den transienta jordspänningsantennen, temperatur- och fuktighetssensorn visade lägre tillförlitlighet. I framtida forskning kan ytterligare undersökningar av det högfrekventa strömtransformatorsystemet utföras på plats, tillsammans med längre termografiska detekteringstester med hjälp av den infraröda kameran för att ytterligare undersöka deras potential för onlinedetektering av partiella urladdningar.

Začleňování fotovoltaických elektráren do elektrizační soustavy / Integration of Photovoltaic Power Plants in the Electricity System

Michl, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The thesis discuses an integration of photovoltaic power stations to electric network. The first part describes connecting conditions of small sources to distribution system, including administrative requirements, feasibility study, and requirements to the energy meters, measuring, control devices, switching devices and protection. The second part is aimed to describe problems of the photovoltaic system. Solar radiation generating and reducing of its intensity incident upon the earth surface are described in this part. The quantum of produced electric power depends on climatic conditions in the fixed area, seasons, etc. This work also discusses the types of photovoltaic cells and their actual efficiency. Inverters are further important components of the photovoltaic system. The parameters of the inverters have a great influence on the total actual efficiency of the photovoltaic system. Different methods of the photovoltaic panels’ connection with the inverters and their advantages and disadvantages are also mentioned. The supporting structure of the photovoltaic panels and eventually transformer are further important components of photovoltaic system. The work also analyze the methods of connection of the photovoltaic power station to distributive low voltage and medium voltage network, electric energy accumulation and possibilities of the sale of produced electric energy. The large number of the connected photovoltaic power stations has negative influences to electric network. The third part contains the design of a photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 516,24 kWp on the scoped area in southern Bohemia. The project documentation for the location where the power plant is designed is also made. It contains the design of photovoltaic panels, the design of the inverters to get an optimal power load. This part also contains a calculation of the photovoltaic system losses and the design of transformer and the cable junction calculation of the distributive system. The feasibility study of the power plant connected to distributive system is also conducted. Its delivery rate will be connected to the distribution point Řípov (110/22 kV). The calculation results show us that this photovoltaic power plant can be linked to the distribution system. The final part of this paper contains an economic estimate of the photovoltaic power plant operating and the calculation of the return. An Economic return is influenced by the wide range of values that affect the total return rate. The calculation of an operating economy is made for several variants. The return rate in refer to contemporary redemption price for 2010 with no consideration for a bank loan is 7 years. If we consider the bank loan it would be 12 years. The penetrative reduction of the redemption price is expected for 2011. Calculation works with the decline of 30 %. It would extend the rate of return to 11 years without a bank loan or to 22 years with the bank loan. The bank loan is considered to cover 80 % of the investment.

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