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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國際企業佈局策略與子公司溝通模式之研究 / The configurated strategies of the international companies ane the model of communication between the subsidiaries.

杜世娟, Shih Chuan Tu Unknown Date (has links)
從早期的國際分工到對外直接投資已有許多的理論提出,這部份多屬於宏觀面的探討,主要是說明為何要分工的理由與動機,為了更深入了解多國企業如何分工,本研究分為二部份討論:第一部份為母公司策略下的區位選擇,而本研究所謂母公司的策略是指佈局構想及產品標準程度二項,這在目前的文獻中,尚不多見,這也是本研究想要探討的部份;第二部份在以往有關多國企業的文獻探討中均著重在母公司對其子公司的控制及協調機制的研究,鮮少探討有關在國際分工中不同角色的子公司與子公司之間的溝通模式,因此本研究第二部份也企圖就此一方面提出更細微的了解-即有關多國企業其生產與生產子公司之間或生產與行銷子公司之間的溝通模式的探討。本研究亦能探討第一部份與第二部份之間的關聯性,期望能在學術上有所建樹,並能對實務界提供具體的建議。 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究問題與目的 3 第三節 研究限制 5 第四節 研究架構與研究流程 7 一、研究架構 7 二、研究流程 8 第貳章 文獻探討 9 第一節 區位選擇理論 9 小結 17 第二節 母公司的策略 18 一、佈局構想 18 二、產品標準化程度 28 小結 34 第三節 子公司之間的溝通模式 35 一、溝通的重要性 35 二、溝通的定義 36 三、組織溝通的模式 37 四、溝通的項目 37 五、組織溝通的途徑 43 六、影響子公司溝通的因素 47 小結 52 第參章 研究設計 53 第一節 研究架構 53 概念說明 54 第二節 研究過程 57 一、研究樣本的選取 57 二、研究方法 57 三、訪談對象與內容 58 四、個案公司整理 60 第肆章 個案描述 62 第一節 A公司 62 一、A公司沿革 62 二、子公司概況 63 第二節 B公司 66 一、B公司沿革 66 二、子公司概況 67 第三節 C公司 69 一、C公司沿革 69 二、子公司概況 71 第四節 D公司 73 一、D公司沿革 73 二、子公司概況 74 第伍章 個案分析及命題發展 77 第一節 個案分析 77 一、A公司之分析 77 二、B公司之分析 83 三、C公司之分析 86 四、D公司之分析 90 五、個案分析彙總 95 六、研究發現 106 第二節 命題發展 111 一、母公司策略 111 二、母公司策略對區位因素選擇的影響 119 三、影響子公司之間溝通模式 126 第陸章 結論及建議 128 第一節 研究結論 128 第二節 研究建議 134 一、對業界的建議 134 二、對後續研究建議 137 參 考 文 獻 139 附錄:個案訪談大綱 142

Klasės auklėtojų komunikacinės veiklos modelio empirinis pagrindimas / Class mentor model of communication empiricallly reasoning

Pupšienė, Zita 26 February 2009 (has links)
Šiandieninis švietimas grindžiamas žmogaus nelygstamos vertės, jo pasirinkimo laisvės, dorinės atsakomybės pripažinimu, demokratiniais santykiais, komunikacija ir bendradarbiavimu. Kintanti mokymo ir mokymosi paradigma lemia klasės auklėtojo ir visų ugdymo proceso dalyvių veiklos pokyčius. Tradicinėje pedagogikoje ryškus pedagoginis konservatizmas nebegali tenkinti nei individo, nei visuomenės poreikių reikiamu lygiu. Neišvengiamai gausėja ugdytojų, savo veikloje taikančių laisvojo ugdymo principus, besiorientuojančių į ugdytinio asmenybę, jo poreikius, jo kaitą. Tyrimo objektas. Klasės auklėtojo komunikacinė veikla bendradarbiaujant su ugdymo proceso dalyviais. Tyrimo tikslas. Teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti pagrindinės mokyklos klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos modelį, atskleidžiant jo turinį ir struktūrą ugdymo kaitos sąlygomis. Magistro darbe yra (apibrėžiami) aptariami klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos pagrindai bei išskirtas klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos turinys ir struktūra pagrindinėje mokykloje. Šiame darbe nustatyti komunikacinės veiklos ryšiai su kitais ugdymo proceso dalyviais bei sukurtas grafinis klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos modelis. Minėtą modelį sudaro mikroaplinka ir makroaplinka susidedanti iš trijų lygmenų: klasės bendruomenės, mokyklos bendruomenės ir socialinės aplinkos bei šeimos. Klasės bendruomenėje komunikuoja ugdytiniai (individualiai, grupėse, visa klasės bendruomenė) ir klasės auklėtojas. Mokyklos bendruomenėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today‘s education is based on the absoliute value of human being, his freedom of choice, democratic relationships, communication and collaboration. A gradual shift in paradigm of education influences the changes of class mentor’s activities. Strong pedagogical conservativism can not satisfy neither individual nor community’s needs in traditional pedagogy. Fortunately, there are more and more educators who practice personality – oriented principles of informal education. This is based on the test data. The object of this research is communication practice of class mentor collaborating with the course participants. The aim of this research is to ground class mentor’s model of communication revealing its content and structure in the basic school. Relations between communication practice and other participants of educational process have been described in this master thesis. Moreover the model of communication has been provided. This model consists of three levels. 1. class community level; 2. school community level; 3. family and social environment level. Class mentor and schoolchildren communicate (individually, in groups and the whole class) at class community level. Schoolchildren, teachers, professionals, directors, pupils from different classes, pupils’ organizations of self –management and the staff communicate at school community level. The third level is for pupil’s family and its environment, the church and social environment such as friends, institutions and... [to full text]

Išorinė socialinė reklama Kauno mieste: turinio ir semiotinė analizė / External social advertisement in Kaunas: the analysis of the content and semiotics

Stackevičienė, Ernesta 05 August 2009 (has links)
Socialinė reklama, apimdama platų spektrą aktualių šiandieninės visuomenės problemų tiek moksliniame lygmenyje, tiek norminiuose dokumentuose, tikslingai įvardijama kaip kultūrinė, socialinė ir šviečiamoji informacija. Tokia informacija, pateikta per viešosios komunikacijos priemones miesto erdvėse, turi aiškų ir konkretų tikslą – kurti naujas socialines vertybes ir taip paveikti žmogaus jausmus, priversti susimąstyti dėl egzistuojančių problemų ir ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje jas spręsti. Tokiam tikslui pasiekti socialinė reklama visuomenei atlieka svarbias, besiintegruojančias, persipynusias funkcijas: informuoja, įtikinėja, skatina bei primena. Vadinasi, socialinė reklama, turėdama tikslą provokuoti, šokiruoti, emociškai sukrėsti, yra skirta šviesti, mokyti, auklėti ar motyvuoti auditoriją, į kurią reklama yra nukreipiama, imtis socialiai tinkamų poelgių ar veiksmų. Tokia reklama neskatina pirkti prekių ar paslaugų, nes jos tikslas yra paveikti žmogaus moralę, suvokimą, įtakoti jausmus, keisti netinkamą elgesį ar požiūrį. Pasitaiko socialinių reklamų, kuriose naudojama paslėpta reklama – kuomet siuntėjas sąmoningai siunčia dviprasmiškos reikšmės informaciją gavėjui, padeda kalbėtojui siekti komercinių tikslų. Šiame darbe į socialinę reklamą žvelgiama kaip į viešąją komunikaciją. Jame stengiamasi patvirtinti arba paneigti išsikeltas dvi hipotezes. Pirmoji, išorinė socialinė reklama apima didelį spektrą socialinių problemų, o daugiausia dėmesio skiria tokiems neigiamiems... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social advertising, encompassing a wide range of topical problems of the modern society is both at scientific level and in regulatory documents purposefully described as cultural, social and educational information. Such information, presented in urban spaces via the public communication tools, has a clear and specific purpose – to create new social values and thus affect human feelings, to make a person think about the existing problems and to solve them in the long-term perspective. In order to accomplish this purpose, social advertising in the society performs the following important integrating and intertwining functions: it informs, persuades, encourages and reminds. Consequently, social advertising, possessing the aim to provoke, to shock, to inflict emotional distress is intended to educate, teach, foster and motivate the audience, which is the advertising’s target group, to behave in a proper way and to take socially appropriate actions. Such advertising does not promote purchasing goods or services, since its aim is to affect a person’s morality, perception, to influence feelings, to change undue behaviour or opinion. Sometimes one can come across social advertisements which employ hidden advertising – when an addresser is deliberately sending ambiguous information to the addressee, helps the speaker in seeking commercial aims. In this work social advertising is treated as public communication. The author is trying to prove or to reject the two hypotheses which... [to full text]

A comparison of autonomous and collaborative models in computer-mediated communication

Phillips, Bruce 10 September 2007 (has links)
Traditional models of conversation treat the participants as autonomous; ideally, speakers convey information to listeners in alternating turns. In contrast, the more recent collaborative model emphasizes moment-by-moment collaboration between participants in dialogue (Clark, 1996). Two computer-mediated communication (CMC) experiments tested these models by questioning the utility of strict turn exchanges (a central feature of autonomous models) versus more flexible moment-by-moment collaboration (a central feature of Clark’s model). A novel feature of these experiments was the development of three new process measures that are relevant to the autonomous versus collaborative comparison. Conversational coherence was a quantitative measure of the adjacency of all semantically related utterances, that is, how well the conversation maintained an orderly sequence of topics. Collaborative topic development was a quantitative measure of how much participants built on one another’s ideas (versus contributing independently on separate topics). That is, to what degree did the conversations take the form of loosely related alternating monologues versus an integrated dialogue? The third measure assessed the contributions of listeners. Each process measure required detailed analysis of all messages in each conversation. Experiment 1 compared three CMC formats, ranging from highly autonomous to highly collaborative: IRC (Internet Relay Chat), in which participants compose and send messages independently; ICQ (I-Seek-You) with an imposed turn marker; and ICQ-free with no turn rules. Sixty University of Victoria students in 30 unacquainted dyads completed a brainstorming and a joint recall task in one randomly assigned condition. As predicted by the collaborative model, all dependent measures confirmed that the ICQ-free format was significantly superior to the IRC and ICQ-turn maker conditions. That is, the format without an imposed turn structure produced more coherent, more collaborative conversations, with higher performance scores and better task efficiency. Qualitative analysis revealed that, in the absence of familiar turn cues, the ICQ-free dyads used timing and text space to manage their interaction, which often did not involve strict turn taking. Experiment 2 was a replication and extension with two new communication conditions, a new measure of listener responses, and the use of three-person groups. In a within-subjects design, participants completed two tasks in a face-to-face (FTF) condition, the previous IRC condition, and an electronic bulletin board (BB) condition, which also imposed turn taking. These three conditions varied in the degree of reciprocity possible, with FTF permitting the maximum and fastest reciprocal interaction and BB the least and slowest. Twenty-seven University of Victoria students formed nine randomly assigned, unacquainted triads. Together, each triad completed a brainstorming task and a debating task with different topics in each condition. The results again showed that flexible moment-by-moment interaction was superior to the two formats that enforced turn taking. The FTF conversations were more coherent, with more collaborative topic development. Also, the rate of listener responses was significantly higher, indicating a higher rate of feedback to speakers, and the number of words used per turn was lower, suggesting more rapid turn-around (i.e., finer granularity). In sum, the FTF participants tightly intertwined their contributions to ensure understanding, maintain coherence, and develop their joint topics. Taken together, the results clearly support a collaborative model of conversation and raise new questions about the functional utility of strict turn taking. In both process and performance measures, the conditions that maximized collaboration were superior to those that favoured autonomous individual action. At the practical level, these results should inform the design of mediated communication systems by identifying the affordances that may help or hinder online interaction.

Design And Implementation Of Mobile Patient Data Collection And Transmission System For An Emergency Ambulance

Kosen, Emre 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a low-cost system, called Mobile Ambulance, is designed and implemented that provides patient&rsquo / s medical data collection and transmission from a moving ambulance. The aim of the system is to decrease the waiting time for critical care patients to be seen at the emergency department (ED) at the same time to equip the emergency physician with the essential medical data before the patient arrives the ED. Mobile Ambulance is a multi-tiered distributed application composed of three components: ambulance component to capture patient&rsquo / s essential medical data (EMD) and to transmit it to the ED (transmission is wireless via General Packet Radio Service, GPRS), synchronization component (synch for short) to persist incoming data into the back-end database and to warn the emergency physician, and service component to analyze the patient&rsquo / s EMD.

Barriers to formal communication in the SANDF

Hartley, Llewellyn Henry 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploratory study aimed at empirically identifying and examining manifestations of communication barriers in the South African National Defence Force. A convergence model of communication is presented, describing the stages involved when individuals share the same information. The convergence model of communication delineates the relationship among the physical, psychological, and social aspects of communication. Two complementary theorems deduced by Kincaid (1988) from the convergence principle and the basic cybernetic process involved in information processing are applied in the analyses. The theorems specify the conditions under which intercultural communication will lead to convergence between members of different cultures involved. An empirically testable model was developed to collect information about possible communication barriers. The barriers are an indication of the restrictions on communication in the system and therefore indicate the possibility of restricting cultural convergence. / Communication / M.A. (Communication)

Ett parti i marknadsföring : Strategier på en föränderlig spelplan / A match in marketing : Strategies for an ever changing gameplan

Turesson, Sofi, Ottosson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
På modemarknaden råder idag en stor konkurrens och det blir allt svårare att differentiera sitt företag. Ett ökat mediebrus distraherar kontinuerligt det budskap företaget vill sända ut till kundgruppen. Idag tvingas företagen ta ett allt större socialt ansvar främst av kommersiella skäl. Miljöengagemanget blir allt större och framför allt attityden och beteendet hos konsumenterna leder till en annan slags konsumtion eller rent av till en ny trend. Utifrån problematiseringen har vi undersökt, beskrivit samt analyserat marknadsförings-strategin av en kedjeägd- respektive en privatägd butik. De utvalda butikerna blev Brothers & Sisters i Borås City respektive Centrum Manufaktur i Alingsås. Fokus låg på jämförelsen av marknadsföringen mellan två butiker, där en är centralstyrd och ingår i en kedja medan den andra är en enskild butik som är styrd i privat regi. Hur miljöperspektivet inkluderas i kommunikationen berördes också. Vi kartlagde skillnader och likheter samt fördelar och nackdelar med butikernas kommunikation och påverkan. De datainsamlingstekniker som har legat till grund för undersökningen är två personliga intervjuer och två enkäter. Intervjun har skett i möte med respondenten för respektive företag. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts på stan i Alingsås och Borås med ett icke sannolikhetsurval av respondenter. Undersökningen visade att både Brothers & Sisters och Centrum Manufaktur använder sig främst av interna åtgärder för att konkurrera och skapa lönsamhet. Den övergripande strategin för att skapa differentiering och påverkan är genom valet av tre faktorer; service, sortiment och människor. Det som skiljer företagens marknadsföringsstrategier åt är valet av informationskanaler i marknadskommunikationen, organisationens uppbyggnad samt varumärkena som ingår i sortimentet. Företagen lyckas med att kommunicera ett starkt sortiment och god service då kunden förknippar företagen med just de här faktorerna. Att döma utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna och enkätundersökningarna blir det tydligt att en butik tillhörande en kedja samt en butik som bedrivs i privat regi, kan ha likvärdiga strategier och stöta på liknande problem när det gäller marknadsföringen och dess genomslagskraft.The fashion market is today highly competitive and it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate their businesses. An increased media noise continually distracts the message the company wants to send to the client group. Today, companies are forced to take greater social responsibility mainly for commercial reasons. Environmental commitment is increasing, and above all the attitude and behavior of consumers leads to another kind of consumption or even to a new trend. From the issue we have examined, described and analyzed the marketing strategy of a chainstore and a privately owned shop. The selected stores were Brothers & Sisters in Borås City and Centrum Manufaktur in Alingsås. The focus was on comparison of marketing between the two stores, one of which is part of a chain while the other is a single store that is operated privately. The environmental aspect included in the communication was also a part of the study. We map minded, similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of store communication and the influence on the market. The data collection techniques that were the subject of the investigation are two personal interviews and two surveys. The interview took place in a meeting with the respondent for their respective companies. The survey has been carried out on the town in Alingsås and Borås with a non-probability sample of respondents. The investigation revealed that both Brothers & Sisters and Centrum Manufaktur mostly uses internal measures to compete and operate profitably. The overall strategy for creating differentiation and impact is through the choice of three factors: service, assortment and people. What distinguishes the firms marketing strategies were the selection of information channels of marketing communication, organization structure and the brands included in the assortment. The companies manage to communicate a strong range and good service when the customer associate companies with just these factors. Judging from the interviews and questionnaires, it becomes clear that a shop belonging to a chain and a store that is conducted in private, may have similar strategies and encounter similar problems in terms of marketing and its impact. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen

Barriers to formal communication in the SANDF

Hartley, Llewellyn Henry 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploratory study aimed at empirically identifying and examining manifestations of communication barriers in the South African National Defence Force. A convergence model of communication is presented, describing the stages involved when individuals share the same information. The convergence model of communication delineates the relationship among the physical, psychological, and social aspects of communication. Two complementary theorems deduced by Kincaid (1988) from the convergence principle and the basic cybernetic process involved in information processing are applied in the analyses. The theorems specify the conditions under which intercultural communication will lead to convergence between members of different cultures involved. An empirically testable model was developed to collect information about possible communication barriers. The barriers are an indication of the restrictions on communication in the system and therefore indicate the possibility of restricting cultural convergence. / Communication / M.A. (Communication)

Kommunikationsmodell för APD-plan vid användning av materialrutor och gångstråk / Model of communication for a construction site plan when using material zones and walking path

Ahlander, Alfred, Ekroth, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Platsbyggd byggnadsproduktion är en komplicerad process. En tillfällig fabrik, med nya materialupplag och nytt arbetsplatsområde upprättas vid varje enskilt projekt, vilket komplicerar processen ytterligare. Materialhanteringen utgör en stor besparingsmöjlighet i byggnadsprojekt och 40 % av tiden som förloras på en byggarbetsplats kan tillskrivas materialhantering. För att få bukt med slöseri kopplat till materialhantering krävs en väl bearbetad logistikplanering, fungerande kommunikation samt kunskapsbeaktning från tidigare genomförda projekt. Studiens mål är därför att identifiera förbättringsåtgärder gällande användning av materialrutor och gångstråk, samt skapa en kommunikationsmodell för arbetsplatsdispositionsplanen (APD-planen) som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring. Metod: Studien har utfört fallstudier på två projekt inom NCC:s organisation. Kvalitativ datainsamling i form av litteraturstudie, intervjuer, dokumentanalys och observation har använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts och innefattar sju respondenter med olika befattningar inom byggbranschen. Resultat: Studien har tagit fram faktorer som bör beaktas vid planeringen av materialrutor och gångstråk. Vidare visar resultatet att det krävs resurser och strukturerade processer för att erfarenhetsåterföring i byggnadsprojekt skall fungera. För att lyckas med användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk krävs god kommunikation av APD-planen. I studien har även en kommunikationsmodell av APDplanen som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring tagits fram. Konsekvenser: Det är under inköps- och leveransplaneringen som förutsättningarna för materialrutor och gångstråk sätts, därför bör APD-planen vara mer i fokus under detta skede. En förutsättning för att användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk skall fungera är att det finns resurser som stödjer platsledningen vid planering och utförandet. Genom att använda sig av logistikresurser inom organisationen underlättas planering och hantering av material på byggarbetsplatsen och insamlade erfarenheter kan förmedlas mellan projekt. Ute i produktionen bör det finnas en ansvarig godsmottagare som är extra insatt i APD-planen och materialrutor, genom kontinuerlig kommunikation med platsledning och logistikresurs. Begränsningar: Eftersom arbetet endast omfattar studie av två byggnadsprojekt finns det en begränsning i vilka faktorer och resonemang som lyfts fram. Även om resultatet grundas från två byggnadsprojekt är de grundläggande processerna och händelseförloppen vid uppförande av byggnader likartade och resultatet kan därför tillämpas på liknande byggnadsprojekt. / Purpose: On-site construction is a complicated process. A temporary factory, with new zones for materials and workplace area must be established for each new project, which complicates the process further. Material management stands for a big saving opportunity in building projects and 40 % of the time lost on a construction site can be attributed to material management.  To overcome this waste connected to material management a well-processed logistics planning, god communication as well as experience feedback from previous projects is required. The aim for this thesis is therefore to identify improvement measure regarding the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, and as well as create a model of communication that supports experience feedback. Method The thesis is a case study on two projects within the organization of NCC.  A qualitative data collection with literature review, interviews, document analysis and observation has been conducted. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted and includes seven respondents with different position within the construction industry. Findings: The thesis has produced factors that should be taken into consideration when material zones and walking paths are planned. The result shows that resources and structured processes are required if experience feedback should work during the construction project. To succeed with the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, good communication of the construction site plan is needed. Furthermore, the thesis has resulted in a model of communication that supports experience feedback.   Implications: It’s during the purchase and delivery planning that the conditions for the material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths are set, therefore the construction site planning should be involved more in this phase. A prerequisite for using dedicated material zones and walking paths are resources which supports the construction management with planning and performance. By using logistic resources within the organization facilitates planning and management of material at the construction site, enables that collected experience can be conveyed between projects. In the production there should be a responsible receiver of material deliveries, who is extra briefed in the constructions site plan and the material-dedicated buffer zones through continuous communication with the construction management and logistic resource. Limitations: Since the thesis only includes two building projects, there is a limitation of the factors and arguments that are treated. Although the result is based on two building projects the fundamental processes and course of events are similar and can therefore be applied on other building projects.

Návrh komunikační strategie pro značku Telstar / Proposal of Communication Strategy for Brand Telstar

Krusberská, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis there is applied knowledge of marketing communication and is proposed communication mix with new trends as part of the concept of communication strategy. Final design of marketing communication had been preceding the analysis of general, occupational and internal environment of the company and evaluation of the current situation.

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