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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impactos territoriais dos assentamentos rurais no Município de Esplanada – BA

Costa Neto, Antonio de Oliveira 29 February 2016 (has links)
The present work aims to analyze the territorial impacts caused by the implementation of agricultural settlement in the Municipality of Esplanada — BA. To accomplish this objective it was necessary analyze relevant themes inside the Brazilian agricultural issue, like struggle for land, land structure and the government‘s role in the settlement consolidation process, above all the role of the Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA, Colonization and Agricultural Reform National Institute), main responsible for the implementation and support to the development of Brazilian agricultural settlements. The struggle for land in Esplanada was strongly marked by the presence of a fray, who, when assumed the role of leader of the peasants, managed to influence the implementation of five settlements. The land structure of Esplanada present relative values close to Brazil and Bahia. Those values show high concentration of lands and poor distribution of agricultural areas, where the latifundium, besides having the biggest area percentage, continue to expand. Despite the settlement implementation, the high concentration of areas continue. The government with a timid settlement creation policy by dispossession cannot decentralize lands. Many of those settlements, like the ones form the Municipality in this study, find themselves only in the created settlement category, far away from becoming consolidated. The INCRA cannot execute its role effectively, having strong influence in the development of these settlements. Despite the problems face by the settlers, the territorial impacts caused by the settlement implementation are many. Those considerably improved their lives regarding to education, dwelling, alimentation and income. Moreover, the settlements also provided a new socioeconomic dynamic in the Municipality. In this context, are evident the positive impact of the settlements in the lives of the settlers, whom are completely inserted in the Municipality development. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os impactos territoriais causados pela implantação dos assentamentos rurais no município de Esplanada (BA). Para alcançar esse objetivo foi necessário analisar temas relevantes relativos à questão agrária brasileira, como a luta pela terra, a estrutura fundiária e o papel do governo no processo de consolidação dos assentamentos, sobretudo a atuação do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA), principal responsável pela implementação e apoio ao desenvolvimento dos assentamentos rurais brasileiros. A luta pela terra em Esplanada foi fortemente marcada pela presença de um Frei, que, ao assumir o papel de líder dos camponeses, conseguiu influenciar a implantação de cinco assentamentos. A estrutura fundiária de Esplanada apresenta valores relativos próximos à do Brasil e à da Bahia. Esses valores evidenciam alta concentração de terras e má distribuição de áreas agriculturáveis, sendo que os latifúndios, além de possuírem os maiores percentuais de áreas, continuam a se ampliar. Apesar da implantação dos assentamentos, a alta concentração de terras continua. O governo, com uma tímida política de criação de assentamentos via desapropriação, não consegue desconcentrar terras. Muitos desses assentamentos, como os do município em questão, encontram-se apenas na categoria de assentamentos criados, longe de se tornarem consolidados. O INCRA não consegue executar seu papel de forma eficaz, tendo forte influência no lento desenvolvimento desses assentamentos. Apesar dos problemas enfrentados pelos assentados, os impactos territoriais causados pela implantação dos assentamentos são muitos. Os assentados melhoraram consideravelmente suas vidas em relação à educação, à moradia, à alimentação e à renda. Além disso, os assentamentos também proporcionaram uma nova dinâmica socioeconômica ao município. Nesse contexto, são evidentes os impactos positivos dos assentamentos na vida dos assentados, que se encontram completamente inseridos no desenvolvimento do município.

Entre o corte da cerca e a teia da rede: desafios do MST na luta pela reforma agrária no Brasil

Silveira, Cássio Rodrigues da 13 March 2015 (has links)
We aim in this thesis to analyze aspects of the transformations occurred in the MST, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (in free translation: Rural Workers Landless Movement), from 1981 until January 2015, through its publications. We made it clear that what is presented here is a set of representations as this concept is defined by Roger Chartier of the movement about issues which we choose as relevant to understanding its dynamics in time. The central point of documentation used in the work is the Jornal dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (in free translation: Journal of Landless Rural Workers), which has its beginning, even as a report, before the official foundation of the MST in 1984, but were also used other informational and training publications, besides its content site, which came into being in 1996. As the movement developed into a trends accent period of modernity, such as individualism, consumerism and social breakdown, trying to understand, through research, what were the impacts this situation on our subject. Therefore, the initial part of the thesis strives to clarify the main characteristics of temporality issue that could influence the MST. We follow their perceptions of land reform, the formation of their members both with regard to some forms as the ideological content its relationship with the state and the issue of violence as it is felt and performed by social subjects we set ourselves the study. In its quest to establish new relations in the field, the movement, since its inception, realized that it would be very difficult within capitalist relations, particularly in its neoliberal version, and took a discourse of class, with strong revolutionary content. The MST, thereby, with rare exceptions, always understood that the changes sought would be consolidated see the size of its force to generate them through the struggle. Since the 1980s and especially from the 90s, the movement gradually alia increasingly complex network of individuals on the planet, designated by the general term alterglobalisation which currently come together around a common theme: another world is possible . The limits and scope of this statement, as well as the ways in which the MST seeks to enter this field of struggle, are also analyzed in the work. / Objetivamos na presente tese analisar aspectos das transformações ocorridas no MST, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, no período de 1981 até janeiro de 2015, por meio de suas publicações. Deixamos claro que o que é apresentado aqui é um conjunto de representações tal como Roger Chartier nos apresenta este conceito do Movimento a respeito de temas os quais elegemos como pertinentes para a compreensão de sua dinâmica no tempo. A documentação central utilizada no trabalho é o Jornal dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, que tem seu início, ainda como um boletim, antes da fundação oficial do MST, em 1984, mas foram utilizadas também outras publicações informativas e formativas e o conteúdo do seu site, que passou a existir a partir de 1996. Como o Movimento se desenvolveu em um período de acentuação de tendências da modernidade, tais como o individualismo, o consumismo e a desagregação social, procuramos compreender, por meio da pesquisa, quais foram os impactos dessa conjuntura sobre o nosso sujeito. Para tanto a parte inicial da tese procura aclarar as principais características da temporalidade em questão que poderiam influenciar o MST. Acompanhamos suas percepções sobre a Reforma Agrária, a formação dos seus membros, tanto no que se refere a algumas formas quanto ao conteúdo ideológico, sua relação com o Estado e o tema da violência tal como ela é sentida e realizada pelos sujeitos sociais que nos propusemos estudar. Na sua busca por estabelecer novas relações no campo, o Movimento, desde o seu início, compreendeu que isso seria muito difícil no interior das relações capitalistas, sobretudo na sua versão neoliberal, e assumiu um discurso de classe, com forte teor revolucionário. O MST, desse modo, com raras exceções, sempre compreendeu que as mudanças que buscava ver consolidadas seriam do tamanho que ele tivesse força para gerar, por meio da luta. Desde a década de 1980 e, sobretudo a partir dos anos 90, o Movimento gradativamente se alia cada vez mais a uma rede complexa de sujeitos no planeta, designados pelo termo geral Altermundialismo , que atualmente se unem em torno de um lema comum: um outro mundo é possível . Os limites e alcances dessa afirmação, assim como as formas por meio das quais o MST procura se inserir nesse campo de luta, também são analisados no trabalho. / Doutor em História

A luta e a lida: estudo do controle social do MST nos acampamentos e assentamentos de reforma agrária / The struggle and the work: study of social control of the MST in the encampments and agrarian reform settlements.

Franciele Silva Cardoso 03 August 2012 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado tem por objetivo aferir junto a um grupo estruturado (em acampamento e projeto de assentamento) de trabalhadores rurais acampados ou assentados ligados ao MST (Movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra) que reivindicam o acesso a terra e ao trabalho através da efetivação da reforma agrária quais são as estratégias de controle social implementadas nesses grupamentos. Tal investigação, eminentemente interdisciplinar, foi realizada em duas esferas distintas: primeiramente, se ancorou, em termos teóricos próprios da criminologia, da sociologia, da geografia e da antropologia, as principais categorias e conceitos intrínsecos ao objeto da pesquisa (i. a questão agrária; ii. a trajetória do Movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra; iii. a definição de grupos enquanto espaços de sociabilidade; iv. o controle social; v. a teoria criminológica do conflito, com ênfase na perspectiva criminológica crítica1; vi. A sociologia da conflitualidade e vii. o processo de marginalização/interação sociais). Num segundo momento, efetiva-se o estudo de caso propriamente dito, quando, a partir da ida a campo (acampamento e projeto de assentamento rural localizados na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, no Estado de São Paulo) traça um estudo das trajetórias de militantes do MST e assentados rurais por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, para, assim, desvendar as estratégias de controle social e os seus reflexos no indivíduo a ele submetido, na interação entre o próprio grupo e, finalmente, na sua inserção na sociedade. A revisão da literatura especializada aplicável ao objeto de estudo demonstrou que os conflitos agrários que até hoje são muito latentes no Brasil têm suas raízes num modelo de ocupação do espaço rural absolutamente concentrado, com a permanência do latifúndio que, quando não é improdutivo, tem por parte do poder público generoso apoio econômico e político, o que não se verifica nas mesmas proporções nos assentamentos de reforma agrária. Nesse cenário de injustiça fundiária, ganha espaço na sociedade brasileira o MST, movimento social que pauta as reivindicações em torno da questão agrária, organizando os seus militantes nos acampamentos no momento de luta pelo acesso a terra e, em relação aos assentados quem lida na terra buscando, principalmente em relação aos poderes públicos, a sua viabilidade econômica através de medidas pelo menos iguais às que são concedidas ao agronegócio nacional. Ainda que a capacidade de mobilização do MST seja constantemente apontada como declinante, o que se observou no acampamento e assentamento estudados foi uma presença marcante desse movimento no contexto local, não só em relação aos acampados e assentados, mas também nas interações sociais desses personagens no espaço sócio-político local. (1 A classificação macrocriminológica aqui adotada distinção entre criminologia do consenso e criminologia do conflito é de SHECAIRA, Sérgio Salomão, na obra Criminologia, p. 137 e 138). / This doctoral thesis aims to measure along with a structured group (in camps and settlement projects) rural workers camps or settlements related to the MST (Movement of landless rural workers) who claim access to land and labor through the realization of land reform which are the social control strategies implemented in these groups. This research, interdisciplinary eminently, was conducted in two distinct spheres: first, if anchored in theoretical terms themselves of criminology, sociology, geography and anthropology, the main categories and concepts intrinsic to the object of research (i. the agrarian question; ii. the path of movement of landless rural workers; iii. the definition of groups as spaces of sociability; iv. social control; v. Criminological theory of conflict2, with emphasis critical criminological perspective; vi. the sociology of conflict and vii. the process of marginalization/social interaction). Secondly, effective to the case study itself, when, from a field trip (camping and design of rural settlement located in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, in São Paulo) outlines a study of the trajectories of militants MST and rural settlers through semistructured interviews, in order thereby to reveal the strategies of social control and its impact on the individual referred to it in the interaction between the group itself, and finally, in their integration into society. The review of the literature applicable to the object of study has shown that the agrarian conflicts that are still very dormant in Brazil have their roots in a model of occupation of the land absolutely concentrated, with the permanence of large estates which, if not counterproductive, is part of the generous government economic and political support, which is not the case in the same proportions in agrarian reform settlements. In this scenario of injustice land, gaining ground in Brazilians society, the MST, social movement that claims staff around the land issue, organizing its militants in the camps at the time of struggle for land and in relation to the settlers those who deal in the land seeking especially in relation to public authorities, their economic viability through measures at least equal to those granted to agribusiness. Although the ability to mobilize the MST is consistently identified as declining, which was observed in the camp and settlement studied was a strong presence in the local context of this movement, not only in relation to the camps and settlements, but also in social interactions of these characters in the socio-political location. (2 The macrocriminological classification adopted here distinction between criminology consensus and criminology conflict is SHECAIRA, Sergio Salomão. Criminology, p. 137 and 138).

A pedagogia socialista e a formação do educador do campo no século XXI : as contribuições da Pegagogia da Terra

Casagrande, Nair January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo se insere na Linha de Pesquisa ‘Trabalho, Movimentos Sociais e Educação’, e no Núcleo TRAMSE, do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEDU/UFRGS). Tem como foco de interesse ‘A formação de educadores do campo’. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi analisar o desenvolvimento do currículo do curso de Pedagogia da Terra, realizado pela Via Campesina Brasil, no Instituto Técnico de Capacitação e Pesquisa da Reforma Agrária (ITERRA)/Instituto Josué de Castro (IEJC) no período de 2003 a 2007, em Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Com isso, pretendemos contribuir com a elaboração teórica acerca da teoria pedagógica, especificamente na formação dos educadores, a luz do projeto histórico socialista que vem sendo desenvolvido e defendido pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), e incorporado pela Via Campesina Brasil, através do curso de Pedagogia da Terra realizado pelo ITERRA/IEJC. A tese principal apresentada é: os cursos de formação de Pedagogia da Terra, realizados pela Via Campesina Brasil no ITERRA/IEJC, vêm desenvolvendo uma proposta de formação de educadores do campo apoiados em projeto histórico e projeto político-pedagógico revolucionários, numa pedagogia centrada no coletivo, que realiza o vínculo orgânico entre educação escolar e trabalho produtivo e está articulada a um movimento mais amplo de transformação social, com vínculo internacional. Nosso estudo se sustenta na necessidade vital apresentada como demandas próprias do MST. O trabalho se insere na agenda de pesquisa do Movimento, na área de concentração educação e formação, sob a linha de pesquisa educação básica do campo e eixo temático “formação de educadores do campo”; e também na necessidade de estudos aprofundados acerca sobre a temática como demandas impostas a todos os movimentos sociais campesinos ligados à Via Campesina Brasil e, extrapola estes movimentos sociais. Realizamos a discussão do contexto conjuntural brasileiro sob o qual se inserem as políticas públicas para a educação do campo e para a formação de educadores frente a um histórico e acirrado confronto de projetos de classes antagônicas, no qual vivemos. Apresentamos as diretrizes pedagógicas de formação do MST que concebem o curso de Pedagogia da Terra analisado. Debatemos as principais categorias que serviram de apoio ao estudo: a formação humana onilateral, alienação, projeto histórico, teoria pedagógica e pedagogia socialista. Após, desenvolvemos a caracterização geral do fenômeno material estudado a partir dos elementos que o constituem aprofundando a análise do trabalho pedagógico do curso de Pedagogia da Terra realizado no ITERRA/IEJC. Nas conclusões identificamos que o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido nesta experiência, apesar de sofrer as determinações da forma como o trabalho se estrutura sob o capital, tem apontado possibilidades de alteração do trato com o conhecimento e com a organização do trabalho pedagógico. Permite identificar a necessária alteração do processo de trabalho pedagógico abordando o conhecimento na sua totalidade, a organização curricular a partir da prática, os complexos temáticos, tendo o trabalho enquanto atividade específica do ser humano. Podemos confirmar a tese principal deste estudo na qual defendemos que vêm sendo materializadas, através destes sujeitos coletivos do campo, de caráter revolucionário, novas possibilidades de organização do trabalho pedagógico que permitem um direcionamento da formação numa perspectiva onilateral, solidificando bases para a construção de princípios que orientam uma teoria pedagógica articulada a um projeto de formação de educadores e um projeto histórico superador das relações de produção do conhecimento e da vida imposta pelo capitalismo. / The present study is part of the Researche´s Line namely ‘Work, Social Movements and Education’ and ‘Nucleus TRAMSE’ of the Post Graduation in Education Degree of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEDU/UFRGS). It focuses in the formation of country educators. The overall objective of this research was to analyze the development of the curriculum used by the Pedagogia da Terra Course developed by Via Campesina Brazil in the Instituto Técnico de Capacitação e Pesquisa da Reforma Agrária (ITERRA)/Instituto Josué de Castro (IEJC) from 2003 to 2007, in Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Using this research, we aim to contribute to the development of the pedagogical theory; in particular in what relates to the formation of the educators which is the driving force of this historical socialist project being developed by the Rural Workers without Land Movement (MST) and incorporated into the Pedagogia da Terra Course by Via Campesina Brazil-ITERRA/IEJC. The main theses presented is that the Pedagogia da Terra Course (organized by Via Campesina Brazil in the ITERRA/IEJC) has been developing a proposition for the formation of country educators. This pedagogy has a more collective nature, joining school education with productive work; it is also connected to a larger movement of social transformation with links to an international network. Our study is sustained by the vital necessities demanded by the Landless Movement (MST). Labour is inserted in the research program of this movement, in the field of Education (under the line of research in Basic Education in the Country and Formation of the Rural Educators); also in the necessity of a detailed study concerning Literary workload imposed on all rural social movements connected to Via Campesina Brazil. Within the Brazilian context we debated on the social politics related to Rural Education and for the formation of Teachers/Educators facing a historical and inflamed confrontation of opposing projects, in which we live. We present MST’s pedagogical lines of direction from the Pedagogia da Terra Course. We discuss the main categories of this study which are: an unilateral human conditioning, alienation, historical project, pedagogical theory and socialist pedagogy. After we develop the general characterization of the studied material from the elements that constitute it deepening the analysis of the pedagogical work from the course of Pedagogy of the Land carried through in the ITERRA/IEJC. In the conclusions we identify that the work that is being developed in this experiment, although its structure is pre-determined, there are possibilities of alteration of the treaty using the knowledge and the organization of the pedagogical work. It allows to identify the necessary alteration of the process of pedagogical work approaching the knowledge in its totality, the curricular organization from the practical one, the thematic complexes, having the work while specific activity of the human being. We can confirm the main thesis of this study in which we present, through these rural groups of a revolutionary character, new possibilities of organization of the pedagogical work that allow a redirecting of the education towards a more ‘onilateral’ perspective, making solid bases for the construction of principles that guide a pedagogical theory articulated to a project of formation of educators; and a superador historical project of the relations of production of the knowledge and the life imposed by capitalism.

Impactos territoriais dos assentamentos rurais no Município de Esplanada – BA

Costa Neto, Antonio de Oliveira 29 February 2016 (has links)
The present work aims to analyze the territorial impacts caused by the implementation of agricultural settlement in the Municipality of Esplanada — BA. To accomplish this objective it was necessary analyze relevant themes inside the Brazilian agricultural issue, like struggle for land, land structure and the government‘s role in the settlement consolidation process, above all the role of the Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA, Colonization and Agricultural Reform National Institute), main responsible for the implementation and support to the development of Brazilian agricultural settlements. The struggle for land in Esplanada was strongly marked by the presence of a fray, who, when assumed the role of leader of the peasants, managed to influence the implementation of five settlements. The land structure of Esplanada present relative values close to Brazil and Bahia. Those values show high concentration of lands and poor distribution of agricultural areas, where the latifundium, besides having the biggest area percentage, continue to expand. Despite the settlement implementation, the high concentration of areas continue. The government with a timid settlement creation policy by dispossession cannot decentralize lands. Many of those settlements, like the ones form the Municipality in this study, find themselves only in the created settlement category, far away from becoming consolidated. The INCRA cannot execute its role effectively, having strong influence in the development of these settlements. Despite the problems face by the settlers, the territorial impacts caused by the settlement implementation are many. Those considerably improved their lives regarding to education, dwelling, alimentation and income. Moreover, the settlements also provided a new socioeconomic dynamic in the Municipality. In this context, are evident the positive impact of the settlements in the lives of the settlers, whom are completely inserted in the Municipality development. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os impactos territoriais causados pela implantação dos assentamentos rurais no município de Esplanada (BA). Para alcançar esse objetivo foi necessário analisar temas relevantes relativos à questão agrária brasileira, como a luta pela terra, a estrutura fundiária e o papel do governo no processo de consolidação dos assentamentos, sobretudo a atuação do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA), principal responsável pela implementação e apoio ao desenvolvimento dos assentamentos rurais brasileiros. A luta pela terra em Esplanada foi fortemente marcada pela presença de um Frei, que, ao assumir o papel de líder dos camponeses, conseguiu influenciar a implantação de cinco assentamentos. A estrutura fundiária de Esplanada apresenta valores relativos próximos à do Brasil e à da Bahia. Esses valores evidenciam alta concentração de terras e má distribuição de áreas agriculturáveis, sendo que os latifúndios, além de possuírem os maiores percentuais de áreas, continuam a se ampliar. Apesar da implantação dos assentamentos, a alta concentração de terras continua. O governo, com uma tímida política de criação de assentamentos via desapropriação, não consegue desconcentrar terras. Muitos desses assentamentos, como os do município em questão, encontram-se apenas na categoria de assentamentos criados, longe de se tornarem consolidados. O INCRA não consegue executar seu papel de forma eficaz, tendo forte influência no lento desenvolvimento desses assentamentos. Apesar dos problemas enfrentados pelos assentados, os impactos territoriais causados pela implantação dos assentamentos são muitos. Os assentados melhoraram consideravelmente suas vidas em relação à educação, à moradia, à alimentação e à renda. Além disso, os assentamentos também proporcionaram uma nova dinâmica socioeconômica ao município. Nesse contexto, são evidentes os impactos positivos dos assentamentos na vida dos assentados, que se encontram completamente inseridos no desenvolvimento do município.

"O que nós quer é ocupar todos os espaços" : a participação sociopolítica do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) em conselhos gestores

Jesus, Cláudia Kathyuscia Bispo de 05 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to analyze the social and political participation of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) in management councils of the city of Our Lady of Glory, ie examine whether the practice corresponded (or not) to a new political strategy and an identity redefinition of MST members of the movement. We examined the theoretical issues: social movements; participation; management councils and identity processes. In addition, we used the analytical category political field developed by Pierre Bourdieu in theoretical-methodological contribution. This is a qualitative research, carried out through direct observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary research that enabled the construction of empirical corpus, in which we can highlight some results: i) participation of political activists in management councils; ii) design and forms of participation for the MST; iii) MST dilemmas on participation in management councils. It follows that participatory MST insertion in management councils means an identity redefinition of movement members who in turn are changing the internal dynamics of both counsel on the movement itself as regards its political action. This socio-political participation of the MST is an attempt to stay assurance and fight for better living conditions in rural settlements. / Este trabalho se propôs a analisar a participação sociopolítica do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) em conselhos gestores do município de Nossa Senhora da Glória, isto é, examinar se essa prática correspondeu (ou não) a uma nova estratégia política, bem como uma redefinição identitária dos integrantes do MST. Foram abordados como temas teóricos: movimentos sociais; participação; conselhos gestores e processos identitários. Ademais, fizemos uso da categoria analítica Campo político desenvolvido por Pierre Bourdieu no aporte teórico- metodológico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada através da observação direta, de entrevistas semi estruturadas e pesquisa documental que possibilitou a construção do corpus empírico, em que podemos destacar alguns resultados: i) participação de militantes políticos em conselhos gestores; ii) concepção e formas de participação para o MST; iii) os dilemas do MST diante da participação em conselhos gestores. Concluimos que a inserção participativa do MST em conselhos gestores significa uma redefinição identitária dos integrantes do movimento que, por sua vez, estão alterando a dinâmica interna tanto dos conselhos quanto a do próprio movimento no que se refere à sua atuação política. Essa participação sociopolítica do MST é uma tentativa de garantia de permanência e de luta por melhores condições de vida nos assentamentos rurais.

Modification of the 20 Metre Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) for ice-sports

Kuisis, S.M. (Suzan Mary) 29 October 2004 (has links)
The 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) was modified for application to ice-sports, more specifically for ice-hockey and figure-skating. Seventy two participants in ice-sports served as the total subject group. Subjects included in the study were National and Provincial standard male ice-hockey subjects (n=67) and female figure skaters (n=5) participating in the Gauteng area of South Africa (altitude of 1497 metres above sea level and barometric pressure of 655 mmHg). The mean age for the total group was 17.44±1.33 years. The research methodology entailed a repeated measures design to determine: a) velocity of motion on-ice vs. over-ground; b) energy expenditure on-ice vs. over-ground; and c) mechanical efficiency on-ice vs. over-ground. The mean velocity of motion measured over three distances (0 to 20, 0 to 30 and 0 to 40 m) indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) faster velocity on-ice (5.99±0.72 m/s) versus over-ground (5.75±0.63 m/s). The corresponding mean time-lapsed on-ice/over-ground ratio was 0.97±0.11. Differences in mean energy expenditure whilst performing the original 20 MST over-ground as opposed to on-ice were measured at low (at 4 minutes of exercise and 10 km/h), intermediate (after 8 minutes of exercise and 12 km/h), and high intensity (after 12 min of exercise and 14 km/h). The mean of the three indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) higher energy expenditure over-ground (14.04±4.86 kcal/min) as apposed to on-ice (10.51±2.95 kcal/min). The mean energy expenditure ratio for the three different intensities on-ice vs. over-ground was 0.74±0.21. Similarly, the mechanical efficiency index over-ground (4.92±0.59) was found to be significantly (p≤0.001) poorer than on-ice (6.83±1.49). The mean mechanical efficiency ratio over-ground/over-ice was 0.74±0.13. Subsequently, based on the above results, the 20 MST was modified by: a) adapting (increasing) the velocity of motion required for each level of the test (distance of 20 m per shuttle); and b) establishing the reliability and validity of the modified 20 MST for use on-ice. The adapted 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Skating Test (the modified (skating) 20 MST) started at a velocity of 2.8 m/s (10.1 km/h) and permitted 7.1 seconds to complete each shuttle for the first level of the test, which then decreased progressively at each level. This was based on an over-all variable-derived on-ice to over ground ratio of 0.84. Test-retest, on-ice reliability measures (n=15) for predicted VO2max (49.5±8.37 vs. 49.29±7.95 ml/kg/min) showed a highly significant (p£0.001) consistency (r=0.87). Similarly test-retest concurrent validity measures (n=10) for predicted VO2max over-ground with the original 20 MST (48.09±6.25 ml/kg/min) as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) versus on-ice values with the adapted on-ice 20 MST (49.98±7.23 ml/kg/min), showed a very significant (p£0.01) correlation of 0.73 between the two tests. In conclusion the original 20 MST, as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) for over-ground, proved inappropriate for use on-ice. Modification of the starting velocity as well as a progressive increase in velocity for all subsequent stages renders the modified 20 MST for ice-sports a reliable and valid test for cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), with surface-specific utility. The 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) was modified for application to ice-sports, more specifically for ice-hockey and figure-skating. Seventy two participants in ice-sports served as the total subject group. Subjects included in the study were National and Provincial standard male ice-hockey subjects (n=67) and female figure skaters (n=5) participating in the Gauteng area of South Africa (altitude of 1497 metres above sea level and barometric pressure of 655 mmHg). The mean age for the total group was 17.44±1.33 years. The research methodology entailed a repeated measures design to determine: a) velocity of motion on-ice vs. over-ground; b) energy expenditure on-ice vs. over-ground; and c) mechanical efficiency on-ice vs. over-ground. The mean velocity of motion measured over three distances (0 to 20, 0 to 30 and 0 to 40 m) indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) faster velocity on-ice (5.99±0.72 m/s) versus over-ground (5.75±0.63 m/s). The corresponding mean time-lapsed on-ice/over-ground ratio was 0.97±0.11. Differences in mean energy expenditure whilst performing the original 20 MST over-ground as opposed to on-ice were measured at low (at 4 minutes of exercise and 10 km/h), intermediate (after 8 minutes of exercise and 12 km/h), and high intensity (after 12 min of exercise and 14 km/h). The mean of the three indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) higher energy expenditure over-ground (14.04±4.86 kcal/min) as apposed to on-ice (10.51±2.95 kcal/min). The mean energy expenditure ratio for the three different intensities on-ice vs. over-ground was 0.74±0.21. Similarly, the mechanical efficiency index over-ground (4.92±0.59) was found to be significantly (p≤0.001) poorer than on-ice (6.83±1.49). The mean mechanical efficiency ratio over-ground/over-ice was 0.74±0.13. Subsequently, based on the above results, the 20 MST was modified by: a) adapting (increasing) the velocity of motion required for each level of the test (distance of 20 m per shuttle); and b) establishing the reliability and validity of the modified 20 MST for use on-ice. The adapted 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Skating Test (the modified (skating) 20 MST) started at a velocity of 2.8 m/s (10.1 km/h) and permitted 7.1 seconds to complete each shuttle for the first level of the test, which then decreased progressively at each level. This was based on an over-all variable-derived on-ice to over ground ratio of 0.84. Test-retest, on-ice reliability measures (n=15) for predicted VO2max (49.5±8.37 vs. 49.29±7.95 ml/kg/min) showed a highly significant (p£0.001) consistency (r=0.87). Similarly test-retest concurrent validity measures (n=10) for predicted VO2max over-ground with the original 20 MST (48.09±6.25 ml/kg/min) as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) versus on-ice values with the adapted on-ice 20 MST (49.98±7.23 ml/kg/min), showed a very significant (p£0.01) correlation of 0.73 between the two tests. In conclusion the original 20 MST, as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) for over-ground, proved inappropriate for use on-ice. Modification of the starting velocity as well as a progressive increase in velocity for all subsequent stages renders the modified 20 MST for ice-sports a reliable and valid test for cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), with surface-specific utility. / Dissertation (MA (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Integration of epitaxial piezoelectric thin films on silicon / Intégration de film mince piézoélectrique épitaxial sur silicium

Yin, Shi 27 November 2013 (has links)
Les matériaux piézoélectriques, comme le titanate-zirconate de plomb Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT), l’oxyde de zinc ZnO, ainsi que la solution solide de Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), sont actuellement l’objet d’études de plus en plus nombreuses à cause de leurs applications innovantes dans les systèmes micro-électromécaniques (MEMS). Afin de les intégrer sur substrat de silicium, certaines précautions doivent être prises en compte concernant par exemple des couches tampon, les électrodes inférieures. Dans cette thèse, des films piézoélectriques (PZT et PMN-PT) ont été épitaxiés avec succès sous forme de monocristaux sur silicium et SOI (silicon-on-insulator) par procédé sol-gel. En effet, des études récentes ont montré que les films piézoélectriques monocristallins semblent posséder des propriétés supérieures à celles des films polycristallins, permettant ainsi une augmentation de la performance des dispositifs MEMS. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de réaliser l'épitaxie de film monocristallin de matériaux piézoélectriques sur silicium. L'utilisation d’une couche tampon d'oxyde de gadolinium (Gd2O3) ou de titanate de strontium (SrTiO3 ou STO) déposés par la technique d’épitaxie par jets moléculaires (EJM) a été explorée en détail pour favoriser l’épitaxie du PZT et PMN-PT sur silicium. Sur le système Gd2O3/Si(111), l’étude par diffraction des rayons X (XRD) de la croissance du film PZT montre que le film est polyphasé avec la présence de la phase parasite pyrochlore non ferroélectrique. Cependant, le film PZT déposé sur le système STO/Si(001) est parfaitement épitaxié sous forme d’un film monocristallin. Afin de mesurer ses propriétés électriques, une couche de ruthenate de strontium conducteur SrRuO3 (SRO) déposée par ablation laser pulsé (PLD) a été utilisée comme l'électrode inférieure à cause de son excellente conductibilité et de sa structure cristalline pérovskite similaire à celle du PZT. Les caractérisations électriques sur des condensateurs Ru/PZT/SRO démontrent de très bonnes propriétés ferroélectriques avec présence de cycles d'hystérésis. Par ailleurs, le matériau relaxeur PMN-PT a aussi été épitaxié sur STO/Si comme l’a confirmé la diffraction des rayons X ainsi que la microscopie électronique en transmission (TEM). Ce film monocristallin est de la phase de perovskite sans présence de pyrochlore. En outre, une étude en transmission du rayonnement infrarouge au synchrotron a prouvé une transition de phase diffuse sur une large gamme de température, comme attendue dans le cas d’un relaxeur. L'autre intérêt d'avoir des films PZT monocristallins déposés sur silicium et SOI est de pouvoir utiliser les méthodes de structuration du silicium bien standardisées maintenant pour fabriquer les dispositifs MEMS. La mise au point d’un procédé de micro-structuration en salle blanche a permis de réaliser des cantilevers et des membranes afin de caractériser mécaniquement les couches piézoélectriques. Des déplacements par l'application d'une tension électrique ont ainsi pu être détectés par interférométrie. Finalement, cette caractérisation par interférométrie a été combinée avec une modélisation basée sur la méthode des éléments finis. Dans le futur, il sera nécessaire d’optimiser le procédé de microfabrication du dispositif MEMS afin d’en améliorer les performances électromécaniques. Enfin, des caractérisations au niveau du dispositif MEMS lui-même devront être développées en vue de leur utilisation dans de futures applications. / Recently, piezoelectric materials, like lead titanate zirconate Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT), zinc oxide ZnO, and the solid solution Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), increasingly receive intensive studies because of their innovative applications in the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). In order to integrate them on silicon substrate, several preliminaries must be taken into considerations, e.g. buffer layer, bottom electrode. In this thesis, piezoelectric films (PZT and PMN-PT) have been successfully epitaxially grown on silicon and SOI (silicon-on-insulator) in the form of single crystal by sol-gel process. In fact, recent studies show that single crystalline films seem to possess the superior properties than that of polycrystalline films, leading to an increase of the performance of MEMS devices. The first objective of this thesis was to realize the epitaxial growth of single crystalline film of piezoelectric materials on silicon. The use of a buffer layer of gadolinium oxide(Gd2O3) or strontium titanate (SrTiO3 or STO) deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been studied in detail to integrate epitaxial PZT and PMN-PT films on silicon. For Gd2O3/Si(111) system, the study of X-ray diffraction (XRD) on the growth of PZT film shows that the film is polycrystalline with coexistence of the nonferroelectric parasite phase, i.e. pyrochlore phase. On the other hand, the PZT film deposited on STO/Si(001) substrate is successfully epitaxially grown in the form of single crystalline film. In order to measure the electrical properties, a layer of strontium ruthenate (SrRuO3 or SRO) deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been employed for bottom electrode due to its excellent conductivity and perovskite crystalline structure similar to that of PZT. The electrical characterization on Ru/PZT/SRO capacitors demonstrates good ferroelectric properties with the presence of hysteresis loop. Besides, the relaxor ferroelectric PMN-PT has been also epitaxially grown on STO/Si and confirmed by XRD and transmission electrical microscopy (TEM). This single crystalline film has the perovskite phase without the appearance of pyrochlore. Moreover, the study of infrared transmission using synchrotron radiation has proven a diffused phase transition over a large range of temperature, indicating a typical relaxor ferroelectric material. The other interesting in the single crystalline PZT films deposited on silicon and SOI is to employ them in the application of MEMS devices, where the standard silicon techniques are used. The microfabrication process performed in the cleanroom has permitted to realize cantilevers and membranes in order to mechanically characterize the piezoelectric layers. Mechanical deflection under the application of an electric voltage could be detected by interferometry. Eventually, this characterization by interferometry has been studied using the modeling based on finite element method and analytic method. In the future, it will be necessary to optimize the microfabrication process of MEMS devices based on single crystalline piezoelectric films in order to ameliorate the electromechanical performance. Finally, the characterizations at MEMS device level must be developed for their utilization in the future applications.

Use of wind profilers to quantify atmospheric turbulence

Lee, Christopher Francis January 2011 (has links)
Doppler radar wind profilers are already widely used to measure atmospheric winds throughout the free troposphere and stratosphere. Several methods have been developed to quantify atmospheric turbulence with such radars, but to date they have remained largely un-tested; this thesis presents the first comprehensive validation of one such method. Conventional in-situ measurements of turbulence have been concentrated in the surface layer, with some aircraft and balloon platforms measuring at higher altitudes on a case study basis. Radars offer the opportunity to measure turbulence near continuously, and at a range of altitudes, to provide the first long term observations of atmospheric turbulence above the surface layer. Two radars were used in this study, a Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) radar, at Capel Dewi, West Wales, and the Facility for Ground Based Atmospheric Measurements (FGAM) mobile boundary layer profiler. In-situ measurements were made using aircraft and tethered-balloon borne turbulence probes. The spectral width method was chosen for detailed testing, which uses the width of a radar's Doppler spectrum as a measure of atmospheric velocity variance. Broader Doppler spectra indicate stronger turbulence. To obtain Gaussian Doppler spectra (a requirement of the spectral width method), combination of between five and seven consecutive spectra was required. Individual MST spectra were particularly non-Gaussian, because of the sparse nature of turbulence at its observation altitudes. The width of Gaussian fits to the Doppler spectrum were compared to those from the `raw' spectrum, to ensure that non-atmospheric signals were not measured. Corrections for non-turbulent broadening, such as beam broadening, and signal processing, were investigated. Shear broadening was found to be small, and the errors in its calculation large, so no corrections for wind shear were applied. Beam broadening was found to be the dominant broadening contribution, and also contributed the largest uncertainty to spectral widths. Corrected spectral widths were found to correlate with aircraft measurements for both radars. Observing spectral widths over time periods of 40 and 60 minutes for the boundary layer profiler and MST radar respectively, gave the best measure of turbulence intensity and variability. Median spectral widths gave the best average over that period, with two-sigma limits (where sigma is the standard deviation of spectral widths) giving the best representation of the variability in turbulence. Turbulent kinetic energies were derived from spectral widths; typical boundary layer values were 0.13 m 2.s (-2) with a two-sigma range of 0.04-0.25 m 2.s (-2), and peaked at 0.21 m 2.s (-2) with a two-sigma range of 0.08-0.61 m 2.s (-2). Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates were also calculated from spectral widths, requiring radiosonde measurements of atmospheric stability. Dissipation rates compared well width aircraft measurements, reaching peaks of 1x10 (-3) m 2.s (-3) within 200 m of the ground, and decreasing to 1-2x10 (-5) m 2.s (-3) near the boundary layer capping inversion. Typical boundary layer values were between 1-3x10 (-4) m 2.s (-3). Those values are in close agreement with dissipation rates from previous studies.

Uma visão ambiental da gênese dos assentamentos rurais no Estado de São Paulo: de Sumaré ao Pontal do Paranapanema / An environmental approach of the genesis of São Paulo State rural settlements: from Sumaré to Pontal do Paranapanema

Silva, Lígia Teresa Paludetto 22 February 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a questão do Planejamento e do Desenho Ambiental nos assentamentos rurais brasileiros, oriundos das lutas pela terra das classes populares de trabalhadores urbanos e rurais organizados. Apresenta conceitos de ambientais e analisa os efeitos negativos das ações do homem sobre o Planeta. Discute a questão metodológica para a abordagem de problemas ambientais. Apresenta o conceito de Bacia Hidrográfica em sua concepção geofísica e ambiental. Utiliza o método de estudo de casos, ao apresentar o Assentamento I do município de Sumaré SP e o assentamento Padre Josimo no município de Teodoro Sampaio SP assentamentos rurais paulistas originados nas ocupações dos de terra e sua relação com o MST Movimento dos Sem Terra. Procede a um levantamento dos recursos ambientais e paisagísticos dos assentamentos, e perfaz análise dos impactos ambientais ocorridos e em curso nestas áreas. Finalizando, discute os possíveis caminhos futuros que garantam em longo prazo, a sustentabilidade destas áreas com melhoria da qualidade de vida e justiça social aos moradores dos assentamentos e das comunidades relacionadas ao contexto político, social, geográfico e econômico regional, portanto contexto ambiental. Conclui com a apresentação de propostas que configurem um cenário futuro de conservação, recuperação e desenvolvimento sustentável para o Assentamento I e para o assentamento Padre Josimo, baseadas na análise dos impactos ambientais levantados. Apresenta o Convênio Estadual da Microbacia do Córrego Taquara Branca e Pinheirinho, no Assentamento I como uma iniciativa governamental desencadeadora de um processo de recuperação ambiental da paisagem regional, com enfoque em Educação Ambiental. Apresenta para o assentamento Padre Josimo os programas de atuação das ONGs em parceria com assentamentos rurais como uma possibilidade de engajamento nos projetos de conservação ambiental regional visando a Educação Ambiental e geração de renda. / This paper discuss the Environmental Planning and Design issue on the country land occupation at Brazil, originated by the land disputes of organized land and urban workers. It shows environmental concepts and analyze the negative outcomes of human acts on the Planet. It discusses the methodological issue to approach the environmental problems. It also presents the Hydrological Basin concept in its geophysical and ecosystem optic and its importance as an analytical unit to the environmental planning. By using a case study method, it presents the experience of the \"Assentamento /\" at the Sumaré municipality at the State of São Paulo, and the country land Padre Josimo at the Teodoro Sampaio municipality at the State of São Paulo the countries lands occupations made by landless workers, in that State supported by the Landless Workers Movement (MST). It proceeds with an inventory of environmental and landscape resources of these lands occupations, and performs an analysis of landscape and environment impacts caused by these occupations, both on the past and currently. Finally, it discusses the possible future ways to guarantee the long term sustainability of those areas with quality of live improvement and social equity to the land occupants of those areas and related regional communities, in the social, political, geographical, and economical context. It ends up with the proposal, presentation of alternatives that configure future scenarios of conservation, recuperation and sustainable development to the \"Assentamento /\" of Sumaré, and the country land Padre Josimo based on environmental impact analysis performed. It presents the State Microbasin Agreement of Córrego Taquara Branca and Pinheirinho, as a governmental initiative that makes possible a regional landscape and environmental recuperation process, focusing at Environmental Education. It also presents for the country land Padre Josimo the programs of Ongs for country land partners as an of engaging possibility at a regional environmental conservation project aiming Environmental Education and income generation.

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