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Museibutikens förutsättningar : Policy och praktik bland museibutiker i Stockholm / The Conditions and Premises of the Museum Store : How Museum Stores in Stockholm are GovernedJansson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate how museum stores are governed, with a focus on museum stores situated in museums in Stockholm and on museums stores which are part of a government agency. The purpose was also to investigate the relationship between the museum and the consumption in the museum store in general. The thesis shows that museum stores which are part of a government agency are governed by their appropriation directions, including the direction that the museum stores must be fully financed. However, the museum stores are also influenced by guidelines that have not been written down, expectations from the museum and from museum patrons. Other factors not within the control of the museum were also of importance, and could limit the choices available for the museum store managers as well as be a source of inspiration. The result also shows that the museum store and the consumption it’s associated with, is seen as either a threat, a necessity or a possibility: The museum store is often viewed as being at odds with the main role of museums in general, while also being considered a necessity, helping the museum to meet the patron’s expectations. In some cases the museum could benefit from the museum store, due to the stores’ possibility of improving upon the museum visit, or making a profit usable in other museum activities. The source material was gathered from the websites of international and national organisations within the museum field. Material was also gathered during interviews with museum store managers in Stockholm. The theory used was cultural economics and consumption studies. The method for this essay was interviews, minor field studies, linguistic analysis. The focus of this essay was how the museum store is governed. The essay does not, for example, research how the museum visitors or museum patrons experienced the shop. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies
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Do NOPH ao Ecomuseu de Santa Cruz : representações no jornal NOPH (1983-1990) e no jornal O Quarteirão (1993-2000). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.Silva, Claudia Feijó da January 2013 (has links)
Cette dissertation se concentre sur l'étude des répresentations au sujet de patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire selon des reportages publiés dans les journaux NOPH (Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique) et O Quarteirão. Le journal NOPH a été créé en 1983 avec le but de divulguer les actions du Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique de Santa Cruz sur les recherches et la divulgation de l´histoire de la municipalité de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. En 1992, dans la I Rencontre Internationale des Ecomusées qui a eu lieu pendant la Eco92, les actions du NOPH ont été identifiées et reconnues par ses agents comme des actions d´écomuséologie et muséologie communautaire ce qui a résulté dans la création du Ecomuseu du Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz avec le soutien de la Mairie de Rio de Janeiro. En 1993, le journal NOPH a été changé dans la rubrique O Quarteirão et il a passé à divulguer les actions du Centre et du Ecomusée a la fois. La reconnaissance du Centre comme action muséologique communautaire et la création du Ecomusée ont assumé un changement de paradigmes dans les concepts adoptés précédemment. Donc, avec l´objectif d´identifier les ruptures et les permanences dans les répresentations sur patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire, cette étude s´occupe de l´analyse de 31 exemplaires du journal NOPH, publiés entre 1984 et 1990, et de 40 exemplaires du jornal O Quarteirão, publiés entre 1993 et 2000. Il s´agit d´une étude de cas constituée par l´analyse des narrations qui révélent les répresentations présentes dans le corpus documentaire imprimé inséré dans la domaine de l´histoire de la presse étant dirigé surtout a la presse alternative en considérant le contexte dans lequel il a été constitué. Nous concluons que le Centre d'orientation et de recherche historique de Santa Cruz a deux moments distincts de l'action et marqué par contact avec la pensée muséologique internationale de l'année 1992, ce contact stimule un changement de paradigme sur les représentations du patrimoine et musée appropriation par les membres de NOPH. Dans cette recherche, on propose la réflexion à partir du champ de l´Histoire de l´Éducation basé dans les présuppositions théoriques d´auteurs de l´Histoire Culturelle, de l´histoire des musées et du mouvement muséologique, du champ du patrimoine, au-delà des études sur musées, ecomusées et musées communautaires. / Nesta dissertação tem-se como foco de estudo as representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário noticiadas nos periódicos NOPH (Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica) e O Quarteirão. O periódico NOPH foi criado em 1983, com a intenção de divulgar as ações do Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz sobre as pesquisas e divulgação da história do bairro de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. No ano de 1992, no I Encontro Internacional de Ecomuseus, realizado durante a Eco92, as ações do NOPH foram identificadas e reconhecidas por seus agentes como ações de ecomuseologia e museologia comunitária, o que acarretou a criação do Ecomuseu do Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz, com apoio da Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. No ano de 1993, o jornal do NOPH foi transformado em O Quarteirão e passou a divulgar as ações do Núcleo e do Ecomuseu concomitantemente. O reconhecimento do Núcleo enquanto ação museológica comunitária e a criação do Ecomuseu supuseram uma mudança de paradigmas nos conceitos adotados anteriormente. Portanto, com o intuito de identificar rupturas e permanências nas representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário este estudo detém-se na análise de 31 exemplares do jornal NOPH, publicados entre os anos de 1984 e 1990, e 40 exemplares do jornal O Quarteirão, publicados no período de 1993 a 2000. Trata-se de um estudo de caso constituído pela análise das narrativas que revelam as representações presentes no corpus documental impresso inserido no âmbito da história da imprensa direcionando-se especialmente para a imprensa alternativa, considerando-se o contexto em que foi constituído. Conclui-se que, o Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz possui dois momentos de atuação distintos e marcados pelo contato com o pensamento museológico internacional a partir do ano de 1992, tal contato estimula uma mudança de paradigmas sobre as representações de patrimônio e museu apropriadas pelos integrantes do NOPH. Nesta pesquisa propõe-se a reflexão a partir do campo da História da Educação, com embasamento nos pressupostos teóricos de autores da História Cultural, da história dos museus e do movimento museológico, do campo do patrimônio, além de estudos sobre museus, ecomuseus e museus comunitários. / This dissertation has its study focus on representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum published in the periodicals NOPH (Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research) and O Quarteirão. The NOPH periodical was created in 1983 with the purpose of publishing the research actions by the Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research from Santa Cruz and to divulge the history of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1992, upon the 1st International Meeting of Ecomuseums carried out during the Eco92, NOPH actions were identified and recognized by their agents as actions of ecomuseology and community museology that led to the creation of the Ecomuseum of the Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz with the support of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro. In 1993, the NOPH journal was changed into O Quarteirão and started publishing the actions of the Nucleus and of the Ecomuseum as well. The recognition of the Nucleus as a community museum action and the creation of the Ecomuseum assumed a change of paradigms in the concepts adopted previously. Therefore, in order to identify ruptures and permanencies in the representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum, this study concentrates in the analysis of 31 editions of the NOPH journal published between 1984 and 1990 and of 40 editions of O Quarteirão journal, published from 1993 to year 2000. It is about a case study that comprises the analysis of accounts that reveal the representations present in the printed documental corpus which is inserted in the realm of the press history, especially addressed to the alternative press by considering the context where it was composed. We conclude that the Guidance Center and Historical Research of Santa Cruz has two distinct moments of action and marked by contact with the international museological thinking from the year 1992, this contact stimulates a paradigm shift on the representations of heritage and museum appropriated by members of NOPH.This research proposes a reflection starting from the field of Education History based in the theoretical presuppositions from authors of Cultural History, history of museums, museum movement and of the heritage field besides of studies about museums, ecomuseums and community museums.
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Možnosti realizace edukačních aktivit pro dospělé návštěvníky muzeí / Possibilities of Realization of Educational Activities for Adult Visitors of MuseumsBenešová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the educational activities of museums for adult visitors. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the realization of educational activities in museums with respect to the specifics of adults as a target group. The intention is to examine the implementation of adult education programs, their preparation, structure and development as educational institutions. Furthermore, the work focuses on the target group of adult visitors. Part of the diploma thesis is research, which carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with selected staff and lecturers who provide education in museums. It will be carried out in museums in the Central Bohemian Region, which will be selected because of their location. The purpose of the research is to map out the implementation of adult education in the museum from the point of view of museum workers. The intention is to find out whether museums reflect the content of the adult learner's content and realization of educational programs, what forms of education and learning they use and what barriers and possibilities they find in this context.
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Musée national d'art Coréen, un dispositif de transmission de valeurs et de connaissances des arts coréens : Analyse muséologique de la mise en exposition de sarangbang au musées nationaux en République de Corée / The National Museum of Korean Art, a device for the transmission of Korean arts’ values and knowledge : Museological Analysis of Mise en Exposition of Sarangbang in National Museums in the Republic of KoreaPark, Ji Young 23 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de comprendre la situation communicationnelle des valeurs et connaissances délivrées par un musée d’art en République de Corée. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de mener une analyse approfondie d’un type de dispositif expographique de vulgarisation : la restitution d’un sarangbang, proposée par le National Museum of Korea (musée des beaux-arts) et le National Folk Museum (musée ethnographique) de Séoul. Nous abordons ce dispositif comme constituant un archétype paradigmatique des productions architecturales coréennes et comme un condensé de plusieurs problématiques relatives aux arts et aux musées de la péninsule.Que ce dispositif soit conçu comme un intermède visuel et matériel visant une contextualisation des objets exposés dans une salle d’exposition, ou qu’il soit envisagé en tant qu’objet exposé créé récemment pour l’exposition muséale, la conception et la perception de ce sarangbang au sein d’un musée fait appel à des connaissances scientifiques relatives au sarangbang ainsi qu’à la société et à la culture dont il relève. Il communique également diverses perspectives ayant trait aux arts, aux objets destinés à être exposés, aux supports expographiques et aux visiteurs des musées.L’étude de concepts tels que ceux de musée national, d’art, de patrimoine confucéen, et l’analyse sémio-pragmatique de la restitution d’un sarangbang par ces deux musées nationaux nous permettent de comprendre la situation communicationnelle produite autour de leur mise en exposition : avec ces dispositifs de sarangbang, les musées transmettent une information qui ne dévoile qu’une partie des faits historiques sans suggérer l’existence de bien d’autres choses. La stratégie de vulgarisation scientifique est uniformisée par des critères subjectifs édictés par l’État dont l’intention politique est de promouvoir les valeurs confucianistes dans la société coréenne et au monde entier. En outre, d’autres stratégies de vulgarisation scientifique portées par des signes iconiques font circuler de faux savoirs visuels sélectivement forgés actuellement par certains muséographes œuvrant dans les musées d’art. / The aim of this dissertation is to explore the communicational situation of knowledge and values delivered by an art museum in the Republic of Korea. To this end, it approaches a specified type of exhibition device: the restitution of a sarangbang, proposed by the National Museum of Korea and the National Folk Museum of Seoul. The device is here considered as a paradigmatic archetype of Korean artistic productions, and as a condensation of several problems related to the arts and museums of the peninsula.Whether conceived as a visual and material interlude aiming at a contextualization of the exhibited objects in an exhibition gallery, or apprehended as an exhibit only recently created for the museum exhibition, design and perception of this sarangbang within a museum makes use, not only of scientific knowledge relating to the sarangbang as well as to the society and the culture to which it belongs, but also various perspectives relating to the arts, the objects displayed, and to museum visitors.The study of concepts such as the national museum, art, Confucian heritage, and the semio-pragmatic analysis of the restitution of a sarangbang by these two national museums allows us to understand the communicational situation produced around their mise en exposition. With the device of sarangbang, the museums transmit information that selectively reveals the historical facts without acknowledging the existence of many more and possibly different ones. The strategy of popularizing science is framed by subjective criteria, enacted by the state with the political intention of promoting Confucian values within Korean society and the world. In addition, other strategies of popularizing scientific knowledge via iconic signs circulate false visual knowledge, selectively forged at present by curators in art museums.
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"The Essence of Greekness": The Parthenon Marbles and the Construction of Cultural IdentityDoyle, Alice 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between the Classical Greek legacy and today’s world by examining the past two hundred years of controversy surrounding Lord Elgin’s removal of the Parthenon Marbles from Athens. Since the Marbles were purchased by the British Museum in 1816, they have become symbols of democratic values and Greek cultural identity. By considering how the Parthenon Marbles are talked about by different people over the years, from art connoisseurs and Romantic poets of the early 19th century to nationalist political activists of the late 20th century, this thesis demonstrates that the fight for the Marbles’ return to Greece is about more than just the sculptures themselves. It is about national heritage and cultural identity.
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Do NOPH ao Ecomuseu de Santa Cruz : representações no jornal NOPH (1983-1990) e no jornal O Quarteirão (1993-2000). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.Silva, Claudia Feijó da January 2013 (has links)
Cette dissertation se concentre sur l'étude des répresentations au sujet de patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire selon des reportages publiés dans les journaux NOPH (Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique) et O Quarteirão. Le journal NOPH a été créé en 1983 avec le but de divulguer les actions du Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique de Santa Cruz sur les recherches et la divulgation de l´histoire de la municipalité de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. En 1992, dans la I Rencontre Internationale des Ecomusées qui a eu lieu pendant la Eco92, les actions du NOPH ont été identifiées et reconnues par ses agents comme des actions d´écomuséologie et muséologie communautaire ce qui a résulté dans la création du Ecomuseu du Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz avec le soutien de la Mairie de Rio de Janeiro. En 1993, le journal NOPH a été changé dans la rubrique O Quarteirão et il a passé à divulguer les actions du Centre et du Ecomusée a la fois. La reconnaissance du Centre comme action muséologique communautaire et la création du Ecomusée ont assumé un changement de paradigmes dans les concepts adoptés précédemment. Donc, avec l´objectif d´identifier les ruptures et les permanences dans les répresentations sur patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire, cette étude s´occupe de l´analyse de 31 exemplaires du journal NOPH, publiés entre 1984 et 1990, et de 40 exemplaires du jornal O Quarteirão, publiés entre 1993 et 2000. Il s´agit d´une étude de cas constituée par l´analyse des narrations qui révélent les répresentations présentes dans le corpus documentaire imprimé inséré dans la domaine de l´histoire de la presse étant dirigé surtout a la presse alternative en considérant le contexte dans lequel il a été constitué. Nous concluons que le Centre d'orientation et de recherche historique de Santa Cruz a deux moments distincts de l'action et marqué par contact avec la pensée muséologique internationale de l'année 1992, ce contact stimule un changement de paradigme sur les représentations du patrimoine et musée appropriation par les membres de NOPH. Dans cette recherche, on propose la réflexion à partir du champ de l´Histoire de l´Éducation basé dans les présuppositions théoriques d´auteurs de l´Histoire Culturelle, de l´histoire des musées et du mouvement muséologique, du champ du patrimoine, au-delà des études sur musées, ecomusées et musées communautaires. / Nesta dissertação tem-se como foco de estudo as representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário noticiadas nos periódicos NOPH (Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica) e O Quarteirão. O periódico NOPH foi criado em 1983, com a intenção de divulgar as ações do Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz sobre as pesquisas e divulgação da história do bairro de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. No ano de 1992, no I Encontro Internacional de Ecomuseus, realizado durante a Eco92, as ações do NOPH foram identificadas e reconhecidas por seus agentes como ações de ecomuseologia e museologia comunitária, o que acarretou a criação do Ecomuseu do Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz, com apoio da Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. No ano de 1993, o jornal do NOPH foi transformado em O Quarteirão e passou a divulgar as ações do Núcleo e do Ecomuseu concomitantemente. O reconhecimento do Núcleo enquanto ação museológica comunitária e a criação do Ecomuseu supuseram uma mudança de paradigmas nos conceitos adotados anteriormente. Portanto, com o intuito de identificar rupturas e permanências nas representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário este estudo detém-se na análise de 31 exemplares do jornal NOPH, publicados entre os anos de 1984 e 1990, e 40 exemplares do jornal O Quarteirão, publicados no período de 1993 a 2000. Trata-se de um estudo de caso constituído pela análise das narrativas que revelam as representações presentes no corpus documental impresso inserido no âmbito da história da imprensa direcionando-se especialmente para a imprensa alternativa, considerando-se o contexto em que foi constituído. Conclui-se que, o Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz possui dois momentos de atuação distintos e marcados pelo contato com o pensamento museológico internacional a partir do ano de 1992, tal contato estimula uma mudança de paradigmas sobre as representações de patrimônio e museu apropriadas pelos integrantes do NOPH. Nesta pesquisa propõe-se a reflexão a partir do campo da História da Educação, com embasamento nos pressupostos teóricos de autores da História Cultural, da história dos museus e do movimento museológico, do campo do patrimônio, além de estudos sobre museus, ecomuseus e museus comunitários. / This dissertation has its study focus on representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum published in the periodicals NOPH (Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research) and O Quarteirão. The NOPH periodical was created in 1983 with the purpose of publishing the research actions by the Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research from Santa Cruz and to divulge the history of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1992, upon the 1st International Meeting of Ecomuseums carried out during the Eco92, NOPH actions were identified and recognized by their agents as actions of ecomuseology and community museology that led to the creation of the Ecomuseum of the Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz with the support of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro. In 1993, the NOPH journal was changed into O Quarteirão and started publishing the actions of the Nucleus and of the Ecomuseum as well. The recognition of the Nucleus as a community museum action and the creation of the Ecomuseum assumed a change of paradigms in the concepts adopted previously. Therefore, in order to identify ruptures and permanencies in the representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum, this study concentrates in the analysis of 31 editions of the NOPH journal published between 1984 and 1990 and of 40 editions of O Quarteirão journal, published from 1993 to year 2000. It is about a case study that comprises the analysis of accounts that reveal the representations present in the printed documental corpus which is inserted in the realm of the press history, especially addressed to the alternative press by considering the context where it was composed. We conclude that the Guidance Center and Historical Research of Santa Cruz has two distinct moments of action and marked by contact with the international museological thinking from the year 1992, this contact stimulates a paradigm shift on the representations of heritage and museum appropriated by members of NOPH.This research proposes a reflection starting from the field of Education History based in the theoretical presuppositions from authors of Cultural History, history of museums, museum movement and of the heritage field besides of studies about museums, ecomuseums and community museums.
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Det talas om förändring : en studie av den svenska museivärlden / Discussing change : a study of the Swedish museum fieldHolmgren, Charlotta, Irenmark, Camilla January 2003 (has links)
The Swedish museum world is a complex and disputed field. Changes are high on the agenda, but they are neither easy nor self-evident. This master thesis looks at how Swedish museum professionals discuss changes and how they envision museum work for the future. It is also an analysis of the current state of the field. We have made a critical discourse analysis of three recent projects; Svåra saker, Museum 2000, makten.nu and the debate articles from the journal Svenska Museer from 2000 to 2001. The focus of our study has been an investigation into how professionals are altering museum work today. The type of questions we have been considering are; What changes are they striving to attain and why, what factors do they consider important, what problems have they identified and what are they trying to achieve? We found that the field is complex, with lots of diverging ideas. However, one thing that remains in agreement is that museums are vital institutions, which offer something very valuable to society, and so their continuation is to be ensured. Museums are a legacy that must be protected and renewed, the traditions that surround them can be seen as both a burden and blessing. Recently, there is a strong desire throughout the field to work in accordance with the standards set by journalist discourse, and to find ways of increasing interaction with the community. Being socially aware has become a major concern for museums, but the protection of the credibility that museums have in the public eye, is their top priority. / Dagens svenska museivärld är en omtumlad och omtumlande värld. Förändringar verkar stå högt på dagordningen, men framstår vare sig som enkla eller självklara. Denna uppsats handlar om hur den svenska museivärlden talar om och ställer sig till förändring av den egna verksamheten. Uppsatsen syfte är att teckna en dagsaktuell bild av den svenska museivärldens skepnad utifrån ett förändringsperspektiv. Uppsatsens övergripande frågeställningar är; Hur talar den svenska museiprofessionen om framtid&förändring, vilka förändringar eftersträvar de samt hur formulerar de museernas position i samhället idag. Utifrån diskursanalytisk teori och metod har vi analyserat tre aktuella museala projekt; Svåra saker, Museum 2000, makten.nu samt artiklar införda under rubriken debatt i tidskriften Svenska Museer under åren 2000/2001. I materialet kunde vi utläsa en splittrad och mångfacetterad bild av de svenska museerna idag och förändringsläget de befinner sig i, men ändå vissa specifika tendenser. Vi fann att de allra flesta var överens om att museerna är viktiga institutioner i samhället och att de bör agera för att fortsätta vara betydelsefulla för det svenska folket i dagens och framtidens Sverige. Utifrån det ställningstagandet ligger den övergripande problematiken i förhållandet mellan tradition och nytänkande, och det är mellan de polerna diskussionen kretsar. Vi fann en stark förändringsvilja som strävar efter att museerna ska delta mer aktivt i samhällsdebatten, vilket vi även ser medför en rörelse mot en journalistisk diskurs.
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Do NOPH ao Ecomuseu de Santa Cruz : representações no jornal NOPH (1983-1990) e no jornal O Quarteirão (1993-2000). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.Silva, Claudia Feijó da January 2013 (has links)
Cette dissertation se concentre sur l'étude des répresentations au sujet de patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire selon des reportages publiés dans les journaux NOPH (Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique) et O Quarteirão. Le journal NOPH a été créé en 1983 avec le but de divulguer les actions du Centre d´Orientation et Récherche Historique de Santa Cruz sur les recherches et la divulgation de l´histoire de la municipalité de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. En 1992, dans la I Rencontre Internationale des Ecomusées qui a eu lieu pendant la Eco92, les actions du NOPH ont été identifiées et reconnues par ses agents comme des actions d´écomuséologie et muséologie communautaire ce qui a résulté dans la création du Ecomuseu du Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz avec le soutien de la Mairie de Rio de Janeiro. En 1993, le journal NOPH a été changé dans la rubrique O Quarteirão et il a passé à divulguer les actions du Centre et du Ecomusée a la fois. La reconnaissance du Centre comme action muséologique communautaire et la création du Ecomusée ont assumé un changement de paradigmes dans les concepts adoptés précédemment. Donc, avec l´objectif d´identifier les ruptures et les permanences dans les répresentations sur patrimoine, musée, ecomusée et musée communautaire, cette étude s´occupe de l´analyse de 31 exemplaires du journal NOPH, publiés entre 1984 et 1990, et de 40 exemplaires du jornal O Quarteirão, publiés entre 1993 et 2000. Il s´agit d´une étude de cas constituée par l´analyse des narrations qui révélent les répresentations présentes dans le corpus documentaire imprimé inséré dans la domaine de l´histoire de la presse étant dirigé surtout a la presse alternative en considérant le contexte dans lequel il a été constitué. Nous concluons que le Centre d'orientation et de recherche historique de Santa Cruz a deux moments distincts de l'action et marqué par contact avec la pensée muséologique internationale de l'année 1992, ce contact stimule un changement de paradigme sur les représentations du patrimoine et musée appropriation par les membres de NOPH. Dans cette recherche, on propose la réflexion à partir du champ de l´Histoire de l´Éducation basé dans les présuppositions théoriques d´auteurs de l´Histoire Culturelle, de l´histoire des musées et du mouvement muséologique, du champ du patrimoine, au-delà des études sur musées, ecomusées et musées communautaires. / Nesta dissertação tem-se como foco de estudo as representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário noticiadas nos periódicos NOPH (Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica) e O Quarteirão. O periódico NOPH foi criado em 1983, com a intenção de divulgar as ações do Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz sobre as pesquisas e divulgação da história do bairro de Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. No ano de 1992, no I Encontro Internacional de Ecomuseus, realizado durante a Eco92, as ações do NOPH foram identificadas e reconhecidas por seus agentes como ações de ecomuseologia e museologia comunitária, o que acarretou a criação do Ecomuseu do Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz, com apoio da Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. No ano de 1993, o jornal do NOPH foi transformado em O Quarteirão e passou a divulgar as ações do Núcleo e do Ecomuseu concomitantemente. O reconhecimento do Núcleo enquanto ação museológica comunitária e a criação do Ecomuseu supuseram uma mudança de paradigmas nos conceitos adotados anteriormente. Portanto, com o intuito de identificar rupturas e permanências nas representações sobre patrimônio, museu, ecomuseu e museu comunitário este estudo detém-se na análise de 31 exemplares do jornal NOPH, publicados entre os anos de 1984 e 1990, e 40 exemplares do jornal O Quarteirão, publicados no período de 1993 a 2000. Trata-se de um estudo de caso constituído pela análise das narrativas que revelam as representações presentes no corpus documental impresso inserido no âmbito da história da imprensa direcionando-se especialmente para a imprensa alternativa, considerando-se o contexto em que foi constituído. Conclui-se que, o Núcleo de Orientação e Pesquisa Histórica de Santa Cruz possui dois momentos de atuação distintos e marcados pelo contato com o pensamento museológico internacional a partir do ano de 1992, tal contato estimula uma mudança de paradigmas sobre as representações de patrimônio e museu apropriadas pelos integrantes do NOPH. Nesta pesquisa propõe-se a reflexão a partir do campo da História da Educação, com embasamento nos pressupostos teóricos de autores da História Cultural, da história dos museus e do movimento museológico, do campo do patrimônio, além de estudos sobre museus, ecomuseus e museus comunitários. / This dissertation has its study focus on representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum published in the periodicals NOPH (Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research) and O Quarteirão. The NOPH periodical was created in 1983 with the purpose of publishing the research actions by the Nucleus of Guidelines for History Research from Santa Cruz and to divulge the history of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1992, upon the 1st International Meeting of Ecomuseums carried out during the Eco92, NOPH actions were identified and recognized by their agents as actions of ecomuseology and community museology that led to the creation of the Ecomuseum of the Quarteirão Cultural do Matadouro de Santa Cruz with the support of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro. In 1993, the NOPH journal was changed into O Quarteirão and started publishing the actions of the Nucleus and of the Ecomuseum as well. The recognition of the Nucleus as a community museum action and the creation of the Ecomuseum assumed a change of paradigms in the concepts adopted previously. Therefore, in order to identify ruptures and permanencies in the representations about heritage, museum, ecomuseum and community museum, this study concentrates in the analysis of 31 editions of the NOPH journal published between 1984 and 1990 and of 40 editions of O Quarteirão journal, published from 1993 to year 2000. It is about a case study that comprises the analysis of accounts that reveal the representations present in the printed documental corpus which is inserted in the realm of the press history, especially addressed to the alternative press by considering the context where it was composed. We conclude that the Guidance Center and Historical Research of Santa Cruz has two distinct moments of action and marked by contact with the international museological thinking from the year 1992, this contact stimulates a paradigm shift on the representations of heritage and museum appropriated by members of NOPH.This research proposes a reflection starting from the field of Education History based in the theoretical presuppositions from authors of Cultural History, history of museums, museum movement and of the heritage field besides of studies about museums, ecomuseums and community museums.
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Plano museológico: uma discussão para o Museu de Arqueologia Bíblica Paulo Bork do Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo / Plan Museum: A discussion to the Museum of Biblical Archaeology Paul Bork of the Adventist University Center of São PauloJanaina Silva Xavier 18 May 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de um trabalho de pesquisa desenvolvido no Programa de Pós Graduação Interunidades em Museologia, da Universidade de São Paulo. O estudo discute o Plano Museológico como instrumento de gestão adotado pelo Governo Federal brasileiro em 2006, apresenta as origens desse modelo de planejamento, suas propostas e estrutura e levanta dados sobre sua disseminação e aplicação nos museus brasileiros. Analisa, também, exemplos de Planos Museológicos, identificando aspectos positivos e negativos, procurando compreender sua utilidade na gestão dos museus e, por fim, propõe parâmetros para a elaboração de um Plano Museológico para o Museu de Arqueologia Bíblica Paulo Bork, do Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP EC), adequado as suas especificidades universitárias e capaz de nortear de forma objetiva as ações dessa instituição em face da sociedade. / This dissertation presents the results of a research work in the Graduate Program in Interunits Museology, of the University of São Paulo. The study discusses the Museological Plan as a management instrument adopted by the Brazilian Federal Government in 2006, presents the origins of this planning model, its proposals and structure and raises data on its dissemination and use in Brazilian museums. It also analyzes examples of Museological Plans, identifying positive and negative aspects, trying to understand its usefulness in the management of museums and finally proposes parameters for the development of a Museological Plan for the Museum of Biblical Archaeology Paul Bork, the University Center São Paulo (UNASP EC) matches your specific university and able to guide objectively the actions of the institution in the face of society.
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Publika museirum : Materialiseringar av demokratiska ideal på Statens Historiska Museum 1943-2013 / Public Museum Spaces : Materializations of Democratic Ideals in the Swedish History Museum 1943–2013Geschwind, Britta Zetterström January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how public spaces in the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm have materialized in relation to cultural policy objectives and ideals of a democratic and inclusive museum. The investigated time period spans from 1943 to 2013. The Swedish History Museum is a state-run archaeological museum, where norms and values are expressed through various governmental policy- and control documents. Hence, entering the museum also means entering a symbolic national space. The fact that the museum has been politically regulated throughout the studied period makes it illustrative of changing democratic public ideals in the 20th century. Unlike other similar studies, the empirical focus is not on exhibitions, but on other public spaces that visitors encounter; the entrance, the shop, children’s spaces and the courtyard. These spaces are less invisible in the museum hierarchy. At the same time, they are often central spaces to visitors. The museum building is not as fixed as it might appear to be. Drawing on ideas from Bruno Latour and Doreen Massey – and their perspectives on space, materiality and power – I explore how the social and spatial changes of the museum affect each other. Efforts have continuously been made to alter these public spaces, and the outlines and uses have repeatedly changed. By combining archival materials, interviews and observations, I investigate how democratic ideals have been negotiated in material forms, and what kind of audiences/visitors these spaces have conceptualized over time. Linking different kinds of sources, that speak from various levels and positions, has been an analytically important method. The analysis describes the museum as a meaning producing network that materially embody different, and sometimes conflicting ideologies. The public spaces have been shaped by tensions; between education versus pleasure, collecting versus showing, and by the dichotomy between culture and commerce. What is communicated thorough various materialities and inscriptions in the shop, the entrance, and the spaces for children sometimes contradict perspectives produced in exhibitions and educational programmes. Hierarchies between professional positions and knowledges propagate as social extensions towards the visitors, and sometimes, reproduce structural hierarchies. Museum functions literally “takes place”, depending on how they are valued and assigned meaning. The museum has increasingly included children, while also becoming a space for commerce. Various, and sometimes incompatible ideals on equality and inclusion have been implemented, simultaneously. At the same time, the public spaces carry unique spatial qualities, which can benefit inclusion. Concluding, the dissertation stresses that the entrance, the shop, the children spaces and other public spaces perceived as “peripheral” need to be viewed as central, not as superficial services or add-ons to the “real” museum experience, i.e. the exhibition.
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