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Rltpr, a lymphoid-specific protein essential for CD28 costimulation / Rltpr, une protéine lymphocytaire jouant un rôle essentiel dans la costimulation par CD28Cucchetti, Margot 10 October 2014 (has links)
La reconnaissance d'antigènes par le TCR active des protéines tyrosine kinases qui phosphorylent d'autres substrats intracellulaires dont LAT. Ceci engendre l'activation de molécules telles que PKCθ et CARMA-1. La mutation LatY136F associe des TCR "estropiés" dans le développement de cellules T effectrices générant des désordres lymphoprolifératifs. Nous avons essayé de comprendre les gènes aggravant ou empêchant cette lymphoprolifération en utilisant la mutagénèse ENU. Nous avons identifié une mutation appelée Basilic empêchant le déroulement de la pathologie LatY136F. Basilic est une mutation du gène Rltpr qui constitue une phénocopie de Cd28-/- sur fond sauvage et sur fond LatY136F. Rltpr est un une nouvelle protéine ayant de multiples domaines, qui appartient à la famille CARMIL et qui est exprimée dans les cellules T et B. L'objectif de ce travail était d'élucider les mécanismes au cours desquels CD28 et Rltpr coopèrent avec le TCR pour différencier des cellules T naïves en cellules T effectrices. Ce travail visait aussi à caractériser Rltpr, dont la structure/fonction et l'interactome sont encore inconnus. En utilisant des techniques de microscopie confocale, nous avons montré que la localisation et le recrutement de Rltpr et de RltprBas à la synapse immunologique sont tous deux CD28-dépendants. Les deux molécules colocalisent avec CD28 tout au long du processus d'activation. En outre, Rltpr est essentiel pour la translocation à la synapse de PKCθ et CARMA-1, qui sont induits lors de la co-stimulation par CD28. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension du fin réglage du système immunitaire adaptatif qui est mis en place lors de l'activation. / TCR recognition of antigens triggers the activation of protein tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate other intracellular substrates including LAT. LAT phosphorylation leads to the activation of PKCθ and CARMA-1. The point mutation LatY136F associates TCRs with crippled signaling abilities to the development of effector T cells generating lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). We tried to shed light on genes exacerbating or preventing the LatY136F LPD by using an ENU mutagenesis screening. We identified one point mutation called Basilic that prevents the unfolding of the LatY136F pathology. Basilic is a point mutation of the Rltpr gene and is a phenocopy of a Cd28-/- mutation both on a wild-type and on a LatY136F background. Rltpr is a newly-discovered, multidomain protein belonging to the CARMIL family that is expressed in T and B cells. The objective of the present work was to elucidate the mechanisms during which CD28 and Rltpr cooperate withthe TCR to differentiate naïve into effector T cells. I also aimed at characterizing the Rltpr molecule, whosestructure/function and interactome are still largely unknown. Using confocal microscopy in collaborationwith Takashi Saito's group and Christoph Wülfing we showed that the localization and the recruitment ofboth Rltpr and RltprBas at the immune synapse are CD28-dependent. The two molecules colocalize with CD28all along the activation process. Moreover, Rltpr is essential for the synapse translocation of PKCθ andCARMA-1, which are induced upon CD28 costimulation. Those results allow a better understanding of theadaptive immune system fine tuning upon activation.
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Studium funkce a molekulární architektury fungálních nitrilas využitelných v biokatalýze / Study of function and molecular architecture of fungal nitrilases applicable in biocatalysisVeselá, Alicja Barbara January 2015 (has links)
Nitrilases are enzymes which catalyze the hydrolysis of a nitrile into the corresponding carboxylic acid and ammonia. These enzymes are potentially applicable in biocatalysis and bioremediation because of their advantages over the conventional (chemical) methods of nitrile hydrolysis (lower demand for energy, safety, simplicity, high yields, selectivity). In this work, genome mining was used to search for the sequences of hypothetical nitrilases from filamentous fungi. The amino acid sequences of previously characterized fungal nitrilases were used as the templates. Then the new synthetic genes together with other genes from our nitrilase library were expressed in E. coli and the substrate specificities of the enzymes thus produced were compared. Significant attention was focused on the relationships between the sequence of the enzyme and its substrate specificity. The arylacetonitrilases from Arthroderma benhamiae (NitAb) and Nectria haematococca (NitNh) were purified and characterized. Their substrate specificities, kinetic parameters, pH and temperature profiles and subunit and holoenzyme size were assessed. NitAb and NitNh together with other recombinant fungal nitrilases were employed in the hydrolysis of high concentrations of (R,S)-mandelonitrile in a batch or fed-batch mode. Nitrilase from...
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Mapeamento genético e caracterização fenotípica do mutante anêmico induzido por Ethyl-nitroso-urea. / Genetic mapping and phenotypic characterization of an anemic mutant by ethylnitrosourea.Cruz, Carolina Cavalcante da 24 September 2009 (has links)
A mutagênese química utilizando o agente mutagênico N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) seguida da observação do fenótipo deu origem a um mutante Anêmico. O tipo de herança é autossômica dominante, com morte intra útero dos mutantes homozigotos. O mapeamento genético foi feito utilizando-se marcadores microssatélites, sendo selecionados marcadores polimórficos entre as linhagens BALB/c e C57BL/6 envolvidas no mapeamento. Estabeleceu-se um painel de microssatélites distribuídos por todo o genoma do camundongo, que permitisse a localização do cromossomo portador da mutação. O gene mutante foi localizado no cromossomo 7 entre os marcadores D7Mit301 e D7Mit131 delimitando um intervalo entre 46,5cM e 51cM de 4,5cM. Através das análises fenotípicas do mutante Anêmico e estudo dos genes candidatos neste intervalo, foi selecionado o gene Hbb responsável pela síntese das globinas b-major e b-minor , sendo o gene que mais se identifica com as características do mutante, localizado a 50cM. A deficiência deste gene leva a uma das mais severas anemias humana, a b-Talassemia major. / Chemical mutagenesis, using the mutagenic agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), and followed by observation of the phenotype, originated in an Anaemic mutant. The inheritance-type is dominant auto-somic, with intra-uterus death of the homozygotic mutants. Genetic mapping was undertaken by means of micro-satellite markers, polymorphic markers being selected from among the BALB/c and C57BL/6 lineages involved in the mapping itself. A panel was established of the micro-satellites distributed throughout the whole mouse genome, thereby permitting localization of the mutation bearing chromosome. The mutant gene was located in chromosome 7 between markers D7Mit301 and D7Mit131, these delimiting an interval between 46,5cM and 51cM of 4,5cM. Selection of the Hbb gene responsible for synthesis of the b-major and b-minor globins came about through phenotypic analysis of the Anaemic mutant and a study of candidate genes within this interval, the selected gene being that which was most identified with the mutants characteristics and located at 50cM. A deficiency in this gene leads to one of the most severe forms of human anaemia, b-Talhassemia major.
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-09 / The study of traditional uses of plants and their products has gradually increased during the
last years, which has resulted in a significant number of publications in this area.
Phytotherapics correspond to a significant principle of biologically ative natural products,
many of which constituted models for the synthesis of a large number of drugs. Therefore,
inserts it the Carthamus tinctorius, a plant that is part of the family Asteraceae, presenting
themselves as a crop adapted to adverse conditions, being cultivated worldwide due to its
medicinal properties. The Carthamus tinctorius contains a high quality oil rich in
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The herb has potential for improvement through
molecular breeding programs due to the availability of significant genetic and phenotypic
diversity. In order to evaluate the angiogenic and genotoxic activities of safflower oil,
angiogenesis tests were carried out on the chorioallantoid membrane (MCA) of embryonated
chicken egg and micronucleus test on hematopoietic bone marrow of mice, where the results
of the test in MCA Indicated that the oil caused a significant increase of the vascular network
(p <0.05) in relation to the neutral and inhibitory controls. In the micronucleus test, the doses
of 500, 1,000 and 1,500 mg.kg-1 were used. No genotoxic activity was observed at doses of
500 and 1,000, since the number of micronuclei in relation positive control doxorubicin
(DXR) towas lower (p <0.05). However at the dose of 1,500, the genotoxic effect was
observed, since the micronucleus values detected were similar to those of the positive control.
In view of the techniques and conditions employed, the conclusions of this study reinforce
that safflower oil presents therapeutic potential, with angiogenic activity and absence of
genotoxicity in doses of 500 and 1,000 mg.kg-1. However, it should be consumed moderately
because of the mutagenic activity found in high doses. / O estudo dos usos tradicionais de plantas e seus produtos têm aumentado
gradualmente durante os últimos anos, o que resultou em um conjunto significativo de
publicações nesta área. Os fitoterápicos correspondem a um princípio significativo de
produtos naturais biologicamente ativos, muitos dos quais constituíram modelos para a síntese
de um grande número de fármacos. Portanto, inclui-se o Carthamus tinctorius, planta que faz
parte da família Asteraceae, apresentando-se como uma cultura adaptada a condições
adversas, sendo cultivada em todo o mundo devido às suas propriedades medicinais. O
Carthamus tinctorius, contém um óleo de alta qualidade rico em ácidos graxos poliinsaturados
(PUFAs). A cultura da erva tem um potencial de melhoria através de programas
de melhoramento molecular devido à disponibilidade da diversidade genética e fenotípica
significativa. Com o intuito de avaliar as atividades angiogênica e genotóxica do óleo de
cártamo, foram realizados os testes de angiogênese na membrana corioalantoide (MCA) do
ovo embrionado de galinha e o teste de micronúcleo em medula óssea hematopoiética de
camundongos, onde os resultados do ensaio na MCA indicaram que o óleo provocou aumento
significativo da rede vascular (p<0,05) em relação aos controles neutro e inibidor. No teste do
micronúcleo, foram utilizadas doses de, 500, 1.000 e 1.500 mg.kg-1. Não foi observada
atividade genotóxica nas doses de 500 e 1.000, uma vez que o número de micronúcleos foi
menor (p<0,05) em relação ao controle positivo doxorrubicina (DXR). Entretanto, na dose de
1.500 foi observado o efeito genotóxico, pois os valores de micronúcleos detectados foram
semelhantes aos do controle positivo. Diante das técnicas e condições empregadas, as
conclusões deste estudo reforçam que o óleo de cártamo apresenta potencial terapêutico, com
atividade angiogênica e ausência de genotoxicidade nas doses de 500 e 1.000 mg.kg-1. No
entanto, deve ser consumido moderadamente por conta da atividade genotóxica encontrada
em doses elevadas.
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Caracterização da família de reguladores de absorção de metais e resposta a estresse em Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni. / Characterization of the metal absorption regulator family and stress response in Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni.Momo, Leonardo Hiroyuki Santos 27 April 2015 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de importância mundial, e é causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira, pertencente à ordem Spirochaetales. Os seres humanos são hospedeiros acidentais e os surtos de leptospirose ocorrem em grandes centros urbanos após enchentes contaminadas por urina de ratos. Existem poucas informações a respeito de como Leptospira spp lida com situações de estresse induzidas pelo hospedeiro e pelo ambiente. O ferro é um íon essencial para a maioria dos seres vivos. A regulação de genes envolvidos por seu aporte e estoque na célula bacteriana é mediada por proteínas da família de reguladores transcricionais, Fur (ferric uptake regulator). L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni possui quatro ortólogos para Fur, que foram alvo de estudo deste trabalho. A caracterização destes genes foi realizada através de estudos evolutivos, determinação do seu padrão de expressão em modelo animal e análise de modelagem estrutural. Durante o andamento do mestrado, ensaios paralelos revelaram resultados promissores na análise de expressão de genes relacionados ao sistema SOS, um mecanismo de resposta bacteriano a danos no material genético. Assim sendo, o estudo de caracterização de expressão em modelo animal suscetível e resistente à doença foi ampliado. Ensaios de qRT-PCR de cDNAs provenientes de pulmão, rim e fígado permitiram a identificação de dois genes que foram expressos quase que constitutivamente ao longo de toda a infecção em todos os órgãos e organismos estudados: fur979 e recA. Os demais foram requeridos em dias específicos da infecção. Quanto aos componentes do sistema SOS, observamos padrão de expressão específico para o rim, no quinto dia após a infecção. Para os estudos evolutivos de Fur foi gerada uma árvore filogenética que revelou o agrupamento de duas sequências da família Fur de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni em ramos fechados com sequências muito similares a proteína Fur e Zur de Escherichia coli. Os outros dois ortólogos agruparam com as proteínas correspondentes nas demais espécies de Leptospira. Uma destas sequências apresentou padrão evolutivo específico dentre as espécies patogênicas. A modelagem da estrutura terciária, confirmou o padrão evolutivo obtido em nossa inferência filogenética. / Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by pathogenic bacteria from the genus Leptospira, order Spirochetales. Human beings are accidental hosts, and leptospirosis outbreaks occur in large urban centers after contact with contaminated waterby rodent urine. There are few informations concerning the mechanisms employed by Leptospira sppto deal with the stress induced by the host and the environment Iron is an essential ion to most of living beings. The regulation of genes involved in its uptake and maintenance in the bacterial cell is mediated by the transcriptional regulator family proteins, Fur (ferric uptake regulators). L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni possesses four orthologues for Fur, which were the focus of this work. The characterization of Leptospira Fur genes was done through evolutive studies, determination of their expression pattern on animal model and structural modeling analysis. In parallel, some experiments presented promising results for the expression analysis of genes related to the SOS system, a bacterial response mechanism to DNA damage. Therefore, the gene expression characterization on susceptible and resistant animal model was amplified. qRT-PCR experiments of cDNA from lung, kidney and liver allowed the identification of two genes expressed almost constitutively during the infection in all organs and organisms : fur979 and recA. The others were required in specific days of the infection. Curiously, the SOS system components showed specific expression pattern in the fifth day after inoculation, in kidney. For the Fur evolutive studies, a phylogenetic tree was inferred, revealing the clustering of two Fur family sequences from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni in closed branches with very similar sequences to Fur and Zur proteins from Escherichia coli. The other two orthologues clustered with corresponding proteins in the other Leptospira species. One of these sequences presented a specific evolutive pattern among pathogenic species. The tertiary structure modeling confirmed the evolutive pattern obtained in our phylogenetic inference.
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Mutagênese e tecnologia in vitro no melhoramento genético da pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.). / Mutagenesis and in vitro technology in the genetic improvement of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.).Lemos, Oriel Filgueira de 28 February 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver tecnologia in vitro e associá-la à mutagênese, e avaliar plantas V 5 e V6 quanto aos caracteres agronômicos de produção em área de ocorrência da doença fusariose, visando ao melhoramento genético da pimenta-do-reino para obtenção de plantas tolerantes e/ou resistentes à doença fusariose. A aplicação das técnicas in vitro iniciou-se através da obtenção de plantas doadoras de explantes, a partir de estacas em casa-de-vegetação e, de sementes e embriões zigóticos in vitro. O processo de micropropagação foi desenvolvido a partir de gemas de plantas obtidas in vitro através do estabelecimento de condições adequadas de cultivo em meios de cultura apropriados para multiplicação de gemas, enraizamento e obtenção de "plantlets", e de tipo de substrato para aclimatação e formação de mudas. Após a definição deste processo, gemas de plantas de casa-de-vegetação foram submetidas a diferentes tratamentos de assepsia e as sobreviventes micropropagadas. Seleção in vitro foi estabelecida ao cultivar isolados patogênicos do fungo Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis em meio Czapek-Dox e, através da curva de crescimento foi estabelecido o período de 28 dias de cultivo mais adequado para obtenção de filtrado da cultura do fungo. Diferentes concentrações de filtrado e formas de esterilização foram testadas em meio de cultura de multiplicação de gemas e determinou-se a concentração de 55% do filtrado do fungo (v/v) sob a esterilização por duas autoclavagens, adequada para causar 100% de mortalidade de gemas susceptíveis à doença. Simultaneamente, testes de radiossensitividade foram desenvolvidos através da irradiação gama em gemas in vitro e a dose de 20Gy foi escolhida para indução de mutações. As gemas irradiadas que passaram por vários ciclos de multiplicação e sobreviveram ao agente seletivo, filtrado de cultura do fungo, estão sendo clonadas para serem submetidas à seleção artificial com esporos do fungo em casa-de-vegetação, seleção natural em campo de ocorrência da doença e avaliação agronômica. Testes indicaram, a concentração de 2x10 6 esporos/ml em suspensão e a aplicação no solo do fungo adequada para seleção em casa-de-vegetação. As plantas V5 e V6 avaliadas em campo quanto a mortalidade e caracteres de produção apresentaram performance semelhante às plantas da cultivar original quanto à média de comprimento de espiga (8,4 cm), peso (4,42g) e número de frutos (40 frutos) por espiga, peso de 100 frutos (10,67g) e rendimento de pimenta preta (> 30%). Entretanto, melhores resultados para a média de produção de pimenta verde (3.290g) e sobrevivência em área de ocorrência da fusariose. As análises por componentes principais e variáveis canônicas apresentaram divergência genética entre as plantas originadas por estacas que sofreram irradiação gama e aquelas da cultivar original. / The purposes of the present work were to develop in vitro technology, associating it with mutagenesis, and to evaluate the V5 and V6 plants based on agronomical characters of production in Fusarium incidence areas, aiming at the genetic improvement of black pepper to obtain tolerant and/or resistant plants to the disease. The use of in vitro techniques started with the production of explant donor plants from greenhouse-grown cuttings and from seeds and in vitro zygotic embryos. The micropropagation process was developed using young shoots of in vitro plants by establishment of proper growing conditions in culture media for multiplication, rooting and production of plantlets, and by determining a suitable substrate type for acclimatization and growing of plantlets. After the process was defined, young shoots obtained from greenhouse grown plants underwent different aseptic treatments and the surviving plantlets were micropropagated. In vitro selection was carried out by cultivating pathogenic isolates of Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis in Czapek-Dox medium and, by using a growing curve, the most suitable growing period (28 days) for obtaining the fungus culture filtrate was defined. Different filtrate concentrations and sterilization techniques were tested in culture medium for young shoot multiplication. A concentration of 55% (v/v) of fungus filtrate under sterilization by double autoclavation was considered adequate to cause 100% mortality of fusariosis susceptible young shoots. Simultaneously, radiosensitivity tests were carried out through gamma irradiation of in vitro young shoots and dose of 20Gy was selected for mutation induction. Irradiated young shoots which underwent several multiplication cycles and survived the selective agent, fungus culture filtrate, are being cloned in order to be submitted to artificial selection with the fungus spores in greenhouse, to natural selection in a disease incidence area and to agronomical evaluation. These tests indicated that the concentration of 2x10 6 spores/ml in suspension and the application of the fungus on soil were appropriate for greenhouse selection. The V5 and V6 plants evaluated in field conditions for mortality and production characters showed similar performance to the original cultivar plants regarding average height (8.4 cm), weight (4.42g) and number of fruits (40 fruits) per spike, weight of 100 fruits (10.67g) and black pepper yield (>30%). However, better results were observed for average green pepper production (3,290g) and survival rates in a fusariosis incidence area. Analyses of principal components and canonic variables evidenced genetic divergence between plants grown from gamma-irradiated cuttings and the original cultivar ones.
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Estudo da atividade inibitória da troponina I através de mutações sítio-dirigidas / Study of the inhibitory activity of troponin I by site-directed mutagenesisQuaggio, Ronaldo Bento 06 October 1994 (has links)
A troponina I (TnI) é a sub-unidade inibitória do complexo troponina, responsável pela regulação da contração do músculo esquelético. Foi demonstrado que sua ação inibitória sobre a Mg2+ATPase da actomiosina, deve-se principalmente à região entre os resíduos 96 e 116 (região do peptídeo inibitório). Para estudar o mecanismo de inibição a nível molecular, produzimos três mutantes na região do peptídeo inibitório através de mutações sítio-dirigidas. Substituímos os resíduos lisina 105 por ácido glutâmico (K105E), fenilalanina 106 por tirosina (F106Y) e arginina 113 por ácido glutâmico (R113E). As troponinas I mutantes foram expressas em E.coli, purificadas e ensaiadas em sua atividade inibitória, interações com os outros componentes do complexo regulatório e sua capacidade regulatória. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a mutação na posição 105 alterou a interação da proteína com a tropomiosina, diminuindo sua atividade inibitória e afinidade pela actina-tropomiosina. A substituição na posição 113 alterou a interação da proteína com a actina e com a actina-tropomiosina, também diminuindo a atividade inibitória na presença de tropomiosina e inviabilizando a inibição na ausência de tropomiosina. Já a substituição na posição 106 não produziu alteração detectável. Concluímos que o resíduo 105 faz parte do sítio de ligação da troponina I ao complexo actina-tropomiosina e que o resíduo 113 participa diretamente do mecanismo de inibição. Desta forma, definimos duas interfaces de interação da troponina I com o filamento de actina-tropomiosina, necessárias a ligação da troponina I ao filamento e inibição da ATPase. / Troponin I (TnI) is the inhibitory subunit of the troponin complex, responsible for the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction. It has been demonstrated that TnI\'s inhibitory action on Mg2+ATPase of actomyosin is due principally to the region between residues 96 and 116 (the inhibitory region). To study the inhibitory mechanism at the molecular level, we produced three mutants of the inhibitory region by site-directed mutagenesis. We substituted lysine 105 for glutamic acid (K105E), phenylalanine 106 for tyrosine (F106Y) and arginine 113 for glutamic acid (R113E). The TnI mutants were expressed in E. coli, purified and analyzed for their inhibitory activity, interaction with other components of the regulatory complex and regulatory capacity. The results indicate that the mutation in K105E modified the interaction of TnI with tropomyosin, reduced its inhibitory activity and actin-tropomyosin affinity. The mutant R113E displayed modified interaction with actin and actin-tropomyosin, reduced inhibitory activity in the presence of tropomyosin and essentially no inhibitory activity in the absence of tropomyosin. The mutant F106Y behaved essentially like wild-type TnI. We conclude that residue 105 is part of the site by which troponin I binds to the actin-tropomyosin and that residue 113 participates directly in the inhibitory mechanism. In this way, we have defined two interfaces between troponin I and the actin-tropomyosin which are necessary for binding TnI to the filament and to inhibit the actomyosin ATPase.
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Construção e análise de mutantes fluorescentes da troponina I / Construction and analysis of fluorescent mutants of troponin IOliveira, Deodoro Camargo Silva Gonçalves de 10 August 2001 (has links)
A troponina (Tn) regula a contração do músculo estriado esquelético de vertebrados. Ela é composta de três subunidades: troponina I (TnI), troponina C (TnC) e troponina T (TnT). A TnI tem a função inibitória que é neutralizada pela ligação de Ca2+ nos sítios regulatórios do N-domínio da TnC, e a TnT posiciona o complexo no filamento fino. Para monitorar o sinal do Ca2+ sendo transmitido da TnC para a TnI as propriedades espectrais únicas do 5-hidroxitriptofano (5HW) foram utilizadas. O 5HW foi incorporado em mutantes pontuais de TnI com um único códon para triptofano. Foram identificadas duas sondas espectrais intrínsecas na TnI capazes de detectar a ligação de Ca2+ na Tn: as TnIs com 5HW nas posições 100 e 121. Complexos troponina reconstituídos com estes mutantes fluorescentes de TnI, Tn-TnIF100HW e Tn-TnIM121HW, apresentaram respectivamente 12 e 70 % de aumento na intensidade do espectro de emissão devido à ligação de Ca2+ na TnC. Nos complexos binários (TnC-TnI) as TnIs com 5HW nas posições 106 e 121 também captam a ligação do Ca2+ na TnC. A análise da fluorescência destas sondas demonstrou que: 1) as regiões da TnI que respondem ao N-domínio regulatório da TnC ocupado com Ca2+ são a região inibitória da TnI, resíduos 96 até 116, e a região vizinha que inclui a posição 121 da TnI; 2) mutações pontuais e a incorporação de 5HW na TnI podem afetar tanto a afinidade como a cooperatividade da ligação de Ca2+ na TnC, confirmando o papel da TnI em modular a afinidade da TnC por Ca2+; 3) as constantes de dissociação de Ca2+ surpreendentemente altas, Kd ~ 10-8 M, calculadas a partir dos sinais das sondas na região inibitória da TnI, sugerem a possibilidade de que os sítios do domínio N-terminal da TnC sejam os sítios de ligação de Ca2+ de maior afinidade no complexo troponina. / Vertebrate striated muscle contraction is regulated by troponin (Tn). Tn is composed of three subunits: troponin I (TnI), troponin C (TnC) and troponin T (TnT). TnI has an inhibitory role that is neutralized by calcium binding to the regulatory sites in the N-domain of TnC, and TnT positions the troponin complex on the thin filament. In order to follow the Ca2+ induced conformational change that is transmitted from TnC to TnI, the unique spectral properties of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HW) incorporated as point-mutants of TnI were used. It was possible to identify two new TnI intrinsic spectral probes sensitive to Ca2+ binding to Tn: TnI with single 5HW at positions 100 and 121. Trimeric troponin complexes reconstituted with two fluorescent mutants of TnI, Tn-TnIF100HW and Tn-TnIM121HW, showed respectively 12 and 70 % increase in the emission spectra when Ca2+ bound to TnC. In the binary complexes (TnC-TnI) two TnIs with 5HW at positions 106 and 121 were also sensitive to Ca2+ binding to TnC. Fluorescence analysis of these probes showed: 1) the regions in TnI that respond to Ca2+ binding to the regulatory N-domain of TnC are the inhibitory region of TnI (residues 96 to 116), and a neighbor region that includes position 121; 2) point mutations and incorporation of 5HW in TnI can affect both the affinity and the cooperativity of Ca2+ binding to TnC, confirming the role of TnI as a modulator of the Ca2+ affinity of TnC; 3) the high dissociation constant for sites in the N-terminal domain of TnC (Kd ~ 10-8 M), derived from data using probes in the inhibitory region of TnI suggested the possibility that these sites are the high affinity Ca2+ binding sites in the troponin complex.
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Expression and evolution of lipases from Candida rugosa and Yarrowia lipolytica to modify their activities and specificities / Expression et évolution des lipases de Candida rugosa et Yarrowia lipolytica pour modifier leurs activités et spécificitésPiamtongkam, Rungtiwa 22 April 2010 (has links)
Les lipases, protéines ubiquitaires, sont les enzymes les plus étudiées et les plus utilisées dans l’industrie. Elles catalysent un très grand nombre de réactions, d’hydrolyse et de synthèse, conduisant à une grande diversité de molécules, acides, esters, amides…. Les domaines d’applications sont nombreux : les bio-énergies, les arômes, bio-lubrifiants, bio-plastifiants, émulsifiants, produits phytosanitaires et détergents, cosmétiques, synthons pour la chimie fine, produits pharmaceutiques… Aujourd’hui, grâce aux outils génétiques, il est possible de modifier leur activité, spécificité et thermostabilité pour les adapter idéalement aux contraintes industrielles. Dans ce travail de doctorat, nous nous sommes intéressés à quatre lipases d’intérêt industriel. Les 3 premières appartiennent à la famille des lipases de Candida rugosa (Lip1, Lip3 et Lip4). Bien que très homologues, leurs spécificités sont très différentes. Elles se distinguent de toutes les autres lipases par un site actif composé d’un long tunnel avec la triade catalytique à l’entrée de celui-ci. Cela en fait une enzyme particulièrement intéressante pour la conversion et la purification d’acides gras à longue chaîne. La quatrième est une nouvelle lipase identifiée chez la levure oléagineuse, Yarrowia lipolytica. Elle est très active sur les acides gras à longue chaîne, active à pH acide et présentant une grande énantiosélectivité sur des molécules d’intérêt pharmaceutique, les esters d’acide 2- halogéno-aryl acide acétique. Dans un premier temps, un nouveau système d’expression, une souche spécifique de Yarrowia lipolytica, a été étudié pour l’expression de variants construits par mutagenèse dirigée. Cette souche JMY1212 permet une intégration ciblée dans le génome de Y. lipoytica. Nous avons démontré qu’il s’agissait du premier système d’expression permettant de comparer statistiquement l’activité de variants directement à partir du surnageant de culture. Trois des lipases de Candida rugosa ont été clonées avec succès dans cette souche et leurs activités et spécificités vis-à-vis de la longueur de chaines des acides gras ont été étudiées. Lip1 et Lip3 présentent une spécificité pour les acides gras à longueur de chaine moyenne (C8-C10) alors que Lip4 préfère les C18:1. De, plus, pour la première fois, la purification, à partir d’un mélange d’esters éthyliques issu d’huile de poissons, d’acides gras poly-insaturés (PUFAs); acides cis-5, 8, 11, 14, 17-eicosapentaenoic (EPA) et cis-4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19-docosahexaenoic (DHA), molécules bonnes pour la santé, a été réalisée avec les trois lipases séparées de C. rugosa. Quelle que soit l’enzyme, le rendement de récupération du DHA est supérieur à 93 % (97, 100 et 93 % pour Lip1, Lip3 et Lip4 respectivement. Une pureté maximale en DHA de ~60 % a été obtenue avec Lip3 et Lip4, à partir d’un mélange initial d’esters éthyliques contenant 25% de DHA. Une différence remarquable entre ces trois enzymes est que Lip4 est capable de mieux hydrolyser l’ester d’EPA (60% contre 14 et 16% pour Lip1 et Lip3). Lip4 est même capable d’hydrolyser le DHA (7% contre 3 et 0 % pour Lip1 et Lip3). La deuxième partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l’amélioration de l’énantiosélectivité des deux enzymes étudiées vis-à-vis de synthons d’intérêt dans l’industrie pharmaceutique, les esters de 2-bromo aryl acide acétique. La construction raisonnée d’un double variant de la lipase Lip2 de Y. lipolytica, D97AV232F, a permis d’obtenir une enzyme totalement énantiosélective (E >200). Celle-ci reconnaît l’énantiomère R alors que la lipase sauvage avait une faible préférence pour l’énantiomère S (E=5). Par ailleurs, cette exceptionnelle augmentation de l’énantiosélectivité s’accompagne d’une amélioration de l’activité de l’enzyme qui est ainsi multipliée par 4,5. Sur ce même mélange d’énantiomères, les 3 lipases de C. rugosa se sont avérées remarquables. Malgré leur grande homologie, leur spécificité est différente. Lip1 et Lip3 sont totalement S spécifiques (E>200), alors que Lip4 est R spécifique (E=15). Le docking moléculaire des énantiomères S et R dans le site actif des lipases Lip1 et Lip4 a permis de mieux comprendre ces différences de spécificité et de proposer des cibles de mutagenèse dirigée. L’encombrement et la nature de l’acide aminé présent en position 296 sont cruciaux pour la discrimination de l’enzyme / Lipases, ubiquitous proteins, are the most studied enzymes and the most used in industry. They catalyse a great number of reactions, hydrolysis and synthesis, leading to a great diversity of molecules, acids, esters, amides. There are numerous fields of applications: bio-energies, flavours, bio-lubricants, bio-plasticizers, emulsifiers, detergents, cosmetics, synthons for fine chemistry, and pharmaceutical products. Nowadays, thanks to genetic tools, it is possible to modify their activity, specificity and thermostability to ideally adapt enzymes for the industrial constraints. In this work, we were interested in four lipases of industrial interest. The third ones belong to the lipase family of Candida rugosa (Lip1, Lip3 and Lip4). Although they present high homology, their specificities are very different. They are distinct from the other lipases by the active site composed of a long tunnel with the catalytic triad at the entry of the tunnel. It leads to enzymes particularly interesting for the conversion and the purification of long chain fatty-acids. The fourth one is a new lipase identified from oleaginous yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica. It is one of the most active lipase on long chain fatty-acids; it is very active and stable at acid pH and presents a high enantioselectivity on molecules of pharmaceutical interest, the esters of 2- halogeno-aryl acetic acid. In this work, we first tested a new expression system, a specific strain of Y. lipolytica, for expression of variants obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. This strain JMY1212 enables integration to be targeted to a special locus of the Y. lipoytica genome. We demonstrated that it is the first expression system in which it is possible to compare statistically variant activities directly from the supernatant of the culture. Secondly, three lipases of C. rugosa were cloned successfully in this strain and their activities and specificities with respect to fatty acid chain lengths were studied. Lip1 and Lip3 have specificity for the fattyacids of medium chain (C8-C10) whereas Lip4 prefers C18: 1. Moreover, for the first time, purification, from a mixture of ethyl esters issued from fish oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs); cis-5, 8, 11, 14, 17- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and cis-4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), molecules with health benefits, was realised with the three C. rugosa lipases, separately. Whatever the enzyme the recovery of DHA is superior to 90 % (97, 100 and 93 % for Lip1, Lip3 and Lip4 respectively. The maximal DHA purity ~60 % was obtained with Lip3 and Lip4, with an initial ethyl ester mixture containing 25% DHA. A remarkable difference between these enzymes lies in the fact that Lip4 is able to better hydrolyse the EPA esters (60% against 13% and 16% respectively for Lip1 and Lip3). Lip4 is also able to hydrolyse DHA (7% against 3 and 0 % for Lip1 and Lip3 respectively). The third part of this work was devoted to the improvement of the enantioselectivity of the two enzymes studied with respect to the resolution of a racemic mixture of pharmaceutical industry, the R, S esters of 2-bromo aryl acetic acid. The rational construction of a double variant of Lip2 lipase from Y. lipolytica, D97A V232F was realized to obtain a total enantioselective enzyme (E > 200). This variant recognizes the enantiomer R whereas wild-type lipase had a weak preference for the enantiomer S (E=5). In addition, this exceptional increase in the enantioselectivity is accompanied by a 4.5 fold improvement of the activity. With the same mixture of enantiomers, the 3 lipases of C. rugosa proved to be remarkable from the point of view of enantioselectivity. In spite of their high homology, their specificity is different. Lip1 and Lip3 are completely specific for the S enantiomer, whereas Lip4 is R specific (E=15). The molecular docking of the S and R enantiomers in the active site of Lip1 and Lip4 lipases enables the observed differences in specificity to be better understood and targets for site-directed mutagenesis to be proposed. We demonstrated that the nature of the amino acid present in position 296 is crucial for the discrimination of these enzymes
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Avaliação da ação genotóxica induzida pela radiação ultravioleta solar na molécula de DNA / Evaluation of solar-ultraviolet radiation effects upon DNA molecule.Schuch, André Passaglia 22 December 2009 (has links)
Nesse projeto, foi desenvolvido um sistema biológico que denominamos Dosímetro de DNA, com o objetivo de avaliar a ação genotóxica da radiação UV solar a partir da produção de lesões na molécula de DNA. Para determinar os diferentes tipos de danos, utilizamos enzimas de reparo de DNA e anticorpos específicos. Complementando estas análises, foram ainda realizados ensaios de frequência de mutação e da taxa de inativação biológica de DNA. Através da utilização dessa tecnologia foi possível confirmar a produção de lesões CPDs e 6-4PPs após a irradiação em lâmpadas de UVB e UVA. Outro fator importante foi a maior indução de danos oxidativos que a banda de UVA apresentou em relação à de UVB. Exposições ambientais demonstram claramente que a luz solar possui diferentes perfís de indução de lesões de DNA, que variam de acordo com a localidade da irradiação, e que fenômenos biológicos como inativação de DNA e mutagênese são diretamente dependentes da presença de fotoprodutos na molécula de DNA e não estão associados aos danos oxidativos. Portanto, o sistema Dosímetro de DNA é capaz de fornecer uma ampla compreensão da ação genotóxica da luz solar e informações inovadoras que poderão ser utilizadas no desenvolvimento de substâncias fotoprotetoras mais eficientes. / To better understand the impact of solar UV radiation upon DNA molecule, we developed a biological system based on the exposure of plasmid DNA to artificial and natural UV sources. The quantification of DNA lesions was performed through the use of specific DNA repair enzymes and antibodies. The biological effects of sunlight, as well as artificial UV-radiation, were evaluated through the determination of the DNA inactivation rate and mutagenesis frequency. Through the application of this technology, we could detect the induction of CPDs and 6-4PPs after exposures to UVB and UVA lamps. Interestingly, the induction of oxidative damages was significantly higher after UVA than UVB radiation. Surprisingly, the profiles of induction of DNA damages observed after sunlight exposures have presented variations especially according to the latitude. In addition, our data clearly indicate that the induction of these biological effects is directly related to the presence of photoproducts in UV-exposed DNA samples, and suggest that oxidative damages are not related to these biological processes. Therefore, a very suitable system was developed capable of providing a wide comprehension of the biological effects of solar-UV radiation upon the DNA molecule.
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