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Bilden av kvinnan i svenska nationalistiska rörelser : En semiotisk bild- och idéanalys / The image of women in Swedish nationalist movements : A semiotic analysis of images and ideasLöf, Stina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine which notions of women exist within three different nationalist parties by analyzing how women are visually represented for political purposes. The aim is also to examine how these notions relate to a nationalist cultural policy. A semiotic analysis as well as a contextual idea analysis using ideal types was implemented in order to distinguish different notions of women in the material. The result shows five different representations of women, which can be summarized as two dominant notions. “The good woman” represents the nation and is depicted as natural, attractive, domesticated, warm, feminine, heterosexual and in need of protection. “The bad woman” does not represent the nation and is depicted as unattractive, cold, selfish, rebellious and queer. Given the nation-building purpose of the nationalist culture policy, these notions of women could entail a restriction of women’s cultural expressions as a consequence.
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A lenda de Iara: nacionalismo literário e folclore / The Legend of Iara: Literary Nationalism and FolkloreCasemiro, Sandra Ramos 29 March 2012 (has links)
O ideal nacionalista esteve, durante um longo período, no centro das preocupações dos intelectuais do século XIX brasileiro. Com a independência do Brasil, tornou-se bastante forte o desejo de criar ou de forjar uma mitologia que sustentasse o surgimento de nossa nação. Embora o Indianismo tenha sido uma grande expressão dessa tendência, o nacionalismo romântico brasileiro também valorizou as tradições populares e do folclore, como forma de reabilitar as diferenças e as particularidades da nação brasileira, numa tentativa de encontrar na cultura do popular o substrato de uma cultura nacional. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é o de mostrar como o folclore brasileiro serviu aos intuitos dos românticos de tentar elaborar uma literatura nacional, que pudesse, de acordo com eles, afirmar, frente à antiga metrópole e à Europa, a singularidade ou a autonomia cultural da então recém-independente nação, de modo a salientar que tal intuito atravessou todo o século XIX, evidenciando-se, inclusive, entre alguns parnasianos, até chegar no século XX, no qual seria (re)significado pelo Modernismo, sobretudo por meio de figura de Mário de Andrade. Ressalte-se que a pesquisa restringe-se a um aspecto do nosso folclore, que é a lenda Iara, delineada em obras de José de Alencar, Gonçalves Dias, Juvenal Galeno, Melo Morais Filho, Machado de Assis, Olegário Mariano, Martins Fontes e Olavo Bilac. / For a long period, the nationalist ideal was the central concern of Brazilian intellectuals of the nineteenth century. Owing to Brazils independence, the necessity of creating a mythology to explain the emergence of our nation became very strong. Although the Indianism has been a great expression of this trend, our Romantic nationalism also considered the popular traditions as an important element to find Brazils national essence and to make its differences and particularities clear. The main aim of this study is to show how Brazilian folklore was used by Romantics, whose intention was to present our cultural autonomy to Europe, particularly to Portugal, by means of a national literature. It is important to emphasise that this intention characterised the authors of the entire nineteenth century, including the Parnassians poets. In the twentieth century, the interest in folklore was continued mainly by Mário de Andrade. It should be noted that the research is restricted to one aspect of our folklore, the legend of Iara, described in works of José de Alencar, Gonçalves Dias, Juvenal Galeno, Melo Morais Filho, Machado de Assis, Olegário Mariano, Martins Fontes and Olavo Bilac.
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A construção do nacionalismo egípcio no discurso literário: análise do romance Trilogia do Cairo, de Nagib Mahfuz / The construction of Egptian nationalism in the literary discourse: analisys of Cairo Trilogy, by Nagib MahfuzSales, Anselma Garcia de 11 May 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a construção do nacionalismo egípcio na obra Trilogia do Cairo, de Nagib Mahfuz, romance em três volumes que recobre o período histórico de maturação do nacionalismo egípcio até o momento que antecedeu o nasserismo, respectivamente de 1917 a 1944. Desse modo, inicialmente são apresentadas as teorias sobre o nacionalismo, no intuito de situar as correntes teóricas que descrevem o desenvolvimento dos conceitos de nação, estado e estado nacional ao longo da história, a saber, a teoria clássica, a modernista, a essencialista e a etno-simbolista. Em seguida, este trabalho apresenta o contexto histórico do nacionalismo egípcio e sua confluência com o nacionalismo árabe. Apesar de a Trilogia do Cairo não abranger o período que se estende do início até a decadência do nacionalismo de expressão nasserista, o presente estudo considera importante mencioná-lo como um todo, no intuito de contextualizar aquilo que o romance já anunciava como premente na sociedade egípcia, a necessidade de autonomia política dentro de um projeto de base nacionalista. A fim de se estabelecer as relações entre autor, obra e instituição, na sequência são discutidos os diversos pareceres críticos do romance, além de sua abordagem enquanto discurso literário e prática discursiva. Desse modo, através da narrativa da inscrição da história no discurso literário, analisado no presente estudo sob o formato de cronotopos, se pretendeu efetivar uma exposição do modo como as personagens fictícias e históricas, que participaram do processo de tentativa de emancipação do Egito, construíram o nacionalismo. / This work intends to analyse the construction of egptian nationalism in Cairo Trilogy, by Nagib Mahfuz, novel composed by tree volumes that recover the period between 1917 and 1944, regarded to the real rising of nacionalism and the previous nasserism age. Initially this study introduces theories about nationalism in order to define the concepts of nation, state and national state, after that, the context of egptian and arabic nationalism is introduced. Although Cairo Trilogy recovers the period before nasserism age, this reference is important to sign the need of political autonomy within an egpitian nationalist project. The following discussion is about linguistics and literary criticism related to the novel, in whish is made the reflexion about literary discourse and discourse practices. Thus, through the narrative inscription of history in literary discourse, analysed in this study by the notion of chronotope, this work intended to make an exhibition about how ficcional and historical characters, who participated the egption freedom process, built the nationalism.
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O ressurgimento da suíte para teclado na segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XX / O ressurgimento da suíte para teclado na segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XXHeidrich, Adriano Figueiredo 04 December 2009 (has links)
Com a elaboração deste trabalho pretende-se demonstrar o ressurgimento da suíte em meados do século XIX e posterior aplicação no inicio do século XX, a partir da suíte para cravo do século XVIII. Procurou-se verificar a influência formal e estilística do gênero barroco nas escolas posteriores, além do papel fundamental da suíte revisitada, como peças referenciais no repertório pianístico. Contextualização histórica e sócio-cultural da forma e do estilo em questão, bem como, da importância desse gênero para o repertório romântico e suas influencias nas escolas posteriores. Comparação formal e estilística entre a suíte barroca e a suíte da segunda metade do século XIX e inicio do século XX e, ainda, análise com finalidade ilustrativa de obras do gênero. A suíte da segunda metade do século XIX e inicio do século XX teve papel fundamental no rompimento, por parte dos compositores das escolas nacionalistas, com os paradigmas da música alemã do período em questão. / With the development of this work is intended to demonstrate the resurgence of the suite in mid-nineteenth century and subsequent implementation at the beginning of the twentieth century, from the suite for harpsichord of the eighteenth century. Tried to verify the formal and stylistic influence of gender in baroque schools later, and the role of the suite revisited, as reference pieces in the pianist repertoire. Historical background and socio-cultural fashion and style in question, as well as the importance in this kind for the Romantic repertoire and their influences in schools later. Formal and stylistic comparison between the Baroque suite and the suite of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, and also illustrative analysis with works of the genre. The suite of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century played a key role in the disruption, by the nationalist composers, with the paradigms in German music.
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The Human Element of Politics: the Modern Political History of Korea as Experienced by its PeopleKim, Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Gerald Easter / In this thesis I trace the modern political history of Korea as experienced by the Korean people in the twentieth century. By focusing largely on my family's own experience, I trace the master narrative of Korea's modern political identity, and analyze how the political forces and changes of the past century have impacted the Korean people and shaped their identity, from Japanese annexation to division after World War II, through the Korean War and until the present. By also analyzing the uniquely Korean national collective identity, I also analyze how this political identity and collective suffering will in turn impact prospects for Korean reunification. Though policy analysis and the character of modern Korean politics are essential to understanding these prospects, I ultimately conclude that the desires of the Korean people as one nation for national reunification is a force too unique and strong to ignore. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Political Science. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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A Difference of Degrees: Ernst Juenger, the National Socialists, and a New EuropeHonsberger, Laura January 2006 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Devin Pendas / Ernst Juenger lived through almost the entire 20th century. This longevity has placed him at the center of many of the most defining moments of modern German history. It is not, however, simply his longevity but his attitudes that have caused such a controversy to grow up around him. A staunch nationalist and one might venture to say, war-monger, during the First World War and a virulent enemy of the Weimar Republic, many historians have classified him as a Nazi author. This thesis explores the relationsihp of Ernst Juenger to the National Socialists in the context of his writing and political leanings between the First World War and the end of the Second. Without understanding the integral differences between his ideology and that of the NSDAP (namely their divergence on the issues of racial purity, parliamentarianism, communism, the use of power, and the position of art)one cannot appreciate his place in history and his perspective on Germany. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2006. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Profetas do apocalipse: os autores ocidentais com visão \'catastrofista\' sobre o problema das nacionalidades na URSS / Prophets of apocalypse: western scholars with a catastrophist view on the nationalities problem in the USSRLemonte, Marco Vallada 23 February 2017 (has links)
O desmantelamento da URSS foi um dos processos políticos mais importantes do século XX, tendo sido causado, em grande medida, pelas demandas por independência, oriundas do seu tipo mais importante de entidades federadas, as Repúblicas. Antes da Perestroika eram poucos os especialistas, mesmo dentre os chamados sovietólogos ocidentais, aqueles que arriscariam fazer previsões sobre um possível e iminente colapso, seguido de desintegração, do poderoso Estado soviético, cuja estatura política, militar e demográfica era capaz de rivalizar com os Estados Unidos ao menos desde o término da II Guerra mundial. Neste trabalho apresentamos e analisamos o trabalho de autores ocidentais que chegaram a cogitar a possibilidade de fragmentação política do Estado Soviético, levando em consideração a gravidade da questão etnonacional para a antecipação de um cenário desintegracionista, analisando quais fatores influenciaram no menor ou maior grau de precisão dos cenários prospectivos traçados. / The dismantling of the Soviet Union was one of the most important political pro-cesses of the twentieth century, having been caused, to a large extent, by demands for independence arising from its most important type of federated entities- the Republics. Before perestroika there were few western specialists, even among the so-called \"sovietologists\", who would risk making predictions about a possible and imminent col-lapse, followed by desintegration, of the mighty Soviet State, whose political, military and demographic stature was able to rival the United States at least since the end of World War II. In this paper we present and analyze the work of western authors who have come to consider the possibility of political fragmentation of the Soviet State, taking into ac-count the seriousness of the ethnonational question for the anticipation of a disintegra-tionist scenario, analyzing which factors influenced the lower or greater degree of accu-racy of the prospective scenarios which they designed.
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Bolívia: crise de coesão territorial no coração da América do Sul / Bolívia: crisis of territorial cohesion in the heart of South AmericaFreire, Eduardo Maganha 06 October 2008 (has links)
O estudo leva em consideração acontecimentos históricos da conformação territorial da Bolívia, sua estruturação, dinâmica, bem como a atual situação de sua coesão interna, implicando no aprofundamento dos estudos relativos à intergovernabilidade, territorialidade, nacionalismo e identidade. Também abarca a questão relativa aos grupos dentro do arranjo democrático liberal, e da ativação política de clivagens de cunhos étnico, regional e econômico, tratando a questão separatista da porção Oriental boliviana. / The study considers the historical events of Bolivia\'s territorial arrangement, structure, dynamics and the current situation of its internal cohesion, resulting in the analysis of major studies on intergovernability, territoriality, nationalism and identity. This research also takes into account the demands made by groups inside the liberal democratic arrangement, and the activation of political, ethnic, regional and economic divisions, addressing the issue of Bolivias Eastern portion breakaway.
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Den turkiska pressens fragmenterade syn på Europa : En kvalitativ studie om synen på Europa i turkiska dagstidningar / The Fragmented View of the Turkish News Media on Europe : A qualitative study about views on Europe in Turkish daily newspapersAyata, Asude January 2019 (has links)
The following study is aimed to evaluate the views of the Turkish News Media on Europe by analysing news articles derived from six Turkish daily newspapers with different political and ideological stances. Following are the questions of the study; What are the discourses on Europe in news articles of six Turkish daily newspapers? How are the discourses on Europe expressed, culturally respectively politically? In order to achieve this aim, a postcolonial standpoint on nationalism has been implemented alongside its critical view on orientalism. The reason why nationalism is included in the study is that it provides a better understanding of the view of “the other” by understanding the view of “us”, since one cannot exist without the other. Using the linguist Norman Fairclough ́s three dimensional model as part of the Critical Discourse Analysis, the discourses in the news articles have been studied as well as their relations to other discourses, and social practices of nationalism.
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\'Reconstituindo um dinossauro com alguns fragmentos de maxilar\': escrevendo a história da música popular brasileira. / Rebuilding a dinosaur from a few jawbone piecesCarnevali, Flávia Guia 26 November 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a constituição de algumas narrativas sobre a música popular urbana elucidando o fluxo dinâmico do qual elas resultam, procurando (re)construir a história que as inventou, a partir da mediação de Mariza Lira, Eneida de Moraes e Ary Vasconcelos. Sediados nos órgãos de imprensa e outras mídias, eles se debruçaram sobre a música popular urbana, um objeto até então ignorado pela intelligentsia brasileira, construindo uma abordagem historiográfica específica sobre o tema. A historiografia construída por esses pesquisadores informais, de 1938 até início dos anos 1960, acabou definindo uma forma de escutar, ver e compreender a sociedade, a partir de um discurso muito próprio, em que a canção e a música popular tiveram papel central. Com o tempo formou-se uma narrativa documentada, explicativa e inovadora sobre a música popular que, posteriormente, acabou se oficializando por meio de instituições como o Museu da Imagem e do Som do Rio de Janeiro (1965), a Funarte (1975) e a Associação dos Pesquisadores da Música Popular (1975). Contudo, o estudo desses autores, usados até hoje como fontes primárias para as pesquisas realizadas no âmbito acadêmico, é muito tímido. Ainda mais inexplorado é o discurso historiográfico produzido por eles. É neste sentido que esta investigação buscou compreender e analisar a produção intelectual mais perene, ou seja, bibliográfica, e também aquela publicada em jornais e revistas, de Mariza Lira, Eneida de Moraes e Ary Vasconcelos. A riqueza da investigação está no fato de que esses autores se voltaram ao estudo da música popular e construíram narrativas historiográficas por vias diferentes, seja através do folclorismo no caso de Mariza Lira; do sociologismo marxista em Eneida de Moraes; ou, ainda, pela reconstrução da história política e social, no caso de Ary Vasconcelos. Cada um à sua maneira buscou contribuir para a preservação da memória da música popular urbana e com a invenção de um passado glorioso. / This work investigated the narratives about popular urban music, elucidating the dynamic flux from which they result, trying to (re)construct the history that invented them, through the mediation of Mariza Lira, Eneida de Moraes and Ary Vasconcelos. Working in the press and other media, they dwelt upon urban popular music, until then a subject ignored by Brazilian intelligentsia, building a historiographical approach about the theme. The historiography built by these informal researchers, from 1938 until the 1960s, came to define a way of listening, seeing and understanding society, based on a very specific discourse, in which popular music and song had a major role. With time a documented, explicative and innovative narrative was produced that, later, became official by means of institutions like the Rio de Janeiro Museu da Imagem e do Som [Image and Sound Museum] (1965), Funarte (1975) and the Associação dos Pesquisadores da Música Popular [Popular Music Researchers Association] (1975). Nevertheless, the work of theses authors, still used as primary sources for researches done in the academic environment, is very shy. Even less explored is the historiographical discourse they produced. It is in this sense that this investigation aimed at comprehending and analyzing the most perennial intellectual production, that is, the bibliographical material, plus what was published in newspapers and magazines by Mariza Lira, Eneida de Moraes and Ary Vasconcelos. The richness of this investigation is in the fact that these authors turned to the study of popular music and built historiographical narratives following different paths, be it Folklore Studies in Mariza Lira\'s case; Marxist Sociology in Eneida de Moraes; or, yet, through social and political historical reconstruction, in the case of Ary de Vasconcelos. Each one, in his or her way, tried to contribute to the preservation of urban popular musics memory and the invention of a glorious past.
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