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"Bra Jobbat..." : En fallstudie kring de stilistiska uttryck som existerar på Gina Tricots och Acne Studios Facebook-sidor / "Well done..." : A case study built around the stylistics that exists on the Facebook pages of Gina Tricot and Acne StudiosOlsen, Erik, Wartmark, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker de stilistiska uttryck som går att återfinna på Gina Tricots och Acne Studios Facebook-sidor. Studien utgår från teorier om eWOM, marketing management och consumer communities för att skapa en förståelse för hur och varför konsumenter och varumärken uttrycker sig som de gör på varumärkenas Facebook-sidor.Studien har genomförts med en netnografisk datainsamling av de båda varumärkenas Facebook-sidor under en tremånadersperiod, och analyserats med hjälp av en stilistisk textanalys. De huvudsakliga analyspunkterna har varit funktion, drivkraft, syfte, disposition och stilmarkörer, och studien har analyserat både varumärkes- och konsumentinlägg.Genom metoden har denna studie kommit fram till att det finns tydliga skillnader i hur de båda varumärkena använder sina respektive Facebook-sidor. Ett varumärke som Acne Studios använder sin Facebook-sida som ett medium för att dela nya plagg och kollektioner, medan Gina Tricot istället använder detta medium för att skapa interaktion med sina konsumenter och få återkoppling om vad som kan anses vackert eller gräsligt. Dessa skillnader kan ha sitt ursprung i den positionering som varumärkena valt på marknaden, och studien återkopplar till dessa och försöker med hjälp av teorin förklara varför det inte finns en korrekt användning av Facebook. Studien tar även upp de stilmarkörer som används av konsumenterna, för att se om det finns några kopplingar mellan varumärkets och konsumenternas eWOM. / This study aims to analyze the stylistic expressions that exist on the Facebook pages of Gina Tricot and Acne Studios. The study is based on theories of eWOM, marketing management and consumer communities to create an understanding on how, and why, consumers and brands choose to express themselves in a particular way on Facebook.The study has been operationalized through a netnographic data collection of the brands’ Facebook pages during a period of three months, and which have been analyzed through a stylistic textual analysis. The main aspects of the analysis have been function, incentive, purpose, disposition and the characteristics of the textual style. The study has focused on posts made by both consumers and the brands themselves.Through this method the study concluded that there are significant differences in how the two brands choose to use their Facebook pages. A brand like Acne Studios uses their Facebook page as a medium for sharing new garments and collections, while Gina Tricot uses their Facebook page to create interaction with consumers, and to receive feedback on what the consumers consider to beautiful or hideous. These differences could originate from the positioning that the brands have chosen on the fashion market, and the study reconnects with the theories regarding fashion market positioning to explain why there is not one singular correct way to use a Facebook page. The study also addresses and compares the stylistic expressions of both the consumers and the brands, to see if there are any connections between the stylistics of the two.
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Den älskade hatade kroppen : En netnografisk studie om unga tjejers iscensättning av heteronormativ femininitet på hälso- och träningsbloggarZalewska, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
Kroppen, i termer av kroppsliga vardagserfarenheter och unga tjejers kroppsliga gestaltning av lik- eller olikartade erfarenheter, som uppvisas inom en nätkultur på bloggar om hälsa och träning har använts som empirisk och analytisk grund. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur heteronormativ femininitet iscensätts, förhandlas och görs normerande i populära bloggar inom träning och hälsa samt varför de konsumeras av unga tjejer. Inledningsvis redogörs för en beskrivande bakgrund av moderna västerländska konsumtionssamhället och vad det kan innebära för individers identitetsarbete. Tidigare forskning inom området berör ungas förhållningssätt till kroppen, ideal och femininitet, kulturella framställningar av normer samt medier som verktyg för identitetsskapande. En netnografisk undersökning med text- och bildanalys har genomförts av tre stycken bloggar för både publicerat material och interaktiva delar, det vill säga bloggarens inlägg och läsarnas frågor och kommentarer. Tre grundläggande teman var specifikt framträdande i den funna empirin; tämjandet av kroppen, iscensättningen av heteronormativ femininitet samt konsumtion och klasskillnader. Vidare har analyser utgått ifrån grundläggande genusteorier som berör performativitet, klass, queerteorin, normalisering och makt och stereotyper och sociomentala relationer. Resultaten visar att tjejernas föreställningar om och iscensättningen av femininitet inom nätkulturen strukturerar såväl tankar som handlingar. Deras kroppar är eller strävar efter att vara bärare av viss slags ideal heteronormativ femininitet och kroppen fungerar som medium varigenom denna kan verka. Konsumtion och markörer visar sig vara medel som möjliggör iscensättningen och den ideala livsstilen. Relationen mellan skribenten och läsarna diskuteras i termer av makt, klass och expertkunskap. Diskussioner har även förts kring vilken betydelse och mening bloggarnas diskurser om femininitet och kroppsnormer kan ha för unga tjejers föreställningar om vad som krävs för att vara kvinna ”på rätt sätt” i dagens samhälle. / The human body, in terms of everyday experiences and young women’s body staging of similar or unequal experiences that is exposed among an Internet culture on lifestyle blogs about health and fitness has based the empiric analyses. The study aims to examine how young women practice and negotiate hetero normative femininity on popular blogs about health and fitness and what conveys girls’ interest to read and interact in these type of online communities. The main questions of the study concern what type of feminine body standards are negotiated and orchestrated in blogs consumed by young women, what messages and ideals about health are conveyed and communicated through text and images, what kind of femininity do the girls strive to achieve by active consumption of and communication in blogs and why is it desirable, what enables the staging and what legitimizes the writers position as a role model and how can young girl’s health as a discursive practice be analysed and related to a broader social perspective concerning norms and ideals. The theoretical framework of the study is based on gender theories such as performativity, class, queer theory, normativity, power and social control, stereotypes and sociomental relationships. The methodology for the study is a netnographic observation of three blogs with further text- and image analysis both for published material and interactive fragments - blog posts and readers’ comments and questions. The three main themes that were specifically disclosed in the results are modifying of the body, the implementation of hetero normative femininity according to ideal images and consumption and class disparities. The results are illustrating the girls’ notions and staging of a specific heteronormative femininity among the Internet culture. The ideas about the ideal female body and lifestyle can structure thoughts as well as actions. Consumption and various types of labels and markers are used as tools for enabling the staging of the ideal lifestyle. The relation between the writer and the readers has been discussed in aspects of power, class and expertise. Further analyses and discussions has been held in terms of the theoretical framework of the study.
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Explorando o uso de plataformas digitais de mídia social por empresas para co-criação com consumidoresBorges, Mauro January 2011 (has links)
Plataformas de mídia social têm possibilitado que indivíduos produzam, compartilhem e distribuam seu conteúdo, facilmente, pela Internet – interagindo com outros indivíduos e firmas. Atualmente, qualquer pessoa pode ter seu próprio jornal (blog), rádio (podcast) ou canal de TV (YouTube) e construir uma audiência. Redes sociais, como Facebook e Twitter, permitem que as pessoas espalhem o boca-a-boca ainda mais. Neste novo ambiente social, consumidores tornaram-se ativos produtores – influenciando seus pares, criticando produtos/serviços, co-desenvolvendo suas próprias soluções, etc. Finalmente, as firmas se deram conta de que deviam aprender como fazer uso de mídia social para participar das conversas, acessar conhecimentos externos e tentar co-criar algum valor. Mas como o uso destas plataformas de mídia social pela firma para co-criação com consumidores pode influenciar seus processos de negócio? Para responder a essa questão, este estudo utilizou dois métodos de pesquisa qualitativos interpretativos – netnografia e grounded theory – para explorar dados públicos disponíveis em plataformas de mídia social. A pesquisa empírica investigou um ecossistema de mídia social no setor de transporte aéreo. Como resultados, este estudo apresenta: um conjunto de categorias inter-relacionadas que emergiram dos dados empíricos; descrições de campo; e hipóteses teóricas propostas a respeito deste processo de co-criação no setor de transporte aéreo e suas implicações. Resultados indicam que três tipos de co-criação em plataformas de mídia social (co-criação de experiências online, de marca em tempo real e de conhecimento sobre produtos/serviços) influenciam positivamente a integração de capacidades/conhecimentos dos consumidores aos processos de negócio da empresa (como relacionamento com clientes, suporte, relações públicas, propaganda e desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços), enquanto a falta destes tipos de co-criação pode influenciar negativamente a efetividade destes processos de negócio. / Social media platforms have enabled individuals to easily produce, share and distribute their own content over the Intenet – interacting with other individuals and firms. Currently, anyone may have his own newspaper (blog), radio (podcast) or TV channel (YouTube) and build an audience. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow people to spread the word of mouth even further. In this new social environment, consumers became active producers - influencing their peers, criticizing bad products/services, codeveloping their own solutions, etc. Eventually, firms found out that they must learn how to use social media to become part of the conversation, access external knowledge and try to cocreate some value. But how could firm’s usage of social media platforms to co-create with consumers influence its business processes? In order to answer to that question, this study used two qualitative interpretive research methods – netnography and grounded theory – to explore public data available on social media platforms. The empirical research investigated a social media ecosystem of the air travel industry. As results, this study presents: a set of interrelated categories that emerged from empirical data; field descriptions; and the theoretical hypothesis regarding the co-creation process in air travel industry and its implications. Results show that three types of co-creation using social media platforms (online experiences cocreation, brand real-time co-creation and products/services knowledge co-creation) positively influence customers’ capabilities/knowledge integration to firms’ business processes (such as customers relationship, support, public relations, advertising, products/services development) - while the lack of those types of co-creation may negatively influence those business processes effectivity.
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Explorando o uso de plataformas digitais de mídia social por empresas para co-criação com consumidoresBorges, Mauro January 2011 (has links)
Plataformas de mídia social têm possibilitado que indivíduos produzam, compartilhem e distribuam seu conteúdo, facilmente, pela Internet – interagindo com outros indivíduos e firmas. Atualmente, qualquer pessoa pode ter seu próprio jornal (blog), rádio (podcast) ou canal de TV (YouTube) e construir uma audiência. Redes sociais, como Facebook e Twitter, permitem que as pessoas espalhem o boca-a-boca ainda mais. Neste novo ambiente social, consumidores tornaram-se ativos produtores – influenciando seus pares, criticando produtos/serviços, co-desenvolvendo suas próprias soluções, etc. Finalmente, as firmas se deram conta de que deviam aprender como fazer uso de mídia social para participar das conversas, acessar conhecimentos externos e tentar co-criar algum valor. Mas como o uso destas plataformas de mídia social pela firma para co-criação com consumidores pode influenciar seus processos de negócio? Para responder a essa questão, este estudo utilizou dois métodos de pesquisa qualitativos interpretativos – netnografia e grounded theory – para explorar dados públicos disponíveis em plataformas de mídia social. A pesquisa empírica investigou um ecossistema de mídia social no setor de transporte aéreo. Como resultados, este estudo apresenta: um conjunto de categorias inter-relacionadas que emergiram dos dados empíricos; descrições de campo; e hipóteses teóricas propostas a respeito deste processo de co-criação no setor de transporte aéreo e suas implicações. Resultados indicam que três tipos de co-criação em plataformas de mídia social (co-criação de experiências online, de marca em tempo real e de conhecimento sobre produtos/serviços) influenciam positivamente a integração de capacidades/conhecimentos dos consumidores aos processos de negócio da empresa (como relacionamento com clientes, suporte, relações públicas, propaganda e desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços), enquanto a falta destes tipos de co-criação pode influenciar negativamente a efetividade destes processos de negócio. / Social media platforms have enabled individuals to easily produce, share and distribute their own content over the Intenet – interacting with other individuals and firms. Currently, anyone may have his own newspaper (blog), radio (podcast) or TV channel (YouTube) and build an audience. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow people to spread the word of mouth even further. In this new social environment, consumers became active producers - influencing their peers, criticizing bad products/services, codeveloping their own solutions, etc. Eventually, firms found out that they must learn how to use social media to become part of the conversation, access external knowledge and try to cocreate some value. But how could firm’s usage of social media platforms to co-create with consumers influence its business processes? In order to answer to that question, this study used two qualitative interpretive research methods – netnography and grounded theory – to explore public data available on social media platforms. The empirical research investigated a social media ecosystem of the air travel industry. As results, this study presents: a set of interrelated categories that emerged from empirical data; field descriptions; and the theoretical hypothesis regarding the co-creation process in air travel industry and its implications. Results show that three types of co-creation using social media platforms (online experiences cocreation, brand real-time co-creation and products/services knowledge co-creation) positively influence customers’ capabilities/knowledge integration to firms’ business processes (such as customers relationship, support, public relations, advertising, products/services development) - while the lack of those types of co-creation may negatively influence those business processes effectivity.
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Explorando o uso de plataformas digitais de mídia social por empresas para co-criação com consumidoresBorges, Mauro January 2011 (has links)
Plataformas de mídia social têm possibilitado que indivíduos produzam, compartilhem e distribuam seu conteúdo, facilmente, pela Internet – interagindo com outros indivíduos e firmas. Atualmente, qualquer pessoa pode ter seu próprio jornal (blog), rádio (podcast) ou canal de TV (YouTube) e construir uma audiência. Redes sociais, como Facebook e Twitter, permitem que as pessoas espalhem o boca-a-boca ainda mais. Neste novo ambiente social, consumidores tornaram-se ativos produtores – influenciando seus pares, criticando produtos/serviços, co-desenvolvendo suas próprias soluções, etc. Finalmente, as firmas se deram conta de que deviam aprender como fazer uso de mídia social para participar das conversas, acessar conhecimentos externos e tentar co-criar algum valor. Mas como o uso destas plataformas de mídia social pela firma para co-criação com consumidores pode influenciar seus processos de negócio? Para responder a essa questão, este estudo utilizou dois métodos de pesquisa qualitativos interpretativos – netnografia e grounded theory – para explorar dados públicos disponíveis em plataformas de mídia social. A pesquisa empírica investigou um ecossistema de mídia social no setor de transporte aéreo. Como resultados, este estudo apresenta: um conjunto de categorias inter-relacionadas que emergiram dos dados empíricos; descrições de campo; e hipóteses teóricas propostas a respeito deste processo de co-criação no setor de transporte aéreo e suas implicações. Resultados indicam que três tipos de co-criação em plataformas de mídia social (co-criação de experiências online, de marca em tempo real e de conhecimento sobre produtos/serviços) influenciam positivamente a integração de capacidades/conhecimentos dos consumidores aos processos de negócio da empresa (como relacionamento com clientes, suporte, relações públicas, propaganda e desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços), enquanto a falta destes tipos de co-criação pode influenciar negativamente a efetividade destes processos de negócio. / Social media platforms have enabled individuals to easily produce, share and distribute their own content over the Intenet – interacting with other individuals and firms. Currently, anyone may have his own newspaper (blog), radio (podcast) or TV channel (YouTube) and build an audience. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow people to spread the word of mouth even further. In this new social environment, consumers became active producers - influencing their peers, criticizing bad products/services, codeveloping their own solutions, etc. Eventually, firms found out that they must learn how to use social media to become part of the conversation, access external knowledge and try to cocreate some value. But how could firm’s usage of social media platforms to co-create with consumers influence its business processes? In order to answer to that question, this study used two qualitative interpretive research methods – netnography and grounded theory – to explore public data available on social media platforms. The empirical research investigated a social media ecosystem of the air travel industry. As results, this study presents: a set of interrelated categories that emerged from empirical data; field descriptions; and the theoretical hypothesis regarding the co-creation process in air travel industry and its implications. Results show that three types of co-creation using social media platforms (online experiences cocreation, brand real-time co-creation and products/services knowledge co-creation) positively influence customers’ capabilities/knowledge integration to firms’ business processes (such as customers relationship, support, public relations, advertising, products/services development) - while the lack of those types of co-creation may negatively influence those business processes effectivity.
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Literacias digitais no ensino-aprendizagem de professores: uma abordagem netnográfica dos cursistas do programa Redefor-USP / Digital literacies in teaching and learning of teachers: a netnographic approach of the Redefor ProgramAntonio Helio Junqueira 04 June 2014 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido junto ao Programa Rede São Paulo de Formação Docente - Redefor, no segmento específico de execução e gestão a cargo da Universidade de São Paulo (Redefor-USP) e visa compreender, a partir de uma abordagem netnográfica, como se desenvolvem e se estabelecem, no contexto educacional virtual e nos seus desdobramentos nos ambientes cotidianos pessoal, familiar e escolar, as autopercepções dos cursistas regularmente matriculados em relação às suas literacias digitais, por nós entendidas como componentes de um conjunto integrado, articulado e holístico de capacidades, habilidades e competências - em contínuo processo de aquisição e de desenvolvimento - que permitem ao indivíduo não apenas navegar e se comunicar na Internet, mas nela adquirir, produzir e distribuir informações, conhecimentos, sentidos, narrativas e representações de si e do mundo que habita. Neste contexto, visamos compreender os modos como as novas formas de ensino e aprendizado mediadas pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) alteram as realidades desses sujeitos e suas relações sociais, e como, a partir da aquisição de maiores níveis de familiaridade e de domínio sobre essas possibilidades tecnológicas, se instauram e se manifestam novos usos e apropriações das ferramentas digitais pelos docentes em processo de aprendizagem em serviço. / This study was developed from the Programa Rede São Paulo de Formação Docente - Redefor, regarding the specific section of execution and management under the resposability of the University of São Paulo (Redefor - USP). From the netnography approach, it seeks to understand how the self-perceptions of the enrolled participants are developed and established in the virtual educational context and its consequences in personal, family and school everyday environments. The aim is to observe their digital literacies, understood as components of an integrated, cohesive and holistic set of skills and expertise - in continuous process of acquisition and development - that allow the individual not only navigate and communicate in the Internet, but it also obtain, produce and distribute information, knowledge, meanings, narratives and representations of themselves and the world they live. In this context, we aim to understand in which ways new forms of teaching and learning mediated by information and communication technologies (ICT) alter the realities of these individuals and their social relationships, also how higher levels of familiarity and domain regarding these technological possibilities are established and manifest new uses and appropriations of digital tools by teachers in service learning process.
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Influencers användning av sociala plattformar : En netnografisk studie om hur influencers använder Instagram för att påverka sina följare. / Influencers usage of social media platforms : A netnographic study about influencers usage of Instagram in order to influence their followers.Andegras, Ronja, Amelie, Näslund January 2020 (has links)
The study examines influencers usage of the social media platform Instagram and how their usage can affect the receiver of their content. The purpose of this study is therefore to observe how influencers are using the platform in order to influence their followers. This study is based on the question: how are the influencers using the social media platform Instagram in order to influence their followers? With the help of the Source Credibility Model, we have been able to value influencers credibility and usage during the netnographic method approach. The original Source Credibility Model consists of three factors: expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness which helps to evaluate a source credibility. By doing this, we have been able to adapt and adjust this model to a new research area. Our analysis therefore reveals a fourth factor of this model - networking. This factor consists of two under categories: technical and social interaction. The study discovered that an influencer reaches attractivity with adjusting his or her visual content and by using functions on the social platform. The influencers collaborations and advertisement on the social platform shows on which level of expertise they achieve. Furthermore, the followers experience of the influencers content is evaluating the influencers credibility. To be able to evaluate these three factors, the influencer needs to interact with technical aspects such as social platforms and functions, but also to interact socially by giving personality and create engagement for the followers. The study also discovered a difference between male and female influencer usage of the platform, which gives their influence different impacts. This study therefore contributes the field of interest with a new model that can be used in order to examine influencer usage on different social platforms.
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Stolthet och Skuld : en netnografisk studie om underliggande känslor i hållbarhetsredovisningar / Pride and Guilt : A netnographic study of underlying feelings insustainability reportingFundell, Linnéa, Precht, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Hållbarhetsrapporter utförs årligen av företag i enligt svensk lag. Rapporten kommunicerar hur företagens hållbarhetsarbete har genomförts under det senaste året. Detta innebär att företag ges utrymme att presentera sitt hållbarhetsarbete och på så sätt välja hur budskapet ska kommuniceras. Det är dock inte givet att det uttryckta budskapet nödvändigtvis är det som är av intresse, utan vad som är det underliggande budskapet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för uppsatsen har varit teori som behandlar hållbarhetskommunikation tillsammans med en fördjupning av moraliska känslor av stolthet och skuld. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur företag kommunicerar underliggande känslor kring stolthet och skuld i sin hållbarhetsrapportering, och hur kommunikationen om hållbarhet påverkar gestaltningen av företags hållbarhetsarbete. Detta genom att svara på forskningsfrågorna: hur kommunicerar företag underliggande känslor av stolthet i hållbarhetsrapporter, hur kommunicerar företag underliggande känslor av skuld i hållbarhetsrapporter samt hur bidrar denna kommunikation av känslor till gestaltningav företagets hållbarhetsarbete? En form av netnografisk undersökning genomfördes på hållbarhetsrapporterna med hjälp av nyckelord. Utifrån denna undersökning identifierades flertal sammanhang där stolthet och skuld kunde utläsas. Resultaten bearbetades sedan genom innehållsanalys, vilket möjliggjorde eftersökningar av mönster samt tolkningar av det underliggande kommunicerade budskapet. Samtliga företag visade efter analys på underliggande känslor av stolthet och skuld med varierande grad av övermodig stolthet och autentisk stolthet, samt både skuld med och utan spår av empati. Analys av resultat medförde slutsatsen att tolkningen av företagens hållbarhetskommunikation är komplex. Gestaltning av underliggande känslor genom kommunikation av hållbarhetsarbete påverkar hur budskapet kring hållbarhet uppfattas. / Sustainability reports are carried out annually by companies according to Swedish accounting law. The report communicates how companies sustainability work has been performed during the past year. This facilitates the companies to present their sustainability work and thus to choose how the message is to be communicated. However, it is not given that the expressed message is necessarily what is of interest, but what lies beneath the message. The theoretical background for this essay has been theory which processes sustainability communication along with a deepening of moral feelings of pride and guilt. The purpose of this study has been to examine how companies communicate underlying feelings of pride and guilt in their sustainability reporting, and how the communication of sustainability affects the perception of the companies' sustainability work. This by answering the research questions: how does underlying themes of emotions show pride in companies' sustainability reporting ,how does underlying themes of emotions show guilt in companies´ sustainability reporting and how does this communication of emotions contribute to the figuration of the company’s sustainability work? A form of netnographic survey was conducted on sustainability reports using keywords, which resulted in several contexts where pride and guilt could be found. The results were then processed through content analysis, which allowed the search for patterns and to interpret the underlying communicated message. By analysis, all companies showed underlying feelings of pride and guilt, with varying degrees of hubristic pride and authentic pride, as well as guilt with and without traces of empathy. Discussion of results and analysis accounted in the conclusion that the interpretation of companies' sustainability communication is complex. The figuration of underlying emotions through communication of sustainability affects how the message of sustainability is perceived. This report is written in Swedish.
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Social Media Portrayals of Three Extractives Companies’ Funding of Sport for Development in Indigenous Communities in Canada and AustraliaLatino, Steven 29 June 2020 (has links)
The extractives industry (mining, oil, and gas) engages in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to reinforce its organizational legitimacy and enhance its public image. One such approach to CSR that is popular in the industry is through funding sport initiatives aimed at Indigenous peoples (often termed Sport for Development; SFD). On the surface, such funding may seem commendable and innocuous; however, questions have been raised about the ways in which such funding may obfuscate the harmful impacts that the extractives industry has had and continues to have on Indigenous peoples and their traditional territories. Through the adoption of a postcolonial theoretical perspective and in conjunction with netnographic methods and discourse analysis, this project involved a consideration of how extractives companies portray their funding of sport programs in Indigenous communities on social media. Given the research focus on Indigenous communities in the countries known as Canada and Australia, between country differences were also examined. Three discourses related to the extractives industry’s funding of SFD in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia were developed. These discourses included the following: 1) Extractives companies are proud “partners” of Indigenous communities; 2) Extractives companies are committed to helping Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia; and 3) Canadian extractives companies are future focused and past-blind, while Australian extractives companies are advocates for reconciliation. Overall, extractives companies in Canada and Australia were found to use social media to portray themselves as responsible and committed partners of Indigenous communities, while obscuring the ongoing histories of colonialism through discourses of empowerment and development through sport. Suggestions are made regarding ongoing interrogation of the ways in which the extractives industry perpetuates colonialism.
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Stoppa 5G! Risk, rädsla och misstro online : En multimodal diskursanalys av den 5G-kritiska rörelsen på FacebookWikberg, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Den moderna informations- och kommunikationsteknologin har inneburit genomgripande förändringar av vårt sätt att leva och kommunicera men nya tekniker har också mötts av skepticism och väckt kontroverser. Ett aktuellt exempel är motståndet mot den femte generationens mobilnät, 5G. Trots att det inom den etablerade vetenskapen saknas stöd för att 5G skulle utgöra en hälsofara har en växande antistrålningsrörelse hävdat att tekniken för med sig nya och ökade strålningsrisker. I den här uppsatsen utforskas den svenska 5G-kritiska rörelse som vuxit sig stor på Facebook. Syftet är att undersöka hur risk, rädsla och misstro i relation till mobilnätet 5G konstrueras diskursivt inom den 5G-kritiska rörelsen, med utgångspunkt i två av de största och mest aktiva 5G-kritiska grupperna på plattformen. Uppsatsen utgår från en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats och fokuserar tre analytiska teman: risk, rädsla och misstro. Dessa teman ligger även till grund för det teoretiska ramverket som utgår från Ulrich Becks (2012) risksamhälle och Frank Furedis (2006) teori om rädslokulturer. Studien bygger på en netnografisk insamlingsmetod där såväl språkligt som visuellt innehåll har samlats in och analyserats i en multimodal diskursanalys. Analysresultaten visar att risk, rädsla och misstro konstrueras via ”versioner av världen” där riskerna med 5G framställs som verkliga, akuta och hotande och där makthavande aktörer porträtteras som opålitliga, korrupta och inkompetenta. Dessa diskursiva mönster är såväl språkliga som visuella; de sker inte bara genom meningsskapande ordval, narrativ och tecken utan också genom användning av så kallade internetmem och emojis. Studiens resultat visar också att sociologiska perspektiv på risk, rädsla och misstro kan fördjupa förståelsen för dessa konstruktioner och ge perspektiv på hur rörelsen förhåller sig till det omgivande samhället. Analysen tyder på att de definitionsstrider och olika rationalitetsanspråk som Beck (2012) har beskrivit som typiska för risksamhället också präglar konstruktionen av riskerna med 5G. Furedis (2006) rädsloteman fördjupar vidare förståelsen för hur risker tillskrivs ett hotfullt innehåll genom sociala och kulturella processer. Dessutom visar analysen på att misstro gentemot etablerad expertis kan leda till framväxten just den alternativa expertis som såväl Beck som Furedi har beskrivit. Samtidigt tycks social organisering online också innebära vissa nya förutsättningar som har potential att förflytta traditionella maktpositioner som finns beskrivna i teorin. / Modern information and communications technology has brought about radical changes in the way we live and communicate. However, new technologies have also sparked scepticism and created controversies. A recent example is the opposition to the fifth-generation mobile network technology, 5G. According to the established science community, there is no evidence that 5G would pose a health hazard. Still, a growing anti-radiation movement has claimed that the technology will cause new and increased radiation risks. This essay explores the Swedish 5G critical movement that has grown large on Facebook. The aim is to examine how risk, fear, and mistrust in relation to the mobile network 5G are constructed discursively within the 5G critical movement, based on two of the largest and most active 5G critical groups on the platform. Drawing on a social constructionist approach, the study focuses on three analytical themes: risk, fear, and mistrust. These themes also form the basis of the theoretical framework, consisting of perspectives from Ulrich Beck’s (2012) risk society and Frank Furedi’s (2006) theory on culture of fear. The study is based on a netnographic collection method where both linguistic and visual data have been collected and analysed in a multimodal discourse analysis. The result of the analysis shows that risk, fear, and mistrust are constructed via "versions of the world" in which the risks of 5G are presented as real, acute, and threatening and actors in power are portrayed as unreliable, corrupt, and incompetent. These discursive patterns are both linguistic and visual; they take place not only through meaningful choices of words, narratives, and signs but also by using so-called internet memes and emojis. The results also show that sociological perspectives on risk, fear, and mistrust can deepen the understanding of these constructions and provide perspectives on how the movement relates to the surrounding society. The analysis indicates that the definitional struggles and different claims of rationality that Beck (2012) has described as typical for the risk society also characterize the construction of risks related to 5G. Furedi’s (2006) themes of fear also deepens the understanding of how risks are assigned a threatening content through social and cultural processes. Moreover, the analysis reveals that distrust of established expertise can lead to the emergence of an alternative expertise, which has been described by both Beck and Furedi. However, the results also suggest that social organization online entails some new conditions that have the potential to shift traditional positions of power described in theory.
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