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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utmattningsanalys av tryckkärl i enlighet med SS-EN 13445-3 / Fatigue analysis of pressure vessel in accordance with SS-EN 13445-3

Vareskic, Srdjan January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med Fagerström Industrikonsult AB i Helsingborg. Fagerström Industrikonsult AB är ett ingenjörsföretag som har specialiserat sig på mekaniska och mekatroniska produkter inom flera branchområden. Ett av företagets tidigare projekt, som bland annat bygger på tryckbärande kärl och som kommer återanvändas för ett nytt projekt, är i behov av en uppdaterad analys mot utmattningsbrott.För att en tryckbärande utrustning skall kunna säljas och användas inom Europa, måste tillverkarna följa det Europeiska direktivet 97/23/EG, även kallat PED-direktiv. Detta direktiv sätter regler för konstruktion, tillverkning, märkning och kontroll. I Sverige finns denna beskrivning i Arbetsmiljöverkets författnings-samling (AFS 1999:4 2011). För att uppfylla alla de konstruktionsmässiga och tillverkningsmässiga krav på tryckkärlet som ställs i PED direktivet, så måste harmoniserade standarder användas. I detta arbete används tryckkärlsstandarden (SS-EN 13445-3: 2014) som sätter regler för design och verifiering av tryckbärande anordningar.Ett av projekten som finansierats av den Europeiska kommissionen, visade att 25% av alla tryckbärande anordningars haverier beror på utmattning. Tryckkärl är den typ av tryckbärande anordning, som är mest utsatt för skador orsakade av utmattning. Utmattningsbrott har varit känt sedan början på 1800-talet och man har länge studerat detta fenomen. Man har efter lång tids arbete hittat metodik för att ta fram analytiska modeller och prediktionstekniker samt säkra och noggranna livslängdsberäkningar för stålkonstruktioner. Fagerström Industrikonsult AB söker idag en metod för att utföra utmattningsanalys på tryckkärl i enlighet med tryckkärlsstandarden där linjärstatisk analys utförs med finita elementmetoden. Företaget eftersträvar också mer kunskap inom ämnet för att ge konstruktörerna bättre kännedom om utmattningsproblematiken samt ge möjlighet att redan i konstruktionsstadiet kunna sätta rimliga krav på tillverkning ur mekaniskt utmattningsperspektiv. / This master thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Fagerström Industrikonsult AB in Helsingborg. Fagerström Industrikonsult AB is an engineering company, specialized in mechanical and mechatronic products across a wide range of industry segments. One of the company's previous project, which is among other sub-products based on pressurized vessels, and that will be reused for a new project, needs an updated analysis against fatigue failure.In order to sell or use a pressurized equipment in Europe, the manufacturers must comply with the European Directive 97/23/EC, also called PED-directive. This directive sets the rules for design, production, marking and inspections. In Sweden, this directive is described in “Arbetsmiljöverkets Författningssamling” (AFS 1999:4 2011). In order to meet all the design and manufacturing requirements for pressure vessels that are required by the PED Directive, it is required to use harmonized standards. In this thesis, pressure vessel standard (SS-EN 13445-3: 2014) is used, which sets the rules for design and verification of pressure vessel.One of the projects funded by the European Commission, showed that 25 % of all pressure equipment failure are caused by fatigue. Pressure vessel is one type of these pressure equipment, which is most vulnerable to damage caused by fatigue. Fatigue failure has been known since the beginning of 19th century and this phenomenon has been studied for a long time. Under this extensive period of time, methods have been succefully developed for analytical models and prediction techniques as well as safe and accurate life calculations for steel structures. Fagerström Industrikonsult AB is today seeking a method to perform fatigue analysis of pressure vessels in accordance with European pressure vessel standard, where the linear static analysis is performed using the finite element method. The company is also pursuing more knowledge of the subject so its designers have more understanding of fatigue phenomena in order to be able to set reasonable requirements during design stage for production and in order to prevent this phenomena.

Managing agricultural nutrient leaching within the EC Water Framework Directive in Sweden

Bratt, Anna-Lena January 2003 (has links)
Agricultural management practices geared towards reducing nutrient leaching are in focus for the research presented in this thesis. Critical measures for reducing diffuse pollution from the agricultural sector depend on decisions of individual farmers. It is useful to take stock of what different stakeholders are actually doing to reduce nutrient leaching and analyze their reasoning before defining a new administrative process. Stakeholder perceptions about potentials and problems concerning management of agricultural practices are analyzed with a systems approach using various analytical methods, and put in relation to the implementation of EC Water Framework Directive in Sweden. The methods used include surveys, focus group interviews, model comparison, sensitivity analyses and analyses of climate change implications. The results indicate a general positive attitude among stakeholders towards the main characteristics of the newly introduced directive. They also reveal that a move towards a pro-active process was perceived as an additional positive factor for the improvement of water quality, where specific activities and measures are carried out according to planning based on local assessments. The respondents pointed out that a national approach would put necessary pressure on local politicians to define environmental objectives and provide resources to fulfil them. The current findings indicate that decision making for farmers is a complex procedure and that the different factors need to be addressed in order to obtain a change in agricultural practices. Consistent legislation that is clear about power and rights is fundamental for cooperation to function when volunteerism and enthusiasm are absent. Environmental and socio-economic conditions change constantly, and administration has to be flexible to be able to adapt. Having access to and being able to use relevant data is only one important factor for stakeholder involvement. To give farmers the opportunity to further develop production towards reduced nutrient losses, appropriate information provided in all the right arenas is crucial.

Många bäckar små, blir det bättre då? : En studie om den småskaliga vattenkraftens för- och nackdelar ur ett miljöperspektiv

Östlund, Simon January 2014 (has links)
Idag står vi inför flera miljöproblem som exempelvis klimatpåverkan och förlust av biologisk mångfald. Vattenkraften är en förnybar energikälla som kan producera el med låga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige har en lång tradition av att utnyttja vattnet som energikälla och har det senaste århundradet byggt ut en majoritet av de svenska vattendragen med vattenkraftverk. Idag står vattenkraften för nästan hälften av Sveriges elproduktion och bidrar till Sveriges låga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Samtidigt anses vattenkraften påverka den biologiska mångfalden och vattendragen negativt. Av ungefär 2100 kraftverk står de 200 största för över 90 % av elproduktionen. Det finns alltså ett stort antal småskaliga kraftverk som bidrar med en liten del elproduktion samtidigt som de riskerar att påverka vattendragen negativt. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om elproduktionen från småskalig vattenkraft är försvarbar sett till dess miljöpåverkan. Studien använde en kvalitativ metod baserad på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med följande intressenter inom småskalig vattenkraft: Svensk Energi, Svensk Vattenkraftförening, Energimyndigheten, Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten, Naturskyddsföreningen, Sportfiskarna samt Älvräddarna. Resultaten visade att småskalig vattenkraft är en billig och etablerad energikälla, den kan bidra med kulturella värden, den är lokalt producerad och konsumerad som kan ge en ökad stabilitet till elnätet samt minska distributionsförluster. Nackdelarna visar att småskalig vattenkraft saknar några av de viktigaste funktionerna som storskalig vattenkraft kan bidra med: reglering av elnätet samt möjlighet att lagra vatten som kan användas vid behov. Vidare kan småskalig vattenkraft anses ha en stor negativ påverkan på vattendragen och den biologiska mångfalden. Potentialen för småskalig vattenkraft kan också anses vara lägre än för övrig förnybar energi samtidigt som utvecklingen går långsammare. Lagstiftning, tillstånd och elcertifikatsystemet har även identifierats som faktorer som inte hjälper situationen för miljön i vattendragen. Behoven av att producera förnybar el från småskalig vattenkraft kan anses vara lägre än behovet av att värna om vattendragen och den biologiska mångfalden för att nå Sveriges miljökvalitetsmål och EU:s vattendirektiv. Det finns utrymme för att minska elproduktionen från småskalig vattenkraft och ändå nå miljöpolitiska mål om förnybar energi och vattenmiljö. Slutsatsen är att elproduktionen från småskalig vattenkraft inte är försvarbar sett till dess miljöpåverkan och att man bör undersöka möjligheten att ta bort de allra minsta kraftverken med störst miljöpåverkan. Det har också framkommit att det saknas ordentliga styrmedel för att främja biologisk mångfald och vattenmiljöer samt att synen på småskalig vattenkraft som miljövänlig bör ifrågasättas. / Today we face many environmental problems such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Hydropower is a renewable energy source that can produce electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden has a long tradition of using water as an energy source and has during the past century built hydropower in a majority of the Swedish rivers. Today, hydropower accounts for nearly half of Sweden's electricity production and contributes to Sweden's low greenhouse gas emissions. But hydropower also affects biodiversity and water bodies negatively. Of the approximately 2100 hydropower plants in Sweden, 200 accounts for over 90% of the electricity production. Thus there are a large number of small-scale hydropower plants that contribute to a small portion of the electricity while they are liable to affect streams negative. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether electricity from small-scale hydropower is justifiable in terms of its environmental impact. The study used a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with the following stakeholders: Swedenergy, Swedish Hydropower Association, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Swedish Anglers’ Association and River Savers Association Sweden. The results showed that small-scale hydropower is a cheap and established energy source, it can also contribute with cultural values, it is locally produced and consumed that can give greater stability to the electricity grid and reduce distribution losses. The disadvantages show that small-scale hydropower lacks some of the key features that large-scale hydropower can provide: the regulation of the electricity grid and the ability to store water that can be used if necessary. Furthermore, small-scale hydropower is considered to have a major negative impact on streams and biodiversity. The potential for small-scale hydropower could also be considered lower than for other renewable energy while developing more slowly. Legislation, permits and electricity certificate system has also been identified as factors that do not help the environmental situation in streams. The need to produce renewable electricity from small-scale hydropower can be considered lower than the need to protect streams and biodiversity to reach Swedish environmental quality objectives and the Water Framework Directive. There is scope for reducing electricity production from small-scale hydropower and still achieve environmental policy objectives on renewable energy and streams and biodiversity. The conclusion is that electricity production from small-scale hydropower cannot be justified in terms of its environmental impact and that there is a need to examine the possibility of removing the smallest hydropower plants with the greatest environmental impact. It is also stressed that there is a lack of proper incentives to promote biodiversity and aquatic environments and that the view of small-scale hydropower as environmentally friendly should be questioned.

Ledningsfilosofi i luftvärnet : Uppdragstaktik - Från decentralisering till centralisering / Command & Control philosophy within the Ground Based Air Defence : Mission-type-tactics – From decentralization towards centralization

Beck, Mikael January 2012 (has links)
Kriget är ingenting annat än en utvidgad tvekamp, en våldsakt för att påtvinga motståndaren vår vilja. Målet är att göra motståndaren värnlös. Om motståndaren skall uppfylla vår vilja, måste vi försätta honom i ett läge, som är ogynnsammare än det offer vi kräver av honom. Varje förändring i läget, som kan åstadkommas genom fortsatta krigshandlingar måste alltså leda till något än ogynnsammare. Med denna sanning tar många teorier och doktriner sina avstamp. För att lyckas med att försätta vår motståndare i ett ogynnsamt läge gäller det att föra striden och att göra det snabbare än motståndaren. Detta kunde Överste Boyd se i sina studier om luftstriderna under Koreakriget. OODA loopen eller "Boyds cykel" ligger numera till grund för manöverkrigföringen. William S. Lind skriver i handbok manöverkrigföring att själva syftet med manöverkrigföringen är att ta sig genom beslutscykeln, OODA loopen, snabbare än fienden. Som punkt 1 i handledningen för att lyckas med detta anger Lind att enbart en decentraliserad ledd styrka kan gå genom beslutscykeln snabbt. Denna slutsats går idag att finna i alla doktriner och metodhandböcker i Försvarsmakten. Uppdragstaktik med decentraliserad ledning förordas och beskrivs i samtliga nivåer och skall utgöra grunden för all ledning i Försvarsmakten. I samtliga doktriner och reglementen benämns dock undantag då uppdragstaktik med kommandostyrning är att föredra eller tvingas användas. Vid närmare efterforskningar så märks att uppdragstaktik används lite slarvigt både som filosofi och ledningsmetod. Efter ett antal års tjänstgöring vid luftvärnet har jag upplevt att metoden med uppdragsledning får stå tillbaka för en centraliserad ledningsmetod. Detta medför mycket lite utrymme för underställda att ta initiativ när det kommer till strid i luftarenan. Är detta önskvärt, ofrånkomligt och överhuvudtaget förenligt med uppdragstaktik. Är det möjligt att luftvärnet med sin särställning i både flygstridskrafterna och markstridskrafterna kan gå genom OODA loopen snabbare än motståndaren utan att vara decentraliserad ledd såsom Lind anger som grundregel nummer ett? Genom att klarlägga uppdragstaktiken som både filosofi och metod, jämföra med hur manöverteori och luftmaktsteori behandlar uppdragsstyrning samt se till luftvärnets förutsättningar för strid i luftarenan kan svaret på hur uppdragstaktiken kan tillämpas inom luftvärnet besvaras. Uppdragsstyrningen blir i luftvärnet en förutsättning för att kunna detaljstyra och leda genom kommando. Detaljstyrningen är just nu med de förutsättningar som finns ofrånkomlig och nödvändig. Samtidigt är uppdragsstyrningen grunden för att luftvärnet som markförband skall utveckla effekt från marken mot luften. / War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale, an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfil our will. The aim of the action in war is to disarm the enemy. If our opponent is to be made to comply with our will, we must place him in a situation which is more oppressive to him than the sacrifice which we demand. Every change in this position which is produced by a continuation of the war, should therefore be a change for the worse. Many theories and doctrines are based on this truth. To succeed to place our opponent in an adverse situation one must lead the battle and do it faster than the opponent. This is also what Colonel Boyd saw in his studies of the air fights during the war in Korea. The OODA loop or Boyd’s cycle is now a basic theory of maneuver warfare. William S. Lind writes in his handbook in maneuver warfare that the purpose itself of maneuver warfare is to go through the OODA loop faster than your enemy. As remark number 1 in the guidance for succeeding with that task, Lind state that only a decentralized force can go through the cycle of decision fast. This conclusion can be found in all doctrines and handbooks in the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF). Mission type tactics with decentralized control is ordered, or recommended and described in all service doctrines. It is the base for command and control within the whole organization. In all doctrines and regulations in the SAF there are exceptions when mission type tactics with direct control is preferred or an imperative necessity. After closer inquiries one can see that sometimes mission type tactics are carelessly used to describe both a philosophy and a method. After several years of service within the Ground Based Air Defense troops, my experience is that mission type control is not used as much as centralized control. This entails very little space for subordinated to take any initiative in the air war. Is that desirable, inevitable or on the whole consistent with mission type tactics? Is it possible that the GBAD with its unique position in both the ground- and air troops can go through the OODA loop faster than its opponents without decentralized control, as Lind alleged as rule number 1? Through a elucidation of mission type tactics as both philosophy and as a method, a comparison between how airpower and maneuver theory treat mission type tactics and together with the conditions for GBAD the answer to how the GBAD can apply mission type tactics will be found. Mission type tactics is a sine qua non for the GBAD in order to be able to use centralized control and to lead through command. Detailed guidance is right now inevitable and necessary with the conditions now at hand. At the same time the ability for the GBAD to be effective in the air is founded through the mission type tactics.

Organic waste - treatment options, opportunities and barriers

Taylor, Gary Howard January 2000 (has links)
There is approximately 14 million tonnes of biodegradable organic waste produced by households in the UK every year which must be treated or disposed of. The EC Directive on Landfill (1999/31IEC), is likely to lead to an increase in compo sting and anaerobic digestion as methods to treat the waste stream diverted from landfill. Householders play an important role in separating their waste, which, if not performed efficiently can lead to contamination of the organic waste stream, and hence the compost product. A survey is used to determine the attitude and behaviour of householders to waste issues. It was found that residents in the less affluent area were less likely to home compost and had a less favourable attitude towards environmental activities than residents in the affluent area. A comparison of compost from centralised composting schemes treating different organic waste streams found that compost derived from household waste was of a slightly poorer quality than that obtained from gardens/parks waste. As more waste is recycled as compost, it is becoming increasingly important to find alternative uses for compost. Leachability data are used to determine the environmental availability of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn contained in natural compost. Batch sorption data are used to determine uptake of additional Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by compost and assess its potential use in remediation work, as an alternative to natural materials such as peat. The relative binding of these additional metals to compost is found to be in the order Pb>Cu≈Cd>Zn. The sorption of metals on compost takes place, at least in part, by exchange of calcium bound to the compost and there is evidence that the sorption occurs in both the humic and non-humic sites in the compost. The use of compost to bind metals in remediation work is discussed.

Διαχείριση των υδατικών πόρων στην περιοχή της δημοτικής ενότητας (πρώην δήμου) Μεσσάτιδος στα πλαίσια [sic] της εφαρμογής της κοινοτικής οδηγίας 2000/60

Κωτσόπουλος, Χρήστος 08 July 2011 (has links)
Η όλο και εντονότερη ανάπτυξη των συστημάτων υδατικών πόρων σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα, ταυτόχρονα με τα συνεχώς αυξανόμενα ελλείμματα λόγω της μεγάλης αύξησης της κατανάλωσης σε συνδυασμό με την υποβάθμιση της ποιότητας, έχει κάνει επιτακτική την ανάγκη για την εφαρμογή ολοκληρωμένων μεθόδων σχεδιασμού και διαχείρισης των υδατικών πόρων. Για το λόγο αυτό η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με διαδοχικές Κοινοτικές αποφάσεις, κατέληξε στην έκδοση και ψήφιση της Οδηγίας Πλαίσιο για τα νερά 2000/60, που αποτελεί το πλαίσιο εφαρμογής μέτρων, για την προστασία όλων των υδατικών συστημάτων της Κοινότητας. Απώτερος στόχος και σκοπός της Οδηγίας είναι να διασφαλιστεί η αειφόρος χρήση του νερού, για την καλή οικολογική κατάσταση στη Κοινότητα. Πρόκειται για μια οδηγία σταθμό καθώς εισάγει μια νέα πολιτική πρακτική και νομοθεσία και καθιερώνει την ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των υδατικών πόρων. Το 2015, αποτελεί το χρονικό ορόσημο επίτευξης των στόχων της οδηγίας. Η Πολιτεία με το Νόμο 3199/2003 και το Π.Δ. 51/2007, προσάρμοσε την Ελληνική νομοθεσία στην Οδηγία πλαίσιο. Η ισχύουσα πλέον νομοθεσία στη χώρα μας, επιβάλει τη διασφάλιση της αειφορίας των νερών μέσω της ολοκληρωμένης διαχείρισης και προστασίας τους. Η κοινοτική οδηγία ορίζει πως η διαχείριση πρέπει να γίνεται στο επίπεδο της λεκάνης απορροής ποταμού, ενώ η ελληνική νομοθεσία, λόγω της γεωμορφολογίας της χώρας και των ιδιαίτερων συνθηκών ορίζει την διαχείριση στο επίπεδο των 14 υδατικών διαμερισμάτων της χώρας. Τα διαχειριστικά σχέδια των υδατικών διαμερισμάτων είναι στην διαδικασία της ολοκλήρωσής τους, γι΄ αυτό και η Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση και συγκεκριμένα οι Δήμοι, που έχουν την ευθύνη της διαχείρισης των υδατικών πόρων της περιοχής τους, οφείλουν να προσανατολίσουν τις ενέργειές τους στις βασικές αρχές της κοινοτικής οδηγίας και να διευκολύνουν την εφαρμογή των Σχεδίων Διαχείρισης. Έτσι και στην περίπτωση της περιοχής του πρώην Δήμου Μεσσάτιδος, ενός Καποδιστριακού Δήμου της Αχαΐας (που μετά την εφαρμογή του νόμου «Καλλικράτη» αποτελεί Δημοτική Ενότητα του διευρυμένου Δήμου Πατρέων), μέσης έκτασης και πληθυσμού, όπου χρησιμοποιούνται αποκλειστικά υπόγειοι υδατικοί πόροι για την ύδρευση και τις άλλες χρήσεις που εξυπηρετούνται από το δίκτυο του Δήμου, ενώ τα επιφανειακά νερά χρησιμοποιούνται για την άρδευση όταν είναι διαθέσιμα, πρέπει να αλλάξει η φιλοσοφία της διαχείρισης του νερού και να προσανατολιστεί στις παρακάτω βασικές αρχές της κοινοτικής οδηγίας: • Ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των υδατικών πόρων λαμβάνοντας υπ΄ όψη όλες τις υδρογεωλογικές, περιβαλλοντικές, οικονομικές και κοινωνικές παραμέτρους. • Εφαρμογή σωστής πολιτικής τιμολόγησης του νερού με τελικό σκοπό «την ανάκτηση του κόστους ύδατος» • Αλλαγή της φιλοσοφίας της διαχείρισης από διαχείριση της προσφοράς να περάσουμε σε διαχείριση της ζήτησης. • Ενημέρωση και συμμετοχή του κοινού στην διαχείριση των υδατικών πόρων Με τον τρόπο αυτό θα περάσουμε σε μια μορφή ολοκληρωμένης διαχείρισης με στόχο την αειφορία του υδάτινου συστήματος όπως ορίζει η κοινοτική οδηγία. / The more and more intense growth of systems of water resources in world scale, simultaneously with continuously increasing deficits because of the big increase of consumption in combination with devalorisation of quality, has made imperative the need for the application of completed methods of planning and management of water resources. For that reason the European Union with successive community decisions, led to the publication and the voting of Directive Frame on the Water 2000/60 that constitute the frame of application of measures to protect all the water systems of the community. Final objective and aim of Directive are to ensure the viable use of water, for the good ecological situation of the community. It’s an essential directive since it imports a new political practice and legislation and establishes the completed management of water resources. In 2015, it constitutes a milestone of achievement of objectives of the Directive. The state with the law 3199/2003 and the presidential decree 51/2007, adapted the Greek legislation in the Framework Directive. The current legislation in our country, imposes the guarantee of viability of waters via the completed management and their protection. The community directive defines that the management should become in the level of the river basin while the Greek legislation, because of the geomorphology of the country and the particular conditions defines the management in the level of 14 water districts of the country. The administrative plans of water districts are in the integration process that’s why the local government and specifically the municipalities, that have the responsibility of management of water resources of their region, owe to orient their actions in the basic principles of the community directive and to facilitate the application plans of management. So, in the case of the region of the former municipality Messatida, a “Kapodistrias law” municipality of Achaia, (that after the application of the law “Kallikratis” constitutes municipal units of the extended Municipality of Patras) average area and population, where exclusively underground water resources for the water supply are used and the other uses that are served by the network of the Municipality, while the surface waters are used for the irrigation when they are available, the philosophy of management of water should be charged and should be directed in the following basic principles of the Community Directive: • Completed management of water resources taking into consideration all the hydrogeological, environmental, financial and social parameters. • Application of right pricing policy of water, with final aim the recuperation of the cost of water. • Change the philosophy of management by management of offer to pass in management of demand. • Information and public participation in the management water resources. In this way we will pass in a form of completed management with target the viability of water system as indicated by the Community Directive.

Political Representation in the European Union : A Multi-Channel Approach

Mårtensson, Moa January 2015 (has links)
The European Union (EU) is the most far-reaching attempt yet undertaken to institutionalize democratic policy-making beyond the nation-state. To what extent, and in what ways, do various channels of representation contribute towards the realization of this aim? This dissertation takes stock of current research on the EU’s system of representation, and seeks to expand its agenda so that this central question can be properly addressed. In contrast to prior empirical work in the field, the dissertation employs research designs that incorporate several forms of representation into a unified evaluative framework. This multi-channel approach to political representation paves the way for a systematic comparison of how different forms of representation (electoral, territorial and corporate) perform in the EU context. It also makes possible an empirical assessment of a key proposition in current representation theory: that elections, in large and heterogeneous political systems, are outperformed by other forms of representation. The three articles in the dissertation draw on existing cross-country data, interviews with policy-makers and a new dataset collected by the author. They scrutinize representation in three principal channels: electoral representation in the European Parliament, government representation in the preparatory bodies of the Council of Ministers, and representation through organized interests that seek to influence EU policy. The first article examines the balance of power that has emerged between these three channels of representation in the EU’s legislative process, and how the current balance is likely to affect the Union’s legitimacy. The second article investigates how different channels of representation perform in terms of providing linkage between Brussels-based representatives and their domestic principals. The third article examines the extent to which different channels of representation contribute to the coordination of EU policy-making domestically, at the European level, and across the two levels of government. Finally, this dissertation makes a methodological contribution by applying social network analysis (SNA) to classic problems of representation within and across different channels of representation. This approach is novel to the field. Researchers should be able to exploit SNA and relational data fruitfully in the future, in the study of representational relationships in the EU and numerous other contexts.

The impact of point source pollution on an urban river, the River Medlock, Greater Manchester

Medupin, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
The River Medlock is a small (22km) urbanised river, and is one of the five main tributaries which forms part of the River Irwell Catchment in Greater Manchester, UK. The river has a legacy of pollution from the 18th century and continues to be affected by anthropogenic factors including point source pollution from waste water treatment works (WwTWs) and combined sewer overflows (CSOs). In order to investigate the impact of CSOs and the WwTWs on the river hydrology, water quality and ecology of the lower largely urbanised reach, data sets were obtained from the Environment Agency and from direct sampling of the river. Load estimations from continuous discharge records from the river's gauging station plus estimates of sub-catchment area indicate the lower sites, classified as a "highly modified water body" and downstream of treatment works had had a higher load of discharge and phosphate-P linked to point sources and episodic discharges. Short term, continuous monitoring revealed that CSOs were active during high velocity, but increased concentrations of nutrients post high velocity indicate WwTW effects and possibly diffuse sources. This project reveals that the WwTW are a major source of phosphate-P and that the impact of CSOs on the river quality is short-lived and depends on the degree of precipitation. Other parameters indicate good water quality although the benthic macroinvertebrate community is degraded as a result of episodic increases in the quantity of water destabilising the river bed. Therefore, pollution from the CSOs, the WwTW and rapid changes in discharge are the reasons for the river's failure to conform to EU's requirements of the Water Framework Directive.

Povolení k přechodnému pobytu partnerů občanů EU / Temporary residence permit for partners of EU citizens

Nováková, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Temporary residence permit for partners of EU citizens Abstract This thesis is focused on the administrative proceedings on the application for the granting of the temporary residence permit for the partners of EU citizens being considered as their family members. This paper analyses two statutory substantive conditions (permanent partner relationship (common-law marriage) that is not a marriage and cohabitation in a common household) and one procedural condition (the burden of proof lays primarily upon the applicant), which need to be fulfilled c umulatively i n o rder t o b e a ble to consider a partner of an EU citizen as a family member of an EU citizen and so more favourable treatment stated in the Directive 2004/38/ES can be applied. I have found that a common-law marriage shall be an analogy of the marriage in terms of its nature and intensity; its permanency is especially a question of quantity, i.e. length of its duration, however it shall not be the only aspect, it is also needed to take into consideration the quality of the relationship, which can rest for example in a common obligation. Not only common past is therefore decisive, but also the planned common future. Cohabitation in a common household can be defined a s a n i n a dvance n ot t ime l imited c ohabitation of a common-law wife and...

Meningsskapande kommunikation av en tvingande lag : "Vad f*n har ni skickat för brev till morsan?" / Sensemaking Communication of a Non-Dispositive Law : “What the f*ck is thisletter you sent to mom?”

Eriksson, Oskar, Eckerborn, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banker är exempel på organisationer där en tvingande lag fordrar en kommunikationsprocess med flera aktörer. Bankerna har, i syfte att efterfölja penningtvättslagen, ställt frågor till kunderna om deras ekonomiska förehavanden. Kunderna har i sin tur bemött frågorna med oförståelse och upprördhet. Genom bankpersonalens upplevelser studerar vi kommunikation från övre instans, inom organisationen och från organisationen till kunderna. Tidigare forskning visar på meningsskapande kommunikations betydelse i organisationer för att skapa gemensam förståelse mellan avsändare och mottagare. Vi identifierar dock en kunskapslucka i hur en kommunikationsprocess av en lag, som involverar flera aktörer som ansvarar för lagens tillämpning och utveckling, kan göras på ett meningsskapande sätt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en kommunikationsmodell som visar på viktiga faktorer för meningsskapande kommunikation av en tvingande lag i en organisation. Metod: Vi genomför en kvalitativ fallstudie av en sparbanks kommunikation av penningtvättslagen. Empirin består av intervjuer med bankpersonal, deltagande observationer på banken och dokumentstudier. Slutsats: För en meningsskapande kommunikation av en tvingande lag ser vi som en viktig faktor att alla involverade aktörer måste ta lagens värde för slutmottagaren i beaktning vid utformningen av sin kommunikation. Vi ser som en försvårande faktor att möjligheterna till meningsskapande kommunikation är beroende av alla aktörer i processen. / Background: Banks are examples of organizations where a law requires a communication process with several stakeholders. In order to be compliant with the Anti-Money Laundering Act the banks have asked their customers questions about their economic activities. The customers have in turn become upset and lack understanding of the questions. Through the experiences of bank personnel we study communication from upper instance, from within the organization and from the organization to its customers. Previous research have shown the significance of sensemaking communication in organizations to create a shared understanding between a sender and receiver. However, we identify a knowledge gap in how the communication process of a law, that involves several stakeholders, can be made in a sensemaking way. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create a model of communication that identifies key factors for sensemaking communication of a non-dispositive law in an organization. Method: We conduct a qualitative case study of a swedish savings bank and their communication of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The empirical data consists of interviews with and observations of bank personnel as well as document studies. Conclusion: For a sensemaking communication process of a non-dispositive law, all stakeholders need to factor in the value of the law for the end receiver when designing their communication process. We also see that the possibilities of sensemaking communication is dependent on all stakeholders, which constitutes an aggravating factor.

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