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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Early Child Development: Issues of Measurement Invariance and Psychometric Validity

Duku, Eric K. 30 April 2013 (has links)
The measurement of reliable and valid indicators of early child development is necessary for assessing phenomena and is useful in the monitoring of ongoing efforts to eradicate inequalities in the social determinants of health. There is an increasing awareness of the contextual, cultural, and developmental influences on constructs used in early child development (ECD) research. Using a measurement perspective, this dissertation examined the issue of measurement invariance and psychometric validity in early child development research. A construct violates the principle of invariance when two persons from different populations who are theoretically identical on the construct being measured have different scores on it. This dissertation consists of three journal-style manuscripts (published or under review) that were used as examples to address the importance of the issue of measurement invariance and psychometric validity in ECD research using data from two unique areas: autism and executive functioning. The three data sets were collected on pre-school children with parents and or teachers as informants and were chosen to represent different levels of data collection – clinical, community, and population. These data sets allowed for the examination of measurement invariance by type of informant, sex, and age of child. The results from the three studies illustrate the importance of assessing measurement invariance in ECD and whether or not the instruments examined can be used to assess sub-group differences with confidence. A lack of measurement invariance found for two of the studies, suggests that observed group differences in latent constructs could be attributed, in part, to measurement bias. More importantly, bias in the measurement of the constructs of severity of social impairment symptoms in autism, and executive functioning across groups could have an impact on services such as patient treatment. These biases could also influence public policy development, particularly when there may be an underlying need for a cross-group approach where belief systems may affect the meaning and structure of constructs. In summary, measurement invariance should be a prerequisite for making any meaningful comparisons across groups. A requirement of establishing measurement invariance should be included in the guidelines for comparative research studies as a necessary first step before an instrument is adopted for use.

Μελέτη εκπομπής πλάσματος παραγόμενου από laser και ηλεκτρικό σπινθήρα σε μίγμα υδρογονάνθρακα-αέρα / Study of plasma emission induced by laser and electrical spark in hydrocarbon-air mixtures.

Κοτζαγιάννη, Μαρία 20 April 2011 (has links)
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, υπάρχει έντονο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον για την φασματοσκοπία πλάσματος, η οποία βασίζεται στην μελέτη της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας που εκπέμπεται όταν η ύλη βρίσκεται σε κατάσταση ολικού ή μερικού ιονισμού. Έτσι προκειμένου να δημιουργηθεί πλάσμα, απαιτείται να προσφερθεί στο ουδέτερο αρχικά δείγμα, ενέργεια σημαντικής ποσότητας. Κατά τη διεξαγωγή των πειραμάτων, την απαιτούμενη ενέργεια την παρείχαν δύο διαφορετικές πηγές: ένα laser Nd-YAG και ένας ηλεκτρικός σπινθηριστής. Οι φασματοσκοπικές αυτές μέθοδοι ονομάζονται Libs (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) και Sibs (Spark Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) αντίστοιχα. Στην παρούσα ειδική ερευνητική εργασία, οι τεχνικές αυτές εφαρμόζονται για την επαγωγή πλάσματος σε δύο διαφορετικά δείγματα: σε ατμοσφαιρικό αέρα και σε προ-αναμεμειγμένα μίγματα υδρογονάνθρακα-αέρα. Αρχικά λοιπόν, μελετήθηκαν ποιοτικά τα φάσματα εκπομπής πλάσματος επαγόμενου από τους δύο σπινθήρες για να συλλεχθούν πληροφορίες για το οξειδωτικό μέσο, εν προκειμένω του αέρα και στη συνέχεια, συγκρίθηκαν με τα φάσματα εκπομπής πλάσματος σε φλόγες. Επιπλέον, η φασματοσκοπία πλάσματος χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την μελέτη μιγμάτων με διαφορετική αναλογία καυσίμου προς οξειδωτικό μέσο το κάθενα, μέγεθος που εκφράζεται μέσω του λόγου ισοδυναμίας,φ. Τέλος, συσχετίστηκε η ολική ένταση της μοριακής ταινίας του ελεύθερου ριζικού κυανίου (CN), ενδιάμεσο προϊόν της καύσης, με το φ όπου και διαπιστώθηκε η γραμμική σχέση που συνδέει τις παραπάνω ποσότητες. Αποτέλεσμα αυτής της εργασίας αποτελεί το γεγονός ότι οι τεχνικές αυτές θα μπορούσαν να χρησιμοποιηθούν σαν διαγνωστικά εργαλεία για τη μελέτη φλογών άγνωστης περιεκτικότητας σε καύσιμο όχι μόνο στους εργαστηριακούς χώρους αλλά και σε in-situ περιβάλλοντα. / Over the past few years, there has been an intense research interest over the plasma spectroscopy, which is based on the study of the electromagnetic radiation propagated by matter in total or partial ionized state. Hence, in order to create plasma, it is necessary to provide the neutral sample with a significant amount of energy. During the experimental procedures, the required energy was provided by two different energy sources, a laser Nd-YAG and an electrical scintillator. The afore-mentioned spectroscopic methods are called Libs (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) and Sibs (Spark Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy), respectively. In the present study, these techniques are applied to induce plasma in atmospheric air and in premixed flammable hydrocarbon-air mixtures. At first, the emission spectra of plasma induced by the two sparks were qualitatively analyzed in order to capture data concerning the oxidizing agent, namely the air. Then the spectra were compared to the spectra of the plasma in flame. Moreover, plasma spectroscopy was used to study combustible mixtures of different fuel concentrations, which are characterized by the equivalence ratio, φ. Finally, the total intensity of the molecular band of the free radical cyanogens (CN), known meta-stable product of the combustion was correlated to φ. This correlation demonstrates that the growth of the CN band with the amount of fuel in the mixture is evident and simple linear correlation exists between them. The major result of this study is the fact that these techniques could possibly be used as diagnostic and analytical tools for the study of flames of unknown fuel concentration, not only in the laboratory but also in field conditions.

Détection de ruptures multiples dans des séries temporelles multivariées : application à l'inférence de réseaux de dépendance / Multiple change-point detection in multivariate time series : application to the inference of dependency networks

Harlé, Flore 21 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une méthode pour la détection hors-ligne de multiples ruptures dans des séries temporelles multivariées, et propose d'en exploiter les résultats pour estimer les relations de dépendance entre les variables du système. L'originalité du modèle, dit du Bernoulli Detector, réside dans la combinaison de statistiques locales issues d'un test robuste, comparant les rangs des observations, avec une approche bayésienne. Ce modèle non paramétrique ne requiert pas d'hypothèse forte sur les distributions des données. Il est applicable sans ajustement à la loi gaussienne comme sur des données corrompues par des valeurs aberrantes. Le contrôle de la détection d'une rupture est prouvé y compris pour de petits échantillons. Pour traiter des séries temporelles multivariées, un terme est introduit afin de modéliser les dépendances entre les ruptures, en supposant que si deux entités du système étudié sont connectées, les événements affectant l'une s'observent instantanément sur l'autre avec une forte probabilité. Ainsi, le modèle s'adapte aux données et la segmentation tient compte des événements communs à plusieurs signaux comme des événements isolés. La méthode est comparée avec d'autres solutions de l'état de l'art, notamment sur des données réelles de consommation électrique et génomiques. Ces expériences mettent en valeur l'intérêt du modèle pour la détection de ruptures entre des signaux indépendants, conditionnellement indépendants ou complètement connectés. Enfin, l'idée d'exploiter les synchronisations entre les ruptures pour l'estimation des relations régissant les entités du système est développée, grâce au formalisme des réseaux bayésiens. En adaptant la fonction de score d'une méthode d'apprentissage de la structure, il est vérifié que le modèle d'indépendance du système peut être en partie retrouvé grâce à l'information apportée par les ruptures, estimées par le modèle du Bernoulli Detector. / This thesis presents a method for the multiple change-points detection in multivariate time series, and exploits the results to estimate the relationships between the components of the system. The originality of the model, called the Bernoulli Detector, relies on the combination of a local statistics from a robust test, based on the computation of ranks, with a global Bayesian framework. This non parametric model does not require strong hypothesis on the distribution of the observations. It is applicable without modification on gaussian data as well as data corrupted by outliers. The detection of a single change-point is controlled even for small samples. In a multivariate context, a term is introduced to model the dependencies between the changes, assuming that if two components are connected, the events occurring in the first one tend to affect the second one instantaneously. Thanks to this flexible model, the segmentation is sensitive to common changes shared by several signals but also to isolated changes occurring in a single signal. The method is compared with other solutions of the literature, especially on real datasets of electrical household consumption and genomic measurements. These experiments enhance the interest of the model for the detection of change-points in independent, conditionally independent or fully connected signals. The synchronization of the change-points within the time series is finally exploited in order to estimate the relationships between the variables, with the Bayesian network formalism. By adapting the score function of a structure learning method, it is checked that the independency model that describes the system can be partly retrieved through the information given by the change-points, estimated by the Bernoulli Detector.

Mezinárodní srovnatelnost postojových škál sociálního kapitálu a politického odcizení v Evropském sociálním výzkumu / Cross-Country Comparability of Social Capital and Political Disaffection Attitude Scales in the European Social Survey

Anýžová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Petra A n ý ž o v á Doctoral thesis: Cross-Country Comparability of Social Capital and Political Disaffection Attitude Scales in the European Social Survey Abstract The doctoral thesis deals with the methodological perspectives of comparative cross-national research. Currently, in the globalization period, the importance of these perspectives has been increasing. Unfortunately, social scientists analyse attractive international data more and more often without realising the levels of data comparability. Therefore they are not fully aware the best approach to statistical analysis of these data and their convenient comparative interpretation. This thesis introduces the issue of data equivalence as one of the most important quality aspects of cross-national research and focuses especially on attitude scales owing to the fact that their comparability is endangered the most in comparative research. In particular, the subject of the analysis is the international comparability of two of the most frequent robust attitude scales: namely social capital and political disaffection scales as they are measured in the European Social Survey first data set. In sociology and political science, these two social science concepts are very significant and they have been studied both theoretically and empirically as social...

L'équilibre des parties dans le contrat de franchise / The equilibrium of the parties in franchising

El Zeenni, Antonio 23 April 2013 (has links)
Le franchisage est un contrat qui est rarement équilibré. Il en est ainsi à cause d'une relation où l'on trouve une partie, généralement le franchiseur, qui domine le rapport contractuel. Cette relation économique et juridique appelle la plus grande attention en raison des investissements massifs qui y sont engagés. On verra souvent le franchisé assujetti à de nombreuses contraintes économiques, techniques et juridiques pratiquement exagérées sinon injustifiées. Cette situation n'est surtout pas sans solution. Cette étude s'efforce de trouver des remèdes aux problèmes posés par ce jeu de domination en examinant le contrat ainsi que ses différentes composantes. La méthode suivie consiste à examiner tout d'abord le concept relatif à chaque élément pris dans ce cadre contractuel précis tout en remontant à la définition de la franchise ainsi qu’à son objet, tout cela à la lumière de la notion d'équilibre et dans un souci de restaurer une certaine égalité de principe satisfaisant aux exigences de la justice contractuelle.Des définitions, des critères, des solutions, ainsi que des modifications y sont proposés à cette fin. / Franchising is a contract that is not always balanced. This is due to a relationship where one can find a party, usually the franchisor, dominating the contractual bond. The economic and legal relationships call for much more attention due to the massive investments involved. One will often notice the franchisee being subject to many economic, technical and legal constraints that are practically exaggerated if not unjustified. This is certainly not without any solution. This study attempts to find remedies to the problems raised by this game of domination through examining the contract as well as its various components. The followed method consists of, primarily, the examination of the concept behind each element in this precise contractual framework, to then go back to the definition of franchising, as well as its object; all in light of the concept of equilibrium in order to restore some equality of principle in accordance with the requirements of contractual justice.Definitions, criteria, solutions, and amendments are proposed to serve this purpose.

A needs analysis of gesture use by children with fetal alcohol syndrome during mathematics instruction

Millians, Molly N. 07 1900 (has links)
The effects from prenatal alcohol exposure have been found to cause a range of congenital physical and cognitive abnormalities (Chasnoff, Wells, Telford, Schmidt, & Messer, 2010; Kable & Coles, 2004a). The neurological impairments associated with the effects from prenatal alcohol exposure often cause learning problems, most notably in mathematics (Kable & Coles, 2004a; Howell et al., 2006). Studies have indicated that when provided instructional interventions in mathematics, children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure made gains in learning. However, the studies did not provide specifics as to how children with FAS construct the understanding of a skill or concept (Kable, Coles, & Taddeo, 2007; Coles, Kable, & Taddeo, 2009). This study contributes to the literature by examining how children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure learn the concept of equivalence through their use of gestures in contrast to their learning outcomes. Previous studies have shown that children’s use of gestures while learning mathematics assist with the integration of verbal and visual stimuli, support concept formation, and facilitate flexible encoding of problems (Goldin-Meadow, Cook, & Mitchell, 2009; McNeil & Alibali, 2004). The results from this study indicated that children in the Alcohol Exposed group showed little to no learning after the intervention as compared to a control group matched by age and IQ. The study showed that children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure used fewer conceptual gestures while learning equivalence as compared to a control group. According to the gesture analysis, the children in the Alcohol Exposed group mentally represented the concept of equivalence as a series of isolated steps or procedures. The procedural representation was not transitioned into a flexible conceptual format and applied to solve different problem types accurately (McNeil & Alibali, 2004). Future studies need to investigate whether teaching children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to gesture during mathematics instruction would be effective to increase concept formation, accurate encoding, and learning mathematics / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Fundamentele andragogiek en die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporêr-moderne wêreld : 'n kritiese besinning

Van Tonder, Christina Helena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om krities te besin oor die noodsaaklikheid van Fundamentele Andragogiek in die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne wereld, ten einde aan te toon dat dosente beter toegerus vir hulle begeleidingstaak sal wees indien hulle oor kennis van Fundamentele Andragogiek beskik. HOOFSTUK EEN Die tema word ingelei deur titel- en begripsverheldering, probleemstelling, doelformulering, metodologiese verantwoording en programaankondiging. HOOFSTUK TWEE Fundamentele Andragogiek word antropologies-ontologies begrond, enkele grondvorme van menswees word beskryf en uitgele en aandag word gegee aan die hunkeringe van die onderwysstudent-in-opleiding as ageinsgebeure. HOOFSTUK DRIE 'n Snel veranderende wereld waarin onderwysersopleiding voltrek word, word ondersoek om vas te stel in watter mate snelle verandering 'n bedreiging vir die grondvorme van menswees inhou. HOOFSTUK VIER Die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne RSA word ondersoek, om vas te stel watter eise en verwagtinge die Ministerie van Onderwys en Opleiding het. HOOFSTUK VYF 'n Terugskou word op die studie gedoen en en enkele toekomstake word ge'identifiseer. / The study aimed at reflecting critically on the need for Fundamental Andragogics in the training of teachers in a contemporary modern world. CHAPTER ONE The theme is introduced through clarification of the title and concepts, stating problems, goal setting, methodological justification and exposition of further programme. CHAPTER TWO Fundamental Andragogics is anthropologic-ontologically grounded. Some basic forms of being human are described and attention is given to the yearnings of the teacher trainee. CHAPTER THREE The rapidly changing world is researched in order to ascertain to what extent rapid change poses a threat to the basic forms of being human. CHAPTER FOUR The training of teachers in a contemporary modern RSA is researched in order to ascertain what the demands and expectations of the Ministry of Education and Training are. CHAPTER FIVE The study is viewed in retrospect and some future objectives for teacher training are identified. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Evangelicals encountering Muslims : a pre-evangelistic approach to the Qu'ran

Johnson, Wesley Irvin 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis looks at the development of Protestant and Evangelical encounter with Muslims from the earliest days of the Modern missions movement. Special attention is given to the dynamic equivalence model (DEM), which resulted in a new method for interpreting the Qur’an called the Christian Qur’anic hermeneutic (CQH). I begin with the early Protestant ministers among Muslims, such as Martyn and Muir. Pfander’s (1910) book, The balance of truth, embodies the view that the Qur’an teaches an irrevocable status of inspiration for the Old and New Testaments. The early and mid-twentieth century saw a movement away from usage of the Qur’an during Evangelical encounter with Muslims. Direct model advocates bypass the Qur’an and other religious questions for an immediate presentation of the gospel. The 1970s saw the development of the DEM, which produced significant changes in how Evangelicals encountered Muslims. Pioneers like Nida, Tabor, and Kraft implemented dynamic equivalence as a model in Evangelical ministry. Concurrently, Accad and Cragg laid groundwork for the CQH. The DEM creates obscurity in anthropology by promoting an evaluation of cultural forms as essentially neutral. This is extended to religious forms, even the Qur’an. Such a simple, asocial value for symbols is not sufficient to account for all of human life. Cultural forms, especially those intrinsically religious, are parts of a complex system. Meaning cannot be transferred or equivocated with integrity from one context to another without a corresponding re-evaluation of the entire system. Theological difficulties are also produced by the DEM and the CQH, and include the assigning a quasi-inspirational status to the Qur’an and a denial of unique inspirational status to the Christian Scriptures. If the gospel is communicated through the Qur’an, then it is difficult to deny some level of God-given status to it. Further, the Christian Scriptures are not unique as inspired literature. My proposal for how to use the Qur’an responsibly looks to Bavinck’s elenctics and is presented as Qur’anic pre-evangelism. Rather than communicating Biblical meaning through the Qur’an, Evangelicals can focus on areas of the Qur’an that coincide with a lack of assurance felt by Muslims in anthropology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Topografias de controle de estímulos e equivalência de estímulos : variações paramétricas do procedimento de máscaras / Stimulus control topographies and stimulus equivalence: parametric variations of the blank procedure

Arantes, Ana Karina Leme 05 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4749.pdf: 4117281 bytes, checksum: 6047b5a8a4c0428901b24875ac28c98a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-05 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Stimulus equivalence literature has shown robust data, but with some result variability between participants, with some forming classes promptly and others who do not demonstrate the expected class formation. Matching to sample (MTS) is the commonly used procedure to verify these relationships formation. However, a situation involving experimental MTS is rather complex regarding the number of potential relationships, so that the participant can form classes based on different equivalence relations that those manipulated by the experimenter. For example, responses that are counted as instances of the same relationship may include different control topographies, some responses controlled by relations of selection (when control of the participant's response is given "selecting" the correct stimulus in the presence of a particular model) while others are controlled by rejection (when there is a "rejection" of a incorrect stimulus in the presence of a particular model). One possibility to check and monitor the different control relations during the baseline training is to use special procedures to induce and identify it. One of these procedures is the blank procedure in which a black square is gradually introduced over attempts conditional discrimination baseline so as to occlude participant s sight of it. This way, separately topographies of selection and rejection can be checked, as well as differences in the formation of equivalence relations. AB, BC and CD relations trainings were programmed, each set with three different stimuli (eg: A1, A2 and A3; B1, B2 and B3, etc.). Control only for rejection or only by selection in baseline training conditional relations BC were planned in one of the trainings, and results compared with another training in which all relations were taught either by selection or by rejection. Other parametric variations (nodal distance increase and extensive pre-training role in positive equivalence results using the mask) were also investigated to advance understanding of the variables that may be related to the equivalence formation. The results indicate that learning BC relationship with only one control relation is not sufficient for the equivalence classes ready formation. These are not guaranteed even if only selecting topographies are learned. Have the whole training - ensuring that the participant learns the relations either by rejection or by selection - assures equivalence formation in much more training opportunities. The results indicated that the extensive pre-training was useful to install some prerequisites behaviors required in the task pairing. Participants who passed the pre-training before starting the experiment were partially successful in achieving the criteria for baseline conditional relations learning training, but the generalized conditional responding did not occur as readily as expected, although it seems to have occurred faster for participants who had gone through extensive pre-training. / A literatura de equivalência de estímulos tem mostrado dados robustos, porém com certa variabilidade de resultados entre participantes, com alguns formando classes prontamente e outros que não demonstram formação das classes esperadas. O emparelhamento com o modelo (MTS) é o procedimento comumente usado para verificar a formação dessas relações, no entanto uma situação experimental envolvendo MTS é bastante complexa quanto ao número de relações potenciais, de tal modo que o participante pode formar equivalências com base em relações diferentes das que são definidas pelo experimentador. Por exemplo, as respostas que são computadas como instâncias de uma mesma relação podem incluir diferentes topografias de controle, sendo algumas respostas controladas por relações de seleção (quando o controle da resposta do participante é dado pelo selecionar o estímulo correto diante de um determinado modelo) enquanto outras são controladas por rejeição (quando há a rejeição de um estímulo incorreto na presença de um determinado modelo). Uma possibilidade de verificar e controlar as diferentes relações de controle durante a linha de base é utilizar procedimentos especiais para induzir e identificar estas relações. Um desses procedimentos é o procedimento de máscaras, em que um quadrado negro é introduzido gradualmente ao longo de tentativas de discriminação condicional de linha de base, de modo a obliterar a visão do estímulo por parte do participante. Assim é possível verificar separadamente as topografias de seleção e de rejeição, bem como as diferenças nas formações de relações de equivalência. Foram programados treinos das relações AB, BC e CD, sendo que cada conjunto apresentava três estímulos diferentes (por exemplo: A1, A2 e A3; B1, B2 e B3 etc.), induzindo o controle apenas por rejeição ou apenas por seleção no treino de relações condicionais de linha de base da relação BC, em um dos treinos, e comparando-o com outro treino em que todas as relações eram ensinadas tanto por seleção quanto por rejeição. Outras variações paramétricas (aumento da distância nodal e papel do pré-treino extensivo nos resultados positivos para equivalência em treinos lineares com uso da máscara) também foram investigadas para avançar na compreensão das variáveis que podem estar relacionadas à formação de equivalência. Os resultados indicam que a aprendizagem da relação BC com apenas uma das relações de controle não é suficiente para a pronta formação de classes de equivalência, mesmo que sejam garantidas apenas relações controladas por seleção do S+. Já o treino completo - assegurando que o participante aprenda as relações tanto por rejeição quanto por seleção - garantiu a formação de equivalência em muito mais oportunidades que os outros treinos. Os resultados indicaram que o pré-treino extensivo foi útil em instalar alguns comportamentos pré-requisitos requeridos na tarefa de emparelhamento, na medida em que os participantes que passaram pelo pré treino antes de iniciar o experimento obtiveram sucesso parcial em alcançar os critérios de aprendizagem durante o treino das relações condicionais de linha de base, mas o responder condicional generalizado não ocorreu tão prontamente quanto o esperado, embora pareça ter ocorrido mais rapidamente para os participantes que haviam passado pelo pré-treino extensivo.

Estabelecimento de escrita sob controle de ditado como base para a recombinação na leitura e na escrita

Reis, Thaíze de Souza 10 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5361.pdf: 1037300 bytes, checksum: f6d3f569ec96dcb450a7aee8bd65999b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-10 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Several studies are interested in the acquisition of reading and spelling as well as in the role the acquisition of one ability plays in the acquisition of the other. However, many of these studies focus on reading rather than on spelling. This study aimed to teach spelling skills and verify whether it would affect the reading repertoire. To teach spelling, a constructed response matching to sample task was employed. In this task, a sample (that could be a printed word, a picture, a picture and its correspondent printed word or a dictated word) was presented as well as a pool of randomly chosen letters. Children had to select in the correct order the letters to spell the word correspondent to the sample. Thirty Portuguese words were taught. Five studies were conducted. In Study 1, each word was taught till criterion and once it was achieved the word was no longer presented during training. Two students took part but only one achieved the criterion for the totality of the words. Although the criterion was achieved rapidly for most words, the performance decreased on the posttest probes. Study 2 employed a mixed training: groups of three words were taught together so that in each trial one of the words worked as a sample. Study 3 employed the mixed training and a cumulative baseline: words previously taught were interspersed with words to be taught. Study 4 introduced a new variable, besides the mixed training and the cumulative baseline: a compound sample. In this study, words should be constructed under the control of a sample compounded by a picture and its correspondent printed word. After training, all participants of the Studies 2, 3 and 4 showed high spelling performances and excepting one participant, all of them had great improvements in reading. Reading scores were more variable than spelling scores. Performances with new words (compounded by the syllables of the taught words) were variable and some participants did not show recombinative repertoire. Also, some participants showed performances with some words before they were actually trained. Because of that, Study 5 employed a group design to evaluate the effect of the teaching procedure. The Experimental Group took the teaching procedure lessons (the same version employed in Study 4) while the Control Group was exposed only to the assessment sessions. The Experimental Group performances in spelling, reading and other relations evaluated were significantly higher than the Control Group performances. These results showed that the procedure have been effective in teaching spelling and also in promoting the emerge of reading. / Vários estudos têm investigado a aquisição de leitura e escrita, bem como a relação entre os repertórios. Em muitos deles, as relações ensinadas privilegiam o desenvolvimento da leitura e os efeitos observados no repertório de escrita são secundários. O presente estudo teve por objetivo ensinar escrita sob controle de ditado e verificar os possíveis efeitos sobre a leitura. Para isso foi empregada uma tarefa computadorizada de construção de palavras. Nesse tipo de tarefa, um estímulo modelo (que pode ser uma palavra impressa, uma figura, uma figura e a palavra impressa correspondente ou uma palavra ditada) é apresentado juntamente com um conjunto de letras (estímulos de escolha). A tarefa do participante consiste em selecionar, entre os estímulos de escolha disponíveis, na sequência correta, as letras que permitem construir uma palavra correspondente ao modelo. Foram conduzidos cinco estudos. Em cada estudo foi ensinada a construção de 30 palavras, constituídas por sílabas simples do tipo consoante vogal. No Estudo 1 foi empregado um procedimento que previa o ensino separado de cada uma das palavras. Além disso, uma vez aprendidas, as palavras não eram revisadas. Um, entre dois participantes atingiu rapidamente o critério para cada palavra, mas a avaliação final detectou falta de manutenção do repertório. No Estudo 2, as palavras foram ensinadas de maneira intercalada e no Estudo 3, além do ensino intercalado, as palavras já aprendidas passaram a ser reapresentadas juntamente com as palavras novas nos passos subsequentes, constituindo uma linha de base cumulativa. O Estudo 4 manteve as manipulações introduzidas nos Estudos 2 e 3 e acrescentou uma nova variável: o ensino da construção da resposta sob controle de estímulo composto (figura e palavra impressa correspondente). Após a exposição ao procedimento, todos os participantes dos Estudos 2, 3 e 4 apresentaram ganhos em ditado e com exceção de um, os demais também apresentaram ganhos em leitura. Os desempenhos em leitura foram mais variáveis do que os desempenhos em ditado. Os desempenhos com palavras novas (compostas pela recombinação de sílabas das palavras ensinadas) também variaram entre os participantes e alguns deles não demonstraram repertórios recombinativos. Alguns participantes apresentaram desempenho com as palavras do conjunto não ensinado. Em virtude disso, o Estudo 5 investigou o efeito do procedimento por meio de um delineamento de grupo. O Grupo Experimental foi exposto ao procedimento do Estudo 4 (por ter sido o que gerou um responder mais estável) e o Grupo Controle foi exposto apenas às avaliações previstas pelo procedimento. O GE apresentou desempenho significativamente superior ao do GC em ditado, leitura e na maioria das outras relações testadas, o que demonstra a efetividade do procedimento de ensino no estabelecimento de escrita sob controle de ditado e também na emergência de leitura.

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