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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plato on Pleasure, Intelligence and the Human Good: An Interpretation of the Philebus

Fletcher, Emily 28 February 2013 (has links)
The Philebus is devoted to the question what constitutes the good for a human being. Although Socrates initially favors a life of pure intelligence against the hedonist’s life of pure pleasure, he quickly concedes that some pleasures actually enhance the life of intelligence. In order to determine which pleasures deserve a place in the best life, Socrates undertakes a lengthy investigation into the nature of pleasure. Commentators have long been frustrated in their attempt to uncover a single, unified account that explains in a plausible way the extraordinary variety of pleasures analyzed in the dialogue. I argue that this search for a generic account of pleasure is misguided, because one of the main purposes of Socrates’ division of pleasure is to expose its essentially heterogeneous nature. Pleasures can be bodily or psychic, pure or mixed with pain, truth apt or not, healthy or diseased, and inherently measured or unmeasured, and there are no essential properties which all of these diverse phenomena share. The inclusion of some pleasures in the final ranking of the goods at the end of the Philebus represents a dramatic shift in Plato’s attitude towards certain pleasures, and so it is not surprising that many scholars misinterpret the force of this conclusion. Even in the Republic where the pleasures of reason are favorably compared to the pleasures of spirit and appetite, intellectual pleasures are judged to be more pleasant and real than other pleasures, but they are nowhere judged to be better or praised as genuine goods. In the Philebus, not only are some pleasures unambiguously ranked among the highest goods, but Socrates gives no indication that these pleasures are good only in some qualified or extrinsic way. Instead, certain pleasures make their own positive contribution to the goodness of the best human life, making the mixed life more valuable and choiceworthy than the unmixed life of intelligence.

The impact of Orthodox Christian neptic-psychotherapeutic interventions on self-reported depressive symptomatology and comorbid anxiety

Vujisic, Zoran 11 1900 (has links)
Orthodox Christianity represents the oldest Christian tradition. However, the tragic schism between the Christian East and West has resulted in a lost cognizance of the East by the West (Chrysostomos, 2007). Ultimately, this loss, for the West, involves the loss of part of its own Christian heritage. As attempts at rapprochement are made, on the ecclesiastical, cultural, and international levels, it is important that the West begin to develop an understanding of human psychology from an Orthodox perspective, i.e., a psychology consistent with the cosmology and soteriology of Orthodoxy. Orthodox Christian Psychotherapy bridges the divide between mystical, neptic, and hesychastic teachings and the methods and goals of modern Western psychotherapy. It is the meeting of the transcendent and the secular, and of spirituality and psychotherapy, as they impact all those in need of inner healing from spiritual, behavioral, and / or psychological disorders and pathologies (St. John Climacus, 1979; Romanides, 2007). This study in practical theology concretizes the above by examining the intensity of depressive symptomatology and comorbid anxiety before and after a twelve-week treatment plan using Orthodox Christian neptic-psychotherapeutic interventions and techniques. The results represent yet another step in disentangling the mystery of the relationship between spirituality, psychological treatment, and mental health. The findings, which confirm the efficacy of Orthodox Christian Psychotherapy, offer insight into the ways in which neptic-psychotherapeutic interventions may be applied at the pastoral and clinical level and utilized to treat and / or prevent depressive symptomatology and comorbid anxiety, and possibly other spiritual, behavioral, developmental, and / or psychological disorders and pathologies, in both the Orthodox and general populations. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Mise en lumière des écarts d’attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et l’emploi de la force à divers stades de la formation policière : démystification du processus de socialisation des policiers

Faubert, Camille 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse propose d’observer les distinctions des attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et l’emploi de la force chez des futurs policiers québécois à différents stades de leur formation policière initiale en école. Plusieurs chercheurs et de nombreux policiers sont d’avis que le métier de policier est appris dans son intégralité sur le terrain et que, de facto, la formation en Académie de Police est inutile. Or, est-ce vraiment le cas? Se pourrait-il que la formation policière engendre des changements d’attitudes graduels et subtils chez les futurs policiers de sorte que ceux-ci sont imperceptibles, mais à la fois les préparent à l’exercice de la profession policière? C’est précisément ce que la thèse vise à documenter, en lien avec les questions de légitimité de la police et d’emploi de la force. La formation policière sera considérée avoir un apport si les futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation ont des attitudes plus positives face à la légitimité de la police et sont plus favorables à l’emploi de la force que leurs collègues plus novices. Sans contredit, la littérature sur la légitimité de la police est vaste. Or, ce concept est, dans la grande majorité du temps, abordé de façon unidirectionnelle où les citoyens évaluent la légitimité de la police. Il est ici proposé de changer d’approche et d’adopter plutôt une perspective interactionniste et dialogique de la légitimité de la police où la perception de la légitimité de la police qu’ont les citoyens découle du regard que les policiers portent sur la légitimité de leur institution. Dans ce contexte, la formation policière est vue comme une voie de transmission de la légitimité de la police à laquelle sous-tend un processus de socialisation professionnelle qui permet l’adhésion à la culture policière. Ce sujet de recherche est abordé d’un point de vue macrosociologique grâce à une méthodologie quantitative basée sur une enquête transversale à mesures répétées. Concrètement, l’analyse consiste en des comparaisons de moyennes d’attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et face à l’emploi de la force à différents stades de la formation policière. Pour ce faire, les données ont été collectées, dans un premier temps, auprès de 1 494 futurs policiers en formation au Québec. Dans un deuxième temps, pour écarter l’hypothèse alternative que l’explication des écarts d’attitudes entre plusieurs groupes d’étudiants à différents stades de formation pourrait en fait provenir d’une maturation généralisée à tous les jeunes en phase d’émergence de l’âge adulte (c’est-à-dire, entre 18 et 25 ans), la thèse incorpore une dimension de comparaison avec des citoyens de la même tranche d’âge en considérant un échantillon de 601 étudiants d’autres programmes de formation. Conformément aux trois objectifs spécifiques de la thèse, les résultats ont permis d’observer qu’au cours de la formation policière : 1) les attitudes des futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation sont plus positives et plus distinctes de celles de leurs homologues d’autres programmes de formation que les attitudes des futurs policiers en début de formation, ce qui indique un apport de la formation policière dans le développement de la légitimité de la police chez ceux en voie d’exercer le métier , 2) les attitudes du groupe de futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation sont plus homogènes que celles de leurs comparses plus novices, ce qui suggère l’adhésion à la culture policière, et 3) les futurs policiers en fin de formation présentent une dissociation dans leurs attitudes face à la légitimité et face à l’emploi de la force relativement à leurs collègues plus novices, dans le sens où leurs attitudes face à la légitimité de la police sont moins fortement prédictives de leurs attitudes face à l’emploi de la force. Ce dernier résultat semble mettre en lumière le développement d’un jugement critique face à la légitimité de la police et son pouvoir d’emploi de la force au cours de la formation policière. La thèse conclut donc que l’utilité de la formation policière en école est loin d’être vaine; elle paraît occasionner des changements d’attitudes subtils et graduels qui peuvent se révéler importants à l’exercice du métier de policiers. / The thesis suggests studying the variations in attitudes toward police legitimacy and the use of force for in-training police students at distinct phases of police initial training at the Police Academy. Several researchers and many police officers attest that the police craft is solely acquired and learnt on the street and, therefore, the training provided at the Police Academy is pointless. Yet, is this really so? Could it be that the training provided by the Police Academy triggers such gradual attitude changes that they go unnoticed, while contributing to preparing the recruits to perform the police line of work? These questions underlie this thesis, specifically in regard to police legitimacy and use of force in the sense that the contribution of the police training would be unveiled if in-training police students more advanced in the study program have more positive attitudes toward police legitimacy and are more favourable to police use of force. Undeniably, the literature on police legitimacy is extensive. However, authors generally adopt a unidirectional point of view where police legitimacy equates to citizen perceptions of police. Rather, it is advocated here that an interactionist and dialogic approach is better suited to understand police legitimacy. The latter is based on the premise that citizens’ perceptions of police legitimacy ensue from the outlook that patrol officers have on the legitimacy of their institution. In that case, police training is considered a professional socialization process which acts as a police legitimacy transmission channel leading to the conformity to police culture. The thesis tackles this research topic with a macrosociological approach supported by a quantitative methodology based on a repeated cross-sectional research design. Precisely, the analytical strategy consists of mean comparisons of attitudes toward police legitimacy and use of force scores at different stages of the police training curriculum. As a first step, data were gathered from a sample of 1 494 future police officers in training in Quebec, Canada. Then, in order to rule out the alternative hypothesis that attitude score fluctuations between groups at different stages of the training could result from a maturation phenomenon generalized to all youth in the phase of emerging adulthood (i.e. 18-25 years old), the thesis includes a dimension of comparison with the general population of the same age group by taking into account the attitude scores of a sample of 601 students from other study programs. In accordance with the three specific objectives of the thesis, results show that, along the police training: 1) attitude scores of in-training police students more advanced in the curriculum are more positive and more divergent from those of the students from other study programs than these attitudes for freshmen, reflecting the impact of training in the development of the perceptions of police legitimacy in those on the path to serve as patrol officers, 2) attitude scores of the group of in-training police students more advanced in the curriculum are more homogenous than those of more novice groups of in-training police students, which suggests the adherence to a specific professional culture, and 3) in-training police students in the senior phase display a greater disconnection between their attitudes toward police legitimacy and attitudes toward police use of force compared to their more junior colleagues, in the sense that their attitudes towards police legitimacy are less strongly predictive of their attitudes toward police use of force. This last result sheds light on the development of critical judgment. All things considered, the thesis concludes that the worth of police initial training is far from vain; it strikes as being responsible for subtle and gradual attitude changes that can prove important to police work.


Kask ., Sean Tyler 27 January 2012 (has links)
Determinantes y beneficios de las actividades de innovación que trascienden las fronteras organizativas: Estudios empíricos de un panel de empresas españolas Tesis Doctoral Sean Kask Las empresas se relacionan cada vez más con agentes que se encuentran fuera de sus fronteras organizativas con el objetivo de desarrollar innovaciones tanto de productos como de procesos. Los tres estudios empíricos que componen esta tesis exploran los determinantes y beneficios de las actividades de innovación orientadas hacía el exterior. En los tres estudios se estiman diferentes modelos econométricos basados en un panel de empresas españolas. El primer estudio investiga los factores que determinan que las empresas manufactureras elijan entre el desarrollo interno, la colaboración o el desarrollo externo como estrategia para el desarrollo de nuevos productos. A partir de constructos derivados de la teoría de los costes de transacción, la visión basada en recursos y la teoría de la organización industrial, los resultados destacan las diferencias existentes entre la colaboración y la contratación como modos de gobernanza de la innovación. En primer lugar, los resultados muestran que la incertidumbre de mercado tiende a llevar a las empresas a la colaboración pero no al desarrollo externo; mientras que las empresas son más proclives a colaborar bajo condiciones de incertidumbre tecnológica. En segundo lugar, los resultados ponen de manifiesto una relación en forma de U-invertida entre la capacidad de I+D de la empresa y la probabilidad de colaborar (en comparación con el desarrollo interno) y una relación negativa con la adquisición externa, reflejando una tensión entre el 'efecto de la necesidad' de encontrar fuentes externas de innovación cuando la capacidad interna es baja, y el 'efecto de la complementariedad' entre estas capacidades internas y la aptitud para beneficiarse de estas fuentes externas. / Kask ., ST. (2011). DETERMINANTS OF AND RETURNS TO INNOVATION ACTIVITIES WHICH SPAN ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES: EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON A PANEL OF SPANISH FIRMS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14574

Un modèle de prise de décision basé sur la performace des procesus métiers collaboratifs / Dynamic decision model based on the performance of collaborative business processes

Hachicha, Maroua 03 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se focalise sur l’amélioration de l’évaluation de performance des processus métiers collaboratifs. Il s’agit de poursuivre l’évolution de la collaboration entre l’entreprise et ses partenaires. Trois niveaux d’abstraction ont été d’abord identifiés : Métier, fonctionnel et applicatif. Ensuite, nous avons développé une approche descendante allant du niveau métier au niveau applicatif. Dans le niveau métier, des différents d’indicateurs clés de performance ont été proposés à travers la méthodeECOGRAI. Dans le niveau applicatif, nous avons proposé un référentiel d’analyse contenant des indicateurs techniques fonctionnels tels que la durée, l’input, l’output, et non-fonctionnels notamment la maturité, le risque, l’interopérabilité à partir des traces d’exécution. Nous avons proposé ainsi un modèle ontologique en vue de capitaliser et enrichir la sémantique de la performance de ces processus. Nous avons proposé un modèle ascendant pour l’agrégation des indicateurs technique au niveaumétier. Le principal objectif de cette agrégation est la corrélation entre le comportement de l’application métier agrégé à partir de l’exécution et l’évolution des indicateurs métiers. Un autre modèle de gestion des événements métiers a été également proposé pour consolider le processus d’apprentissage de notre approche. Par ailleurs, pour assurer la convergence de la performance, nous avons combiné entre la gestion des traces et la gestion des évènements métiers. Cette combinaison permet d’accompagner l’évolution des processus métiers collaboratifs pendant leur exécution. L’accompagnement évoqué avant favorise l’obtention d’un diagnostic sur la performance pour servir à la prise de décision. Cette dernière est liée étroitement à la détection des alertes et particulièrement à l’anticipation des déviations de la performance le plus rapidement possible. Pour valider lacontribution scientifique de cette thèse, une étude de cas a été réalisée sur un processus de création de devis dans le cadre du projet européen FITMAN. / This thesis focuses on improving the performance evaluation of collaborative business processes. It is about pursuing the evolution of the collaboration between the company and its partners. In the beginning, three abstraction levels were identified: Business, functional and application. Then, we developed a top-down approach from the business level to the application level. In the business level, different key performance indicators have been proposed through the ECOGRAI method. In the application level, we proposed an analytical repository containing functional technical indicators such as duration, input, output, and non-functional, including maturity, risk, and interoperability based on execution traces. We have thus proposed an ontological model in order to capitalize and enrich the semantics of the performance of these processes. We proposed a bottom-up model for the aggregation of technical indicators at the business level. The main objective of this aggregation is the correlation between the behavior of the aggregated business application from the execution and the evolution of the business indicators. Another business event management model was also proposed to consolidate the learning process of our approach. Moreover, to ensure the convergence of performance, we have combined traces management and business event management. This combination allows to accompany the evolution of the collaborative business processes during their execution. The aforementionedaccompaniment favors the obtaining of a diagnosis on performance to be used for decision-making. The latter is closely linked to the detection of alerts and particularly to the anticipation of deviations in performance as quickly as possible. To validate the scientific contribution of this thesis, a case study was carried out on a process of creation of quote within the framework of the European project FITMAN.

The maintenance of a caring concern by the care-giver

Van der Wal, Dirk Mostert 11 1900 (has links)
The question the researcher set out to answer during this research is: How is a caring concern maintained by the (student nurse) as caregiver? It stemmed from unresolved plausible hypotheses stated during a previous qualitative study into the phenomenon caring, from media reports on the "poor care" rendered in health institutions in South Africa, and a concern about the Tylerian rationale in nursing education. The theory generation required was achieved through Wertz's Empirical Psychological Reflection and existential phenomenology. Heidegger's theory of"Care as the essence of being" constituted a central concept in this research. A linguistic epistemology and expanded definition of the term empirical were also pertinent in this research. The literature review focussed on the methodology, ontology (caring and maintenance) and epistemology, serving a purpose towards bracketing. A purposive sample of informants was extracted according to students' performance on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI). Sixteen qualitative research interviews were conducted. Analysis was conducted through open coding, categorisation and axial coding. At the idiographic level, twelve individual psychological profiles were constructed serving the purpose of imaginative variation. At the nomothetic level four major themes emerged, namely: The Caring Phenomenon (Contextualisation); Factors Eroding a Caring Concern; Factors in the Maintenance of a Caring Concern; and Core Experiences. The dialogue among the four intra-psychic processes of Care, will, meaning attribution and conscience accounts for all events encountered in the data. This dialogue results in either reason or intuition, displaying caring and the maintenance of a caring concern. Positing will and conscience as thesis and antithesis, the resulting synthesis postulates the basic ethical concepts of autonomy, authority, responsibility and accountability as existentially inherent to being and existence, and to the maintenance of a caring concern. The final manifestation of the object ofintention, maintenance, is proposed as an anthropological model. When extended to the fields of (nursing) education, human motivation and the teaching of (nursing) ethics, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the self-science curriculum and life-skills training become imperative to (nursing) curricula. It is also proposed that human caring be studied as a manifestation of human motivation. / Health Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

Recreio Escolar: um olhar acerca dos jovens por meio das suas imagens no cotidiano

SANTOS, Martha Valente Domingues dos 07 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-11T20:14:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Martha Valente Domingues dos Santos.pdf: 5235574 bytes, checksum: dd873c0e33010bd0b89f67c19c75813d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-11T20:14:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Martha Valente Domingues dos Santos.pdf: 5235574 bytes, checksum: dd873c0e33010bd0b89f67c19c75813d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-07 / Beaucoup de recherches sont accomplies dans l'enseignement (?ducation) quant au programme d'?tudes, de la pratique de l'enseignement, la routine de la classe, les politiques publiques en mati?re d'?ducation; cependant, peu toujours on a parl? quant ? la r?cr?ation scolaire. Beaucoup de discours ?ducatifs dirigent la dichotomie parmi la difficult? d'entre ceux dans le travail avec leurs ?tudiants, le manque de motivation discente dans l'accomplissement des activit?s dans la salle de classe et la r?gularit? de fr?quence de l'alunado au milieu du processus de socialisation pendant la r?cr?ation. Alors l'int?r?t a apparu dans la recherche pr?s de cet espace-temps la construction privil?gi?e de l'identit? juv?nile, non juste par les discours ?ducatifs, mais maintenant aussi (et surtout) les images constitutives de ce moment-l? et la conversation avec le public. Pour le d?veloppement de ce travail, je jetterai la main de contributions th?oriques dans le domaine des ?tudes Culturelles, comme Hall, en plus de la contribution de Maffesoli (2010, 2006) quant aux sociabilit?s; mais aussi un concept de cette r?cr?ation ? travers les yeux de Delalande (2001) et une analyse des images sous la sollicitation Berino. (2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2013, 2007, 2009, 2012); ainsi qu?une conversation entre Bakhtin (2008, 1998, 2002, 1997, 1993a, 1993b, 1981) et Freire (2000, 1998, 2011a, 2011b, 1996, 1970, 2001) sur les dialogicit?. L'?tude sera accomplie au campus Engenho Novo de l'?cole Pedro II, l'?cole de formation initiale du r?seau (filet) f?d?ral d'enseignement, avec les groupes de la sixi?me ann?e de l'Enseignement Fondamental ? la troisi?me ann?e de l'Enseignement de Moyen, qu'ils dans cet espace temps, divisant des exp?riences, l'angoisse, des victoires et des craintes. L'objectif g?n?ral de ce travail est d'analyser, le d?part de l'?tude des images, qui trie les pratiques culturelles qui arrivent dans l'espace-temps de la r?cr?ation scolaire contribuent pour la production et la revigoration des identit?s juv?niles. Les approches m?thodologiques pour l'?tude ont ?t? bas?es sur des ?tudes en / de / avec le quotidien, d?velopp? par Nilda Alves (2003, 2001, 2012, 1998, 2004), qui cherche une plus grande compr?hension des processus quotidiens d'apprendre produit par les mani?res diff?rentes d'encart des sujets dans plusieurs espace temps d'interaction sociale, visant ? prolonger(?tendre) la compr?hension sur les fa?ons (chemins) et les crit?res de compr?hension du monde emp?tr? par ces encarts. Le d?part de la sensation de ce qui est observ?, par les annotations nous "des journaux" de terrain (des champs) et des enregistrements des conversations avec les ?tudiants, le r?cit textuel doit ?tre insuflada pour un visualidade qui l'enrichit; alors le travail a tendance pour la base les images de ce quotidien, avec la coupe (diminution) de espace temps de la r?cr?ation scolaire, analys? sous le biais de Photoethnography. On arrive ? la conclusion que la cour de l??cole est um territoire de singularit?s et de (re) d?fini, o? l?on voit la formation des identit?s des jeunes des pratiques culturelles qui y sont construits comme Ocupen mouvement d?occupation. / Many researches are carried out in education about curriculum, teaching practice, classroom routine, public policies on education. However, such little things have been said about school playground. Many teachers' statements have pointed out the dichotomy between their difficulties in dealing with their students, the lack of student motivation to carry out the activities in the classroom and the regularity of the student's attendance in the process of socializing during this recess. This gave rise to interest in the research about this space-time of privileged construction of youth identity, not only through the teaching speeches but now also (and mainly) by the constitutive images of that moment and the conversations with this public. For the development of this work, I will make use of theoretical contributions in the field of Cultural Studies, such as Hall, as well as Maffesoli's (2010, 2006) contribution on sociability. But I also used a concept of this recreation through the look of Delalande (2001) and an analysis of the images under the bias of Berino (2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2013, 2007, 2009, 2012); as well as a conversation between Bakhtin (2008, 1988, 2002, 1997, 1993a, 1993b, 1981) and Freire (2000, 1988, 2011a, 2011b, 1996, 1970, 2001) on dialogicity. The study was carried out at the Engenho Novo II campus of the Pedro II College, a basic education school of the federal educational system, with classes from the sixth grade of elementary school to the third year of high school, which are passing through this space, dividing experiences, anxieties, victories and fears. The general objective of this work is to analyze, starting from the study of images, how the cultural practices that occur in the space-time of school playground contribute to the production and strengthening of youth identities. The methodological paths for the study were based on the studies in the daily ones, developed by Nilda Alves (2003, 2001, 2012, 1998, 2004), that seek a greater understanding of the daily processes of learning produced by the different ways of insertion of the subjects in the various spaces of social interaction, objectifying to extend the understanding of the ways and criteria of understanding the world entangled through these insertions. From the sensation of what is being observed, through the notes in the "field diaries" and the records of the conversations with the students, the textual narrative needs to be instilled by a visuality that enriches it. Hence the work is based on the images of this daily life, with the cut of the space-time of the school playground, analyzed under the bias of photoetnography. The conclusion is that the school playground is a territory of singularities and (re) significations, where the juvenile identities?formation can be perceived from the cultural practices that are built there, such as the Ocupen occupation movement. / Se realizan muchas investigaciones en educaci?n respecto a curr?culo, pr?ctica docente, rutina de las salas de clase, pol?ticas p?blicas en educaci?n; sin embargo, todav?a poco se ha dicho respecto al recreo escolar. Muchas hablas docentes han se?alado la dicotom?a entra la dificultad de estos en lidiar con sus alumnos, la falta de motivaci?n discente en la realizaci?n de las actividades en la sala de clase y la regularidad de frecuencia del estudiante en pleno proceso de socializaci?n durante el recreo. De ah? surgi? el inter?s en la investigaci?n sobre ese espaciotiempo de privilegiada construcci?n de la identidad juvenil, pero no m?s a trav?s de hablas docentes, sino tambi?n (y principalmente) por las im?genes constitutivas de ese momento y de las charlas con ese p?blico. Para el desarrollo de ese trabajo, echar? mano de aportes te?ricos en el ?mbito de los Estudios Culturales, como Hall, adem?s de la contribuci?n de Maffesoli (2010, 2006)en lo que toca las sociabilidades; tambi?n estar? presente la conceptuaci?n de ese recreo bajo la mirada de Delalande (2001) y un an?lisis de las im?genes a trav?s de la ?ptica de Berino. (2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2013, 2007, 2009, 2012); as? como una conversaci?n entre Bakhtin (2008, 1988, 2002, 1997, 1993a, 1993b, 1981) y Freire (2000, 1988, 2011a, 2011b, 1996, 1970, 2001) sobre dialogocidad. El estudio se llev? a cabo en el Campus Engenho Novo II del Col?gio Pedro II, escuela de educaci?n b?sica de la red federal de ense?anza, con grupos desde el sexto a?o de la Primaria hasta el tercer a?o de la Secundaria, que circulan en ese espaciotiempo, dividiendo experiencias, angustias, victorias y miedos. El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar, a partir del estudio de im?genes, de qu? forma las pr?cticas culturales que se dan en el espaciotiempo del recreo escolar contribuyen para la producci?n y el fortalecimiento de las identidades juveniles. Las rutas metodol?gicas para la investigaci?n se basaron en los estudios nos/dos/com los cotidianos de aprendizaje desarrollados por Nilda Alves (2003, 2001, 2012, 1998, 2004), que buscan una mayor comprensi?n de los procesos cotidianos de aprendizaje producidos por los diferentes modos de inserci?n de los sujetos en los diversos espaciotiempos de interacci?n social, con el objetivo de ampliar el entendimiento sobre las maneras y criterios de comprensi?n de mundo que se dan a trav?s de esas inserciones. Teniendo en cuenta la sensaci?n de lo que se observa, a partir de apuntes en los ?diarios de campo? y de los registros de las conversas con los alumnos, la narrativa textual carece insuflarse por una visibilidad que le brinde enriquecimiento; de ser as?, el trabajo tiene como base las im?genes de ese cotidiano, en el ?mbito del espaciotiempo del recreo escolar, analizada bajo el sesgo de Photoethnography. Se llega a la conclusi?n de que el patio de la escuela es un territorio de singularidades y (re) definida, en la que vemos la formaci?n de las identidades juveniles de las pr?cticas culturales que no estaban constituidos como movimiento de ocupaci?n Ocupen. / Muitas pesquisas s?o realizadas em educa??o a respeito de curr?culo, de pr?tica docente, de rotina de sala de aula, de pol?ticas p?blicas em educa??o; por?m, pouco ainda se tem falado a respeito do recreio escolar. Muitas falas docentes v?m apontando a dicotomia entre a dificuldade destes em lidar com seus alunos, a falta de motiva??o discente na realiza??o das atividades na sala de aula e a regularidade de frequ?ncia do alunado em pleno processo de socializa??o durante o recreio. Da? surgiu o interesse na pesquisa acerca desse espa?otempo de privilegiada constru??o da identidade juvenil, n?o mais apenas atrav?s das falas docentes, mas agora tamb?m (e principalmente) pelas imagens constitutivas desse momento e das conversas com esse p?blico. Para o desenvolvimento desse trabalho, lan?arei m?o de aportes te?ricos no campo dos Estudos Culturais, como Hall, al?m da contribui??o de Maffesoli (2010, 2006) a respeito das sociabilidades; mas tamb?m de uma conceitua??o desse recreio atrav?s do olhar de Delalande (2001) e de uma an?lise das imagens sob o vi?s de Berino; al?m de uma conversa entre Bakhtin (2008, 1988, 2002, 1997, 1993a, 1993b, 1981) e Freire (2000,1988, 2011a, 2011b, 1996, 1970, 2001) acerca da dialogicidade O estudo foi realizado no campus Engenho Novo II do Col?gio Pedro II, escola de educa??o b?sica da rede federal de ensino, com turmas do sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental ao terceiro ano do Ensino M?dio, que transitam nesse espa?otempo, dividindo experi?ncias, ang?stias, vit?rias e medos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho ? analisar, partindo do estudo das imagens, de que maneira as pr?ticas culturais que ocorrem no espa?otempo do recreio escolar contribuem para a produ??o e o fortalecimento das identidades juvenis. Os caminhos metodol?gicos para o estudo basearam-se nos estudos nos/dos/com os cotidianos, desenvolvidos por Nilda Alves (2003, 2001, 2012, 1998, 2004), que buscam uma maior compreens?o dos processos cotidianos de aprendizagem produzidos pelos diferentes modos de inser??o dos sujeitos nos diversos espa?otempos de intera??o social, objetivando estender o entendimento sobre as maneiras e crit?rios de compreens?o do mundo enredado por meio dessas inser??es. Partindo da sensa??o daquilo que est? sendo observado, atrav?s das anota??es nos ?di?rios de campo? e dos registros das conversas com os alunos, a narrativa textual carece ser insuflada por uma visualidade que a enrique?a; da? o trabalho tendo por base as imagens desse cotidiano, com o recorte do espa?otempo do recreio escolar, analisado sob o vi?s da fotoetnografia. Chega-se a conclus?o de que o recreio escolar ? um territ?rio de singularidades e de (re)significa??es, onde percebe-se a forma??o das identidades juvenis a partir das pr?ticas culturais que ali se constroem, como o movimento de ocupa??o Ocupen.

Individual strategic thinking as a facilitator of absorptive capacity: an examination on new product development projects

Zavala Vinces, Jorge Juan 29 October 2007 (has links)
Aquesta tesi intenta descobrir els elements del pensament estratègic individual que proposen Bonn (2001, 2005) i Liedtka (1998), però que no s'havien demostrat empíricament, i la relació entre aquests elements en el seu rol com a facilitadors de la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional -reconceptualitzada per Zahra i George (2002)- en el context d'un projecte de desenvolupament de productes.A aquest efecte, la tesi ha seguit un enfocament qualitatiu, amb el marc metodològic de l'estudi del cas. La tesi comprèn quatre estudis del cas de desenvolupament de productes, en quatre filials llatinoamericanes d'una empresa farmacèutica multinacional. Seguint l'enfocament metodològic de Yin (2003a, 2003b) per als estudis del cas, i el mètode de comparació constant de la teoria fonamentada (grounded theory) de Glaser i Strauss (1967) i d'Strauss i Corbin (1998) per a l'anàlisi de dades, aquesta tesi aprofundeix els elements del pensament estratègic individual i la seva relació amb la capacitat d'absorció potencial (adquisició i assimilació de coneixements) i amb la capacitat d'absorció realitzada (transformació i aplicació de coneixement) de Zahra i George (2002).Aquesta tesi ha trobat que els principals elements relacionats amb el pensament estratègic individual són: creativitat individual, perspectiva holística i visió. Aquest descobriment concorda amb el model de Bonn (2005) sobre la matèria. També s'ha descobert que hi ha una relació facilitadora d'aquests elements (entre d'altres) sobre la capacitat d'absorció realitzada que proposen Zahra i George (2002) i, al seu moment, sobre l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes.Des del punt de vista teòric, els resultats d'aquesta dissertació contribueixen també amb un model de fluxos de coneixement que interrelaciona els elements del pensament estratègic individual, junt amb altres elements que s'han descobert en la recerca, amb la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional de l'equip, que faciliten l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes. Des del punt de vista pràctic, aquesta tesi ofereix als gerents la possibilitat de fer atenció al desenvolupament sistematitzat dels elements del pensament estratègic individual, com també als membres dels equips que tenen al seu càrrec projectes de desenvolupament de productes, per tal d'obtenir-hi més èxit. / Esta disertación, intentó descubrir los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, propuestos por Bonn (2001, 2005) y Liedtka (1998), pero no probados empíricamente; y la relación entre esos elementos en su rol como facilitadores de la capacidad de absorción organizacional - reconceptualizada por Zahra and George (2002) - en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo de productos.Para ese propósito la disertación usó un enfoque cualitativo con un marco metodológico del caso estudio. La disertación comprende cuatro casos estudio de desarrollo de productos, en cuatro subsidiarias latinoamericanas de una empresa farmacéutica multinacional. Usando el enfoque metodológico de Yin (2003a, 2003b) para los casos estudio; y el método de comparación constante del grounded theory de Glaser and Strauss's (1967) y Strauss and Corbin (1998) para el análisis de la data; esta disertación profundiza en los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual y en su relación con la capacidad de absorción potencial (adquisición y asimilación de conocimiento) y con la capacidad de absorción realizada (transformación y aplicación de conocimiento) de Zahra and George's (2002).Esta disertación encontró que los principales elementos asociados al pensamiento estratégico individual son: creatividad individual, perspectiva holística, y visión. Este descubrimiento concuerda con el modelo de Bonn (2005) sobre el tema. También se descubrió que existe una relación facilitadora de esos elementos (entre otros) sobre la capacidad de absorción realizada propuesto por Zahra y George (2002) y en su momento, sobre el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos.Desde el punto de vista teórico, los resultados de esta disertación contribuyen también con un modelo de flujos de conocimiento que interrelaciona los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, junto con otros elementos descubiertos en la investigación, con la capacidad de absorción organizacional del equipo, que facilitan el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos. Desde un punto de vista práctico, esta disertación ofrece la posibilidad para los gerentes de prestar atención al desarrollo sistematizado de los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, en los miembros de los equipos a cargo de proyectos de desarrollo de productos, para lograr aumentar el éxito de dichos proyectos. / This dissertation attempted to uncover the individual strategic thinking elements proposed, but not empirically tested, by Bonn (2001, 2005) and Liedtka (1998); and the relationships between those elements and its role as facilitator of the team's absorptive capacity - as reconceptualized by Zahra and George (2002) - that a team develops within the context of NPD project.For that purpose this dissertation used a qualitative approach within the case-study methodology framework. The study comprises four case studies amidst New Product Development (NPD) projects in four Latin American subsidiaries of an American Multi-National Company (MNC) within the pharmaceutical industry. Using Yin's (2003a, 2003b) methodological approach to case studies as framework, and Glaser and Strauss's (1967) and Strauss and Corbin (1998) constant comparative method from the grounded theory as the data analysis tool, this dissertation deepened in the elements of individual strategic thinking and their relationship with Zahra and George's (2002) Potential Absorptive Capacity (knowledge acquisition and knowledge assimilation) and Realized Absorptive Capacity (knowledge transformation and knowledge application).This dissertation found that the main elements related to individual strategic thinking were: individual creativity, holistic perspective, and vision. This finding supports Bonn's (2005) model on the topic. Those elements were found to have a role as facilitators (among other elements) of Realized Absorptive Capacity proposed by Zahra and George (2002) and in turn, as an enabler of NPD project's success improvement.From a theoretical point of view, this dissertation also contributed with a framework of knowledge flows as present in a NPD project that interrelate individual strategic thinking elements, and other elements uncovered by the study, with the team's absorptive capacity facilitating the NPD success. From a practical stand point, this dissertation provided the possibility for managers to pay attention on a systematic development of the individual strategic thinking skill through its elements, among the members of a team in charge of a NPD project, in particular within the pharmaceutical industry.

The maintenance of a caring concern by the care-giver

Van der Wal, Dirk Mostert 11 1900 (has links)
The question the researcher set out to answer during this research is: How is a caring concern maintained by the (student nurse) as caregiver? It stemmed from unresolved plausible hypotheses stated during a previous qualitative study into the phenomenon caring, from media reports on the "poor care" rendered in health institutions in South Africa, and a concern about the Tylerian rationale in nursing education. The theory generation required was achieved through Wertz's Empirical Psychological Reflection and existential phenomenology. Heidegger's theory of"Care as the essence of being" constituted a central concept in this research. A linguistic epistemology and expanded definition of the term empirical were also pertinent in this research. The literature review focussed on the methodology, ontology (caring and maintenance) and epistemology, serving a purpose towards bracketing. A purposive sample of informants was extracted according to students' performance on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI). Sixteen qualitative research interviews were conducted. Analysis was conducted through open coding, categorisation and axial coding. At the idiographic level, twelve individual psychological profiles were constructed serving the purpose of imaginative variation. At the nomothetic level four major themes emerged, namely: The Caring Phenomenon (Contextualisation); Factors Eroding a Caring Concern; Factors in the Maintenance of a Caring Concern; and Core Experiences. The dialogue among the four intra-psychic processes of Care, will, meaning attribution and conscience accounts for all events encountered in the data. This dialogue results in either reason or intuition, displaying caring and the maintenance of a caring concern. Positing will and conscience as thesis and antithesis, the resulting synthesis postulates the basic ethical concepts of autonomy, authority, responsibility and accountability as existentially inherent to being and existence, and to the maintenance of a caring concern. The final manifestation of the object ofintention, maintenance, is proposed as an anthropological model. When extended to the fields of (nursing) education, human motivation and the teaching of (nursing) ethics, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the self-science curriculum and life-skills training become imperative to (nursing) curricula. It is also proposed that human caring be studied as a manifestation of human motivation. / Health Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

Le corps et l'âme au cœur des rencontres avec le diable dans les exempla (XIIe-XIVe siècle)

Fournier, Katherine 16 February 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 12 février 2024) / Le corps est un thème fondamental de l'anthropologie médiévale et occupe une place privilégiée dans les réflexions théologiques du Moyen Âge. Le corps est mis sous la loupe, scruté dans ses formes, ses expressions et ses gestes. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'analyser les mises en scène du corps dans les *exempla* médiévaux, autant en ce qui concerne le corps humain que le corps diabolique, ainsi que leurs interactions. Ainsi, l'analyse sérielle d'un corpus de 134 *exempla* provenant de trois recueils d'auteurs différents (Pierre le Vénérable, Étienne de Bourbon, *Ci nous dit*), combinée à l'approche anthropologique du sujet, permet de mettre en lumière la place centrale du corps dans les récits exemplaires entre le XIIe et XIVe siècle.

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