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Making An Unknown Choral-Orchestral Work Accessible: Performing Choruses From Brahms' Cantata RinaldoRivera, Jr., Guadalupe January 2010 (has links)
Of Brahms' choral output, a few works seem to be studied, performed, recorded more or, in general, more popular than others. Brahms' cantata Rinaldo, composed between 1863 and 1868, is a relatively unknown and neglected work worthy of study and performance.For the cantata Rinaldo, Brahms chose a poem by Goethe that is derived from Torquato Tasso's epic poem Gerusalemme Liberata (Jerusalem Delivered), which recounts the mystical tale of the Crusader Knight Rinaldo (a solo tenor) who is persuaded by his crew (the men's chorus) to leave the enchantress Armida and return to war. In this study, I will demonstrate that Brahms' cantata Rinaldo, a work unfamiliar to many American choral conductors, includes two well-crafted choruses that can be extracted from the cantata as independent movements, and used as repertory for men's choirs. In order to accomplish this, I will focus on the origination and comparison of Torquato Tasso's tale and Goethe's own adaptation of the story. I will also examine Brahms' early life, his acquirement of Goethe's text, and provide an in-depth look at two of the choruses from the cantata: "Zuruck nur!" and "Auf dem Meere."Since these movements have not been published as independent choral octavos, an important and primary component of my project will be to create a new edition of these movements. The source material I used to create the editions is Brahms' original manuscript scores of Rinaldo. Additionally, a complete translation of Rinaldo, an IPA pronunciation guide for the edition, and a complete transcription of an interview with Maestro Helmuth Rilling concerning Rinaldo are included in the appendices of this document.
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Studies on the works of Abu Shama 599-665 A.H. (1203-1267)Ahmad, M. H. M. January 1951 (has links)
No description available.
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Representations of Islam and Muslims on a public broadcast television programme in South Africa: A Case Study of An Nur the LightDramat, Sakeenah January 2021 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / For decades literature on Islam and Muslims utilised nomenclature which drew from commentary within news and mass media that perpetuated bias representations of Islam and Muslims as dangerous, violent, threats to democratic freedom, oppressors of women, oppressed women, terrorists, fundamentalists and a range of other stereotypes in society. Although Muslims have been an inherent part of South African society for nearly five hundred years, and are protected under ambit of religious freedom granted by the constitution, there is a on-going record micro-aggression and covert discrimination against Muslims from sections of society.
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Uma luz na escuridão: ficção, memórias e (auto)biografia na escrita de Salim Miguel / A light in the darkness: fiction, memories and (auto)biography in Salim Miguel s workSilva, Ana Cláudia de Oliveira da 04 March 2011 (has links)
Nur na escuridão (1999) tells the story of a Lebanese family that decides to leave
their homeland and emigrate to the Americas, in order to find better living conditions.
The crossing from this family between distinct worlds, as the East and West are, is
constituted as indelible mark in the way of being and feeling from the characters and
the narrator himself. In this scenario, crossing between worlds, cultures and
traditions, it is inscribed the Salim Miguel s narrative, and their own life experience as
an Arab immigrant. From these initial considerations, this dissertation sought to verify
the role of narrator and his relationship with the memoirist discourse, as well as to
examine, in the work, the interrelation of different literary genres such as
(auto)biography, memories, biography and fiction itself. / Nur na escuridão (1999) conta a história de uma família de libaneses que decide
abandonar sua terra natal e emigrar rumo às Américas, buscando melhores
condições de vida. A travessia dessa família entre mundos tão distintos, como são o
Oriente e Ocidente, constitui-se como marca indelével no modo de ser e sentir das
personagens e do próprio narrador. Nesse cenário, de travessia entre mundos,
culturas e tradições, é que se inscreve a narrativa de Salim Miguel, bem como a sua
própria experiência de vida enquanto imigrante árabe. A partir dessas considerações
iniciais, esta dissertação busca verificar a função do narrador e sua relação com o
discurso memorialista, bem como analisar, na obra, a inter-relação de diferentes
gêneros literários, como a autobiografia, as memórias, a biografia e a própria ficção.
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Identity And The Nur Movement In Turkey: " / trying To See The Gray"Wuthrich, Aimee M 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the identity of the Nur movement in Turkey from the emic perspective on two levels, the group and the individual. Research was conducted through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with ten university students who identify themselves as Nur students. With regard to group identity, first, the emergence and function of the movement is considered in light of Norbert Elias' / s " / Changes in the We-I Balance," / concluding that the movement constitutes an important " / survival unit" / for the students, for some even taking the place of the nation-state. Second, an attempt is made to define the boundaries that exist vis-a-vis non-adherents, other Islamic groups, and between the sub-groups within the movement itself per Fredrik Barth and Thomas Hylland Eriksen' / s theories. Several important boundary markers are identified including such things as language, dress, value orientations, differing approaches to religion (rational versus imitative or emotional), social involvement, political involvement and attitudes toward the Risale-i Nur. Finally, the impact of the movement on one' / s individual identity is considered, utilizing Richard Jenkins' / s model of the internal-external dialectic. Regarding the external, it was determined that the " / outside other" / creates the need for identity negotiation and restricted interaction, while the " / inside other" / prescribes some important values, including education and nationalism. The internal half of the identity dialectic, it was concluded, is significantly shaped by one' / s interaction with the Risale-i Nur.
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Problematika překladu triviální literatury na příkladu překladů J.M.Simmela do češtiny / Translations of Trivial Literature from German into Czech. For Example the Novels by J.M.SimmelNekulová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with with issues occuring in translating trivial literature (formula fiction). Three novels by the Austrian novelist Johannes Mario Simmel are used as empirical material. The first part of the paper focuses on the term trivial literature as well as the person of J. M. Simmel and his work. In the second part, three novels by this author are the subject of translation analysis. The analysis uses criteria of quality assessment defined by the German translation scholar Katharina Reiß in her thesis Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik (published in 1971). The analysis shows various aspects contributing to the result of this translation process. They are partly objective, given by context of time period in which they were created, and partly subjective, given by the person of the translator. Keywords Johannes Mario Simmel, translation criticism, trivial literature, Katharina Reiß, 3 novels (Liebe ist nur ein Wort, Ich gestehe alles, Gott schützt die Liebenden)
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A estetica literaria no ato tradutoriao a luz da teoria de Levy :uma analise da traducao do conto A Memoia de Grande Nur ;Xu Fangzhou. / Literary aesthetics in the translation act in the light of Levy's theory :Xu, Fang Zhou January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Portuguese
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Där vi trivs kan vi växa : upplevelser av att ge och få naturbaserad terapiNobell, Margareta January 2016 (has links)
Naturbaserad terapi utprövas i Sverige för utmattningssyndrom och annan stressrelaterad ohälsa. Ett omfattande forskningsunderlag visar på naturens läkande effekter vad gäller stressreduktion och återhämtning. Det behövs dock mer forskning för att klargöra behandlingens effekter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka patienters och behandlares upplevelser av naturbaserad terapi i formen grön rehabilitering och trädgårdsterapi, för att få förståelse för vilka faktorer som upplevs vara verksamma i behandlingen, hur förändring upplevs ske och vad den innebär. Totalt har 12 kvinnor, sex behandlare och sex patienter, intervjuats. Materialet har analyserats induktivt tematiskt. Resultatet visra på trivsel, motivation och upplevt växande hos alla respondenter. Patienterna betonar miljö och bemötande; aktivitet, värme och upplevd kravlöshet. Naturvistelser samt gruppformatet med kreativa och fysiska övningar ger utmaningar, mer medveten närvaro i kroppen, samt symbolik som underlättar kommunikation. Sammantaget visar resultaten på förbättringar för flera patienter vad gäller både kroppsmedvetande och kommunikationsfärdigheter. De har också fått strategier som ger dem bättre möjligheter att hantera ångestrelaterade situationer i vardagen. För personalens del är arbetsmotivation utifrån förbättrad arbetssituation den mest framträdande faktorn.
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Arbetsterapins betydelse i naturunderstödd rehabilitering : En beskrivande studie av verksamheter inom naturunderstödd rehabilitering för personer med stressrelaterade besvär. / The meaning of occupational therapy in nature-based rehabilitation : A descriptive study of activities in nature-based rehabilitation for people with stress-related problems.Örnberg, Ulrika, Löfqvist, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan ökar och är ett växande folkhälsoproblem med negativa konsekvenser för individ och samhälle. Den utgör den vanligaste orsaken till sjukskrivning. Naturunderstödd rehabilitering med kreativa trädgårdsaktiviteter har visat sig vara betydelsefull för personer med psykisk ohälsa och minskar sjukskrivningar. Arbetsterapeuters aktivitetsfokus ur ett holistiskt och dynamiskt perspektiv kan ge klienterna känsla av välbefinnande. Syfte: Belysa arbetsterapins betydelse i naturunderstödd rehabilitering för personer med stressrelaterade besvär. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design. Nio deltagare rekryterades genom ett typiskt urval. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer, utifrån en intervjuguide innehållande 15 frågor. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket resulterade i tre domäner och sju kategorier. Resultat: Samtliga informanter nämnde värdet av meningsfulla aktiviteter. Det framkom dock att arbetsterapeuterna beskrev ytterligare en dimension av begreppet aktivitet utifrån dess betydelse. Verksamheter med arbetsterapeut tenderar ha fler antal timmar rehabilitering än de utan och deras arbete utgår från att behandla deltagarna. De verksamheter utan arbetsterapeut använde inga behandlande moment i rehabiliteringen. Slutsatser: Arbetsterapeutens perspektiv på aktivitet kunde urskiljas men övriga informanter hade också en god föreställning om aktivitetens betydelse i rehabiliteringen. Arbetsterapeutens kompetenser har ett kompletterande perspektiv i relation till andra professionerna, som är betydande för rehabiliteringen i NUR verksamheter. / Background: The mental health issue are increasing and is a growing problem for the society, which is followed by negative consequences for both the individual and the society. Mental health problems are the most common reason for sick leave. Nature-based rehabilitation with creative gardening has shown to be meaningful for people with mental health problems and is followed by a decreased sick leaving. Occupational therapist’s activity focus from a holistic and dynamic point of view that can give the client a feeling of well-being. Purpose: Enlighten the meaning of occupational therapy in nature-based rehabilitation for people with stress-related issues. Method: The study has a qualitative design. Nine participants were recruited by a typical selection. The data collection was made by semistructured interviews, which was made by a specific guide containing 15 questions. The data was analyzed with help from a qualitative content analysis which resulted in three domains and seven categories. Result: All the participants mentioned the meaning of meaningful activities. It appeared that the occupational therapists had an additional point of view and dimension of the concept activity and its meaning. Operations with occupational therapists tend to have more hours of rehabilitation than the operations without. Their work involves treating the participants. The operations without occupational therapist did not use any treating compliments in their rehabilitations.. Conclusion: The occupational therapist’s perspective on activity could be distinguished, but the other informants also had a good idea about the activities meaning in their rehabilitations. The occupational therapist’s qualifications have a complement perspective in a relation to other professionals, who has meaningful qualities for the rehabilitation in the NUR operations.
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Wang Zengqi a jeho povídkové dílo / Wang Zengqi and his short storiesNováková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Wang Zengqi, an important representative of modern Chinese literature, is best known as an author of pastoral, nostalgic fiction, written in the early 1980s, and as Shen Congwen's student. His short stories ‚Ordination' (Shoujie 受戒) (1980) and "A Tale of Big Nur" (Danao jishi 大淖记事) (1981) are considered masterpieces, and stand as major steps in rebirth of New Era Chinese literature. The present paper introduces thematic and motivic analysis of Wang Zengqi's key short stories. Attention is also payed to the literary qualities and genre characteristics of his representative short stories and the development of author's literary style. Finally, the present paper discusses to what extent Wang Zengqi's work is influenced by his teacher, Shen Congwen. Keywords Wang Zengqi, Ordination (Shoujie 受戒), A Tale of Big Nur (Danao jishi 大淖记事), Shen Congwen, pastoral fiction
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