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"Den svenske mannen är en smula skeppsbruten" : Diskurser kring "den nya mannen" och maskulinitet i receptionen av Vi som aldrig sa horaBerglund, Karl January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att granska hur begrepp betecknande män och maskulinitet, och framförallt begreppet den nya mannen, användes och förstods i receptionen av Ronnie Sandahls debutroman Vi som aldrig sa hora. Utifrån en diskurs- och queerteoretisk ram identifieras olika diskurser som ställs mot varandra, och de diskursiva konsekvenserna av vad begreppet sägs beteckna problematiseras. De två övergripande diskurserna som blottläggs är en jämställdhetsdiskurs, som ser den nya mannen som progressiv, samt en feministiskt förankrad diskurs, som ifrågasätter begreppet och sätter det i relation till ett patriarkat. En närliggande diskurs är föreställningen att unga män idag sägs brottas med motstridiga förväntningar och krav på maskulinitet, vilket är en förståelse som i huvudsak delas av samtliga diskursordningar - här råder diskursiv konsensus. Uppsatsen visar också att ingen av recensenterna problematiserar begreppet man, eller förhållandet mellan män och maskulinitet. Detta förstås som att den förändring avseende maskulinitet och genusnormer som recensenterna vill påskina endast är skenbar.</p>
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I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-taletJakobsson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.</p><p>I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist. In Margareta Sarris Ta dej en slav och Mor ror åran är trasig, the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator is more equal, due to its dialogic form that enables the protagonist Lisa to talk back to the narrator. The consciousness-raising narrative follows a heteronormative development that is characteristic of all novels examined.</p><p>The analysis demonstrates that the narrative situation is important to the plot. Lisa is able to change the course of her life according to the novel’s feminist analysis, which Fia to a lesser degree, is not. The analysis also demonstrates that the narrative position is constructed according to gender as well as to class.</p>
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Behovsanpassad bevakning / Customer-oriented security servicesBernin, Carl, Christenson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>The market for security is one filled with great opportunities. The security services companies are numerous and diverse, the Swedish market is dominated by two large companies: Securitas Bevakning AB and Falck Security AB. In this study we have focused on the bigger of the two, Securitas. </p><p>This report describes and analysis the security service branch and its surroundings in an involved manner. The target group of the result is mainly people within the security branch. However, by making a wide theoretical description the person unacquainted with the business will be able to understand the concept of this interesting trade. Further, those who are familiar with this field will be enabled to broaden their minds. The aim with this project is to create a foundation upon which Securitas can further continue their work. We have not presented any direct solutions, instead we have displayed concrete problems and presented guidelines for further exploration. </p><p>The purpose of the investigation is to discover how modern technology can improve today’s guard services. Moreover, the aim is to show how a change of attitude needs to be present while developing future security services. This change can also be applied to other security services than the time-sharing guarding. </p><p>The methodology used to meet our goals was a qualitative investigation based on interviews and literary studies. In order to form a robust overview of the study area the objects were carefully selected according to set preferences. These were, among others, which function the object has in society, how long they have been customers with Securitas and what kind of business they run. </p><p>In the discussion and analysis four important areas is to be taken into consideration: The change of the market, the adaptation of the service to the needs of the customer, the adaptation of technology, and the assertion to the customer of the profound effects following these amendments. These four areas represent the foundation for the presented model. </p><p>A solid cooperation between the customer and the supplier of the security service is vital. In contemporary society the customers have become more specialised and thereby the delivering company must aim to meet the increasing demands expected of this specialised service. Therefore the demand on the competence of the guard is getting higher. Another conclusion is also that one should introduce a quality measurement system that together with a statistical basis makes reporting and the analysing of the effects of the guarding easier to the customer. </p><p>Technology is the most important corner stone in an effective alarm system. The time for an emergency call response must be reduced. Further qualities that the customer demands are that the security companies possess good knowledge of the object and its surroundings. The effectiveness in the guarding rounds and the learning time for a new object can be reduced by multimedia teaching aids. </p><p>The customer satisfaction is not likely to be long term if they cannot see the results and high quality that they ask for. This is why it will be very important to measure, calculate and point out what both the guard and the security company can contribute with to please the customer. To enhance the dialogue the guard will be presenting solutions rather than static reports, and an acting counsellor strengthen the feeling of professionalism. Any change from the customers that affects the actual risk picture has to be identified promptly by the security service company.</p>
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Reading Recovery - A Second Chance to Learn : An Early Intervention Program to Reduce Reading and Writing Difficulties in New ZealandKälleskog, Eleonor January 2005 (has links)
<p>Reading Recovery är ett vida spritt, individcentrerat men reproducerbart program för de svagaste eleverna efter sitt första skolår. Reading Recovery har sitt ursprung på Nya Zeeland, där professor Marie Clay med kollegor med början under 1970-talet bedrev omfattande läsforskning.</p><p>Den enskilda undervisningen sker enligt en strukturerad lektionsram under 30 minuter dagligen. Programmet bygger på genomgripande utbildning och kontinuerlig fortbildning av redan framgångsrika grundskollärare för att rusta dem för att fatta individuella, pedagogiska beslut med syfte att accelerera läs- och skrivinlärningen hos de utsedda barnen. Eleverna stimuleras att lära sig läsa och skriva genom att främst läsa korta, intresseväckande böcker samt engageras i anslutande skrivande. Betoning ligger på att eleverna ska bli självständiga och utveckla metakognitiva strategier. Elever väljs ut till Reading Recovery genom klasslärarens rekommendation samt utifrån elevens resultat på en omfattande serie tester inom den s.k. Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement; en observation av den tidiga läs- och skrivförmågan. Vanligtvis erbjuds Reading Recovery-undervisning till de 20 procent på respektive skola, vilka uppnått lägst resultat på ovanstående tester. Det grundläggande syftet med programmet är att reducera antalet elever med grava svårigheter att utveckla läs- och skrivförmåga samt att minimera kostnaden för deras utbildning.</p><p>En majoritet av eleverna i Reading Recovery når avsedda mål och i internationella jämförelser ligger Nya Zeeland vanligen bland de högst rankade länderna i läsning. Samtliga av mina respondenter vittnade om de stora fördelarna med Reading Recovery. Enligt mina observationer stämmer pedagogernas faktiska utförande väl överens med programmets ursprungliga teoribas.</p> / <p>Reading Recovery is a widely disseminated, replicable, early intervention program for the lowest performing first-grade students. Originally, Marie Clay and colleagues constructed Reading Recovery in New Zealand on the base of broad research from the 1970’s and onwards. It utilizes a uniform lesson framework and extensive professional development to help already successful teachers make individual, instructional decisions designed to accelerate the literacy learning of the selected children within one-to-one, 30-minute daily lessons. The children are stimulated to learn to read and write by reading and writing. Short stories are used and writing activities are connected to reading. Emphasis is on teachers guiding children to be independent and learn metacognitive strategies.</p><p>Reading Recovery students are identified for services based on teachers’ recommendations and the students’ performances on the Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, with a number of wide-ranging assessments. Usually, students who score at or below the 20th percentile on the survey at a particular school are provided the intervention.</p><p>The fundamental purpose of the program is to reduce the number of students who have severe difficulty developing literacy skills and to reduce the cost of educating them. A majority of the Reading Recovery students do reach the intended goals and in international comparative studies New Zealand usually is among the top ranking countries in reading.</p><p>All my interviewees testified of the great advantages of Reading Recovery and, according to my conclusions, actual practice is well correlated with theory.</p>
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När alien blev gud? : en undersökning om andlighet och tron på utomjordiskt livNilssоn, Louіse January 1998 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om människor som tror på existensen av utomjordiskt liv och påstår att det har skett möten och kontakter mellan människor och livsformer från andra planeter. Mitt syfte har varit att undersöka närmare vad tron på utomjordiskt liv kan innebära och om det finns religiösa inslag i detta och om detta gestaltar sig som en religion eller livsåskådning. Jag har studerat materialet utifrån ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv och sökt efter att åskådliggöra om den sortens övertygelse bildar grunden för en livsåskådning eller religion och vad det kan innebära. Vad har dessa människor, vars idéer och tro jag studerat i denna uppsats, för åsikter?</p><p>I min uppsats har jag arbetat utifrån Ulf Sjödins tolkning av Jeffners definition av begreppet livsåskådning och Helmer Ringgrens religionsdefinition. Den frågeställning jag utgått ifrån är om tron på utomjordiska existenser är en livsåskådning eller religion och i sådana fall på vilket sätt och i vilken utsträckning den yttrar sig. Det är vad min uppsats kommer att försöka belysa och besvara utifrån den möjlighet och tid jag haft tillgodo för arbetet.</p>
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Nya kvinnor och ny samhällskritik : en feministisk läsning av Anne Charlotte Lefflers Tre komedierHjalmarson, Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>My essay is about the latter period of Anne Charlotte Leffler’s authorship. In Part I of my essay, I describe her path from the 1880s, where she described femininity as a shortcoming, as writes Ingeborg Nordin-Hennel, towards the 1890s and towards describing femininity as a possibility. This development took place on two levels – on an outer level, where all the woman writers in the late 1880s were influenced and where they were pushed out by the male writers, and on an inner level with Leffler herself.</p><p>Her late literary works depict new and more independent types of women, and eroticism is given a more prominent position. In Part II, I study Tre komedier (Three Comedies) which was published in 1891 and which includes the plays Den kärleken (Love is Strange), Familjelycka (Family Happiness), and Moster Malvina (Aunt Malvina). In my opinion, they are early expressions of the New Woman fiction. For my analysis, I use the criteria of genre for the New Woman fiction that is defined by Ebba Witt-Brattström. New Woman fiction is a lost link between the literature of social protest of the 1880s and female modernism. That characterizes, among other things, a new type of woman, who is intellectually and sexually aware. The plot is often contradictory and open-ended which allows scope for interpretation. The protagonist usually has a girlfriend or another woman, whom she can use as a mirror, and there is a new women’s “sistership” emerging, and the urban setting is yet another characteristic. The protagonist often stays at a boarding house or is out on a journey. The new male character is a weakling as opposed to the bourgeois masculinity. These features are distinct in Tre komedier. However, I have discovered a few more criteria.</p><p>I also discuss how Leffler, in the comedic form, delivers a pronounced criticism of society. In Tre komedier, the bourgeois matrimony, the bourgeois family, and the treatment of unmarried women are focused upon and criticized. The three plays differ very much from one another in the dramatic forms. Lynn R Wilkinson considers that they are among the first modernistic comedies, and they point forward to authors such as Wilde, Shaw, and Chekhov.</p>
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Varför, varför inte? : En studie om två skolors syn på läs- och skrivprogrammet Reading Recovery / Why, why not? : A study concerning two school´s opinions about the Reading Recovery ProgrammeMellberg, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka, beskriva och problematisera Reading Recovery samt att ta reda på varför två nyzeeländska skolor har valt att behålla respektive sluta med programmet. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvalitativ observation, vilka skedde på två skolor där den ena slutade med Reading Recovery för några år sedan och där den andra skolan fortfarande använder programmet. Undersökningen syftar inte till att jämföra de båda skolornas språkundervisning, utan till att ge en bild av hur det kan fungera på en nyzeeländsk skola. Intervjuerna ägde rum på Nya Zeeland och de intervjuade hade olika anknytning till Reading Recovery. I uppsatsens bakgrundsdel beskrivs den tidigare forskningen om uppsatsens tre grundteman, det nyzeeländska skolsystemet, språkpedagogik samt stödundervisning. I resultatet sammanfattas de intervjuades svar kring de tre huvudteman samt dess underteman. De intervjuade som arbetar på skolan som har Reading Recovery berättar här hur klassrumsundervisningen ser ut hos dem och Reading Recovery-läraren ger sin bild av yrket. Två av de som intervjuas arbetar som SENCO, vilket betyder att de koordinerar och ansvarar för de två skolornas specialpedagogiska insatser. De två personerna berättar om sina och deras skolors syn på programmet. Genom undersökningen framkommer att kostnaden för den 1:1-undervisning som sker i Reading Recovery är ett starkt själ för skolor att inte använda programmet.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to explore, describe and problematize the Reading Recovery Programme and to find out why two New Zealand schools have chosen to keep or discontinue the program. The study is based upon four qualitative interviews as well as a qualitative observation, which took place in two schools. One of the schools stopped using Reading Recovery a couple of years ago, on the other school the program is still in progress. The aim of the study isn’t to compare the both school’s literacy programs, but to picture how these programs may work. The interviews took place on New Zeeland and the respondents were, or had been, in one way or another involved in the Reading recovery program. Earlier studies are presented in the theory chapter of this essay and contains; the New Zeeland school system, literacy education and special needs education. These three subjects is forming the main themes for this essay. The respondent’s answers regarding these themes and sub themes are summarized in the results part. The respondents at the school with a currently active Reading Recovery program tells us about how the classroom education works, and the Reading Recovery teacher gives us her point of view about the profession. Two of the respondents work’s as Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCO), which means, they coordinate and are responsible of the two schools special needs education efforts. These SENCO´s gives us theirs and their schools views on the program. Thru the study it is imminent that the cost of the 1:1 education used in the Reading Recovery program is a strong reason for schools not using the program.</p>
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Nya kvinnor och ny samhällskritik : en feministisk läsning av Anne Charlotte Lefflers Tre komedierHjalmarson, Karin January 2007 (has links)
My essay is about the latter period of Anne Charlotte Leffler’s authorship. In Part I of my essay, I describe her path from the 1880s, where she described femininity as a shortcoming, as writes Ingeborg Nordin-Hennel, towards the 1890s and towards describing femininity as a possibility. This development took place on two levels – on an outer level, where all the woman writers in the late 1880s were influenced and where they were pushed out by the male writers, and on an inner level with Leffler herself. Her late literary works depict new and more independent types of women, and eroticism is given a more prominent position. In Part II, I study Tre komedier (Three Comedies) which was published in 1891 and which includes the plays Den kärleken (Love is Strange), Familjelycka (Family Happiness), and Moster Malvina (Aunt Malvina). In my opinion, they are early expressions of the New Woman fiction. For my analysis, I use the criteria of genre for the New Woman fiction that is defined by Ebba Witt-Brattström. New Woman fiction is a lost link between the literature of social protest of the 1880s and female modernism. That characterizes, among other things, a new type of woman, who is intellectually and sexually aware. The plot is often contradictory and open-ended which allows scope for interpretation. The protagonist usually has a girlfriend or another woman, whom she can use as a mirror, and there is a new women’s “sistership” emerging, and the urban setting is yet another characteristic. The protagonist often stays at a boarding house or is out on a journey. The new male character is a weakling as opposed to the bourgeois masculinity. These features are distinct in Tre komedier. However, I have discovered a few more criteria. I also discuss how Leffler, in the comedic form, delivers a pronounced criticism of society. In Tre komedier, the bourgeois matrimony, the bourgeois family, and the treatment of unmarried women are focused upon and criticized. The three plays differ very much from one another in the dramatic forms. Lynn R Wilkinson considers that they are among the first modernistic comedies, and they point forward to authors such as Wilde, Shaw, and Chekhov.
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I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-taletJakobsson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender. I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist. In Margareta Sarris Ta dej en slav och Mor ror åran är trasig, the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator is more equal, due to its dialogic form that enables the protagonist Lisa to talk back to the narrator. The consciousness-raising narrative follows a heteronormative development that is characteristic of all novels examined. The analysis demonstrates that the narrative situation is important to the plot. Lisa is able to change the course of her life according to the novel’s feminist analysis, which Fia to a lesser degree, is not. The analysis also demonstrates that the narrative position is constructed according to gender as well as to class.
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Reading Recovery - A Second Chance to Learn : An Early Intervention Program to Reduce Reading and Writing Difficulties in New ZealandKälleskog, Eleonor January 2005 (has links)
Reading Recovery är ett vida spritt, individcentrerat men reproducerbart program för de svagaste eleverna efter sitt första skolår. Reading Recovery har sitt ursprung på Nya Zeeland, där professor Marie Clay med kollegor med början under 1970-talet bedrev omfattande läsforskning. Den enskilda undervisningen sker enligt en strukturerad lektionsram under 30 minuter dagligen. Programmet bygger på genomgripande utbildning och kontinuerlig fortbildning av redan framgångsrika grundskollärare för att rusta dem för att fatta individuella, pedagogiska beslut med syfte att accelerera läs- och skrivinlärningen hos de utsedda barnen. Eleverna stimuleras att lära sig läsa och skriva genom att främst läsa korta, intresseväckande böcker samt engageras i anslutande skrivande. Betoning ligger på att eleverna ska bli självständiga och utveckla metakognitiva strategier. Elever väljs ut till Reading Recovery genom klasslärarens rekommendation samt utifrån elevens resultat på en omfattande serie tester inom den s.k. Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement; en observation av den tidiga läs- och skrivförmågan. Vanligtvis erbjuds Reading Recovery-undervisning till de 20 procent på respektive skola, vilka uppnått lägst resultat på ovanstående tester. Det grundläggande syftet med programmet är att reducera antalet elever med grava svårigheter att utveckla läs- och skrivförmåga samt att minimera kostnaden för deras utbildning. En majoritet av eleverna i Reading Recovery når avsedda mål och i internationella jämförelser ligger Nya Zeeland vanligen bland de högst rankade länderna i läsning. Samtliga av mina respondenter vittnade om de stora fördelarna med Reading Recovery. Enligt mina observationer stämmer pedagogernas faktiska utförande väl överens med programmets ursprungliga teoribas. / Reading Recovery is a widely disseminated, replicable, early intervention program for the lowest performing first-grade students. Originally, Marie Clay and colleagues constructed Reading Recovery in New Zealand on the base of broad research from the 1970’s and onwards. It utilizes a uniform lesson framework and extensive professional development to help already successful teachers make individual, instructional decisions designed to accelerate the literacy learning of the selected children within one-to-one, 30-minute daily lessons. The children are stimulated to learn to read and write by reading and writing. Short stories are used and writing activities are connected to reading. Emphasis is on teachers guiding children to be independent and learn metacognitive strategies. Reading Recovery students are identified for services based on teachers’ recommendations and the students’ performances on the Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, with a number of wide-ranging assessments. Usually, students who score at or below the 20th percentile on the survey at a particular school are provided the intervention. The fundamental purpose of the program is to reduce the number of students who have severe difficulty developing literacy skills and to reduce the cost of educating them. A majority of the Reading Recovery students do reach the intended goals and in international comparative studies New Zealand usually is among the top ranking countries in reading. All my interviewees testified of the great advantages of Reading Recovery and, according to my conclusions, actual practice is well correlated with theory.
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