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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eftergymnasial utbildning- Individens egna val?

Erlandsson, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Hösten 2010 infördes nya antagningsregler till högskolan, vilka påverkar den enskilda individens förutsättningar för att bli antagen till den önskade högskoleutbildningen. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka sex gymnasieelever, som går sitt tredje år på sitt gymnasieprogram, och försöka få kännedom om dessa personers känslor och upplevelser av de nya antagningsreglerna. Genom vår studie ämnar vi även att undersöka om habitus, individens påverkan av uppväxtförhållanden och av familjen, påverkar människors förutsättningar för vidareutbildning. Vi ämnar även undersöka om handlingshorisonten, individens valmöjligheter, krymper eller växer för dessa sex ungdomar vilka går yrkesförberedande gymnasieprogram. Detta för att på så sätt kunna förstå hur individen resonerar om sina valmöjligheter kring studier och yrken. Vår förhoppning är att detta resulterar i en ökad förståelse för våra framtida klienter i vår yrkesroll som studie- och yrkesvägledare. Genom vår studie fann vi att flertalet av de sex individerna är benägna att ansöka till vidareutbildning efter gymnasietiden. Vidare fann vi i vår studie att samtliga individer kommer ifrån familjer vars utbildningstradition sträcker sig upp till gymnasiekompetens.I vår studie ifrågasätter vi om de nya antagningsreglerna skapar mer balans, jämvikt mellan olika sorters habitus, i urvalet till högskoleutbildningarna eller om de ökar snedrekryteringen till dessa. I vår studie diskuterar vi även hur vi tror att urvalsgruppen till högskolan kommer att förändras över tid. Om det i framtiden kommer att bli individer som främst eller mestadels kommer ifrån familjer med akademisk utbildningstradition som kommer att bemanna majoriteten av antalet utbildningsplatser.

Dop eller omdop? : Svenska kyrkans diskussioner kring dopet i Herrens Nya Kyrka / Baptism or Rebaptism : The Discussions in the Church of Sweden Concerning the Baptism in the Lords New Church

Ulvegren, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
Baptism has long been seen as an uncomplicated and inclusive element in the Church of Sweden. The process studied in this thesis has, however, indicated a change on this point. Three people (one of which has been serving as a minister in the Church of Sweden for fourteen years), baptised as children in The Lords New Church, a church that follows Emanuel Swedenborg’s teachings, was baptised anew in the order of the Church of Sweden in November 2018, after the Church of Sweden had declared their original baptism to be invalid.A statement on the matter was released from the Church of Sweden in which several documents were referred to as supporting the arguments of the Church of Sweden. These documents, along with the statement from the Church of Sweden, are presented and discussed in this thesis.The discussion shows that the documents can be read in more than one way, and that the Church of Sweden seems to have used only parts of them in its reasoning on the matter.

Som en blixt från klar himmel : En litterär analys av Luk 10:17–24 / Like Lightning from Clear Blue Skies : A Literary Analysis of Luke 10:17–24

Helminen, Tove-Junia January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to examine the literary unit of Luke 10:17–24 in its literary context, and to learn what Luke might have intended to mediate about Satan’s, Jesus’ and the seventy(-two)’s power in relation to the kingdom of God. This has been done through a literary and redaction critical analysis. Special attention has been paid to Luke’s ordering of his material, his understanding of Satan in comparison with other jewish apocalyptic writings and his view on discipleship. This essay argues that Luke has constructed his literary unit from both own material and material found in “Q” to create a juxtaposition between Jesus and Satan, and to communicate that the fall of Satan and the arrival of the kingdom of God are two coincident events. Furthermore, this essay claims that there are intrinsic connections between the mission of the seventy(-two) and the mission of Jesus in Luke’s narrative.

Genom ordet har allt blivit till : Ekologiska läsningar av Johannes 1:1-18 / Through him all things were made : Ecological readings of John 1:1-18

Hedberg, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Ändrade regler om uppsägning på grund av personliga skäl - LAS. / Changed rules on dismissal for personal reasons - LAS.

Boström, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Att arbeta med ungdomar. Hur Stadsbiblioteket i Malmö arbetar med ungdomar via nya medier

Olvmyr, Annamia January 2014 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa hur organisationen Malmö Stadsbibliotek arbeta med ungdomar via nya medier och därigenom lyfta fram strategiska förslag inom området. Malmö Stadsbibliotekets arbete med ungdomar och nya medier studeras genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem anställda och en innehållsanalys med retoriskt perspektiv av webbplatsen Ungdomssidan. Strukturer rörande digital kommunikation med ungdomar synliggörs och problematiseras i förhållande till tidigare forskning, historiska och teoretiska ramverk. Det teoretiska ramverket tar ansats från kultursociologen Pierre Bourdieus teori om kulturella fält och tre centrala begrepp och teoretiska ramverk inom: kommunikation, makt och interaktivitet.Det framgår att Malmö Stadsbibliotek inte arbetar målgruppsanpassat via nya medier. Det finns inte någon digital verksamhet för ungdomar med en möjlighet till interaktion mellan ungdomar eller med personalen. De har webbplatsen Ungdomssidan där de presenterar temabaserade boktips från bibliotekarier i Malmö, men det finns ingen möjlig interaktion. Deras mål är att den digitala verksamheten ska vara likvärdig ett besök på ett lokalt bibliotek i Malmö. Det uppnås inte eftersom det inte finns utrymme och prioritering för dialog eller deltagande på deras webbkanaler. De är medvetna om att möjligheter och efterfrågan finns, men det finns inte resurser utsatta för den sortens arbete idag. De strategiska förslag som presenteras i studien baseras på att unga ska vara medproducenter till innehållet som är till för dem.

Skapelsen och kristologi : En analys av Kolosserbrevet 1:15-20

Erik, Bohm January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på kreditbedömningen av små och medelstora företag : En kvalitativ jämförande studie ur bankers perspektiv / The impact of digitalization on the credit assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises : A qualitative comparative study from the perspective of banks

Eriksson, Ci, Lindmajer, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Background: Small and medium-sized enterprises have a significant importance in society and previous research points out that it can be problematic for enterprises to obtain bank loans as a result of increased digitalization in the credit granting process. Previous theories have also explained that existing corporate clients hold a higher status with the bank, but no further research on the subject has been identified. Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to describe and identify how banks in the Swedish credit market carry out credit assessments of small and medium-sized enterprises as a result of increased digitalization in the lending process. The secondary purpose includes comparing whether the credit assessment is handled differently between existing and new corporate clients. The study intends to contribute with theory development through a model that explains the above aspects. Research question: How does digitalization affect the credit assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises, and are there similarities or differences in the credit assessment between existing and new corporate clients? Literature review and theory: The study's literature review and theory presents previous research and theories regarding credit assessment, how increased digitalization affects credit assessment and different sources of information. The chapter presents, among other things, the 5C model, the agent theory and two well-known lending methods which include relationship- and transaction-based lending. Methodology: The study is of a qualitative nature and has been conducted with an abductive approach. The empirical data is collected through ten interviews from five different banks and the analysis is based on a content analysis. The empirical data is structured on the respondents' answers and categories that have been identified through data processing of the respondents' answers. Conclusions: The conclusions of the study indicate that digitalization has an impact on the credit assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises, but that it is the smallest credits that have been most affected. There is a difference in the credit assessment of existing versus new corporate clients, which is mainly due to the fact that the relationship is significant.

”Nyfikenhet kommer man långt med” : En kvalitativ studie av hur bibliotekarier som är verksamma på folkbibliotek med makerspace resonerar kring kompetenser / ”Curiosity gets you far” : A qualitative study on how librarians at public libraries with makerspaces perceive competencies

Norberg, Mary-Anne January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to gain insights into which competencies librarians working at public libraries with makerspaces consider important to possess in order to perform their work, and how and from where they acquire these competencies. The study also examines whether the Swedish Library & Information science education has prepared the librarians in this study for this type of work. The method used is semi-structured interviews. The respondents are four librarians working at public libraries with makerspaces. The theoretical framework is Knud Illeris' expanded concept of competence. The findings show that the Library & Information science education prepares librarians with a basic approach needed to work in all types of libraries. Another finding is that competence development to cultivate the skills needed to specifically work in public libraries with makerspaces occurs more through networks and personal environmental monitoring. The study also concludes that specific skills and competencies needed for working in makerspaces are rather linked to qualities and attitudes related to the ability to acquire the competencies needed for the work such as curiosity, creativity, flexibility, social and pedagogical skills and ability to structure and organize one's work. The study also shows that organizational and collegial support are important for cultivating relevant competencies and developing the makerspace. The participants in the study request that the Library & Information science education should focus more on the learning situation, technology, and project management. Future research should focus more deeply on the challenges these librarians meet in this new type of libraries.

En sång om Satan : En teologisk och exegetisk studie över Satans roll och funktion i Den svenska psalmboken 1986 i relation till Nya testamentets satansgestalt / A song for Satan : A theological and exegetical study of Satan's role andfunction in The Swedish hymnal of 1986 in relation tothe New testament figure of Satan

Croner, Eweline January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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