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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kariuomenė kaip Lietuvos nacionalinio saugumo garantas: karininkų ugdymo aspektas / Military as Lithuanian national safeness guarantee: aspects of officers education

Katauskienė, Rima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Postmodernusis XXI amžius yra lydimas visuomenės transformacijų, apimančių naujas socialines, ekonomines, politines ir kt. konfliktines situacijas ir grėsmes, besikėsinančias į kiekvienos valstybės (visuomenės, atskiro individo) saugumą ir stabilumą. Nacionalinio saugumo objektai bei subjektai yra tarpusavyje susiję, o jų pažeidžiamumas stabdo darnią ir visapusišką šalies raidą. Todėl nacionalinio saugumo klausimai ir problemos turi būti traktuojamos ir sprendžiamos holistiškai. Šalies ginkluotosios pajėgos, kurių branduolį sudaro Lietuvos kariuomenė, yra integrali visuomenės dalis, atspindinti visai visuomenei būdingas nuostatas ir vertybes. Profesionalių, visapusiškai išsilavinusių, motyvuotų, turinčių tvirtas pilietines ir patriotines nuostatas karininkų ugdymas yra efektyvus bei veiksmingas nacionalinio saugumo užtikrinimo būdas, nes kovos dėl ekonominių, politinių, teritorinių ir kitų įtakos sferų buvo, yra ir bus nuolatiniai kiekvienos visuomenės palydovai. Nauji postmodernios visuomenės bruožai: nuolatinės transformacijos, globalizacija, informacinių technologijų sklaida ir modernizacija, viršnacionalinių struktūrų įsitvirtinimas formuoja naujus tiek visuomeninio, tiek karinio ugdymo tikslus, formas ir funkcijas, sąlygoja naujus reikalavimus šiuolaikiniam kariui, pvz., tokius kaip identifikacija ne su tautos, valstybės, bet žmonijos gynėjo vaidmeniu. Todėl karininkų ugdymas Lietuvos karo akademijoje yra kompleksinis ir sisteminis procesas – karinių, universitetinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Postmodern XXI century is conducted by social transformations, involved new social, economical, political and etc. Conflict situations and threats, invading each state (society‘s, separate person) safeness and stability. Objects of national security are interdependent, and their vulnerability brakes harmoniously and versatile national development. Therefore questions and problems about national safeness must be treated and solved holistically. State’s armament, which nucleus is Lithuanian armed forces, is integral unit of society, reflective whole community typical attitudes and valuables. The education of professional, comprehensively educated, motivated, having strict public and patriotic attitudes. Postmodern century involves permanent transformations, globalization, modernization, transnationalisation, new social and military education tasks, shapes and functions and determines new requirements for modern soldier. This new educational tasks have changed the identity of soldier, i.e. his role and identification with the defender of the people became more obvious. Therefore education of officers in Military Academy of Lithuania is complex and systematic process – military, academical studies and commander – leader training adjustment to train professional, social and human value and expertise. The testing of cadets’ consciousness has been provided in General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. The tasks of this testing were to determine the cadets’... [to full text]

An analysis of the impact of changes in the officer education system on the Army's transient, holdee, and student account

Hoffmann, Arthur J., Jr. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Army is making changes in the Officer Education System for 2nd lieutenants to majors. These changes affect the size of Transient, Holdee and Student account (THS). The current Officer Basic Course changes to a two-phased system called Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC II and III). A twenty-week Captains' Career Course (CCC) replaces the current CCC and Combined Arms and Service Staff School (CAS3). Currently, Command and General Staff College (CGSC), where 50% of a year group attends resident CGSC, shifts to a two-phased approach with a Common Core Course and a Career Field Qualification Course. This thesis includes an Excel simulation model producing monthly predictions for six years for officers in THS account because of schooling. Assignments are Permanent Change of Station (PCS), Temporary Duty (TDY) Enroute, or TDY and Return. Therefore, if 30% of majors attend Officer Education System (OES) as a PCS or TDY Enroute, the THS account sees a man-year increase of between 166 and 552 personnel. For CCC, if 30% of captains attend CCC as PCS/TDY Enroute, THS shows a man-year decrease of between 1162 and 1171. When the new BOLC education system was simulated, the THS account showed a man-year increase of between 172 and 242 when compared to the current OBC. / Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 / Major, United States Army

Den akademiska vägen mot uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap : En analys av kursplanerna vid OP 08-11 / The academic path to mission type tactics and transformational leadership : An analysis of the curriculums at the officers academy

Virolainen, Heikki January 2011 (has links)
Ledningsmetoden Försvarsmakten använder sig av är uppdragstaktik och utbildningen mot den har kunnat riktats ganska fritt. När kadetternas utbildning nu strävar mot akademiska mål, snarare än praktiska, kan innehållet av uppdragstaktik i den numera teoritunga utbildningen ifrågasättas. Ytterligare en aspekt som kan ifrågasättas i den teoritunga utbildningen är det ledarskap som kadetterna utbildas mot. Det övergripande syftet är att undersöka om kadetterna vid officersprogrammet utbildas mot den ledningsmetod och ledarstil som Försvarsmakten använder sig av, det utvecklande ledarskapet och uppdragstaktik. Utifrån kursplanerna, utbildas kadetterna vid OP 08-11 mot utbildningsmål som kan härledas mot uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap? I vilken mängd återspeglas dessa i sådant fall? Förenandet av uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap möjliggörs vetenskapligt i en rapport av Lena Stenlund och Gerry Larsson. Den utgör grund för det analysverktyg som används i granskandet av kursplanerna. Studien är att betrakta som att en kvalitativ innehållsanalys gjorts av kursplanerna för OP 08-11, där en deskriptiv jämförelse har gjorts mellan varje kursplan och analysverktyget. Sett till frågeställningarna kan diskussion knappast väckas enligt denna studie om att lärandemålen vid officersprogrammet inte kan härledas mot uppdragstaktik eller utvecklande ledarskap. Detta med anledning av att samtliga begrepp och faktorer ingående i analysverktyget återfanns i sammanställningen av kursplanerna. / The Swedish armed forces managing approach is mission type tactics and the education towards it has previously been directed quite freely by the Swedish armed forces. When the officer cadets education now strive against academic learning rather than practical learning the reflection of mission type learning now can be questioned. By the same reason another aspect in the education can be questioned, the leadership. The main purpose with this study is to investigate whether how the education at the officer academy strives towards the managing approach and leadership approach that applies within the Swedish armed forces, mission type tactics and transformational leadership.  Based on the curriculums, can learning goals be found which derive from mission type tactics and transformational leadership? In that case, in which extent are these reflected?  The scientific uniting of mission type tactics and transformational leadership has been made possible in a report written by Lena Stenlund and Gerry Larsson. The report constitutes the foundation of the analytical tools which is used in the review of the curriculums. The study is to be considered as a qualitative analysis of contents of the curriculums where a descriptive comparison has been made between each curriculum and the analytical tool.  When the question at issue is to be answered, opposition against the reflection of mission type tactics and transformational leadership can hardly be raised. This is because every single one of the key concepts and factors found in the analytical tool also is found in the result compilation.

New Threats for the European Union and their Effects on Sweden’s and Austria’s Basic Officer Education : a comparative Approach

Svensson, Måns January 2014 (has links)
During the Cold War, the largest threat against the countries of Europe was an enemy attack or invasion. After the end of the Cold War, the strategic environment changed drastically. The impending threat of a large-scale war was gone and the countries of Europe approached each other in the hope of cooperation with mutual benefits. As the old threat faded away, new threats which were significantly more dynamic and complex emerged. Threats such as terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, organised crime over the boarders and state failure became more apparent, both, in Europe and in its proximity. Irregular conflicts as in Kosovo and Afghanistan showed an assortment of the various threats. This complexity poses as a big challenge for the officers of today and tomorrow. It is of vital importance that both current and future military commanders are well educated in the complexities of their line of work. The first step to achieve this is ensuring that adequate education in the subject is given. In this thesis, the author researches to what extent the Swedish National Defence College and the Theresan Military Academy choose to educate their officer cadets regarding the new threats. The purpose of researching more than one country is to enable a discussion on eventual areas of improvement in the two countries’ curricula, within the context of the common threats. The author chose Austria because of its many similarities to Sweden. The methodological approach of the thesis is mainly of a quantitative nature. The author researches whether the different threats are found in both national and military strategies as well as in the curricula of the two academies’ Basic Officer Education. The study shows that more education is needed regarding certain threats. More training is needed regarding cyber security as a result of the growing dependence on IT systems and digital information. In addition, an international collaboration could yield potential benefits for both officer cadets’ problem solving skills and their knowledge of the ESS. / Under det kalla kriget var det största hotet mot länderna i Europa ett fientligt angrepp eller invasion. Efter det kalla krigets slut förändrades den säkerhetspolitiska miljön avsevärt. Det överhängande hotet om storskaligt krig var borta och Europas länder närmade sig varandra i hopp om samarbete med ömsesidig nytta. I takt med att det gamla hotet bleknade så växte det fram andra hot som var betydligt mer dynamiska och komplexa. Hot som terrorism, spridning av massförstörelsevapen, organiserad brottslighet över gränserna och nedbrytning av svaga stater blev allt mer påtagliga, både i Europa och i dess närområde. Irreguljära konflikter som i Kosovo och i Afghanistan uppvisade en blandning av de olika hoten. Denna komplexitet innebär stora utmaningar för både dagens och morgondagens officerare. Det är av yttersta vikt att både nutida och framtida militära chefer och beslutsfattare är väl insatta i hur komplexa uppgifterna faktiskt kan komma att vara i deras yrkesutövning. Det första steget för att nå detta är att adekvat utbildning i ämnet ges. I detta arbete undersöker författaren i vilken utsträckning Försvarshögskolan i Sverige och Theresianische Militärakademie i Österrike utbildar sina officersaspiranter gällande de nya hoten. Syftet med att undersöka mer än ett land är för att kunna diskutera eventuella förbättringsmöjligheter i de två ländernas utbildningar, kopplat till de EU- gemensamma hoten. Författaren valde Österrike för dess många likheter med Sverige. Arbetets tillvägagångssätt är främst genom en kvantitativ metod. Författaren undersöker huruvida de olika hoten återfinns i såväl nationella som militära strategier och i kursinnehållen för de båda ländernas grundläggande officersutbildning. Studien visar att mer utbildning behövs avseende vissa hot, bland annat gällande cybersäkerhet som ett resultat av det växande beroendet av IT-system och digital information. Dessutom hade ett internationellt samarbete inneburit potentiella fördelar gällande både kadetters förmåga till problemlösning samt deras kunskap om ESS. / <p>Erasmus</p>

Officers Armed With Degrees: Does Education Shield Law Enforcement Officers From Complaints?

Villone, Edward J. 26 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union and its Effect on Sweden's and Austria’s Basic Officer Education : a Comparative Approach

Christofferson, John January 2014 (has links)
Background: In 2009, the European Union (EU) adopted the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This contributed to an already on-going change amongst the armed forces of the Union. No previous research has examined how the skills required of young officers in the EU are taught at the Basic Officer Education within either Sweden or Austria. Purpose: This thesis examines to what extent the skills needed of young officers in a CSDP-environment are taught during the Basic Officer Educations in Sweden and Austria. The purpose is to conclude if the Swedish and Austrian Basic Officer Educations are complying with the political wills of their respective countries, to adapt their armed forces to the EU and CSDP. Method: The author compares the Swedish and Austrian Basic Officer Education by examining curriculums and syllabuses, as well as conducting expert interviews with officials at the schools and comparing the results. The educations are examined based on how they educated the concept of CSDP and how interoperability and a European culture of defence are promoted. Conclusion: The results show that both Sweden and Austria educate their cadets in the CSDP and take measurements to promote interoperability and a European culture of defence. The results suggest that Austria does so to a further extent. Based on the results, the author suggests increased exchanges, Pooling &amp; Sharing during Basic Officer Education and further developments towards a common European Basic Officer Education. / <p>Erasmus</p>

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