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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vill du bli officer? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om rekryters motiv bakom valet att ansöka, respektive inte ansöka, till Officersprogrammet

Pettersson, Maja January 2021 (has links)
In times of need for increased military capability, the Swedish Armed Forces faces in the next few years a challenge in the personnel supply, due to a shortage of newly graduated officers combined with a large number of retiring officers. To meet the demands of the increased recruitment of military officers, and being able to adapt the recruitment campaigns, an important task is first to identify what motivates young soldiers and recruits to embark on a military officer career.  The aim of this quantitative study is to investigate the motivation of Swedish recruits to apply for Military Academy Karlberg (MHS K), or what brings them to the opposite choice. To this end Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory, and the postmodern-/modern-/paleomodern-categories of Battistelli, have been applied in order to measure motivation among recruits. The results indicate that both those recruits that have applied for MHS K, and those who have not, are motivated mostly by postmodern factors related to self-fulfilment. Applicants seem to be motivated by, for example, personal- or leadership development, while those who do not apply often have other plans usually involving civilian work and education. In addition, the study found that among those who apply, women and non-combat units appear to have a stronger postmodern motivation than men and combat units.

Vill du bli officer? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om rekryters motiv bakom valet att ansöka, respektive inte ansöka, till Officersprogrammet

Pettersson, Maja January 2021 (has links)
In times of need for increased military capability, the Swedish Armed Forces faces in the next few years a challenge in the personnel supply, due to a shortage of newly graduated officers combined with a large number of retiring officers. To meet the demands of the increased recruitment of military officers, and being able to adapt the recruitment campaigns, an important task is first to identify what motivates young soldiers and recruits to embark on a military officer career.  The aim of this quantitative study is to investigate the motivation of Swedish recruits to apply for Military Academy Karlberg (MHS K), or what brings them to the opposite choice. To this end Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory, and the postmodern-/modern-/paleomodern-categories of Battistelli, have been applied in order to measure motivation among recruits. The results indicate that both those recruits that have applied for MHS K, and those who have not, are motivated mostly by postmodern factors related to self-fulfilment. Applicants seem to be motivated by, for example, personal- or leadership development, while those who do not apply often have other plans usually involving civilian work and education. In addition, the study found that among those who apply, women and non-combat units appear to have a stronger postmodern motivation than men and combat units.

”Tänk om tre års utbildning inte ger tillräcklig utbildningsståndpunkt!”

Edlund, Edvin January 2022 (has links)
This essay examines whether the tactics training during the officers' program is in line with the current research situation based on protection against firepower, the effects of weapons and also masking, and whether it provides a sufficient training position for the cadets for future positions at the tactical level. The purpose of the study is to take an inventory of the cadets' training position in tactics and if there are any background variables that have a causal relationship with the explicit educational level, and what they would be. The survey is motivated by the officer’s professional requirements for contemporary and scientifically based training and the objectives for the officers’ program, which aim to give the cadet's a basic ability to work as an officer in stressful environments based on military expertise. The results of the survey come from statistical analysis with data collected through questionnaires that included collection of: background variables, statements about tactics courses and four tactical scenarios, where the respondent in the role of platoon leader, would prioritize tactical measures based on given enemy conditions and associated threats. The outcome shows that the cadets have a basic and sufficient educational level and understanding in tactics. However, all of them need further education regarding protection against firepower and the effects of weapons, as well as masking, as measures for these are not fully prioritized, but only in certain cases and then in a limited way. However, the tactical training has given the cadets a perceived feeling that the competence acquired is sufficient to be able to work as an officer in the future.

Önskvärda Kompetenser i en förändrad Försvarsmakt

Wahlskog, Jakob January 2011 (has links)
In the latest years the Swedish armed forces have gone from an armed force with conscripts to voluntary men and women. When the basic training is voluntarily may the question be if the new men and women have the same approach to Desirable competences and pedagogy that is used by their officers during their training. Desirable competences are a part of the model transformational leadership and are divided into task related competence, management competence, social competence and capacitate to cope with stress. To deal with this problem I have used questionnaires from conscripts and a new questionnaire made on voluntary recruits. I have compared the results in a case study method and it shows a positive progress from the recruits view how the officers use examples from the transformational leadership. The study shows that recruits want officers to make demands, motivate and inspire them. The recruits want to know the goal with the education and they want the officers to make demands on them. / Försvarsmakten har de senaste åren gått från värnplikt till en Försvarsmakt som bygger på frivilliga män och kvinnor. När grundutbildningen är frivillig kan männen och kvinnorna ha en förändrad syn på önskvärda kompetenser och pedagogik som används av officerarna under utbildningen. Önskvärda kompetenser är en del av Utvecklande ledarskap och kompetenserna är uppdelade i Fackkompetens, Chefskompetens, Socialkompetens och Stresshanteringsförmåga. För att hantera problemet har jag använt enkätundersökningar från värnpliktiga och en ny enkätundersökning gjord på rekryter. Resultaten från dessa har jämförts utifrån en fallstudiemetod och det visar en positiv utveckling i hur rekryterna ser på att officerarna använder exempel från utvecklande ledarskap. Undersökningen visar också att rekryterna vill att officerarna skall ställa krav, motivera och inspirera. Rekryterna vill veta målet med utbildningen och de vill att officerarna ställer krav på dem.

Officersprogrammets etik- och moralutbildning : En idealtypsanalys

Svanberg, Philip January 2021 (has links)
With the continuation of Swedish Armed Forces personnel deployed in international service and the increase of national defence focus with new units being created, the average age of cadets enrolling in officers school is decreasing. Studies have previously shown that ethics and morals are linked to cognitive development, and cognitive development linked to age and education. The Neo-Kohlbergian Schema theory defines three general schemas of ethical and moral decision making. Where Postconventional schema is considered most beneficial for military officers, but the military culture seems to promote the Maintaining norms schema. This study is examining the regulating documents from the statute from the government, the program directions from the university, to individual courses programs and descriptions. In order to examine how the ethics and moral education in the Swedish officers school relates to the Neo-Kohlbergian schema theory. The study concludes that the education promotes both the Maintaining norms and Postconventional schemas rather equally with some aspects tending more to the maintaining norms schema while other tends more to the postconventional schema. Meaning that the cadets are given multiple tools to combat ethical and moral dilemmas, but by not focusing on one schema the speed in decision making is halted.

Urvalskriteriernas prognostiska validitet för studieresultatet vid officersprogrammet / The importance of selection criteria to the cadet achievement at the Swedish Officers’ Programme

Niclason, Philip January 2013 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att jämföra två olika urvalssystem för officersprogrammet. För detta syfte ställs det gamla respektive det nya urvalssystemet mot kadetternas studieresultat. Urvalskriterierna till dessa urvalssystem korreleras mot studieresultatet i en korrelationsmatris. Därefter undersöks de uppmätta sambanden medelst semi-partiala korrelationsmått och konfidensintervall. Detta skapar belägg för att det föregående urvalssystemet var effektivare än den nya för att välja ut kadetter med förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen. Det urvalskriterium med starkast samband med studieresultatet är gymnasiebetyget, vilket även är beprövat i civila sammanhang. Vill Försvarsmakten premiera individer som har bättre förutsättningar för att tillgodogöra sig den gemensamma teoretiska utbildningen vid officersprogrammet bör den nuvarande viktningen av urvalssystemet ändras för att premiera gymnasiebetyget. / The aim of this study was to compare two different systems for selection criteria for the Swedish officers’ programme. In order to compare the old respectively the new system for cadet selection, the cadets’ achievements were compared to their selection criteria. The systems selection criteria were correlated to the cadets’ achievements in a correlation matrix. Thenceforth the connections were further investigated by semi-partial correlations and confidence intervals. In the study, there is evidence which indicates the previous system’s superior effectiveness compared to the new system; for example, regarding selection of cadets likely to benefit from the Programme. The selection criterion with the strongest connection to the cadet achievement was the cadets’ high school grades, which also seems to be a good indicator for predicting student achievement in civilian schools. If the Swedish Armed Forces want to enhance future cadets’ study capabilities, an advised method of achieving this would be to augment the significance of high school grades for the selection criteria.

Den akademiska vägen mot uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap : En analys av kursplanerna vid OP 08-11 / The academic path to mission type tactics and transformational leadership : An analysis of the curriculums at the officers academy

Virolainen, Heikki January 2011 (has links)
Ledningsmetoden Försvarsmakten använder sig av är uppdragstaktik och utbildningen mot den har kunnat riktats ganska fritt. När kadetternas utbildning nu strävar mot akademiska mål, snarare än praktiska, kan innehållet av uppdragstaktik i den numera teoritunga utbildningen ifrågasättas. Ytterligare en aspekt som kan ifrågasättas i den teoritunga utbildningen är det ledarskap som kadetterna utbildas mot. Det övergripande syftet är att undersöka om kadetterna vid officersprogrammet utbildas mot den ledningsmetod och ledarstil som Försvarsmakten använder sig av, det utvecklande ledarskapet och uppdragstaktik. Utifrån kursplanerna, utbildas kadetterna vid OP 08-11 mot utbildningsmål som kan härledas mot uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap? I vilken mängd återspeglas dessa i sådant fall? Förenandet av uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap möjliggörs vetenskapligt i en rapport av Lena Stenlund och Gerry Larsson. Den utgör grund för det analysverktyg som används i granskandet av kursplanerna. Studien är att betrakta som att en kvalitativ innehållsanalys gjorts av kursplanerna för OP 08-11, där en deskriptiv jämförelse har gjorts mellan varje kursplan och analysverktyget. Sett till frågeställningarna kan diskussion knappast väckas enligt denna studie om att lärandemålen vid officersprogrammet inte kan härledas mot uppdragstaktik eller utvecklande ledarskap. Detta med anledning av att samtliga begrepp och faktorer ingående i analysverktyget återfanns i sammanställningen av kursplanerna. / The Swedish armed forces managing approach is mission type tactics and the education towards it has previously been directed quite freely by the Swedish armed forces. When the officer cadets education now strive against academic learning rather than practical learning the reflection of mission type learning now can be questioned. By the same reason another aspect in the education can be questioned, the leadership. The main purpose with this study is to investigate whether how the education at the officer academy strives towards the managing approach and leadership approach that applies within the Swedish armed forces, mission type tactics and transformational leadership.  Based on the curriculums, can learning goals be found which derive from mission type tactics and transformational leadership? In that case, in which extent are these reflected?  The scientific uniting of mission type tactics and transformational leadership has been made possible in a report written by Lena Stenlund and Gerry Larsson. The report constitutes the foundation of the analytical tools which is used in the review of the curriculums. The study is to be considered as a qualitative analysis of contents of the curriculums where a descriptive comparison has been made between each curriculum and the analytical tool.  When the question at issue is to be answered, opposition against the reflection of mission type tactics and transformational leadership can hardly be raised. This is because every single one of the key concepts and factors found in the analytical tool also is found in the result compilation.

Utvecklande ledarskap bland kadetter på Officersprogrammet? : En studie av sistaårskadetters uppfattning av sitt egna (utvecklande) ledarskap

Karlsson, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om kadetter på Officersprogrammets sista termin har en uppfattning av det egna ledarskapet som stämmer överens med vad som stipuleras i Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell Utvecklande ledarskap samt vilka ledaregenskaper dessa kadetter anser är de viktigaste. Urvalet bestod av 10 slumpvis selekterade kadetter. Bland dessa kadetter var följande verksamhetsförlagda utbildningar representerade: Markstrid, Ledningssystem och Nautisk profil. En semistrukturerad intervju genomfördes med var och en av de deltagande kadetterna för att ta reda på de uppfattningar och åsikter som funnits nödvändiga för att efter analys av innehåll kunna svara på studiens frågeställningar. Efter genomförd analys av intervjuresultaten kunde en viss överensstämmelse identifieras mellan kadettens uppfattning av sitt ledarskap och vad modellen Utvecklande ledarskap stipulerar. Vidare visade resultaten att sådana ledaregenskaper som sorterar under modellens ”utvecklande” delar ansågs som mest önskvärda, till viss del, i kombination med vissa delar som är vanligt förekommande i konventionellt ledarskap. Studien fastslår alltså att deltagande sistaårskadetter kan ha kommit en ansenlig bit på vägen mot ett utvecklande ledarskap. / The aim of this study was to investigate if cadets, attending the Swedish armed forcesOfficers training programs last term had a view on the model Full range leadership thatcorrelates whit their own comprehension of their own leadership and which leader attributesthat is considered to be the most desirable. The sample consisted of 10 randomly selectedcadets. Within the randomization the educational specializations included in this study are:Ground warfare, Command and Control and Naval profile. A semi structured interview whereconducted in which the cadets opinions and comprehensions where mapped out. Theinterview results where then analyzed in order to obtain the relevant substance needed toanswer the questions asked in the study. The analysis showed that the interviewed cadets,attending the Swedish armed forces Officers training program has a fair amount of Full rangeleadership within their own leadership. Furthermore the analysis showed that the mostdesirable leadership attributes is to be found in the upper parts of the model Full rangeleadership.

Telekrig i moderna konflikter - en framgångsrik eller överskattad förmåga? : En kvalitativ studie om telekrigföringens framgångar på det moderna slagfältet

Säfström, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The ability to use electronic warfare and conduct operations within the electromagnetic spectrum has since the 20th century gained a prominent role in modern warfare and is today largely viewed as a vital part of it. This view though is based on a field of research which mainly consists of studies lacking a problematizing or critical standpoint. This study therefore undertakes the task to question the consensus of electronic warfare as a vital part of the modern battlefield, to gain an understanding whether this view is only based on theoretical suggestions or due to it also being successful when applied in conflicts. This is done by investigating two cases: The Gulf War and Russia’s war in Georgia, by a qualitative research from a theoretical standpoint off Antoine Bousquet’s theory of military technology and its creation of perception.  The result show that electronic warfare has been mostly successful when applied in conflicts, while demanding to apply with great success. The study opens to a broader field for future studies with questions which remains unanswered. Was its successfulness due to technical developments, tactical applications or an enemy who lacks experience and education to effectively handle it?

Utbildning av framtidens ledare : En studie av förutsättningarna för utvecklande ledarskap vid officersutbildningen

Ax, Johan, von Essen, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens viktigaste resurs är personalen, vilken påverkas i stor utsträckning av officerarnas ledarskap. Utvecklande ledarskap är ledarskapsmodellen som tillämpas i Försvarsmakten och den karaktäriseras av att ledaren uppträder som ett föredöme som inspirerar och motiverar. Ledaren stimulerar delaktighet, ger stöd och konfronterar i ett gott syfte. Den gemensamma och viktigaste tiden i en officers ledarskapsutveckling torde vara de tre år individen studerar vid Officersprogrammet (Försvarshögskolan) och genomför Försvarsmaktstid (MHS Karlberg, Försvarsmakten). I denna uppsats utreds under vilka betingelser en blivande officers ledarskap utvecklas under officersutbildningen. Kadetterna läser ledarskap i officersutbildningen dels genom akademiska studier vid Försvarshögskolan, dels genom ledarskapsutbildning i Försvarsmakten. Ledarskapet utvecklas även genom handledning och feedback av mentorer samt egen reflektion. Dessutom träffar kadetterna många föredömen att ta efter, i form av chefer, lärare och mentorer. Vår empiri visar att ledarskapskurserna vid Officersprogrammet ger en bra teoretisk kunskapsgrund för att förstå ledarskapsteorier och modeller. Dock innehåller utbildningen för lite praktisk tillämpning och övning, särskilt med extern trupp. Den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen ger kadetterna möjlighet att sätta teoretisk utbildning i en militär kontext, men möjligheterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika VFU-skolor. Handledning från mentorer är ett viktigt verktyg i kadetternas ledarskapsutveckling och kvaliteten på denna håller inte alltid önskad nivå, på grund av personalbrist, personalomsättning eller att mentorn inte är lämplig. Det finns bra föredömen vid officersutbildningen, men även exempel på motsatsen. Ledarskapsutbildningarna håller hög kvalitet och ger en bra teoretisk grund, men vi rekommenderar att det genomförs en översyn av officersutbildningen i syfte att öka praktisk tillämpning av ledarskap. Mentorernas roll är viktig och vi anser att Försvarsmakten bör prioritera bemanning vid Kadettbataljonen och även bibehålla den förberedande utbildningen ”termin 0”. Vi rekommenderar att mentorernas roller och arbete utvärderas samt att arbetsuppgifter och ansvar tydligare dokumenteras. Vad avser kopplingen mellan Försvarshögskolans och Försvarsmaktens utbildningsdelar inom ledarskap, rekommenderar vi att det införs löpande samordningsmöten. Vår slutsats rörande kadetternas medinflytande över utbildningarna är att man bör fortsätta genomföra utveckling av kurser med stöd av de studerandes kursvärderingar och studeranderepresentanter, men att den begränsade möjligheten att påverka kursers innehåll innevarande år, är i sin ordning. / The Swedish Armed Forces’ most valuable resource is personnel, which is greatly influenced by the officer’s leadership. Transformational leadership is the leadership model applied in the Armed Forces and it is characterized by the leader acting as a role model who inspires and motivates. The leader stimulates participation, provides support, and confronts for a good cause. The common and most crucial time in an officer's leadership development is probably the three years the individual studies at the Officers' Programme majoring in War Studies (The Swedish Defence University) and completes the Armed Forces period (Military Academy Karlberg, Swedish Armed Forces). This essay investigates the conditions under which a prospective officer's leadership is developed during officer training. The students study leadership in officer training, partly through academic studies at the Swedish Defence University, and partly through leadership training in the Armed Forces. Leadership is also developed through self-reflection and development with the support of mentors who supervise and provide feedback. In addition, the cadets will gain many role models to follow, in the form of managers, teachers and mentors. Our empirical evidence shows that the leadership courses at the Officers’ program provide a good theoretical knowledge base for understanding leadership theories and models. However, the training includes too little practical application and practice, especially with external squads. The company-based training gives the cadets the opportunity to put theoretical training in a military context, but the possibilities differ between different schools. Supervision from mentors is a useful tool in the cadets' leadership development and the quality of this varies, depending on staff shortages, staff turnover or that the mentor is not suitable. There are good examples in officer training, but also examples of the opposite. The leadership training is of high quality and provides a good theoretical basis, but we recommend that a review of the officer training be carried out to increase the practical application of leadership. The role of the mentors is important, and we believe that the Armed Forces should prioritise staffing at the Cadet Battalion and also maintain the preparatory training "semester 0". We recommend that the mentors' roles and work are evaluated, and that tasks and responsibilities are documented more clearly. About the connection between The Swedish Defence University’s and the Swedish Armed Forces' training parts in leadership, we recommend that ongoing coordination meetings be introduced. Our conclusion regarding the cadets’ co-influence over the educations is that the development of courses should be continued with the support of the students' course evaluations and student representatives, but that the limited opportunity to influence the course content this year is in order.

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