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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of conveyancing business processes in South Africa

Amadi-Echendu, Anthea 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the conveyancing process in South Africa with a view to identify how the process might be improved in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness. Land is an asset and still remains a valuable factor in production, even in the modern knowledge economy. In many parts of the world, land is a limited resource, therefore, in most countries, custodianship and ownership of land and landed properties generally tend to be guarded through the meticulous capturing, recording and storage of appropriate data and information. Legislative provisions for the transfer of custodianship and/or ownership require the involvement of a variety of role players in the conveyancing processes that culminate in the registration of land and associated immovable property. In some countries, the conveyancing processes tend to be complex and cumbersome. The study provides a conceptual framework for conveyancing processes based on a content-based review of land and immovable property registration systems in five countries, namely, Barbados, the Netherlands, Australia, Taiwan and South Africa. The study further investigates the South African conveyancing processes. Quantitative questionnaires were completed by six respondent groups from the conveyancing service chain, and qualitative interviews were conducted with two of the four major banks in South Africa. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the quantitative data, and content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The findings were used to develop a de-bottlenecking framework for South African conveyancing. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Learning Without Onboarding: How Assessing and Evaluating Learning Benefits New Information Technology Hires

Morris, Dory L. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Onboarding ensures learning success through sharing and acquiring knowledge to remain competitive. However, little is known about new Information Technology (IT) hires' learning needs in the absence of onboarding; therefore, the purpose of this case study was to examine, increase, and retain their technical knowledge at the Unified Communications Company (UCC). Following the theoretical model of knowledge management, which holds that knowledge is the key to confirm learning and knowledge sharing, the research questions were used to examine how the company assessed and increased their technical knowledge and how they taught their culture in the absence of onboarding. A qualitative instrumental case study design was employed with a purposeful sample of 4 former employees who were former new IT hires at the UCC. These employees contributed to the study using journals, surveys, and interviews drawn from their experiences as new IT hires at the UCC. Reoccurring themes regarding formal learning were extracted from the data, validated through peer and member checking, and then triangulated with each round of data collection and the themes described in the literature. The themes of culture, onboarding, training, and experience/feedback consistently emerged as areas needing improvement and indicated a need for formalized training. Based on these findings, a job aid was created to provide enhanced performance and learning to offer knowledge throughout training. Companies employing new IT hires can use the results from this study to provide onboarding in addition to their current orientation. The use of these data would positively affect social change by enhancing company competitiveness and job retention while reducing overall unemployment and the skills gap.

Toward a Grounded Theory on the Management of Orphanages in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Siyavora, Anna 01 January 2010 (has links)
The number of orphaned children in many parts of Africa is increasing as their parents die from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The research problem addressed in this qualitative study was lack of understanding by others about how the managers of orphanages in 2 African countries -- South Africa and Zimbabwe - were responding to the emotional and social needs of these orphans. The purpose of this study was to develop an orphanage management theory or model that could replicate the African kinship environment in the orphanages under study. Nurturing leadership theory provided the conceptual backdrop for this study. The research design was informed by Glaser's grounded theory (GT) approach. Data collection involved a qualitative survey of 20 administrators in 2 orphanages in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Open coding, memoing, and selective coding of this data yielded a nurturing model for orphanage management in the cultural context of the African kinship system. From the viewpoint of social change, this research suggests development of a family-oriented orphanage management system to help the orphans live healthy and productive lives without the stigma of HIV and AIDS.

Transcending Technological Innovation: The Impact of Acquisitions on Entrepreneurial Technical Organizations

Crochetiere, Bruce 01 January 2011 (has links)
Technology firms with substantial cash reserves acquire smaller entrepreneurial firms for diversification. In 2006, 3 large firms acquired 28 organizations, with the combined deals exceeding {dollar}4.7 billion. The problem addressed in this study is that new start-up companies with innovative ideas may not mature when they are acquired by larger companies and do not fully articulate potential industry-transcending innovation. This is important because the unsuccessful integration of an acquisition can dismantle innovation and compromises economic inventiveness. Drawing from the disruptive innovation and the resource-based theories, the purpose of the quasi-experimental study was to examine the impact of acquisition by larger public technological organizations of smaller start-up innovative entrepreneurial organizations on patent generation, stock price trend, and stakeholder retention. The research questions in this study were designed to statistically test pre/post changes in these key innovation performance factors before and after an acquisition. Historical data on 71 acquisitions by 10 acquiring firms were gathered related to number of patents generated, stock price trends, and stakeholder retention. Paired t tests were used to confirm that there were significantly fewer patents and patents per year generated, and significantly fewer stakeholders retained after acquisition. Stock price fluctuation was examined using a cumulative abnormal return categorization approach that indicated only 31% of the acquired companies realized gains that reached the a priori threshold of significance. The results of this study could create positive social change through the development of business acquisition strategies that promote innovation, resulting in economic prosperity for the United States.


[pt] Uma quantidade crescente de pesquisas tem investigado o desenvolvimento de modelos de maturidade para a gestão das cadeias de suprimentos com referência especial ao processo de planejamento de vendas e operações (S&OP). Os modelos de maturidade representam etapas através das quais processos são definidos, implementados e melhorados. Metas e benefícios podem ser alcançados nos estágios de maturidade mais avançados do processo. Este estudo avalia o nível de maturidade do processo de S&OP no ambiente complexo de uma empresa da indústria de óleo e gás utilizando uma abordagem multimétodos. Procede a uma revisão sistemática da literatura e um estudo de caso único. Seleciona e aplica o modelo de maturidade de Grimson e Pike (2007) após a descrição do processo de S&OP da empresa através do framework de Thomé et al. (2012b), usando a triangulação entre a análise de documentos, elaboração e aplicação de um questionário e observação direta. Das cinco dimensões de maturidade, quatro (reuniões e colaboração, métricas, tecnologia da informação e integração dos planos de S&OP) encontram-se no Estágio 3 (S&OP padrão) do modelo de Grimson e Pike (2007) e uma dimensão (organização) encontra-se no Estágio 4 (S&OP avançado). Recomenda-se para avançar do Estágio 3 para o 4, ou eventualmente para o 5, a disseminação do processo para todos na empresa como ferramenta de maximização de lucros e avaliar os seguintes pontos: o envolvimento dos principais clientes no processo de previsão; a criação de um manual de S&OP; o estabelecimento de métrica de rentabilidade associada à métrica de eficácia do S&OP; a utilização de sistema integrado e otimizado vinculado ao Sistema de Negócios Integrados - SAP; e a implementação de um processo de planejamento integrado, contínuo e otimizado para demanda e fornecimento, de forma simultânea. Como contribuições práticas espera-se que a empresa possa passar de um estágio para o outro através dos aspectos críticos e pontos fortes identificados, principalmente das ações de melhorias sugeridas. Da mesma forma, espera-se a diminuição de lacunas entre a teoria e a prática atual em campo com estudos de processos de S&OP em ambientes complexos de multiprodutos na indústria de óleo e gás. Recomenda-se para trabalhos futuros a realização de pesquisas que avaliem a maturidade do S&OP em outros ambientes complexos de parceiros deste setor para reforçar a validade externa do estudo. / [en] An increasing number of research has been investigating the development of maturity models for supply chain management with special reference to the Sales and Operations Planning process (S&OP). Maturity models represent stages applied to define, implement and improve processes. Goals and benefits can be achieved at more advanced stages of process maturity. This study assesses the maturity level of the S&OP process in the complex environment of a company in the oil and gas industry through a multi-method approach. It carries out a systematic review of the literature and a single case study. After describing the company s S&OP process through Thomé et al. s (2012b) framework, the authors select and apply the Grimson and Pike s (2007) maturity model using a triangulation between document analysis, the development and application of a questionnaire, and direct observation. Among the five maturity dimensions, four (meetings and collaboration, measurements, information technology and S&OP plan integration) are in Stage three (standard S&OP) of Grimson and Pike s model and one dimension (organization) is in Stage four (Advanced S&OP). In order to advance from Stage three to four, or eventually to five, it is recommended the dissemination of the process to all the workers of the company as a tool for maximizing profits. Additionally, it is recommended to evaluate the following points: the involvement of the main customers in the forecasting process; the development of a S&OP guide; the establishment of profitability measurements associated with the S&OP effectiveness measurement; the use of an integrated and optimized system linked to SAP; and the simultaneous implementation of an integrated, continuous and optimized planning process for demand and supply. As practical contributions, it is expected that, by analysing the critical aspects and strengths identified and implementing the improvement actions suggested by this research, the company will be prepared to move to the next stage. Furthermore, the current research aims to narrow the gap between theory and current practice in the field with studies on S&OP processes in the multi-products complex environment of an oil and gas industry. For future work it is recommended to apply this methodology to assesses the maturity of S&OP in other complex environments in the oil and gas companies to strengthen the study s external validity.

Controller i offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ studie av controllerns bidragande roll i välfärdssektorn / Controller in the public sector : A qualitative study of controller's contributing role in the welfare sector

Aliloski, Denyz, Holmer, Patricia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Behovet av en fungerande välfärd har tydliggjorts till följd av Covid-19. Välfärd är ett samlingsbegrepp och förses via offentlig sektor. De statliga myndigheternas uppdrag är att upprätthålla välfärden genom att arbeta kvalitetssäkert och kostnadseffektivt. Controllerns uppgift är vidare att analysera, styra och stötta verksamheten. Problematiskt är emellertid hur controllern genomför sina arbetsuppgifter genom att kombinera kostnadseffektivitet och kvalitetssäkring, samt huruvida den innehar förståelse för innebörden av att skapa välfärd. Vidare anges det vara mer komplicerat för en individ som kan ekonomi att därefter lära sig verksamheten, än vice versa. Av intresse är därför betydelsen av erfarenhet respektive utbildning för controllerns utförande av dess arbetsuppgifter.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring hur en controller inom offentlig sektor bidrar till upprätthållande av välfärd, samt att studera betydelsen av erfarenhet respektive utbildning för arbetet. Metod: Uppsatsen tillämpar en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med ett tolkande synsätt där empiri samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Myndigheter som inkluderas i studien är Kronofogden, Centrala studiestödsnämnden, Försäkringskassan, E-hälsomyndigheten samt Arbetsförmedlingen.  Slutsats: Controllern bidrar indirekt med att upprätthålla välfärd genom att bryta ner myndighetens övergripande mål, förhålla sig och arbeta utifrån aktuella lagar och riktlinjer som sätts av respektive departement, utforma beslutsunderlag samt kombinera kostnadseffektivitet och arbete med kvalitetssäkring. Vidare anses erfarenhet och utbildning utgöra en betydande del vad gäller controllerns utförande av arbetsuppgifterna som i sin tur leder till att upprätthålla välfärd. / Background: The need for a functioning welfare has been clarified as a result of Covid-19. Welfare is a collective concept, provided by the public sector. The task of government agencies is to maintain welfare by working quality-assuredly and cost-effectively. The controller's task is to analyze, control and support the business. Problematic however, is how the controller performs its tasks by combining cost-effectiveness and quality assurance, and whether they have an understanding of the meaning of creating welfare. Furthermore, it is stated to be more complicated for an individual who knows finances to subsequently learn the business, than vice versa. Of interest is therefore the importance of experience and education for the controller's performance of its tasks. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to bestow knowledge regarding how a controller in the public sector contributes to the maintenance of welfare, and to study the importance of experience and education. Method: The study applies a qualitative research method with an interpretive approach, where empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews. Authorities included in the study are Kronofogden, Centrala studiestödsnämnden, Försäkringskassan, E-hälsomyndigheten samt Arbetsförmedlingen.  Conclusions: The controller contributes indirectly to maintaining welfare by breaking down the authority's overall goals, relating to and working on the basis of current laws and guidelines set by each ministry, designing a decision basis and combining cost efficiency with quality assurance. Furthermore, experience and education are considered to be a significant part of the controller's performance of the tasks, which indirectly leads to maintaining welfare.

Value Creation in Healthcare through Secondary Activities : A Case study investigating food processes / Värdeskapande inom Vård med hjälp av Sekundära Aktiviteter : En fallstudie med fokus på matprocessen

Grimmeiss, Andrea, WANG, KATHERINE January 2018 (has links)
The world is facing the challenge of an increasingly growing and aging population which leads to increasing requirements on the healthcare system. This has led to higher financial pressure on operational managers to do more with less resources. Hospitals are characterised by rigid routines, strict hierarchical structures and lack of consistent definitions of value which creates challenges for improvement projects and implementation. To explore an alternative perspective of how to increase value in healthcare, the concept of secondary activities is introduced. Secondary activities are defined as activities that are indirectly related to healthcare and medical processes in hospitals. Presently, secondary activities are not prioritised in healthcare since the distinction has not been made before and therefore is the value-gain interesting to investigate. The purpose of this report is to investigate how to increase value in healthcare through improved secondary activities and the following research questions are used to fulfill the purpose: What are the challenges of defining value in healthcare? 2. What process improvement strategy is suitable for improving secondary activities? 3. What implementation strategy is suitable when improving secondary activities? The method used to conduct this study consisted of a literature study covering the fields of value creation, Lean in healthcare and change management in hospital management, followed by a case study at Norrtälje Sjukhus where the food process was investigated. Results of the study showed that the challenges of defining value in healthcare are the different mindsets between professions operating in hospitals and the required balance between ethical and financial aspects. II At Norrtälje Sjukhus, the assistant nurses valued time spent with patients. In order to free more time for them, secondary activities have great potential of increasing value through improvement projects. The combination of Lean and Biodesign based on comprehensive observations proved to be a suitable process improvement strategy for improving secondary activities. Moreover, secondary activities lag well behind primary activities regarding digitalisation which can increase the value of secondary activities through improved workflows. When value is defined as time spent with patients this process improvement strategy proved to be successful. Results of improving the food process in the case study showed that the total annual savings for the hospital were 3212 work hours which corresponds to 761 244 kr. Prerequisites for a successful implementation strategy are awareness of problems, needs and to have an improvement strategy that fits the situation. Introduction of changes should made together with the personnel and be incremental to minimise disturbances to other healthcare activities. A remaining challenge is the lack of responsibility and managerial competence in the regular hospital organisation that is needed for future, continuous and sustainable improvements for secondary activities. / Världen står inför en stor utmaning med en växande och åldrande befolkning vilket ställer högre krav på sjukvårdssystemet. Detta har lett till ökat finansiellt tryck på verksamhetsansvariga att prestera mer med mindre resurser. Sjukhus karaktäriseras ofta av oflexibla rutiner, strikt hierarkiska strukturer och inkonsekvent definition av värde vilket innebär utmaningar för förbättringsarbeten och implementation. Konceptet sekundära aktiviteter introduceras för att utforska ett alternativt perspektiv av hur man ökar värde i sjukvården. Sekundära aktiviteter definieras som indirekt sjukvårdsrelaterade aktiviteter som stöttar medicinska processer. I nuläget prioriteras inte sekundära aktiviteter i sjukvården eftersom denna särskiljning inte tidigare gjorts och därför blir den potentiella värdeökningen intressant att undersöka. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur värdet kan öka i sjukvården genom förbättring av sekundära aktiviteter. Följande forskningsfrågor bidrar till att uppfylla syftet med rapporten: 1. Vilka är utmaningarna med att definiera värde i sjukvården? 2. Vilken processförbättringsstrategi är lämpligast för att förbättra sekundära aktiviteter? 3. Vilken implementationsstrategi är lämpligast för att förbättra sekundära aktiviteter? Metoden som användes i denna studie bestod av en litteraturstudie som behandlade områdena värdeskapande, Lean i sjukvården och förändringsarbete inom sjukhusledningen, följt av en fallstudie på Norrtälje Sjukhus för att undersöka matprocessen. Resultat från studien visade att utmaningarna med att definiera värde inom sjukvården är skillnader mellan professioner och en avvägning mellan etiska och finansiella faktorer. Undersköterskorna på Norrtälje Sjukhus värderar tiden med patienterna högst. Sekundära aktiviteter har stor potential att öka i värde genom förbättringsarbeten för att kunna frigöra mer tid för undersköterskorna. IV Kombinationen av Lean och Biodesign baserat på omfattande observationer visade sig vara en lämplig processförbättringsstrategi för att förbättra sekundära aktiviteter. Sekundära aktiviteter ligger efter primära aktiviteter vad gäller digitalisering som kan öka värdet av sekundära aktiviteter genom förbättrat arbetsflöde. När värde definieras som tid spenderad med patienter är den här processförbättringsstrategin framgångsrik. När matprocessen förbättrades i fallstudien resulterade det i en årlig besparing för hela sjukhuset på 3212 arbetstimmar vilket motsvarar 761 244 kr. Förutsättningar för en framgångsrik implementationsstrategi är medvetenhet kring problemen, behoven samt att anpassa strategin efter situationen. Introduktion av förändringarna bör ske stegvis i samarbete med personalen för att minimera störningsmoment gentemot andra vårdaktiviteter. En kvarstående utmaning är bristen på ansvar och chefskompetens i sjukhusorganisationen för framtida, kontinuerliga och hållbara förbättringar av sekundära aktiviteter.

Linking Antecedents and Consequences of Value Density in the Healthcare Delivery Supply Chain

Dobrzykowski, David D. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Quantitative Models of Location, Inventory and Transportation Decisions for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Becerra Muñoz, Pablo Andrés 26 July 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La gestión sostenible de las cadenas de suministro se ha transformado en un tema de alto interés entre profesionales e investigadores en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial. El impacto que generan las actividades económicas en el medioambiente y en las comunidades donde éstas se ubican ha generado un incremento en el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan incorporar dichos impactos en las decisiones tomadas en el nivel estratégico de las empresas e industrias. Es así como surgen nuevos paradigmas respecto al modelo de producción, como por ejemplo la economía circular, donde se busca transitar desde una economía de producción lineal, hacia una circular reduciendo al mínimo la generación de desperdicios, ya sea material y/o energético. En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral, sustentada en una revisión de la literatura y en un análisis de modelos de optimización matemática de referencia, propone un marco conceptual como herramienta de soporte para seguir desarrollando modelos cuantitativos para dar soporte a los problemas de localización, inventario y transporte (LIT) en cadenas de suministro sostenibles, así como, un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo no lineal entero mixto (MOMINLP) para diseñar una cadena de suministro sostenible de bucle cerrado considerando las decisiones LIT, donde los aspectos de sostenibilidad: económico, medioambiental y social son incorporados en cada una de las decisiones anteriores. El modelo propuesto, denominado 3S-LIT, considera cuatro funciones objetivo que pretenden: (1) minimizar el coste total de la cadena de suministro; (2) minimizar los costes asociados a la emisión de CO2 equivalente; (3) minimizar el coste social relacionado con los accidentes laborales; y (4) maximizar el impacto social, medido como el incremento en cuanto a la generación de empleos directos e indirectos y la reducción en la cantidad de personas afectas por los riesgos del transporte dentro de la cadena de suministro. El modelo 3S-LIT ha sido validado en una empresa del sector minero del cobre obteniendo un mejor desempeño en los valores de las funciones objetivo respecto a los obtenidos en la situación actual. Además, el modelo 3S-LIT se ha comparado con un enfoque existente en la literatura científica obteniéndose unos resultados satisfactorios tanto en términos de funcionalidades como de resultados. Finalmente, el modelo propuesto de optimización matemática, 3S-LIT, es replicado en un modelo de simulación con el cual se estudiaron posibles escenarios de disrupción de la cadena de suministro con el objetivo de analizar su capacidad resiliente. / [CA] La gestió sostenible de les cadenes de subministrament s'ha transformat en un tema d'alt interès entre professionals i investigadors en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria industrial. L'impacte que generen les activitats econòmiques en el medi ambient i en les comunitats on aquestes se situen ha generat un increment en el desenvolupament d'eines que permeten incorporar aquests impactes en les decisions preses en el nivell estratègic de les empreses i indústries. És així com sorgeixen nous paradigmes respecte al model de producció, com per exemple l'economia circular, on se cerca transitar des d'una economia de producció lineal, cap a una circular reduint al mínim la generació de desaprofitaments, ja siga material i/o energètic. En aquest context, aquesta tesi doctoral, sustentada en una revisió de la literatura i en una anàlisi de models d'optimització matemàtica de referència, proposa un marc conceptual com a eina de suport per a continuar desenvolupant models quantitatius per a donar suport als problemes de localització, inventari i transport (LIT) en cadenes de subministrament sostenibles, així com, un model d'optimització multi-objectiu no lineal enter mixt (MOMINLP) per a dissenyar una cadena de subministrament sostenible de bucle tancat considerant les decisions LIT, on els aspectes de sostenibilitat: econòmic, mediambiental i social són incorporats en cadascuna de les decisions anteriors. El model proposat, denominat 3S-LIT, considera quatre funcions objectiu que pretenen: (1) minimitzar el cost total de la cadena de subministrament; (2) minimitzar els costos associats a l'emissió de CO2 equivalent; (3) minimitzar el cost social relacionat amb els accidents laborals; i (4) maximitzar l'impacte social, mesurat com l'increment quant a la generació d'ocupacions directes i indirectes i la reducció en la quantitat de persones afectes pels riscos del transport dins de la cadena de subministrament. El model 3S-LIT ha sigut validat en una empresa del sector miner del coure obtenint un millor acompliment en els valors de les funcions objectiu respecte als obtinguts en la situació actual. A més, el model 3S-LIT s'ha comparat amb un enfocament existent en la literatura científica obtenint-se uns resultats satisfactoris tant en termes de funcionalitats com de resultats. Finalment, el model proposat d'optimització matemàtica, 3S-LIT, és replicat en un model de simulació amb el qual es van estudiar possibles escenaris de disrupció de la cadena de subministrament amb l'objectiu d'analitzar la seua capacitat resilient. / [EN] Sustainable supply chain management has become a topic of great interest among practitioners and researchers in the field of industrial engineering. The impact generated by economic activities on the environment and the communities where they are located has generated an increase in the development of tools that allow the incorporation of these impacts in the decisions taken at the strategic level of companies and industries. This is how new paradigms emerge regarding the production model, such as the Circular Economy, which seeks to move from a linear production economy to a circular one by minimising the generation of waste, both material and energetic. In this context, this PhD thesis, supported by a state-of-the-art study and the analysis of benchmark mathematical optimisation models, presents a conceptual framework to provide the key elements that act as a valuable tool to further develop quantitative models of location, inventory and transport (LIT) problems in sustainable supply chains, and a novel mixed integer non-linear multi-objective mixed integer multi-objective optimisation model (MOMINLP) for designing a closed-loop sustainable supply chain considering location, inventory and transportation decisions, where economic, environmental and social sustainability aspects are incorporated in each of the above mentioned decisions. The proposed model, called 3S-LIT, considers four objective functions that aim to: (1) minimise the total cost of the supply chain, (2) minimise the costs associated with CO2 equivalent emissions, (3) minimise the social cost related to occupational accidents, and (4) maximise the social impact, measured as a higher generation of direct and indirect jobs and a lower number of people affected by transport risks within the chain. The 3S-LIT model has been applied in a company in the copper mining sector, confirming a better performance in the values of the objective functions compared to those obtained in the current situation. In addition, the mathematical optimisation model is replicated in a simulation model with which possible supply chain disruption scenarios were studied to analyse the resilience of the supply chain. / This thesis has been developed within the Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP) of the Universitat Politècnica de València, within the framework of the projects: "Industrial Production and Logistics Optimization in Industry 4.0" (i4OPT) (Ref. PROMETEO/2021/065) granted by the Valencian Regional Government and received funding from Grant RTI2018-101344-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”; “Validation of transferable results of optimisation of zero-defect enabling production technologies for supply chain 4.0” (CADS4.0-II) from the grant PDC2022-133957-I00; and by European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTR, and from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070076 "Optimizing Production and Logistic Resources in the Time-critical Bio Production Industries in Europe" (CLARUS). It was also funded by the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)/Scholarship Program/Doctorado Becas en el Extranjero/2020 – 72210174 and sponsored by the Universidad de Atacama as part of an academic improvement plan. / Becerra Muñoz, PA. (2023). Quantitative Models of Location, Inventory and Transportation Decisions for Sustainable Supply Chain Management [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196651 / Compendio

Drivers of manufacturing performance in medium and large scale firms in Ethiopia (evidence from Addis Ababa and its periphery)

Getnet Begashaw Ketema 09 1900 (has links)
Manufacturing performance measures the extent to which the manufacturing plant has built capabilities like low cost, high quality, delivery, and flexibility. The importance of identifying drivers of these capabilities has been underscored by many scholars although limited evidence exists so far regarding this issue. The available evidence is also primarily based on data obtained from manufacturing firms operating in developed and emerging economies and not from firms in developing economies. This study, therefore, bridges this gap by exploring key internal and external drivers of manufacturing performance taking evidence from the manufacturing sector of a developing economy - Ethiopia. A quant-emphasis mixed method approach was used along with cross-sectional survey design to gather data and answer the research questions in the study. The unit of analysis is the manufacturing plant, and hence primary data was collected using multidimensional questionnaires at plant level from 197 medium and large scale firms from Addis Ababa and its periphery. Secondary data was obtained from census reports, the country’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), and report on the performance of the Ethiopian economy, which were analyzed qualitatively and the implications to manufacturing performance drawn in the study. A series of scale checks and analyses were made to test unidimensionality, reliability, and validity of measures and then structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze hypothesized relationships. The main finding is that environmental dynamism significantly influences competitive priorities and firm’s strategic orientation, which in turn significantly influence manufacturing decisions. Structural and infrastructural manufacturing decisions eventually significantly influence manufacturing performance when firms place increased emphasis on quality or delivery. The competitive priorities also significantly influence external learning capability of the manufacturing plant, although the influence of strategic orientation on this variable was not significant even at the 0.1 level except in the delivery priority model. Both the competitive priorities and strategic orientation, however, play little role in guiding leadership practices of manufacturing managers. The study further indicates that government support directly influences manufacturing performance, though it does not significantly influence external learning capability. Based on the findings, it is suggested that manufacturing firms should give due attention to what is going on in their external environment and accordingly align their competitive priorities, strategic orientation, and investments in structural and infrastructural resources to enhance plant performance. They should exhaustively utilize the supports provided by government as well. / Business Management / DBL

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