Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oppression"" "subject:"immunosuppressive""
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Beyond cultural competence : How mental health and psychosocial support practitioners' perception of culture influence their work with Syrian refugees in Amman, Jordan.Benson, Livia, Hedberg, Heléne January 2016 (has links)
Since the start of the Syrian war, Jordan has received many Syrian refugees with around 650,000 Syrians now residing in the country. As the state has received a lot of help from the international community, funding refugee camps and providing basic necessities, a lot of international humanitarian practitioners have come to Jordan to work alongside Jordanian and Middle Eastern practitioners. The situation therefore has brought practitioners from different academic, professional and geographical backgrounds together to work with people of a different cultural background than their own. Syrians represent a vast diversity in terms of ethnic, religious, linguistic and socio-economic backgrounds. Research have addressed that practitioners’ sensitivity to how cultural complexities may influence social problems can facilitate a better understanding of the client’s path to recovery. The purpose of our study was to increase the knowledge of mental health and psychosocial support practitioners’ understanding and experience of a culturally sensitive social work in Amman, Jordan and discuss how this affects their practice with Syrian refugees. Through qualitative interviews we found that the practitioners’ perception of Arab culture as one and the same makes culture a non-issue in terms of cultural diversity, and that this perception influence the practice with Syrian refugees in a number of ways.
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Reconsidering Meaning: Performing the Spaces Between the unNameable, unCertainty and SignificationForgan, Sorcia Jean January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with an exploration into the reconsideration of meaning of the embodied subject whose figuration is defined as abnormal relative to the prevailing hierarchical structures of western Cartesian dualism. Evidence of the degree of subordinate representation and treatment of the marginalized body is so far-reaching and the variety of classification so extensive that it becomes necessary to frame my research within a lens whose focus isolates more specific parameters for the purposes of an interrogative and pointed analysis. This narrowing of my viewpoint of the process of absention allows more specific areas of interest to be highlighted—since this reductive convention is, ironically, both sweepingly consuming yet tends toward the categorical in its often taxonomic classification. Hence, for the purposes of this analysis, I concentrate on the representations of the body marked as animal, criminal and disabled relative to their normalised ‘other’—interrogating the overt construction of their difference and their consequent, emergent, points of similarity. This exercise not only points to their architecture but simultaneously implies the erosion of their distinctiveness as separate representations of abnormality—as well as emphasizing the contrived act of pairing them with their presupposed ‘normal’ binary counterparts.
I argue that the visualization seemingly inhering in the bodies of those absented from dominant ideological structures is necessarily limited, its fixity emerging from stultification; an othering that maintains the subject via carceral structures that are socially and politically informed. The confines of this paradigm are prescribed through a consensual ascription to a governing norm that stipulates the superiority of the artificially normalised body—thereby constructing a dualism of constraint that polices the acceptance and rejection of individual physicality—within a wider public sphere of normalisation. This is evident in the representation of the body on a cultural and political level and undeniably intersects its conceptual interpretation and lived experience in both public and private spaces. The thesis introduces a body of theory that operates on a number of levels and performs a variety of functions—none of which can be easily, or even successfully, separated from the content and role of the significant presence of performance work that comprises the final script. The latter is presented in the form of photographic documentation that links its own process of visualization to the thesis whilst maintaining an active locus of critique—produced as response to the multifaceted problematic of political and personal othering emerging from culturally inscribed figurations of animality, disability and criminality. The theoretical analysis and performance practice exist in a symbiotic relationship—creating a mutual dialectical analysis that aims to avoid the fixities inhering in the extremes of either approach. Instead, one is invited to consider the contrasts, comparisons and complements emerging from the intricacies of their relationship—thereby avoiding the redundancies accompanying their binarist opposition and by extension, the dualisms of visual figuring I have isolated for examination.
Utilizing my performative practice as a point of entry into this analysis, I have focused on the problematization of these reified representations of the body within western modalities of seeing, with a view to introducing a different space of articulation so as to encourage alternative inscriptions of meaning. This approach exemplifies my search to undermine the overriding cultural motif that maintains and perpetuates the oppression of the body marked as ‘other’. The spectacle of incarceration that western society continues to
tolerate is thereby tirelessly interrogated, with the aim of exposing the secrets whose shame, if allowed to remain hidden, will never allow for release of the abnormal body from the society that birthed its difference.
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Affectivity in the classroom : A contribution to a feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogyÅkesson, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
In this study I aim to contribute to the field of feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogies, which I understand as a part of the broader field of feminist postconstructionist pedagogies. Against the background of feminist postconstructionism I wish to overcome binary understandings of for example discourse/materiality, theory/practice, male/female and mind/body in pedagogies. To follow this through I have analysed how affects and emotions are present in a classroom by studying the possibility of taking a starting point in the body while rethinking the anti-oppressive and norm critical pedagogical idea of the self-reflective teacher. In order to challenge the idea of the teacher as a neutral, universal and rational knowledge producer, I have in this study analysed how one can affectively and emotionally situate teacher-bodies and participant-bodies in a classroom. The analysis was carried out on the basis of empirical material collected at a workshop on corporeality and norm critical pedagogy organised in a teacher-training program at a Swedish university. The workshop was conducted as intra-active-research and the material consists of my field diary, eight written interviews, one oral interview and my experiences from leading the workshop. I argue in this study that teacher-bodies affectively and emotionally could be situated as both following a corporeal schema, an expected plan for how a teacher-body should act and move, and also as stepping away from and disrupting this schema. Further on I argue that teacher-bodies could be situated as memory banks and as working from memory. I stress how important it is in pedagogic situations to be aware of the ways in which bodies in a room affect and are affected by each other, in other words; how bodies “do not end at the skin”. This affective and emotional situatedness shows how it is possible to overcome the idea of teachers and students as bodily neutral. I also argue that it might be important to integrate workshops on corporealities in teacher training. This could be one possible way to start to think on one’s affectively and emotionally situatedness as teacher, something I claim as required if one aspires for a feminist intersectional corpomaterial pedagogy.
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Exploring intersex wellness: A social work approachWolf, Mórrígan 04 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores some of the themes and issues that social workers may wish to consider when investigating and addressing matters pertaining to wellness in individuals with sex-variances. Foundational literature includes writings by John Money, the Chicago Consensus, and the clinical guidelines of the Intersex Society of North America. A three pillars model is introduced as a potential means for fostering better understanding and diversity in relation to sex, gender, and sexuality. Semi-structured interviews surrounding wellness are conducted with four individuals who have sex-variances. Interview results are analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Recommendations are put forth in a manner designed to allow social workers to work collaboratively with individuals who have sex-variances and their families, as well as with other medical and health professionals who provide services thereof. The analyses and recommendations presented in this thesis are situated within a context of evidence-based anti-oppressive practice.
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Η προπαγάνδα και η εκπαιδευτική πολιτική των ιταλικών στρατευμάτων κατοχής στα Επτάνησα (1941-1943)Μάργαρη, Φιλιππίτσα 04 May 2011 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή προσπαθούμε να προσεγγίσουμε την περίοδο της Ιταλικής Κατοχής στα Επτάνησα, από τον Απρίλιο του 1941 ως το Σεπτέμβριο του 1943,όχι από τη συνήθη πλευρά των στρατιωτικών και πολιτικών γεγονότων, αλλά από τη σκοπιά της καθημερινής ζωής στα νησιά και τον τρόπο που οι αρχές κατοχής προσπάθησαν να εφαρμόσουν το σχέδιό τους για την προσάρτηση των νησιών στην Ιταλική επικράτεια.Συγκεκριμένα επικεντρωθήκαμε στο προπαγανδιστικό πλαίσιο εντός του οποίου κινήθηκαν οι αρχές, επιθυμώντας να αφελληνίσουν τις συνειδήσεις των κατοίκων, άλλοτε μέσω της πειθούς και άλλοτε μέσω της βίας και της καταπίεσης. Η εργασία χωρίζεται σε 4 ενότητες: η πρώτη περιλαμβάνει το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο, τα μεθοδολογικά και ερευνητικά ζητήματα και τους εννοιολογικούς προσδιορισμούς. Η δεύτερη ενότητα καταγράφει το ιστορικό πλαίσιο πριν από την ιταλική κατάληψη των Επτανήσων και αφορά γεγονότα του Μεσοπολέμου στη Ευρώπη και την Ελλάδα, τα οποία προετοίμασαν το Β΄Π Π και ανέδειξαν το Φασισμό, ο οποίος επρόκειτο να εμπλέξει πολεμικά, στα ιμπεριαλιστικά του σχέδια, ολόκληρη σχεδόν την ανθρωπότητα. Η τρίτη ενότητα περιλαμβάνει τα αντιστασιακά κινήματα των πολιτών και τις περιπτώσεις συνεργασίας Ελλήνων με τον κατακτητή. Η τέταρτη ενότητα περιλαμβάνει τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας που διενεργήθηκε σε πρωτογενείς και δευτερογενείς πηγές, τα καθαυτό ιστορικά δεδομένα και την εξαγωγή των συμπερασμάτων μας. Ακολουθεί η καταγραφή της σχετικής βιβλιογραφίας, ελληνόγλωσσης και ξενόγλωσσης. Ειδικότερα μελετήσαμε τα τεκμήρια που απηχούσαν την προπαγανδιστική πολιτική των Ιταλών, επικεντρώνοντας περισσότερο στο θέμα της αγωγής των νέων, η οποία εξετάστηκε και με τη στενή έννοια του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος και με την ευρύτερη της διαπαιδαγώγησης. Ανακαλύψαμε ότι στη βάση της της πολιτικής των Ιταλών βρίσκεται το ιδεολόγημα της ιστορικής συνέχειας της παρουσίας τους στα Επτάνησα, το οποίο εξυπηρετούσε εξαρχής τη σκοπιμότητα της διαμόρφωσης μιας ανθελληνικής εθνικής συνείδησης, αρχικά στους νέους και κατόπιν σε ολόκληρο τον πληθυσμό. Οι αναφορές στο παρελθόν και η προβολή ενός καλύτερου μέλλοντος, σε επίπεδο ατομικό και συλλογικό, αποτέλεσαν τα κύρια μέρη της τακτικής τους. Η μετάδοση της επιλεκτικά ιεραρχημένης και κατάλληλα διαμορφωμένης γνώσης από τους εκπαιδευτικούς - υποστηρικτές του φασισμού- θα μπορούσε να φέρει εις πέρας το σχέδιο των αρχών.Όλα αυτά σε συνδυασμό με το στραγγαλισμό της οικονομίας των νησιών και την τελεία εξαθλίωση του πληθυσμού,ο οποίος θα έπρεπε να εμπιστευτεί το πατερναλιστικό κράτος πρόνοιας των Ιταλών Φασιστών, προκειμένου να επιβιώσει. / In this project wy try to approach the Italian occupation of the Ionian Islands from April 1941 till September 1943, not the military and the political events, but the everyday lives on the islands and the way the authorities used wishing to remove the Greek idenity of the consciousness of people,sometimes by persuasion and sometimes through violence and oppression. The project is divided in four units. The first involves the theoretical framework, the methodological research iusses and concept definitions. The second unit refers to the historical framework of the Ionian Islands before the Italian occupation, and has to do with events of the interwar in Europe and in Greece which prepared World War II and distinguished Fascism, which was going to involve in its imperialistic prans almost all humanity. The third unit includes resistance movements of people and cases of cooperation with the conqueror. The fourth unit contains the results of research which was carried out from primary and secondary sources, the historical facts and our conclusion. A reference of the Greek and foreign bibliography which were used follows. We mainly studied the presumption which reflected the propagandist policy of the Italians, focused more on the issue of treatment for young people, which was examined in a close conception of the educational system and the wider education. We discovered that the ideology of the historical continuation of their presence in the Ionian Islands is found in the basis of the Italian policy, which from the beginning served the feasibility of building the anti-hellenic national consciousness, firstly to the young people and later on all the population. A reference in the past and a showing of a better future in an individual and association level consisted the main parts of their tactics. The spread of the selective hierarchy and suitably formed knowledge from the educators-supporters of fascism could accomplish the plan of the authorities. All this in combination with the strain of economy of the islands and the total improverishment of the population who would have to trust the paternalistic providence-state of the Italian fascism so as to survive.
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"Genusböcker finns det ju gott om" : Förskollärares uppfattningar om normkritiskt arbete med barnlitteratur / "There are plenty of gender books" : Preschool teachers' views on norm-critical work with children´s literaturePettersson, Aillinora, Kimström, Micaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur förskollärare uppfattar begreppet normkritik och hur de tillämpar det i arbetet med barnlitteratur i förskolan. Forskning kring det normkritiska perspektivet visar att det krävs stor medvetenhet kring normer och privilegier för att vi inte omedvetet istället förstärker normer och skapa utanförskap. Tidigare forskning har visat att förskollärare tycker att det är svårt att implementera normkritiska arbetssätt på ett enkelt sätt i förskolans vardag. De upplever heller inte att de har tillräckligt med utbildning eller förståelse för ämnet. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och en tillämpning av normkritiskt perspektiv i analysen har vi undersökt vilka normer som lyfts i samtalet kring begreppet normkritik och vilka normer som inte nämns. Studien undersöker även förskollärares uppfattningar om arbetet med barnlitteratur ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Empirin består av tio intervjuer av förskollärare i geografiskt olika områden i Sverige. Undersökningen visar att förskollärare definierar normkritik på tre olika sätt. De beskriver normkritik som ett förhållningssätt, en medvetenhet om egna privilegier och fördomar och som ett synliggörande av normer och strukturer. Studien visar att alla förskollärare i undersökningen anser att de har förståelse för ämnet, antingen genom utbildningen eller eget intresse. I studien framkommer det att genus är den norm som uppmärksammas mest, både i definitionen av normkritik och i förskollärarnas uppfattningar om arbetet med barnlitteratur. Vi kan också se att fortbildning i normkritik behövs för att ge förskollärarna bättre förutsättningar att välja bra litteratur till förskolan. / <p><strong>Fastställt via akademichefsbeslut HIG-STYR 2019/7 den 2019-01-07</strong></p><p><strong> </strong>Daniel Petterson, fil dr, univ. lekt Pedagogik och Erika Björklund, fil dr, univ. lekt Pedagogik går in som examinatorer på PEG700 under veckorna 1 till och med 3, 2019 då Peter Gill, prof. Pedagogik, gått i pension från och med 2019-01-01.</p>
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ESPIRITUALIDADE E EDUCAÇÃO PARA A LIBERDADE: o opressor hospedado no oprimido de Paulo Freire e a teoria do desejo mimético de René GirardSoares, Adriana 15 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study discusses the relationship between spirituality and education for freedom from the anthropological perspective of human mimetic desire as key to the understanding of human
relations, and spirituality as a fundamental dimension in the engagement in the battle for transformation of society. Through literature search, it is the analysis of the problem identified by Paulo Freire, that the oppressive "hosted" the oppressed represents an obstacle to the liberation, from the perspective of the theory of mimetic desire of René Girard. Works with the hypothesis that this essential element in anthropological thinking of Paulo Freire, forgotten as his pedagogical proposal assumed a character purely on conscience, refers to the dimension of spirituality. Because the distance between utopia of the liberation and the
reality, establishes itself the scene of a crisis that falls not only on formal educators, but also on many of those who, at some point in their lives, whether in the battle for the engagement in social transformation. Since the method is well known, and it is acquire consciousness, the fact that the dreamed transformation has not occurred leads the conclusion that something failed in the process.(AU) / Este estudo discute a relação entre espiritualidade e educação para a liberdade, a partir da perspectiva antropológica da natureza mimeticamente desejante do ser humano como elemento chave para a compreensão das relações humanas, e da espiritualidade como dimensão fundamental para o engajamento na luta pela transformação da sociedade. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, procede-se à análise do problema identificado por Paulo Freire, de
que o opressor hospedado no oprimido representa um obstáculo para a libertação, sob a ótica da teoria do desejo mimético de René Girard. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que o
elemento antropológico fundamental presente no pensamento de Paulo Freire, esquecido à medida que sua proposta pedagógica assumiu um caráter meramente conscientizador, referese à dimensão da espiritualidade. Diante do abismo que se coloca entre a utopia da libertação e a realidade instaura-se o cenário de crise que recai, não apenas sobre educadores formais, como também sobre muitos daqueles que, em algum momento de suas vidas, se engajaram na luta pela transformação social. Uma vez que o método é sabido, e é conscientizar, o fato de que a transformação sonhada não tenha ocorrido leva a conclusão de que alguma coisa falhou
no processo.(AU)
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”Det finns ingenting så politiskt korrekt som en svensk lärobok” : En normkritisk analys av samhällsvetenskapliga läroböcker för gymnasieskolan med fokus på jämställdhet / ”There is nothing more political correct than a Swedish textbook” : An anti-oppressive analysis of social science textbooks for upper secondary school with a gender equality focusLennevi, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Is there a symbiosis between gender equality and teaching materials? If yes, are we talking about representation, a percentual divide of pages or of anti-oppressive pedagogy? This study has its origins in the social science subject within the Swedish school system and focuses on analyzing the gender equality in textbooks. It is of importance as gender equality is a central topic in the Swedish curriculum on which the education is built on. The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about how gender equality is portraited in textbooks addressed for the Swedish upper secondary school. The basis for this study sets in the anti-oppressive theory combined with a performative approach and the discourse of sencemaking. The anti-oppressive pedagogy addresses social values in relation to gender roles and the upholding of hierarchies. The performative approach works together with sencemaking to describe the textbook’s co-creation upon perceptions of reality. It states that if something is repeated enough times, patterns and values are made that outlines the gender roles in society. The method used in this study is a qualitative text analysis by means of evaluating the concept of gender equality as well as to investigate how it is presented, pictured and mediated through the texts. The study shows that gender equality is limited within the textbook to a political goal with emphasis on labor legislation, and foremost about wages. Gender equality is also portraited mainly by means of statutory formal change, which neglects the operative gender equality. It also shows that women somewhat are excluded from representation even within the content of their own historiography. Men are given more content in total which could lead to difficulties for female pupils to find the text meaningful by means of representation. Sweden is viewed upon as a pioneering country when it comes to gender equality and is compared to other countries less influent work on the subject. This could influence the correlation of power between westerners, Swedes included, and the others in relation to the performative approach. Finally, the study argues for the balance between managing gender equality as a separate text episode as well as it being integrated in other sections of the textbook.
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Frankenstein Unmasked : A Critical Analysis of “Otherness” in Frankenstein and its Significance for Establishing an Anti-Oppressive EducationKourie, Nagham January 2023 (has links)
This essay analyzes the theme of “Otherness” in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein through three different lenses: queer readings, feminist readings, and disability studies, which will offer multiple perspectives of the “Otherness” present in the novel. The essay will engage with critics such as Benjamin Bagocius, Fuson Wang, and Colleen Hobbs. The aim of this essay is to utilize analyzed passages in Upper Secondary classrooms to cultivate critical thinking among students on issues of oppression and privilege in order to foster Anti-Oppressive education. The essay begins by introducing the concept of “Otherness” and its significance in Frankenstein. It then delves into the three different lenses and their perspectives on the theme of “Otherness.” Through these different readings, the essay demonstrates the complex and multi-layered nature of “Otherness” in Frankenstein. Furthermore, the essay argues that this analysis can be used to establish an Anti-Oppressive education in the Upper Secondary classroom. By critically examining how oppression and privilege operate in the novel, students can learn to recognize and challenge oppressive systems in society. The essay then moves into a discussion of why an Anti-Oppressive education is necessary. Specifically, it briefly critiques the Swedish curriculum for addressing oppression in a way that increases tolerance towards marginalized groups, rather than recognizing privilege and challenging the systemic roots of oppression.
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O verdadeiro jejum: um estudo exegético de Is 58,1-12 / The genuine fast: an exegetical study of Is 58,1-12Lobo, Ronald 12 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-12 / The aim of the present study is to propose a reading of the book of Isaiah 58,1-12 which deals with a genuine fasting. The prophecy of Trito Isaiah, is intrinsically connected to justice and righteousness. As for the exegetical study the synchronic perspective is used. The study of literary aspect and historical context leads us to situate the perícope at the beginning of post-exilic period around 538-520 b.C. The exiled judean community returns to the homeland, and tries to reconstruct itself at the beginning of the Persian rule. In this context, the prophet s criticism tries to correct the religious practice, the fast as it is practiced, cut off of social solidarity with the fragile groups like those of hungry, naked and homeless. Through eight innovative forms of doing justice and righteousness the text proposes a new fast. Orders the end of all forms of oppression and on the counterpart proposes sharing of bread, clothing and boarding. The proposal goes ahead, asks for sharing of one s own life through a radical solidarity. For those who practice genuine fast, the LORD promises his continuous presence, the necessary protection and a happy future.
The dissertation is divided into four parts, all along, the commentary style prevails. The study wants to contribute, the understanding of fasting in present time, in the hopes and problems our society faces today / O presente estudo tem como meta propor uma leitura de Isaías Is 58,1-12 que fala de verdadeiro jejum. Na profecia de Trito Isaías, está intrinsecamente vinculada à prática da justiça e do direito. Quanto à metodologia exegética, a pesquisa é conduzida por meio da perspectiva sincrônica. O estudo literário e o contexto histórico da perícope levam-nos situá-lo no início do pós-exílio, por volta dos anos 538-520 a.C. A comunidade dos judeus exilados regressou à pátria sob o domínio persa e tenta reconstruir-se. Neste contexto, a denúncia profética tem por objetivo corrigir a prática religiosa, ou seja, o jejum praticado, no caso da perícope em questão, desassociada de uma prática social solidária com os grupos frágeis como famintos, nus e desabrigados. O texto propõe um novo jejum através dos oito modos inovadores de praticar a justiça e o direito. Pede-se o fim de toda forma de opressão e exige-se a partilha do pão, da veste e da moradia. A proposta segue adiante, pede-se a partilha da própria vida através duma solidariedade radical. Aos que seguem o novo jejum, o SENHOR promete-se a sua presença continua, proteção necessária e um futuro feliz.
O trabalho divide-se em quatro partes, prevalece o estilo de comentário. Este estudo quer contribuir com a atualização do sentido e da prática do jejum nos dias de hoje, a partir dos desafios e das esperanças de nossa sociedade
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