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Pharmacological interventions for the hemodynamic management of deceased organ donorsFrenette, Anne Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Chaque année, plusieurs milliers de patients aux prises avec une maladie chronique terminale s’ajoutent à la liste d’attente pour une transplantation d’organe, espérant ainsi prolonger leur espérance de vie. Le plus souvent, le don d’organes survient suite au décès neurologique d’un donneur, une condition qui n’est pas sans conséquence sur la qualité des organes. Les traitements pharmacologiques visant à rétablir l’homéostasie et à protéger les organes à transplanter ont été majoritairement étudiés dans des études observationnelles, au début des années 80. Depuis, très peu d’essais randomisés ont évalué l’impact d’interventions chez des donneurs sur des issues cliniques chez des receveurs. Conséquemment, le bénéfice net des traitements pharmacologiques utilisés de routine chez les donneurs d’organes après décès neurologique demeure inconnu et la rationnelle physiopathologique supportant leur utilisation est questionnable.
Cette thèse a pour visée de recenser les évidences supportant les traitements pharmacologiques employés pour la stabilité hémodynamique des donneurs d’organes après décès neurologique et de décrire le niveau d’évidence supportant leur usage. Nous visons également à identifier des cibles de recherche potentielles basées sur de nouvelles observations pathophysiologiques. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons dressé un large portrait de la prise en charge actuelle des donneurs après décès neurologique, ceci menant ensuite à l’exploration des perceptions des médecins intensivistes canadiens en regard de ces interventions. Nous avons également exploré la présentation clinique cardiaque des donneurs et nous avons identifié des barrières à la recherche clinique dans le domaine. Notre thèse a mené à 4 articles scientifiques.
D’abord, nous avons démontré à l’aide d’une revue systématique des lignes directrices internationales sur la prise en charge des donneurs après décès neurologique que les recommandations actuelles sont incohérentes et que leur faible qualité méthodologique reflète la lenteur de l’émergence de la recherche dans le domaine. Ensuite, nous avons effectué un sondage national auprès de médecins des soins intensifs ayant de l’expérience dans la prise en charge des donneurs. Nous avons ainsi démontré que les perceptions de pratiques sont très variables au pays et avons attribué ces divergences d’opinions au manque de données probantes, et à la possible inexpérience relative des médecins face aux rares cas de don d’organes sur une unité de soins intensifs. Notre troisième article a démontré que la dysfonction ventriculaire droite est fréquente après un décès neurologique, bien que la littérature actuelle ne mette l’emphase que sur la dysfonction ventriculaire gauche et ses conséquences. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la description actuelle des conséquences hémodynamique du décès neurologique est incomplète et qu’une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à la dysfonction ventriculaire droite permettrait d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Finalement, en s’appuyant sur nos observations, nous questionnons l’efficacité et la pertinence d’interventions pharmacologiques administrées de routine chez les donneurs telles que l’hormonothérapie de remplacement. Nous avons donc effectué un essai randomisé pilote visant à évaluer la faisabilité d’une étude multicentrique déterminante comparant la levothyroxine au placebo chez des donneurs potentiels. Cette étude pilote a démontré qu’une étude d’envergure était nécessaire afin d’évaluer le bénéfice de l’intervention et a permis d’identifier des barrières à la recherche spécifiques au domaine. Nous proposons que des activités de transfert de connaissances sur le niveau d’évidence supportant les interventions pharmacologiques actuelles soient implantées en préparation d’un essai randomisé contrôlé multicentrique.
Cette thèse a permis de mettre en lumière la validité questionnable du traitement pharmacologique pour la prise en charge de l’instabilité hémodynamique des donneurs d’organes tel qu’il est utilisé présentement. Nous avons fait ressortir que le traitement actuel est historiquement basé sur des données de faible évidence. Nous suggérons que l’avenir de la recherche interventionnelle chez les donneurs d’organes repose sur la capacité des cliniciens et des chercheurs à reconnaitre les zones d’incertitude dans les connaissances actuelle et à accepter des changements dans leur pratique. / Every year, thousands of chronically ill patients are added to the transplant list, in the hope of an organ transplant that could save their life. Most frequently, organ donation occurs following neurological death of a donor, a clinical pathological condition that can jeopardize the quality and stability of organs. The body of literature on the hemodynamic consequences of neurological death and their treatment exist since the early 80’s. Since then, very few randomized trials have been performed on the neurologically deceased donor population. As a consequence, the benefit of routine pharmacological therapies for the hemodynamic management of neurologically deceased donors on recipients’ outcomes is still uncertain, and the pathological theory underlying their use remains questionable.
Consequently, this thesis aims at describing the actual body of evidence supporting the pharmacological treatment for the hemodynamic management of neurologically deceased donors and the theoretical rationale for their use. We also aimed at adding to the actual knowledge of brain death physiological hemodynamic consequences. To achieve this goal, we drew a broad portrait of the actual management of hemodynamic instability in organ donors, leading to the exploration of perceptions on these interventions. We then explored physiological consequences of neurological death at the heart level and evaluated the feasibility of conducting a multicentre trial on a pharmacological intervention in donors. Our thesis let to four research articles.
First, we demonstrated through a systematic review of international guidelines for the management of neurologically deceased donors that the existing recommendations are inconsistent and that their poor methodological quality reflects the slow emergence of clinical research in the field. Then, in a national survey of intensive care physicians with experience in organ donor clinical management, we identified varying perceptions of practices in the country. We attributed this difference in opinions to the paucity of research in the field and to the possible relative inexperience of some physicians when managing deceased donors, a relatively rare condition in the intensive care unit. Our third article suggested that right ventricular dysfunction is frequent after neurological death, although existing literature focus mainly on the occurrence and consequences of left ventricular dysfunction. We postulate that the actual description of hemodynamic consequences of neurological death is incomplete and that a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying right ventricular dysfunction would permit to identify new therapeutic targets. Finally, based on our previous conclusions, we questioned the relevance and efficacy of levothyroxine routine administration in donors and designed a pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate the feasibility of a multicenter definitive trial. This pilot trial permitted to identify important barriers to interventional research including neurologically deceased donors. We propose that knowledge translation activities on the actual level of evidence supporting routine interventions be implemented in the preparation of a future randomized trial.
This thesis permits to question the validity of the actual pharmacological management of neurologically deceased donors highlighting the paucity of high-evidence literature in the field and the penetrance of historical interventions and concepts. We suggest that the future of research in the field lies on the ability to recognize areas of uncertainties and the acceptance of practice change.
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Úloha sestry v dárcovství orgánů u dětských pacientů / Role of nurse in organ donation in pediatric patiensVotavová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the issue of nursing care in pediatric pati- ents before consumption of organs at the resuscitation department. I consider this topic socially very topical because the number of transplant candidates on transplantation lists is constantly increasing. Since child transplant can- didates are the most vulnerable group, I have focused on child organ donors. The theoretical part criticizes the concept of death and threat, including examination methods that lead to brain death. I present the activities of the Coordination Center of the Transplant and Coordinated Coordinator in a donor program that seeks to proliferate the transplant program. An important component is legal legislation and ethical aspects, which are an integral part of the donor system in the Czech Republic. Study materials I searched in the databases NLK, SVKKL, Medvik, Embase, PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Medscape. The research was conducted from the National Medical Library and from the Central Bohemian Library in Kladno. I got statistical data from web sources, especially from KST. Methodology: The choice of the case study best fulfills the requirements necessary to map the key moments of nursing care, which may play a role in the timely indication of a potential organ donor, as well as in considering...
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Úloha sestry v dárcovství orgánů u dětských pacientů / Role of nurse in organ donation in pediatric patiensVotavová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the issue of nursing care in pediatric patients before consumption of organs at the resuscitation department. I consider this topic socially very topical because the number of transplant candidates on transplantation lists is constantly increasing. Since child transplant candidates are the most vulnerable group, I have focused on child organ donors. The theoretical part criticizes the concept of death and threat, including examination methods that lead to brain death. I present the activities of the Coordination Center of the Transplant and Coordi- nated Coordinator in a donor program that seeks to proliferate the transplant program. An important component is legal legislation and ethical aspects, which are an integral part of the donor system in the Czech Republic. Study materials I searched in the databases NLK, SVKKL, Medvik, Embase, PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Medscape. The research was conducted from the National Medical Library and from the Central Bohemian Library in Kladno. I got statistical data from web sources, especially from KST. Methodology: The choice of the case study best fulfills the requirements necessary to map the key moments of nursing care, which may play a role in the timely indication of a potential organ donor, as well as in considering...
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Värdet av ett veto : En samhällsekonomisk lönsamhetskalkyl för ett borttagande av närståendevetot vid organdonationHertzman, Lovisa, Nilsson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Under tidig vår 2021 presenterade den svenska regeringen en proposition som skulle innebära ändringar i transplantationslagen. Eftersom det råder organbrist i Sverige är syftet med propositionen att fler donationer ska möjliggöras. Ett av förslagen är ett borttagande av närståendevetot vilket innebär att anhöriga inte längre har rätt att neka donation från en avliden närstående när donationsviljan är okänd, även kallat ett hard opt out-system. Sverige skulle då bli det tredje landet i världen att införa ett sådant donationssystem. Det finns få studier som undersöker effekten av ett borttagande av närståendevetot, framförallt ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Syftet med vår uppsats är att analysera en sådan systemförändring i Sverige genom en CBA. Som komplement till vår CBA genomför vi en enkätstudie för att analysera vissa icke-monetära effekter. Vi vill också undersöka om inställningen till organdonation har förändrats sedan den senaste undersökningen gjordes år 2015. Resultatet visar en mer positiv inställning till organdonation i vår studie jämfört med tidigare. I huvudkalkylen ger de monetärt värderade effekterna av ett borttagande av närståendevetot en nettobesparing på 427 miljoner kronor. Förutsatt att de icke-monetära effekterna inte uppgår till en kostnad på mer än 427 miljoner kronor är ett borttagande av närståendevetot en samhällsekonomiskt lönsam åtgärd. I känslighetsanalysen presenteras flera alternativa kalkyler där de monetära effekterna ger en positiv nettobesparing i samtliga vilket tyder på ett robust resultat i vår huvudkalkyl. Trots att våra beräkningar tyder på att ett borttagande av närståendevetot leder till en nettobesparing kan uppsatsen inte fastställa om det är den mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärden. Tidigare studier menar att det inte finns bevis för att borttagandet i sig leder till fler donerade organ och att strukturella förändringar kan vara minst lika betydelsefulla, om inte mer. Vi rekommenderar att fler jämförande studier görs med länder som har en hög andel donatorer för att kunna utvärdera vilka åtgärder som skulle vara mest kostnadseffektiva i Sverige. / In early spring 2021, the Swedish government presented a bill that would entail amendments to the Transplantation Act. Since there is an organ shortage in Sweden, the purpose of the bill is to enable more donations. One of the proposals is the removal of the family consent which means that relatives will no longer have the right to refuse donation from a deceased relative when the willingness to donate is unknown, also known as a hard opt out system. This would make Sweden the third country in the world to implement such a donation system. There are few previous studies which examine the economic aspect of removing the family consent. The purpose of our thesis is to analyze such a systemic change in Sweden through a CBA. In addition to our CBA, we conduct a survey to analyze certain non-monetary effects. We also seek to analyze whether the attitude towards organ donation has changed since the most recent survey was conducted in 2015. The results show a more positive attitude towards organ donation in our study compared to earlier research. In the main calculation, the monetarily valued effects of a removal of the family consent presents net savings of SEK 427 million. Given that the non-monetary effects do not add up to a cost of more than SEK 427 million, a removal of the family consent is a profitable measure from a CBA perspective. The sensitivity analysis presents several alternative calculations where the monetary effects provide a net saving in all of them, which indicates a robust result in our main calculation. Even though our calculations indicate that a removal of the family consent leads to a net saving, we cannot determine if it is the most cost-effective measure. Previous studies suggest that there is no evidence that the removal itself leads to more donated organs and that structural changes can be at least as significant, if not more so. We recommend that additional comparative studies with countries that have a high proportion of donors should be conducted. This would help with the evaluation of which measures would be the most cost-effective in Sweden.
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Final Scholarly Project: Development of Evidence-Based Practice Anesthesia Guidelines for Brain-Dead Organ DonorsDzialowski, Kelly 01 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Développement et validation d’un modèle d’apprentissage machine pour la détection de potentiels donneurs d’organesSauthier, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
Le processus du don d’organes, crucial pour la survie de nombreux patients, ne répond pas à la demande croissante. Il dépend d’une identification, par les cliniciens, des potentiels donneurs d’organes. Cette étape est imparfaite et manque entre 30% et 60% des potentiels donneurs d’organes et ce indépendamment des pays étudiés. Améliorer ce processus est un impératif à la fois moral et économique. L’objectif de ce mémoire était de développer et valider un modèle afin de détecter automatiquement les potentiels donneurs d’organes.
Pour ce faire, les données cliniques de l’ensemble des patients adultes hospitalisés aux soins intensifs du CHUM entre 2012 et 2019 ont été utilisées. 103 valeurs de laboratoires temporelles différentes et 2 valeurs statiques ont été utilisées pour développer un modèle de réseaux de neurones convolutifs entrainé à prédire les potentiels donneurs d’organes. Ce modèle a été comparé à un modèle fréquentiste linéaire non temporel. Le modèle a par la suite été validé dans une population externe cliniquement distincte. Différentes stratégies ont été comparées pour peaufiner le modèle dans cette population externe et améliorer les performances.
Un total de 19 463 patients, dont 397 donneurs potentiels, ont été utilisés pour développer le modèle et 4 669, dont 36 donneurs potentiels, ont été utilisés pour la validation externe. Le modèle démontrait une aire sous la courbe ROC (AUROC) de 0.966 (IC95% 0.9490.981), supérieure au modèle fréquentiste linéaire (AUROC de 0.940 IC95% 0.908-0.969, p=0.014). Le modèle était aussi supérieur dans certaines sous populations d’intérêt clinique. Dans le groupe de validation externe, l’AUROC du modèle de réseaux de neurones était de 0.820 (0.682-0.948) augmentant à 0.874 (0.731-0.974) à l’aide d’un ré-entrainement.
Ce modèle prometteur a le potentiel de modifier et d’améliorer la détection des potentiels donneurs d’organes. D’autres étapes de validation prospectives et d’amélioration du modèle, notamment l’ajout de données spécifiques, sont nécessaires avant une utilisation clinique de routine. / The organ donation process, however crucial for many patients’ survival, is not enough to address the increasing demand. Its efficiency depends on potential organ donors’ identification by clinicians. This imperfect step misses between 30%–60% of potential organ donor. Improving that process is a moral and economic imperative. The main goal of this work was to address that liming step by developing and validating a predictive model that could automatically detect potential organ donors.
The clinical data from all patients hospitalized, between 2012 and 2019 to the CHUM critical care units were extracted. The temporal evolution of 103 types of laboratory analysis and 2 static clinical data was used to develop and test a convolutive neural network (CNN), trained to predict potential organ donors. This model was compared to a non-temporal logistical model as a baseline. The CNN model was validated in a clinically distinct external population. To improve the performance in this external cohort, strategies to fine-tune the network were compared.
19 463 patients, including 397 potential organ donors, were used to create the model and 4 669 patients, including 36 potential organ donors, served as the external validation cohort. The CNN model performed better with an AUROC of 0.966 (IC95% 0.949-0.981), compared to the logistical model (AUROC de 0.940 IC95% 0.908-0.969, p=0.014). The CNN model was also superior in specific subpopulation of increased clinical interest. In the external validation cohort, the CNN model’s AUROC was 0.820 (0.682-0.948) and could be improved to 0.874 (0.731-0.974) after fine tuning.
This promising model could change potential organ donors' detection for the better. More studies are however required to improve the model, by adding more types of data, and to validate prospectively the mode before routine clinical usage.
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Consent to organ donation and family authorization : A causal inference study of the French amendment of article L1232-1 in Code de la santé publique and organ donationsLundberg, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The world is experiencing a lasting shortage of organ donations – a problem more severe in some countries than others. Literature on the matter argues that an explanation for this is the various legal default consent systems, and the importance put on the opinions of the family members regarding the donation question in case of sudden death. This paper establishes the causal inference between cadaveric organ donation rates and the French amendment of the public health code, of 2017, which limited the authorization given to the family members - aiming to decrease family refusal rates and consequently increase cadaveric organ donation rates. By applying the synthetic control method, a synthetic counterfactual to France is constructed from a donor group, including comparable European countries. The counterfactual, Synthetic France, resembles what would have happened in France in the absence of the amendment. The results show that the legal amendment of article L1232-1 in the public health code (code de la santé publique) was likely the driving force behind the increased donation rate in the subsequent years. The main finding of this study is robust and statistically significant, providing confidence to the claim of causal inference.
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Organdonationens storm : Insikter från familj och närstående / The Storm of Organ Donation : Insights from Family and Loved OnesEbbinghaus, Christine, Jakobsson, Helena January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrunden betonar vikten av organdonation för att rädda liv och förbättra livskvaliteten för patienter med terminal organsvikt. Trots ökningen av transplantationer globalt finns det fortfarande en betydande brist på tillgängliga organ, vilket leder till hög dödlighet bland väntande patienter. Närstående spelar en central roll i processen genom att ofta fatta beslut om organdonation när den potentiella donatorn inte själv har uttryckt en vilja. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har en nyckelroll i att stödja och kommunicera med närstående under denna känsloladdade process. Familjecentrerad vård är avgörande för att ge stöd och vägledning till familjer genom svåra beslut och sorgearbete. Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen av donationsprocessen ur ett närståendeperspektiv. Metoden omfattande en strukturerad litteraturöversikt med en kvalitativ ansats. Genom systematiska sökningar i CINAHL och PubMed har relevant litteratur inom området identifieras och analyserats i teman, för att få en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Totalt identifierades 17 artiklar. Dataanalysen genomfördes med hjälp av Braun och Clares metod för tematisk analys. Resultatet avslöjar tre teman som belyser närståendes upplevelse av donationsprocessen. Det första temat stormens förståelse, symboliserar en tid av kaos och utmaningar där närstående upplevde olika aspekter av information och kommunikation. Samtidigt som de präglades av svårigheter att acceptera den juridiska dödförklaringen. Det andra temat stormens öga avslöjade närståendes erfarenheter av bemötande, stöd och beslutsfattande i samband med donation. Det tredje temat brisen efter stormen, belyser närståendes upplevelser av generositet och känslomässig kontakt med mottagaren. Dessa teman ger insikt i den emotionella resa och de utmaningar som närstående möter under donationsprocessen. Slutsatsen är att närståendes upplevelse i donationsprocessen har en direkt koppling till familjecentrerad vård. Där en familjecentrerade vård på intensivvårdsavdelningar kan bidra till utvecklingen av framtida vårdstrategier och riktlinjer. / The background emphasises the importance of organ donation to save lives and improve the quality of life for patients with terminal organ failure. Despite the increase in transplants globally, there is a significant shortage of available organs, which results in high mortality among waiting patients. Family members play a central role in the process by often making decisions about organ donation when the potential donor has not expressed their wishes. Intensive care nurses have a pivotal role in providing support and communicating with families and loved ones during this emotionally intense process. Family centred care is crucial in order to support and guide families through difficult decisions and grief work. The aim was to describe the experience of the donation process through the perspective of family members and loved ones. The method comprised a structured literature review utilising a qualitative approach. Systematic searches were conducted in CINAHL and PubMed to identify and analyse relevant literature within the field, in order to achieve a deeper comprehension of the topic. A total of 17 articles were selected for inclusion. Data analysis was performed using Braun and Clare’s method of thematic analysis. The results reveal three central themes that highlight the experiences of families in the organ donation process, providing insight into the emotional journey and challenges faced by loved ones. The first theme, ‘Understanding the Storm’, symbolises a time of chaos and challenges where family members experienced different aspects of information and communication, whilst they faced difficulties in accepting the legal declaration of death. The second theme, ‘The Eye of the Storm’, featured the families experiences of treatment, support and decision making in the context of organ donation. The third theme, ‘The Breeze After the Storm’, highlights the families experiences of generosity and emotional connection with the recipient. The conclusion determines that the experiences of next of kin in the donation process are intricately connected to family centred care. Implementing such care in intensive care units could significantly contribute to the development of future care strategies and guidelines.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av donationsprocessen : En litteraturöversikt / Intensive care nurses experience of the donation process : A literature reviewSundström, Robert, Qasim, Ibrahim January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Organdonation är en metod för att behandla kritiskt sjuka patienter med organsvikt i slutstadiet. Det finns två olika metoder till hur organ kan doneras från avlidna patienter och dessa är donation efter död till följd av cirkulationsstillestånd efter total hjärninfarkt. Specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård har en viktig roll i donationsprocessen där arbetsuppgifter involverar att identifiera potentiella donatorer, stötta närstående och bedriva organbevarande behandling. Syfte: Att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter under donationsprocessen. Metod: Designen är en strukturerad litteraturöversikt med ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt och induktiv metodansats utifrån kvalitativa artiklar. Artiklarna har granskats med en granskningsmall av Caldwell et al som finns beskrivet av Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Data analyserades enligt en tematisk analysmetod med 9 steg av Burnard (1991) som är anpassad och finns beskrivet i Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i tre huvudteman och 6 subteman, De tre huvudteman är: ”Vårdövergångens komplexitet”, ”att se människan och hitta mening” och ”gemensam styrka och kunskap”. Slutsats: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan har en stödjande funktion i relation till närstående. Dem upplevde svårigheter att balansera behovet av stöd till närstående och den medicinska behandlingen under donationsprocessen. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan hade svårt att hitta mening under donationsprocessen och det fanns en korrelation mellan att vårda donatorpatienter och senare uppleva känslor av fatigue och moralisk stress. Det föreligger ett behov av stöd från andra professioner, ökad kunskap, riktlinjer och utbildning gällande donationsprocessen. / Background: Organ donation is a method of treating critically ill patients with end-stage organ failure. There are two different methods of how organs can be donated from deceased patients, and these are donation after death because of circulatory arrest and after total cerebral infarction. Specialist nurses in intensive care have an important role in the donation process where tasks involve identifying potential donors, supporting relatives, and conducting organ preservation treatment. Purpose: To describe the intensive care nurse's experience of caring for patients during the donation process. Method: The design is a structured literature review with a systematic approach and inductive methodological approach based on qualitative articles. The articles have been reviewed using a reviewed template by Caldwell et al as described by Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Data were analyzed according to a thematic analysis method with 9 steps by Burnard (1991) which is adapted and described in Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Results: The data analysis resulted in three main themes and six sub-themes. The three main themes are: The complexity of care transition, seeing the person and communal strength and knowledge. Conclusion: The intensive care nurse has a supporting function in relation to relatives. They experienced difficulties in balancing the need for support to relatives and the medical treatment associated with the donation process. The intensive care nurse had difficulty finding meaning during the donation process and there was a correlation between caring for donor patients and later experiencing feelings of fatigue and moral stress. There is a need for support from other professions, increased knowledge, guidelines, and training regarding the donation process.
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Les représentations médiatiques de la mort cérébrale : perspectives publiques, débats d’experts et enjeux éthiquesDaoust, Ariane 06 1900 (has links)
Domaine de recherche: Bioéthique / Bien que largement accepté dans la communauté médicale, le concept de mort
cérébrale est encore mal compris par certains professionnels de la santé et par le public en
général. Il est au centre de débats et demeure une source de controverses. Malgré la
confusion et les variations de pratiques documentées, les sources d’incertitudes et de
confusion entourant le concept n’ont pas encore été étudiées en profondeur. Pourtant, cette
confusion est à même d’influencer les débats et les décisions de fin de vie et de don
d’organes, et soulève ainsi de sérieuses considérations tant éthiques que médicales.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise propose d’abord une revue de la littérature discutant des
origines, de l’évolution et des débats en lien avec le concept de mort cérébrale et les enjeux
éthiques associés. Les approches méthodologiques utilisées pour la réalisation de cette
recherche sont ensuite décrites.
Les résultats découlant de l’analyse de contenu qualitative de médias canadiens et
américains des différentes représentations de la mort cérébrales qu’on y retrouve suivent.
Ces résultats décrivent l’utilisation du terme de « mort cérébrale » dans des contextes de
don d’organes, de définitions de la mort cérébrale, de détermination de la mort, d’enjeux de
fin de vie, d’enjeux légaux ainsi que des usages familiers du terme. Finalement, une
discussion générale quant au rôle de la terminologie utilisée pour parler du concept de mort
cérébrale puis celui des professionnels de la santé impliqués dans sa détermination et les
pratiques de don d’organes, ainsi que des recommandations pour le futur concluront ce
mémoire. / Despite being widely accepted by the medical community, the concept of brain
death is still misunderstood by healthcare providers and the general public. It is central to
several debates and remains a source of controversy. In spite of documented practice
variations and conceptual confusion surrounding brain death, the upstream sources of
variability and uncertainty have not been extensively investigated. This confusion is likely
to influence debates and decisions about end-of-life and organ donation, and thus raises
serious medical and ethical considerations.
This thesis first proposes a review of the literature discussing the origins, the
evolution and the debates related to the concept of brain death, as well as the ethical issues
associated with brain death. The methodological approaches used for the realization of this
research are then described.
The results obtained from the qualitative content analysis of Canadian and
American media about the different depictions of brain death follow. These results
describe the use of the term “brain death” in contexts of organ donation, definitions of brain
death, determination of death, end-of-life issues, legal issues and also colloquial uses of the
term. Finally, a general discussion about the role of the terminology used to discuss the
concept and that of healthcare professionals involved in its determination and organ
donation practices, as well as recommendations for the future will conclude this thesis.
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