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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genome scale transcriptome analysis and development of reporter systems for studying shoot organogenesis in poplar

Bao, Yanghuan 15 April 2008 (has links)
Vegetative propagation allows the amplification of selected genotypes for research, breeding, and commercial planting. However, efficient in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation remains a major obstacle to research and commercial application in many plant species. Our aims are to improve knowledge of gene regulatory circuits important to meristem organization, and to identify genes that might be useful for improving the efficiency of in vitro regeneration. In this thesis, we have approached these goals in two ways. First, we analyzed gene expression during poplar (Populus) regeneration using an AffymetrixGeneChip® array representing over 56,000 poplar transcripts. We have produced a catalog of regulated genes that can be used to inform studies of gene function and biotechnology. Second, we developed a GUS reporter system for monitoring meristem initiation using promoters of poplar homologs to the meristem-active regulatory genes WUSCHEL (WUS) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM). This provides plant materials whose developmental state can be assayed with improved speed and sensitivity. For the microarray study, we hybridized cDNAs derived from tissues of a female hybrid poplar clone (INRA 717-1 B4, Populus tremula x P. alba) at five sequential time points during organogenesis. Samples were taken from stems prior to callus induction, at 3 days and 5 days after callus induction, and at 3 and 8 days after the start of shoot induction. Approximately 15% of the monitored genes were significantly up-or down-regulated based on both Extraction and Analysis of Differentially Expressed Gene Expression (EDGE) and Linear Models for Microarray Data (LIMMA, FDR<0.01). Of these, over 3,000 genes had a 5-fold or greater change in expression. We found a very strong and rapid change in gene expression at the first time point after callus induction, prior to detectable morphological changes. Subsequent changes in gene expression at later regeneration stages were more than an order of magnitude smaller. A total of 588 transcription factors that were distributed in 45 gene families were differentially regulated. Genes that showed strong differential expression encoded proteins active in auxin and cytokinin signaling, cell division, and plastid development. When compared with data on in vitro callogenesis from root explants in Arabidopsis, 25% (1,260) of up-regulated and 22% (748) of down- regulated genes were in common with the genes that we found regulated in poplar during callus induction. When ~3kb of the 5' flanking regions of close homologs were used to drive expression of the GUSPlus gene, 50 to 60% of the transgenic events showed expression in apical and axillary meristems. However, expression was also common in other organs, including in leaf veins (40% and 46% of WUS and STM transgenic events, respectively) and hydathodes (56% of WUS transgenic events). Histochemical GUS staining of explants during callogenesis and shoot regeneration using in vitro stems as explants showed that expression was detectable prior to visible shoot development, starting 3 to 15 days after explants were placed onto callus inducing medium. Based on microarray gene expression data, a paralog of poplar WUS was detectably up-regulated during shoot initiation, but the other paralog was not. Surprisingly, both paralogs of poplar STM were down-regulated 3- to 6-fold during early callus initiation, a possible consequence of its stronger expression in the secondary meristem (cambium) than in shoot tissues. We identified 15 to 35 copies of cytokinin response regulator binding motifs (ARR1AT) and one copy of the auxin response element (AuxRE) in both promoters. Several of the WUS and STM transgenic events produced should be useful for monitoring the timing and location of meristem development during natural and in vitro shoot regeneration. / Graduation date: 2008

Metapsicopatologia da psiquiatria: uma reflexão sobre o dualismo epistemológico da psiquiatria clínica entre a organogênese e a psicogênese dos transtornos mentais.

Martinez, José Roberto Barcos 15 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:12:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseJRBM.pdf: 1767918 bytes, checksum: 200ee529156f1dbfe98eeab387ba9dc6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-15 / This doctoral thesis intends to analyze the main concepts of mental disease and the problematic relation between the organicism and the psychodinamism throughout the history of the psychopathologic ideas that came to constitute the scientific clinical psychiatry, from Philippe Pinel, in the beginning of XIX century, until the chaos of the no theoretical pretense descriptive of the official nosography of the end of XX century and beginning of XXI century (I.C.D.-10). The epistemologic conflict between the psychogenic and organogenic doctrines had resulted in many frustrated attempts of solution. The hermeneuticsynthetic psychopathology of Carl Gustav the Jung (1875-1961) and the phenomenonstructural psychopathology of Eugène Minkowski (1885-1972) stand out among the most promising proposals of XX century. The basic concepts of these authors keep an essential similarity, besides belonging to schools have different thoughts. However, their theorization go in parallel thinking about a psychopathologic formularization psychorganodinamic that is similar in its most essential principles. The antimechanist solution, anti-atomicist and antireductionist, of both, remind the current biological psychiatry that the desired and necessary consensual psychiatric theory will not do without a Metapsychopatology of the psychiatry that consider the irreducible biopsychosocial complexity of the normal or pathological human being. And, neither psychiatry will gain a satisfactory nosographic formularization while they don t reveal the mysteries of the complex etiology of mental disorders. / A presente tese de doutorado pretende analisar os principais conceitos de doença mental e a problemática relação entre o organicismo e o psicodinamismo ao longo da história das idéias psicopatológicas que vieram constituir a psiquiatria clínica científica, a partir de Philippe Pinel, no início do século XIX, até o caos da pretensa ateoricidade descritiva da nosografia oficial do final do século XX e início do século XXI (C.I.D.-10). O conflito epistemológico entre as doutrinas psicogênicas e organogênicas resultou em várias tentativas frustradas de solução. Dentre as mais promissoras propostas do século XX, destacam-se as da psicopatologia hermenêutico-sintética de Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) e da psicopatologia fenomeno-estrutural de Eugène Minkowski (1885-1972). Os conceitos fundamentais desses autores guardam uma semelhança essencial, apesar de pertencerem a escolas de pensamento diferentes; todavia, suas teorizações caminham paralelamente no sentido de uma formulação psicopatológica psicorganodinâmica muito parecida em seus princípios mais essenciais. A solução antimecanicista, anti-atomicista e anti-reducionista, de ambos, lembram à psiquiatria biológica atual que a tão desejada e necessária teoria psiquiátrica consensual não prescindirá de uma Metapsicopatologia da psiquiatria que considere a complexidade biopsicossocial irredutível do ser humano normal ou patológico. E, tampouco a psiquiatria chegará a uma formulação nosográfica satisfatória enquanto não desvendar os mistérios da etiologia complexa dos transtornos mentais.

Desenvolvimento de metodologias biotecnológicas para micropropagação, regeneração e transformação genética de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) visando resistência a Hyblaea puera / Development of biotechnological methods for micropropagation, regeneration and genetic transformation of teak (Tectona grandis L. f) to resistance for Hyblaea puera

Evandro Vagner Tambarussi 10 February 2010 (has links)
A transformação genética possibilita a introdução de genes de interesse nos genomas, podendo assim ser empregada na tentativa de melhorar características agronômicas e florestais. No entanto, para a obtenção de plantas transgênicas são necessários protocolos eficientes de regeneração de plantas in vitro. Em teca, dados sobre cultura de tecidos são escassos, havendo a necessidade de determinar condições ótimas para a mesma. Com isso, o trabalho teve por objetivos estudar a organogênese in vitro de teca visando desenvolver um método de regeneração eficiente, avaliar condições para o processo de transformação e testar a susceptibilidade da lagarta Hyblaea puera a toxinas produzidas pelo Bacillus thuringiensis. Foram avaliadas a influência de TDZ e BAP na indução da competência organogenética em hipocótilos, nó cotiledonar e cotilédones de teca. Os biorreguladores AIB, BAP, NAA e GA3 foram utilizados na regeneração de segmentos de hipocótilo, nó cotiledonar, raiz, epicótilo e cotilédone. Antibióticos supressores de Agrobacterium tumefaciens e a higromicina (seleção de células transgênicas), foram também avaliados. Finalmente, testes com o inseticida biológico DipelTM e esporos de B. thuringiensis crescidos em laboratório foram realizados com as lagartas de Hyblaea puera. Na aquisição de competência organogenética o TDZ proporcionou um aumento de 46% na regeneração e o BAP 26% quando comparados ao controle. Para a organogênese in vitro foi avaliado um máximo de 70% de regeneração em nó cotiledonares em meio MS adicionado de 1 mg.L-1 de BAP + 0,5 mg.L-1 de GA3. Entretanto, em outras concentrações dos meios de regeneração hipocótilos, raiz, cotilédones e epicótilos tiveram máximas frequências de regeneração em torno de 60%, 60%, 30% e 10%, respectivamente. Os antibióticos supressores da Agrobacterium tumefaciens tiveram efeitos diferentes para cada explante. Timentin e cefotaxima na concentração de 300 mg.L-1 aumentaram o número de brotos em hipocótilos e nó cotiledonar em 1,6 e 2,0 vezes, respectivamente. Em cotilédone esses antibióticos tiveram efeitos negativos no número de brotos. Carbenicilina em todas as doses influenciou negativamente a regeneração em todos os explantes utilizados. A higromicina a 2,5 mg.L-1 inibe em 100% a regeneração de cotilédones, nó cotiledonar e hipocótilo. Os ínstares mais novos de H. puera são susceptíveis tanto ao produto comercial DipelTM quanto aos esporos crescidos em laboratório, apresentando 100% de mortalidade a concentrações de 2x105 UFC após 24 horas de ingestão. Mostrando assim seu potencial na transgenia visando à expressão de genes de Bt para a resistência a insetos. Os resultados apresentados nesse trabalho contribuem para o ganho de informação sobre os fatores que influenciam a organogênese desta espécie, bem como, definir parâmetros que possam ser utilizados em experimentos futuros visando à transformação genética da espécie. / Genetic transformation allows the introduction of genes in host genomes and can therefore be used to improve forestry and agronomic traits like insect resistence. However, efficient plant regeneration protocols are necessary to obtain transgenic plants. Thus far, information about in vitro teak (Tectona grandis L. f) organogenesis is scarce. Therefore, the aims of this study were: develop an efficient protocol for in vitro organogenesis of teak, assess conditions for its genetic transformation and test the susceptibility of the caterpillar Hyblaea puera to toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis. We evaluated the influence of TDZ and BAP on the induction of organogenic competence in hypocotyl, cotyledonary nodes and cotyledons. Growth regulators IBA, BAP, NAA and GA3 were used in the regeneration of the hypocotyl, cotyledonary node, root, epicotyl and cotyledon. Antibiotics for suppression of Agrobacterium tumefacien (timentin, cefotaxime and carbenicillin) and for selection of transgenic cells (hygromycin) were also evaluated. Finally, tests with the biological insecticide DipelTM and spores of B. thuringiensis grown in laboratory were performed with the caterpillar of Hyblaea puera. TDZ increases 46% the regeneration frequency and BAP 26% when compared to controls. Cotyledonary nodes showed the best regeneration frequency (70%) growing on MS medium added of 1 mg.L-1 BAP + 0.5 mg.L-1 GA3. Hypocotyls, roots, cotyledons and epicotyls presented variable frequency of regeneration (60%, 60%, 30%, and 10% respectively) growing on distinct concentrations of grown regulators. We tested three antibiotics (timentin, cefotaxime, and carbenicillin) to suppress A. tumefaciens in vitro growth and they presented different effects on the organogenesis of each explants used in this study. Timentin and cefotaxime at concentration of 300 mg.L-1 increased the number of buds on hypocotyls and cotyledonary nodes. Conversely, these antibiotics had negative effects on the number of shoots of cotyledonary explants. Carbenicillin at all doses presented a negative influence on regeneration of all explants. Hygromycin at concentration of 2.5 mg.L-1 inhibits 100% of regeneration of cotyledons, cotyledonary nodes, and hypocotyls. The young instars of H. puera are susceptible to likely both commercial product DipelTM and spores grown in the laboratory, presented 100% mortality at concentrations of 2x105 CFU after 24 hours of ingestion. These findings suggest its potential to be used in teak transgenic approaches for insect resistance. Our results contribute to information about factors that influence the organogenesis of this specie, as well as define parameters that can be used in future experiments aimed at the genetic transformation of the specie.

Zebrafish as a model to study thyroid development and congenital hypothyroidism / Poisson-zèbre comme modèle pour l'étude du développement thyroïdien et de l'hypothyroïdie congénitale

Maquet, Emilie 17 November 2011 (has links)
Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common endocrine disorder, affecting one out of 2000-4000 newborns. Most CH are due to a defect in thyroid embryonic development and they can lead to severe phenotypes if not treated correctly. Multiple observations argue in favor of a genetic cause in a minority of thyroid dysgenesis, but to date, only few cases could be explained by a mutation in one of the genes coding for the factors known to be important in thyroid development and/or function (NKX2-1, PAX8, FOXE1, TSHR). This is the reason why it was important to develop new models allowing the discovery of new genes/mechanisms potentially implicated in the gland organogenesis. To that purpose, we set up in the laboratory a structure enabling the use of zebrafish as an animal model. The latter is indeed more and more used by developmental biologists, including by scientists interested in thyroid development.<p><p>The first step of our project consisted in a deeper characterization of the model, notably by the study of the expression patterns of the thyroid functional differentiation markers. Furthermore, the exact role of the Tsh/Tshr signaling – main regulator of thyroid growth and function in mammals – was dissected. In a second part of the project, we generated a stable transgenic line (tg(tg:mCherry)) allowing the visualization of thyroid development in living embryos and in a dynamic manner, thanks to real-time imaging techniques. On the one hand, this tool enabled us to better understand the morphological aspect of the different stages of thyroid development, such as the budding, evagination, relocalization or folliculogenesis. On the other hand, the use of double transgenic fishes obtained by crossing tg(tg:mCherry) with other lines expressing GFP in surrounding structures of interest, allowed us to highlight the contacts between the cardiovascular system and thyroid, and this along the whole gland development. The introduction of this model within the laboratory paves the way for the discovery and the study of thyroid intrinsic and extrinsic genes/mechanisms which might play a role on its development.<p><p>L’hypothyroïdie congénitale (HC) est une maladie relativement fréquente, touchant un nouveau-né sur 2000-4000. La majorité des HC sont dues à un défaut dans le développement embryonnaire de la glande, et peuvent mener à des phénotypes sévères si elles ne sont pas correctement traitées. Il existe plusieurs arguments en faveur d’une cause génétique dans une minorité de ces dysgénésies thyroïdiennes mais, à ce jour, seuls quelques cas ont pu être reliés à une mutation dans un des gènes codant pour des facteurs connus pour être importants dans le développement/la fonction de la glande (NKX2-1, PAX8, FOXE1, TSHR). C’est pour cette raison qu’il est important de développer de nouveaux modèles pouvant permettre la découverte de nouveaux gènes/mécanismes potentiellement impliqués dans l’organogénèse de la glande. A cette fin, nous avons mis en place au sein du laboratoire une structure permettant l’utilisation du poisson-zèbre comme modèle animal. Ce dernier est en effet de plus en plus utilisé par les biologistes du développement, y compris par les scientifiques qui s’intéressent au développement thyroïdien.<p><p>La première étape de notre travail a consisté en une caractérisation approfondie du modèle, notamment par l’étude du réseau d’expression des marqueurs de différenciation fonctionnelle de la glande. En outre, le rôle exact de la signalisation par la TSH – principal régulateur de la croissance et de la fonction de la thyroïde des mammifères – a été étudié. Dans la deuxième partie du projet, nous avons généré une ligne transgénique stable (tg(tg:mCherry)) permettant la visualisation du développement thyroïdien dans des embryons vivants et ce, de manière dynamique, grâce au principe d’imagerie en temps réel. D’une part, cet outil nous a permis de mieux comprendre l’aspect morphologique des différentes étapes du développement thyroïdien, telles que la formation du bourgeon, l’invagination, la relocalisation ou la folliculogénèse. D’autre part, l’utilisation de poissons doublement transgéniques obtenus par le croisement de tg(tg:mCherry) avec d’autres lignées où les structures environnantes d’intérêt expriment la GFP nous a permis de mettre en avant les contacts entre le système cardiovasculaire et la thyroïde, et ce, tout au long de son développement. La mise en place de ce modèle au sein de notre laboratoire ouvre la voie à la découverte et à l’étude de mécanismes/gènes extrinsèques à la thyroïde mais pouvant jouer un rôle sur son développement. / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Wnt-11 signaling roles during heart and kidney development

Nagy, I. I. (Irina I.) 27 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract Organogenesis involves precursor cells proliferation, differentiation along with their coordinated organization into precise multicellular arrangements by planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways. The beta-catenin independent/non-canonical type of Wnt-11 signaling has been known as a PCP modulator during development. In this thesis were analyzed the roles of Wnt-11 in heart and kidney development by using in vivo functional genomics technologies. We show that the Wnt-11 gene is important for murine ventricular myocardium development, since Wnt-11 deficiency in early cardiogenesis leads to impaired organization and maturation of mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes, causing primary cardiomyopathy with in utero lethality. Wnt-11 coordinates the co-localized expression of the cell adhesion molecules N-cadherin and β-catenin, which are critical for the spatially specific organization of cardiomyocytes. We show that Wnt-11 deficiency causes primary hypertrophic and noncompaction cardiomyopathy in adult mice, with consequences for regional myocardium function. The Wnt family of secreted signals has been implicated in kidney tubule development and tubular cystic diseases such as polycystic kidney disease. We show here that Wnt-11 is expressed in mature nephrons and is involved in late steps of nephrogenesis, since the kidney tubule organization is deregulated in Wnt-11 deficient kidneys, to enlarged lumen with increased convolution. These tubule abnormalities are associated with glomerular microcyst formation and kidney failure. Wnt-11 deficiency reduced significantly Wnt-9b expression, a critical signal for PCP-mediated kidney tubule elongation. In the cortical region this associated with reduced expression of nephron and stromal progenitor cell marker. The results in this thesis point out that Wnt-11 function is required for proper myocardium organization and maturation as well as proper morphogenesis of the kidney tubules during the embryonic and postnatal developmental stages. Wnt-11 knockout phenotypes depend on the genetic background, similarly to human congenital disease. This data may be relevant for human congenital cardiomyopathy and glomerulocystic kidney disease studies. / Tiivistelmä Alkion sisäelinten kehityksen aikana esisolut lisääntyvät ja erilaistuvat muodostaen tarkoin määriteltyjä monisoluisia rakenteita. Muodostuvan kudosrakenteen määrittelyssä erilaiset solusignaalit ovat keskeisessä asemassa. Yksi näistä on nk. Wnt signaali perhe. Wnt perheeen jäsen Wnt-11 tehtävät on huonosti tunnettu. Wnt-11 viestittää ilmeisesti nk. planaaristen solupolariteettireittien (PCP) avulla, joka on beeta-kateniinista riippumattoman nk. ei-kanonisen Wnt signaali. Väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin Wnt-11:n vaikutuksia sydämen ja munuaisten kehitykseen in vivo funktionaalisten genomisten menetelmien avulla. Ihmisen synnynnäiset kardiomyopatiat ovat sydänlihaksen ensisijaisia vaurioita, joiden taustalla on sydänlihaksen kehityshäiriö. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että Wnt-11-geenillä on tärkeä merkitys hiiren sydänkammion kehitykselle, koska Wnt-11-geenin puute sydämen varhaisen kehityksen vaiheessa johtaa sydänlihassolujen järjestäytymisen ja kypsymisen häiriintymiseen, jolloin seurauksena on ensisijaisesta kardiomyopatiasta johtuva sikiökuolema. Wnt-11 koordinoi kahden solukiinnitysmolekyylin, N-kadheriinin ja β-kateniinin, samanaikasta ilmentymistä. Kyseiset molekyylit ovat keskeisen tärkeitä sydänlihasssolujen spatiaalisen järjestäytymisen kannalta. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että Wnt-11-puutos aiheuttaa aikuisilla hiirillä ensisijaista sydänlihaksen liikakasvua ja trabekuloivaa kardiomyopatiaa, mikä vaikuttaa sydänlihaksen toimintaan. Tuloksilla voi olla merkitystä tutkittaessa ihmisen synnynnäisiä kardiomyopatioita. Wnt-signaaliperheen on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä munuaisputken kehitykseen ja sen sairauksiin, kuten munuaisten monirakkulatautiin. Väitöstutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että Wnt-11 ilmentyy kypsissä nefroneissa ja että se osallistuu nefrogeneesiin myöhempiin vaiheisiin, koska munuaisputken kehityksen säätely on poikkeavaa niissä munuaisissa, joista Wnt-11 puuttuu. Seurauksena on laajentunut, normaalia poimuttuneempi luumen. Munuaisputken poikkeavuuksilla oli yhteyttä munuaiskerästen mikrokystien muodostumiseen sekä munuaisten vajaatoimintaan. Wnt-11 -puute vähensi huomattavasti Wnt-9b-ilmentymistä, joka on PCP-välitteisen munuaisputken pidentymisen kannalta keskeisen tärkeä signaali. Kortikaalialueella Wnt9b:n vaimennussäätely liittyi poikkeavaan solujen lisääntymiseen, apoptoosiin ja kypsymiseen sekä vähentyneeseen nefroni- ja stroomakantasolujen merkkiaineen ilmentymiseen. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että Wnt-11 -toiminto on välttämätön sydänlihaksen normaalin muodostumisen ja kypsymisen sekä munuaisputken normaalin morfogeneesin kannalta sikiövaiheen ja syntymän jälkeisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt-11 -poistogeenisen hiiren fenotyypi riippuu geneettisestä tausta, samaan tapaan kuin ihmisen synnynnäisissä sairauksissa. Väitöstutkimuksesta saatavalla tiedolla voi olla merkitystä tutkittaessa ihmisen synnynnnäistä kardiomyopatiaa ja munuaisten monirakkulatautia.

Cellular basis of flower and leaf primordium initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana : how to make an organ in three dimensions

Echevin, Eglantine Emilie Denise 10 1900 (has links)
Le développement d’un organisme multicellulaire requière la coordination de la croissance, détermination tissulaire et différenciation cellulaire. Cependant, alors que les bases de la génétique de la morphogenèse ont été rigoureusement étudiées, le processus permettant la conversion de l’activité génétique en des structures biologiques complexes est bien moins compris. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, les feuilles et fleurs initiés à partir du Méristème Apical Primaire (MAP) ont une expression génétique casi similaire. Toutefois, leur forme est considérablement différente dès les premières étapes de leur développement. Une compréhension de ce paradoxe requière avant tout de précisément quantifier la croissance dans toutes les dimensions de ces organes. Dans cet article, je présente une méthode de quantification spatio-temporelle complète de la croissance et de la prolifération des feuilles et des fleurs chez A. thaliana. En analysant des séries d’images confocales, j’en ai conclu que la différence morphologique observée entre feuilles et fleurs émerge principalement d’une asymétrie de la distribution de la croissance entre leurs côtés abaxial et adaxial, tôt dans leur développement. Je montre que le tissue contribuant principalement au développement des primordia est la couche 2 (L2) chez les feuilles et la couche 3 (L3) chez les fleurs. Mes résultats préliminaires démontrent que les premiers signes de l’initiation d’organes est un changement de distribution de la croissance, et non de la prolifération. Dans le futur, en appliquant, par exemple, cette méthodologie à l’étude de gènes de développement, il sera possible de finalement réconcilier la morphogenèse et la génétique de l’initiation des plantes. / The development of a multicellular organism requires the proper coordination of growth, pattern determination and cell differentiation. Still, while the genetic basis of morphogenesis has been extensively studied, the process converting gene activity into intricate biological shapes is less understood. In Arabidopsis thaliana, flowers and leaves, both initiated from the shoot apical meristem (SAM), have a very similar genetic expression profile. Yet, their shape differs considerably from early developmental stages. A full comprehension of this paradox requires an accurate quantification of cellular growth in those organs. In this paper, I am presenting a methodology for the complete spatio-temporal quantitative analysis of growth and proliferation of initiating leaves and flowers in wild type Arabidopsis thaliana. By analyzing time series of leaf and flower confocal images, I conclude that the morphological differences observed between flowers and leaves mainly arises from asymmetrical distributions of growth between their adaxial and abaxial sides during their initiation. I show that the tissue that mainly contributes to the development of early primordium is the layer 2 (L2) in leaves, and the layer 3 (L3) in flowers. My preliminary results also demonstrate that the first signs of organ initiation are a change in growth distribution, not cell proliferation. In the future, by applying this methodology, for example, to study morphogen reporter lines, it could finally bridge the gap between the morphogenesis and the genetics of plant initiation.

Cbx4 regulates the proliferation of thymic epithelial cells and thymus function

Liu, B., Liu, Y. F., Du, Y. R., Mardaryev, A. N., Yang, W., Chen, H., Xu, Z. M., Xu, C. Q., Zhang, X. R., Botchkarev, V. A., Zhang, Y., Xu, G. L. January 2013 (has links)
Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are the main component of the thymic stroma, which supports T-cell proliferation and repertoire selection. Here, we demonstrate that Cbx4, a Polycomb protein that is highly expressed in the thymic epithelium, has an essential and non-redundant role in thymic organogenesis. Targeted disruption of Cbx4 causes severe hypoplasia of the fetal thymus as a result of reduced thymocyte proliferation. Cell-specific deletion of Cbx4 shows that the compromised thymopoiesis is rooted in a defective epithelial compartment. Cbx4-deficient TECs exhibit impaired proliferative capacity, and the limited thymic epithelial architecture quickly deteriorates in postnatal mutant mice, leading to an almost complete blockade of T-cell development shortly after birth and markedly reduced peripheral T-cell populations in adult mice. Furthermore, we show that Cbx4 physically interacts and functionally correlates with p63, which is a transcriptional regulator that is proposed to be important for the maintenance of the stemness of epithelial progenitors. Together, these data establish Cbx4 as a crucial regulator for the generation and maintenance of the thymic epithelium and, hence, for thymocyte development.

Control of nephrogenesis by Wnt4 signaling:mechanisms of gene regulation and targeting of specific lineage cells by tissue engineering tools

Murugan, S. (Subramanian) 04 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract Wnt4, a member of the Wnt family of secreted factors, is essential for kidney organogenesis since the kidney fails to develop in its absence. Besides the kidney, Wnt4 signaling is involved in the control of development of several other organs such as the gonads, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. In the context of the embryonic kidney, Wnt4 signaling induces mesenchymal to epithelial transition of the progenitor cells in the metanephric mesenchyme, an early step in nephrogenesis. Wnt4 signaling may also be relevant in the development of a childhood kidney tumor, the Wilms’ tumor, that involves the function of Wilms’ tumor suppressor protein 1 (WT1). Wilms’ tumor is thought to arise from the early metanephric mesenchymal cells of the embryonic kidney, but the detailed mechanisms are not known. The main aim of this project was to study the mechanisms that regulate expression of the Wnt4 gene by using immortalized embryonic kidney mesenchyme-derived mK4 cells as a model. The Wnt4 gene expression was also analyzed in vivo in the frog embryonic pronephros. Through the use of reporter assays and a two-hybrid screen, Sox11, a member of the SoxC family of transcription factors, was identified as a synergistic protein that interacts with WT1. Immunoprecipitation studies provided further evidence that Sox11 and WT1 may physically interact with each other in the developing embryonic kidney. Indeed, Sox11 and WT1 may regulate the Wnt4 gene expression in vivo since the morpholino-based knock-down of either WT1 or Sox11 led to notable downregulation of the Wnt4 gene expression in the frog embryonic pronephros. The other general aim of this thesis was to develop novel tissue targeting and therapy tools to the cell lineages regulated by the Wnt4 signals, including the podocytes. For this purpose, we utilized mice carrying a floxed expression cassette for the avidin-LDL receptor fusion protein, Lodavin, in the constitutively active Rosa-26 locus. Three Cre driver mice, including the Wnt4-Cre knock-in line, were used to activate Lodavin expression in the respective cells of the embryonic kidney. Moreover, we generated a podocyte injury model by expressing the human receptor for diphtheria toxin specifically in the podocytes. This was achieved by crossing mice containing a floxed expression cassette for this receptor in the Rosa-26 locus with those expressing the Cre recombinase under the nephrin promoter. Administration of diphtheria toxin led initially to podocyte damage only, followed by a progression to glomerular sclerosis. As a summary, Sox11 and WT1 serve as synergistic transcription factors that may regulate expression of the Wnt4 gene in vivo. The transgenic mouse models generated and used provide the basis to generate acute and chronic kidney disease models and the potential to purify the respective cells for developing cell-based therapy avenues for the kidney. Moreover, the Lodavin-based approaches may enable targeted delivery of biotinylated small compounds, proteins, viruses or even cells and novel means for in vivo imaging and functional studies. / Tiivistelmä Wnt-4 kuuluu signaloivien proteiinien Wnt-perheeseen ja sen toiminta on välttämätöntä munuaisen kehityksessä. Ilman Wnt-4 proteiinia munuainen ei kehity. Munuaisen lisäksi Wnt4-signalointi on mukana useiden muiden elinten, kuten sukurauhasten, lisämunuaisen ja aivolisäkkeen säätelyssä. Alkion munuaisessa Wnt4-signalointi saa aikaan mesenkymaalisen kantasolukon epitelisoitumisen, edustaen näin ollen nefronin kehityksen varhaisia vaiheita. Wnt4-signaloinnilla on myös merkittävä asema lapsuusiän munuaiskasvaimen, niin kutsutun Wilmsin kasvaimen kehittymisessä. Tämän tyyppisessä kasvaimessa keskeisenä on Wilmsin tuumoriproteiinin WT1:n toiminta, mutta myös Wnt4:n toiminnalla voi olla merkitystä. Wilmsin kasvaimen arvellaan saavan alkunsa varhaisista sikiöaikaisista jälkimunuaisen soluista, mutta yksityiskohtaisia mekanismeja ei vielä tunneta. Tämän projektin tarkoituksena oli tutkia Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä sääteleviä mekanismeja käyttäen mallina mK4-soluja eli alkion munuaisesta saatuja, immortalisoituja soluja. Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä analysoitiin myös in vivo sammakon alkion alkumunuaisessa. Tuplahybridi-analysoinnin avulla tunnistettiin transkriptiotekijäperhe SoxC:n jäsen Sox11 samantoimiseksi proteiiniksi transkriptiotekijä WT1:n kanssa Wnt4-geenin ilmentymisen säätelyssä. Immunopresipitaatiotutkimukset tukivat ajatusta, että Sox11 ja WT1 voisivat olla fyysisessä vuorovaikutuksessa säädellessään nefroninmuodostuksen alullepanossa ratkaisevan Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä. Sox11 ja WT1 voivat mahdollisesti säädellä Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä myös in vivo, sillä morfoliineihin perustuvissa kokeissa sekä WT1:n että Sox11:n hiljennys laski Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistasoa sammakon alkumunuaisessa. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen toinen yleinen tavoite oli kehittää uusia kudoskohdennus- ja terapiakeinoja Wnt4-signaloinnin säätelemille solulinjoille, kuten podosyyteille. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kloonattiin siirtogeeninen hiiri, jossa floksattu avidiini-LDL -reseptorifuusioproteiini, Lodavin, kohdennettiin jatkuvasti aktiiviseen Rosa-26 -lokukseen. Kolmea eri Cre-hiirilinjaa käytettiin aktivoimaan Lodavinin ilmentyminen kussakin tietyssä alkion munuaisen solupopulaatiossa. Yksi näistä Cre-linjoista oli Wnt4-Cre. Jotta kyettäisiin vahingoittamaan samoja soluja, jotka ilmentävät Lodavinia, hyödynnettiin difteriamyrkyn ihmisen reseptoria (iDTR). IDTR:n ilmentäminen tietyissä hiiren soluissa tekee ne alttiiksi tappavalle difteriamyrkylle. IDTR-perusteisen munuaisvauriomallin kehittämiseksi käytettiin floksattua iDTR-hiirimallia, ja geenin ilmentyminen aktivoitiin Wnt4-indusoiduissa munuaissolulinjoissa, erityisesti podosyyteissä Nephrin Cre -välitteisesti. NephrinCre;R26RiDTR hiiriä altistettiin difteriamyrkylle ja niiden munuaiskerästen muutoksia seurattiin. Tutkimukset antavat viitteitä siitä, että R26R-floksatut iDTR-hiiret toimivat hyvänä mallina kehitettäessä sekä akuutteja että kroonisia munuaistautimalleja. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Sox-11 ja WT-1 ovat samantoimisia transkriptiotekijöitä, jotka voivat säädellä Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä in vivo. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyt ja käytetyt siirtogeeniset hiirimallit tarjoavat perustan kehittää sekä akuutteja että kroonisia munuaistautimalleja. Samalla ne mahdollistavat kulloistenkin solujen eristämisen uusien soluperusteisten hoitomenetelmien kehittelemiseksi. Lisäksi Lodavin-perusteiset lähestymistavat voivat mahdollistaa biotinyloitujen pienten yhdisteiden, proteiinien, virusten tai jopa solujen kuljetuksen kohdennetusti sekä avata uusia mahdollisuuksia in vivo -kuvantamiselle ja toiminnallisille tutkimuksille.

Jesus Christ’s humanity in the contexts of the pre-fall and post-fall natures of humanity: a comparative and critical evaluative study of the views of Jack Sequeira, Millard J. Erickson and Norman R. Gulley

Mwale, Emanuel 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 653-669 / Before God created human beings, He devised a plan to save them in case they sinned. In this plan, the second Person of the Godhead would become human. Thus, the incarnation of the second Person of the Godhead was solely for the purpose of saving fallen, sinful human beings. There would have been no incarnation if human beings had not sinned. Thus, the nature of the mission that necessitated the incarnation determined what kind of human nature Jesus was to assume. It was sin that necessitated the incarnation – sin as a tendency and sin as an act of disobedience. In His incarnational life and later through His death on Calvary’s cross, Jesus needed to deal with this dual problem of sin. In order for Him to achieve this, He needed to identify Himself with the fallen humanity in such a way that He would qualify to be the substitute for the fallen humanity. In His role as fallen humanity’s substitute, He would die vicariously and at the same time have sin as a tendency rendered impotent. Jesus needed to assume a human nature that would qualify Him to be an understanding and sympathetic High Priest. He needed to assume a nature that would qualify Him to be an example in overcoming temptation and suffering. Thus, in this study, after comparing and critically evaluating the Christological views of Jack Sequeira, Millard J. Erickson and Norman R. Gulley, I propose that Jesus assumed a unique post-fall (postlapsarian) human nature. He assumed the very nature that all human beings since humankind’s fall have, with its tendency or leaning towards sin. However, unlike other human beings, who are sinners by nature and need a saviour, Jesus was not a sinner. I contend that Jesus was unique because, first and foremost, He was conceived in Mary’s womb by the power of the Holy Spirit and was filled with the Holy Spirit throughout His earthly life. Second; He was the God-Man; and third, He lived a sinless life. This study contributes to literature on Christology, and uniquely to Christological dialogue between Evangelical and Seventh-day Adventist theologians. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Phil. (Systematic Theology)

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