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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crazy priest versus terrorist people : Den mediala framställningen av muslimer kring utspelet med pastor Terry Jones plan att bränna Koranen

Eléhn, Christophe, Kraup, Sabina January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the medial depiction of Muslims in the case of Pastor Terry Jones' intention to burn the Quran. Our study is based on theoretical framework regarding an alleged clash of civilizations, how that leads to global conflicts and controls the world politics. It’s also based on the western way of characterize Muslims as violent, irrational human beings, and how mass media have a tendency to depict Muslims as “the others”. The questions we aim to seek answers to are: How were Muslims portrayed in CNN's and Al-Jazeera's reporting regarding Terry Jones plan to burn the Quran? Which discourses exist about Muslims in each news channel and what are the main differences between them? The qualitative method used is a critical discourse analysis on empirical data consistently of twelve articles. A profound thematic and schematic analysis of each article is applied in order to make interpretations and relate the result to our theoretical framework. The result of the study shows that Muslims are, to a high level, portrayed as violent or dangerous with a strong connection to terrorism. A slight difference existed in the themes and discourses between each news channel. CNN objectified Muslims, as a whole, as a safety threat to the western community when Al-Jazeera, on the other hand, had the similar portraytion, but with an explanatory approach.

Créer : le phénomène de la création en donnant la réplique à Antonin Artaud

Marceau-Tremblay, Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
Le phénomène de la création dans le cadre d’un discours sur la création – la production littéraire et artistique – ne va pas de soi. La tâche de le circonscrire comme un objet est antinomique : l’expérience du discours est en soi une création. Alors que le langage écrit semble au plus souvent «supprimer» l’auteur, le processus de création implique un «Je» créateur qui pense, qui se transforme, qui vit et dont la pensée s’imbrique à son objet qui, quant à lui, est «supprimé»; car il n’est pas extérieur à la pensée mais en relation avec elle. Ce travail, qui démontre le rapport complexe entre l’objet, la critique, le sujet et le commentaire, se penche donc sur l’«avant», le «pendant» et l’«après» de la création, dans un acte de mémoire, qui découle d’une performance littéraire sur la création. Des forces motrices informes et inconscientes, à la mise en forme jusqu’à la transmission, qui lui redonne un caractère d’informe, la création est en mouvement, comme le savoir est toujours prisonnier d’un «work in progress». Tributaire d’Antonin Artaud, le texte s’inscrit à partir de l’artiste en guise d’archétype existentiel, et s’y réfère constamment pour témoigner de la création sans la détacher de la vie et de ses expériences. Pour accéder au mystère du processus de création, lié à la pensée subjective, inobjectivable et irréductible au discours linéaire, ce travail met l’accent sur les associations de la pensée qui procède, exprimées par un «Je» exemplaire omniprésent, tatoué par l’expérience, mais à la position ambiguë à titre d’auteur. Processus de vie, de pensée et de création sont non seulement entremêlés, mais traversés par le champ du tout autre, historique, mondial et social, en perpétuelle évolution. Le rôle du créateur n’est pas de ne créer qu’à partir des connaissances extérieures à lui, mais à partir de lui-même – de son moi multiple et de sa pensée imprégnée de lectures et de ce qui le traverse et l’habite dans un temps donné – pour aboutir à la mise en forme d’un texte cohérent, d’une gravure particulière de l’esprit en marche vers le savoir, qui se situe toujours dans le devenir. / The creation phenomenon within a discourse on creation – the literary and artistic production – is not self-evident. The task to define it as an object is antinomic; the experience of discourse is in itself creative. While written language seems often to “suppress” the author, the creation process actually implies a creative “self” who thinks, lives and transforms itself, and whose thoughts are overlapping into its object, which is thus “suppressed” because it is not outside of thought, but bound to it. This work, showing the complex relationship between object, criticism, subject and comment, is focussed on the “before”, “during” and “after” portions of the creative process, in an act of memory that stems from a literary performance about creation. From the shapeless and unconscious forces at its origin, to the its shaping, and then transmission, which gives it back its shapeless form feature, creation is in motion as knowledge is always captive of the work in progress. Tributary of Antonin Artaud, the text acts as an existentialist archetype of the artist and refers to him constantly to show creation without separating it from life and its experiences. To access the mystery of the creative process, linked to subjective, non-objectivable tought irreducible to linear discourse, this work focuses on the associations within the mind that proceeds, expressed through an ever present and exemplary “self”, tainted by experience, but in the ambiguous position of author. The processes of life, thought and creation are not only intertwined but infused by the “outside”, which is historical, global, social and in perpetual evolution. The creator's function is not to create based solely on his external knowledge, but from within himself – from his multiple selves and his mind filled by what he reads, what goes through his mind and inhabits him at a given time – to eventually shape a coherent text, a specific engraving of the soul as it marches towards the knowledge always hiding in the becoming.

Att ge stöd till närstående som vårdar en person i hemmet i palliativt skede : sjuksköterskors erfarenheter / Supporting significant others caring for a person receiving palliative care in the home : nurses' experiences

Lundin, Maria January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING De närstående har en betydelsefull uppgift i vården av svårt sjuka personer, men det är vanligt att de närstående inte har tillräckligt med kunskaper och är inte förberedda på den nya situationen. Vård i livets slutskede är ofta beroende av stora insatser från närstående och det är därför viktigt att vården utformas tillsammans med de närstående och att deras önskemål beaktas så långt det är möjligt. Den palliativa vården har ett grundläggande helhetsansvar för både patient och närstående och det ställs stora krav på sjuksköterskor som jobbar inom palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskan ska kunna göra helhetsbedömningar angående behov hos både patient och närstående. Sjuksköterskan har en central uppgift i att stödja patient och närstående för att åstadkomma en så god livskvalité som möjligt. Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till närstående som vårdar en person i palliativt skede som är ansluten till avancerad sjukvård i hemmet (ASIH). Kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design har använts. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta sjuksköterskor som arbetade inom avancerad palliativ vård i hemmet. Intervjuerna och materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I sjuksköterskans professionella roll ingick att ge stöd och trygghet för hela familjen och det kunde vara genom regelbundna besök i hemmet. Sjuksköterskan i ASIH ansåg att de hade en medlande och förmedlande roll och hjälpte till att öppna upp samtalsklimatet i familjen samt gav närstående redskap för att hantera deras nya livssituation. I sjuksköterskornas kommunikation med närstående framkom att det var viktigt att de närstående fick information som var tydlig och ärlig samt individuellt anpassad. Det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan var lyhörd och uppmärksam i samtalet med närstående. Att ge information ansågs som en förberedelse och gav trygghet och ökad kunskap för närstående. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet var att de närstående önskade information om sjukdom, symtom, sjukdomsförlopp och döendeprocessen. Sjuksköterskorna i ASIH hade erfarenhet av att de närstående hade olika behov av stöd och att stödet skulle vara individuellt anpassat. Stödet kunde vara i form att stötta de närstående till ett aktivt liv utanför hemmet och vårdandet, men även att familjen önskade vara i fred i hemmet och hade då färre hembesök. Sjuksköterskorna som arbetade inom ASIH hade olika kompetens och bakgrund vilket gav en välfungerande och trygg arbetsgrupp som kompletterandes och gagnade patient och närstående. Det saknades riktlinjer för sjuksköterskan i arbetet med närståendestödet, men sjuksköterskorna menade att det fanns en risk för minskad flexibilitet och att stödet till närstående inte blev individuellt anpassat. Studien visade att sjuksköterskor inom ASIH har en betydelsefull roll i stödet till närstående i hemmet med bland annat att ge information och samtal. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet var att deras närvaro och tillgänglighet upplevdes som en stor trygghet för de närstående. Sjuksköterskorna ansåg att flexibilitet i närståendestödet var väldigt viktigt. Struktur och riktlinjer i arbetet med stöd till närstående saknades och efterfrågades av sjuksköterskorna.

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos partner till personer med afasi : En undersökning baserad på hälsoenkäten SF-36 och semistrukturerade intervjuer / Health-Related Quality of Life in Significant Others of People with Aphasia : A Qualitative Study Based on the Health Survey SF-36 and Semi-Structured Interviews

Krögerström, Sanna, von Eichwald, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Around 30,000 people in Sweden suffer stroke every year, out of which about 12,000 end up with language difficulties, aphasia. Behind every person with aphasia there are significant others whose lives are also affected. Studies of how aphasia affects the health of these people are few. The overall aim of the present study was to examine how significant others of people with aphasia perceive their life situation, and how their quality of life is affected by the illness of their partner. Spouses of people with aphasia were contacted through aphasia groups and the Swedish Aphasia Association. A total of eleven people participated in the study, which consisted of the health survey SF-36 and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that men, working people, and people at retirement age are at risk of having a lower health-related quality of life, by living with a person suffering from aphasia. Other factors that seemed to contribute to a lower quality of life were; a more severe aphasia, a big work load at home, less mutual activities as a couple, and a general decrease of communication in everyday life. The conclusion is therefore, that the health-related quality of life is at risk of becoming negatively affected by living with a person who suffers from aphasia. / Varje år insjuknar cirka 30 000 personer i stroke i Sverige och av dem drabbas cirka 12 000 av språkliga svårigheter i form av afasi. Bakom varje person med afasi finns det anhöriga, vars liv också påverkas. Hur afasin påverkar den anhöriges hälsa är inte väl studerat. Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var därmed att undersöka hur anhöriga, till personer med afasi, uppfattar sin egen livssituation, samt hur deras livskvalitet påverkas av den närståendes sjukdom. Partner till personer med afasi kontaktades genom afasigrupper och afasiföreningar. Totalt valde elva personer att deltaga i studien, vilken bestod av hälsoenkäten SF-36 samt en semistrukturerad intervju. Resultaten pekade på att män, yrkesverksamma och personer i pensionsålder riskerar att få en lägre hälsorelaterad livskvalitet av att leva med någon med afasi. Övriga faktorer, som tycktes bidra till en lägre livskvalitet, var en svårare afasi, en hög börda i hemmet, färre gemensamma aktiviteter som par samt en generell försämring av kommunikationen i vardagen. Slutsatsen är därmed att den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten riskerar att påverkas negativt av att leva med en person som drabbats av afasi.

Rights of Concrete Others: Ethics of Concrete Others, Social Individuality, and Social Multiculturalism

Kwak, Hochul 01 January 2012 (has links)
A globalizing world is replete with the vulnerable, who are experiencing economic poverty, medical maltreatment, political persecution, and/or cultural misrecognition. The vulnerable are under systematic oppression and domination. Although the wealth of humankind increases continuously, many are excluded from any benefit of this increased wealth. While human beings have achieved significant progress in medical technology, uncountable numbers of people are exposed to a shortage of appropriate medical care. Despite continued expansion of democracy around the globe, the powerless majority and minorities are experiencing ignorance of their differences, culturally and/or politically. This dissertation searches for a viable human rights scheme that will effectively address the systematic oppression and domination of the vulnerable. By addressing oppression and domination of the vulnerable, I focus on overcoming several dichotomies: a dichotomy between transcendence and immanence within human beings, a dichotomy between equality and difference among human beings, and a dichotomy between individual differences and group differences. Those dichotomies have been detrimental to addressing systematic oppression and domination of the vulnerable. With relation to the dichotomy between transcendence and immanence within human beings, I frame the vulnerable as concrete others who have both transcendental dimensions and immanent dimensions. In terms of the dichotomy between equality and difference, my proposal is equality that substantially promotes difference, that is, capability equality and least-gap equality. With regard to the dichotomy between individual difference and group difference, my proposal is multiculturalism based on social individuality. These proposals for overcoming aforementioned dichotomies converge on social multiculturalism. I have argued that equality between groups and equality within groups can best address oppression and domination of concrete others. Specifically, reconfigured basic income guarantee, which includes basic income, public education, public healthcare, and linguistic diversity, is a concrete form of equality within groups that is conducive to promoting equality between groups. Therefore, I think that social multiculturalism based on the reconfigured basic income guarantee is a new, viable version of addressing oppression and domination of the vulnerable.

Relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques en contexte de réadaptation

Hallé, Marie-Christine 08 1900 (has links)
Le rôle que jouent les services orthophoniques dans l’ajustement des proches de personnes aphasiques ainsi que le contexte dans lequel les orthophonistes mettent en place des interventions auprès de ces proches ne sont actuellement pas connus. La présente thèse a donc pour but de comprendre de quelle manière les relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques, développées en contexte de réadaptation, s’inscrivent dans la trajectoire dynamique des proches et dans la pratique des orthophonistes. Une approche qualitative par théorisation ancrée a été utilisée dans quatre études pour analyser les entrevues effectuées auprès de proches de personnes aphasiques et d’orthophonistes. Dans l’étude 1, les entrevues menées à trois reprises dans la première année suivant l’accident vasculaire-cérébral (AVC), et ce, auprès de quatre filles dont la mère est aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant la relation mère-fille a été développé. Ce modèle illustre que les perceptions de fragilité, de difficultés et de compétence, qu’ont les filles à l’égard de leur mère, les amènent à adopter des comportements de protection ou de confiance, ce qui génère des réactions de satisfaction ou d’insatisfaction chez la mère, renforçant alors les perceptions initiales des filles. Quatre patterns relationnels peuvent donc coexister au sein d’une même dyade. L’aphasie complexifierait cet ajustement relationnel. Dans l’étude 2, les entrevues effectuées à trois reprises durant la première année suivant l’AVC, auprès d’une fille dont la mère est sévèrement aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience d’aider a été élaboré. Selon ce modèle, percevoir des difficultés chez sa mère et ressentir que leur relation antérieure est menacée a déclenché le processus d’aide chez la fille. Parallèlement, la reconnaissance de la compétence de sa mère a motivé la fille à offrir de l’aide visant à rendre sa mère heureuse et à favoriser son indépendance. Ce type d’aide a contribué à augmenter l’indépendance de sa mère, à retrouver une relation satisfaisante avec celle-ci et à s’adapter à l’aphasie. Dans l’étude 3, les entrevues de 12 proches de personnes aphasiques ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience de l’aphasie et de la réadaptation post-AVC a été développé et illustre que les proches sont centrés sur la personne aphasique et participent à la réadaptation dans le rôle d’aidant. Cette disposition influence alors leurs attentes envers la réadaptation, leurs interactions avec les professionnels, dont les orthophonistes, et leur appréciation de la réadaptation. Dans l’étude 4, les entrevues effectuées auprès de huit orthophonistes travaillant en réadaptation ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique illustrant le processus d’intervention des orthophonistes auprès des proches de personnes aphasiques a été construit. Pour les orthophonistes, le travail avec les proches est majoritairement perçu comme un ajout positif, mais exigeant, à leur pratique de base centrée sur la personne aphasique. Une satisfaction professionnelle peut en découler, mais des idéaux non-atteints peuvent persister. La relation proche-orthophoniste serait donc principalement axée sur le rôle d’aidant que joue le proche, et ce, en raison de leur expérience respective. Un agrandissement du territoire de rencontre entre les orthophonistes et les proches pourrait soutenir les proches dans les ajustements relationnels induits par l’AVC avec aphasie ainsi que permettre aux orthophonistes d’atteindre leurs idéaux. / The role speech-language therapy (SLT) services play in significant others’ adjustment to stroke and aphasia as well as the context in which SLTs offer interventions to significant others are currently unknown. The present dissertation aims to understand how in rehabilitation settings, relationships between SLTs and significant others of persons with aphasia develop, and fit within significant others’ process of change, on one hand, and into SLTs’ practice, on the other hand. A grounded theory approach was used in four studies to analyze interviews conducted with significant others of persons with aphasia and with SLTs. In study 1, four daughters of aphasic women were each interviewed three times over the first year post-stroke and their discourse was analyzed. A theoretical model of the daughter-mother relationship was constructed. This model shows how the daughters’ perception of maternal fragility, problems, and abilities motivated daughters to take on protective and trusting behaviors that resulted in maternal reactions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that, in turn, reinforced the daughters’ initial perceptions. Four relational patterns may therefore coexist in a given dyad. Aphasia could make relational adjustments more complex. In study 2, three interviews conducted over the period of one year with the daughter of a woman with severe aphasia were analyzed. A theoretical model representing the experience of caregiving was elaborated. This model illustrates that for the daughter, perceiving her mother’s problems and feeling their previous relationship was threatened triggered the caregiving process. In parallel, the daughter’s recognition of her mother’s competence encouraged her to offer care aiming to make her mother happy and to foster her mother’s independence. Increases in her mother’s independence, a renewal of their relationship and adaptation to aphasia were consequences of this type of caregiving. In study 3, the interviews conducted with 12 significant others of aphasic persons were analyzed. A theoretical model representing significant others’ experience of aphasia and rehabilitation following stroke was developed and showed that significant others participated in rehabilitation as caregivers centered on the person who had aphasia. This disposition influenced their expectations of rehabilitation, their interactions with professionals, such as SLTs, and how they appraised rehabilitation. In study 4, the interviews conducted with eight SLTs working in rehabilitation settings were analyzed. A theoretical model representing SLTs’ process of working with significant others of persons with aphasia was elaborated. SLTs mostly perceived work with significant others as a challenging bonus to their fundamental approach centered on the person with aphasia. As a consequence, SLTs felt professional satisfaction while dreaming for something more to offer significant others. The relationship between significant others and SLTs thus mainly seem to focus on the caregiver role endorsed by significant others as a result of the experience of each of them. Expanding the shared territory of SLTs and significant others could support significant others’ adjustment to the relational changes induced by stroke and aphasia and could help SLTs attain their professional dreams.

Hardship : Leadership in Hardship contexts

Pebelier, Sébastien January 2014 (has links)
When difficulties appear concerning the environment and the social relationships in teams, leading others become very interesting as well as challenging. I am sharing in this research an understanding of the concept of hardship in order to point out a main leadership issue, which is to lead others in extreme situations. It is a new and innovative approach of leadership within the business area based on the literature and completed by sailors’ experiences of hardship.Offshore sailors have the use to handle hardship situations alone as well as in crews, and they cannot avoid it when they are far away from the coasts. Thus when a problem occurs they must fix it themselves. During offshore races and expeditions, sailors have to deal with teams issues and cannot quit for going back home. Thereby, a boat, which is going to sail for few months without stop, is a real laboratory of leadership and social relationships.The starting point of this approach concerns the art of leading oneself, which represents a prerogative for a great leadership in extreme conditions. Indeed when a leader loses his or her self-control in extremes situations, he or she will probably not be able to lead others. Thus, in order to illustrate the literature approach to this concept, this thesis has been completed with an auto-ethnographical approach. I as a sailor have experimented hardship alone on my boat during some offshore sailing trips. I present an analysis of these experiences to explain the issues of leading oneself in such conditions. Thanks to the participation of some sailors experts in hardship, I illustrate the possibility to lead others in hardship context with the inspiration of their experiences. It is possible to lead others in very extremes conditions, and offshore sailors that I called hardship experts could represent a real inspiration to leaders, for a real and great leadership.

Κοινωνικοί προσδιορισμοί της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας και σχολική επίδοση : έρευνα για τη συσχέτιση του οικογενειακού περιβάλλοντος και των προσδοκιών με τη σχολική επίδοση του μαθητή στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας

Φωτοπούλου, Παναγιώτα 13 July 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη επιχειρεί να διερευνήσει αν κοινωνικοί παράγοντες όπως η εκπαίδευση και το επάγγελμα των γονέων, οι φιλοδοξίες και οι προσδοκίες των μαθητών αλλά και οι φιλοδοξίες και οι προσδοκίες των γονέων τους και των σημαντικών άλλων, σχετίζονται με την επίδοση των μαθητών στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας. Ως θεωρητικό πλαίσιο επιλέχτηκε το μοντέλο του Wisconsin και ως ερευνητικό εργαλείο το ερωτηματολόγιο. Επεξεργαστήκαμε τα δεδομένα χρησιμοποιώντας ποσοτική ανάλυση. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης έδειξαν ότι υπάρχει ισχυρή συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στη σχολική επίδοση στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας και τα κοινωνικοψυχολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των μαθητών. / This study aims to examine whether social factors such as the education and occupation of parents, the aspirations and expectations of students and the aspirations and expectations of their parents and their significant others, are related with the students’ academic performance at the lesson of greek language. The Wisconsin Model was chosen as theoretical context and the questionnaire was employed as a research tool. We processed our data using quantitative analysis. The study showed that, indeed, there is a strong relationship between the students’ academic performance and their sociopsychological characteristics.

L'intersubjectivite humaine comme socle fonctionnel pour une mondialisation democratique : approache levinasienne = (The intersubjectivity of human nature as reliable basis for a democratic globalization : Levinas approach) / The intersubjectivity of human nature as reliable basis for a democratic globalization : Levinas approach

Nduku, Nazaire Mavanga 06 1900 (has links)
Abstract in French and English / This dissertation deals with the globalization as a system with transnational vocation aiming at reducing more and more the distance between communities by means of the exchanges in diverse domains: economic, scientific, cultural, multilinguistic, etc. In other words, the deep intention of the upholders of the globalization is to promote the communication or the intersubjectivity between people in the world, and this especially from the viewpoint of the exchange of numerous products that human beings can have. What really makes problem and draws our attention on this topic is that the intrinsic quality of the exchange between peoples leads us to ask what could and should have been made, to ensure that globalization becomes an intersubjective world-wide management system with democratic and philanthropic basis. It is for this reason that we have to point out here the element “communication”, that is the intersubjectivity which should cement this kind of transnational sharing. To date, the intersubjectivity is almost nil from the point of view of the aforementioned kind of sharing. Globalization pays no attention vii to ardent problems which undermine and contradict the real intersubjectivity, such as poverty, terrorism, corruption, hunger, diseases, etc. This is one the reasons why we interpret this fact as being really unusual, because it does not suit to the ostentatious project of the internationalists. Actually, as colonization doesn‟t honestly come with only good intention, globalization by philanthropy is not possible as well as. That is the problem which should be solved. Accordingly,this study proposes possible key milestones that must serve reference tables with the aim of a democratic and philanthropic globalization based on the ethics of sharing worthy of the name. The analytical critique method will be here recoverable for that purpose. / Cette dissertation traite de la mondialisation comme un système à vocation transnationale ayant pour but de réduire de plus en plus la distance entre les communautés par le moyen des échanges dans divers domaines : économique, scientifique, culturelle, multilinguistique, etc. En d‟autres termes, l‟intention profonde des tenants de la mondialisation est de promouvoir la communication ou l‟intersubjectivité entre les peuples, et cela notamment du point de vue de l‟échange des produits divers que les êtres humains puissent avoir. Or ce qui fait vraiment problème et attire notre attention sur ce sujet, c‟est que la qualité intrinsèque dudit échange entre les peuples nous amène à nous interroger sur ce qui pourrait et devrait être fait de sorte que la mondialisation devienne un système de gestion intersubjective à base démocratique et philanthropique. Présentement les principes de mondialisation sont uniquement d‟obédience mercantile. C‟est la raison pour laquelle nous devons entre autres évoquer ici l‟élément communication, c‟est-à-dire l‟intersubjectivité qui devrait consolider ce genre de partage transnational. Jusqu‟à présent l‟intersubjectivité est presque nulle sur le plan dudit partage. La mondialisation n‟a cure des problèmes brûlants qui démentent la vraie intersubjectivité, tels que la pauvreté, le terrorisme, la corruption, la faim, les maladies, etc. C‟est la raison pour laquelle nous interprétons ce fait comme étant vraiment insolite, car il ne cadre pas avec le projet ostentatoire des mondialistes. En réalité, tout comme on ne colonise pas honnêtement, on ne mondialise pas non plus par philanthropie. Cela étant un problème qui mérite d‟être résolu, cette étude propose donc des jalons possibles devant servir des référentiels en vue d‟une mondialisation démocratique arc-boutée sur l‟éthique du partage bien comprise. La méthode analytico-critique sera ici recouvrable à cet effet. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

Individens identitetsskapande genom osynliga märken : En studie om identitetsstimulans för månadsgivare till Amnesty International Sverige

Bengtsson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between the individual and their monthly donation to the INGO Amnesty International Sweden as a process of identity stimulation. Problematizing how consuming a brand whichdoes not give anything concrete back to the individual communicates through core values in order to strengthen identity. The study uses theories from Zygmunt Bauman, Sidney Levy, Lilie Chouliaraki and Ronald E. Anderson. According to research for the relationship between the individual and brand there has been a shift where the individual choses brands from other parameters than function, rather this is made from its representation. Therefore consuming brands is an expression for identity. Furthermore research about charity organizations states that there has been a shift in how they communicate and affect individuals’ need to reduce suffering - identity stimulation - as a consequence of neoliberalism. The study is constructed through a qualitative methodology that collects empirical data from responsive- and flexible deep interviews, with respondents who donates monthly to Amnesty International Sweden and are in the age gap between 18-30 years old. The study does not aim for a generalization of the result, rather it investigates how identity can be stimulated through Amnesty International Sweden using concepts as self-oriented, others-oriented and reduce suffering. The result proves what have been stated by former theories, were the relationship between the individual and brand functions as an identity stimulation through different aspects such as identification and distance, the individual as a product and ways to materialize this. However, there has been a clear shift in the individuals awareness of online and offline behaviour which affects how they present themselves as a product. As pointed out earlier by theories from Bauman and Levy, the resultemphasizesthat the individual consumes a brand that represents themselves and strengthens their identity individually and to their social environment. Lastly,the study discuss its result of new individual behavior online and offline as a consequence of neoliberalism and how research within media- and communication studies can further help us understand how communication technology and political forces can affect each other in regards of individual behaviour. The study and its result is situated in the junction between the digital communicative sphere and constant political changes.

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