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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empati, respekt och hjälpsamhet! : En studie av förskollärares uppfattningar om det demokratiska värdet omsorg om andra. / Empathy, Respect and Helpfulness : A study of preschool teachers‘ perceptions of the democratic value of caring for others.

Larsson, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka förskollärares uppfattningar om omsorg om andra som ett demokratiskt värde som barnen ska utveckla. För att granska detta så har jag intervjuat fem stycken förskollärare från två olika förskolor. Jag analyserade min data med en fenomenografisk metodansats. Jag gjorde också en teoretisk analys utifrån mitt resultat med hjälp av utvecklingspedagogiken. Resultatet visar att förskollärare uppfattar att omsorg om andra innefattar empati, respekt och att vara omtänksam genom att hjälpa varandra. Det är också på detta sätt som förskollärarna beskriver att omsorg om andra gestaltas. Förskollärarna nämner framförallt tre strategier i sitt arbete för att barnen ska utveckla kunskap om omsorg om andra. Det första är att skapa trygghet, det andra att hjälpa barnen till reflektion. Det tredje innefattar förskollärarnas eget reflektions, dokumentations och utvärderingsarbete. / The aim of this study is to investigate preschool teachers' perceptions of caring for others as a democratic value that children should develop. To find out this, I have interviewed five preschool teachers from two different preschools. I analyzed my data with a phenomenographic method approach. I also did a theoretical analysis based on my results using the development pedagogy. The result shows that preschool teachers perceive that caring for others involves empathy, respect and being caring by helping each other. It is also in this way that the preschool teachers describe that care about others forms. The preschool teachers mainly mention three strategies in their work for the children to develop knowledge about caring for others. The first is to create security, the second to help the children to reflect. The third includes preschool teachers' own reflection, documentation and evaluation work.

Unpacking cultural orientations : representations of the person and the self

Owe, Ellinor January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to disentangle the concept of culture; more specifically it identifies different facets of cultural orientations. It looks at how cultural and national groups differ on these dimensions and their impact on individuals and societies. It is argued that we need a more nuanced and multifaceted understanding of culture that goes beyond focusing on values. Chapter 1 discusses definitions of culture and identifies three significant facets of culture—values, beliefs and constructions of the self. It is noted that research into the latter two facets is far less developed. Chapter 2 outlines research into cross-cultural variation in beliefs, more specifically beliefs about personhood, and notes that little is known about beliefs that define individualism-collectivism (I-C). Chapter 3 reviews self-construal theory and highlights a range of remaining issues which point to the need to explore self-construals further. Chapter 4 provides a methodological overview of the research. Chapter 5 reports results from two large-scale cross-cultural questionnaire studies and presents the construct, and a measure, of contextualism, referring to beliefs about the importance of the context in understanding people. Contextualism is shown to be a facet of cultural collectivism and a predictor of national variation in ingroup favouritism, trust and corruption. Chapter 6 presents a new seven-dimensional model of self-construals, which can be organised into three higher-order dimensions at the cultural level of analysis: self-differentiation, other-focus and self-containment. Variation in self-differentiation is shown to be best explained by differences in I-C, other-focus by differences in national wealth and self-containment by religious heritage. Based on a smaller study in four nations, Chapter 7 investigates the seven self-construal dimensions at the individual level and tests how they differentially predict outcomes related to socio-emotional adjustment. Chapter 8 summarises the findings and discusses implications and directions for future research.

Sobre a incomunicabilidade humana / Sobre a incomunicabilidade humana

Alves, Claudenir Modolo 05 June 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação versa sobre a incomunicabilidade humana. A pergunta problematizadora que temos como objetivo aprofundar é: o ser humano é, ontologicamente, um ser capaz de se comunicar? ou de outra forma: é possível a existência da comunicação? A hermenêutica imanente dos textos de natureza filosófica, seguida da reflexão analítica, nos aproxima da problemática sobre a incomunicabilidade humana, iluminando os enfoques chave do estado instaurado de incomunicação radical e generalizada, por outro lado a possibilidade do ser de relacionar-se e abrir a comunicação para sua existência. A possibilidade do ser humano de relacionar-se é mínima no sistema planetário de comunicação, o que nos faz concluir que vivemos na era da incomunicabilidade humana, por primeiro da incomunicabilidade entre eu e o outro. / This dissertation deals with human incommunicability. We intend to further study the following problematizing issue: Ontologically speaking, is the human being capable of communicating? In other words: can communication exist? The immanent hermeneutics of philosophical texts, followed by analytical reflection, leads us to the problem of human incommunicability, throws light on key approaches to the state of radical and generalized incommunication, and, on the other hand, the possibility for human beings to establish relationships and open lines of communication for their survival. The planets communication system allows for minimal possibilities of human beings establishing relationships; we have, therefore, to conclude that we live in an era of human incommunicability, starting with the incommunicability between the self and others.

La construction de l'identité des femmes experts-comptables en France : rendre compte de la construction de l'identité : la négociation du soi chez les femmes experts-comptables.

Lupu, Ioana 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a comme objectif de contribuer à la compréhension du processus de construction de l'identité des femmes experts-comptables. Elle s'appuie sur la réalisation d'une quarantaine d'entretiens semi-directifs, à portée biographique, réalisés auprès de femmes et d'hommes experts-comptables et stagiaires. Deux identités saillantes, de professionnelle et de mère, ont été plus particulièrement mises en évidence. Ces deux identités s'influencent réciproquement. Leurs évolutions s'interpénètrent et nourrissent une même construction identitaire. Les rôles de mère et de manager/professionnelle sont cependant porteurs de contradictions et de tensions qui induisent différentes stratégies de conciliation. La distinction de deux grandes catégories de stratégies, une stratégie de gestion familiale et une stratégie de gestion professionnelle a permis d'analyser la manière dont les femmes professionnelles comptables ont pu s'adapter à la culture organisationnelle des cabinets d'expertise. Ces pratiques ne sont cependant que principalement adaptatives et peinent à véritablement induire des changements culturels.

ATT VARA NÄRSTÅENDE TILL PERSONER MED CANCER : En litteraturöversikt / To be related to persons with cancer : A literature review

Sundqvist, Robert, Khan, Fahima January 2009 (has links)
Var tredje person i Sverige kan under sin livstid drabbas av en cancersjukdom. När en familjmedlem får diagnosen cancer påverkar detta oftast livet för dem som är närstående. Forskning visar att de närstående upplever olika förändringar i livet. Det uppstår oftast känslor som ångest, hjälplöshet och maktlöshet. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur närstående till personer med cancer upplever sin förändrade livssituation. Informationskällor använda i analysen är 13 artiklar som beskriver närståendes upplevelser. Resultatet presenteras i fyra olika huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Dessa fyra teman är Förändrad livssituation, Maktlöshet och hjälplöshet, Stöd är betydelsefullt och Behov av information. I resultatet framgår att relationer mellan familjmedlemmar antingen fördjupas eller försämras. Behovet av information och stöd visar sig vara stort hos den närstående. Det är av betydelse att resultatet används i vården så att sjuksköterskor samt annan vårdpersonal blir uppmärksamma på närståendes upplevelse. Dessa kunskaper kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal att erbjuda bättre stöd till dessa närstående. / Every third person in Sweden can be afflicted by cancer during a life course.  When a family member gets the cancer diagnosis this most often influences the lives of those who are closest to them. Research shows that family caregivers experience various changes through life. These changes are often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and powerlessness. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how caregivers of persons with cancer experience their changed situation of life. The sources of information used in analysis are 13 articles who describe the experiences of caregivers. The result is presented in four main themes with sub themes. These four themes are Changed life situation, Powerlessness and helplessness, Support is important and Need for information. In the presented result it is clear that relations between family members is either deepened or worsen. The need for information and support has showed itself to be of great value for family members. It is of importance to implement the result in healthcare so that registered nurses and other staff can be attentive to the experiences of the relatives. This knowledge can help nurses and other personnel to offer better opportunities to give support to these relatives.

Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas väljare : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk nyhetspress i samband med eftermälet till 2010 års riksdagsval

Persson, Magnus, Lindberg, Max January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Title: Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas väljare Author: Magnus Persson & Max Lindberg Tutor: Leonor Camauër Course: Bachelor thesis, Media and communication.   The aim of this essay is to use a Critical Discourse Analytical (CDA) approach to analyse the construction of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) voters in news articles to see if and how they are separated as a group from the Swedish democratic community. This aim is broken down into two questions. How are the Sweden Democrats (SD) voters constructed in news articles in Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Aftonbladet (AB) regarding the aftermath of the national elections? What differences are there between the portrayal of the Sweden Democrats voters and the agents that are used as opposition to them? To answer these questions we have used CDA. We have taken our approach from a modified version of Teun Van Dijks CDA model for analysing news articles. Theoretically we have a CDA approach, we also use theory regarding “the other”. The methodological tools we have used are primarily analysis for Global and Local Coherens, analysis of lexicalization and Faircloughs analysis of Framing. We have also analysed the thematic and schematic structures of the news articles. The analysis is based on a schema and from that schema we have analysed nine news articles selected from a time period of seven days after the Swedish national elections in 2010. Four of the articles come from AB and five from DN. From our analyses we have identified three themes. The first one is common for both DN and AB. It is a theme where the SD voters are consistently portrayed as being dissatisfied both on a political and a social level. AB has also had a tendency to enter articles from a position that expects to find that SD is dependent on a climate of conflict between different social groups to be able to grow regionally. In DN we have found a theme where SD voters are portrayed as less politically aware and generally less knowledgeable than those who vote for the other parties of the Swedish parliament. Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, Sweden Democrats, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, the others, political, right wing, populism.

ATT VARA NÄRSTÅENDE TILL PERSONER MED CANCER : En litteraturöversikt / To be related to persons with cancer : A literature review

Sundqvist, Robert, Khan, Fahima January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Var tredje person i Sverige kan under sin livstid drabbas av en cancersjukdom. När en familjmedlem får diagnosen cancer påverkar detta oftast livet för dem som är närstående. Forskning visar att de närstående upplever olika förändringar i livet. Det uppstår oftast känslor som ångest, hjälplöshet och maktlöshet. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur närstående till personer med cancer upplever sin förändrade livssituation. Informationskällor använda i analysen är 13 artiklar som beskriver närståendes upplevelser. Resultatet presenteras i fyra olika huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Dessa fyra teman är <em>Förändrad livssituation</em>, <em>Maktlöshet och hjälplöshet, Stöd är betydelsefullt</em> och <em>Behov av information</em>. I resultatet framgår att relationer mellan familjmedlemmar antingen fördjupas eller försämras. Behovet av information och stöd visar sig vara stort hos den närstående. Det är av betydelse att resultatet används i vården så att sjuksköterskor samt annan vårdpersonal blir uppmärksamma på närståendes upplevelse. Dessa kunskaper kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal att erbjuda bättre stöd till dessa närstående.</p> / <p> </p><p>Every third person in Sweden can be afflicted by cancer during a life course.  When a family member gets the cancer diagnosis this most often influences the lives of those who are closest to them. Research shows that family caregivers experience various changes through life. These changes are often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and powerlessness. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how caregivers of persons with cancer experience their changed situation of life. The sources of information used in analysis are 13 articles who describe the experiences of caregivers. The result is presented in four main themes with sub themes. These four themes are Changed <em>life situation, Powerlessness and helplessness, Support is important</em> and <em>Need for information</em>. In the presented result it is clear that relations between family members is either deepened or worsen. The need for information and support has showed itself to be of great value for family members. It is of importance to implement the result in healthcare so that registered nurses and other staff can be attentive to the experiences of the relatives. This knowledge can help nurses and other personnel to offer better opportunities to give support to these relatives.</p>

Social capital, local economic development and environmental quality in deprived communities : the case of the Kpirikpiri community in South-East Nigeria

Anyigor, Kelechi Theophilus January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Combining musical identities through composition and improvisation

Perks, Richard January 2013 (has links)
This research project aims to: - Examine how my musical identity as Music-maker can be fused with those of contributing improvising musicians, throughout the collaborative process. - Form creative methodologies/strategies to sufficiently accommodate the improvisatory approaches of others around my own work. - Develop appropriate communication methods, including original notational systems; and explore ways in which technology can be harnessed, to help fulfil the above objectives. This research intends to explore the extent to which improvisation may be incorporated into compositions, by means of practical experiment and investigation. The written commentary will accompany a portfolio of audio recordings and scores. Key works demonstrating various approaches and techniques employed will be examined in detail. An appendix disc of supplementary audio recordings and videos will also be provided to show piecedevelopment and the evolution of my music-making practice. My point of origin straddles that of a professional guitarist experienced in an array of improvised music(s), including: rock, jazz, fusion and contemporary improvisation, and that of a composer interested in collaborative projects which take advantage of the eclectic experience and skill sets of the musicians taking part.

A Research On The Representation Of Turkish National Identity: Buildings Abroad

Zelef, Mustafa Haluk 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is the result of an attempt to record, classify and develop an understanding of the motivations and dynamics in the design and realization of the buildings that explicitly or implicitly represent the Turkish identity abroad. In the meantime it is aimed to reflect on and identify the function of architecture and buildings in the formulation and representation of national identity. Besides the analysis of the meanings assigned to the architectural forms, one underlying intention was to clarify how different aspects of architecture and building processes could play roles in the construction and representation of national identity within the context of the embassies, monuments, exhibition pavilions and centers for cultural and religious purposes. During the analysis of these architectural works, basic mechanisms of the concept of identity and its repercussions in relation to physical milieus -i.e. its comparative nature, its reception by the others- are tried to be elaborated. Cases other than the Turkish case are referred to when necessary. Viewpoints of variety of actors in the realization of these works -i.e. architects, diplomats, statesmen and contractors- are analyzed to elucidate the similarities and differences of approaches. iv Besides the role of international relations, the dominant social, political and economic characteristics in different historical periods of Turkey and their implications on the buildings abroad are exposed by this study. Reactions of the architectural discourse in Turkey to those characteristics concerning the national identity, i.e. foreign architects, globalization, and promotion of architects by the state, are elaborated. While some themes are perennial at the discursive and formal level, variations of attitudes regarding the host context are observed in the study.

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