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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

審美體驗的社會性─論藝術作品中的他人、語言、拜物教 / Social character immanent in aesthetic experience : A study on Others, language, and fetishism of artwork

王建評, WANG, JIAN-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本文是對人類自由心靈的探究,藝術作品則是做為探索的中介;藝術作品中的審美感性作用本是「私己的」,然而,由於藝術作品來自於社會的集體生產,使得藝術作品在私人審美之前,早已沾染「他人」的價值判斷─私密的審美其實是社會性的。審美價值的傾注及接收皆在不知不覺中進行著,審美之人在接受、認同審美價值的過程中,總是帶有拜物教的形式意味;而拜物教又與人類的宗教崇拜心境直接關聯著,因此,本來看似「自由」的審美體驗,其實與象徵「束縛」的權威互為條件,事實上,走在自由的路上就是走在服從權威的路上。「詮釋」則被視為是審美價值傳遞的必要媒介,亦是使得拜物教形式得以可能的必然現象。 / This article is an inquiry about freedom of human’s mind, the artwork is presented as intermediary of it. Aesthetic function is originally private, but actually is embedded with “fait social” by dint of artwork’s social-production character , which makes every man’s aesthetic values is utterly infiltrated by ”Others” before they make their own judgment : aesthetic judgment which appears private is in fact social-collected. The impregnation and absorption of aesthetic values always processes in state of unconsciousness. When people intake and approve the values given by others, they worship in form of fetishism ; Fetishism is associated with the worship of religion, therefore aesthetic experience containing human’s free choice is correlated with authority symbolizing constraint. In fact, when we quest for freedom, we’re at the same time in quest of conformity. Explanation is regarded as necessary intermediary communicating aesthetic judgment as well as indispensable phenomenon conditioning the worship of fetishism.

卑微與崇高:馬來西亞華文報記者的自我角色認知 / Self-perception of Chinese language newspapers' reporters in Malaysia

廖珮雯, Liaw, Pey Wen Unknown Date (has links)
馬來人、華人和印度人構成馬來西亞的三大種族,馬來人占馬來西亞總人口半數以上,華人和印度人屬少數族群。馬來族群享有憲法上的特權,在政治、經濟、文化、語文、教育上,華人則一直遭受不平等待遇,受到歧視。馬來西亞的報界也反映了這個多種族的不平等特質,馬來文報和英文報具有政治和語言優勢,在社會上具有影響力,而華文報的影響力只侷限在華人圈子。本研究所欲探討的便是:在這種大環境下,馬來西亞華文報記者角色的自我認知。   本論文以Cooley的「鏡中自我」和Mead的「概化他者」為理論基礎,再引用Strauss, Stone和Goffman強調的情境式identity,配合Hirsch提出的職業、組織、制度三個研究分析層次,來深入分析華文報記者在不同層次的工作場域,以及面對不同的概化他者,所型塑出的自我認知類型。   筆者以滾雪球的方式,訪問了18位在吉隆坡的華文報記者,每位做了一至二小時不等的深度訪談,本研究發現,在職業層面,面對華文報同行,記者有糊口飯吃和受同行認同與賞識的自我認知,而這種自我認知則受記者在報館地位和新聞組別的影響。當面對外文報同行時,有的記者的自我認知是高人一等和承認自己弱點,而有的記者則頗負面,有不屑與卑微的自我認知。   在組織層面,本研究發現,記者面對報館這個概化他者時,出現三種情況:在主流與非主流報章的差異方面,非主流記者的自我認知受到報館地位的影響小,反而因為在報館享有較少的規範與約束而產生高自我認知;相反地,主流報章記者的自我認知,則因為報館地位和規範與約束的影響,產生正負兩種自我認知。此外,記者也會因報章風格而影響自我認知。在大報方面,記者的自我認知不會受報章銷售量滑落影響,反而因為報館的名聲、影響力、地位以及悠久的歷史而產生高自我認知。   在制度層面,本研究將記者與報業環境作連結,發現記者都將造成自我認知卑微的原因歸咎於外在的結構因素,包括華文報業結構和政治環境,卻沒有發現本身語言能力、專業素質和態度的不足,也是出現卑微的自我認知的因素之一。當記者面對政治力量和法令時,產生三種類型的自我認知,包括敢於挑戰、自我設限和反感。   本研究也發現,受到了馬來西亞各種族不平等的政、經、社、教情境的影響,華文報記者有既自大又自卑的自我認知。本研究係質性的「厚描」,將來如有人做量化的社會調查,當能使我們對馬來西亞的華文報與華文記者有更全、更深的認識。 / Three main races, Malays, Chinese and Indians, compose of Malaysia’s population with the majority Malays enjoying special constitutional privileges while the Chinese suffering political, economic, cultural, linguistic and educational inequality. Such state is also reflected in the Malaysia press. While the Malay and English language newspapers wave greater social and political influences, those of the Chinese language press are limited within the ethnic Chinese. This thesis is aimed at finding out the self-identity of Chinese language newspaper reporters in this unequal multi-racial Malaysian context. Conceptually, this research is constructed on Cooley’s theory of “looking glass self” and Mead’s “generalized others”. The “situational identity” proposed by Strauss, Stone and Goffman also forms a basis on which the thesis examines the identity of Chinese press reporters on institutional, organizational and individual levels as theorized by Hirsch. By a snowballing method, this author interviewed 18 Chinese language newspaper reporters in Kuala Lumpur. Each in-depth interview took from one to two hours. On the occupational level, the generalized others are found to be other Chinese language newspaper reporters, whose self-identity ranges from making a living to wanting to be recognized or appreciated by colleagues. The latter is influenced by the status of newspapers and different kinds of newsgroups. When compared with Malay or English language newspaper reporters, the Chinese language press reporters perceive themselves possessing a higher social status while at the same time admitting self’s weakness. On the other hand, there are Chinese language newspaper reporters who show an identity of disdain and humbleness. On the organizational level, three situations characterize the interviewed reporters. First, while non-mainstream newspaper reporters are less influenced by the status of newspaper, they have higher self-perception due to less restriction and higher autonomy in their work. Meanwhile, these reporters express both positive and negative self-perceptions influenced by the status and restriction of their newspaper. Second, reporters show different self-perception when the style of newspaper acts as one of the prominent factors. Thirdly, reporters at quality newspapers are less influenced by sales of the newspaper. Their higher perception self-identity is found to derive from the reputation, influence, status and history of the newspaper. On institutional level, this study has found that the interviewed reporters attribute their humble self-identity to such structural factors as Chinese language newspaper’s internal structure problems and external political environment while circumventing their own insufficiency in language command and professionalism. When faced with Malaysia’s unequal political and legal realities, there are three kinds of self-identity: daring to challenge, practicing self-censorship or showing resentment. This study adopts a qualitative method of “thick description” in its analysis. Future research shall reveal more by adopting a survey of statistically sampled reporters.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter vid livets slut i hemmiljö

Hermansson, Carolin, Lindberg, Peter January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vårdas hemma vid livets slut blir allt vanligare. De senaste 10-15 åren har behovet av avancerade vårdinsatser i hemmet alltjämt ökat och möjligheterna att vårda patienter med komplicerade sjukdomstillstånd har blivit mer möjliga. Detta har medfört att kraven på de såväl medicinska som de specifikt omvårdnadsmässiga åtgärderna har växt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa ASIH- sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda patienter i hemmet vid livets slut. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ och deskriptiv ansats. Två sjuksköterskor från en ASIH:enhet i Stockholm intervjuades. En innehållsanalys gjordes sedan för att analysera det insamlade materialet. Resultat: Tretton subkategorier kunde urskiljas ur dessa bildades fem kategorier. Kunskap och erfarenhet grund till god omvårdnad, Närståendes betydelse i vården, Kommunikation och förståelse mellan patient och sjuksköterska, Ta seden dit man kommer och Personal cost of caring. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan inom ASIH bär ett stort ansvar då det gäller symtomlindring. Det kan gälla smärta såväl som oro och ångest. Vikten av att ha en helhetssyn som innefattar både patient och närstående beskrevs som viktiga. Ett fungerande samspel mellan sjuksköterska, patient och närstående är en förutsättning för god omvårdnad. / Background: To be cared for at home at the end of life is becoming more common. The last 10-15 years, the need for advanced care in the home has increased and the possibility to treat patients with complex medical conditions has become more possible. This has led to higher medical demands and to higher demands concerning specific nursing activities. Aim/Objective: The purpose of this study was to illuminate the ASIH-nurses' experience of treating patients at home at the end of life. Design: The study has a qualitative and descriptive approach. Two nurses from one ASIH unit in Stockholm were interviewed. A content analysis was then used to analyze the material. Result: Thirteen subcategories could be distinguished those formed five categories. Knowledge and experience due to good care, Significant others and their part in the caringprocess, Communication and understanding between patient and nurse, To adapt to customs and Personal cost of caring. Findings: The nurse within the advanced homecare facility bears a great responsibility when it comes to symptom relief. It may be relief of pain as well as anxiety. The importance of having a holistic approach that includes both patient and relatives were described as important. A good interaction between nurses, patients and relatives is a prerequisite for good care.

Optimising cueing to improve walking and functional activities in people with Parkinson's disease when on and off medication

Baker, Katherine January 2009 (has links)
Gait problems in Parkinson's disease (PD) are complex and not adequately addressed by current medical and surgical options. The focus of this thesis was a desire to optimise the effectiveness of cues after experience of delivering cueing therapy in the context of a multi-centre RCT. Cues provide information on how to adapt the stepping pattern either through external prompts or internally through focussing attention. Cues are known to improve gait in PD but there is a compromise between strategies which have large effects but limited practical application and those which are easily applied in complex situations but have more modest effects. A laboratory study explored the feasibility of a cueing strategy combining an external rhythmical cue with a focussed instruction to increase step size, targeting both temporal and spatial parameters. A group of 15 PD and 12 age and sex matched controls were tested and gait was measured with an instrumented walkway which uses pressure activated sensors. The combination cue was compared with two single parameter cueing strategies, a rhythmical auditory cue and an attentional strategy asking subjects to walk with large steps. Gait was assessed under single and dual tasks to establish the attentional demands of the different cues. Walking speed and step amplitude significantly increased with the attentional strategy and combination cue in single and dual tasks in PD and controls (see chapter 3). The combination cue had an additional benefit in significantly reducing stride time and double limb support time variability in PD subjects, whilst variability increased in controls (see chapter 4). The effects of cues on and off medication was tested in the home in a group of 50 PD subjects using the same dual task paradigm to explore the mechanisms underlying cueing compared to dopamine on gait control. Gait was measured using an in-shoe footswitch system allowing reliable gait data to be collected in the home. Walking speed and stride amplitude significantly improved with all cues in the single and dual tasks on medication and with the attentional strategy and combination cue off medication suggesting that cues have a different mechanism to dopamine. The greatest improvements were seen with the combination of cues and medication. Gait variability responded differently to cues on and off medication. The combination cue reduced variability on and off medication for single and dual tasks, the auditory cue reduced variability in all conditions except for single task on mediation and the attentional strategy increased variability in the single task on mediation and had no effect in other conditions (see chapter 5). Cues which are delivered externally result in different mechanisms of gait control than those generated internally. Measures of gait variability reflect the attentional cost of movement and underlying neural control but there is limited knowledge on their validity. The final stage of the research examined the clinical characteristics associated with increased gait variability to increase understanding of these variables. Non-cued gait variability was strongly associated with disease severity, but cued gait variability was not adequately explained suggesting involvement of more diverse parameters (see chapter 6). These findings provide new knowledge on the mechanism underlying cued gait, the involvement of dopaminergic pathways and the attentional cost of different cues. Focussed instruction can alter the response to an external cue in the form of a rhythmical auditory tone, targeting both temporal and spatial gait parameters and reducing the attentional cost of walking.

What art classroom and social factors influence perceptions of creative thinking and practices of adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia?

Alawad, Abeer January 2011 (has links)
In the increasingly popular area of research into creativity in education; students’ perceptions of creativity are an important consideration for developing a creative environment. Consequently, student’s perceptions of creative thinking and practice are a key resource for educators to be innovative in creating educational excellence. The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ perceptions about their art classroom environments which either stimulate or inhibit the development of creative thinking and practices, in girls’ intermediate schools (12-15 years) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It addresses the following research question: Is it possible to improve perceptions of creative thinking and practices, of adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia, through control of art classroom environments? There were three parts to this study: firstly, the pre-intervention study to explore and identify a range of factors with potential to influence perceptions of creative thinking and practices; secondly, the main part of the study was the intervention to determine the impact of manipulating classroom variables with potential to influence perceptions of creative thinking and practices; and thirdly, follow up visits to determine whether the environmental changes, and the changes in perceptions, had continued. The samples used in the intervention study were students (n = 225) all from second year classes in nine secondary schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The research findings were obtained by observation using behaviour mapping and Likertscale questionnaires indicated that students’ perceptions of creative thinking and practices were improved through changing table and seating arrangement and wall displays. The contribution to new knowledge in this study will inform participants working within and related to the field of education and in particular art education, proposing considerations for appropriate improvements to learning environments by: · Developing a research process for identifying and testing environmental influences upon the perception of creative thinking and practices. · Evidencing how table and seating arrangement, and wall display, can improve perceptions of creative thinking and practice in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

La construction identitaire du sujet dans les romans d'Angèle N. Rawiri et Jean Divassa Nyama

Boulé, Viviane 22 January 2010 (has links)
La construction identitaire du sujet relève du vaste champ sémantique de l'identité en général, et de l'identité personnelle en particulier. A l'heure de la modernité, c'est- à- dire de l'affirmation du sujet, le sens et la valeur du processus identitaire interrogent de manière transversale les sciences humaines et sociales. En littérature francophone, la construction identitaire du sujet romanesque africain, se complique des rémanences d'un environnement référentiel également en mutation socio- culturelle, A partir du corpus de quatre romans des auteurs gabonais Angèle Rawiri et, Jean Divassa Nyama, la présente étude s'intéresse au processus identitaire d'un sujet à la fois urbain et rural, qui en dépit de plusieurs stratégies développées, vérifie par son échec la thèse du « héros » problématique.Au regard des implications formelles, psycho- sociologiques et culturelles de notre objet d'étude, nous avons retenu une approche anthropologique, à savoir plurielle, pour mieux en cerner les nombreux contours.La première partie, descriptive, dresse le contexte socio- culturel auxquels s'alimentent les facteurs exogènes et endogènes de la crise identitaire du personnage. Celle – ci naît surtout du désir d'une nouvelle identification du personnage par rapport à soi et à son milieu, sous la pression d'une modernité exigeante. La diversité des situations du sujet débouche sur une stratégie d'affirmation identitaire multiforme, où dominent à la fois le goùt du pouvoir, le besoin de sécurité affective et l'enjeu culturel.Le deuxième axe voit le personnage- sujet lancer sa dynamique de quête, selon une configuration narrative et actantielle, articulée par une stratégie déterminante de modalités cognitives et pratiques.La dernière partie place le paradigme spatial au centre de la sémantique de la construction identitaire du sujet: cela débute par le cadre spatio- temporel africain en tant que structurant extérieur de l'aventure, auxquels s'ajoutent une intériorité et un imaginaire investis à la fois d'une valeur fonctionnelle et d'une forte symbolique. Enfin, l'importance accordé par le sujet au jeu relationnel sur son parcours identitaire contribue à notre sens à signifier l'importance de sa transformation intérieure. Il ressort en conséquence que l'émergence du sujet africain passe par l'enrichissement de son Être, à travers une vraie connaissance de soi et de ses valeurs culturelles, pour mieux exister au monde. / The identity shaping of the romantic subject owes to a large semantic field of identity in general, and of personal identity in particular. At the time of modernity, and more precisely, of the assertion of the subject, the sense and value of the identity process imply transversal clarification with the help of social and human sciences. As far as francophone African literature is concerned, the identity shaping of the romantic subject in the novel is facing the persistences of a referential environment which is submitted to sociocultural mutation.Applied to a corpus of four novels written by two gabonese authors, Angele Rawiri and Jean Divassa Nyama, the current study concerns the identity process of the romantic subject who is sharing rural as well as urban environment, and who, despite several strategies at stake, responds though his failure, to the concept of the problematic “hero”.Consequently, the emerging process of the African subject depends on the improvement of his being, through a real knowledge of himself and his cultural values. That is the best way for him to assert his existence in the world

"Jag ska bli sjuksyster jag" : En litteraturstudie om olika motiv och personlighetsdrag bakom yrkesvalet / "I´m going to be a nurse" : A literature review of various motives and personality traits behind the career choice

Andersson Sand, Karin, Söderling Brandin, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hur olika personlighetsdrag och motiv har inflytande på yrkesvalet till att bli sjuksköterska med fokus på medberoendeproblematik. Detta med anledning av att personer med en problematisk uppväxt tenderar att välja ett omvårdnadsyrke där behovet av att ta hand om andra kan uppfyllas. Metod; en allmän litteraturöversikt vilken består av 10 kvalitativa studier från år 2008 till 2016. Resultatet identifierades genom fyra teman: Viljan att hjälpa andra, Påverkan från andra, Olika personlighetsdrag, Praktiska anledningar och tidigare erfarenheter. Slutsatser; studien har svarat på syftet om varför man väljer att bli sjuksköterska och vad som kan influera valet. Huruvida olika personlighetsdrag har påverkat valet besvarades till viss begränsning. Författarna anser att studien möjliggör en inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar individers motiv att välja yrket, detta kan komma att ge vårdpersonal och patienter en bättre förutsättning att mötas i en god vårdrelation. Funna teman har sammanvägts med begreppen caring och medberoende, vilket har genomsyrat arbetet. Förslag på fortsatt forskning är ytterligare undersökningar om personlighetsdrag hos de som väljer att bli sjuksköterska och om yrket är passande för alla personligheter. / The aim of this study was to highlight the different personality traits and the motives of wanting to become a nurse with a focus on co-dependency. Due to that people with a problematic childhood tend to choose the nursing profession in which the need to care for others can be satisfied. The used method is a literature review consisting of 10 qualitative studies from the years 2008 to 2016. The results were identified by four themes: The desire to help others, the influence from others, various personality traits, practical reasons and previous experience. Conclusions; the study answered the aim of why one chooses to become a nurse and what can influence the choice. Whether the different personality traits influenced the choice was answered to some limitation. The authors believe that the study allows an insight into the factors that influence an individual's motives for choosing the profession, this may provide healthcare professionals and patients a better condition to meet in a good care relationship. The findings are weighted with the concepts caring and co-dependency, which has permeated the work. Suggestions for future research is to investigate further about the personality traits of those who choose to become a nurse and if the profession is suitable for all personalities.

Approaching Chineseness : investigating the cultural transfer of behavioural factors in and through Chinese industrial design

Yao, Wenjin January 2015 (has links)
This PhD research by project is for designers investigating relations between culture and design through an experiential perspective of Chi- nese culture in terms of developing a new understanding of ‘Chineseness’. ‘Chineseness’ in my work, can be re-mapped as a form of communication that deals with Chinese culture in design. It is not just along with historical stereotypes, nor a remote copy of other countries’ successful cultural trans- fers, but rather should be inseparable from the radical social phenomena and design culture already emerging within contemporary China. Through a series of design projects, my research is ultimately allowing Chineseness to be less implied and instead, to be made manifest, in terms of what behav- iours over symbolism and decoration. New knowledge is articulated through exploring my understanding and its shifts during my approach to re-map Chinese cultural elements in design and search for the meaning of ‘Chineseness’. This research remarks the stereotypes, generalisations and categorisations when designers deal with cross-cultural design from both non-Chinese and Chinese angles. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part is a contextual review of cultural elements and appropriate methods. The second part explores a systematic approach to reflecting Chineseness from various cultural an- gles. These action-research method-led projects describe three ways of ex- ploring the transfer of Chinese culture into design: symbolic, behavioural and political/philosophical. They culminate in an enabling developmental structure through which designers can deal with Chinese cultural com- plexity in design. The third part sees two final projects that reflect back and re-evaluate what Chineseness could be. The thesis contributes a three-layer structure that reflects Chinese cultural elements into design through meth- ods and analysis of values in practice. Additionally, for the readers sympa- thetic with a systematic design approach or cultural identitarianism, this work addresses a view of critical understanding for facing Chinese culture in design.

Husserl, Heidegger och intersubjektivitet

Ohlsson, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
The discussion about Husserl's intersubjectivity theory is well established, the discussion about the same from Heidegger is not as extensive. Above all, there is little discussion about Heidegger as a critic of Husserl's intersubjectivity theory. Thus, the present paper describes Husserl's and Heidegger’s intersubjectivity theories in order to be able to account for Heidegger's criticism of Husserl's theory. The paper shows that Husserl bases his theory on empathy, while Heidegger bases it on the care of the equipment world, the They, everyday existence and the public. Heidegger criticizes Husserl for assuming the subject with an inner authentic core on which social and cultural life is incorporated. According to Heidegger, the most primary condition for humans is that we live in a shared world with other people.

Ética da alteridade e moral cristã: o diálogo entre a filosofia de Emmanuel Levinas e a teologia moral

Bernardes, Cláudio Teles de Tolêdo 21 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudio Teles de Toledo Bernardes.pdf: 911777 bytes, checksum: f55ae0994d99875ba1689d3f683f54c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-21 / The 20th century was pointed out by great impact events on the world scene such as the World Wars tragedies, the totalitarianism outbreak and the worsening of unfairness conditions and social inequality among other barbarisms. To these happenings can be added the global requirements at the present time, translated into a clamor for genuine relations ethical and solidary. At this scene, the Christian theology acknowledges the requirement of a renewal in the presentation of Christian Moral bases according to the Magisterium teachings. The dialog between Emmanuel Levinas philosophy and Theology comes forward as a way to answer this demand. At Levinas writings, the features of the Old Testament s wisdom - shown through philosophical language - allow one to take several themes directly connected to both biblical and jewish universes to the present days ethical reflection field. Theology also offers to Levinas unedited way of thinking the possibility of increasing the horizons of what is called ethics of alterity . Given these facts, this research aims to introduce the bases of Levinas ethical thinking by researching how the question over the other falls on the Moral Theology / O século XX foi marcado por acontecimentos de grande impacto no cenário mundial, tais como as tragédias das Grandes Guerras, o surgimento dos totalitarismos e o acirramento das condições de injustiça e desigualdade social, dentre outras barbáries. À estes acontecimentos somam-se as necessidades globais do momento atual em um clamor por relações genuinamente éticas e solidárias. Neste cenário, a teologia cristã reconhece a necessidade de uma renovação na apresentação dos fundamentos da moral cristã, sempre em continuidade com os ensinamentos do Magistério. O diálogo entre a filosofia de Emmanuel Levinas e a teologia se apresenta como um dos caminhos para se atender a esta demanda. Na obra levinasiana, os traços da sabedoria veterotestamentária, apresentados em linguagem filosófica, permitem levar ao campo da reflexão ética hodierna, temas relacionados diretamente ao universo bíblico-judaico. A teologia também oferece ao ineditismo do pensamento levinasiano as possibilidades de uma ampliação dos horizontes da chamada ética da alteridade. Diante disso, o objetivo da presente dissertação é apresentar as bases do pensamento ético de Levinas, investigando o modo como a questão do outro incide sobre a teologia moral

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