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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smysl života v díle Karla Čapka / Meaning of life in the work of Karel Čapek

Hodinková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis named "Sense of Life in the Work of Karel Čapek" treats the problems of raison- d'etre of life seen by Karel Čapek. At first this thesis is preoccupied by Čapek's personality and character of his era. Karel Čapek is characterized as an author in whose works were projected his philosophical views influenced mainly by pragmatism. The thesis analyses Čapek's works treating issues of sense of life. Particularly these are two proses by Čapek "Obyčejný život" (Common Life) and "Život a dílo skladatele Foltýna "(The Life and Work of Composer Foltýn). These two novels are at first analyzed separately and then compared.

Nové trendy v marketingu aplikované na farmaceutický průmysl / New Trends in Marketing apply to Pharmaceutical Industry

Skořepová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The Purpose of the thesis is in the theoretical part to describe the complete marketing as a whole including marketing mix with a special focus on the new trends in the marketing having regard to the pharmaceutical industry. The practical part will be focussed to an aplication the new trends in marketing to the pharmaceutical industry with respect to the etic code and to the law in the Czech Republic.

La vie psychique et sociale des enfants dans les orphelinats chinois / Psychic and social life of children in Chinese orphanages

Ning, Ling Han 06 February 2012 (has links)
Ma recherche vise à la vie psychique et sociale des enfants dans les orphelinats chinois. Ces enfants sont souvent abandonnés à cause de leur handicap. Ils sont placés aussi du fait de la défaillance de leurs parents consécutive à un décès, un paupérisme, un emprisonnement, ou des difficultés qu'ils subissent les conduisant à l'abandon de l'enfant. Je m'interroge sur la façon dont les enfants dans les orphelinats chinois vont s'organiser psychiquement et socialement pour faire face à ce double traumatisme : celui de l'abandon, celui du placement. Pour vérifier les effets de la carence affective croisée avec l'abandon et l'institutionnalisation, une recherche exploratoire qui consiste en l'observation sur le terrain et les entretiens avec 3 nurses est réalisée au sein de deux orphelinats chinois. Et puis, le recueil des données s'est déroulé auprès de 16 enfants de 7 à 12 ans avec ces outils méthodologiques: l'entretien auprès des enfants, le dessin et le test des contes. L'analyse des données recueillies est basée sur trois vecteurs qui fondent l'organisation de la vie psychique d'un individu : la représentation de soi, la représentation de son lien à l'autre, les mécanismes de défense et d'adaptation mis en oeuvre. La présentation des résultats est scindée en deux parties : étude globale des données (étude globale des entretiens ; étude globale de dessins ; étude globale du test des contes) et études de cas (7 cas parmi les échantillons sont choisis pour des études approfondies). Les résultats montrent que les enfants présentent des défaillances dans lareprésentation de soi qui se décèlent par les atteintes dans l'estime de soi et par des sentiments négatifs, des défaillances dans la relation à l'autre de l'ordre de la pathologie du lien, et que pour faire face à leur situation, certains enfants peuvent entrer dans un processus de résilience qui s'observe par les mécanismes de défense qu'ils utilisent ou par la référence à un tuteur de résilience. / My research aims to psychic and social life of children in Chinese orphanages. These children are often abandoned because of their disability. They are placed as a result of the failure of their parents following a death, pauperism, imprisonment, or the difficulties they face leading to the abandonment of the child. I wonder how these children in Chineseorphanages will organize themselves socially and psychologically to deal with the double trauma: abandonment and placement. To test the effects of emotional deprivation crossed with the abandonment and institutionalization, an exploratory research, which consists of field observation and interviews with three nurses is carried out in two Chinese orphanages. And then, the data collection was conducted with 16 children from 7 to 12 years with the methodological tools: the interview with children, drawing and testing stories. The analysis of data collected is based on three vectors that underlie the organization of the psychic life of an individual : self-representation, representation of his relationship with others, defense mechanisms implemented. The presentation of results is divided into two parts: comprehensive study of data (comprehensive study of the interviews, comprehensive study of the drawings, comprehensive study of the test stories) and case studies (7 cases among the samples are selected for in-depth studies). The results show that these children have deficiencies in self-representation which are detected by the self-esteem damaged and negative feelings, deficiencies in their relationship with others of the order of pathology of the link, and to deal with their situation, some children may enter into a process of resilience which is observed by the defense mechanisms they use or by reference to a guardian of resilience.

Résurgence et transformation du cynisme au XVIIIe siècle : la réception de Diogène dans les Lumières françaises

Hayes, Kathleen 01 1900 (has links)
De nos jours omniprésent sur la scène politique, le cynisme fut depuis son origine l’objet de polémiques. Le mode de vie scandaleux auquel il est associé pose la question de l’appartenance ou non de Diogène et des Cyniques à la philosophie. Par ailleurs, qu’a à voir le cynisme des sociétés actuelles avec celui que pratiquait Diogène ? Si des analystes situent au siècle des Lumières l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception du cynisme propre à la modernité, peu d’études historiques ont été menées sur la question. Il importe donc de retourner aux sources et de mesurer la validité de cette hypothèse. Par une étude de l’histoire du cynisme et de sa transmission, nous retraçons l’évolution des enjeux au cœur du mouvement cynique et de sa postérité, et présentons une synthèse des significations du cynisme ainsi que des tensions qu’elles comportent. De nombreuses références permettent de définir la place qu’occupe le cynisme au XVIIIe siècle. Les auteurs des Lumières se sont réappropriés l’antique sagesse de Diogène et ont voulu concilier son impudique franchise aux exigences de la sociabilité. Ainsi, l’étude de la réception du cynisme au siècle des Lumières doit tenir compte des débats moraux de l’époque. Visant l’élaboration d’une morale matérialiste sur un fondement naturel, les Philosophes ont tâché de contourner les problèmes de l’amoralisme révélés par le constat de La Mettrie selon lequel il y a inadéquation entre bonheur et vertu. Pour ce faire, Helvétius réduit la portée des déterminismes liés à l’organisation, en soulignant l’importance des facteurs externes dans la gestion des comportements ; Diderot et D’Holbach mettent l’accent sur la sociabilité afin d’assurer l’inhérence d’un fondement moral chez l’être humain, renforçant un désaccord déjà profond entre le cynisme et les idéaux des Lumières. Or, cette approche est-elle généralisée ? Ou le cynisme des Lumières est-il sujet à des variantes selon les auteurs ? Cette thèse se propose d’étudier, par l’analyse des occurrences du cynisme dans les textes de la France des Lumières, les différentes acceptions du cynisme, pour cerner les enjeux auxquels elles s’attachent. Des textes tels qu’Aihcrappih de Godart de Beauchamps, Le Diogène décent de Prémontval, le Socrate en délire de Wieland, Le cynique moderne de Cœtlogon, Le désapprobateur de Castilhon, Le cosmopolite de Fougeret de Monbron, Le paysan perverti de Restif de la Bretonne et Arlequin Diogène de Saint-Just seront pris en considération. Ils s’ajouteront à une étude du cynisme chez Diderot, chez qui la thématique parcourt l’ensemble de l’œuvre et atteint son expression la plus achevée dans Le neveu de Rameau. Par ses doutes, Diderot trouve également sa place dans l’étude des critiques des Lumières qu’ont formulées Rousseau et Sade, chez qui l’on évalue la pertinence de l’enjeu cynique. Il ressort de cette thèse que les acceptions moderne et contemporaine du cynisme comportent des distinctions conceptuelles qui nous interdisent de les amalgamer. Notre analyse du cynisme dans le contexte français des Lumières montre que l’on est, jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, en présence d’une conception typiquement moderne du cynisme, laquelle met l’accent sur la redécouverte de l’impudeur de Diogène. Plus précisément, le cynisme se caractérise, au XVIIIe siècle, par un repli misanthrope et solitaire, lequel s’oppose à l’optimisme humaniste des Philosophes. Il est l’expression d’un rejet de la sociabilité mise de l’avant par ces derniers, en réponse au constat de corruption de la société. S’il est possible d’y situer l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception du cynisme, c’est donc seulement dans la mesure où les débats liés à l’élaboration d’une morale matérialiste, fondée en intérêt ou en sentiment, montrent que chacun de ces fondements comportent des failles, et non parce que certains auteurs des Lumières auraient entendu par cynisme ce que nous entendons aujourd’hui. Tout se passe comme si l’homme désabusé, qui tient pour acquis l’incorrigibilité de sa nature et de la société, choisissant d’en tirer profit malgré l’immoralisme que cela comporte, avait forgé le statut de cynique postmoderne. Cela rompt avec la tradition qui, jusqu’à la fin de l’époque moderne, tient le Cynique pour une figure d’un dire vrai fondamentalement désapprobateur du genre humain. Si l’impudeur poussée dans ses derniers retranchements conduit le cynique à n’éprouver aucune honte à mentir, il poursuit en cela la devise d’altération des valeurs initiée par Diogène, mais contribue désormais au maintien d’un statu quo sur l’état de corruption de la société qu’aucun cynique, ancien ou moderne, n’aurait accepté de taire. / Now pervasive on the political scene, cynicism has been contentious from its beginnings. The scandalous way of living to which it is linked raise the issue of whether or not Diogenes and the Cynics must be considered as part of the history of philosophy. Besides, what do today’s cynical practices share with those of Diogenes? Some interprets situate the emergence of a new conception of cynicism peculiar to modernity during the Enlightenment, but few historical studies have been centered on this question. It is consequently important to return to the sources of cynicism to measure this hypothesis’ validity. Through a study of cynicism’s history and its transmission we trace the evolution of the major issues at the core of cynic movement and its posterity, and present a synthesis of its significations and their internal tensions. Many references allow us to define the place that cynicism occupies within the XVIIIth century. Philosophers have tried to reclaim Diogenes’ antique wisdom while also accommodating his shameless frankness to the requirements of sociability. The study of the reception of cynicism in the XVIIIth century french Enlightenment must therefore be seen within the scope of the moral debates of that time. Those debates aim to elaborate a materialist moral on a natural basis, trying in doing so to tackle the problem of amoralism revealed by La Mettrie’s statement of the inadequacy between happiness and virtue. To do that, Helvetius reduces the scope of natural determinisms by underlining the importance of exterior factors when managing behaviors. Diderot and D’Holbach, on their part, emphasize the notion of sociability to make sure there’s a moral sense within human nature itself; this belief reinforces an already profound disagreement between the ideals of Enlightenment and cynicism. But is this approach that widespread? Or is cynicism subject to vary according to authors? This thesis proposes, by studying the occurrences of cynicism in French Enlightenment’s texts, to give an account of its different meanings in order to identify the issues that are put forward. Therefore, texts such as Aihcrappih by Godart de Beauchamps, Le Diogène décent by Prémontval, Le Socrate en délire by Wieland, Le cynique moderne by Cœtlogon, Le désapprobateur by Castilhon, Le cosmopolite by Fougeret de Monbron, Le paysan perverti by Restif de la Bretonne, and Arlequin Diogène by Saint-Just will be taken into account, as will be cynicism in Diderot’s texts; this thematic is present in his whole work, Le neveu de Rameau being the most achieved expression of it. Exposing his doubts, Diderot also finds its place in our exposition of the Enlightenment’s critics as they have been formulated by Rousseau and Sade; we’ll also analyze the relevance of their cynical stakes. The conclusion of this thesis is that the modern and contemporary meanings of cynicism entail important conceptual distinctions that forbid us to amalgamate them. Our analysis of cynicism in French Enlightenment’s texts shows that up until the end of the XVIIIth century, we are faced with a modern conception of cynicism that rests to a considerable extent upon the rediscovery of Diogene’s immodesty. More precisely, the XVIIIth century cynicism can be characterized by a solitary and misanthropic withdrawal, which opposes the Philosophers’ humanist optimism. Cynicism is therefore a rejection of sociability, a value put forward by Philosophers in response to the general state of corruption of society. In other words, if one can locate the emergence of a new form of cynicism in the Enlightenment, it’s not that some authors understood cynicism as we do now: it is because the debates linked with the construction of a materialist conception of morality, be it be founded on interests or sentiments, show that these fundaments carry some weaknesses. It is as though the disillusioned man who takes for granted the incorrigibility of nature and society and chooses to take advantage of it despite the immorality of doing so has given birth to the postmodern cynic. This is he who breaks with a tradition which, up to the modern era, considered the cynic as the figure of a blunt truth teller, disapproving of mankind. If immodesty, driven into a corner, leads the postmodern cynic to shamelessness in lying, he in a sense pursues the motto of the alteration of values initiated by Diogenes, but now contributes to maintain the corruption of society, which no cynic, may he be ancient or modern, would have accepted to silence.

Going forth and setting the world on fire: assessing how St. Paul’s High School students are fulfilling the characteristics of the profile of the graduate at graduation

Stadnyk, Jarrod 19 June 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess how graduating students at St. Paul’s High School are fulfilling the characteristics of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association’s Profile of the Graduate at Graduation. These characteristics include being open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice. While these five characteristics are identified as desired traits for graduates of St. Paul’s, there has not yet been an evaluation process undertaken in order to gauge student attainment of these characteristics. The methodology involved a document analysis, a collection of data from the sixty-two JSEA schools’ websites, and four interviews with St. Paul’s graduates from 2014. The three-fold approach allowed for a deep understanding of the context and experience of the Profile. This allowed for a reflection that showed there is a successful outline for creating a culture where the Graduate at Graduation is central to the mission of JSEA schools, which in turn makes the characteristics attainable.

Intensivpasientens gåtefulle kunnskap : om erfart kunnskap og kunnskapsformidling i enintensivkonteks / The enigmatic knowledge of intensive care patients experience and interpretation based knowledge in intensive care tutoring

Fredriksen, Sven-Tore D. January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: For mennesker som blir akutt/kritisk syk blir livet oftest endret på kort tid fra å værevelfungerende i hverdagen til innleggelse i intensivavdeling hvor selveste livet kan stå på spill. Tradisjonelt settblir intensivpasienter tatt vare på gjennom medisinsk kunnskap og et naturvitenskapelig kunnskapsparadigme. Åvære akutt/kritisk syk innebærer å få spesielle opplevelser og erfaringer som går ut over hverdagserfaringene, oghvordan disse erfaringene trer fram i situasjonen. Denne kunnskapen pasientene bærer i seg er ikke bareindividuell og privat kunnskap, den representerer også en form for viten som trenger å forskes fram og løftes inni det offentlige rom både folkehelsevitenskapelig og sykepleievitenskaplig, nettopp fordi den omhandler viktigeforutsetninger for at pasientene skal bli sett og møtt også eksistensielt. Denne kunnskapen representerer en annenontologi og epistemologi enn den naturvitenskapelige kunnskapen og representerer derfor et annetkunnskapsperspektiv, også når det gjelder kunnskapsformidlingen i en klinisk veiledningssammenheng. Avhandlingens overordnede mål er å øke forståelsen av det å være alvorlig syk og hvordan kunnskap ut fraerfaringer har betydning i kunnskapsformidling i en intensivkontekst. Data og metoder: Avhandlingen har en kvalitativ tilnærming. I delstudie I ble det gjort en review avartikler for å se på stress relatert til kropp, rom og relasjon. I delstudie II ble det gjennomført intervju medtidligere intensivpasienter om opplevelsen av kropp, kraft og bevegelse under kritisk sykdom. I delstudie III bletidligere intensivpasienter intervjuet angående deres opplevelse av kroppsnærværet til pårørende under kritisksykdom. I delstudie IV ble det gjort observasjoner med påfølgende intervjuer av intensivsykepleiere om deresformidling av erfart og fortolket kunnskap i en klinisk veiledningssituasjon. I alle fire delstudiene benyttes detfenomenologisk-hermeneutiske analyser. Funn: I delstudie I kommer det fram at pasientene opplever stress knyttet til kropp, rom og relasjon.Kroppen påvirkes gjennom søvnavbrudd, smerter, angst og pasientene mister kontrollen over kropp og situasjon.Stress knyttet til rom framkommer gjennom at rommet blir et speil av situasjonen ved at den både representererlivet, men også redselen for døden. Gjennom det horisontale leie opplever pasientene at situasjonen utgjør enform for makt og de selv settes i avmakt. Relasjonelt stress framkommer oftest knyttet til sammenhenger hvordet utføres observasjoner, stell og behandling. Travelhet og organisering i avdelingen påvirker det relasjonellesamværet i form av stress. I delstudie II opplever intensivpasientene at kropp kraft og bevegelse trer fram bådegjennom ”tapet” av kroppen, hvordan de handterer situasjonen og hvordan de gjenerobrer kropp, kraft ogbevegelse. De opplever kraftløshet og bevegelsesbergrensninger. Dette innvirker på avhengigheten til andre ogskaper konflikter til pårørende. Pasientene handterer det kroppslige tapet gjennom mobilisering av familiengjennom å involvere dem. Samtidig blir de selvbeskyttende og utestenger familiesammenhengene. Kampen forlivet håndterer de gjennom galgenhumoren og skriket om hjelp som siste nødrop. Gjenerobringen av kroppen erknyttet til små framskritt, gjennom personalets motivasjon og gjennom drømmen om å utrette noe i livet. Idelstudie III opplever pasientene konflikt mellom nærheten og distanse til pårørende. De kjenner seg utestengt,samtidig som de bekreftes med gaver. Pasientene opplever det konfliktfylt når de sammenligner pårørendesreaksjoner og egen situasjon. De er redd at fellesskapet med pårørende skal opphøre, samtidig må de begrensesamværet. Å ikke kunne kommunisere med pårørende i kroppsnærværet oppleves motsetningsfullt. I delstudieIV formidler sykepleierne kunnskap til intensivstudentene gjennom meningsskapende kunnskapsbevegelser. Deformidler inntrykk fra situasjonen for å skape oversikt, de formidler kunnskap om fenomenene som framtrer ogde formidler hvordan de kan hjelpe kroppens egne prosesser. De vurderer og formidler også pasienteneskroppslige uttrykk og hvordan disse kan forstås og imøtekommes. Sykepleierne er også opptatt å formidlekunnskap for at studentene skal utvikle og få egne erfaringer i kroppen. Konklusjon: Gjennom fire delstudier løfter avhandlingen fram kunnskap som står i klar kontrast til dennaturvitenskapelige kunnskapen. Pasientene utsettes for store opplevelsesmessige belastninger i situasjonen somakutt/kritisk syke som setter de i en avmaktssituasjon ved at sykepleierne ikke fanger opp og handterer kroppensegen kunnskap i situasjonen. Pasientene befinner seg ofte i en eksistensiell situasjon som er preget avmarginalitet og eksistensiell væren. Pasientene viser at de har forutsetninger for å mestre situasjonen, menhjelpes lite til slik mestring. Intensivsykepleierne formidler ulikt faglig innhold til studentene for å skapeerfaringer og forståelse i situasjonen. Erfaringskunnskapen fra intensivkonteksten må derfor sees som et viktigkunnskapssupplement til folkehelsearbeidet. / Background and purpose: Acute/critically ill patients have had their life-conditions severely altered from awell-functioning everyday situation to a situation in which they struggle to survive. Traditionally the knowledgeparadigmfrom natural sciences together with medical expertise constitutes the framework for treatment. To beacute/critically ill involves experiences and events and phenomena typical to the situation. The patients’embodied knowledge is not limited to the personal and private sphere, it refers to highly relevant preconditionsfor visibility and reception, also on an existential level; it represents knowledge which needs to be researchedand discussed openly within the public health and nursing sciences. This knowledge represents a differentontology and epistemology from the natural sciences and thus a different perspective, also with regards toclinical tutoring. The dissertation’s primary target is to increase the knowledge about how critical illness isexperienced and how experience based knowledge is significant to teaching in an intensive care context. Data and methods: The dissertation is based on qualitative methods. Sub-study I includes reviews ofarticles on stress in a perspective of body, space and relationship. Sub-study II contains interviews with formerICU patients relating to their experience of body, strength and movement during critical illness. Sub-study III isbased on former ICU patients’ experience of the physical presence of their significant others during criticalillness. Sub-study IV contains observations and interviews of ICU nurses on how they teach experience basedand interpretation based knowledge in clinical tutoring. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis method isapplied to all four sub-studies. Findings: Sub-study I describes how patients experience stress in a perspective of body, space andrelation. The body is influenced by sleep deprivation, pain and anxiety. Patients experience loss of control withtheir bodies as well as with the situation. The room mirrors the situation patients are in, creating stress by itsrepresentation of life as well as fear of dying. The patient’s horizontal position reflects disproportionate powerinducing a sense of disempowerment. Relational stress situations usually appear in contexts involvingobservation, care or treatment. The organizational structure and activity on the ward affects stress levels. In substudyII the ICU patients experience how power and movement is affected by a sense of loss of body, how theymanage to respond to the situation and how they eventually reclaim the body, power and movement. Theyexperience disempowerment and limitations to movement. This causes dependency and creates conflicts withtheir significant others, especially with regards to proximity and distance. The patients address their loss of bodyby drawing on resources from their significant others, yet refrain from allowing themselves involvement infamily matters. The struggle for survival is characterised by gallows humour and the cry for help as their finalcry. Reclaiming the body happens stepwise with the aid of staff combined with a need to achieve. Sub-study IIIdescribes problems related to proximity to, and distance from, the significant others. A sense of exclusion iscontradicted by being showered with gifts. It is unsettling for patients to have their situation compared to theirsignificant others’. They fear the loss of community with loved ones, yet they need to limit visits fromsignificant others. The lack of ability to communicate when others are physically present is unsettling. Sub-studyIV describes how ICU nurses tutor students in practise by demonstrating knowledge in meaningful actions. Theyconvey their impressions of situations to provide an overview, convey knowledge of observable phenomena, andteach skills to assist the body’s own processes. They also assess and evaluate physical expressions in the patientand how these can be read and addressed. Nurses are also concerned with conveying embodied knowledge totheir students. Conclusion: In four sub-studies this dissertation highlights a form of knowledge which clearly contraststhat of the natural sciences. During acute critical illness patients experience severe stress and disempowermentcaused by a lack of response and action from nurses who are unable to interpret the body’s own knowledge inthe situation. Patients are often facing life and death questions characterised by marginality and existentiality.Patients demonstrate ability to cope with the situation, but are rarely assisted with coping. Intensive care nursesdisseminate a variety of professional skills and knowledge to their students in order to provide comprehensionand understanding of situations. Experience based knowledge from an intensive care context thus becomes asignificant supplementary factor in the public health perspective

Outils d'exploration de corpus et désambiguïsation lexicale automatique

Audibert, Laurent 15 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse adresse le problème de la désambiguïsation lexicale automatique à l'aide de<br />méthodes d'apprentissage supervisé. Dans une première partie, nous proposons un ensemble de<br />puissants outils de manipulation de corpus linguistiques étiquetés. Pour réaliser ces outils, nous<br />avons développé une bibliothèque \texttt{C\fup{++}} qui implémente un langage élaboré et expressif<br />d'interrogation de corpus, basé sur des \emph{méta-expressions régulières}. Dans une seconde<br />partie, nous comparons divers algorithmes d'apprentissage supervisé, que nous utilisons ensuite<br />pour mener à bien une étude systématique et approfondie de différents critères de désambiguïsation,<br />basés sur la cooccurrence de mots et plus généralement de n-grammes. Nos résultats vont parfois à<br />l'encontre de certaines pratiques dans le domaine. Par exemple, nous montrons que la suppression<br />des mots grammaticaux dégrade les performances et que les bigrammes permettent d'obtenir de<br />meilleurs résultats que les unigrammes.

Synthèse et caractérisations d'hydrogels thermoréversibles à base de polysaccharides modifiés

Creuzet, Caroline 30 November 2007 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à la synthèse et à la caractérisation physico-chimique de nouveaux systèmes à base de polysaccharides naturels, le hyaluronane (HA) et le chitosane (CHI), présentant une transition sol-gel thermoréversible en milieu aqueux.<br />Ces réseaux tridimensionnels résultent d'interactions hydrophobes interchaînes entre des chaînes thermosensible d'un copolymère aléatoire d'unité oxyde d'éthylène et oxyde de propylène (POEP) greffées sur le squelette polysaccharidiques. Ces interactions sont induites par chauffage.<br />Afin d'évaluer l'influence des greffons des dérivés polysaccharides possédant différents degrés de substitution, le phénomène de thermoassociation a été étudié en milieu aqueux par des mesures rhéologiques en écoulement et en régime dynamique, de calorimétrie différentielle à balayage et de spectroscopie RMN 13C.<br />Ces systèmes sont sensibles à la variation de divers paramètres externes tels que la force ionique du milieu aqueux ou la concentration en polymères. <br />Les hydrogels obtenus au cours de ce travail présentent des applications potentielles dans les domaines biomédical, pharmaceutique et cosmétique.

L'homosexualité et la constitution de la famille : situations française et européenne / Homosexuality and family composition : French and European status

Leclère, Alexandra 17 October 2016 (has links)
La loi n° 2013-404 du 17 mai 2013 ouvrant le mariage aux couples de personnes de même sexe constitue un tournant pour le droit de la famille en France. Cette loi, qualifiée parfois véritable tsunami est l’aboutissement de la prise en considération des revendications des homosexuels à constituer une famille. Avant 2013 le droit français ne permet pas au couple homosexuel de constituer une famille homoparentale : il n’autorise pas le mariage entre personnes de même sexe. De plus, la PMA est réservée aux seuls couples hétérosexuels et la GPA est totalement interdite en France. Ce consensus en apparence figé sur la non-reconnaissance de la famille homosexuelle est conforté par le droit européen, en particulier la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dont la jurisprudence marque encore peu de signes d’évolution. Pourtant, dès 2008, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme se prononce avec l’arrêt E.B c/ France sur la question de l’adoption par un célibataire homosexuel, opérant un revirement en nette rupture avec sa jurisprudence antérieure Fretté c/ France. Cette évolution jurisprudentielle de la CEDH s’inscrit dans un mouvement plus vaste des droits nationaux vers la reconnaissance de la famille homosexuelle. Pour autant, après 2013, des questions restent en attente, en particulier pour la PMA et la GPA. La constitution de la famille homosexuelle n’est pas encore achevée. / The 2013-404 law of 17 May 2013 which opened up the possibility for people of the same gender to get married shows a turning point for the family rights in France. This law, sometimes described as a real tsunami, is the outcome of taking into account the homosexuals' claim for starting a family. Before 2013 the French right did not allow a homosexual couple to be a homoparental family. It did not authorize people of the same gender to get married. Moreover Assisted Reproduction is only reserved to heterosexual couples and Gestation for Others is strictly forbidden in France. This seemingly constrained consensus on the non-legal recognition of the homosexual family is reinforced by the European right, particularly the European Court of Human Rights whose precedents still show few signs of evolution. Yet, from 2008 the European Court of Human Rights gave a verdict with the 'EB against France' decision on the question of child adoption by a homosexual person ; it implements a major change and marks a break with its prior 'Fretté against France' precedent. This jurisprudential evolution of the EC of HR is part of a larger movement of national rights towards the recognition of the homosexual family. For all that,some questions have been on hold since 2013, particularly for the Assisted Reproduction and the Gestation for Others. The composition of the homosexual family has not yet reached the end.

The Role of the Ecological Other in Contesting Postcolonial Identity Politics : an Interdisciplinary Study of the Postcolonial Eco-literature of J.M Coetzee and Wu Ming-yi / L’autre écologique : une contestation de la politique de l’identité postcoloniale : une étude interdisciplinaire de la littérature écologique postcoloniale de J.M Coetzee et Wu Ming-yi

Chang, Ti-Han 18 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une analyse comparée des œuvres de deux écrivains contemporains, John Maxwell Coetzee (1940-), originaire d’Afrique du Sud, et Wu Ming-yi (1971-), de Taïwan, que l’on associe au genre de la « littérature écologique postcoloniale ». À partir de leurs travaux, cette thèse propose une étude interdisciplinaire couvrant trois dimensions de leurs travaux : la théorie, la politique et le littéraire. Les textes choisis pour l’analyse sont ceux qui cherchent à la fois à fournir une image dystopique de l’exploitation des environnements naturels et des êtres non-humains et à représenter l’oppression coloniale des peuples colonisés et de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles dans différentes parties du monde. En ce qui concerne la dimension théorique, la thèse aborde le questionnement suivant : comment la philosophie occidentale contemporaine prend en compte les animaux et les êtres écologiques (êtres non-humains et non-animaux), afin de reconsidérer la question plus générale de l’altérité. Quant à la dimension politique, la thèse adopte une posture philosophique afin de questionner les contextes historiques des pays postcoloniaux, notamment ceux de l’Afrique du Sud et de Taïwan. Enfin, la dimension littéraire examine les écrits de Coetzee et de Wu afin de montrer comment leurs textes décrivent l’« autre écologique » (ecological other) en tant que moyen pour lutter contre l’identité politique postcoloniale. / This thesis presents the literary works of two contemporary writers—John Maxwell Coetzee (1940-), originally from South Africa, and Wu Ming-yi (1971-) from Taiwan—whom it analyses as key exponents of postcolonial eco-literature. The thesis offers an interdisciplinary study of their works in their theoretical, political and literary aspects. The texts selected for analysis are those that seek to present a dystopian image of the exploited natural environment or nonhuman entities, while, at the same time, associating and articulating these representations with the suppressions and exploitations carried out within colonial frameworks in different parts of the world. As regards the theoretical perspective of the thesis, it addresses the subject of how contemporary continental philosophy takes nonhuman animals and other kinds of ecological beings into account and rethinks the philosophical question of the other. With respect to politics, it contextualises this philosophical questioning by looking at the history of various postcolonial countries, notably South Africa and Taiwan. Lastly, as far as literature is concerned, it examines the writings of Coetzee and Wu in order to show how their texts depict the ecological other as a way of contesting postcolonial identity politics.

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