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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As leituras na formação de estudantes em situação de deficiência na Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Assis, Enaura Vespasiano de 21 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Enaura Vespasiano de Assis (enauravespasiano@gmail.com) on 2016-06-05T18:25:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO ENAURA.pdf: 3617683 bytes, checksum: efc131b2d48b3a457dcd291cbef0b39e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-06-08T16:58:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO ENAURA.pdf: 3617683 bytes, checksum: efc131b2d48b3a457dcd291cbef0b39e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-08T16:58:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO ENAURA.pdf: 3617683 bytes, checksum: efc131b2d48b3a457dcd291cbef0b39e (MD5) / CAPES/REUNI / O presente estudo investigou, discutiu e analisou as práticas de leituras dos estudantes em situação de deficiência ingressos na educação superior da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Tendo em vista o momento antes e depois das cotas para pessoas em situação de deficiência, será feita uma comparação dessas práticas nos distintos períodos; este estudo objetivou compreender e analisar as falas das pessoas participantes, por hora, também pesquisadores. O que justifica essa pesquisa é o envolvimento de pessoas que se identificam com o discurso do outro, mesmo em suas diferenças, entendendo que esse outro pode vir a ser eu mesmo e então, há de se pensar numa inclusão mais eficiente para a pessoa em situação de deficiência, na educação superior. A primeira parte desta dissertação trata da própria trajetória da educação inclusiva, sua atualidade, a relevância do tema e as implicações dos pesquisadores que nesta pesquisa estão imbricados. A seguir, importantes referenciais teóricos em que esse estudo se apoia são expostos de modo direcionado ao tema inclusão. A última parte desta dissertação informa os resultados da investigação sobre o tema, que dizem respeito à pesquisa de campo realizada com a participação de alunos da UFS, professores/pesquisadores, amigos e familiares. Nas considerações finais, o problema das práticas de leituras em prol da inclusão é retomado, apontando soluções possíveis para os problemas identificados a partir das críticas opiniões decorrentes das análises feitas pela técnica da triangulação. Os resultados evidenciaram que é urgente uma mudança de paradigmas educacionais em relação à vida acadêmica das pessoas em situação de deficiência, não só recém-inseridas pelas cotas na UFS, mas também em relação às pessoas em situação de deficiência que não sejam atendidas pelas cotas, mas possuam uma necessidade educacional especial. / ABSTRACT This study investigated, discussed and analyzed the students' reading practices in deficiency’s situations income in an higher education at the Sergipe Federal University (SFU). In a view of the time before and after the quota for people in deficiency situation, a comparison of these practices will be made in different periods; This study aimed to understand and analyze the testimonies of the people participating per hour, also researchers. What justifies this research is the involvement of people who identify with the discourse of the other, even in their differences, understanding that other may prove to be myself and then there is to think of a more efficient inclusion for people in deficiency’s situation in higher education. The first part of this dissertation deals with the trajectory of the inclusive education, nowadays, the relevance of the issue and the implications of the researchers, in this research are intertwined. The following important theoretical framework in which this study is based are exposed so directed to the inclusion topic. The last part of this paper reports the results of research on the topic, concerning the field research conducted with the participation of students of the SFU, teachers / researchers, friends and family. In closing remarks, the problem of practical readings in favor of inclusion is taken, pointing out possible solutions to the identified problems from the critical views arising from analyzes made by the technique of the triangulation. The results showed that it is urgent a change of educational paradigms regarding the academic life of people in deficiency situation, not only newly inserted by quotas on SFU, but also for people in deficiency situation that aren’t met by quotas, but they have a special educational need.

Právo stavby a jiné možnosti realizace stavby na cizím pozemku / Superficiary right of building and other possibilities of building on land of another

Lupač, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building on the land belonging to a third party, though the focus is primarily on the institution of the superficiary right of building). The principle "superficies solo cedit" was reintroduced in Czech legislation when the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012, Coll.) came into force. Along with this principle, the institution known as superficiary right of building has also returned to Czech law after a hiatus of more than 50 years. This thesis seeks to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the superficiary right of building, to explain the individual rights and obligations arising from the superficiary right of building, and to compare the institution of superficiary right of building to other possibilities of erecting a building on land which belongs to someone else. The first chapter defines some of the basic concepts which facilitate the explanation of individual issues and the understanding of certain connections in the following chapters. The second chapter describes the history of the superficiary right of building, which has its roots in the times of ancient Rome. This chapter also undertakes a characterization of legal regimes which were previously in force on the territory of todayʼs Czech Republic. Over the...

Kerrottu identiteetti organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa

Ruopsa, L. (Leena) 09 March 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to meet the need to have a better understanding of identity construction in the context of organizational change. With my narrative research, I add my voice to those researchers who appreciate language playing a key role in the formation of social reality, individual’s cognitive structure and sense of self. The question of how the participants in the study narrate themselves within the context of organizational change has guided conducting the study. The data for the study consists of 12 individuals’ narration in the contexts of various organizational changes. In this study organizational change means the social constructions the participants have constructed in their narration. Decided by the top management, in actual reality these organizational changes have been associated with personnel effects and negotiations complying with the co-operation act. I studied the narrated identity construction utilizing positioning, categorizing and expectation as analytical concepts in reading. The reading of the narrated data had six stages. In the last reading stage I sought answers as to how the main characters of the stories, Juha, Marjut and Arja, narrate the relation to themselves and the relation to others within the context of organizational change. I have used a narrative form for two reasons. Firstly, in order to deepen my own understanding as to how and why the narrated identity is constructed as it is. Secondly, with a narrative study, I have been able to expose the dynamic nature in the construction of context and identity more clearly than with a traditional research text. The readings of narrative data preceding my narrative writing have, however, affected the construction of my chosen three stories, the method of writing them, the chosen citations and interpretation. This study will lead to a better understanding of how an individual’s self is constructed in relation to others in the organization where the individual works. My study suggests that, due to its open nature, an organizational change increases the individual’s need to narrate the individual’s self, who I am, how I have become me and what my possible future selves will be like. The study discloses needs lying in the background of the narration in the context of organizational change; the need to raise self-esteem, to maintain the feeling of command and control, to hold on to the moral order, to decrease uncertainty and to maintain continuity. In addition to this, the study uncovers the struggle for one’s own identity. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä on vastata tarpeeseen ymmärtää nykyistä paremmin identiteettien rakentumista organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa. Liityn kerronnallisella tutkimuksellani niiden tutkijoiden joukkoon, jotka ajattelevat kielellä olevan keskeisen merkityksen sosiaalisen todellisuuden, yksilön tiedollisten rakenteiden ja itseymmärryksen muotoutumisessa. Kysymys siitä, miten tutkimukseen osallistuvat kertovat itsensä organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa, on ohjannut tutkimuksen tekemistä. Tutkimusaineisto on koostunut 12 henkilön kerronnasta eri organisaatiomuutosten konteksteissa. Organisaatiomuutoksella on tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoitettu niitä sosiaalisia konstruktioita, joita tutkimukseen osallistuvat ovat rakentaneet kerronnassaan. Reaalisessa todellisuudessa nämä organisaatiomuutokset ovat olleet ylimmän johdon päättämiä, niihin on liittynyt henkilöstövaikutuksia ja yhteistoimintalain mukaisia neuvotteluja. Olen tutkinut kerrotun identiteetin rakentumista käyttäen luennassa positiointia, kategorisointia ja odotusta analyyttisina käsitteinä. Kerrotun aineiston luenta on ollut kuusivaiheinen. Viimeisessä luentavaiheessa olen hakenut vastauksia siihen, miten tarinoiden päähenkilöt Juha, Marjut ja Arja kertovat suhteen omaan itseensä ja suhteen toisiin organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa. Olen käyttänyt tarinallista muotoa kahdesta syystä. Ensinnäkin syventääkseni omaa ymmärrystäni siitä, miten ja miksi kerrottu identiteetti rakentuu kerrotunlaiseksi. Toiseksi olen saanut tarinamuotoisella esittämisellä perinteistä tutkimustekstiä selkeämmin esille kontekstin ja identiteetin rakentumisen dynaamisen luonteen. Valitsemieni kolmen tarinan rakentamiseen, niiden kirjoittamisen tapaan, valittuihin sitaatteihin ja tulkintaan ovat kuitenkin vaikuttaneet tarinoiden kirjoittamista edeltäneet kerronnallisen aineiston luennat. Tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä siitä, miten yksilön minuus rakentuu suhteessa toisiin organisaatiossa, jossa hän työskentelee. Tutkimuksessani ehdotan, että organisaatiomuutos lisää avoimen luonteensa vuoksi yksilön tarvetta kertoa minuuttaan, sitä kuka minä olen, miten olen tullut minuksi ja millaisia ovat mahdolliset tulevat minuuteni. Tutkimus tuo esiin ne tarpeet, jotka organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa ovat kerronnan taustalla; tarve kohottaa itsetuntoa, säilyttää hallinnan ja kontrollin tunnetta, pitää kiinni moraalijärjestyksestä, pienentää epävarmuutta ja ylläpitää jatkuvuutta. Lisäksi näkyviin tulee taistelu oman identiteetin puolesta.

En studie om de anhörigas och professionens syn på behovet av stöd och hjälp efter en äldre persons självmord : "musklerna knyter sig hårt i nacke och rygg varje vår när den där dagen närmar sig. Det är nio år sen nu..." / A study of the significant others and the profession's views on the need for support and help after an elderly person's suicide : "the muscles knot tightly in her neck and back each spring, when that day is approaching, It is nine years ago now..."

Svensson, Donna, Waaranperä, Ann-Christine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Public dialogue between Church and Others through a communicative mode of madanggŭk : A practical theological perspective

Lee, Mikyung Chris 14 November 2005 (has links)
This thesis is initiated by the need for public dialogue between the church and the other. As a faith-praxis, public dialogue between the church and the other is a response to “binary opposition” or “dichotomy,” that is, the separation of faith and praxis, knowing and doing, private sphere and public sphere, Christian and non-Christian, text and context, educator and learner. As explored in Chapter 2, religion is presently characterized by privatization and does not provide an answer to the culture of separation in today’s society. Consequently, the ghettoized church behind the wall is confronted by a dual crisis—an internal crisis of identity and an external crisis of relevance. Therefore, to shape a dialogic relationship through public dialogue is an essential task of the public church, the so-called “go-to-all” church. To execute “public dialogue” as the commitment to “go-to-all” three actions are necessary: (1) going outside the wall of the church, (2) entering into dialogue with the “all,” and (3) making disciples, baptizing, and teaching the all. How will the church dialogue with the other? In view of these three actions, this thesis researches three main elements of public dialogue—(1) preparing a place/field for public dialogue, (2) formulating a new communicative pattern for public dialogue, and (3) exploring a medium for public dialogue. In order to achieve these elements of public dialogue, the patterns of public dialogue toward faith-praxis that the Korean church has shown historically in the public sphere were explored in Chapter 3. This thesis concerns an art-cultural pattern of public dialogue, particularly madanggŭk. Madanggŭk is a compound noun: madang (open place) + gŭk (theatre). Madanggŭk contains the three elements for public dialogue—(1) “field or place” for public dialogue; (2) a mode of theatre as a medium for public dialogue; and (3) the “communicability” peculiar to the madanggŭk. Through the practices of cultural public dialogue in the Korean theological domain and the minjung cultural movement centering on madanggŭk studied in Chapter 4, it is revealed that madanggŭk showed the four characteristics of mutual communication which are essential in formulating an alternative pattern of public dialogue: (1) rediscovery of the audience, (2) re-creation of traditional culture founded on festivity and a communal spirit, (3) their own stories and reality-reading, and (4) activity outside the theatrical world in order to meet the audience. However, madanggŭk also had the limitation of a binary opposition of social-directivity and artistic-directivity, tending toward social drama. Therefore, an alternative form of public dialogue to overcome this binary opposition was required. As an alternative with the purpose of shifting from monologism to dialogism, this thesis suggests “Trinity Madang Public Dialogue,” i.e. three models of madang public dialogue—Incarnational Public Dialogue, Critical Public Dialogue, and Festival Public Dialogue. The first model, Incarnational Public Dialogue, explores how to accept the other and the difference under the principles of otherness, unfinalizability and polyphony, proposing the culture of participative dialogue. The second model, Critical Public Dialogue, explores practical strategies for recognizing and criticizing the distorted communication and relationship of monologism, and for developing the audience’s competencies of understanding and criticism without merging into an authorial single voice, proposing the culture of criticism and transformation. The third model, Festival Public Dialogue, is suggested as a time-space for fulfilling both incarnational and critical principles and for the harmony of a rational and a sensuous nature, proposing the culture of laughter, play and the imagination. The principles of the three models should be fully realized in the Christian community before performing dialogic madang-theatre. When the Christian community preparing for this type of public dialogue is transformed into a “dialogic” community, it will promote madang public dialogue with the audience. The core of madang public dialogue lies in the formation of a dialogic relationship and a dialogic community, rather than in the performance itself. Therefore, in Chapter 6, The “Six Stages of Dialogic Praxis” through which the madang Christian community can be recreated effectively to form a dialogic community is projected. And, an “Incarnational-Dialogic Paradigm” is suggested as an alternative to a schooling-instructional paradigm of Christian education. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Socialitet – vad är det? : En sociologisk forskningsöversikt

Andersson, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts utifrån iakttagelsen att det i forskningssammanhang inom samhällsvetenskaperna hänvisas till begreppet eller fenomenet socialitet utan att det egentligen redogörs för vad som åsyftas. För att ge ökad förståelse av socialitet har syftet för denna studie varit att belysa hur socialitet som begrepp eller fenomen beskrivs inom mikrosociologisk teoribildning och empirisk forskning. Studien är en forskningsöversikt där empirin genomgått deskriptivt kvalitativ innehållsanalys.   Översikten presenterar beskrivningar av socialitet möjliga att kategoriseras under fyra olika teman varav ett av dessa är personlighetens socialitet och där socialiteten beskrivs som en emergent spiralformad dialektisk process genomsyrad av elementär och avancerad responsivitet. Studien visar även på att socialiteten kan vara genomkorsad av skillnad utifrån vitt skilda önskemål om form, miljö och mängd. Här diskuteras hur socialiteten idag ter sig utsatt för ökade spänningar där alla anses söka gemenskap för välbefinnande och där individen ställs som ansvarig för sina personliga framgångar, ledande till ett socialitetens dilemma.

Being-towards-death : Heideggerian ontology in selected films of Michael Haneke

Gouws, Anjo-Mari 09 October 2012 (has links)
This study investigates certain existential themes found in the work of Austrian director Michael Haneke. As such the focus is on the existential philosophy of Martin Heidegger, specifcally Heidegger’s notion of Being as always being-towards-death. There are six flms under discussion – the three flms comprising his Vergletscherung-trilogie (Der Siebente Kontinent, Benny’s Video and 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls), and his later flms Funny Games, La Pianiste, and Caché. Michael Haneke has been lauded as “Austria’s most esteemed and most controversial active flmmaker” (Frey 2003:1), a director whose work transgresses the boundaries of mainstream flm in terms of both its form and content. In fact, the director argues, he is responsible for “rap[ing] the spectator to independence”. Haneke’s work features a solid measure of existential themes, examining the alienation and isolation of the individual, the despair brought on by the monotony of modern society, and the seeming meaninglessness of man’s existence. This study aims to show that much of Haneke’s existential thought can be drawn back to Heidegger’s concept of Being, and the various ways in which Being is constituted. Focusing particularly on the notion of Being as being-towards-death, two other constitutive elements are also included – Being as always being-in-the-world and Being as always being-with-others. Being-in-the-world is examined on two fronts, looking at Haneke’s treatment of the public space, and of the domestic setting of the home. Beingwith- others is likewise elucidated in terms of the perspective Haneke offers on society as Heidegger’s Das Man, and the more intimate relationships within the family unit. By coupling these elements with Heidegger’s notions of thrownness, anxiety and the nothing, this study thus investigates how Haneke’s rendition of being-in-the-world and being-withothers inevitably, and fundamentally, means being-towards-death. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Mission als Kirche mit Anderen : eine interdisziplinäre Studie zur Bedeutung des Konzeptes der Inklusion als Gesprächsbeitrag für die Missionstheologie / Mission as church with others : an interdisciplinary study on the relevance of the concept of inclusion as a contribution to a theology of mission

Lambach, Matthias 10 1900 (has links)
German text / Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist, das gesellschaftlich aktuelle Thema der Inklusion in einen missionstheologischen Kontext einzuordnen und Folgerungen für die kirchliche Praxis zu ziehen. In einem ersten Schritt wird der interdisziplinäre Forschungstand zum Thema Exklusion und Inklusion in Deutschland diskutiert sowie dargestellt wie komplex und schwierig überwindbar Exklusion ist. In der biblisch-theologischen Einordnung wird aufgezeigt, dass die inhaltliche Ausrichtung der aktuellen „Inklusionsdebatte“ in biblischen Texten und Motiven wiederzufinden ist und Jesus im Neuen Testament ein Beispiel für Inklusion gegeben hat. Inklusion wird dabei als Konzept zur Transformation gesellschaftlicher Bezüge und Strukturen verstanden, mit dem Ziel Exklusion zu verhindern und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zu ermöglichen. Zur theologischen Reflexion und Einordnung dieses Themenkomplexes werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse missionstheologisch ausgewertet und Überschneidungen mit weiteren biblischtheologischen und missionstheologischen Konzepten dargestellt. Auf diesem Fundament werden abschließend Ansätze entwickelt, wie Inklusion heute in Kirche und Mission praktisch verortet werden kann. / This dissertation aims at relating the societal issue of inclusion into the context of a theology of mission. It asks which conclusions can be drawn for church life. Firstly, the interdisciplinary state of research on exclusion and inclusion is discussed within a German context. It is shown how complex exclusion is and how difficult to overcome. Biblical contrasting shows that the current topical focus of inclusion is found in biblical texts and motifs and that Jesus has set an example for inclusion. Here, ‘inclusion’ is understood as transforming structures and societal relations to prevent exclusion and enable partaking in social life. Theological reflection and justification are achieved by analysing the results from a theology of mission’s perspective and identifying shared grounds to other theological concepts and ones from a theology of mission. On the basis of this foundation, approaches are developed how to live inclusion in church and misson today. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Souvislost fyzické atraktivity a péče o vzhled / Relation between Physical Attractiveness and Grooming"

Marečková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Physical attractiveness plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. The aim of this study is to reveal what is the correlation between rating of physical attractiveness made by oneself and by others, and personal grooming. The relation between self-rating of overall physical attractiveness and its rating made by others (using photographs) and connection between these ratings and personal grooming were examined on the basis of a heterogeneous sample of 43 women and 32 men. These ratings of overall attractiveness, face attractiveness and body attractiveness were provided by 34 judges (each time 17 males and 17 females) different for every variable. Our results showed a positive relation between participant's self-rating of overall physical attractiveness and its rating made by others. Further analyses proved that rating of overall physical attractiveness was positively associated both with facial and body attractiveness for both sexes. With regard to women, a correlation between self-rating of physical attractiveness and reduced care of body shape and eyebrow was revealed; regarding men, self-rating correlated with reduced care of body shape, hair, fingernails and less care for outfit was shown. Concerning female participants, no relation between rating of overall physical attractiveness...

Občanství a autenticita / Citizenship and Authenticity

Bindásová, Juliána January 2013 (has links)
The text tries to bring a different point of view on what citizenship is and what it means, other than political or legal interpretation. It searches for pre-political and pre-legal basis of citizenship able to protect its rights and freedoms as defined by, for example, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms or as legally guaranteed in democracies. The theoretical part of the text is based on treatises of Czechoslovak dissidents who examined the phenomenon of citizenship, being themselves citizens of illiberal regime. The treatises originate mainly in the 1970s and look at the citizen through the eyes of the dissent of "normalised" Czechoslovakia. The view is broadened by further interviews focusing on the topic of citizenship with three more dissidents. The goal is to find what citizenship should carry within, what it should mean in order to be able to defend its space, the space which officially belongs to it in democratic conditions.

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