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Anxiety, depression, and coping in the elderlyFairchild-Ollivierre, Sara 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Panikattacken mit frühem und spätem Beginn: Unterschiedliche pathogenetische Mechanismen?Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Perkonigg, Axel January 1993 (has links)
Panikattacken sind mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von ungefähr 15% ein relativ häufiges Phänomen im Gegensatz zu einer vollen Panikstörung, die eine Prävalenz von 2,3–3% aufweist. In der vorliegenden epidemiologischen Untersuchung (n = 481) einer bundesweiten repräsentativen Stichprobe wurde geprüft, ob früh (vor dem 25. Lebensjahr) und spat auftretende Panikattacken sich hinsichtlich Symptomatik, Verlaufs- und Komorbiditätsmustern unterscheiden. Neben einer erhöhten Angstsymptomatik, insbesondere bezüglich respiratorischer Beschwerden und der Angst zu sterben, zeigte sich bei Panikattacken mit spätem Beginn ein erhöhtes Risiko für Multimorbidität. Auch entwickelten sich bei dieser Gruppe komorbide Bedingungen schneller. Dagegen waren Panikattacken mit frühem Beginn und einem erhöhten Risiko für Agoraphobie sowie phobische Störungen verbunden. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf pathogenetische Mechanismen und Implikationen für die Planung therapeutischer Interventionen diskutiert.
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The epidemiology of panic disorder and agoraphobia in EuropeGoodwin, Renee D., Faravelli, Carlo, Rosi, S., Cosci, F., Truglia, E., Graaf, Ron de, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2005 (has links)
A literature search, in addition to expert survey, was performed to estimate the size and burden of panic disorder in the European Union (EU). Epidemiologic data from EU countries were critically reviewed to determine the consistency of prevalence estimates across studies and to identify the most pressing questions for future research. A comprehensive literature search focusing on epidemiological studies in community and clinical settings in European countries since 1980 was conducted (Medline, Web of Science, Psychinfo). Only studies using established diagnostic instruments on the basis of DSM-III-R or DSM-IV, or ICD-10 were considered. Thirteen studies from a total of 14 countries were identified. Epidemiological findings are relatively consistent across the EU. The 12-month prevalence of panic disorder and agoraphobia without history of panic were estimated to be 1.8% (0.7–2.2) and 1.3% (0.7–2.0) respectively across studies. Rates are twice as high in females and age of first onset for both disorders is in adolescence or early adulthood. In addition to comorbidity with agoraphobia, panic disorder is strongly associated with other anxiety disorders, and a wide range of somatoform, affective and substance use disorders. Even subclinical forms of panic disorder (i.e., panic attacks) are associated with substantial distress, psychiatric comorbidity and functional impairment. In general health primary care settings, there appears to be substantial underdiagnosis and undertreatment of panic disorder. Moreover, panic disorder and agoraphobia are poorly recognized and rarely treated in mental health settings, despite high health care utilization rates and substantial long-term disability.
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Anxiety sensitivity and cross-cultural differences: An examination of the factor structure of the anxiety sensitvity [sic] indexThomas, KaMala Syretta 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamics of Defensive Reactivity in Patients with Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Implications for the Etiology of Panic DisorderRichter, Jan, Hamm, Alfons O., Pané-Farré, Christiane A., Gerlach, Alexander L., Gloster, Andrew T., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lang, Thomas, Alpers, Georg W., Helbig-Lang, Sylvia, Deckert, Jürgen, Fydrich, Thomas, Fehm, Lydia, Ströhle, Andreas, Kircher, Tilo, Arolt, Volker January 2012 (has links)
Background: The learning perspective of panic disorder distinguishes between acute panic and anxious apprehension as distinct emotional states. Following animal models, these clinical entities reflect different stages of defensive reactivity depending upon the imminence of interoceptive or exteroceptive threat cues. The current study tested this model by investigating the dynamics of defensive reactivity in a large group of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia (PD/AG).
Methods: Three hundred forty-five PD/AG patients participated in a standardized behavioral avoidance test (being entrapped in a small, dark chamber for 10 minutes). Defense reactivity was assessed measuring avoidance and escape behavior, self-reports of anxiety and panic symptoms, autonomic arousal (heart rate and skin conductance), and potentiation of the startle reflex before and during exposure of the behavioral avoidance test.
Results: Panic disorder and agoraphobia patients differed substantially in their defensive reactivity. While 31.6% of the patients showed strong anxious apprehension during this task (as indexed by increased reports of anxiety, elevated physiological arousal, and startle potentiation), 20.9% of the patients escaped from the test chamber. Active escape was initiated at the peak of the autonomic surge accompanied by an inhibition of the startle response as predicted by the animal model. These physiological responses resembled the pattern observed during the 34 reported panic attacks.
Conclusions: We found evidence that defensive reactivity in PD/AG patients is dynamically organized ranging from anxious apprehension to panic with increasing proximity of interoceptive threat. These data support the learning perspective of panic disorder.
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Benutting van Gestaltspelterapie met die fokus op selfondersteuning by die kind in die middelkinderjare / The utilization of Gestalt play therapy and self-support with the child in middle childhood yearsStone, Maria Magdalena 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study the researcher explored and described the use of Gestalt play therapy with
specific focus on self-support with the child in middle childhood years.
A literature study was undertaken to examine the concepts of child, Gestalt play therapy,
self-support and the play therapy process. This literature study forms the theoretical
frame in which this study was done.
After the completion of the literature study, the empirical study was conducted. The
researcher made use of unstructured interviews within a intrinsic single case study in
order to compile research data. During the empirical study ten therapy sessions were
conducted with the participant which was explored within the framework of qualitative
research methodology.
The researcher was able to use ample Gestalt play therapy concepts and principles
during the description of the case study in order to explore self-support within the child
during middle childhood. These concepts and principles will be discussed in depth within
this study. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie-rigting)
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Avaliação do efeito em longo prazo do estresse neonatal causado pela separação ou privação materna em ratos sobre a expressão de comportamentos defensivos associados ao pânico / Evaluation of the long-term effect of neonatal stress caused by maternal separation or deprivation in rats on the expression of defensive behaviors associated with panicRosa, Daiane Santos 30 June 2017 (has links)
Diversos estudos demonstram que o estresse infantil, incluindo situações de perda dos pais, negligência e abusos, representa um forte fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos de ansiedade, sendo de especial interesse para este trabalho, o transtorno do pânico. Modelos de estresse neonatal em animais de laboratório, que se baseiam na ruptura da relação mãe-filhote, como a separação materna e a privação materna, têm sido amplamente utilizados para avaliar as consequências desse estressor sobre a expressão de comportamentos defensivos associados à ansiedade na vida adulta. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre seus efeitos em modelos animais de ataques de pânico, mais especificamente aqueles que associam esta condição emocional à resposta defensiva de fuga em animais. Diante disso, o objetivo inicial do presente trabalho foi o de estender as investigações dos efeitos do estresse neonatal sobre o comportamento de fuga de ratos adultos (após 60 dias de nascimento) observado no labirinto em T elevado (LTE), pela estimulação elétrica da substância cinzenta periaquedutal (SCPD) e durante a exposição a um ambiente em hipóxia (7% O2). Para efeitos comparativos, esses animais também foram testados em modelos animais associados à ansiedade generalizada e a depressão. Observamos que ratos Wistar submetidos à separação materna (3h/dia, do 2º ao 21º dia pós-nascimento) não diferiram de animais controles nos parâmetros comportamentais analisados nos modelos de pânico (fuga no LTE e pela estimulação elétrica da SCPD), nos de ansiedade (resposta de esquiva no LTE e o beber punido no teste de conflito de Vogel) ou no de depressão (tempo gasto em imobilidade no teste do nado forçado). Já em ratos privados da mãe (por 24h no 11º dia pós- nascimento), embora este estressor não tenha alterada a resposta de fuga no LTE, ele aumentou a expressão deste comportamento durante a exposição à hipóxia, sugestivo de um efeito panicogênico. Ainda empregando a privação materna, observamos que a administração intraperitoneal de um inibidor da síntese de serotonina, a pclorofenilalanina metil éster (p-CPA - 100mg/Kg/dia, por 4 dias antes dos testes comportamentais) facilitou a expressão do comportamento de fuga durante o teste da hipóxia nos animais controle, de maneira semelhante ao efeito obtido somente com a privação materna. Porém este tratamento não potencializou a fuga promovida pela privação materna. Já os níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona foram aumentados pela exposição à hipóxia, independentemente dos animais terem sido previamente privados da mãe ou terem recebido o pCPA antes do teste. Por fim, também observamos, através de uma análise por Western Blotting, que nem a privação materna ou a exposição à hipóxia altera a concentração de receptores serotonérgicos do tipo 5-HT1A na SCPD ou na amígdala. Em suma, nossos resultados mostram que a privação materna promove uma facilitação da resposta de fuga na hipóxia, sugerindo uma relação entre esse estresse neonatal e o desencadeamento de ataques de pânico de um subtipo específico, o pânico respiratório. Contudo, no que diz respeito ao envolvimento da neurotransmissão serotonérgica, mais estudos são necessários para entender sua participação nessa resposta. / Early life stress (ELS), including parental loss due to death, neglect or abuse, represents a major risk factor for the late development of psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders. Animal models of ELS that are based on the disruption of mother-infant relationship, such as the repeated maternal separation or maternal deprivation, have been extensively used for the investigation of the longterm effects of these stressors on the expression of defensive behaviors associated with anxiety. However, little is known about their effects on animal models of panic attacks, more specifically in those that associate this emotional condition with escape behavior in animals. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to extend the investigation on the long-term consequences of neonatal stress on the escape response of adult rats (60 days after birth) evoked by the elevated T maze (ETM), electrical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) or hypoxia (7% O2). For comparative reasons, these animals were also tested in animal models of anxiety and depression. The results showed that the repeated maternal separation of male Wistar (3 hours/day from day 2 to 21 after birth) did not affect the behavioral indexes measured in the panic (escape in the ETM or after DPAG electrical stimulation), anxiety (ETM inhibitory avoidance or punished licking in the Vogel conflict test) or depression (time in immobility in the forced swimming test) models. On the other hand, rats submitted to maternal deprivation (24 hs in the 11th day after birth), although not differing from the control animals on escape expression in the ETM, showed a pronounced escape response during hypoxia, indicating a panicogenic-like response. Also, using this maternal deprivation protocol, we observed that systemic administration of a 5-HT synthesis inhibitor, p-chlrophenilalanine metylester (p-CPA - 100mg/Kg/day, for 4 days before the behavioral tests), facilitated escape expression during hypoxia in non-deprived animals to a level observed in non-pharmacologically treated deprived animals. We also observed that plasma corticosterone levels were increased 30 minutes after hypoxia exposure, independently of the previous condition of the animals (deprivation or drug treatment). Finally, we observed that the number of 5-HT1A receptors in the DPAG or amygdala, measured by Western Blotting, was not affect by previous maternal deprivation or exposure to hypoxia. Taken together, our results show that a single maternal deprivation episode facilitates the expression of escape behavior during hypoxia, suggesting a relationship between this ELS with the observation of a specific subtype of panic attack, the respiratory panic. Further studies are required in order to clarify the 5- HT involvement on these responses.
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Avaliação do efeito em longo prazo do estresse neonatal causado pela separação ou privação materna em ratos sobre a expressão de comportamentos defensivos associados ao pânico / Evaluation of the long-term effect of neonatal stress caused by maternal separation or deprivation in rats on the expression of defensive behaviors associated with panicDaiane Santos Rosa 30 June 2017 (has links)
Diversos estudos demonstram que o estresse infantil, incluindo situações de perda dos pais, negligência e abusos, representa um forte fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos de ansiedade, sendo de especial interesse para este trabalho, o transtorno do pânico. Modelos de estresse neonatal em animais de laboratório, que se baseiam na ruptura da relação mãe-filhote, como a separação materna e a privação materna, têm sido amplamente utilizados para avaliar as consequências desse estressor sobre a expressão de comportamentos defensivos associados à ansiedade na vida adulta. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre seus efeitos em modelos animais de ataques de pânico, mais especificamente aqueles que associam esta condição emocional à resposta defensiva de fuga em animais. Diante disso, o objetivo inicial do presente trabalho foi o de estender as investigações dos efeitos do estresse neonatal sobre o comportamento de fuga de ratos adultos (após 60 dias de nascimento) observado no labirinto em T elevado (LTE), pela estimulação elétrica da substância cinzenta periaquedutal (SCPD) e durante a exposição a um ambiente em hipóxia (7% O2). Para efeitos comparativos, esses animais também foram testados em modelos animais associados à ansiedade generalizada e a depressão. Observamos que ratos Wistar submetidos à separação materna (3h/dia, do 2º ao 21º dia pós-nascimento) não diferiram de animais controles nos parâmetros comportamentais analisados nos modelos de pânico (fuga no LTE e pela estimulação elétrica da SCPD), nos de ansiedade (resposta de esquiva no LTE e o beber punido no teste de conflito de Vogel) ou no de depressão (tempo gasto em imobilidade no teste do nado forçado). Já em ratos privados da mãe (por 24h no 11º dia pós- nascimento), embora este estressor não tenha alterada a resposta de fuga no LTE, ele aumentou a expressão deste comportamento durante a exposição à hipóxia, sugestivo de um efeito panicogênico. Ainda empregando a privação materna, observamos que a administração intraperitoneal de um inibidor da síntese de serotonina, a pclorofenilalanina metil éster (p-CPA - 100mg/Kg/dia, por 4 dias antes dos testes comportamentais) facilitou a expressão do comportamento de fuga durante o teste da hipóxia nos animais controle, de maneira semelhante ao efeito obtido somente com a privação materna. Porém este tratamento não potencializou a fuga promovida pela privação materna. Já os níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona foram aumentados pela exposição à hipóxia, independentemente dos animais terem sido previamente privados da mãe ou terem recebido o pCPA antes do teste. Por fim, também observamos, através de uma análise por Western Blotting, que nem a privação materna ou a exposição à hipóxia altera a concentração de receptores serotonérgicos do tipo 5-HT1A na SCPD ou na amígdala. Em suma, nossos resultados mostram que a privação materna promove uma facilitação da resposta de fuga na hipóxia, sugerindo uma relação entre esse estresse neonatal e o desencadeamento de ataques de pânico de um subtipo específico, o pânico respiratório. Contudo, no que diz respeito ao envolvimento da neurotransmissão serotonérgica, mais estudos são necessários para entender sua participação nessa resposta. / Early life stress (ELS), including parental loss due to death, neglect or abuse, represents a major risk factor for the late development of psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders. Animal models of ELS that are based on the disruption of mother-infant relationship, such as the repeated maternal separation or maternal deprivation, have been extensively used for the investigation of the longterm effects of these stressors on the expression of defensive behaviors associated with anxiety. However, little is known about their effects on animal models of panic attacks, more specifically in those that associate this emotional condition with escape behavior in animals. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to extend the investigation on the long-term consequences of neonatal stress on the escape response of adult rats (60 days after birth) evoked by the elevated T maze (ETM), electrical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) or hypoxia (7% O2). For comparative reasons, these animals were also tested in animal models of anxiety and depression. The results showed that the repeated maternal separation of male Wistar (3 hours/day from day 2 to 21 after birth) did not affect the behavioral indexes measured in the panic (escape in the ETM or after DPAG electrical stimulation), anxiety (ETM inhibitory avoidance or punished licking in the Vogel conflict test) or depression (time in immobility in the forced swimming test) models. On the other hand, rats submitted to maternal deprivation (24 hs in the 11th day after birth), although not differing from the control animals on escape expression in the ETM, showed a pronounced escape response during hypoxia, indicating a panicogenic-like response. Also, using this maternal deprivation protocol, we observed that systemic administration of a 5-HT synthesis inhibitor, p-chlrophenilalanine metylester (p-CPA - 100mg/Kg/day, for 4 days before the behavioral tests), facilitated escape expression during hypoxia in non-deprived animals to a level observed in non-pharmacologically treated deprived animals. We also observed that plasma corticosterone levels were increased 30 minutes after hypoxia exposure, independently of the previous condition of the animals (deprivation or drug treatment). Finally, we observed that the number of 5-HT1A receptors in the DPAG or amygdala, measured by Western Blotting, was not affect by previous maternal deprivation or exposure to hypoxia. Taken together, our results show that a single maternal deprivation episode facilitates the expression of escape behavior during hypoxia, suggesting a relationship between this ELS with the observation of a specific subtype of panic attack, the respiratory panic. Further studies are required in order to clarify the 5- HT involvement on these responses.
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Benutting van Gestaltspelterapie met die fokus op selfondersteuning by die kind in die middelkinderjare / The utilization of Gestalt play therapy and self-support with the child in middle childhood yearsStone, Maria Magdalena 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study the researcher explored and described the use of Gestalt play therapy with
specific focus on self-support with the child in middle childhood years.
A literature study was undertaken to examine the concepts of child, Gestalt play therapy,
self-support and the play therapy process. This literature study forms the theoretical
frame in which this study was done.
After the completion of the literature study, the empirical study was conducted. The
researcher made use of unstructured interviews within a intrinsic single case study in
order to compile research data. During the empirical study ten therapy sessions were
conducted with the participant which was explored within the framework of qualitative
research methodology.
The researcher was able to use ample Gestalt play therapy concepts and principles
during the description of the case study in order to explore self-support within the child
during middle childhood. These concepts and principles will be discussed in depth within
this study. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie-rigting)
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Breathing Matters : Feminist Intersectional Politics of Vulnerability / Breathing Matters : En feministisk intersektionell sårbarhetens politikGórska, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
Breathing is not a common subject in feminist studies. Breathing Matters introduces this phenomenon as a forceful potentiality for feminist intersectional theories, politics, and social and environmental justice. By analyzing the material and discursive as well as the natural and cultural enactments of breath in black lung disease, phone sex work, and anxieties and panic attacks, Breathing Matters proposes a nonuniversalizing and politicized understanding of embodiment. In this approach, human bodies are onceptualized as agential actors of intersectional politics. Magdalena Górska argues that struggles for breath and for breathable lives are matters of differential forms of political practices in which vulnerable and quotidian corpomaterial and corpo-affective actions are constitutive of politics. Set in the context of feminist poststructuralist and new materialist and postconstructionist debates, Breathing Matters offers a discussion of human embodiment and agency reconfigured in a posthumanist manner. Its interdisciplinary analytical practice demonstrates that breathing is a phenomenon that is important to study from scientific, medical, political, environmental and social perspectives. / Andning är inte ett vanligt förekommande ämne inom feministiska studier. Breathing Matters introducerar detta fenomen som har en potential för feministiska intersektionella teorier, politik, social rättvisa och klimaträttvisa. Genom analyser av materiella, diskursiva, naturliga och kulturella dimensioner av andningens formationer, i sjukdomen pneumokonios, telefonsexarbete samt ångest och panikattacker, föreslår Breathing Matters en icke-universialiserande och politiserad förståelse av förkroppsligande. Genom denna ansats konceptualiseras mänskliga kroppar som agentiella aktörer i en intersektionell politik. Magdalena Górska argumenterar att kampen för att andas och för andningsbara liv är ett angeläget ämne för differentiella former av politisk praktik. Denna sårbara och vardagliga praktik som både består av kroppsmateriella och kroppsaffektiva handlingar konstituerar politik. Placerad i en kontext av feminist poststrukturalistisk, nymaterialistisk och postkonstruktivistisk debatt erbjuder Breathing Matters en diskussion kring mänskligt förkroppsligande och agentskap som är omkonfigurerad på ett posthumanistiskt sätt. Den tvärvetenskapliga analytiska praktiken visar att andning är ett fenomen som är viktigt att studera från vetenskapliga, medicinska, politiska, miljömässiga och sociala perspektiv.
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