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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Διερεύνηση της φυσικής – μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς σκληρών εδαφών - μαλακών βράχων αμμώδους και αργιλομαργαϊκής σύστασης του Ν. Αχαΐας

Σπηλιωτοπούλου, Ελένη 25 July 2008 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει σαν αντικείμενο μελέτης την αποτίμηση των φυσικών και μηχανικών παραμέτρων των μαλακών βράχων σκληρών εδαφών. Η περιοχή μελέτης τοποθετείται στο βορειοδυτικό τμήμα της Πελοποννήσου και συγκεκριμένα στο Νομό Αχαΐας. Οι ιδιαιτερότητες των φυσικών χαρακτηριστικών των σχηματισμών αυτών απαιτούν τη συστηματική τους διερεύνηση. Για το λόγο αυτό η μελέτη τους αποκτά μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον. Η εργασία περιλαμβάνει τα παρακάτω στάδια: -Περιγραφή των γεωλογικών συνθηκών σε ευρεία κλίμακα και συγκέντρωση τεκτονικών και σεισμικών στοιχείων της ευρύτερης περιοχής μελέτης. -Λεπτομερής εξέταση, διαχωρισμός και ακριβής προσδιορισμός των θέσεων δειγματοληψίας της περιοχής μελέτης. -Δειγματοληψία από τους σχηματισμούς που απαντώνται στην περιοχή και εκτέλεση εργαστηριακών δοκιμών -Προσδιορισμός των φυσικών παραμέτρων των υπό εξέταση υλικών -Στατιστική επεξεργασία των τιμών των εργαστηριακών δοκιμών με σκοπό την εξαγωγή διαφόρων συμπερασμάτων για τη μηχανική συμπεριφορά των μαλακών βράχων. / The aim of this thesis is the study of natural and mechanical parameters of soft rocks – hard soil. The region of study is placed in the north-western department of Peloponnese and concretely in the Prefecture Achaia. The particularities of natural characteristics of this shapings require their systematic investigation. For this reason their study acquires big interest. The work includes the following stages: - Description of geological conditions in wide scale and concentration of tectonic and seismic elements of the wider region of study. - Examination and precise determination of places of sampling of region of study. - Sampling from the shapings in the region and implementation of laboratorial trials - Determination of natural parameters of materials under review - Statistical analysis of prices of laboratorial trials in order to export various conclusions on the mechanic behavior of soft rocks.

Mechaninių ir deformavimo diagramos charakteristikų priklausomybių nustatymas būdingame intervale / Cyclic stress–stain curves dependencies on mechanical characteristic in the typical range

Švėgžda, Audrius 21 August 2013 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe nustatytos legiruotųjų konstrukcinių plienų ir jų suvirinimo siūlių medžiagų mechaninių ir deformavimo diagramos charakteristikų A1, α, sT priklausomybės būdingame intervale kambario ir aukštesnėje temperatūroje. Nuosekli statistinė analizė parodė, kad duomenys yra atsitiktiniai, nepriklausomi bei pasiskirstę pagal normalųjį dėsnį, o atlikta tyrimo rezultatų koreliacinė ir regresinė analizė, kad tarp daugumos medžiagų grupių deformavimo diagramos charakteristikų ir modifikuoto plastiškumo kriterijaus egzistuoja reikšmingas tiesinis koreliacinis ryšys. Darbe ciklinėms deformavimo diagramos charakteristikoms pagal mechanines savybes nustatyti, buvo apskaičiuoti analitinių priklausomybių koeficientai, bei patikrintas regresijos lygčių adekvatumas. Nustatant deformavimo diagramos charakteristikų reikšmes nuo modifikuoto plastiškumo kriterijaus nustatytame būdingame intervale gaunami tikslesni rezultatai, nes daugumai skaičiuotų ir eksperimentinių charakteristikų rezultatų sklaida intervaluose yra mažesnė lyginant su bendrų plienų ir jų suvirinimo siūlių medžiagų grupių rezultatų sklaida. Darbe pasiūlyti tiesinės priklausomybės koeficientai nuo modifikuoto plastiškumo kriterijaus, gali būti pritaikyti nustatant preliminarų inžinerijos šakose (energetikoje, naftoje) dirbančių mašinų ilgalaikiškumą, atsižvelgiant į jų eksploatacijos aplinką, darbo temperatūrą, naudojamas medžiagas. Magistrinio darbo tema buvo skaitoma ir aptarta 2013 m. gegužės 15 d. Šiaulių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this master thesis alloy structural steels and their weld joint materials cyclic stress–stain curves parameters A1, α, sT dependences on mechanical characteristic in the typical range at room and elevated temperatures are determined. Consistent statistical analysis of experimental results shown, that data is accidental, independence and normal distributed, also correlation - regression analysis shown, that almost for all groups of the materials exists a significant linear correlation between cyclic stress–stain curves parameters and modified plasticity criterion. In this final work, for parameters A1, α, sT from mechanical properties to determine, was calculated analytical dependence coefficients, also regression equations adequacy was verified. Determining value of deformation parameters from modified plasticity criterion in typical range, is better way, because the results is more accurate this is because for almost all computed and experimental characteristics results dispersion in ranges are lower comparing with total groups of alloy steels and their weld joint materials results dispersion. In this master thesis are suggested linear regression coefficients from modified plasticity criterion, which can be used for preliminary evaluation of lifetime for engineering industries machines considering of their operational environment, working temperature and what materials are used for machine‘s construction. Master's thesis has been read and discussed in May 15, 2013 at... [to full text]

Dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių antros kartos biodegalų mišiniais,eksploatacinių charakteristikų tyrimai / The research of exploitation characteristics of diesel engines running on second generation biofuel blends

Žaglinskis, Justas 17 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimų aktualumą lemia energijos panaudojimo efektyvumo didinimas bei aplinkos taršos mažinimas transporto sektoriuje. Darbe sprendžiami eksperimentiniai, matematinio modeliavimo ir metodologiniai uždaviniai, siekiant kompleksiškai ištirti dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių II kartos RRME, alkoholio ir dyzelino mišiniais, eksploatacinius darbo rodiklius. Disertacijoje analizuotas ir įvertintas degalų mišinių panaudojimo lengvųjų automobilių ir pagalbiniame laivo dyzeliniuose varikliuose efektas. Tiriamojo darbo problematika, tikslas, uždaviniai suformuoti išanalizavus transporto sektoriaus sandarą, svarbą oro taršos ir energijos sunaudojimo srityse bei ES strateginius planus. Laboratorijos bei eksploatacijos sąlygomis ištirti I, II kartos biodegalų ir dyzelino mišiniai. Tyrimams panaudotuose varikliuose išbandyti butanolio ir metanolio su rapso metil/butilesteriais bei dyzelino 2 ir 3 komponentų mišiniai. Išbandyti II kartos RRME mišiniai: Sėjamosios judros (lot. Camelina sativa) kartu su kiaulienos RRME ir mikro dumblių (lot. Clorella sp.). Atlikti dyzelino ir mišinių palyginamieji variklinių savybių tyrimai. Panaudojant mišinius, energijos panaudojimo efektyvumas didėja ~1–4 %; esant šiek tiek išaugusiai NOX koncentracijai, CO, CH koncentracijos sumažėjimas siekia iki 20 %, o deginių dūmingumas – 55–85 %. Įvertinti terminės ir mechaninės apkrovos kriterijai, indikuojantys variklio konstrukcinį patikimumą dirbant dyzelinu ir degalų mišiniais. Ištirta biodyzelinų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of dissertation research is determined increasing efficiency of energy use and reduction of environmental pollution in the transport sector. In order to accomplish the complex research of diesel engines (running on 2nd generation FAME, alcohol and diesel blends) performance indicators the experimental, simulation and methodological tasks are solved in dissertation. The analysis and evaluation of effect of fuel blends use in passenger car and vessel auxiliary diesel engines is presented in dissertation. The problem, aim, tasks of research work formulated after analysis of transport sector structure, the importance of air pollution and energy consumption and the EU's strategic plans. The blends of 1st and 2nd generation biofuels were investigated using laboratory equipment and in the exploitation conditions. 2 and 3 component blends of diesel, methanol, butanol, rape methyl/butyl esters were tested in diesel engines. Tested 2nd generation FAME blends: False flax (lat. Camelina sativa) with pork lards FAME and sea algae (lat. Clorella sp.). The comparable research of parameters while engine ran on diesel and blends was carried out. In the case of blends use the energy efficiency increases ~1–4%; at slightly increased NOX concentration the CO and CH concentrations decreased up to 20% and exhaust smoke, and smokiness decreased – 55–85%. The evaluation of thermal and mechanical load criteria which indicate 1.9 TDI 1Z engine reliability operating on diesel fuel and... [to full text]

Pieno kokybės ir sudėties rodiklių palyginimas melžiant karves melžimo aparatais ir melžimo robotais X ūkyje / A Comparison of the milk quality and nutritional components using automatic and robotic milking systems on farm X

Ivanauskaitė, Laisvida 18 June 2013 (has links)
Pieno ūkis – viena svarbiausių žemės ūkio šakų pasaulyje. Pagal statistiką, Lietuvoje vienam gyventojui tenka 563kg pieno, kas yra vienas didžiausių rodiklių pasaulyje, tad pieno ūkis yra viena svarbiausių žemės ūkio, tuo pačiu ir ekonomikos sričių. Siekiant gerinti pieno kokybę bei mažinti kaštus vis daugiau pieno melžimo įmonių investuoja ir taiko naujas technologijas - melžimo aparatai į liniją ir robotai. Lietuvoje pirmoji robotizuota sistema įdiegta 2007 m. Tiriamajame ūkyje ši sistema įdiegta 2009 m. Tyrimo tikslas buvo palyginti pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodiklius X ūkyje, melžiant karves melžimo aparatais ir robotais. Svarbiausios pieno sudėtinės dalys yra – baltymai, riebalai ir angliavandeniai (laktozė, mineralinės ir biologiškai aktyvios medžiagos, vitaminai, fermentai ir kitos). Melžimas turi didelę reikšmę karvių produktyvumo bei pieno sudėtinių dalių rodikliams, todėl būtina parinkti teisingą melžimo būdą. Buvo ieškota būdų – kaip pilnai pakeisti žmogų melžimo aikštelėse. Siekiant pagerinti karvių pieno kokybę ir padidinti primilžį, modernizuojant pieno ūkius inovatyviomis technologijomis, rekomenduojama robotizuoti karvių melžimą. Nustatyta, kad robotais melžiamų karvių pieningumas padidėja vidutiniškai 15 proc. Pieno gamybą skatina dažnesnis karvių melžimas ir geresnė jų savijauta. Mažuose pieno ūkiuose, kur karvių yra mažai naudojamas įprastas melžimo būdas, t. y. melžimas rankomis. Melžiant karves rankomis yra didesnė tikimybė pieną užteršti bakterijomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dairy farming is one of the most important branches in agriculture worldwide. According to statistics in Lithuania there's 563 kg of milk produced per capita. That is one of the highest production rates per capita in the world. Dairy farming is crucial to local economy. In order to achieve higher milk quality and minimize expenditures more dairy farms are investing and adapting new technologies: milking pipelines and fully automated robotic milking. The first fully automated robotic milking line in Lithuania was used implemented in 2007. In the researched farm the system was implemented in 2009. The main goal of research was to compare milk composition and quality in the research farm X by milking cows to pipelines and using fully automated robotic milking. The main nutrients that compose milk are: proteins, fats and carbohydrates(lactose, minerals and biologically active materials, vitamins, enzymes and others). The way that cows are milked has high impact on milk yields and nutrients, so the best milking technology is essential for optimal results. The research on how to eliminate human labor during milking process has been done. In order to increase the quality and yields of cow's milk by modernizing the dairy farms and using the fully automated robotic milking. It was concluded that by using fully automated robotic milking milk yield increases by 15% on average. The milk production is increased by more frequent milking and cattle welfare. In the small dairy farms with... [to full text]


Fauerharmel, Mariana 21 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this work was to evaluate the development of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong seedlings produced with different substrates combined with irrigation water blade. The study was developed in the Tree Nursery of the Department of Forest Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-Universidade Federal de Santa Maria). The seeds used were collected from donor trees in the region of Santa Maria (RS). The substrates used were peat-based commercial (CS) and the mixture of the latter with carbonized rice husks (CRH), forming the following treatments: S1 (100% CS), S2 (80% CS + 20% CRH), S3 (60% CS + 40% CRH) and S4 (40% CS + 60% CRH) and the gross blades of daily irrigation water - GB-Gross Blades were 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 mm.day-1. The design used was randomized blocks (four blocks) in a factorial scheme. The parameters height (H), stem diameter (SD) and H/SD ratio were obtained in a factorial scheme 4x5x4. For the aerial dry mass (ADM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), ADM/RDM ratio and Dickson Quality Index (DQI), the factorial 4x5 was used respectively for the factors CS and irrigation blade, these parameters were obtained 150 days after sowing. One hundred and twenty days after sowing, the physiological parameters, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids were evaluated and correlated with the morphological ones (H, SD and H/SD), also seen at 120 days. In this analysis we used 4x3 factorial, represented by four substrates and three blades gross daily irrigation (4, 12 and 20 mm.dia-1). The results indicated that the substrate based on peat mixed with 20% carbonized rice husk, when combined with gross irrigation blade of 8 mm.day-1 provides the appropriate seedlings Enterolobium contortisiliquum growth with greater economy of water and substrate. The correlation of morphological and physiological parameters observed in seedlings is low, so H, SD and H/SD may not be used for reference on the contents of chlorophyll. At 120 days after sowing, the height was greater in the 4 and 12 mm.day-1, possibly because 8 mm.day-1 was not used for analysis, while the diameter proved superior at S1 and S2, confirming the response at 150 days. As to the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, they were larger when the seedlings received smaller amounts of water daily, indicating that the greater water blade compromised the seedling development and 20% of rice husk mixed with peat. / Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong produzido sob diferentes substratos combinados com lâminas de irrigação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Viveiro Florestal, do Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Foram utilizadas sementes coletadas de árvores matrizes na região de Santa Maria (RS). Os substratos utilizados foram comercial a base de turfa (SC) e a mistura deste à casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC), constituindo os seguintes tratamentos: S1 (100% SC), S2 (80% SC + 20% CAC), S3 (60% SC + 40% CAC) e S4 (40% SC + 60% CAC) e as lâminas brutas de irrigação diária LB foram de 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20 mm.dia-1. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos casualizados (quatro blocos) em esquema fatorial. Os parâmetros altura (H), diâmetro do coleto (DC) e relação H/DC foram obtidos em esquema fatorial 4x5x4. Para a massa seca aérea (MSA), massa seca radicular (MSR), massa seca total (MST), relação MSA/MSR e Ìndice de Qualidade de Dickson (IQD), utilizou o fatorial 4x5, respectivamente para os fatores SC e lâmina de irrigação, parâmetros que foram obtidos 150 dias após semeadura. Aos 120 dias após semeadura foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos teor de clorofila a, clorofila b, clorofila total e carotenoides, os quais foram correlacionados aos morfológicos (H, DC e H/DC), também observados aos 120 dias. Nesta análise utilizou-se fatorial 4x3, representado pelos 4 substratos e 3 lâminas brutas de irrigação diária (4, 12 e 20 mm.dia-1). Os resultados indicaram que o substrato a base de turfa misturado com 20% de casca de arroz carbonizada, quando combinado com lâmina bruta de irrigação de 8 mm.dia-1 proporciona crescimento adequado às mudas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum, com maior economia de água e substrato. A correlação dos parâmetros morfológicos e fisiológicos observada nas mudas é baixa, assim H, D e H/DC não podem ser utilizados para referenciar sobre os teores de clorofila. Aos 120 dias após semeadura, a altura foi maior nas irrigações de 4 e 12 mm.dia-1, possivelmente, porque 8 mm.dia-1 não foi utilizada na análise, enquanto o diâmetro mostrou-se superior em S1 e S2, confirmando a resposta aos 150 dias. Em relação aos teores de clorofilas e carotenoides, estes foram maiores quando as mudas receberam menores quantidades de água diariamente, indicando que a maior lâmina compromete o desenvolvimento das mudas e com 20% de casca de arroz misturado à turfa.

Evaluation de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres géotechnique du sol à partir de mesures géophysiques : application à la plaine alluviale de Nahr-Beyrouth (Liban) / Evaluation of the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters of soil from geophysical measurements : application to the alluvial plain of Nahr Beirut (Lebanon)

Salloum, Nancy 30 April 2015 (has links)
La variabilité spatiale des formations géologiques rend difficile la détermination des paramètres géotechniques nécessaires pour l'évaluation des aléas naturels (sismiques et gravitaires). Les méthodes d'imagerie géophysique, non-destructives et rapides, sont de plus en plus utilisées pour la reconnaissance de telles structures hétérogènes. Une campagne d'essais géophysiques et géotechniques a été réalisée dans la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth (Liban), ville soumise à un fort risque sismique, en vue de caractériser la variabilité des couches alluviales. Les résultats combinés ont permis de caractériser la structure 3D du site et de détecter la présence d'une couche d'argile molle, peu profonde et d'épaisseur variable. Cette couche de faible compacité, qui a rendu complexe l'interprétation des courbes de dispersion des ondes de surface, a une influence importante sur la réponse sismique du site. Les incertitudes reliées à la variabilité spatiale des propriétés géotechnique (N60) et géophysiques (Vs, ρ) ont pu être quantifiées au sein des couches rencontrées et les fonctions de distribution de ces paramètres ont été déterminées dans chaque couche à partir de ces essais, à la fois verticalement et horizontalement. Les valeurs de distance d'autocorrélation verticale (Vs, N60) et horizontale (ρ) obtenues ainsi que les valeurs de coefficient de variation se situent dans la gamme de valeurs trouvées dans la littérature. La réponse dynamique (amplification spectrale) de la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth a été simulée avec des modèles probabilistes unidimensionnels, et l'effet des trois paramètres statistiques (loi d'autocorrélation, distance d'autocorrélation et coefficient de variation) décrivant les variabilités des propriétés élastiques du sol (Vs) a été quantifié. Pour obtenir des réponses sismiques réalistes, un critère de sélection des profils Vs générés de façon probabiliste a été introduit afin de ne retenir que les profils compatibles (dans une gamme d'incertitude) avec la courbe de dispersion établie. Les modélisations probabilistes ont montré des différences significatives par rapport aux modélisations déterministes. Le principal paramètre probabiliste contrôlant l'amplification spectrale est le coefficient de variation, suivi de la distance d'autocorrélation, alors que le type de loi a peu d'influence. Enfin, nous avons vu que l'activité humaine peut avoir une influence significative sur l'application des méthodes géophysiques en site urbain. La compréhension d'un milieu complexe dans ce contexte nécessite de combiner toutes les méthodes géotechniques et géophysiques d'investigation afin d'obtenir un modèle robuste 2D/3D de la structure du sol / The spatial variability of geological formations makes it difficult to determine the geotechnical parameters necessary for the evaluation of natural hazards (seismic and gravity). The geophysical imaging methods, non-destructive and fast, are now increasingly used for heterogeneous structures of sub-surface recognition. Geophysical and geotechnical tests were carried out in the alluvial plain of Beirut (Lebanon), city with high seismic risk, to characterize the variability in the alluvial layers. Analyses of these tests were used to characterize the 3D structure of the site and to detect the presence of a shallow soft clay layer of variable thickness. This layer of low compactness, which made the interpretation of dispersion curves of surface waves complex, could be of prime importance for seismic response of the site. Using all the collected data, the uncertainties related to the spatial variability of geotechnical (N60) and geophysical (Vs, ρ) properties of soil were quantified in the layers encountered and the distribution functions of these parameters were determined in each layer, in both directions (vertical and horizontal). The autocorrelation distance in the vertical (Vs, N60) and horizontal (ρ) directions and the coefficient of variation are within the range of values founded in the literature. The dynamic response (spectral amplification) of the alluvial plain of Beirut was modeled by one dimensional probabilistic model and we quantified the effect of the three statistical parameters (autocorrelation function, autocorrelation distance and coefficient of variation) describing the elastic variability properties of soil (Vs). To obtain realistic seismic responses, we proposed a probabilistic (Vs) profile selection criteria in order to retain only compatible profiles (in a range of uncertainty) with the obtained dispersion curve. Probabilistic modeling showed significant differences from the deterministic modeling. It appeared that the main factor controlling probabilistic spectral amplification is the coefficient of variation (COVVs) followed by the autocorrelation distance, while the type of autocorrelation function has little influence. Finally, Human activity was also found to have a significant influence on the application of geophysical prospecting at this urban site. This case illustrates the need of combining investigation methods in order to understand the geophysical measurements in a complex medium and to reach a robust 2D/3D model.

Habitação coletiva econômica, urbanidade e habitabilidade : estudo tipológico em Porto Alegre/RS e Montevidéu (Uruguai)

Vieira, Jorge Luiz January 2017 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a trajetória da produção de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, nas cidades de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, e Montevidéu, no Uruguai, no período de 1985 a 2010. Procura identificar os principais eventos que reverberavam em um movimento de intenso debate sobre o papel da arquitetura para o cenário de abertura política para muitos países latino-americanos. Demonstra a importância desse período, ao mesmo tempo rico de possibilidades, mas também repleto de fortes impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais, que resultaram do enfraquecimento do Estado Providência, do desmantelamento da União Soviética e da hegemonia do neoliberalismo. Aponta as experiências para a recomposição da arquitetura como disciplina que constrói a cidade, especialmente pelas propostas que, emanadas dos principais polos de difusão da arquitetura no Brasil e no Uruguai, expuseram em projetos e obras inspiradas nos aportes teóricos e nas experimentações críticas ao Movimento Moderno advindas da Europa, como aquelas realizadas pela IBA-87, em Berlim. Busca, nas raízes das transformações morfológicas por que passaram essas cidades, entender como cada uma assimilou os pressupostos da modernidade, de forma breve em relação aos aspectos econômicos, sociais e políticos e, de forma mais detida, com relação às influências do Movimento Moderno sobre a arquitetura e a cidade, especialmente sobre suas normativas institucionais e a produção de habitação. A partir dos resultados obtidos da análise dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade, aplicados sobre os quatro exemplares dos conjuntos de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, selecionados em cada cidade, procura- se avaliar as contribuições das políticas públicas e dos agentes envolvidos, incluindo-se o protagonismo dos arquitetos, especialmente no momento em que as cooperativas habitacionais passam a ser reintegradas nas políticas de financiamento e de ordenamento territorial, no caso de Montevidéu, e da implantação do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, no caso do Brasil, rebatido à especificidade da cidade de Porto Alegre. Por último, procura-se ressaltar a importância dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade como indicativos de qualidade projetual, especialmente para o ensino de projeto de habitação de interesse social. / This work approaches the trajectory of the production of collective economic housing in height, in the cities of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and Montevideo, Uruguay, between 1985 and 2010. It looks forward to identify the major events which reverberated in a intense movement of discussion about the role of architecture for the political opening for many latin- american countries. It proves us the importance of this period of time, at the same time full of possibilities, but also with lots of rough economic, political and social impacts, which resulted from the weakening of Providence State, the Soviet Union dismantling and the neoliberalism hegemony. It points out the experiences for the recomposition of architecture as a city builder discipline, notably by the purposes which poured from the main poles of architecture diffusion on Brazil and Uruguay, exposed in projects and jobs inspired by the theoretical contribution and critical experiments to the Modern Movement coming from Europe, such as the ones realized by the IBA-87, in Berlin. It searches, in the roots of morphological transformations which happened in those cities, to understand how each one of these assimilated the assumptions of modern times, in a detained way, in a relation with the Modern Movement influences about architecture and the city, specially about its institutional regulations and the housing production. By the results obtained from the housing and urbanity parameter analysis, applied upon those four examples of housing aggregation buildings, pointed on each belonging city, it tries to evaluate the public policy and involved agents contribution, including the architects protagonism, specially in the moment when habitational cooperatives turn to be reintegrated into the financial and territorial order policies, on Montevideo's case, and the program "Minha Casa Minha Vida" , on Brazil's case, specifically in the city of Porto Alegre. At last, it looks forward to emphasize the urbanity and habitability parameters' importance as project quality indicatives, especially for the project of social interest habitation teaching.

Azedinha (Rumex acetosa L.) : caracterização morfológica, requerimento nutricional e qualidade sensorial / AZEDINHA (Rumex acetosa L.) : MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION, APPLICATION NUTRITIONAL AND SENSORY QUALITY

Lima, Maria Angélica Suedan Souza 18 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Sebin (lusebin@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-12T19:18:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMASSL.pdf: 2017110 bytes, checksum: 0268f5d954312659c26bf8cb7bd75a25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-13T18:18:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMASSL.pdf: 2017110 bytes, checksum: 0268f5d954312659c26bf8cb7bd75a25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-13T18:19:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMASSL.pdf: 2017110 bytes, checksum: 0268f5d954312659c26bf8cb7bd75a25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-13T18:19:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMASSL.pdf: 2017110 bytes, checksum: 0268f5d954312659c26bf8cb7bd75a25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Azedinha (Rumex acetosa L.) has pleased the consumer for its sour taste. Considered an unconventional vegetable, their redemption becomes important to allow notable gains from the nutritional, social, cultural, economic and environmental point of view. The objective was to characterize morphologically copies of azedinha obtained from seeds, determine their sensory characteristics and acceptance, as well as analyze some physicochemical parameters, and determine the absorptions of macro and micronutrients and biometric parameters during 60 days after transplanting (DAT). The experiment was conducted at the Centro de Ciências Agrárias, belonging to the Universidade Federal São Carlos - UFSCar in the city of Araras - SP. Biometric parameters were evaluated (length of the leaf, relative leaf area, fresh and dry weight of shoots) and the macro and micronutrients absorption march from plants collected at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60 DAT. They evaluated the length, width and length / width ratio of leaf blade; petiole length and width close to the blade; diameter of the stump; the shoot length; length of ochreas; shape of the leaf blade; kind of apex; base form; type of veining and type of margin of the leaf blade; type of ochreas; characterization of the stem; length and diameter (neck) of the root. It also determined the levels of ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and chlorophyll parameter. For sensory analysis was used the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Sensory analysis of acceptance was conducted with 52 judges, in relation to vii appearance, aroma, flavor, texture and overall impression, as well as purchase intent. The biometric parameters increased over time after transplantation and most markedly after the recommended times for harvest (20 and 35 DAT). The maximum levels of macro and micronutrients accumulated in the shoot, in descending order were as follows: K > N > Mg > P and Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu. The morphological descriptors with greater discriminatory power for azedinha were the types of margin and venation of the leaf blade, the characterization of the stem, the presence of ochrea and shape of the leaf blade, ranging from sagittate the hastate. It also infers that the best harvest time is between 20 and 35 DAT. The average content of ascorbic acid was 10,25 mg 100g-1 sample, total phenolic 291,46 mg of gallic acid 100 g-1 dry weight and chlorophyll parameter was 36,6 SPAD units. As for the quantitative descriptive analysis, the leaves of azedinha framed up closer to dark green; most have arrow or spear shape; smooth; with sharp aroma of grape skin; more acid flavor, such as green blackberries; there was no residual bitterness; they were folding; wrinkle free; soft to chew and thin. Regarding the acceptability test, the notes to the variable color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability were high and most judges would buy this vegetable. / A azedinha (Rumex acetosa L.) tem agradado o consumidor por seu sabor ácido. Considerada hortaliça não convencional, seu resgate se torna importante ao possibilitar ganhos notáveis do ponto de vista nutricional, social, cultural, econômico e ambiental. Objetivou-se caracterizar morfologicamente exemplares de azedinha obtidos de sementes, determinar seus atributos sensoriais e aceitação, bem como analisar alguns parâmetros físico-químicos, e determinar a marcha de absorção de macro e micronutrientes e os parâmetros biométricos durante 60 dias após transplante (DAT). O experimento foi conduzido no Centro de Ciências Agrárias, pertencente à Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar, no município de Araras – SP. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros biométricos (comprimento da lâmina foliar, área foliar relativa, massas fresca e seca da parte aérea) e a marcha de absorção de macro e micronutrientes de plantas coletadas aos 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 e 60 DAT. Foram avaliados o comprimento, a largura e a relação comprimento/largura das lâminas foliares; comprimento e largura do pecíolo próximo à lâmina; diâmetro da touceira; comprimento da parte aérea; comprimento das ócreas; forma da lâmina foliar; tipo de ápice; forma da base; tipo de nervação e tipo de margem da lâmina foliar; tipo de ócrea; caracterização do caule; comprimento e diâmetro (colo) da raiz. Foram determinados também os teores de ácido ascórbico, fenólicos totais e o parâmetro clorofila. Para a análise sensorial foi utilizada a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ). A análise sensorial de v aceitação foi realizada com 52 julgadores, em relação à aparência, aroma, sabor, textura e impressão global, além da intenção de compra. Os parâmetros biométricos aumentaram ao longo do tempo após o transplante e, mais acentuadamente, após o intervalo estimado, pela literatura, para a colheita (20 a 35 DAT). Os teores máximos dos macro e micronutrientes acumulados na parte aérea, em ordem decrescente foram respectivamente: K > N > Mg > P e Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu. Os descritores morfológicos com maior poder discriminatório para a azedinha foram os tipos de margem e nervação da lâmina foliar, a caracterização do caule, a presença de ócrea e a forma da lâmina foliar, que vai de sagitada a hastada. Infere-se também que, para mudas obtidas de sementes, a melhor época de colheita é entre 20 e 35 DAT. O teor médio de ácido ascórbico foi 10,25 mg 100g-1 de amostra, de fenólicos totais foi equivalente a 291,46 mg de ácido gálico 100g-1 de massa seca e o parâmetro clorofila foi de 36,6 unidades SPAD. Quanto à análise descritiva quantitativa, as folhas de azedinha enquadraram-se mais próximas à cor verde escura; a maioria possui formato de seta ou lança; lisas; com acentuado aroma de casca de uva; sabor mais ácido, como o da amora verde; não havia amargo residual; eram dobráveis; sem rugas; macias ao mastigar e finas. Em relação ao teste de aceitabilidade, as notas para as variáveis aparência, sabor, textura e aceitação global foram altas e a maioria dos julgadores comprariam essa hortaliça.

Estudo sobre a participa??o de roedores na cadeia de transmiss?o de Leishmania infantum (Protozoa: Trypanosomatidae) no Rio Grande do Norte

Barbosa, Patr?cia Batista Barra Medeiros 11 July 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:03:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PatriciaBBMB.pdf: 749567 bytes, checksum: e355ba98f4fd47889fd16327a3ca1f09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / American visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by the bite of the sand flies Lutzomia longipalpis.The main domestic reservoir is the dog, while foxes and opposums are the known wild reservoirs. However, identification of natural infections with L. infantum in rodents appears for need of investigating the participation of these rodents how source of infection of the parasite. In the present work the Leishmania infantum infection was investigated in rodents captured in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming at to offer subsidies to the understanding of the epidemic chains of LVA in the State. Thirteen Galea spixii were distributed in four groups, being G1 the group control with four animals and the others, G2, G3 and G4, with three animals each. Those animals were intraperitoneally inoculated with 107 promastigotas of L. infantum and accompanied for, respectively, 30, 90 and 180 days. Weekly the animals were monitored as for the corporal weight and rectal temperature. At the end of each stipulated period the animals were killed. Blood were used for determination of the parameters biochemical and haematological, PCR, ELISA, microscopic examination and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver, spleen and lymph node were used in Giemsa-stained impression and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver and spleen fragments were still used in PCR and histopathological, respectively. At the same time 79 rodents of the species Rattus rattus, Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus and Trichomys apereoides were captured in the Municipal districts of Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica and V?zea for identification of natural infection with L. infantum. Evidence of infection was checked by direct examination of Giemsa-stained impression of liver, spleen and blood and culture of these tissues in NNN medium. Antibodies were researched by ELISA. They were not found differences among the weigh corporal final, rectal temperature and biochemical and haematological parameters of the Galea spixii controls and infected. The rectal temperature of the animals varied from 36OC to 40OC. For the first time values of the haematocrit (33,6% to 42,8%), hemoglobin (10,2 to 14,5g/dl), erythrocyts number (4,67x106 to 6,90x106/mm3), total leukocytes (0,9x103 to 9,2x103/mm3), platelets (49x103 to 509x103/mm3) total proteins (1,56 to 6,06 g/dl), albumin (1,34 to 3,05 g/dl) and globulins (0,20 to 3,01 g/dl) of the Galea spixii were determined. The lymphocytes were the most abundant leucocytes. Infection for L. infantum was diagnosed in two animals euthanasied 180 days after the infection. In one of the animals was also identified antibodies anti-Leishmania. The parasite was not found in none of the five other species of rodents captured. Galea spixii are resistant to the infection for L. infantum and they are not good models for the study for visceral leishmaniose, although they can act as infection sources. More studies are necessary to determine the paper of the rodents in the epidemic chain of transmission of the visceral leishmaniose in the State of Rio Grande do Norte / A leishmaniose visceral americana ? uma zoonose causada pelo parasita Leishmania infantum e transmitida pela picada do fleb?tomo Lutzomya longipalpis. O c?o ? o principal reservat?rio dom?stico, enquanto que raposas e gamb?s s?o os reservat?rios silvestres conhecidos. No entanto, a identifica??o de infec??es naturais com L. infantum em roedores aponta para a necessidade de se investigar a participa??o destes animais como fonte de infec??o do parasita para os insetos vetores. No presente trabalho investigou-se a infec??o com parasita Leishmania infantum em roedores capturados no Rio Grande do Norte, objetivando oferecer subs?dios ? compreens?o das cadeias epidemiol?gicas da LVA no Estado. Treze pre?s da esp?cie Galea spixii foram distribu?dos em quatro grupos, sendo G1 o grupo controle com quatro animais e os demais, G2, G3 e G4, com tr?s animais cada. Esses animais foram inoculados por via intraperitonial com 107 promastigotas de L. infantum e acompanhados por, respectivamente, 30, 90 e 180 dias. Semanalmente os animais foram monitorados quanto ao peso corporal e temperatura retal. Ao final de cada per?odo estipulado os animais foram eutanasiados. O sangue colhido foi utilizado na determina??o dos par?metros bioqu?micos e hematol?gicos, PCR, ELISA, confec??o de esfrega?o sangu?neo e cultivo em meio NNN. Fragmentos de f?gado, ba?o e linfonodos foram utilizados para confec??o de l?minas por aposi??o e cultivo em meio NNN. Fragmentos de f?gado e ba?o foram ainda utilizados para realiza??o de PCR e histopatol?gico, respectivamente. Concomitantemente 79 roedores das esp?cies Rattus rattus,Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus e Trichomys apereoides foram capturados nos Munic?pios de Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica e V?rzea para identifica??o de infec??o natural por L. infantum. O diagn?stico da infec??o nos animais foi realizado pelo exame direto das impress?es coradas com Giemsa e cultura em meio NNN de f?gado, ba?o e sangue. N?o foram encontradas diferen?as no o ganho de peso total, temperatura retal e par?metros bioqu?micos e hematol?gicos dos pre?s controles e infectados. A temperatura retal variou entre 36OC e 40OC. Pela primeira vez foram determinados os valores do hemat?crito (33,6% a 42,8%), hemoglobina (10,2 a 14,5g/dl), n?mero de eritr?citos (4,67x106 a 6,90x106/mm3), leuc?citos totais (0,9x103 a 9,2x103/mm3), plaquetas (49x103 a 509x103/mm3), prote?nas totais (1,56 a 6,06 g/dl), albumina (1,34 a 3,05 g/dl) e globulinas (0,20 a 3,01 g/dl) nesta esp?cie. Os linf?citos foram os leuc?citos mais abundantes. Infec??o por L. infantum foi diagnosticada em dois animais eutanasiados aos 180 dias, sendo que em um desses tamb?m foram identificados anticorpos contra o parasita. N?o foi observada positividade em nenhuma das cinco outras esp?cies de roedores capturadas. A esp?cie Galea spixii ? resistente ? infec??o por L. infantum e, portanto, n?o ? bom modelo para o estudo da leishmaniose visceral, embora possam atuar como fontes de infec??o. Mais estudos s?o necess?rios para que se possa determinar o papel dos roedores na cadeia epidemiol?gica da leishmaniose visceral no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Habitação coletiva econômica, urbanidade e habitabilidade : estudo tipológico em Porto Alegre/RS e Montevidéu (Uruguai)

Vieira, Jorge Luiz January 2017 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a trajetória da produção de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, nas cidades de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, e Montevidéu, no Uruguai, no período de 1985 a 2010. Procura identificar os principais eventos que reverberavam em um movimento de intenso debate sobre o papel da arquitetura para o cenário de abertura política para muitos países latino-americanos. Demonstra a importância desse período, ao mesmo tempo rico de possibilidades, mas também repleto de fortes impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais, que resultaram do enfraquecimento do Estado Providência, do desmantelamento da União Soviética e da hegemonia do neoliberalismo. Aponta as experiências para a recomposição da arquitetura como disciplina que constrói a cidade, especialmente pelas propostas que, emanadas dos principais polos de difusão da arquitetura no Brasil e no Uruguai, expuseram em projetos e obras inspiradas nos aportes teóricos e nas experimentações críticas ao Movimento Moderno advindas da Europa, como aquelas realizadas pela IBA-87, em Berlim. Busca, nas raízes das transformações morfológicas por que passaram essas cidades, entender como cada uma assimilou os pressupostos da modernidade, de forma breve em relação aos aspectos econômicos, sociais e políticos e, de forma mais detida, com relação às influências do Movimento Moderno sobre a arquitetura e a cidade, especialmente sobre suas normativas institucionais e a produção de habitação. A partir dos resultados obtidos da análise dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade, aplicados sobre os quatro exemplares dos conjuntos de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, selecionados em cada cidade, procura- se avaliar as contribuições das políticas públicas e dos agentes envolvidos, incluindo-se o protagonismo dos arquitetos, especialmente no momento em que as cooperativas habitacionais passam a ser reintegradas nas políticas de financiamento e de ordenamento territorial, no caso de Montevidéu, e da implantação do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, no caso do Brasil, rebatido à especificidade da cidade de Porto Alegre. Por último, procura-se ressaltar a importância dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade como indicativos de qualidade projetual, especialmente para o ensino de projeto de habitação de interesse social. / This work approaches the trajectory of the production of collective economic housing in height, in the cities of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and Montevideo, Uruguay, between 1985 and 2010. It looks forward to identify the major events which reverberated in a intense movement of discussion about the role of architecture for the political opening for many latin- american countries. It proves us the importance of this period of time, at the same time full of possibilities, but also with lots of rough economic, political and social impacts, which resulted from the weakening of Providence State, the Soviet Union dismantling and the neoliberalism hegemony. It points out the experiences for the recomposition of architecture as a city builder discipline, notably by the purposes which poured from the main poles of architecture diffusion on Brazil and Uruguay, exposed in projects and jobs inspired by the theoretical contribution and critical experiments to the Modern Movement coming from Europe, such as the ones realized by the IBA-87, in Berlin. It searches, in the roots of morphological transformations which happened in those cities, to understand how each one of these assimilated the assumptions of modern times, in a detained way, in a relation with the Modern Movement influences about architecture and the city, specially about its institutional regulations and the housing production. By the results obtained from the housing and urbanity parameter analysis, applied upon those four examples of housing aggregation buildings, pointed on each belonging city, it tries to evaluate the public policy and involved agents contribution, including the architects protagonism, specially in the moment when habitational cooperatives turn to be reintegrated into the financial and territorial order policies, on Montevideo's case, and the program "Minha Casa Minha Vida" , on Brazil's case, specifically in the city of Porto Alegre. At last, it looks forward to emphasize the urbanity and habitability parameters' importance as project quality indicatives, especially for the project of social interest habitation teaching.

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