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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rytmbaserad bangenerering för vertikala plattformsspel / Rhythm-based level generation for vertical platform games

Söderberg, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Det här arbetet beskriver implementationen av en rytmbaserad algoritm för att procedurellt generera plattformsbanor och hur den anpassats för att passa nedåtgående spel, i syfte att undersöka vilken kapacitet det resulterande programmet har för att skapa banor som skiljer sig från varandra. Undersökningen utfördes genom att låta artefakten generera ett större antal banor och jämföra värden mellan olika rytmer. Mätvärdena som iakttogs baserades på hur mycket banorna avvek från en mittlinje och på frekvensen av banelement som innebar konsekvenser för spelaren. Resultatet av undersökningen tyder på att rytmbaserad bangenerering har förmågan att generera vitt skilda banor för nedåtgående plattformsspel och att det därför finns ett värde i fortsatt utveckling och undersökningar i form av användarstudier av hur utmanande eller underhållande banorna upplevs, samt för att utveckla algoritmen till att ha parametrar för att låta bandesigners styra hur olika rytmer kan kombineras till banor. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>

Controllable Procedural Game Map Generation using Software Agents and Mixed Initiative

Aderum, Oskar, Åkerlund, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Processen att skapa innehåll till digitala spel för hand är kostsamt och tidskrävande. Allteftersom spelindustrin expanderar ökar behovet av att minska produktionskostnaderna. En lösning på detta problem som det forskas om idag är procedurell generering av spelinnehåll. Kortfattat innebär detta att en algoritm gör det manuella arbetet istället för en designer. I denna uppsats presenterar vi en sådan metod för att automatisera processen att skapa kartor i digitala spel. Vår metod använder kontrollerbara agenter med blandade initiativ (dvs. designern och algoritmen turas om) för att skapa geometri. Vi använder stokastiska agenter för att skapa variation och deterministiska agenter för att garantera spelbarhet. För att kontrollera dessa agenter använder vi en uppsättning parametrar som kan manipuleras. Däröver har designern tillgång till ett antal verktyg inklusive möjligheten att låsa befintlig geometri, konvertera geometri till andra typer, lägga till geometri manuellt, och även möjligheten att använda agenter på specifika områden på kartan. Vi tittar på spelläget Battle i det digitala spelet Mario Kart 64 och visar hur vår metod kan användas för att skapa sådana kartor. Vi utförde en användarstudie på outputen från metoden och resultatet visar att kvaliteten är i allmänhet gynnsam. / The process of creating content for digital games by hand is a costly and time consumingone. As the game industry expands, the need to reduce costs becomes ever more pressing.One solution to this problem being research today is procedural generation of content.In short, this means that an algorithm does the labor rather than a designer. In thisthesis we present such a method for automating the process of creating maps in digitalgames. Our method uses controllable software agents and mixed initiative (i.e. allowingthe designer and algorithm to take turns) to create geometry. We use stochastic agentsto create variation and deterministic agents to ensure playability. To control these agentswe use a set of input parameters which can be manipulated. Furthermore, the designerhas access to a number of tools including the ability to lock existing geometry, convertgeometry to other types, add geometry manually, as well as the ability to use agents onspecific areas of the map. We look at the game mode Battle in the digital game MarioKart 64 and show how our method can be used to create such maps. We conducted auser study on the output of the method and the results show that the quality is generallyfavorable.

Reinforcement Learning for Procedural Game Animation: Creating Uncanny Zombie Movements

Tayeh, Adrian, Almquist, Arvid January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of reinforcement learning within the Unity ML Agents framework to simulate zombie-like movements in humanoid ragdolls. The generated locomotion aims to embrace the Uncanny Valley phenomenon, partly through the way it walks, but also through limb disablement. Additionally, the paper strives to test the effectiveness of reinforcement learning as a valuable tool for generative adaptive locomotion. The research implements reward functions and addresses technical challenges. It lays a focus on adaptability through the limb disablement system. A user study comparing the reinforcement learning agent to Mixamo animations evaluates the effectiveness of simulating zombie-like movements as well as if the Uncanny Valley phenomenon was achieved. Results show that while the reinforcement learning agent may lack believability and uncanniness when compared to the Mixamo animation, it features a level of adaptability that is worth expanding upon. Given the inconclusive results, there is room for further research on the topic to achieve the Uncanny Valley effect and enhance zombie-like locomotion with reinforcement learning.

New photonic architectures for mid-infrared gaz sensors integrated on silicon / Nouvelles architectures photoniques pour capteurs de gaz infrarouge intégrés sur silicium

Koshkinbayeva, Ainur 10 March 2017 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur les multiplexeurs optiques fonctionnant à mi-IR pour la source à large bande dans l'application de détection de gaz. Deux configurations ont été étudiées: réseau de guides d'onde (AWG) et réseau concave planaire (PCG). Premièrement, le principe du fonctionnement a été compris afin de développer une solution analytique pour le champ de sortie en utilisant une approximation gaussienne du champ et de l'optique de Fourier. Ensuite, un outil de simulation semi-analytique de la réponse spectrale pour les deux configurations de multiplexeur a été développé dans MATLAB. La distribution normale des erreurs de phase a été introduite dans le modèle semi-analytique AWG, ce qui nous a permis d'étudier la corrélation entre l'écart-type des erreurs de phase et le niveau de diaphonie de la réponse spectrale AWG. AWG à 5,65 μm a été fabriqué à partir de la technologie SiGe / Si à l'aide de l'outil MATLAB pour le calcul des paramètres de conception et de l'outil P.Labeye pour le calcul de la géométrie AWG. Les dispositifs avec des paramètres légèrement variables ont été caractérisés: AWG1 avec guides d'ondes de 4,6 μm et MMI de 9 μm; AWG2 avec guides d'ondes de 4,6 μm et MMI de 11 μm; AWG3 avec guides d'ondes de 4,8 μm et MMI de 9 μm. Des mesures des dispositifs sur la puce 36 (centre de la plaquette) et sur la puce 32 (côté de la plaquette) ont été effectuées et analysées. Les mesures de température de AWG2 et AWG3 (puce 32 et puce 36) aux points cinq points de température ont montré une dépendance linéaire du déplacement spectral avec la température qui a une bonne corrélation avec les prédictions de simulation. / The work focuses on optical multiplexers operating in mid-IR for broadband source in gas sensing application. Two configurations were studies – arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) and planar concave grating (PCG). First, principle of operation was understood in order to develop analytical solution for output field using Gaussian approximation of the field and Fourier Optics. Then, semi-analytical simulation tool of the spectral response for both multiplexer configurations was developed in MATLAB. Normal distribution of phase errors was introduced to semi-analytical AWG model, which allowed us to study the correlation between standard deviation of phase errors and the level of crosstalk of AWG spectral response. AWG at 5.65 µm was fabricated based on SiGe/Si technology using the MATLAB tool for design parameters calculation and P.Labeye’s tool for AWG geometry calculation. Devices with slightly varying parameters were characterized: AWG1 with 4.6 µm waveguides and 9µm MMI; AWG2 with 4.6 µm waveguides and 11µm MMI; AWG3 with 4.8 µm waveguides and 9µm MMI. Measurements of devices on chip 36 (center of the wafer) and chip 32 (side of the wafer) were performed and analyzed. Temperature measurements of AWG2 and AWG3 (chip 32 and chip 36) at points five temperature points showed linear dependence of spectral shift with the temperature which has a good correlation with simulation predictions.

Stanovení krevního tlaku pomocí chytrého telefonu / Blood pressure estimation using smartphone

Vařečka, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Blood pressure is one of the basic indicators of the health state of the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure is the main risk factor of ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke. Therefore, it is important to monitor long-term changes in blood pressure and respond in time to these changes. Blood pressure meters are not standard household equipment, while a well-equipped smartphone is. Smartphones contain a large number of sensors capable of measuring biomedical signals. This thesis focuses on creating an application capable of determining blood pressure using data obtained from these sensors.

Tile-based Method for Procedural Content Generation

Maung, David 26 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A Study on Controllability for Automatic Terrain Generators

Arnoldsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Procedural Content Generators (PCG) typically excel at generating a large amount of content in a short period of time. Whilst this is making PCG very applicable for the game industry, simplistic implementations of PCG lack in Usability whereas complex implementations of PCG lack in Controllability. The purpose of this study is therefore to deepen our understanding on the correlation between Controllability and Usability in algorithmic generators that utilizes a generic and constructive approach to generate terrain in games.Furthermore the findings in this study can be used in the field of procedural terrain generators to study deterministic generators that utilize Automatic generation, from a Usability or Controllability perspective.

Évaluation des performances thermomécaniques des enrobés bitumineux à fort taux de recyclage : Apport du procédé de régénération Fenixfalt / Evaluation of the thermo mechanical performances of bituminous mixes with high recycling rates. Contribution of Fenixfalt rejuvenation process.

Alvarado patino, Nelson Andrey 05 December 2018 (has links)
Une étude expérimentale a été effectuée sur diverses formules de trois familles d’enrobés bitumineux avec des taux de recyclage variables et la présence ou non de régénérant. La composition des mélanges et le procédé de fabrication ont été élaborés afin d’effectuer une étude comparative. L’enrobage produit des variations des paramètres physico-chimiques des liants telles que la consistance, la température de transition vitreuse, les fractions cristallisables, les taux d’aromatiques et d’asphaltènes ; ces variations sont limitées en présence de régénérant. Lorsque le taux d’AE augmente, la compactibilité et l’orniérage des mélanges diminuent et leur rigidité viscoélastique augmente, mais le régénérant limite ces variations. Globalement, les AE produisent une augmentation de la résistance à la fatigue des formules et un aplatissement des droites de Wöhler. Le régénérant améliore le paramètre de fatigue ɛ6 ; les performances en fatigue augmentent avec la TBA et l’indice colloïdal du liant ainsi qu’avec la diminution de la viscosité de l’enrobé. L’impact favorable d’un taux élevé d’AE et du régénérant sur le trafic admissible a été déterminé suite au dimensionnement d’une structure souple tri-couche. À basse température, la détérioration par les AE de la ductilité en traction et de la température de rupture par retrait empêché se trouvent limitées par le régénérant ; un compromis est cependant à trouver avec la résistance à la fatigue. Les formules régénérées mises en œuvre sur la couche de roulement d’une route départementale ont subi une moindre évolution après six ans de service que les mélanges non régénérés. / An experimental programme has been performed on three types of bituminous mixes with variable recycling rates and the possible addition of rejuvenator. The mix composition and the production process have been defined in order to perform a comparative analysis. The coating process modifies the physico-chemical parameters of the binders, like consistency, glassy transition temperature, cristallizable moiety, aromatics and asphaltenes rates; the above variations are limited by using the rejuvenator. As the RAP content increases, the compactibility and the rutting of the mixes decrease and the viscoelastic stiffness increases, but the rejuvenation reduces these variations. Globally, RAP increases the fatigue resistance of the mixes and flattens the Wöhler curve. Rejuvenation enhances ɛ6 fatigue parameter; fatigue performances increase with R&B temperature and colloidal index of the binder and as the viscous component of the mixes decreases. The positive impact of a high rate of RAP and of the rejuvenation on the allowable traffic has been evaluated from the structural design of a threelayered pavement. At low temperature, the deterioration of the tension ductility and of the stress restrained failure temperature produced by the RAP, is limited by the rejuvenation; a compromise with the fatigue resistance has to be found. The rejuvenated mixes laid as surface layers on a provincial road have experienced a smaller evolution that non rejuvenated mixes.

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