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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cell wall mediated regulation of plant cell morphogenesis : pectin esterification and cellulose crystallinity

Altartouri, Bara 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Fabrication of Model Plant Cell Wall Materials to Probe Gut Microbiota Use of Dietary Fiber

Nuseybe Bulut (5930564) 31 January 2022 (has links)
The cell wall provides a complex and rigid structure to the plant for support, protection from environmental factors, and transport. It is mainly composed of polysaccharides, proteins, and lignin. Arabinoxylan (AX), pectin (P), and cellulose (C) are the main components of cereal cell walls and are particularly concentrated in the bran portion of the grain. Cereal arabinoxylans create networks in plant cell walls in which other cell wall polysaccharides are imbedded forming complex matrices. These networks give an insolubility profile to plant cell wall. A previous study in our lab showed that soluble crosslinked arabinoxylan with relatively high residual ferulic acid from corn bran provided advantageous <i>in vitro </i>human fecal fermentation products and promoted butyrogenic gut bacteria. In the present work, arabinoxylan was isolated from corn bran with a mild sodium hydroxide concentration to keep most of its ferulic acid content. Highly ferulated corn bran arabinoxylan was crosslinked to create an insoluble network to mimic the cereal grain cell wall matrices. Firstly, arabinoxylan film (Cax-F), pectin film (P-F), the film produced by embedding pectin into arabinoxylan networks (CaxP-F), and cellulose embedding arabinoxylan matrices (CaxC-F), and embedding the mixture of cellulose and pectin into arabinoxylan networks (CaxCP-F) were fabricated into simulated plant cell wall materials. Water solubility of films in terms of monosaccharide content was examined and revealed that Cax-F was insoluble, and P-F was partially insoluble, and nanosized pectin and cellulose were partially entrapped inside the crosslinked-arabinoxylan matrices. In a further study, these films were used in an <i>in vitro </i>human fecal fermentation assay to understand how gut microbiota access and utilize the different simulated plant cell walls to highlight the role of each plant cell wall component during colonic fermentation. <i>In vitro </i>fecal samples, obtained from three healthy donors were used to ferment the films (Cax-F, P-F, CaxP-F, CaxC-F, and CaxCP-F) and controls (free form of cell wall components -Cax, P and C). The fabricated films that were compositionally similar to cell walls were fermented more slowly than the free polysaccharides (Cax and P). Besides, CaxP-F produced the highest short chain fatty acids (SCFA) amount among the films after 24 hour <i>in vitro </i>fecal fermentation. Regarding specific SCFA, butyrate molar ratio of all films was significantly higher than the free, soluble Cax and P. 16S rRNA gene sequencing explained the differences of the butyrate proportion derived from specific butyrogenic bacteria. Particularly, some bacteria, especially in a butyrogenic genera from Clostridium cluster XIVa, were increased in arabinoxylan films forms compared to the native free arabinoxylan polysaccharide. However, no changes were observed between P and P-F in terms of both end products (SCFA) and microbiota compositions. Moreover, CaxP-F promoted the butyrogenic bacteria in fecal samples compared with pectin alone, arabinoxylan alone, and the arabinoxylan film. Differences in matrix insolubility of the film, which was high for the covalently linked arabinoxylan films, but low for the non-covalent ionic-linked pectin film, appears to play an important role in targeting Clostridial bacterial groups. Overall, the cell wall-like films were useful to understand which bacteria degrade them related to their physical form and location of the fiber polymers. This study showed how fabricated model plant cell wall films influence specificity and competitiveness of some gut bacteria and suggest that fabricated materials using natural fibers might be used for targeted support of certain gut bacteria and bacterial groups.

Photoreactivity and Enhanced Toughness and Stability in Polysaccharide-Based Materials Using Metal Ion Coordination

Haddad, Carina 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Applications and Effects of Ohmic Heating: Sterilization, Influence on Bacterial Spores, Enzymes, Bioactive Components and Quality Factors in Food

Somavat, Romel 10 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Cell Wall Carbohydrate Modifications during Flooding-Induced Aerenchyma Formation in Fabaceae Roots

Pegg, Timothy Joseph 19 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Impacto del tratamiento por pulsos eléctricos de alta intensidad y altas presiones hidrostáticas sobre la calidad y seguridad microbiológica de un alimento mezcla de zumo de naranja y leche

Sampedro Parra, Fernando 07 May 2008 (has links)
La creciente demanda de alimentos con características lo más parecidas al producto fresco, está impulsando el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías "no térmicas" de conservación. Dentro de las más prometedoras se encuentran el tratamiento por Pulsos Eléctricos de Alta Intensidad (PEF) y la tecnología de Altas Presiones Hidrostáticas (HHP). Estas tecnologías permiten conservar, en mayor medida que los tratamientos térmicos, la calidad (sabor, aroma, color y vitaminas) de determinados alimentos frescos e inactivar microorganismos y enzimas, incrementando su vida útil en refrigeración y facilitando su comercialización. El objetivo general de la presente tesis doctoral ha sido estudiar la posibilidad de procesar por PEF y HHP solos o combinados con calor de una nueva bebida mezcla de zumo de naranja y leche incluyendo aspectos microbiológicos y de calidad. El plan de trabajo comenzó con la elaboración y caracterización físico-química y sensorial del nuevo producto eligiendo la formulación adecuada para desarrollar los estudios cinéticos y de vida útil. Los parámetros de calidad más importantes en los zumos de fruta son la actividad enzimática y el contenido en aroma (concentración de compuestos volátiles). En el caso del zumo de naranja la pectin metil esterasa (PME) es una de las enzimas de mayor importancia. Se evaluó el efecto del tratamiento por PEF, HHP y calor en la inactivación de PME. Todas las tecnologías estudiadas lograron un nivel de inactivación enzimática del 90%. Se observó la aparición de dos fracciones con diferente resistencia al tratamiento, por ello, el modelo bifásico fue el que mejor describió las curvas de inactivación de PME mediante tratamiento combinado de HHP y calor en el producto. Posteriormente se estudió la variación en el contenido en aroma (concentración de compuestos volátiles) tras el tratamiento de HHP, PEF y calor en el producto siendo la tecnología por PEF la que mejor preservó el aroma original del producto fresco. Una vez establecidos / Sampedro Parra, F. (2008). Impacto del tratamiento por pulsos eléctricos de alta intensidad y altas presiones hidrostáticas sobre la calidad y seguridad microbiológica de un alimento mezcla de zumo de naranja y leche [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1992

Valorisation of Watermelon and Persimmon Fruit Residues to Obtain Compounds of Interest in Food Applications

Méndez Reyes, Daniel Alexander 12 December 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido la valorización de los residuos agroindustriales de los frutos de la sandía (Citrullus lanatus) y del caqui (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) para obtener compuestos de alto valor añadido con potenciales aplicaciones tecnológicas en la industria alimentaria. En concreto, la corteza de la sandía y los descartes del caqui se contemplan como una prometedora fuente de pectina, no sólo por la importancia económica de los cultivos, sino también por las interesantes características estructurales de la pectina extraída y sus propiedades funcionales. Además, se sabe que los frutos del caqui son una fuente de compuestos bioactivos que pueden utilizarse para diseñar productos alimentarios más saludables. En la primera parte de esta tesis, se llevó a cabo una metodología de superficie de respuesta para evaluar cómo afectan los diferentes parámetros del proceso a la composición, las características estructurales y el rendimiento de extracción de la pectina de la corteza de la sandía (WRP). A partir de estos resultados, se utilizó una combinación de herramientas reológicas, microestructurales y de dispersión para dilucidar el mecanismo de estabilización de la emulsión de WRP, que fue capaz de retener altas cantidades de aceite de girasol (>60%), evitando la coalescencia y la floculación. A continuación, se evaluó el efecto de la des-ramificación contralada enzimáticamente, la des-esterificación y la eliminación de proteínas, en la composición y la estructura molecular de la WRP, y se analizó en profundidad el potencial de la pectina tratada enzimáticamente para preparar hidrogeles con la adición de CaCl2, con el fin de comprender cómo la estructura de la pectina y la composición del extracto afectaban a la formación y las propiedades del gel. Se observó que las pequeñas cadenas laterales de arabinogalactano presentes en la pectina con bajo grado de esterificación, actuaban como refuerzo, induciendo la formación de redes más densamente empaquetadas y de hidrogeles más fuertes que sus homólogos menos ramificados. La pectina de sandía tratada enzimáticamente y con mejores propiedades de gelificación y rendimiento, se utilizó posteriormente para desarrollar estructuras de aerogeles utilizando secado con CO2 supercrítico. La formación de una estructura compactada durante la formación del aerogel lo convirtió en un buen candidato como sistemas de liberación de compuestos activos. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se estudió la potencial valorización de residuos de biomasa de caqui mediante la extracción de compuestos bioactivos y extractos ricos en pectina y la evaluación de sus propiedades funcionales. Un extracto rico en polifenoles obtenido a escala semi-industrial mostró actividad antiviral y fue capaz de reducir el envejecimiento celular y el contenido de grasa sin afectar al desarrollo del organismo modelo C. elegans. Además, se optimizaron y caracterizaron las condiciones de extracción de ingredientes funcionales a base de pectina y polifenoles, cuya composición dependió de la severidad de las condiciones de extracción. Estos extractos funcionales de pectina mostraron actividad antiviral, probablemente potenciada por la mayor estabilidad de los polifenoles que forman complejos con la pectina y se exploró, de manera exitosa, su aplicación como recubrimiento comestible en arándanos. / [CAT] L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral va ser la valorització de residus agroindustrials procedents de fruites de síndria (Citrullus lanatus) i caqui (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) per obtenir compostos d'alt valor afegit amb potencials aplicacions tecnològiques en la indústria alimentària. En concret, l'escorça de síndria i els descarts de caqui es preveuen com una prometedora font de pectina, no només per la importància econòmica dels cultius, sinó també per les interessants característiques estructurals de la pectina extreta i les propietats funcionals relacionades. A més, se sap que les fruites de caqui són una font de compostos bioactius que es poden utilitzar per dissenyar productes alimentaris més saludables. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi es va dur a terme una metodologia de superfície de resposta per avaluar com els diferents paràmetres de procés afecten la composició, les característiques estructurals i el rendiment d'extracció de la pectina de síndria (WRP). A partir dels resultats, es va utilitzar una combinació d'eines reològiques, microestructurals i de dispersió per dilucidar el mecanisme estabilitzador de l'emulsió de WRP, que va ser capaç de retenir altes quantitats d'oli de gira-sol (>60%), evitant la coalescència i la floculació. A continuació, es va avaluar l'efecte del de-brassament enzimàtic controlat, la des-esterificació i l'eliminació de proteïnes sobre la composició i l'estructura molecular del WRP i es va analitzar profundament el potencial de la pectina tractada enzimàticament per preparar hidrogels amb l'addició de CaCl2 per entendre com l'estructura de la pectina i la composició de l'extracte afectaven la formació i les propietats del gel. Es va observar que les petites cadenes laterals d¿arabinogalàctans presents a la pectina amb baix grau d'esterificació, actuaven com a reforç, induint la formació de xarxes més densament empaquetades i hidrogels més forts que els seus homòlegs menys ramificats. Posteriorment es va utilitzar la pectina de l'escorça de síndria tractada enzimàticament amb millors propietats gelificants i rendiment per desenvolupar estructures d'aerogel utilitzant CO2 supercrític. La formació d'una estructura compactada durant la formació d'aerogels la va convertir en un bon candidat per als sistemes de alliberació de compostos actius. En la segona part de la tesi es va estudiar la potencial valorització dels residus de biomassa de caqui mitjançant l'extracció de compostos bioactius i extractes rics en pectina i l'avaluació de les seves propietats funcionals. Un extracte obtingut a escala semi-industrialment ric en polifenols va mostrar una activitat antiviral i va ser capaç de reduir l'envelliment cel·lular i el contingut en greixos sense afectar el desenvolupament de l'organisme model de C. elegans. A més, es van optimitzar i caracteritzar les condicions d'extracció d'ingredients funcionals a base de pectina-polifenol, la composició de la qual depenia de la gravetat de les condicions d'extracció. Aquests extractes funcionals de pectina van mostrar una alta eficiència antiviral, probablement millorada per la major estabilitat dels polifenols com a complexos de pectina. De manera exitosa, es va explorar una potencial aplicació com a recobriment comestible sobre nabius. / [EN] The aim of this doctoral thesis was the valorisation of agro-industrial wastes from watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruits to obtain high added-value compounds with potential technological applications in the food industry. Specifically, watermelon rind and persimmon discards are envisaged as a promising pectin source, not only because of the economic importance of the crops but also because of the interesting structural features of the extracted pectin and related functional properties. Furthermore, persimmon fruits are known to be a source of bioactive compounds which can be used to design healthier food products. In the first part of this thesis, a response surface methodology was carried out to evaluate how different process parameters affect the composition, structural features and extraction yield of watermelon rind pectin (WRP). Based on the results, a combination of rheological, microstructural and scattering tools was used to elucidate the emulsion stabilizing mechanism of WRP, which was able to retain high amounts of sunflower oil (>60%), avoiding coalescence and flocculation. Then, the effect of controlled enzymatic debranching, de-esterification and protein removal on WRP composition and molecular structure was evaluated and the potential of the enzymatically-treated pectin for preparing hydrogels with the addition of CaCl2 was deeply analysed in order to understand how pectin structure and extract composition affected gel formation and properties. It was observed that the small arabinogalactan side chains present in the pectin with low degree of esterification, acted as a reinforcement, inducing the formation of more densely packed networks and stronger hydrogels than their less-branched counterparts. An enzymatically-treated WRP with better gelling properties and yield was subsequently used to develop aerogel structures using supercritical CO2. The formation of a compacted structure during aerogel formation made it a good candidate for drug delivery systems. In the second part of the thesis, the potential valorisation of persimmon biomass waste through the extraction of bioactive compounds and pectin-rich extracts and the evaluation of their functional properties was studied. A semi-industrially scaled-up polyphenol-rich extract showed an effective antiviral efficiency and it was able to reduce the cellular ageing and fat content without affecting the development of C. elegans model organism. Furthermore, the extraction conditions of functional pectin-polyphenol-based ingredients were optimized and characterized, which composition was dependent on the severity of the extraction conditions. These functional pectin extracts showed high antiviral efficiency, probably enhanced by the higher stability of the polyphenols as pectin complexes. A successful potential application was explored with an edible coating on blueberries. / This research was funded by grant RTI-2018-094268-B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe". Mendez D. A. is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Minciencias) of the Colombian Government (783-2017). M. J. Fabra and A. Martinez- Abad are recipients of Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2014-158) and Juan de la Cierva (IJDC-2017- 31255), respectively, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. This work was also funded by the grant INNVAL10-19-009-CA8250 from Agència Valenciana d ́Innovació (AVI). This research is part of the CSIC program for the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the European Union, established by the Regulation (EU) 2020/2094. Interdisciplinary Platform for Sustainable Plastics towards a Circular Economy+. (PTI-SusPlast+) is also acknowledged for financial support. Project INNEST/2021/27 was granted by Agencia Valenciana de Innovación (AVI) and co- financed by the European Union through the Operative Programme of FEDER from Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020. We also appreciate the funding of the CERCA program (Centres de Recerca de Catalunya) of the Generalitat de Catalunya and from the CIEN project “BIOPRO” from CDTI. Nune Sahakyan is kindly acknowledged for experimental support / Méndez Reyes, DA. (2022). Valorisation of Watermelon and Persimmon Fruit Residues to Obtain Compounds of Interest in Food Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191334 / Compendio


Gregianin, Dóris de Oliveira 28 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Doris Oliveira Gregianin.pdf: 1718205 bytes, checksum: 59a8cb966255e87e0fa3f347f2a191cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / The increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and various cancers have been the cause of searching for changing habits in a large portion of the population, seeking the physical activity in conjunction with the consumption of healthier foods with higher nutritional content. Considering the high biological value of the proteins of sweet whey and the recognized effect in reducing risk of cardiovascular disease of soy protein, the aim of this study was to develop a mixed chocolate-soluble soybean extract dissolved in sweet whey. The different proportions of carrageenan stabilizers, pectin and tapioca starch were defined by the experimental design of mixtures simplex centroid. By optimizing the response surface was definitely the best formulation in relation to the physic-chemical and sensory parameters. The simultaneous optimization of response variables indicated that the optimal formulation should contain 46% carrageenan and 54% pectin and 0% starch, with a desirability index of 0.929. The formulation indicated for the desirability function was made with water soluble soy extract dissolved in sweet whey and; on sweet whey with reduced lactose content. Serum was hydrolyzed by the action of lactase from Kluyveromyces lactis yeast enzyme at a concentration of 2500 NLU / L in reaction 4 hr at 37 ° C. The sensory attributes were evaluated by nine points hedonic scale and attitude scale in purchase intent. For overall impression, the formulations presented average value of 7.11 ±1.09, while purchase intent the average value was 3.99 ± 1.28, and the multiple regression models proved to be predictive. The most widely accepted formulations were those who had lower viscosity and instrumental containing pectin in its constitution. The results obtained indicate that the combination of sweet whey and soy aqueous extract is a viable option for the preparation of a chocolate beverage. It was also observed that the use of cassava starch as a thickener does not interfere negatively on the rheological and sensory characteristics and; that the combined carrageenan and pectin concentrations defined predictive model ensures greater acceptability of the product. / O aumento da incidência de doenças cardiovasculares e diversos tipos de câncer tem sido a causa da procura por mudanças de hábitos em grande parte da população, buscando-se a prática de atividades físicas em conjunto com o consumo de alimentos mais saudáveis, com maior valor nutricional. Considerando o alto valor biológico das proteínas do soro de leite doce e o reconhecido efeito na diminuição de risco de doenças cardiovasculares da proteína de soja, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um achocolatado misto de extrato hidrossolúvel de soja dissolvido em soro de leite doce. As diferentes proporções dos estabilizantes carragena, pectina e amido de mandioca foram definidas pelo planejamento experimental de misturas simplex centróide. Através da otimização da Superfície de Resposta foi definida a melhor formulação em relação aos parâmetros físico-químicos e sensoriais. A otimização simultânea das variáveis de resposta indicou que a formulação ideal deveria conter 46% de carragena e 54% de pectina e 0% de amido, com um índice de desejabilidade de 0,929. A formulação indicada pela função de desejabilidade foi elaborada com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja dissolvido em soro de leite doce e; em soro doce com teor de lactose reduzido. O soro foi hidrolisado pela ação da enzima lactase proveniente da levedura Kluyveromyces lactis, na concentração de 2.500 NLU/L numa reação de 4 horas à temperatura de 37°C. Os atributos sensoriais foram avaliados pela escala hedônica de nove pontos e escala de atitude na intenção de compra. Para impressão global as formulações apresentaram valor médio 7,11 ±1,09, enquanto que para intenção de compra o valor médio foi de 3,99 ±1,28, sendo que os modelos de regressão múltipla mostraram-se preditivos. As formulações mais aceitas foram aquelas que apresentaram menor viscosidade instrumental e que continham pectina em sua constituição. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a combinação do soro doce de leite e extrato aquoso de soja é uma opção viável para a elaboração de uma bebida achocolatada. Também foi possível observar que o uso do amido de mandioca como espessante não interfere negativamente nas características reológicas e sensoriais do produto e; que a carragena e pectinas combinadas, nas concentrações definidas pelo modelo preditivo, garantem maior aceitabilidade ao produto.

Mechanisch-enzymatischer Aufschluss von Kartoffelpülpe als Bindemittel zur Herstellung von Holzwerkstoffen / Mechanical-enzymatic decomposition of potato-pulp and the utilization as adhesive for wood-based composites

Müller, Cora 30 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Towards Control of Dutch Elm Disease: dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi / dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi

Carneiro, Joyce Silva 01 August 2013 (has links)
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi is the causal agent of Dutch elm disease (DED) which has had a severe impact on the urban landscape in Canada. This research program focused on developing molecular genetic strategies to control this pathogenic fungus. The first strategy involved the development of RNA interference (RNAi) for the down-regulation of genes involved in pathogenicity. An efficient RNAi cassette was developed to suppress the expression of the endopolygalacturonase (epg1) locus which encodes a cell-wall degrading enzyme. This epg1-RNAi cassette significantly reduced the amount of polygalacturonase activity in the fungus and resulted in almost complete degradation of epg1 mRNA. The need for a native promoter to selectively down-regulate specific gene loci was addressed by developing a carbon-catabolite regulated promoter (alcA) to drive the expression of the epg1-RNAi cassette. The expression of an alcA-driven epg1-RNAi cassette resulted in the down-regulation of epg expression under glucose starvation but normal levels of expression in high glucose. The expression could therefore be controlled by culture conditions. The second strategy explored the potential of using dsRNA viruses to vector disruptive RNAi cassettes. An isolate of O. novo-ulmi strain 93-1224 collected in the city of Winnipeg, was infected by two dsRNA mitoviruses which upon sequence characterization were named OnuMV1c and OnuMV7. To assess the transmissibility of this dsRNA virus the infected isolate 93-1224 was paired with three naive isolates of the related fungi O. ulmi and O. himal-ulmi. Through the use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers it was determined that the virus OnuMV1c may not rely on mitochondrial fusion for transmission but may have a cytoplasmic transmission route. This investigation of gene expression and manipulation has provided tools to help understand gene regulation in O. novo-ulmi. It has also added to our knowledge of mitoviruses, their transmission and potential use as a biological control. By enhancing our understanding of transmissible hypovirulence this work contributes to efforts to develop a new approach to target DED as well as a potential model for the control of other fungal diseases. / Graduate / 0307 / 0306 / 0369 / jscarneiro@hotmail.com

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