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Densidade de plantas e fornecimento de nitrogênio para a cultivar de feijão-comum superprecoce BRS FC104 / Densit of plants and nitrogen supply for the super early common bean cultivation BRS FC104Gonzaga, Augusto César de Oliveira 15 December 2017 (has links)
Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de feijão-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e o grão é produzido em todo território nacional. Em seu cultivo predominam sistemas de produção com baixo índice de adoção de tecnologia e uso de insumos, porém existe uma parcela de produtores tecnificados. Com o lançamento da cultivar de feijão-comum superprecoce BRS FC104 estudos de manejo específicos para ela fizeram-se necessários. O objetivo deste estudo foi de determinar a melhor densidade de plantas para a cultivar; a responsividade da cultivar frente a inoculação das sementes com as estirpes SEMIA 4077, SEMIA 4080 e SEMIA 4088 de Rhizobium tropici; e a melhor época e dose de nitrogênio que deve ser aplicada em cobertura para expressão máxima da produtividade de grãos, dos demais componentes de produtividade, da espessura dos grãos e do teor de proteínas dos grãos nos cultivos de 1ª e 3ª safras. O incremento do número de plantas por hectare aumentou a produtividade de grãos, seja com ou sem a inoculação. A inoculação das sementes com as estirpes SEMIA 4077, SEMIA 4080 e SEMIA 4088 de Rhizobium tropici não apresentou resultados satisfatórios para as variáveis estudadas. A aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura é uma prática fundamental para se obter ganhos em produtividade de grãos na 3ª safra. A aplicação de nitrogênio na germinação das sementes reduziu a população final de plantas. / Brazil is the world’s largest producer of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and grain is produced throughout the country. In its cultivation, systems of production with low index of technology use and inputs use predominate, but there is still a portion technified producers. With the launching of super early common bean cultivation BRS FC104 management studies specific for it are needed. The objective of this study is to determine the best density of plants for a cultivation; a responsiveness of the cultivation to seed inoculation with SEMIA 4077, SEMIA 4080 and SEMIA 4088 of Rhizobium tropici strains; and the best time and nitrogen dose that should be applied in coverage for maximum expression of grain yield, other productivity components, grain thickness and grain protein content in 1st and 3rd crop crops. The increase in number of plants per hectare increased grain yield, either with or no inoculation. Seed inoculation with the strains SEMIA 4077, SEMIA 4080 and SEMIA 4088 of Rhizobium tropici did not present satisfactory results for the studied variables. The application of nitrogen under cover is a fundamental practice to obtain gains in grain yield in the 3rd crop. The application of nitrogen in the germination of the seeds reduced the final population of plants. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Indução de resistência em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) por acibenzolar-S-metil e Bacillus cereus: aspectos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e parâmetros de crescimento e produção\" / Resistance induced in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) by acibenzolar-S-methyl and Bacillus cereus: physiological and biochemical aspects, growth and production parametersOdair José Kuhn 26 February 2007 (has links)
A indução de resistência envolve a ativação de mecanismos de defesa latentes existentes nas plantas em resposta ao tratamento com agentes bióticos ou abióticos. As plantas apresentam sistema de defesa induzível, com a finalidade de economizar energia. Desse modo, a resistência induzida em condições naturais representará custo apenas na presença do patógeno. Porém, plantas que investem seus recursos para se defenderem na ausência de patógenos arcarão com custos que refletirão na produtividade, uma vez que as alterações metabólicas que levam a resistência apresentam custo adaptativo associado, o qual pode pesar mais do que o benefício. O efeito negativo na produtividade ocorre principalmente onde indutores químicos são utilizados repetidas vezes ou em doses mais elevadas. Assim, em alguns casos podemos estar caminhando sobre uma estreita linha entre custo e benefício, onde a cura pode ser tão ruim quanto a própria doença. Neste trabalho foram conduzidos experimentos objetivando verificar alterações bioquímicas e fisiológicas, correlacionando-as com parâmetros de produção do feijoeiro entre a indução mediada por acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), indutor químico, e, a mediada por Bacillus cereus, indutor biológico, antes da chegada do patógeno. Para tanto, foram avaliados plantas de feijão, induzidas por esses dois indutores e desafiadas com Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, para constatar a ocorrência do fenômeno da indução de resistência. Na ausência do patógeno, foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos respiração e fotossíntese, determinada a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no processo de defesa como peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase e a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no catabolismo como proteases, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo secundário como fenóis totais e lignina, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo primário como proteínas e açúcares redutores. Também se avaliou o crescimento das plantas, a produtividade e parâmetros de produção e alguns parâmetros de qualidade dos grãos. Observou-se a ocorrência da indução de resistência em função da aplicação dos dois indutores utilizados, porém para o indutor ASM a indução de resistência estava associada a aumentos na atividade de peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase e proteases, aumento da síntese de lignina e redução no teor de fenóis, aumentos no teor de proteínas solúveis e de açúcares redutores nas folhas, redução do crescimento e da produtividade, aumento do teor de proteína dos grãos e redução do teor de amido nestes. Já o B. cereus apenas ocasionou aumento na atividade de peroxidase de forma atenuada e tendeu a aumentar a atividade de proteases, e reduzir o teor de proteínas nas folhas sem interferir no crescimento ou na produtividade, mas reduziu o teor de proteína dos grãos, mas aumentou o teor de amido nestes. Portanto, o indutor B. cereus , aparentemente alterou muito pouco o metabolismo do feijoeiro, sem interferir na produtividade e melhorando a qualidade da produção, enquanto que o indutor abiótico ASM alterou muito mais seu metabolismo, gerando um custo metabólico e redirecionando os fotoassimilados para investir em defesas, a custo da redução da produtividade. / The induction of systemic resistance involves the activation of latent resistance mechanisms in plants against pathogens in response to the treatment with biotic or abiotic agents. The plants present latent defense system that can be activated with the goal of saving energy. Thus, the induced resistance under natural conditions will represent cost only in the pathogen presence. In this way, plants that invest their resources to defend themselves in the absence of the pathogen will pay off with costs that will reflect in productivity, since the metabolic changes that led to resistance have associated fitness cost which could outweigh the benefit. The negative effects on plant productivity usually occur when chemical inducers are used repeatedly or in higher doses, mainly in the absence of the pathogen. Thus, we can say that in some cases we can be walking on a fine line between cost and benefit, where the cure may be as bad as the disease itself. In this work, experiments were carry out to verify biochemical and physiologic alterations, correlating them with production parameters of bean plants treated with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), chemical inducer, or Bacillus cereus , biological inducer, before the pathogen arrival. Initially, bean plants were evaluated for induced resistance against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli when treated with the two inducers. In the absence of the pathogen, it was evaluated the physiological parameters respiration and photosynthesis and the activity of enzymes involved in the defense as peroxidase, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and polifenoloxidase and activity of enzymes involved in the catabolism as proteases, and the synthesis of compounds of the secondary metabolism as phenols and lignin, and the synthesis of compounds of the primary metabolism as proteins and sugars. The growth of the plants was evaluated as well as their productivity and production parameters. Some quality parameters of the grains were also evaluated. The occurrence of the resistance induced in the bean plants against the pathogens was observed for the two inducers. However, for the ASM the resistance induced was associated to increases in peroxidase, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities, increase in the protease activity, increase in lignin synthesis and reduction in the phenol content, increase in soluble proteins and sugar content in the leaves, reduction of the growth and productivity, increasing the protein and reducing the starch content of the grains. The B. cereus only increased peroxidase activity in a lower way and showed a tendency to increase protease activity, and to reduce the protein content in the leaves without interfering in the growth or in the productivity, but it reduced the protein content and it increased the starch content of the grains. Therefore, the biotic inducer, B. cereus altered a minimum the metabolism of the bean plant, without interfering in the productivity and improving the quality of the production, while the abiotic inducer ASM altered its metabolism, generating a metabolic cost and consuming the plant photosyntathes to invest in defenses, causing a reduction in the productivity.
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Vliv teploty na růst rostlin: výukové protokoly modelových pokusů / The effect of temperature on plant growth: teaching protocols of model experimentsMáhrlová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the creation of model tasks (by means of an experiment) for the study of biology at secondary schools and concerns the effects of temperature on plant growth. The selected tasks utilize the new didactic approach by means of the so called inquiry based education. This method of teaching contributes to the development of individual deduction reasoning and encourages the students to actively think about the subject matter. The thesis provides the necessary theoretical background for the topic together with the description of methods and material needed for the conducting the experiments. Furthermore, the thesis describes the necessary instructions and procedures to conduct the experiment and its use in the secondary school teaching practice and presents the requisite methodical guidelines and worksheets for them. Simultaneously, the thesis verifies the didactic applicability of the experiment and the worked out materials through a questionnaire survey and monitored application of the model tasks at secondary schools. The main result of this diploma thesis is a modern, functional and verified method of teaching for high school about the effects of temperature on plant growth in accordance with modern approaches to education, which include own experiments, their...
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Isoflavonsynthasa: přítomnost a aktivita v bobovitých a nebobovitých rostlinách / Isoflavonsynthasa: přítomnost a aktivita v bobovitých a nebobovitých rostlináchPičmanová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Isoflavone synthase (IFS; CYP93C) plays a key role in the biosynthesis of the plant secondary metabolites, isoflavonoids. These phenolic compounds, which are well-known for their multiple biological effects, are produced mostly in leguminous plants (family Fabaceae). However, at least 225 of them have also been described in 59 other families, without any knowledge of orthologues to hitherto known IFS genes from legumes (with the single exception of sugar beet - Beta vulgaris, from the family Chenopodiaceae). In view of these facts, this masters thesis has focused on two main objectives: (1) to identify isoflavone synthase genes in selected leguminous and non-leguminous plants exploiting the PCR strategy with degenerate and non-degenerate primers, and (2) to find a system for the verification of the correct function of these genes. Our methodology for the identification of IFS orthologues was successfully demonstrated in the case of two examined legumes - Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Pachyrhizus tuberosus (Lam.) Spreng, in the genomic DNA of which the complete IFS sequences have been newly identified. To design a procedure for ascertaining the correct function of these genes and others once they have been completely described, a pilot study with IFS from Pisum sativum L. (CYP93C18; GenBank number...
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The Physiological and Developmental Effects of Sulfur Nutrition and Light Intensity on Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms in <i>Phaseolus Vulgaris</i>Harney, Dennis James 17 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Cell Wall Carbohydrate Modifications during Flooding-Induced Aerenchyma Formation in Fabaceae RootsPegg, Timothy Joseph 19 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Cultivos para el cambio climático: selección y caracterización de variedades de judía (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) y Phaseolus lunatus tolerantes a la sequía y salinidadArteaga Castillo, Sugenith Margarita 28 June 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Durante siglos de cultivo en la Península Ibérica después de su introducción en el siglo XVI, las judías se adaptaron a nuevos entornos, evolucionando numerosas variedades locales. Se evaluaron cultivares españoles locales de Phaseolus lunatus (frijol lima) y su resistencia a la salinidad, en dónde se expusieron las plantas a varios tratamientos de sal, con el fin de evaluar el efecto de la salinidad en el crecimiento y el rendimiento del cultivo. Se observó que el estrés salino redujo el peso fresco de los órganos aéreos, lo que permitió clasificar los cuatro genotipos según su tolerancia a la salinidad. la prolina aumentó en todos los cultivares, más notablemente en el cv. VPH-79, con las concentraciones absolutas más altas registradas en los cultivares más tolerantes a la sal. Estos hallazgos indican que P. lunatus es moderadamente tolerante a la sal y que sus principales mecanismos para adaptarse al estrés salino son el mantenimiento de altas concentraciones de K+ y la acumulación de prolina en las hojas.
Por otra parte, se analizaron en invernadero 24 genotipos locales de P. vulgaris de España durante dos temporadas consecutivas. De cada genotipo, se cultivaron cinco plantas y se caracterizaron (17 rasgos cuantitativos y 15 cualitativos) utilizando los descriptores del IBPGR. Los resultados obtenidos indican una alta variabilidad para la mayoría de los rasgos, especialmente los relacionados con el rendimiento y sus componentes.
Además, se analizaron las respuestas a los tratamientos por déficit hídrico y estrés salino, en cuanto a inhibición del crecimiento y contenido de prolina foliar (Pro), en 47 genotipos de Phaseolus vulgaris de diferentes orígenes. Para la mayoría de las variables de crecimiento analizadas y Pro, los efectos del cultivo, el tratamiento y sus interacciones fueron altamente significativos (p<0.001); los rasgos morfológicos de las raíces, el diámetro del tallo y el número de hojas se debieron principalmente a una variación incontrolada, mientras que la variación del peso fresco y el contenido de agua de los tallos y las hojas fue inducida claramente por el estrés. Bajo las condiciones experimentales, los efectos promedio del estrés salino sobre el crecimiento de las plantas fueron relativamente más débiles que los del déficit hídrico. . Pro, por su parte, fue la única variable que mostró una correlación negativa con todos los parámetros de crecimiento, pero particularmente con los de tallos y hojas mencionados anteriormente, como lo indican los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson y los PCA. Se propone el uso de Pro como un marcador bioquímico adecuado para exámenes simples, rápidos y a gran escala de genotipos de judía, para excluir los más sensibles, aquellos que acumulan concentraciones más altas de Pro en respuesta a tratamientos de estrés hídrico o salino.
Asimismo, se han analizado las respuestas a la salinidad en seis cultivares de judía común: cuatro variedades locales de España y dos líneas experimentales de Cuba. La prolina fue usada para clasificar la tolerancia de los cultivares, Las concentraciones de azúcares solubles totales variaron con los tratamientos y entre los genotipos, pero fue difícil evaluar su papel en la tolerancia al estrés de las plantas analizadas. Los cambios en el contenido de malondialdehído (MDA) no indicaron peroxidación de la membrana inducida por sal como resultado del estrés oxidativo secundario; en consecuencia, no se detectó acumulación de compuestos fenólicos totales y flavonoides, como mecanismo de defensa antioxidante. Estos resultados destacan la confiabilidad del uso de prolina como marcador bioquímico del estrés salino en judía y la importancia del mecanismo relacionado con el transporte de potasio a las hojas para conferir tolerancia al estrés a algunos cultivares de judía. / [CA] Durant segles de cultiu a la Península Ibèrica després de la seva introducció en el segle XVI, les mongetes es van adaptar a nous entorns, evolucionant nombroses varietats locals. Es van avaluar conreessis espanyols locals de garrofó (fesol llima) i la seva resistència a la salinitat, a on es van exposar les plantes a diversos tractaments de sal, per tal d'avaluar l'efecte de la salinitat en el creixement i el rendiment de l'cultiu. Es va observar que l'estrès salí va reduir el pes fresc dels òrgans aeris, el que va permetre classificar els quatre genotips segons la seva tolerància a la salinitat. la prolina augmentar en tots els conreessis, més notablement en el cv. VPH-79, amb les concentracions absolutes més altes registrades en els conreessis més tolerants a la sal. Aquestes troballes indiquen que P. lunatus és moderadament tolerant a la sal i que els seus principals mecanismes per adaptar-se a l'estrès salí són el manteniment d'altes concentracions de K + i l'acumulació de prolina en les fulles.
D'altra banda, es van analitzar en hivernacle 24 genotips locals de P. vulgaris d'Espanya durant dues temporades consecutives. De cada genotip, es van conrear cinc plantes i es van caracteritzar (17 trets quantitatius i 15 qualitatius) utilitzant els descriptors de l'IBPGR. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen una alta variabilitat per a la majoria dels trets, especialment els relacionats amb el rendiment i els seus components.
A més, es van analitzar les respostes als tractaments per dèficit hídric i estrès salí, pel que fa a inhibició de l'creixement i contingut de prolina foliar (Pro), en 47 genotips de Phaseolus vulgaris de diferents orígens. Per a la majoria de les variables de creixement analitzades i Pro, els efectes de l'cultiu, el tractament i les seves interaccions van ser altament significatius (p <0.001); els trets morfològics de les arrels, el diàmetre de la tija i el nombre de fulls es van deure principalment a una variació incontrolada, mentre que la variació de l'pes fresc i el contingut d'aigua de les tiges i les fulles va ser induïda clarament per l'estrès. Sota les condicions experimentals, els efectes mitjana de l'estrès salí sobre el creixement de les plantes van ser relativament més febles que els de el dèficit hídric. . Pro, per la seva banda, va ser l'única variable que va mostrar una correlació negativa amb tots els paràmetres de creixement, però particularment amb els de tiges i fulles esmentats anteriorment, com ho indiquen els coeficients de correlació de Pearson i els PCA. Es proposa l'ús de Pro com un marcador bioquímic adequat per a exàmens simples, ràpids i a gran escala de genotips de mongeta, per excloure els més sensibles, aquells que acumulen concentracions més altes de Pro en resposta a tractaments d'estrès hídric o salí.
Així mateix, s'han analitzat les respostes a la salinitat en sis conreessis de mongeta comú: quatre varietats locals d'Espanya i dues línies experimentals de Cuba. La prolina va ser usada per a classificar la tolerància dels conreessis, Les concentracions de sucres solubles totals van variar amb els tractaments i entre els genotips, però va ser difícil avaluar el seu paper en la tolerància a l'estrès de les plantes analitzades. Els canvis en el contingut de malondialdehid (MDA) no van indicar peroxidació de la membrana induïda per sal com a resultat de l'estrès oxidatiu secundari; en conseqüència, no es va detectar acumulació de compostos fenòlics totals i flavonoides, com a mecanisme de defensa antioxidant. Aquests resultats destaquen la fiabilitat de l'ús de prolina com a marcador bioquímic de l'estrès salí en jueva i la importància de l'mecanisme relacionat amb el transport de potassi a les fulles per conferir tolerància a l'estrès a alguns conreessis de mongeta. / [EN] During centuries of cultivation in the Iberian Peninsula after their introduction in the 16th century, beans adapted to new environments, evolving numerous landraces.In this study was also evaluated the resistance to salinity of several local Spanish cultivars of Phaseolus lunatus L. (lima bean). Plants were subjected to various salt treatments and growth and biochemical parameters were determined. It was observed that salt stress reduced the fresh weight of aerial organs, which allowed us to classify the four genotypes according to their tolerance to salinity. In addition, proline increased in all cultivars, most notably in cv. VPH-79, with the highest absolute concentrations recorded in the most salt tolerant cultivars. These findings indicate that P. lunatus is moderately salt tolerant and that its main mechanisms for adapting to salt stress are the maintenance of high K+ concentrations and proline accumulation in leaves.
In studies conducted in this research project, 24 landraces of P. vulgaris from Spain were analyzed in greenhouses during two consecutive seasons. From each genotype, five plants were grown and characterized for 17 quantitative and 15 qualitative traits using IBPGR descriptors. . The results obtained indicate high variability for most of the traits, especially those related to yield and its components.
On the other hand, this study analyzed the responses to water deficit and salt stress treatments, in terms of growth inhibition and leaf proline (Pro) content, in 47 Phaseolus vulgaris genotypes of different origins. For most of the growth variables analyzed and Pro, the effects of cultivar, treatment and their interactions were highly significant (p <0.001); root morphological traits, stem diameter and number of leaves were mainly due to uncontrolled variation, whereas variation in fresh weight and water content of stems and leaves was clearly induced by stress. Under our experimental conditions, the average effects of salt stress on plant growth were relatively weaker than those of water deficit. . Pro, in turn, was the only variable that showed a negative correlation with all growth parameters, but particularly with those of stems and leaves mentioned above, as indicated by Pearson's correlation coefficients and PCAs. We propose the use of Pro as a biochemical marker suitable for simple, rapid, large-scale screening of bean genotypes to exclude the most sensitive, those that accumulate higher concentrations of Pro in response to water or salt stress treatments.
In addition, responses to salinity were analyzed in six common bean cultivars: four local varieties from Spain and two experimental lines from Cuba. Proline was used to rank the relative tolerance of the cultivars. Concentrations of total soluble sugars varied with treatments and among genotypes, but it was difficult to assess their role in stress tolerance of the plants tested.. Changes in malondialdehyde (MDA) content did not indicate salt-induced membrane peroxidation as a result of secondary oxidative stress; consequently, accumulation of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, as an antioxidant defense mechanism, was not detected. These results highlight the reliability of the use of proline as a biochemical marker of salt stress in common beans and the importance of the mechanism related to potassium transport to leaves in conferring stress tolerance to some common bean cultivars. / Arteaga Castillo, SM. (2021). Cultivos para el cambio climático: selección y caracterización de variedades de judía (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) y Phaseolus lunatus tolerantes a la sequía y salinidad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168450 / Compendio
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Mapping QTL for root rot resistance, root traits, and morphological trait in a common bean recombinant inbred populationHagerty, Christina H. 13 March 2013 (has links)
Root rot diseases of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are a problem wherever they are grown, and are a major constraint to dry edible and snap bean production. Root rot is a primary yield limitation of snap bean production in the US, especially within the top three snap bean producing states of Wisconsin, Oregon and New York. Bean root rot pathogens will be present by the end of the first season even when starting with clean ground. The decline in yield can be relatively slow, so growers might not notice or appreciate the hidden yield cost associated with root rot disease. Traditional methods for disease control such as fungicides, crop rotations, cover crops, seedbed preparations have been proven ineffective (either physically ineffective or economically unviable) against root rot. Therefore, genetic resistance is needed. In order to address the need for genetic resistance to root rot in snap beans, the highly root rot resistant line RR6950, a small seeded black indeterminate type IIIA accession of unknown origin, was crossed with OSU5446, a highly root rot susceptible determinate type I blue lake four-sieve breeding line to produce the RR138 recombinant inbred mapping population. In this study we evaluated the RR138 RI population in the F₆ generation for resistance to Fusarium solani root rot in Oregon and Aphanomyces euteiches root rot in Wisconsin. We also evaluated this population for morphological traits and root structural traits including pod height, pod width, pod length, pod wall thickness, strings, seed color, flower color, tap and basal root diameter, and root angle measurements.
The RR138 population was also genotyped on the 10K BeanCAP Illumina Beadchip. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data was used to assemble a high-density linkage map and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for phenotypic data were evaluated. The linkage map produced from this study contained 1,689 SNPs across 1,196cM. The map was populated with 1 SNP for every 1.4cM, spanning across 11 linkage groups. Three QTL associated with A. euteiches root rot resistance were consistently expressed in 2011 and 2012 trials. A. euteiches QTL were found on Pv02, Pv04, and Pv06 and accounted for 7-17% of total genetic variation. Two QTL associated with F. solani were found in 2011 trial on Pv03 and Pv07, account for 9 and 22% of total genetic variation, respectively. We also found several QTL for morphological traits and root structural traits including QTL for pod fiber and pod height on Pv04, pod length on Pv01, strings on Pv01, taproot diameter on Pv05, and shallow basal root angle on Pv05, accounting for 21, 26, 12, 20, 11, and 19% of total genetic variation, respectively. QTL discovered from Oregon data for F. solani resistance did not cluster with QTL for A. euteiches root rot resistance. "SNP0928_7", was highly associated with F. solani resistance on Pv07 and "SNP0508_2", was highly associated with A. euteiches on Pv02. QTL and markers associated with QTL from this study will be of value to snap bean breeders developing root rot resistant lines with processing traits, and provide more information about targeting the mechanism of resistance. / Graduation date: 2013
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Improving resistance to Fusarium root rot [Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. f. sp. phaseoli (Burkholder) W.C. Snyder & H.N. Hans] in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Mugisha, Clare Mukankusi. January 2008 (has links)
Fusarium root rot (FRR) disease, caused by the fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (FSP), is an important soil-borne disease reducing common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yields, and hence food security, in Uganda and elsewhere in developing countries where the crop is grown without fungicides. The key aim of this study was to elucidate the significance of bean root rot (BRR), appraise methods for screening germplasm for resistance to FRR, determine the genotypic variability of resistance, and the inheritance of resistance to FRR in common bean. This information was deemed useful in devising an appropriate strategy for breeding FRR resistance in beans. A participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted in south-western and eastern Uganda to ascertain farmers’ awareness of BRR and their influence on preferred bean varieties. Bean root rot is considered to be the most devastating and most recognised disease, especially in south-western Uganda. Control measures for BRR were very minimal, and in some cases, non-existent. Use of resistant varieties to control the disease was not evident, because the most popular varieties were susceptible to the disease. The resistant bean varieties currently available have undesirable characteristics such as small seed size, black seed and late maturity. Large-seeded bean varieties, even though cited as being more susceptible to BRR than the small-seeded varieties, are still very popular. The study highlighted the need for breeding FRR resistance in the large-seeded bean varieties that are highly preferred by farmers. Four isolates of FSP (FSP-1, FSP-2, FSP-3 and FSP-4) were tested for pathogenicity under screenhouse and laboratory conditions. In addition, three methods of storing and maintaining the viability of FSP isolates were appraised. The isolate FSP-3, was found to be the most pathogenic, resulting in 100% disease incidence on all bean varieties tested, with high severity scores. The potato dextrose agar (PDA) slants stored at 5oC were found to be the best method of storage for pathogenic isolates. The FSP-3 isolate was subsequently utilised for screening bean lines for resistance to FRR. The influence of soil composition, irrigation frequency, and inoculation technique on the severity of FRR was studied on six bean lines. Interactions of irrigation frequency, soil composition, and bean lines were not significant. The 50% swamp soil:50% forest soil composition and forest soil alone categorized the varieties most distinctly according to their reaction to FRR. Also, the best distinct classification for the varieties was obtained under treatments that were watered daily and once in a week. Based on economic considerations, the standard forest soil and daily irrigation were subsequently adopted for screening bean germplasm for resistance to FRR. It was also found that sorghum seed as a medium for pathogen inoculation was better than the agar slurry medium. One hundred and forty seven common bean varieties were evaluated for resistance to FRR (isolate FSP-3) under screenhouse conditions. In order to confirm this resistance, 46 common bean lines selected from the screenhouse trial were further evaluated using natural inoculum in a BRR-infested field. Forty-four varieties comprising ten large-seeded, four medium-seeded and 30 small-seeded varieties showed moderate resistance to FRR; but none were resistant or immune to the disease. Based on adaptability, eight moderately resistant varieties were selected for use as parents in the study of inheritance of resistance to FRR. A 12 x 12 diallel mating design was utilised to develop 66 F1 and F2 populations, plus their reciprocal crosses, with the aim of studying the mode of inheritance of resistance to FRR. The F1 and F2 progeny evaluations showed that FRR resistance was mainly governed by additive genes in most populations. However, there were a few crosses which displayed highly significant specific combining ability (SCA) effects, implying that dominant effects were important in some populations. Maternal effects were also highly significant at both the F1 and F2 generations, suggesting that resistance was modified by cytoplasmic genes. The non-maternal effects were also significant in some populations, suggesting that the cytoplasmic genes were interacting with nuclear genes. The number of genes governing resistance to FRR varied from two to nine among the eight sources of resistance. The allelism test of resistant x resistant populations, and the observation of continuous distributions of severity scores, suggested the presence of many loci governing FRR resistance in beans. Broad sense heritability of disease resistance varied from 0.22-0.69, while heritability in the narrow sense was estimated as 0.35-0.49 in the populations. These results suggested that selection and backcrossing to both parents would be the best breeding procedures for improving resistance in the popular large-seeded bean varieties in Uganda. However, there could be complications in breeding for resistance to FRR in beans, because resistance was modified by cytoplasmic gene effects and their interaction with nuclear genes in some of the populations. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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Indicadores microbiológicos e bioquímicos da qualidade do solo em transição para cultivo orgânico de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Microbiological and biochemical indicators of the quality of ground transitioning to organic cultivation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)ROSA, Joyce Rover 30 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-30 / The soil quality indicators analyses during and after the transition period of
conventional to organic production system are very important to evaluated the
sustainability of agricultural systems. Soil microbiological and biochemical indicators
shall quickly indicate changes occurred on both, soil management and production
systems. The objective of this work was to evaluated shifts on microbiological and
biochemical soil indicators of a conventional common bean production system in
transition to an organic system, under conventional and non-tillage soil management
systems after cover crops. Total enzymatic activity (AET), betaglucosidase activity
(betaglucosidase), acid fosfatase activity (fosfatase), carbon (CBM) and nitrogen
(NBM) of the microbial biomass, the basal soil respiration (RBS) and the metabolic
quotient (qCO2) were evaluated on soil samples collected at tillage common bean cycle.
The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Rice and Beans, in Santo Antônio de Goiás
GO, and it was also collected soil samples in a secondary forest area close to the
experiment to be used as a reference. The content of carbon and nitrogen of the soil
microbial biomass, as well as, microbial and enzymatic activities in conventional and
non-tillage systems were independent of the cover crop specie used. Under the
experimental conditions, the soil management systems did not show effect in the
enzymatic and microbial soil activities. The total and acid fosfatase enzymatic activities
of the cropped soils were lower than in the forest soil. The betaglucosidase enzymatic
activity was higher in cropped soil than under forest soil in the raining season and lower
in the dry season. The soil tillage performed before common bean sowing promoted
shifts on the CO2 efflux from soil to the atmosphere, which was verified by an increase
on both, basal soil respiration and metabolic quotient. / A análise da qualidade do solo durante e após o período de transição de um sistema
produtivo convencional para um sistema orgânico é importante como indicador de
sustentabilidade. Indicadores microbiológicos e bioquímicos da qualidade do solo
devem responder rapidamente a mudanças no manejo e alterações nos sistemas de
produção. Assim, este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações nos
indicadores microbiológicos e bioquímicos do solo em um sistema de produção em
transição para cultivo orgânico do feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), sob sistema
de preparo convencional (SPC) e direto (SPD) do solo, após o manejo de diferentes
plantas de cobertura de solo. Avaliaram-se a atividade enzimática total (AET), a
atividade de betaglicosidase (β-glicosidase) e de fosfatase ácida (Fosfatase), o carbono
(CBM) e o nitrogênio (NBM) da biomassa microbiana, a respiração basal do solo (RBS)
e o quociente metabólico (qCO2) em amostras de solo coletadas durante o ciclo de
cultivo do feijoeiro comum. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão,
em Santo Antônio de Goiás GO e área de mata nativa próxima ao ensaio foi utilizada
como referência. O teor de carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana no solo, assim
como de atividades microbianas e enzimáticas avaliadas, tanto sob SPD quanto sob
SPC, foi independente da espécie de planta de cobertura de solo utilizada. Nas
condições testadas, o sistema de preparo de solo não teve influência na atividade das
enzimas do solo e nem na atividade microbiana do solo. No solo agricultável testado, a
atividade enzimática total e de fosfatase ácida foi menor do que em solo não
agricultável. No período chuvoso, a atividade de betaglicosidase foi maior em solo
agricultável do que em solo não agricultável e menor no período seco. O preparo do
solo para a semeadura do feijoeiro comum provocou aumento da perda de gás
carbônico, verificado em decorrência de aumento na respiração basal do solo e no
quociente metabólico.
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