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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Územní studie krajiny jako nástroj řešení krajiny v územním plánování / Landscape planning study as a tool for physical planning

Masojídková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the new tool Landscape planning study for the municipality with extended competence. The main aim of this work is to find out, how Landscape planning study can be used, who can use it and how it may change the landscape. The thesis uses the case study methods of three selected municipalities with extended competence, namely Votice, Humpolec and Vodňany. The theoretical part discusses the concept of landscape and anchoring in planning activities. In next part, the thesis deals with the basic forms of tools that regulate the planning and using of landscape in Czechia, focusing mainly on spatial planning. Furthermore, the thesis deals with models that currently affect space planning, namely top-down and bottom-up models. Two basic hypotheses of the diploma thesis are set based on theoretical frameworks. There are two qualitative research methods used in the practical part of the thesis. The first method is the analysis of Landscape planning studies, second method are semi-structured interviews with selected respondents. The results of both methods show that Landscape planning study can be used only to a limited extent, mainly as an information source. However, the implementation rate of specific measures is very low now. The identified causes are the lack of...

Tryggheten vid busshållplatsen : En studie om tryggheten vid busshållplatser i Umeås lokalbusstrafik / Safety at the bus stop : A study of the safety at bus stops in Umeå’s local bus traffic

Ögren, Markus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the safety was regarded by the public at three differently located bus stops in Umeå’s local bus traffic. Umeå is in the context a medium sized town located in the northern of Sweden.    The study was conducted through interviews at bus stops in three different locational districts within Umeå’s municipal borders. Vasaplan, Ålidhem and Röbäck. The bus stops differentiate from one another through means of population density, location, repute, and the availability of amenities in the area. A total of 38 recipients was interviewed at these bus stops, the questions asked to the recipients treated how the safety was perceived according to the time of the day at each location, if they had been exposed to or observed any alarming events at the bus stops as well as which attributes, they thought could increase or decrease said safety at the bus stop.    The data has been analyzed through the theoretical approaches of grounded theory. The result concludes that there are differences in the perceived safety between the bus stops. Röbäck was in many regards considered the safest bus stop. Whereas the definition in the safety between Vasaplan and Ålidhem was more difficult to define. The result also contains the attributes which the recipients have opinionated contributed most to the safety at the bis stop in both a positive and a negative way. The safety at the bus stop was largely dependent upon the time of the day, as evenings were when most recipient felt unsafe in the transit environments.

Landsbygdskommuners utmaningar gällande offentlig upphandling : En studie baserad på samhällsplanerares erfarenheter och åsikter

Liverstad, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
I drygt 200 år har det skett en kraftig urbanisering i Sverige. Det här skiftet i befolkningsunderlag har lett till omställningar i landet, inte minst hos landsbygdskommunerna. Ett fortsatt minskande invånarantal där äldre blir en allt större andel leder till att det är svårare för kommunen att hitta rätt kompetens och kommunens arbete och ekonomiska styrka kan därav bli lidande. En kommun är skyldig att tillhandahålla vissa tjänster, en av vilka är fysisk planering som innefattar översikts-, områdes- och detaljplanering. Inom dessa planarbeten behövs det bland annat göras olika typer av mark- och vattenutredningar som antingen kommunen själv utför eller som upphandlade konsulter utför åt dem.  Den här studien undersöker huruvida personer som jobbar med fysisk planering i Sveriges landsbygdskommuner upplever utmaningar med sin upphandlingsprocess. Studien undersöker vilka dessa utmaningar kan vara, vilka bidragande faktorer som ligger bakom samt vad som anses kunna vara lösningen. För att ta reda på detta utfördes en enkätundersökning hos de svenska landsbygdskommunerna med syftet att samla information om upplevelser och erfarenheter från människor som arbetar med detta. Den insamlade datan jämfördes sedan mot tidigare forsknings som gjorts. Det framkommer att urbaniseringen lett till att landsbygdskommuner inte har den ekonomiska kraft de skulle behöva för att sköta sin verksamhet optimalt. Där fysiska planerare behöver utföra upphandlingar trots bristande tid eller kompetens för att skriva ett gediget förfrågningsunderlag, något som konsulter kan utnyttja vid anbudsgivningen. Enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av de svarande upplever att deras upphandlingar till stor del blir dyrare än förutspått. Sett till regeringens mål med den offentliga upphandlingen bör det enligt detta krävas ändringar, då deras mål är att utnyttja skattepengar på bästa sätt. / For just over 200 years there has been a heavy urbanisation in Sweden. This shift of people moving from rural areas to cities has led to the country having to adapt and rural municipalities more so. A continued decreasing population but growing number of elderlies makes it harder for these municipalities to find the right competence, which can lead to the decline of economic strength and tasks within the municipality. A municipality is required by law to provide certain services, one of which is spatial planning containing comprehensive-, area regulation- and detailed development planning. Working with these plans can sometimes require different kinds of investigations regarding both land and water, which the municipality can do themselves or by purchasing the service through consultants. This study examines whether people who work with spatial planning in Sweden's rural municipalities experience challenges with their procurement process. It also examines what these challenges may be and what the basis and solution to this is. In this study, a survey was conducted among these rural municipalities in order to obtain information about experiences and challenges from those who work with them. This was then set against research where one could draw parallels between the two. It appears that urbanization has led to these municipalities not having the financial power it would need to run its operations optimally. Where spatial planners need to make procurements despite a lack of time or competence to write a tender document, something that consultants can exploit when bidding. The common picture among those who responded to the survey was that their procurements for the majority will be more expensive than predicted. Looking at the government's goals with public procurement, changes must be made in order to reach their goal to use tax money in the best way possible. / <p>2022-06-29</p>

Strategisk kommunal planering som förhindrar fortsatt bostadssegregation : Utmaningar och möjligheter inom planeringsstrategier

Waller, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Housing segregation implicates that people with socioeconomic similarities live in the same residential area, which divides the society in a way that creates unequal childhood and living conditions. Research shows that the segregation, despite continued engagement from authorities and other organisations, is increasing. A major part of the efforts against housing segregation has been focusing on individual issues and solutions. Research shows that housing segregation however should be tackled through concurrent working arrangements regarding two concepts,structural barriers and individual preferences. The purpose of this study is to show how municipal planning strategies contribute to counteract housing segregation. The goal is to compare municipal strategy documents to scientific research in the area. In that way the hope is to chart how possibilities and challenges regarding structural barriers as well as individual preferences can be taken into account to optimize the continued work forward.The study is delimited to the two largest municipalities of the Gävleborg county in Sweden. The major method used was a qualitative content analysis of three subjectively chosen municipal strategy documents. The analysis was prepared by producing key concepts based on underlying causes to housing segregation according to scientific research in the field. The key concepts were divided into several key words. The qualitative content analysis was then accomplished by reading the documents and gather all relevant text units according to the key concepts and key words. The second part of the method was about compiling the strategies into SWOT analyses where strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were summarized. The results showed that strategies by both Sandviken´s and Gävle´s municipalites contain efforts regarding structural barriers as well as individual preferences. In the discussion the strategies were connected to the scientific research in the area. That generated a discussion about how segregation is an issue of complexity making it complicated to concretise both in relation to causes and solutions. Even the most thought out strategy can lead to unexpected results which some of them are only possible to evaluate decades later. Therefore, the conclusion was that there is no complete and full answer to the research question about how municipal planning strategies contribute to counteract housing segregation. However, both municipalities show indication of a decrease of housing segregation, based on today´s research.To further develop this study, interviewing representatives from the municipals could have explored the strategies from another angle. Comparing representative’s approaches to the document´s approaches towards the subject could have enriched the results, but also made it possible to raise the question of the document´s silence.Keywords: Segregation, housing segregation, physical planning, mixed landuse / Bostadssegregation innebär att människor med liknande socioekonomiska egenskaper bor i samma område, vilket delar upp samhället på ett sätt som skapar ojämlika uppväxt- och levnadsvillkor. Forskning visar att segregationen trots ett fortsatt engagemang från såväl myndigheter som andra verksamheter ökar. Stor del av insatserna mot bostadssegregation har å andra sidan fokuserats till enskilda insatser, medan tidigare forskning visar att bostadssegregation bör tacklas genom samverkande åtgärder både gällande samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser. Studiens syfte är att synliggöra hur kommunala planeringsstrategier bidrar till att förhindra bostadssegregation. Målet är att jämföra kommunala strategidokument med forskningsteoretiskt underlag för att kartlägga vilka möjligheter och utmaningar avseende både samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser som kan tas i beaktning för att optimera det fortsatta arbetet framåt. Arbetet avgränsades till region Gävleborgs största kommuner; Gävle och Sandviken. Den huvudsakliga metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tre subjektivt valda kommunala strategidokument. Analysen förbereddes genom att framställa nyckelbegrepp som genomgående lyftes som bakomliggande orsaker till bostadssegregation enligt tidigare forskning inom ämnet, och som delades in i ytterligare nyckelord. Därefter genomfördes innehållsanalysen genom att läsa samtliga dokument och plocka ut relevanta textenheter som rörde de förvalda nyckelbegreppen och nyckelorden. Den andra delen av metoden innebar att sammanställa strategierna i SWOT-analyser där styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot sammanfattades. Resultatet visade att strategier av både Sandvikens och Gävle kommun innehåller åtgärder mot både samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser som får en samverkande effekt. I diskussionen drogs kopplingar mellan kommunens strategier och tidigare forskning, vilket genererade en diskussion om hur segregation innefattar en komplexitet som gör att det är svårt att konkretisera både gällande orsaker och lösningar, även genomtänkta strategier mot bostadssegregation riskerar att få oväntade resultat som vissa kan utvärderas först decennier senare. Således drogs slutsatsen att framtida forskning och årens gång krävs för ett komplett svar på frågan om hur de kommunala planeringsstrategierna bidrar till att förhindra fortsatt bostadssegregation som studien syftade till. Däremot har kommunernas strategier potential och goda förutsättningar för att lyckas. För att vidareutveckla arbetet hade intervjuer med kommunerna kunnat undersöka kommunernas strategier från en annan vinkel. Att jämföra dokumentens och kommunrepresentanters förhållningssätt till frågan hade kunnat ge ett ytterligare djup till resultatet men även synliggöra eventuell tystnad i dokumenten.

Människors upplevelser av (o) trygghet på Busstorget i Kista – en viktig kollektiv trafikknutpunkt : En fallstudie av Kista centrum

Omer, Mohamed Ali January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate individuals' experiences of safety at Kista bus station. The study aimed to provide answers to the research questions of whether individuals perceive safety at Kista bus station and on the way to and from the bus station, if there is a difference in perceived safety between men and women, and during daytime and nighttime, and how well the results from the observation analysis aligned with the results from the survey. In this study, I chose to use a case study design which involved studying a specific location and focusing on the specific place of Kista bus station. A combination of various methods such as survey, observation analysis, and literature review were used in this work to facilitate the study of the location. This combination provided a deeper understanding of the functions and conditions of the location, as such a type of combination of methods helps to study the research questions from different perspectives. Thus, these methods used in this study contributed to validate the results. The conclusion of this study was that Kista bus station is relatively safe currently, but some areas around the station are perceived as unsafe.

Da região à metrópole: o território desenhado pelos modelos conceituais / From region to metropolis: the territory designed by conceptual models

Beloto, Gislaine Elizete 05 May 2015 (has links)
O plano regional de colonização e os planos estaduais de desenvolvimento que incidiram no norte do estado do Paraná entre o período de 1930 e 1970 são tomados, nesta tese, como objeto de reflexão e como expressão de referências teóricas e discursivas. Ao percorrer as propostas de cunho físico-territorial, esta pesquisa mostra a articulação entre os componentes \"cidade\" e \"região\" derivada da sequência de alterações dos modelos conceituais adotados nos planos. As referências teóricas e conceituais que dão suporte à constituição dos modelos, e que foram identificadas nestes planos, são a cidade-social de Ebenezer Howard e sua versão cidades-satélites; e a concepção de polo de desenvolvimento, baseada nos escritos de François Perroux, e sua variante metrópole de equilíbrio. Do modelo de descentralização da rede de cidades para o modelo de polarização do território, o que se mostrou foi o aumento de importância que a \"cidade\" foi adquirindo como objeto do plano em oposição ao que ocorria com a \"região\" desde o plano inglês de colonização do norte do estado, atingindo o auge com a proposta de construção de uma metrópole linear. O que fica evidente nesta tese é a relatividade dos componentes do plano em relação ao conceito adotado. / The regional colonization plan as well as the State development plans applied to the north of Paraná State (Brazil) between 1930 and 1970 are taken, in this thesis, as objects of reflection and the expression of theoretical and discursive references. By wandering along the territorial proposals, this study shows the articulation between the components \"city\" and \"region\" derived from a sequence of alterations in the conceptual models adopted in the plans. The theoretical and conceptual background that provided support to the constitution of the models, identified in these plans, were Ebenezer Howard\'s social-city and its version satellite towns; and the concept of development pole, based on the writings of François Perroux, and its variant metropolis of equilibrium. From the city network decentralization model to the territorial polarization model, it was possible to observe that the \"city\" became increasingly more important as the object of the plan, in opposition to what happened to the \"region\", since the English plan for the colonization of the north of the State, reaching the height with the proposal to construction of a linear metropolis. What becomes evident from this thesis is the relativity of the components of the plan in relation to the adopted concept.

Da região à metrópole: o território desenhado pelos modelos conceituais / From region to metropolis: the territory designed by conceptual models

Gislaine Elizete Beloto 05 May 2015 (has links)
O plano regional de colonização e os planos estaduais de desenvolvimento que incidiram no norte do estado do Paraná entre o período de 1930 e 1970 são tomados, nesta tese, como objeto de reflexão e como expressão de referências teóricas e discursivas. Ao percorrer as propostas de cunho físico-territorial, esta pesquisa mostra a articulação entre os componentes \"cidade\" e \"região\" derivada da sequência de alterações dos modelos conceituais adotados nos planos. As referências teóricas e conceituais que dão suporte à constituição dos modelos, e que foram identificadas nestes planos, são a cidade-social de Ebenezer Howard e sua versão cidades-satélites; e a concepção de polo de desenvolvimento, baseada nos escritos de François Perroux, e sua variante metrópole de equilíbrio. Do modelo de descentralização da rede de cidades para o modelo de polarização do território, o que se mostrou foi o aumento de importância que a \"cidade\" foi adquirindo como objeto do plano em oposição ao que ocorria com a \"região\" desde o plano inglês de colonização do norte do estado, atingindo o auge com a proposta de construção de uma metrópole linear. O que fica evidente nesta tese é a relatividade dos componentes do plano em relação ao conceito adotado. / The regional colonization plan as well as the State development plans applied to the north of Paraná State (Brazil) between 1930 and 1970 are taken, in this thesis, as objects of reflection and the expression of theoretical and discursive references. By wandering along the territorial proposals, this study shows the articulation between the components \"city\" and \"region\" derived from a sequence of alterations in the conceptual models adopted in the plans. The theoretical and conceptual background that provided support to the constitution of the models, identified in these plans, were Ebenezer Howard\'s social-city and its version satellite towns; and the concept of development pole, based on the writings of François Perroux, and its variant metropolis of equilibrium. From the city network decentralization model to the territorial polarization model, it was possible to observe that the \"city\" became increasingly more important as the object of the plan, in opposition to what happened to the \"region\", since the English plan for the colonization of the north of the State, reaching the height with the proposal to construction of a linear metropolis. What becomes evident from this thesis is the relativity of the components of the plan in relation to the adopted concept.

"Bron som aldrig byggts" : En undersökning av samhällsdebatten angående bron till Sandön i Luleå skärgård år 1960-2018.

Nyberg, Maria January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Stadsdelsförnyelse i Norra Björksätra, Sandviken

Blomberg, Christian, Wigren, Lena January 2007 (has links)
<p>The housing estates in the outskirts of Sandviken, consist of relatively large scale apartment buildings. This report, that is a B.A. thesis at 10 Swedish university points, aims to investigate and describe the opportunities to improve safety and security for inhabitants in Norra Björksätra. The purpose with this report is to make Norra Björksätra to a more attractive place to live in, by changing the negative trends in the area. Since demolition of at least some of the houses could be of current interest in some years; the purpose is also to investigate whether demolition or renewal of the area is the best solution. The main methods that are used for this investigation is Botrygg05 and Trygghetsvandring. There is also lots of scientific evidence, that have been used, that proves security and safety can be improved with cost saving changes in the physical structure of the area. The report shows that efforts must be done in the illumination of the area and especially in the parking areas and along footpaths. Further more the vegetation, facades and the yards between the houses, are important factors that today affect the feeling of security and safety in a negative way. A variety of renewal proposals are presented in this report and two different approaches for renewal of the area are suggested. Finally, conclusions are made that not only physical changes can remove the negative trends in areas like Norra Björksätra. Social efforts and activities are important factors as well, and without the comprehensive approach of urban renewal projects like this can fail. Since this kind of urban areas often have social problems and simultaneously need an increased popularity to keep and attract inhabitants, the social work and public relations efforts are important.</p> / <p>Huskomplexen i utkanten av Sandviken består av relativt storskaliga hyreshusområden. Målet med denna rapport, som är en C-uppsats på 10 poäng, är att utreda och beskriva möjligheterna till att förbättra säkerheten och tryggheten för de boende i Norra Björksätra. Arbetet syftar till att göra Norra Björksätra till ett mer attraktivt bostadsområde och därigenom vända de negativa trender som finns i området. Då beslut om rivning hotar åtminstone delar av området, syftar denna rapport även till att utreda huruvida rivning eller stadsförnyelse är den bästa lösningen. Botrygg05 och Trygghetsvandring har huvudsakligen använts för att ta fram resultatet i denna rapport. Även vetenskapliga rapporter har använts för att validera resultat och teser som presenteras i denna rapport. Den vetenskapliga grunden pekar tydligt på att det går att förbättra trygghet och säkerhet genom fysiska åtgärder. Undersökningen visar att insatser måste göras med förbättrad belysningen i området och då särskilt på parkeringsplatser och längs gång- och cykelbanor. Även vegetation, fasader och gårdar mellan husen, är faktorer som idag påverkar trygghets- och säkerhetskänslan på ett negativt sätt. Flera förnyelseförslag presenteras och två sätt att angripa förnyelsen föreslås. Slutligen dras slutsatserna att inte endast fysiska åtgärder kan avvärja den negativa trend som har uppkommit i Norra Björksätra. Sociala åtgärder och aktiviteter är minst lika viktigt som de fysiska åtgärderna, och utan en helhetssyn på stadsförnyelse riskerar arbeten som detta att fallera. Sociala insatser och marknadsföring är av största vikt för Norra Björksätra fortlevnad, då denna typ av områden ofta är drabbade av sociala problem och samtidigt är beroende av en ökad popularitet för att kunna attrahera nya hyresgäster.</p>

Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKB

Sundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
<p>When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material.</p><p>The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.</p>

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