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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från 300 ord till 30 sekunder : En studie om TikTokifieringen av nyheter

Andén, Clara, Kjellander, Ella January 2023 (has links)
TikTok är idag den mest populära nyhetskällan bland barn och ungdomar i Sverige och allt fler nyhetsmedier etablerar sig på plattformen. För att anpassa sig efter TikTok-formatet behöver nyhetsmedierna producera en ny typ av journalistiskt innehåll. Underhållande och engagerande element, förenkling och personifiering är medel som TikTok premierar. Denna studie avser därför att undersöka hur Aftonbladets nyheter på deras sajt och TikTok-konto skiljer sig åt och jämföra hur samma nyheter paketeras på de olika plattformarna. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse kring vad som reduceras och vad som adderas när en webbartikel TikTokifieras. Frågeställningarna syftar till att svara på om fördjupningen i nyheterna skiljer sig åt och i så fall hur, hur paketeringen av innehållet skiljer sig åt audiovisuellt samt hur innehållet skiljer sig åt retoriskt på respektive plattform. För att svara på frågeställningarna har en metodtriangulering tillämpats bestående av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 126 analysenheter varav 12 av dessa kommer att analyseras djupare genom en kompletterande kvalitativ analys. Den kvalitativa metoden består av en multimodal analys med sociosemiotisk inriktning ur ett massmedieretoriskt perspektiv. Studien tar avstamp i teorierna om platformization, infotainment och medielogik. Teorierna om multimodalitet, sociosemiotik samt retorik används som utgångspunkter i operationaliseringen av den kvalitativa multimodala analysen. Resultatet visar att när en nyhet TikTokifieras reduceras fördjupningen till stor del. Dessutom adderas flera semiotiska modaliteter och semiotiska resurser som, till skillnad från webbartiklarna på Aftonbladets sajt, främst appellerar till pathos, alltså känslor. Slutsatserna i denna studie berättar att paketeringen av webbartiklarna skiljer sig åt markant från TikTok-inläggen. Skillnaden kan bero på TikTok-publikens flyktiga nyhetskonsumtion och plattformens algoritmer som gör att innehållet behöver paketeras på ett sätt som leder till att inlägget blir viralt och därmed når sin publik. När en nyhet TikTokifieras adderas därför element som syftar till att väcka känslor och skapa engagemang.

#Fyp: Dåliga Nyheter med Krimtema : En studie om nyhetsurval och nyhetsvärdering på TikTok

Ahlén, Lisa, Collin, Alva January 2023 (has links)
Aftonbladet, Expressen and TV4 Nyheterna are the largest Swedish news media on TikTok, and this essay focuses on how these media outlets evaluate news and what the news selection looks like on the platform. We proceeded from the theory of commercialization, news evaluation and agenda setting in combination with previous research on news evaluation and news selection on social media to answer our questions. A method triangulation worked well in this essay, where the quantitative part answered the question of news selection, while the qualitative part answered the question of news evaluation. The quantitative part is based on 300 TikTok clips and the qualitative part is based on 5 interviews with journalists. The results show that crime is the most common news genre on the app and that the news evaluation is greatly influenced by the target group and the design of the platform. The result also showed that bad and surprising news are the most recurring news values according to the news selection and that news that takes place in Sweden are the most common. Social, political, and economic issues are the news that engages the audience the most and can be seen in the number of shares, likes and comments. The commercialization of journalism is also prominent in the journalists' evaluation of the news on TikTok, as well as which news is published. However, further research is required to understand the relationship between news rating and news selection on TikTok, as well as additional aspects such as framing and angle.

Från broadcast till TikTok : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Lilla Aktuellts värderingav nyheter

Yakoob, Marjam, Jansson, Towa January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar Lilla Aktuellts nyhetsvärdering under tidsperioden 9 maj 2023 till 22 februari 2024. Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att jämföra nyhetsvärderingen i Lilla Aktuellts sändningar och TikTok-videoklipp. Sociala medier har påverkat människors nyhetskonsumtion och där antalet barn och unga som får sina nyheter från sociala medier plattformar har ökat. Vårt teoretiska ramverk baseras på Håkan Hvitfelts teori om nyhetsvärdering, där 10 punkter omfattar hans kriterier för nyhetsvärdering. Teorin om medielogik har tillämpats för att se vilka skillnader i utförande som sker när man byter plattformar.   Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys kodade vi Lilla Aktuellts 100 sändningar och 100 TikTok-videoklipp. I studien undersöker vi ämnen som förekommer i både broadcast och på TikTok, vilken ordning dessa ämnen placeras i och till sist vilka aktörer som kommer till tals i både programmet och TikTok. I vårt resultat för nyhetsvärderingen framkommer det att båda plattformarna tenderar att fokusera på ämnen inom nöje/kultur, sport och samhälle. Utifrån vårt resultat för de som kommer till tals har vi kommit fram till att barn och elitpersoner är de två största aktörerna.

Exploring In/Dependency in the Digital Platform Era: Nordic Public Service Media Navigating the Success of Social Media News

Forsström, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores how journalists and managers at Nordic public service organizations perceive successful news reporting through third-party social media. The aim is to contribute to the understanding of digital platform dependencies among public service organizations. Previous research has conceptualized digital journalistic epistemologies and examined specific methods of news production on platforms, highlighting concerns about journalistic autonomy in spaces influenced by third-party interests. This thesis employs a qualitative, exploratory approach to investigate the social media strategies and understandings of success at Nordic public service media organizations YLE, SVT, NRK, RÚV, and DR. Through semi-structured interviews, the study reveals an ongoing negotiation between editorial objectives and platform logics in social media news reporting. Journalists view success as engaging with the target audience, while managers emphasize credibility and relevance in a shifting media landscape. Further, the perceptions of journalists and managers are compared, highlighting a possible negotiation between the managerial and operational levels. The study revisits public service media news-making in a Nordic context, contributing to the fields of digital journalism studies and digital platform studies.

Hittar du kärleken? : En studie om människors sociala interaktion i en digital dejtingera / Have you found love? : A study about people's social interaction in an era of digital dating

Ho, Sophia, Cederholm, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Intima relationer sker nu ofta via mobila dejtingappar, vilket kräver att människor navigerar i ny teknologi, men det möjliggör även för utforskning av intimitet. Ett exempel på detta är hur Tinder, en av de mest populära applikationerna för dejting, har blivit en representation för nätdejting i vardagliga konversationer på 2000-talet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Tinders sociotekniska struktur ser ut och hur användare uppfattar applikationens struktur och design. Studien använder en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi i form av enkäter följt av en genomgångsmetod för att observera applikationens struktur, funktioner och design. Enkäten fick totalt 102 svar. Utifrån studiens resultat och analys kan det stora användandet av applikationen bero på två faktorer. Det första är hur applikationens struktur och design är uppbyggd. Tinder har (1) underlättat den sociala interaktionen med hjälp av dess kärnfunktioner, (2) använder färre element som leder till snabba beslutstagande och (3) anpassat applikationen utifrån spelliknande egenskaper. Utifrån resultatet av datainsamligen kan det indikera att Tinders anpassning till plattformisering och Web 2.0 haft en påverkan på hur användare upplever hur social interaktion ska ske och därigenom påverka hur interaktioner skapas och relationer byggs. / Intimate relationships take place on mobile dating apps, requiring people to navigate new technology, but also the opportunity for exploration of intimacy. An example of this is how Tinder, one of the most popular applications for dating, has become a representation for online dating in everyday conversations in the 21st century. The aim of this study is to investigate the sociotechnical structure of Tinder and how users perceive the structure and design of the application. The study uses a quantitative research strategy in the form of surveys followed by a walkthrough method to observe the application's structure, features and design. The survey received a total of 102 responses. Based on the results and analysis of the study, the high usage of the application may be due to two factors. The first is the structure and design of the application. Tinder has (1) facilitated social interaction through its core features, (2) used fewer elements that lead to quick decision-making, and (3) adapted the application based on game-like features. Based on the results of the data collection, it may indicate that Tinder's adaptation to platforming and Web 2.0 has had an impact on how users perceive social interaction to occur, thereby influencing how interactions are created and relationships are built.


CLAUDIA MARIA MONTEIRO MONTENEGRO 18 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é analisar o impacto das redes sociais no jornalismo. Constatamos o processo de transformação do jornalismo em rede para a jornalismo plataformizado, com a transposição da notícia para o sistema de funcionamento das plataformas que, por sua vez, se apropriam, desagregam e redistribuem as notícias de maneira personalizada para os usuários pelo uso de algoritmos. Ainda sem conseguir encontrar uma solução financeira para se inserir neste novo ecossistema midiático, os jornais se adaptam ao domínio das plataformas digitais, assumindo uma posição resumida pelo presidente da Associação Nacional de Jornais, Marcelo Rech, como Too Big to Boycott (grande demais para boicotar). A expressão foi tão representativa do que observamos que escolhemos como título desta dissertação. Apresentamos os diversos desafios pelos quais passam as organizações jornalísticas, em suas diversas camadas. A sociedade, impactada pelas novas tecnologias, passa por mudanças estruturais e o jornalismo, como uma instituição social, também se transforma. O objeto empírico foi o jornal O Globo. Fizemos um percurso pelo processo de digitalização do jornal desde a estreia do site em 1996 até 2019. Com foco na atuação nas redes sociais, realizamos uma observação participante das rotinas produtivas na redação. Utilizamos as técnicas de pesquisas qualitativa e quantitativa, para levantarmos e analisarmos os critérios de noticiabilidade utilizados pelos jornalistas na seleção das notícias para o Facebook e o Instagram. Exploramos tanto os elementos intrínsecos – os valores-notícia – quanto os valores extrínsecos aqueles que estavam presentes no processo escolha. / [en] The objective of this master s thesis is to analyze the impact of social media on journalism. We perceived the process of transforming network journalism into platform journalism, with the transposition of the news to the operating system of the platforms that, in turn, appropriate, disaggregate and redistribute the news in a personalized way for users through the use of algorithms. Still unable to find a financial solution to insert themselves in this new media ecosystem, newspapers adapt to the domain of digital platforms, assuming a position summarized by the president of the National Association of Newspapers, Marcelo Rech, as Too Big to Boycott. The expression was so representative of what we observed that we chose it as the title of this work. We present the different challenges undergone by journalistic organizations, in their different layers. Society, impacted by new technologies, goes through structural changes and journalism, as a social institution, follows suit. The empirical object was the newspaper O Globo. We took a journey through the digitalization process of the newspaper from the website s debut in 1996 until 2019. Focusing on social media, we made a participant observation of the productive routines in the newsroom. We made use of the techniques of qualitative and quantitative research to survey and analyze the news criteria used by journalists in the selection of news for Facebook and Instagram. We explored both the intrinsic elements - the news values - and the extrinsic values to those that were present in the selection process.


CARMEM LUCIA BARRETO PETIT 31 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese, examinamos como as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) se desenvolveram na China a partir de especificidades históricas, do papel do Estado e das empresas privadas de tecnologia, organizadas dentro de uma economia de plataformas, considerada setor estratégico para a política de modernização empreendida pelo Estado chinês. Esta pesquisa está situada no subcampo da Economia Política da Comunicação (EPC), derivada da Crítica da Economia Política que, por seu caráter transversal a diferentes campos das Ciências Sociais, pode fornecer ferramentas importantes para compreender fenômenos comunicacionais e culturais nas novas configurações das sociedades informacionais. Definimos como objetivos deste trabalho reconstruir o caminho do desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na China nos séculos XX e XXI e seus impactos econômicos e políticos, além de examinar como se estruturam as big techs chinesas e suas versões globais, suas características e como tais empresas privadas se relacionam com o Estado. Utilizamos como procedimentos metodológicos a pesquisa bibliográfica e a análise documental, contemplando uma literatura que permite olhar a China a partir de sua experiência imperial e revolucionária, além de discussões conceituais sobre plataformas e o processo de enraizamento de estruturas digitais na vida cotidiana, chamado de plataformização. A análise de documentos permitiu mapear o estado da plataformização na China, os desafios, os tensionamentos e como isso se articula dentro da nova onda de progresso técnico com consequências diretas sobre dinâmicas de produção e de acumulação de capital. Concluímos que, embora o desenvolvimento das TICs tenha conduzido a China a desafios semelhantes aos enfrentados por países ocidentais como a formação de monopólios de empresas de plataformas, cujos modelos de negócios estão amparados na coleta e análise massiva de dados, há especificidades importantes que não permitem o mero espelhamento das estruturas das plataformas chinesas com as ocidentais, notadamente as estadunidenses. Tendo tomado, inicialmente, as plataformas dos EUA como inspiração, as chinesas aproveitaram brechas dentro da organização chinesa para desenvolver arranjos absolutamente particulares nos níveis social e econômico e também político. / [en] In this thesis, we examine how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have developed in China based on historical specificities, the role of the State and private technology companies structured within a platform economy model, considered a strategic sector for the modernization policy deployed by the Chinese State. This research is situated in the subfield of the Political Economy of Communication (PEC) context, which derives from the Critique of Political Economy, which in turn, due to its transversal nature across different fields of Social Sciences, it can provide important tools to understand communication and cultural phenomena in the new configurations of information societies. The objectives of this work are to reconstruct the path of development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in China in the 20th and 21st centuries, and to examine their economic and politic impacts. Additionally, the study will analyze how Chinese big techs and their global versions are structured, their characteristics, and how such private companies relate to the State. In this research, we use bibliographic research and documentary analysis as methodological procedures, contemplating literature that allows us to look at China from its imperial and revolutionary experience, as well as conceptual discussions on platforms and the process of embedding digital structures in everyday life, called platformization. Document analysis allowed us to map the state of platformization in China, the challenges, the tensions, and how this articulates within the new wave of technical progress with direct consequences on production dynamics and capital accumulation. We conclude that although the development of ICTs has led China to challenges similar to those faced by Western countries, such as the formation of platform company monopolies, whose business models are supported by massive data collection and analysis, there are important specificities that do not allow a mere reflection of Chinese platform structures with Western ones, notably American ones. Having initially taken inspiration from North American platforms, the Chinese have taken advantage of gaps within the Chinese organization to develop arrangements that are absolutely particular at the social, economic and political levels.

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