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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thinking Through the Ecological Crisis with Hannah Arendt

Tsuji, Rika 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation offers a philosophical analysis of the ecological crisis through the lens of Hannah Arendt. It frames the ecological crisis as a struggle for situated cohabitation. By analyzing the work of Arendt, this dissertation shows the ways in which the ecological crisis is entwined with the political crisis of plurality. I suggest that these two issues are interconnected and that we need to address both for situated cohabitation. This dissertation is an interdisciplinary work, drawing from environmental philosophy, feminist philosophy, and educational practice. The work is intended to provide novel insight into the current ecological crisis in three ways. First, it grounds its theory in the work of Arendt, a thinker not usually situated in the prevue of environmental scholarship. Second, by synthesizing Arendt's account of plurality with the work of Judith Butler and Ricardo Rozzi, this dissertation explores a politics of plurality that can take account of social and ecological conditions of plurality. Third and finally, the dissertation merges theory with praxis by offering a practical program for doing environmental philosophy with children, a program derived from my sustained experiences working as a facilitator of a philosophy for children (P4C) program. This dissertation does not seek just a theoretical understanding of the ecological crisis, but also a practice of situated cohabitation in the crisis.


Padilla-Reyes, Ramon E., D 10 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

PLURALIDADE CULTURAL: LIMITERS E POSSIBILIDADES NA PRÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA / PLURALIDADE CULTURAL: LIMITERS E POSSIBILIDADES NA PRÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA / PLURALIDADE CULTURAL: LIMITERS E POSSIBILIDADES NA PRÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA / limits and possibilities in pedagogical practices / limits and possibilities in pedagogical practices / limits and possibilities in pedagogical practices

Lima, Eliane Brito de 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1_ElianeBritoDeLima_Intro_AnexoD.pdf: 3685528 bytes, checksum: ab82e1e5af861ef2f01cf024fb05684b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / Interest in the problems concerning the relationships between cultural diversity and school life is increasing in academic circles as a special theme within the search for a truly democratic school. The aim of this work was to analyze pedagogical practices of elementary school teachers, verifying how cultural plurality is treated in the classrooms of municipal schools of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. The analysis initially focused on different conceptions of multiculturalism and interculturalism, as well as on the proposal of the cross-curricular theme Cultural Plurality, which is part of the national curriculum for elementary grades, emergent within the educational policy framework of the 1990s. A qualitative multicase study of two schools was carried, with data collection from the observation of four classrooms, two in each of the selected schools, focusing on teachers pedagogical practices. A pedagogical work dynamic that varied between postures, practices and discourses of cultural homogenization and attempts to contemplate the diversity present in the classroom was verified. Overall, the research evidenced pedagogical practices that favored the construction of a multi/intercultural critical education based on a dialogical and difference inclusive perspective, as well as challenges that still need to be overcome. / A problemática das relações entre diversidade cultural e cotidiano escolar vem conquistando um espaço cada vez mais crescente no meio acadêmico, tornando-se um tema de especial relevância na busca de uma escola verdadeiramente democrática. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar as práticas pedagógicas de professoras das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, verificando como é tratada a pluralidade cultural em sala de aula, em escolas da rede municipal de Campina Grande-PB. Partimos da análise das diferentes concepções de multi/interculturalismo, bem como da proposta de Pluralidade Cultural como tema transversal, integrante dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de 1ª a 4ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, elaborados pelo Ministério da Educação, no cenário da política educacional da década de 1990. Adotamos a pesquisa qualitativa, realizando um estudo multicaso, envolvendo duas escolas municipais de Campina Grande. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de observações em quatro turmas, sendo duas em cada uma das escolas selecionadas, focalizando a prática pedagógica das professoras. Em nossa investigação, verificamos uma dinâmica de trabalho que oscila entre posturas, práticas e discursos que ora reforça a homogeneização cultural, ora demonstra o interesse e/ou esforço das professoras para contemplarem a diversidade presente no cotidiano da sala de aula. A pesquisa possibilitou-nos evidenciar práticas pedagógicas que favorecem a construção de uma educação multi/intercultural crítica, fundamentada numa perspectiva dialógica, onde as diferenças possam conviver, embora também aponte inúmeros desafios a serem superados, diante do contexto histórico, político, econômico e sociocultural no qual estamos inseridos/as.

Deconfigurations: the practice of repetition as confirmation of (re)productive (art)works

Swanepoel, Pieter Johan 30 November 2002 (has links)
This study will argue that visual art and the making of images share much With other languages. If writing can be deoonstructed, visual Imagery can be deconfigured, for figuring an image is much like structuring a sentence. The process of deconfiguration however relies on repetition. DeconflguratiOn therefore denies any claim of a primary creator. It will be argued though that deconfiguratlon remains creative as it engages the imagination in a process of transference and through association. Moreover, deconfiguration shows how binary opposites are essential In the making of artworks. The repetitive process takes place when the artwork Is made and continues during the appreciation and/or interpretation of the artwork. For the interpretation to really deconfigure, it would mean that the image constituted by the artist has metaphorical, allegorical and even symbolical implications. The interpreter will thus always remain a partidpant in the creative process suggested by the artwork. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Pluraliteit binne die sewendedag-adventistekerk

Horn, Ruan 30 November 2005 (has links)
Die doel van die verhandeling is om pluraliteit binne die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk aan te toon. Die konsep "pluraliteit" word gebruik om verskille en groepvorming aan te toon, terwyl die konsep "pluralisme" verwys na 'n ideologiese standpunt ten opsigte van pluraliteit. Verskille en groepvorming is kenmerkend van die Milleriete of Adventbeweging waaruit die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk ontwikkel het. Die oortuiging dat die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk die "oorblyfselkerk" is, lei daartoe dat Adventiste eksklusief aanspraak maak op die "waarheid". Gevolglik staan die "oorblyfselteologie" voor die uitdaging om verskille en groepvorming sinvol te verdiskonteer. Daar is tans polarisasie rondom verskillende sake. Sewendedag-Adventiste sal dit voordelig vind om dialoog te voer oor die moontlikhede wat 'n prakties-teologiese benadering bied in die hantering van pluraliteit. Teorievorming wat die empiriese werklikhede verdiskonteer sal bydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teologie wat kennis neem van die mens se behoeftes binne sy leefwêreld. Die benaderings van Van der Ven en Tracy word bespreek. / The aim of the dissertation is to create awareness regarding plurality within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The concept "plurality" refers to differences and group forming, while "pluralism" refers to an ideological view regarding plurality. Differences and disputes were very much part of the Millerites or Advent movement out of which the Seventh-day Adventist Church developed. The conviction that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is God's remnant church leads to the exclusive "truth" claim of Adventists. Consequently, the remnant theology is facing the challenge to deal with differences and group forming in a constructive manner. Presently there is polarization within the church on various issues. Seventh-day Adventists will find it beneficial to dialogue about the opportunities that a practical-theological approach offers in dealing with plurality. Theory that accounts for empirical realities will contribute to the development of a theology that will be aware of the needs of people. There is a discussion of the approaches of Van der Ven and Tracy. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Конструкција идентитета у књижевном делу Растка Петровића / Konstrukcija identiteta u književnom delu Rastka Petrovića / The Identity Construction in Rastko Petrović’sLiterary Work

Stevanović Kristina 25 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања у овом раду представља одређивање чворишних тачака<br />око којих се образује идентитет у поетици Растка Петровића. Циљ је доказивања тезе<br />да његово стваралаштво антиципира савремено схватање и разумевање идентитета<br />као конструкције, која се одвија унутар дискурса моћи, а он настоји да регулише<br />идентификацијске процесе унутар субјекта. Дело Растка Петровића указује на<br />чињеницу да идентитет представља сложену и динамичну мрежу сачињену од<br />идентитетских конституената који се непрекидно укрштају, те се на местима укрштаја<br />образују амбивалентне субјекатске позиције из којих аутор исповеда своју онтолошку<br />стрепњу и свест о конститутивној амбиваленцији. Укључивањем методолошких<br />премиса из области студија културе (маргинализација, трансгресија, лиминалност) у<br />проучавање аутентичних авангардних поетичких стратегија Растка Петровића, указали<br />смо на чињеницу да је аутор трагајући за собом остваривао своје поетско биће. На тај<br />начин образовао се хибридни и лиминални идентитет у динамичком пољу<br />антагонистичких дискурса, који се непрекидно међусобно пресецају.<br />Реч је, дакле, о томе да поетичко-естетско-филозофско исходиште<br />стваралаштва Растка Петровића чини идеја да се биће (оно што јесте), као и<br />конституенти његовог идентитета (пол, род, раса, нација, класна, верска и<br />професионална припадност...) разумевају као процесуалне категорије које су<br />непрекидно изложене променама. Петровић, заправо, отвара пут савременом<br />антиесенцијалном тумачењу бића као флукса (оно што је ток и што се мења) унутар<br />симболичких мрежа, односно дискурзивних пракси. На тај начин, ствара се могућност<br />да се појам, односно концепт идентитета тумачи као стратегијски и позицијски, те је у<br />Петровићевом делу идентитет увек релационо конструисан и изратито обележен не-<br />припадањем. Истовремено, идентитет сугерише истост и подржава неки облик<br />заједништва који варљиво испуњава онтолошку празнину.<br />Овај рад своје методолошко утемељење проналази у претпоставци да је<br />плуралитет у теоријским приступима и критичким праксама нужан, управо због<br />2<br />сложености и амбивалентности појма идентитет, који је интердисциплинаран по своме<br />досегу. Истовремено, овај рад се бави различитим аспектима идентитета са циљем да<br />се сачува и истакне свест о интеракцији између конституената идентитета и теоријско-<br />критичких пракси које се њима баве. У фокусу нашег истраживања налази се културни,<br />родни и наративни идентитет, тачније, модуси њихових конструкција. У том смислу,<br />ова студија доказује да поетика, али и живот Растка Петровића представљају<br />парадигму културолошке и родне лиминалности. Сходно томе, путујући модел<br />егзистенције показује се као пресудан у творби идентитета који се формира као<br />хибридни, услед седиментације различитих култура.<br />Исцрпна анлиза родног идентитета, односно маскулинитета, истиче<br />субверзивни потенцијал Петровићевог дела у односу на патријархалну<br />фалогоцентричну бинарну културолошку матрицу. Растко Петровић несумњиво<br />исказује свест о идеолошком карактеру родне улоге која му је намењена, те је процес<br />&bdquo;постајања&ldquo; мушкарцем изузетно сложен, обележен противуречностима и стрепњом.<br />Посебан комплекс питања која се нужно намећу када је у питању ауторефлексија<br />представља језик, јер је писац принуђен да доказ властитог постојања тражи у језику, у<br />појмовима који су такође производ дискурса који не одобрава алтернативну мушкост.<br />Тумачење наративног иденитета као ипсеитета које смо користили у раду,<br />дакле, упознавање и конституисање себе као метакатегоријалног Другог, маркирало је<br />значај културног дијалога коме је Растко Петровић несумњиво стремио. У питању је<br />дијалог у коме припадници мањинских/маргиналних култура и субкултура постају<br />равноправни саговорници. Истовремено, размена културних дарова обезбеђивала би<br />потенцијал за, из данашње перспективе посматрано, повлашћен статус агенса у<br />стварању сопствене културе, као и активно учешће у мапирању културе у свету.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja određivanje čvorišnih tačaka<br />oko kojih se obrazuje identitet u poetici Rastka Petrovića. Cilj je dokazivanja teze<br />da njegovo stvaralaštvo anticipira savremeno shvatanje i razumevanje identiteta<br />kao konstrukcije, koja se odvija unutar diskursa moći, a on nastoji da reguliše<br />identifikacijske procese unutar subjekta. Delo Rastka Petrovića ukazuje na<br />činjenicu da identitet predstavlja složenu i dinamičnu mrežu sačinjenu od<br />identitetskih konstituenata koji se neprekidno ukrštaju, te se na mestima ukrštaja<br />obrazuju ambivalentne subjekatske pozicije iz kojih autor ispoveda svoju ontološku<br />strepnju i svest o konstitutivnoj ambivalenciji. Uključivanjem metodoloških<br />premisa iz oblasti studija kulture (marginalizacija, transgresija, liminalnost) u<br />proučavanje autentičnih avangardnih poetičkih strategija Rastka Petrovića, ukazali<br />smo na činjenicu da je autor tragajući za sobom ostvarivao svoje poetsko biće. Na taj<br />način obrazovao se hibridni i liminalni identitet u dinamičkom polju<br />antagonističkih diskursa, koji se neprekidno međusobno presecaju.<br />Reč je, dakle, o tome da poetičko-estetsko-filozofsko ishodište<br />stvaralaštva Rastka Petrovića čini ideja da se biće (ono što jeste), kao i<br />konstituenti njegovog identiteta (pol, rod, rasa, nacija, klasna, verska i<br />profesionalna pripadnost...) razumevaju kao procesualne kategorije koje su<br />neprekidno izložene promenama. Petrović, zapravo, otvara put savremenom<br />antiesencijalnom tumačenju bića kao fluksa (ono što je tok i što se menja) unutar<br />simboličkih mreža, odnosno diskurzivnih praksi. Na taj način, stvara se mogućnost<br />da se pojam, odnosno koncept identiteta tumači kao strategijski i pozicijski, te je u<br />Petrovićevom delu identitet uvek relaciono konstruisan i izratito obeležen ne-<br />pripadanjem. Istovremeno, identitet sugeriše istost i podržava neki oblik<br />zajedništva koji varljivo ispunjava ontološku prazninu.<br />Ovaj rad svoje metodološko utemeljenje pronalazi u pretpostavci da je<br />pluralitet u teorijskim pristupima i kritičkim praksama nužan, upravo zbog<br />2<br />složenosti i ambivalentnosti pojma identitet, koji je interdisciplinaran po svome<br />dosegu. Istovremeno, ovaj rad se bavi različitim aspektima identiteta sa ciljem da<br />se sačuva i istakne svest o interakciji između konstituenata identiteta i teorijsko-<br />kritičkih praksi koje se njima bave. U fokusu našeg istraživanja nalazi se kulturni,<br />rodni i narativni identitet, tačnije, modusi njihovih konstrukcija. U tom smislu,<br />ova studija dokazuje da poetika, ali i život Rastka Petrovića predstavljaju<br />paradigmu kulturološke i rodne liminalnosti. Shodno tome, putujući model<br />egzistencije pokazuje se kao presudan u tvorbi identiteta koji se formira kao<br />hibridni, usled sedimentacije različitih kultura.<br />Iscrpna anliza rodnog identiteta, odnosno maskuliniteta, ističe<br />subverzivni potencijal Petrovićevog dela u odnosu na patrijarhalnu<br />falogocentričnu binarnu kulturološku matricu. Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo<br />iskazuje svest o ideološkom karakteru rodne uloge koja mu je namenjena, te je proces<br />&bdquo;postajanja&ldquo; muškarcem izuzetno složen, obeležen protivurečnostima i strepnjom.<br />Poseban kompleks pitanja koja se nužno nameću kada je u pitanju autorefleksija<br />predstavlja jezik, jer je pisac prinuđen da dokaz vlastitog postojanja traži u jeziku, u<br />pojmovima koji su takođe proizvod diskursa koji ne odobrava alternativnu muškost.<br />Tumačenje narativnog ideniteta kao ipseiteta koje smo koristili u radu,<br />dakle, upoznavanje i konstituisanje sebe kao metakategorijalnog Drugog, markiralo je<br />značaj kulturnog dijaloga kome je Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo stremio. U pitanju je<br />dijalog u kome pripadnici manjinskih/marginalnih kultura i subkultura postaju<br />ravnopravni sagovornici. Istovremeno, razmena kulturnih darova obezbeđivala bi<br />potencijal za, iz današnje perspektive posmatrano, povlašćen status agensa u<br />stvaranju sopstvene kulture, kao i aktivno učešće u mapiranju kulture u svetu.</p> / <p>This thesis aims to determine the crucial points of identity formation in Rastko<br />Petrović&rsquo;s poetics with the intention to verify the idea that Rastko Petrović&rsquo;s work<br />anticipates the modern understanding of identity as a construct which emerges from the<br />discourse of power with its identificational processes within the subject. Rastko Petrović&rsquo;s<br />oeuvre is an excellent example of the fact that identity represents a complex and dynamic<br />network of identity constituents that constantly intertwine, and, in the places where the<br />contacts happen, they form ambivalent subject positions from which the author narrates his<br />ontological fear and the awareness of the constitutive ambivalence. By including some of<br />the methodological premises from the field of cultural studies (such as marginalization,<br />transgression, liminality) into the research of Petrović&rsquo;s authentic avant-garde poetic<br />strategies, the thesis shows that, while searching for his inner self, Petrović was epitomizing<br />his poetical self, thus forming a hybrid and liminal identity in the dynamic field of<br />antagonistic discourses that constantly intersect.<br />Therefore, we can say that the poetic, philosophical and aesthetic sources of<br />Petrović&rsquo;s work are found in the idea that self (what is), as well as the constituents of his<br />identity (sex, gender, race, nation, class, religious beliefs, professional orientation&hellip;) are<br />understood as processing cathegories constantly exposed to changes. What is more, it can<br />be said that Rastko Petrović clears the path for the modern, antiessetialist interpretations of<br />self as flux (that which is a flow, which changes constantly) within the symbolic network, i.e.<br />discoursive practices. In this way, arises the possiblity of interpretation of the notion, or the<br />idea of identity, as strategic, or positional, meaning that in Petrović&rsquo;s works identity is<br />always relationally constructed and strongly marked by non-belonging. At the same time,<br />identity means sameness and supports at least some kind of unity feebly fulfilling the<br />onthological void.<br />Methodological foundation of this thesis is found in the assumption that the plurality<br />in critical and theoretical approaches is necessary, precisely because of the complexity and<br />ambivalence of identity, the term whose scope and range are interdisciplinary positioned. At<br />the same time, the thesis examines various aspects of identity with the objective to<br />preserve and enhance the awareness about the interaction between the constituents of<br />4<br />identity and theoretical and critical practices that deal with it. Cultural, gender and narrative<br />identities or, more precisely, the modes of their constructions, form the central part of the<br />thesis. In this sense, this thesis shows that the poetics, but also the life of Rastko Petrović,<br />represent a paradigm of cultural and gender liminality, while the life on the constant move<br />proves to be crucial in the creation of identity which is formed as a hybrid one because of<br />many layers coming from various cultures. A detailed analysis of gender identity or, more<br />precisely, masculinity, stresses the subversive potential of Petrović&rsquo;s work when juxtaposed<br />to patriarchal, logocentric, binary cultural matrix. Rastko Petrović expresses an awareness of<br />the ideological character of the gender role he was assigned with; therefore, the process of<br />&ldquo;becoming&rdquo; a man is a highly complex one, marked with contradictions and fear. A separate<br />cluster of questions that inevitably appear with introspection is found in language, since<br />writer is compelled to search for the proofs of his existence in the language and in the<br />notions which are also a product of discourse that does not approve of the alternative<br />masculinity.<br />The interpretation of narrative identity as ipseity, used in this work, as well as the<br />introduction and constitution of self as a meta-categorical Other, marked the importance of<br />cultural dialog which Rastko Petrović undoubtedly strived for. It is a dialog where the<br />members of minority cultures and subcultures are equal participants. At the same time, the<br />exchange of cultural gifts provides the potential for a privileged status of agens in creation<br />of one&rsquo;s own culture, and also in active mapping of the world culture.</p>

Élections expérimentales : la désertion stratégique et la participation sous différents modes de scrutin

Labbé St-Vincent, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse au lien qui existe entre le système électoral et deux comportements importants de la vie civique, soit la participation à une élection et la désertion stratégique du candidat préféré vers un autre candidat. Ces thèmes sont abordés dans de nombreux et de très importants ouvrages en science politique. En passant par la théorie (Downs, 1957) jusqu'à des études de terrain par l'entremise de sondages (Abramson, 2010; Blais, 2010), diverses méthodologies ont été employées pour mieux expliquer les choix des électeurs. Ma contribution à l'avancement des connaissances dans ce domaine passe par l'usage de la méthode expérimentale pour mieux saisir les similitudes et différences dans les comportements des électeurs sous le système uninominal à un tour (UT) et la représentation proportionnelle (RP) ainsi que les mécanismes au niveau individuel qui produisent ces similitudes et différences. Le cœur de la thèse est composé des trois articles dont voici les résumés : Article 1. Des élections expérimentales faites à Montréal, Paris et Bruxelles permettent d'estimer l’influence directe du mode de scrutin sur la décision des électeurs de voter ou non, et de voter pour leur parti préféré ou non. En tout, 16 groupes de 21 électeurs votent sous différents systèmes électoraux, soit le UT et la RP. Les préférences sont attribuées aléatoirement et connues de tous les participants. Nos résultats indiquent que le vote n'est pas globalement plus sincère et que la participation électorale n'est pas plus élevée sous le système proportionnel. Toutefois, nous observons moins de désertion d'un petit parti sous le système proportionnel. Article 2. Les expériences permettent également d'expliquer pourquoi les électeurs votent parfois pour un parti autre que leur parti préféré. La conclusion principale est que la décision de voter de façon sincère ou non est influencée par les préférences individuelles, mais aussi par les perceptions des chances de gagner des candidats ainsi que des chances que son propre vote puisse décider le résultat de l'élection. Les électeurs qui désertent leur premier choix prennent en considération quel candidat est le plus près de leurs positions politiques, mais également de la viabilité de cette alternative. De plus, les électeurs qui aiment prendre des risques ont davantage tendance à déserter. Article 3. Le modèle de l'électeur pivot est mis à l'épreuve pour mieux comprendre la décision de voter ou non lors d'une élection. Nos expériences permettent de répliquer, avec un devis expérimental différent, les résultats importants des travaux de Duffy et Tavits (2008). Nos résultats confirment que la perception d'être pivot augmente la participation, que ces perceptions sont sujettes à la surestimation et que cette surestimation ne décline pas complètement dans le temps. Nous allons également plus loin que les recherches de Duffy et Tavits et nous trouvons que la participation n'est pas plus forte sous RP que sous UT et que la probabilité d'être pivot a un impact plus important chez les électeurs évitant de prendre des risques. / This thesis focuses on the relationship between the electoral system and two important behaviors of civic life: participation in an election and the strategic desertion of the preferred candidate. These topics are addressed in very important books in political science. From theory (Duverger, 1954; Downs, 1957) to empirical research using surveys (Abramson, 2010; Blais, 2010), various methodologies have been used to better explain voter's choices. My contribution to knowledge is the use of experimental methods to better understand both similarities and differences in voter behavior under the plurality system (PLU) and the proportional representation (PR) system and the individual level mechanisms that produce these similarities and differences. The core of the thesis consists of three articles summarized below: Article 1. Experimental elections conducted in Montreal, Paris and Brussels estimate the direct influence of the voting system on the voters' decision whether to vote or not, and vote for their preferred party or another party. In all, 16 groups of 21 voters take part in elections under different electoral systems. The systems are simple plurality and proportional representation. Preferences are randomly assigned and known by all participants. Our results indicate that voting is globally not more sincere and that voter turnout is not higher under the proportional system. However, we observe less desertion of small parties under the proportional system. Article 2. We perform a laboratory experiment to explain why voters sometimes vote for a party other than the preferred one. The main conclusion of the paper is that in addition to voter preferences, perceptions of winning chances and belief in the possibility of affecting the outcome are key factors in the voter’s decision to vote sincerely or not. When they desert their first choice, voters consider their preferences and the viability of the alternatives. Voters who like to take risks are more prone to desert. Article 3. This paper examines the decision to vote or not in experimental elections. We replicate the important findings of Duffy and Tavits (2008) with a different design. Our results support their finding, that is, turnout is affected by the belief that one's vote counts and overestimation of the probability that one's vote counts does not decrease completely over time. Going beyond previous research, we also find that turnout is not higher under a proportional system than under a plurality system, and beliefs about being in a pivotal disposition have a greater impact on turnout among the risk averse.

La subsidiarité en droit privé / Subsidiarity in private law

Gouëzel, Antoine 28 November 2011 (has links)
Subsidiarité de l’action en enrichissement sans cause, vocation subsidiaire du droit commun, demande subsidiaire, subsidiarité de l’obligation des associés de société à risque illimité, etc. : la subsidiarité est récurrente en droit privé. Pourtant, le mécanisme qu’elle met en oeuvre n’est pas clairement perçu. La subsidiarité met de l’ordre dans le droit : elle est une technique de coordination d’éléments concurrents, qui subordonne à la défaillance de l’élément appelé premier l’accès à l’élément qualifié de subsidiaire. Tant que l’élément premier n’est pas défaillant, c’est-à-dire tant qu’il peut produire son effet juridique, l’élément subsidiaire est bloqué. La subsidiarité a pour finalité d’instaurer une hiérarchie entre les éléments concernés : elle affirme la primauté de l’élément premier, vu avec faveur, sur l’élément subsidiaire, qui est une solution de secours. Ce mécanisme trouve une application majeure en matière d’obligation. Une obligation est subsidiaire lorsqu’elle est subordonnée à la défaillance d’une autre obligation ; elle est ainsi affectée d’une condition suspensive. Le débiteur premier est celui dont le paiement normal est attendu, le débiteur subsidiaire celui dont l’intervention est vue comme pathologique. Le débiteur subsidiaire peut opposer toutes les exceptions qui attestent de ce que l’obligation première n’est pas défaillante. Pour agir contre le débiteur subsidiaire, le créancier doit établir cette défaillance, qui est définie de manière variable selon les hypothèses. L’obligation subsidiaire tient une place importante dans les opérations juridiques à trois personnes ; elle permet également de porter un regard nouveau sur la solidarité. / Subsidiarity of unjustified enrichment claims, subsidiarity of the lex fori, subsidiary pleadings, subsidiary obligation of the members of companies with unlimited liability, etc. : subsidiarity is recurrent in private law. However, its mechanism is not clearly understood. Subsidiarity creates order in law. It is a coordination technique of rival elements, which makes access to the subsidiary element subject to the default of the first element. As long as the first element can produce its effect, the subsidiary element is blocked. The purpose of subsidiarity is to create a hierarchy between those elements: it states the primacy of the first element, seen with favor, on the subsidiary element, which is considered a backup. This mechanism is useful in contract law. An obligation is subsidiary when it is subject to the default of another obligation; it matches the pattern of a conditional obligation. Normal payment is expected from the debtor of the primary obligation; the intervention of the subsidiary debtor is seen as pathological. In order to sue the subsidiary debtor, the creditor must prove that the primary obligation is in default. The former can invoke all the exceptions which prove that this event, which can be defined in a variety of ways, has not occurred. The concept of subsidiary obligations is important in legal operations involving three persons, and encourages to reconsider our understanding of solidary obligations.

La théâtralisation de l'exil dans la dramaturgie migrante au Québec (1980-2010)

Charafeddine, Nadine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A pluralidade da verdade em Erasmo / The truth plurality in Erasmus

Nassaro, Silvio Lucio Franco 05 November 2010 (has links)
Há uma tradição platônica entre os grandes leitores da obra de Erasmo de Rotterdam, o Príncipe dos Humanistas, que se concentra sobre a cuidadosa síntese feita pelo mestre para superar a ruptura entre fé e razão, através da compatibilização da erudição pagã à cristã em uma mesma doutrina que significasse, na polifônica Europa renascentista, uma urgente unidade da verdade nada menos do que o componente estabilizador do amálgama grecoromano, judaico-cristão que hoje define o Ocidente. Em efeito, no Livro dos Antibárbaros, que editou em 1521, a cisão entre fé e razão provocada pelas especulações dos próprios escolásticos é superada por uma solução média entre a noção hebraica de uma divindade arbitrária e a noção grega de deuses inseridos na natureza e suas leis; as histórias grega, judaica e cristã são unificadas pela busca do Sumo Bem; as várias escolas filosóficas e correntes teológicas são reunidas em uma Philosophia Christi; o conhecimento divino e o conhecimento humano são reafirmados como pertencentes à mesma unidade, à mesma natureza e fundados na mesma razão; o conhecimento humano pode ascender gradativamente dos assuntos dos homens aos divinos; os Studia Humanitatis são necessários para a verdadeira evangelização e a correta interpretação da Bíblia e as disciplinas pagãs são assimiladas como descobertas inspiradas pela Divina Providência para a utilidade dos cristãos. No entanto, persistentes leituras da imensa obra de Erasmo abrem um horizonte onde se elevam inúmeros outros temas povoados por argumentos que podem ser agrupados em antíteses desconcertantes, o que dificulta seu tratamento ainda em termos platônicos. Já uma reflexão sobre a escrita erasmiana, a partir das concepções aristotélicas presentes na Retórica, tomadas como reconhecimento e explicação da autonomia e legitimidade da dedução retórica frente à dedução científica e dialética, permite que nos afastemos do cânon da leitura platonizante desta escrita. Como resultado, esta nova reflexão se vê livre para entendê-la não como um discurso irrefutável e imposto por longo exercício dialético, mas como um tecido de argumentos verossímeis, colhidos em uma miríade de fontes, agenciados com eloquência e capazes de constituir o que aparece como unidade totalizante, o efeito de unidade em meio à pluralidade da verdade em que de fato respiram os discursos retóricos. Escrita que almeja para seu autor a glória de obter em geral o assentimento rápido e espontâneo de seus leitores postulando um saber que é, sobretudo, uma pacificação sem armas. De fato, a solução aristotélica, ao reconhecer um status científico para a retórica e superar a complexa comparação e outras especulações indevidas, especialmente entre a retórica e a filosofia, propõe ricas e novas abordagens. Esta solução insere a arte oratória e seus efetivos discursos no quadro histórico das disputas entre os homens, que sob leis isonômicas, e em busca da glória devem agir pela palavra, e no quadro social das deliberações públicas, em que o saber retórico pode ser visto como resultado de um procedimento heurístico reiterado por gerações de retóricos e de um dinamismo uma mútua determinação entre um saber proposto pelo orador e outro detido pelo auditório e entre saberes de oradores concorrentes. Ambos os quadros convidam então a uma análise, respectivamente, da gênese e da natureza da escrita erasmiana a partir de uma perspectiva política. / There is a platonic tradition among the greatest Erasmus of Rotterdam readers, the Prince of the Humanists, that concentrates upon the careful synthesis established by him in order to overpass the detachment between Faith and Reason through the Pagan and Christian eruditions compatibility in a same doctrine capable to offer in the context of polyphonic Renaissance Europe, an urgent truth unity nothing less than the steady component from the Greek-Latin-Jewish-Christian amalgam, what defines today Western World. As a matter of fact, in his Anti-barbarian Book edited in 1521, the rift between Faith and Reason leaded by the scholastics own speculations is overcome by a middle way solution between hebraical arbitrarian divinity notion and the Greek notion of divinities inserted in nature and its laws; the Greek, Jewish and Christian history are unified by the Sumun Bonum quest; the varies of philosophical and theological schools are reunited in a Philosophia Christi; the divine and the human wisdom are reaffirmed as belongings to the same unity, to the same nature and grounded on the same reason; the human wisdom can gradually escalate from manhood to the divine matters; the Studia Humanitatis are necessary for the real evangelization and the correct Bible interpretation and the pagan disciplines are assimilated as discoveries inspired by the Divine Providence for the utility of christians. However, perseverant readings of Erasmus immense work opens a horizon where countless topics populated by arguments appeared that can be assemble in astonishing antitheses, what makes difficult its treatment at a standstill platonic terms. Yet, a reflection towards erasmian writing, from the aristotelian conceptions existing in the Rhetoric, taken as an acknowledgement and explanation of the autonomy and legitimacy of rhetorical deduction in face of scientific and dialectical deduction, allows us to take distance from the platonic reading canon of this writing. As a result, this new reflection awakes to the possibility of understanding it, not as a irrefutable discourse imposed by the enduring dialectical exercises, but as a tissue of plausible arguments, collected in a myriad of sources, articulated with eloquence and able to build what appears as a totalizing unity, the effect of unity in the middle of the truth plurality of rhetorical discourses. Writing that aims, for his author, the glory of obtaining, in general, the quick and spontaneous assertion of its readers, claiming a wisdom that is, at best, an appeasement without arms. Actually, the aristotelian solution, recognizing an epistemological status for rhetoric, and overcoming complex comparison and another inappropriate speculations, specially between Rhetoric and Philosophy, proposing riches and new questions. As a matter of fact, this solution introduces the art of eloquence, and its effective speeches, in the historical frame of struggles between men that, under isonomic laws, and in the search of glory, must act by words, and in the social frame of public deliberations in which the rhetorical wisdom can be seen as the result of a heuristically process repeated by countless rhetors generations, and as a dynamism a mutual determination between the wisdom proposed by the orator and the wisdom diffused in the auditorium; and between the wisdom of opponent orators. Both frames invites, then, to an analysis, respectively, of the genesis and the nature of erasmian writing from a political perspective.

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