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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deconfigurations: the practice of repetition as confirmation of (re)productive (art)works

Swanepoel, Pieter Johan 30 November 2002 (has links)
This study will argue that visual art and the making of images share much With other languages. If writing can be deoonstructed, visual Imagery can be deconfigured, for figuring an image is much like structuring a sentence. The process of deconfiguration however relies on repetition. DeconflguratiOn therefore denies any claim of a primary creator. It will be argued though that deconfiguratlon remains creative as it engages the imagination in a process of transference and through association. Moreover, deconfiguration shows how binary opposites are essential In the making of artworks. The repetitive process takes place when the artwork Is made and continues during the appreciation and/or interpretation of the artwork. For the interpretation to really deconfigure, it would mean that the image constituted by the artist has metaphorical, allegorical and even symbolical implications. The interpreter will thus always remain a partidpant in the creative process suggested by the artwork. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Apprendre le français, s'approprier, s'intégrer au féminin dans le Val-de-Marne : Enjeux éthiques, politiques et institutionnels / Learning French, appropriation, integration for women in Val-de-Marne : ethical, political, institutionnal stakes

Bruneau, Aurélie 10 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre d’une CIFRE au sein du Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne, propose un état des lieux et réflexion sur la place accordée à l’appropriation du français par des femmes migrantes inscrites dans des parcours d’insertion complexes, et au sein d’un programme de formation de français langue professionnelle, initié et soutenu par le Département, dont la doctorante était cheffe de projet. Ce travail de recherche soulève la question de la place et du rôle de la langue française dans la conception intégrative des étrangers par l’Etat français mais également par les personnes migrantes elles-mêmes. De manière concomitante, les missions réalisées dans le cadre de la CIFRE au sein d’une collectivité territoriale ont permis de mettre en évidence une gestion et un aménagement linguistique implicite, territorialisé. Cette recherche, ancrée dans les champs de la didactique des langues et de la sociolinguistique, s’est développée à partir d’une orientation épistémologique interprétative, compréhensive, informée par les points de vue herméneutiques, interrogeant tout à la fois l’histoire, l’expérience et les projections des témoins et du chercheur / This PhD, written while working at the Departemental council for Val-de-Marne (CIFRE structure), offers a survey and reflexion on the place given to learning French by migrant women, with complex insertion histories, within a training program of French as a professional language. This program has been initiated and supported by the Department, for which the PhD candidate was project manager. This research raises the question of the place and role of French language in the integrative vision of foreigners by the French State, but also by migrating persons themselves. In the same time, the missions accomplished at CIFRE have allowed to shed the light on a linguistic management and development that appears to be both implicit and territorialized. This research, rooted in the fields of didactics of languages and sociolinguistic, has been developed from a comprehensive and an interpretative epistemological orientation, informed by the hermeneutical points of view, questioning all together the notions of history, experience and projection (of the witnesses, as well as the researcher)

Théâtre et théâtralité dans le Satyricon : la quête d'un nouveau genre / Theatre and theatricality in the Satyrica : the quest for a new genre

Augier-Grimaud, Johana 29 November 2014 (has links)
La présente étude revient sur le concept de théâtralité souvent employé à propos du Satyricon pour tenter d’enpréciser les manifestations et les modalités. Car derrière l’apparente simplicité du terme et la banalisation de sonemploi à propos de cette oeuvre, se cache une pluralité de procédés. La théâtralité du Satyricon revêt trois formes.Elle se définit spontanément comme la réutilisation de codes propres aux genres dramatiques comiques auxquelsPétrone emprunte situations, thématiques et procédés linguistiques. Cette théâtralité première est complexifiéepar son ancrage dans un univers narratif orienté, dont les préoccupations recoupent celles du genre satirique. Lerecours à des éléments théâtraux dessine les contours d’une société excessive et inauthentique, et se voit doncfiltrée par le topos du monde décadent : cette théâtralité seconde devient le moyen d’exprimer l’outrance desindividus et de leurs comportements. Et c’est précisément parce que dans le monde du Satyricon les valeurstraditionnelles sont caduques que la littérature classique est obsolète. S’ouvre alors la voie à une théâtralitétroisième, intrinsèquement liée à la parodie. Elle est principalement portée par la voix du narrateur, chez qui lapratique excessive de la déclamation a entraîné une projection systématique dans un au-Delà fictionnel. Lafracture existant désormais entre la réalité et sa perception a une double conséquence : d’une part toutes lessituations du quotidien s’assimilent à des représentations de scènes littéraires de référence ; d’autre part elledéconstruit la littérature traditionnelle en en exhibant les clichés. Cette théâtralité permet à Pétrone de renouvelerla littérature et de jeter les bases du genre romanesque. / The present study reexamines on the concept of theatricality often used about the Satyrica to try to specifyappearances and methods. For behind the visible simplicity of the term and the everyday acceptance of its use inrelation to this work, there hides a plurality of processes. The theatricality of the Satyrica takes on three forms. Itdefines itself spontaneously as the re-Use of codes particular to the funny dramatic genres from which Petroniusborrows situations, themes and linguistic processes. This first theatricality is complicated by its anchoring in adirected narrative universe, whose concerns it shares with those of the satiric genre. The falling back on theatricalelements outlines an excessive and inauthentic society, and thus sees itself filtered by the decadent world topos.And it is exactly because in the world of the Satyrica the traditional values are null and void that classicalliterature is obsolete. The way is then opens to the third theatricality, intrinsically connected to parody. It ismainly carried by the voice of the narrator, to whom the excessive practice of declamation entailed a systematicprojection to a fictional otherworld. The fracture existing from now on between reality and its perception has adouble consequence: on the one hand all the situations of everyday life can be reduced to representations ofliterary reference scenes ; on the other hand it deconstructs the traditional literature through clichés. Thistheatricality allows Petronius to renew literature and to lay the foundations for the novelistic genre.

Hannah Arendt: entre a contingência e o absoluto / Hannah Arendt: between contingency and the absolute

Tiago Cerqueira Lazier 25 September 2017 (has links)
Da crítica de Hannah Arendt à pretensão da soberania extrapolamos, na primeira parte desta tese, uma problematização do recorrente equívoco do pensamento projetar o absoluto, impróprio a nossa existência plural. Observamos, em Hobbes e em Berlin, como esse absoluto, em seu existir simulado, sempre se apresenta ao modo de uma dualidade, na qual a verdade ou emancipação plena equivale à falsidade ou opressão plena, a revelação divina, à dedução jurídica, e vice-versa. Enquanto, por detrás dessa farsa, a realidade se reproduz, contingentemente, nos conflitos entre limites que se tensionam, contorcendo-se sobre si mesmos. Após uma breve problematização da permanência da farsa do absoluto e da dualidade, mesmo no pensamento que se levanta contra ela, retornamos a Arendt, uma pensadora que se diferencia em sua aceitação da prática política e da espontaneidade, a partir da qual busca compreender como os valores e possibilidades republicanas a beleza plural da dignidade comum, mesmo que imperfeitamente defendida em seus escritos efetivam-se sem precisarem se sustentar no absoluto. Na segunda parte, considerando-se que ela, não obstante, retorne ao e ilustre os equívocos do retorno ao absoluto, iniciamos uma requalificação de seu pensamento, com intuito de mantê-lo coerente com a condição de contingência. Partindo do tema do conflito e tensão entre passado e futuro, o qual recorta toda a sua obra, concentramo-nos nos escritos do início de sua carreira acadêmica, mais diretamente dedicados à compreensão da experiência totalitária que a afetou como judia alemã. Após uma breve introdução aos traços gerais do que seria uma ontologia consistente da pluralidade e da contingência, exploramos a questão da responsabilidade, observando como alguns desses traços se apresentam. Do pária ao parvenu, da conservação à mudança, do idealismo ao realismo, da antiguidade à modernidade, observamos como não somos soberanos, nem vassalos: somos a responsabilidade que se manifesta em sua contingência e espontaneidade, nas tensões dos conflitos entre pluralidades. / From Hannah Arendts critique of the pretension of sovereignty, we extrapolate, in the first part of this thesis, a problematization of the recurring mistake of thought projecting the absolute, improper to our plural existence. We observe, in Hobbes and Berlin, how this absolute, in its simulated existence, always presents itself as a duality, in which full truth or emancipation corresponds to full falsehood or oppression, divine revelation corresponds to juridical derivation, and vice-versa. Throughout, behind this farce, reality is reproducing itself, contingently, in the conflicts between limits that tension each other, writhing over themselves. After a brief problematization of the perpetuation of the farce of the absolute and of duality, even by thinkers that rise against it, we return to Arendt, a thinker that differentiates herself by her welcoming of politics and spontaneity, from which she seeks to understand how republican values and possibilities the plural beauty of common dignity, even if imperfectly advanced by her become effective without having to find support on the absolute. In the second part, considering that Arendt, nonetheless, returns to and illustrates the mistakes of returning to the absolute, we begin a requalification of her thought, with the intention of keeping it coherent with the condition of contingency. Starting from the theme of conflict and tension between past and future, which traverses her entire academic production, we focus on her early writings, more directly devoted to understanding the totalitarian experience that affected her as a German Jew. After a brief introduction to the general traits of a consistent, however incipient, ontology of plurality and contingency, we explore the question of responsibility, observing how some of these traits present themselves. From the pariah to the parvenu, from conservation to change, from idealism to realism, from antiquity to modernity, we observe how we are neither sovereigns nor vassals: we are the responsibility that manifests itself in its contingency and spontaneity, in the tensions of the conflicts between pluralities.

A PLURALIDADE HUMANA: CONDIÇÃO E META DA POLÍTICA NO PENSAMENTO DE HANNAH ARENDT / The human plurality: condiction and aim of politics in Hannah Arendt´s thought

OLIVEIRA, Cícero Josinaldo da Silva 02 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:06:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Cicero.pdf: 478222 bytes, checksum: df10568ac28bbef2009b135657455bba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-02 / The purpose of the present dissertation is to considere the three theoretical movements which connect the political thought of Hannah Arendt. Thus, we will start discussing from her initial finding to its further development. In this sense, I consider that Hannah Arendt s concept of human plurality performs the three most important moments that become the central concept of her political thought. These moments are: firstly, the historical and ideological deconstruction of the anti-plurality which is presented in our totalitarian domination and our tradition of the political thought; secondly, the explanation of the factual aspect of plurality as human condition manifested in action and, finally, the intent of showing that the political organization circumscribes a privileged space to human plurality, as long as the public sphere is seen as the correspondent space to action. / O objetivo dessa dissertação é considerar os três movimentos teóricos que a meu ver articulam o pensamento político de Hannah Arendt, de seu achado inicial ao seu mais ulterior desdobramento. Nesse sentido, considero que o conceito arendtiano de pluralidade humana percorre três importantes momentos em virtude dos quais pôde se tornar o eixo dos escritos políticos dessa autora. Estes momentos são: 1) a desconstrução histórico-ideológica da anti-pluralidade (manifestada na dominação totalitária e na nossa tradição do pensamento político), 2) a explicitação do caráter factual da pluralidade como condição humana que se manifesta na ação e, por fim, 3) a argumentação de que a organização política é o ordenamento privilegiado para a afirmação da pluralidade, na medida em que a esfera pública é o espaço correlato da ação.

A pluralidade da verdade em Erasmo / The truth plurality in Erasmus

Silvio Lucio Franco Nassaro 05 November 2010 (has links)
Há uma tradição platônica entre os grandes leitores da obra de Erasmo de Rotterdam, o Príncipe dos Humanistas, que se concentra sobre a cuidadosa síntese feita pelo mestre para superar a ruptura entre fé e razão, através da compatibilização da erudição pagã à cristã em uma mesma doutrina que significasse, na polifônica Europa renascentista, uma urgente unidade da verdade nada menos do que o componente estabilizador do amálgama grecoromano, judaico-cristão que hoje define o Ocidente. Em efeito, no Livro dos Antibárbaros, que editou em 1521, a cisão entre fé e razão provocada pelas especulações dos próprios escolásticos é superada por uma solução média entre a noção hebraica de uma divindade arbitrária e a noção grega de deuses inseridos na natureza e suas leis; as histórias grega, judaica e cristã são unificadas pela busca do Sumo Bem; as várias escolas filosóficas e correntes teológicas são reunidas em uma Philosophia Christi; o conhecimento divino e o conhecimento humano são reafirmados como pertencentes à mesma unidade, à mesma natureza e fundados na mesma razão; o conhecimento humano pode ascender gradativamente dos assuntos dos homens aos divinos; os Studia Humanitatis são necessários para a verdadeira evangelização e a correta interpretação da Bíblia e as disciplinas pagãs são assimiladas como descobertas inspiradas pela Divina Providência para a utilidade dos cristãos. No entanto, persistentes leituras da imensa obra de Erasmo abrem um horizonte onde se elevam inúmeros outros temas povoados por argumentos que podem ser agrupados em antíteses desconcertantes, o que dificulta seu tratamento ainda em termos platônicos. Já uma reflexão sobre a escrita erasmiana, a partir das concepções aristotélicas presentes na Retórica, tomadas como reconhecimento e explicação da autonomia e legitimidade da dedução retórica frente à dedução científica e dialética, permite que nos afastemos do cânon da leitura platonizante desta escrita. Como resultado, esta nova reflexão se vê livre para entendê-la não como um discurso irrefutável e imposto por longo exercício dialético, mas como um tecido de argumentos verossímeis, colhidos em uma miríade de fontes, agenciados com eloquência e capazes de constituir o que aparece como unidade totalizante, o efeito de unidade em meio à pluralidade da verdade em que de fato respiram os discursos retóricos. Escrita que almeja para seu autor a glória de obter em geral o assentimento rápido e espontâneo de seus leitores postulando um saber que é, sobretudo, uma pacificação sem armas. De fato, a solução aristotélica, ao reconhecer um status científico para a retórica e superar a complexa comparação e outras especulações indevidas, especialmente entre a retórica e a filosofia, propõe ricas e novas abordagens. Esta solução insere a arte oratória e seus efetivos discursos no quadro histórico das disputas entre os homens, que sob leis isonômicas, e em busca da glória devem agir pela palavra, e no quadro social das deliberações públicas, em que o saber retórico pode ser visto como resultado de um procedimento heurístico reiterado por gerações de retóricos e de um dinamismo uma mútua determinação entre um saber proposto pelo orador e outro detido pelo auditório e entre saberes de oradores concorrentes. Ambos os quadros convidam então a uma análise, respectivamente, da gênese e da natureza da escrita erasmiana a partir de uma perspectiva política. / There is a platonic tradition among the greatest Erasmus of Rotterdam readers, the Prince of the Humanists, that concentrates upon the careful synthesis established by him in order to overpass the detachment between Faith and Reason through the Pagan and Christian eruditions compatibility in a same doctrine capable to offer in the context of polyphonic Renaissance Europe, an urgent truth unity nothing less than the steady component from the Greek-Latin-Jewish-Christian amalgam, what defines today Western World. As a matter of fact, in his Anti-barbarian Book edited in 1521, the rift between Faith and Reason leaded by the scholastics own speculations is overcome by a middle way solution between hebraical arbitrarian divinity notion and the Greek notion of divinities inserted in nature and its laws; the Greek, Jewish and Christian history are unified by the Sumun Bonum quest; the varies of philosophical and theological schools are reunited in a Philosophia Christi; the divine and the human wisdom are reaffirmed as belongings to the same unity, to the same nature and grounded on the same reason; the human wisdom can gradually escalate from manhood to the divine matters; the Studia Humanitatis are necessary for the real evangelization and the correct Bible interpretation and the pagan disciplines are assimilated as discoveries inspired by the Divine Providence for the utility of christians. However, perseverant readings of Erasmus immense work opens a horizon where countless topics populated by arguments appeared that can be assemble in astonishing antitheses, what makes difficult its treatment at a standstill platonic terms. Yet, a reflection towards erasmian writing, from the aristotelian conceptions existing in the Rhetoric, taken as an acknowledgement and explanation of the autonomy and legitimacy of rhetorical deduction in face of scientific and dialectical deduction, allows us to take distance from the platonic reading canon of this writing. As a result, this new reflection awakes to the possibility of understanding it, not as a irrefutable discourse imposed by the enduring dialectical exercises, but as a tissue of plausible arguments, collected in a myriad of sources, articulated with eloquence and able to build what appears as a totalizing unity, the effect of unity in the middle of the truth plurality of rhetorical discourses. Writing that aims, for his author, the glory of obtaining, in general, the quick and spontaneous assertion of its readers, claiming a wisdom that is, at best, an appeasement without arms. Actually, the aristotelian solution, recognizing an epistemological status for rhetoric, and overcoming complex comparison and another inappropriate speculations, specially between Rhetoric and Philosophy, proposing riches and new questions. As a matter of fact, this solution introduces the art of eloquence, and its effective speeches, in the historical frame of struggles between men that, under isonomic laws, and in the search of glory, must act by words, and in the social frame of public deliberations in which the rhetorical wisdom can be seen as the result of a heuristically process repeated by countless rhetors generations, and as a dynamism a mutual determination between the wisdom proposed by the orator and the wisdom diffused in the auditorium; and between the wisdom of opponent orators. Both frames invites, then, to an analysis, respectively, of the genesis and the nature of erasmian writing from a political perspective.

Les actes intrinsèquement mauvais : analyse critique à partir de la contraception artificielle / Intrinsically evil acts : critical analysis from artificial contraception

Kabutuka Mahoko, Didier 13 September 2016 (has links)
Dans ses documents officiels, le Magistère de l’Église catholique qualifie souvent la contraception artificielle intraconjugale d’acte intrinsèquement mauvais. Le recours à cette notion semble considérer la nature biologique comme l’index impératif d’une norme morale sans autre considération. De quoi dépend alors la moralité d’un acte ? Une technique, prise en elle-même, comporte-t-elle une valeur morale définie ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons retracé l’évolution de cette notion à travers une relecture de ses enjeux théologiques en les fondant sur la circulation de plusieurs pôles de réflexion (Écriture, Tradition, raison, sciences, vécu). Pour dissiper les ambiguïtés liées à cette notion, nous avons estimé qu’il serait préférable d’employer l’expression d’acte injustifiable plutôt que celle d’acte intrinsèquement mauvais. La notion d’acte injustifiable a l’avantage de faire droit à l’herméneutique et à l’exercice de la raison pratique dans le discernement éthique. Ainsi, on peut faire droit à la pluralité et articuler au mieux la temporalité et la complexité systémique dans le jugement moral des actes humains / In its official documents, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church often refers to intra-marital artificial contraception as an intrinsically evil act. The use of this concept seems to consider the biological nature as an imperative index of a moral standard without other considerations. If artificial contraception is wrong in itself, then what place do we give to conscience and freedom of couples in birth control? Is there an irreducible opposition between the natural law and contraceptive techniques? Does a technique, if taken by itself, hold a defined moral value? To answer these questions, we have traced back the evolution of this concept through a rereading of its anthropological-theological issues based on the circulation of several poles of thought (Scripture, Tradition and Reason, Humanities, Experience, etc.). To dispel any equivocities and ambiguities related to this concept, we believe it is better to use the term unjustifiable act rather than that of an intrinsically evil act. The concept of unjustifiable act has the advantage of granting hermeneutics and the use of practical reason in ethical discernment. In this way, we can honor otherness (recognition of particularities and subjectivities, while searching for the universal), grant the plurality of actions, norms and systems of legitimation of standards and allow regulation to better enable the regulation of historicity, temporality and systemic complexity in moral judgment of human actions.

La pluralité scientifique en action - le cas du LabEx IMU / Scientific plurality in action – a case study of the LabEx IMU

Sauzet, Romain 24 April 2017 (has links)
À partir d'une analyse de la science contemporaine comme état de pluralité scientifique, nous nous intéressons à la situation épistémologique particulière qu'est la mise en œuvre de cet état de pluralité, c'est-à-dire à la pluralité scientifique en action, sous la forme de projet de relations entre disciplines scientifiques distinctes. Nous définissons la relation disciplinaire comme une relation d'interaction volontaire entre différents chercheurs issus de disciplines et/ou de spécialités différentes, autour d'un problème commun, pour lequel leurs compétences épistémiques spécifiques sont requises. Dans ce but, nous associons une réflexion théorique à une d'un terrain propice : le LabEx IMU (Laboratoire d'Excellence de l'Intelligence des Mondes Urbains) et les projets scientifiques qui émergent en son sein, à partir de disciplines aussi distinctes que les sciences informatiques, l'archéologie, la biologie, sociologie, philosophie, etc. L'étude de pluralité scientifique en action veut également dire : telle que la pluralité scientifique est pratiquée. Notre objectif est de mobiliser les ressources philosophiques ( philosophie des sciences générale, pragmatisme, épistémologie sociale, philosophie empirique) pour rendre compte de la dimension proprement épistémique de ces projets, c'est-à-dire leur objectif de connaissance. Dans ce but, nous analysons le contexte de spécialisation disciplinaire dans lequel des situations d'interactions émergent, en considérant que bien que cette spécialisation soit le plus souvent justifiée épistémique, d'autres dynamiques scientifiques apparaissent comme nécessaires. Nous défendons la thèse suivante : ces interactions sont des réponses à la nécessaire tension à l'unité dans la science, tout en étant devant être considérées sur un plan épistémologique comme des tentatives de mise en ordre non théoriques, qui anticiperaient ce que la science qui devrait être. Pour préciser ce que sont les projets de relation disciplinaire, nous nous intéressons à la condition de la science qui les rend possible (division du travail scientifique ; communauté scientifique), ainsi qu'aux moyens d'instruire philosophiquement de telles situations, en mobilisant la notion d'enquête chez Peirce et Dewey, notamment dans le lien qu'elle permet entre sens commun et enquête scientifique. À l'encontre de plusieurs approches de l'interdisciplinarité, qui cherchent à définir un niveau d'interaction satisfaisant, nous proposons de rendre compte de la multiplicité des interactions épistémiques au sein de la science et de développer des moyens d'analyse susceptible de représenter ces situations. Dans ce but, nous revalorisons la place des disciplines, afin de justifier le fait que ces projets sont principalement la poursuite d'une science normale par d'autres moyens. Nous analysons également en quoi ces projets doivent être considérées comme une bonne manière de faire de la science, fondés en premier lieu par leur excellence épistémique. D'autres valorisation deviennent alors possibles : comme commensurabilité aux phénomènes, comme confrontation à des problèmes pratiques et comme maximisation de la culture et des valeurs scientifiques. En confrontant ces analyses à notre terrain d'étude, nous développons des catégories analytiques susceptibles de représenter les situations d'interactions, en proposant une typologie des relations disciplinaires ainsi qu'une étude plus globale des projets de relations disciplinaires en eux-mêmes. Nous terminons notre étude par l'analyse de différents projets du LabEx IMU, en leur appliquant les catégories de représentation précédemment développées. / From an analysis of contemporary science as a state of scientific plurality, we study the particular epistemologic situation of the implementation of this state of plurality, that is to say the scientific plurality in action, as it takes form into projects of relationships between distinct scientific disciplines. We define disciplinary relationship as a volunteer relation of interaction between different searchers from different scientific disciplines/specialites around a common issue, for which their specific epistmemic competences are required. In this goal, we associate a theoric reflexion with a fieldwork : the study of the Labex IMU - (Laboratoire d'Excellence de l'Intelligence des Mondes Urbains ; Excellence Laboratory of the Intelligence of Urban Worlds) within which scientific projects emerge, from disciplines as different as computer science, archeology, biology, sociology, philosophy and so on. Thus, the study of the scientific plurality in action means : as the plurality is practised. Our objective is to use philosophical ressources (general philosophy of science, pragmatism, social epistemology, empirical philosophy) to describe the epistemic dimension of these projects, that is to say their objective of knowledge. With this objective in mind, we analyse the origin of this state of diversity through the problem of disicplinary specialization, by showing that, even if these specialization is most of the time justified, other dynamics appears necessary. We defend the following these : these interactions are answers to the necessary tension toward the unity of science, and they must be considered from an epistemologic point of view as non-theoric set in order attempts which would anticipate the science that must be. To specify what are the projects of disciplinary relationships, we study at firt the scientific condition that makes it possible (scientific work division ; scientific community), and the means to analyse philosophically such situations, by engaging the notion of inquiry of Peirce and Dewey, in particular the link that it allows between common sens and scientific inquiry. On opposition to several interdisciplinarity approaches, which seek to define a satisfactory level of interaction, we propose to investigate the multiplicity of epistemic interactions in science and to develop analytical means to represent such situations. Thus, we accord more status to disciplines, in order to justify the fact that these projects are a mere continuation of normal science by other means. We analyse also how these projects must considered as good science, founded in epistemic excellence at first place. Other valorisations becomes possibles : as commensurability to phenomenons, as a confrontation to pratical issues and as a maximisation of scientific culture and values By confronting these analysis to our fieldwork, we develop analytical categories capable to represent the situations of interactions, by proposing a typology of disciplinary relationships and a more globla study of the projects of disciplinary relationships in their own. We finish our study by the analysis of several projects of the LabEx IMU, by apling to them the representational categories previously developped.

Le vivant dans le discours sur la pluralité des Mondes : l'exemple de l'oeuvre de John Wilkins (1614-1672) / The discourse on the living and the plurality of worlds : some examples from the work of John Wilkins (1614-1672)

Bouyre, Claire 06 November 2015 (has links)
En 1638, paraît en Angleterre un ouvrage de John Wilkins (1614 - 1672), traitant de la pluralité des Mondes et plus précisément de la découverte d’un nouveau Monde : la Lune. Grâce à une argumentation dialectique, l’auteur tente de montrer la similarité entre la Terre et notre satellite. Il s’appuie pour cela sur le modèle copernicien et sur les observations astronomiques de Galilée. De cette similarité, en résulte, selon lui, l’idée que la Lune est peut-être habitée comme la Terre, par des êtres qu’il nomme Sélénites. Il ajoute qu’il serait possible de s’y rendre, et de commercer avec les habitants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier la place des sciences du vivant dans les théories sur la pluralité des Mondes, principalement dans l’œuvre de John Wilkins, et les différentes implications littéraires, théologiques et philosophiques qui en découlent. / In 1638, a book is published in England by John Wilkins (1614-1672), dealing with the plurality of Worlds, and more specifically the discovery of a New World: the Moon. With a dialectical reasoning, the author tries to show the similarities between the Earth and the Moon. For this he uses the Copernican model and astronomical observations of Galileo. From these similarities, Wilkins suggests the idea that the moon could be harboring living beings like Earth and then conjecture on the nature of its inhabitants, the Selenites. He writes that it may be possible one day to reach the Moon and trade with its inhabitants. The purpose of our work is to study the living in the discourse on the plurality of worlds, and observe its place in the work of Wilkins.


NATALIA ARAUJO RODRIGUES 05 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] Do impulso ao mergulho numa paisagem submersa, este almanaque propõe uma reflexão sobre surdez e escuta. A escrita conduz o pensamento através da observação de imagens submarinas, seguindo um percurso que cruza fronteiras; entre o lúdico e os dados científicos, a teoria e a intuição, a certeza e incerteza, humano e bicho, natural artificial. Num caminho que deseja chegar ao abismo, para conhecer seus monstros e sua pluralidade. / [en] From impulse to diving in a submerged landscape, this almanac proposes a reflection on deafness and listening. Writing leads thought through the observation of under-water images, following a route that crosses borders; between ludic and scientific data, theory and intuition, certainty and uncertainty, human and animal, natural and artificial. In a path that wants to reach the abyss, to know its monsters and plurality.

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