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Les clauses ayant effet à l'échelle des groupes de contrats / Clauses that are effective on the Scale of Groups of ContractsSerageldin, Sami 29 September 2014 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de dresser une méthode qui permet d’expliquer, au regard du droit commun, le phénomène de l’extension et la transmission de certaines clauses dans les chaînes de contrats et les ensembles contractuels. Cette méthode devrait aussi justifier certaines dérogations au droit commun.La thèse commence par aborder certaines questions préalables relatives aux groupes de contrats, qui ont une portée directe sur l’objet de cette étude. Les membres de l’ensemble contractuel et de la chaîne de contrats sont des tiers dans leurs rapports respectifs. L’action directe, qui constitue l’élément dynamique de la chaîne de contrats, peut s’analyser en un mécanisme de compensation multilatérale. L’ensemble contractuel multipartite ne peut produire ses effets à l’égard de ses membres que si ces derniers connaissaient l’existence des liens qui unissent leur contrat aux autres contrats de l’ensemble. Enfin, dans les ensembles contractuels bipartites, une distinction s’impose entre le véritable ensemble contractuel et entre le contrat complexe, qui n’est qu’un contrat unique divisé en plusieurs intrumentum. Une méthode chronologique est proposée, prenant en compte le nombre d’échanges de consentements ayant eu lieu entre les deux parties.Après avoir répondu à ces questions préalables, la thèse examine certaines hypothèses dans la jurisprudence dans lesquelles l’effet d’une clause a été étendu ou transmis, dans une chaîne de contrats ou un ensemble contractuel. Les clauses de compétence font l’objet du contentieux le plus abondant mais beaucoup d’autres clauses, telles que la clause limitative de responsabilité, la clause de non-concurrence, la clause de non-garantie et la clause de renonciation à recours font également l’objet d’une extension ou d’une transmission dans les groupes de contrats. L’examen de cette jurisprudence a pu écarter certaines décisions qui ont paru mal fondés et de poser des principes généraux qui peuvent gérer la problématique de l’extension et de la transmission dans les groupes de contrats.Ces règles à caractères générales dégagés après l’examen de la jurisprudence, associées aux réponses qui ont été apportées en premier lieu aux questions préalables, ont abouti à la création de la méthode recherchée. La première étape dans cette méthode est de reconnaître le type de groupe de contrats auquel on fait face : s’agit-il d’un ensemble contractuel bipartite, d’un ensemble contractuel multipartite ou d’une chaîne de contrats ?Si c’est un ensemble contractuel bipartite, la première question qu’on devrait se poser serait de savoir s’il s’agit d’un seul contrat divisé en plusieurs instrumentum, ou d’un véritable ensemble contractuel. Si le groupe prend la forme d’une chaîne de contrats ou d’un ensemble multipartite, la problématique de l’effet relatif des contrats paraît alors sur le devant de la scène. Il a été démontré que l’article 1165 ne fait obstacle qu’à l’extension des clauses à contenu obligationnel. Cinq éléments caractéristiques ont été retenus pour caractériser la clause génératrice d’obligation. Si la clause a un contenu obligationnel, elle ne peut en principe être étendue aux autres membres de la chaîne ou de l’ensemble contractuel. Sinon, la clause est potentiellement opposable.Les dérogations à l’effet relatif des contrats ne sont qu’au nombre de deux. Dans les chaînes de contrats, cette dérogation se manifeste par la transmission des droits à l’ayant cause à titre particulier. Dans les ensembles contractuels une autre dérogation au principe de l’effet relatif des contrats apparaît lorsque le respect de la force obligatoire de la clause exige inévitablement de l’étendre à un autre membre de l’ensemble.Dans les chaînes de contrats, les clauses, sans effet obligationnel, qui affectent l’existence ou le montant de la créance sont de plein droit opposables aux autres membres de la chaîne. / The objet of this thesis is to create a method that could explain a phenomenon that has been observed by scholars and practitioners of law for decades; which is the extension end the transmission of certain clauses in chain agreements and contractual sets. Through this method one should be able, on one hand, to justify this phenomenon in regard to general principals of law and, on the other hand, to find an explanation for some necessary derogations to the Law.The first step in this thesis was to find answers for some basic questions about groups of contracts that have a direct impact on our subject. We have demonstrated that the fundament of contractual sets relies in the concept of “economy of contract”. Members of chain agreements and contractual sets should be considered as third parties in their mutual relationships. Direct action, which constitutes the dynamic face of chain agreements, could be analyzed as a multilateral set-off. In multiparty contractual sets, the set could not produce its effects in regard to its members unless it could be proven that the concerned member has knowledge of the existence of the other contracts forming the set and of the links between these contracts and his own one. Finally, in two parties’ contractual sets, it’s mandatory to distinguish between a real contractual set, and complex contract which is merely a contract written in several documents. We have proposed a chronological method to establish this distinction, taking into account the number of times the parties have exchanged their consent. After this preliminary part, we have studied precedents regarding the extension and the transmission of some clauses in chain agreements and contractual sets. Jurisdiction clauses and arbitration clauses are by far the most represented, but other clauses such as clauses of disclaimer of warranty, clauses of limited liability, clauses of waiver of action and clauses of non-competition are also sometimes extended or transmitted to other contracts and/or to other members in the group. Through an analysis of these decisions, we have shown that some of them didn’t have enough legal ground. Using those decisions that seemed to us well-founded, we have deduced a number of rules that could be applied for other cases of extension and transmission of clauses in groups of contracts.The rules that we have deduces from the study of the case law, together with the answers that we have provided for some preliminary questions in the first part of the thesis, have lead us to find the method we are looking for in this study.The first step in this method is to recognize the type of group of contracts involved: is it a chain agreement, a multiparty contractual set or a two parties’ set ?If it’s a contractual set between two parties, the first question should be to decide whether it’s really a contractual set, or if it’s a complex contract. If the group of contracts involved is a chain agreement or a multiparty contractual set, then one should wonder whether the doctrine of privity of contract could form an obstacle against the extension or the transmission of the clause. We have demonstrated in this thesis that article 1165 of the Civil Code is only applicable to clauses that contain an obligation. In order to qualify recognize clauses having an “obligational” content, we have proposed five fundamental elements. If the clause contains an obligation it could not be extended to the other members of the chain agreement or the contractual set. Otherwise, the clause is potentially opposable.There are only two exceptions to the doctrine of privity of contract. The first one, in chain agreements is the transmission of rights to singular successors. This exception could be justified by article 1122 of the Civil Code and by the concept of accessoire. The second exception could be seen in contractual sets where the binding authority of the clause could not be respected unless it is extended to certain third parties.
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Konst som förenar : Ett sätt att förändra världen? / The collective artwork : A way to change the world?Göth Nilsson, Annika January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis aims to investigate participatory art with focus on socially engaged art. The study is based on Hannah Arendt’s theories of plurality, the public space and the work of art as a ”thought-thing” where the sensory experiences are central. The human’s social life is based on appearances, and individuals appear in front of each other. These appearances are based on a variety of perspectives. The purpose of the essay is to understand what vulnerability means for the art form, and how we as viewers can approach the artwork. By taking a theoretical point of view, the process draws support from Arendt's claim about the work of art as a ”thought-thing”. This is also the method for the thesis where the thought and it’s exploration have a central place and contribute to an organic process. This process follows the events that occur in the outside world like a ”train of thoughts” that connects and develops as a chain. During this process there have been two great world events that have affected peoples freedom and ability to meet: the pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine. This led to the study being influenced by art initiatives linked to Ukraine. The study begins with identifying the roles and perspectives in the artwork and then continues to discuss how to approach the analysis. This led to see the artwork as several parts that form a whole with the conclusion that the hermeneutic circle would form an appropriate method. The spectator’s pre-understanding is the starting point of the interpretation and helps to reach a deeper understanding of the subject. Finally the analysis results in an interpretation of the French artist JR’s work The Resilience of Ukraine that takes place in Liviv in March 2022. This participatory artwork illustrates the Ukrainian people’s situation in the war between Russia and their country. The conclusion of the study is that it is important to see whose vulnerability it is that shapes the artwork and that vulnerability is an aesthetic perspective that enables a deeper understanding of the world. The spectator is an active agent that takes part in the appearances even when not formally invited to join the event. With it’s pre-understanding and ability to interpret, the role activates and the spectator gains a deeper understanding of the situation or the artwork. It is the ability to gain deeper understanding that is central for the spectator.
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Vztah vlastnictví a zpravodajských obsahů. Kvantitativní obsahová analýza bilancí let 2019 a 2020 v českých médiích / The Relationship Between Media Ownership and News Content: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Year In Review Articles on 2019 and 2020 in Czech MediaBláhová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis explores the relationship between news content and owners of print and online media publishers in the Czech Republic. In the recent decade, the Czech media scene has been subject to a phenomenon called oligarchisation, a process when vast most majority of international owners were gradually replaced by local media moguls who also do business in other sectors than the media. The theoretical part of the thesis looks at the media oligarchisation in the Central and Eastern Europe and associated threats to the standards of journalism and democracy per se. The empirical part offers a quantitative content analysis of year in review articles on 2019 and 2020. These articles were published in print and online newspapers in the five main media houses. The coding unit for analysis is an evaluative mention, i.e. only one part of each article, dedicated to a single event, name or trend. The resulting data is tested by a simple analysis of relative frequency, and is also subjected to Pearson's chi-square test. This latter examines the relationships of categorical variables. Subsequently, a correspondence analysis focuses on the most significant associations between media houses and variables of the analysed articles. The results of the analyses indicated that three of the five examined...
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Majority-Preferential Two-Round Electoral Formula: A Balanced Value-Driven Model for CanadaEsmaeilpour Fadakar, Shahin January 2014 (has links)
This research is an enquiry to find an electoral formula that conforms to Canadian constitutional values. Three core values that are pertinent to the issue of electoral systems are identified: democracy, diversity, and efficiency. Each of these core values is divided into different aspects. These aspects will form the backbone of the evaluation of different electoral systems in this work.
I will begin with an evaluation of the plurality model of elections, which is currently used in Canada. I will demonstrate that many of the attributes of the current system are not in tune with Canadian constitutional values, in particular with the progressive interpretation that the Supreme Court of Canada has given to the right to vote as enshrined in Section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although the interpretation of the right to vote will be the main thrust of the constitutional scrutiny in this work, attention will also be given to other pertinent rights such as equality rights, minority rights, and the freedom of expression.
Next, I will examine provincial electoral reform initiatives that were initiated in five Canadian provinces. All of these initiatives - three of which were put to referenda and eventually defeated - proposed adopting a variant of proportional representation. Accordingly, I will evaluate proportional systems according to the intended values. I will conclude that these systems have problems of their own and they also cannot strike a fine balance between competing values.
In the final stage, I will make a new proposal for elections to the Canadian Parliament. First, I will demonstrate that majority systems are better candidates to attain the envisioned values. Then I will introduce a new variant of the majority model, which I call a majority-preferential two-round variant. I will demonstrate that this new variant will outperform the other variants in the attainment of values if adopted for elections to the House of Commons. Finally, I will argue that the combination of a House of Commons elected through the majority-preferential formula and a proportionally elected Senate will result in a more balanced approach to the relevant constitutional values.
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La interrelación música pintura: un análisis comparativo actualizado de sus principales fundamentos técnicos y expresivosJuan Ayala, Octavio de 25 November 2010 (has links)
Tres ideas fundamentales: el correlato neuronal musicopictórica, la posible existencia de universales en la música y la pintura, y el fenómeno de la evocación pictórica / Threefundamental ideas: The neural music painting correlate, the possibility of universals in music and painting and the phenomenon of music painting evocation< / Fazit: Drei Wesentliche ideen: Das neuronales musicopictorisches korrelat, Mögliche universalien in musik und malerei und das phänomen der evocation zwischen musik und malerei
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Bare Nouns in Persian: Interpretation, Grammar, and ProsodyModarresi, Fereshteh 09 June 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the variable behavior of bare nouns in Persian. Bare singular nouns realize different grammatical functions, including subject, object and indirect object. They receive different interpretations, including generic, definite and existential readings. However, the task of understanding the reasons for, and limits on, this variation cannot be achieved without understanding a number of pivotal features of Persian sentential architecture, including Information Structure, prosody, word order, and the functions of various morphological markers in Persian.
After a brief introduction, chapters 2-3 deal with bare noun objects, firstly comparing them with nominals marked with indefinite morpheme -i suffixed to the noun, and the determiner yek. A bare noun object differs from morphologically marked nominals as it shows properties associated with noun incorporation in the literature (chapter 2). Of particular interest are the discourse properties of these ‘quasi-incorporated’ nominals. With respect to the discourse transparency of Incorporated Nominals, Persian belongs to the class of discourse opaque languages within Mithun’s classification (1984). However, under certain circumstances, Persian bare nouns show discourse transparency. These circumstances are examined in chapter 3, and it is proposed that bare nouns do introduce a number neutral discourse referent. There are no overt anaphoric expressions that could match such number-neutral antecedents in Persian. But covert anaphora lack number features, and hence can serve as means to pick up a number-neutral discourse referent. Also, in case world knowledge tells us that the number-neutral discourse referent is anchored to an atomic entity or to a collection, then an overt singular pronoun or an overt plural pronoun might fit the combined linguistic and conceptual requirements, and may be used to pick up the number-neutral discourse referent. This proposal is phrased within Discourse Representation Theory.
In the second half of the dissertation, the interpretation of bare nouns in different positions and with different grammatical functions are discussed. Under the independently supported hypothesis of position>interpretation mapping developed by Diesing (1992), we will see the role of the suffix -ra in indicating that an object has been moved out of VP. Following Diesing, I assume that VP-internal variables are subject to an operation of Existential Closure. In many cases, VP-external –ra-marked objects have a different interpretation to their VP-internal, non-ra-marked, counterparts, because of escaping Existential Closure. For subjects, there is no morphological marking corresponding to –ra on objects, and we have to rely on prosody and word order to determine how a VP is interpreted using theories of the interaction of accent and syntactic structure. We assume that VP-internal subjects exist, under two independent but converging assumptions. The first is prosodic in nature: Subjects can be accented without being narrowly focused; theories of Persian prosody predict then that there is a maximal constituent that contains both the subject and the verb as its head. The second is semantic in nature: Bare nouns require an external existential closure operation to be interpreted existentially, and we have to assume existential closure over the VP for our analysis of the interpretation of objects. So, this existential closure would provide the necessary quantificational force for bare noun subjects as well. It is proposed that both subject and object originate within the VP, and can move out to the VP-external domain. The motivation for these movements are informational-structural in nature, relating in particular to the distinctions between given and new information, and default and non-default information structure.
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Bare Nouns in Persian: Interpretation, Grammar, and ProsodyModarresi, Fereshteh January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the variable behavior of bare nouns in Persian. Bare singular nouns realize different grammatical functions, including subject, object and indirect object. They receive different interpretations, including generic, definite and existential readings. However, the task of understanding the reasons for, and limits on, this variation cannot be achieved without understanding a number of pivotal features of Persian sentential architecture, including Information Structure, prosody, word order, and the functions of various morphological markers in Persian.
After a brief introduction, chapters 2-3 deal with bare noun objects, firstly comparing them with nominals marked with indefinite morpheme -i suffixed to the noun, and the determiner yek. A bare noun object differs from morphologically marked nominals as it shows properties associated with noun incorporation in the literature (chapter 2). Of particular interest are the discourse properties of these ‘quasi-incorporated’ nominals. With respect to the discourse transparency of Incorporated Nominals, Persian belongs to the class of discourse opaque languages within Mithun’s classification (1984). However, under certain circumstances, Persian bare nouns show discourse transparency. These circumstances are examined in chapter 3, and it is proposed that bare nouns do introduce a number neutral discourse referent. There are no overt anaphoric expressions that could match such number-neutral antecedents in Persian. But covert anaphora lack number features, and hence can serve as means to pick up a number-neutral discourse referent. Also, in case world knowledge tells us that the number-neutral discourse referent is anchored to an atomic entity or to a collection, then an overt singular pronoun or an overt plural pronoun might fit the combined linguistic and conceptual requirements, and may be used to pick up the number-neutral discourse referent. This proposal is phrased within Discourse Representation Theory.
In the second half of the dissertation, the interpretation of bare nouns in different positions and with different grammatical functions are discussed. Under the independently supported hypothesis of position>interpretation mapping developed by Diesing (1992), we will see the role of the suffix -ra in indicating that an object has been moved out of VP. Following Diesing, I assume that VP-internal variables are subject to an operation of Existential Closure. In many cases, VP-external –ra-marked objects have a different interpretation to their VP-internal, non-ra-marked, counterparts, because of escaping Existential Closure. For subjects, there is no morphological marking corresponding to –ra on objects, and we have to rely on prosody and word order to determine how a VP is interpreted using theories of the interaction of accent and syntactic structure. We assume that VP-internal subjects exist, under two independent but converging assumptions. The first is prosodic in nature: Subjects can be accented without being narrowly focused; theories of Persian prosody predict then that there is a maximal constituent that contains both the subject and the verb as its head. The second is semantic in nature: Bare nouns require an external existential closure operation to be interpreted existentially, and we have to assume existential closure over the VP for our analysis of the interpretation of objects. So, this existential closure would provide the necessary quantificational force for bare noun subjects as well. It is proposed that both subject and object originate within the VP, and can move out to the VP-external domain. The motivation for these movements are informational-structural in nature, relating in particular to the distinctions between given and new information, and default and non-default information structure.
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World of DesireCrippa, Benedetta January 2017 (has links)
This project report offers an in-depth, detailed account of my creative process and work during my two-year Master in visual communication at Konstfack, Stockholm. My degree project is a celebration of plurality and visual democracy. Starting with identifying different norms pervading the graphic design discipline in the Western world today, both in terms of aesthetic values and systems of thinking, I have worked to propose and visualize alternative possible futures. Drawing has been my main carrier through an intense journey of un-learning and re-learning resulting in an artist’s book in unique copy. With this book, I want to problematize the dominant discourses around objectivity as a utopian ideal with a suppressive agenda, while visualizing a world I can recognize myself in. I have used decoration as a method, emotion and femininity as explorative standpoints, giving space to the metaphorical, the ambiguous and the spiritual to challenge current visual norms. This book emerges as an affirmation of my own quest for visual belonging as a graphic designer and a woman; a testimony of the practice of drawing as actualized power.
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Real impossible worlds : the bounds of possibilityKiourti, Ira Georgia January 2010 (has links)
Lewisian Genuine Realism (GR) about possible worlds is often deemed unable to accommodate impossible worlds and reap the benefits that these bestow to rival theories. This thesis explores two alternative extensions of GR into the terrain of impossible worlds. It is divided in six chapters. Chapter I outlines Lewis’ theory, the motivations for impossible worlds, and the central problem that such worlds present for GR: How can GR even understand the notion of an impossible world, given Lewis’ reductive theoretical framework? Since the desideratum is to incorporate impossible worlds into GR without compromising Lewis’ reductive analysis of modality, Chapter II defends that analysis against (old and new) objections. The rest of the thesis is devoted to incorporating impossible worlds into GR. Chapter III explores GR-friendly impossible worlds in the form of set-theoretic constructions out of genuine possibilia. Then, Chapters IV-VI venture into concrete impossible worlds. Chapter IV addresses Lewis’ objection against such worlds, to the effect that contradictions true at impossible worlds amount to true contradictions tout court. I argue that even if so, the relevant contradictions are only ever about the non-actual, and that Lewis’ argument relies on a premise that cannot be nonquestion- beggingly upheld in the face of genuine impossible worlds in any case. Chapter V proposes that Lewis’ reductive analysis can be preserved, even in the face of genuine impossibilia, if we differentiate the impossible from the possible by means of accessibility relations, understood non-modally in terms of similarity. Finally, Chapter VI counters objections to the effect that there are certain impossibilities, formulated in Lewis’ theoretical language, which genuine impossibilia should, but cannot, represent. I conclude that Genuine Realism is still very much in the running when the discussion turns to impossible worlds.
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Lewenskontekstuele hermeneutiek-met verwysing na Sewendedag-AdventisteHorn, Ruan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In die tesis word die modernistiese en laat/postmodernistiese reduksionistiese benaderings in die Adventiste wêreld nie bloot afgewys nie, nie net omdat dit deel van ons ervaring is nie maar ook omdat die reduksies wat in die moderne en laat/postmoderne tyd ontstaan het in ʼn gemodifieërde sin die boustene is van ʼn hermeneutiese benadering wat poog om holisties en in multiverse sin oorvleuelend te werk met die antieke, moderne en laat/post moderne benaderinge.
In ʼn hermeneutiek wat holisties oorvleuelend en multivers integrerend aan die gang is, vorm die vierledige opset van die handelinge en beweginge van God, die menslike bewustelike self, medemens(e) as die ander mens en die natuurlike kosmiese wêreld ʼn misterie van vierledig aktiewe teenwoordighede wat nie-vermengd saambestaan maar tog ontsettend naby aan mekaar is as die voortgaande ervaringskaart van elke konteks en situasie.
Juis die uitmekaar ruk van die vierledige aktiewe teenwoordighede inonservaringswêrelde vorm die agtergrond vir moderne teologisme met God alleen speler van die spel, psigologisme met die bewustelike menslike self as die kaptein van sy siel en die meester van sy lot, humanisme waarin die mensheid as kollektiewe menswees die enigste roerder van die menslike brousel in die geskiedenis is en naturalisme waarin die natuurlik kosmiese omgewing die naturaliserende ordeningsagent van die kosmiese chaos is.
Wat radikaal deur ʼn holisties oorvleuelende en multiverse integrerende aanpak sny, is dat die vierledige teenwoordighede gedra word asook ingebou is in wat in die Bybels-historiese tydslyn vorendag kom as die vier prominente dade van God se voortgaande skepping, versoening in Jesus Christus, alomvattende vernuwing deur die Gees en voleindende volmaking tot in die aanbreek van die nuwe hemel en die nuwe aarde.
Binne die omraming van ʼn hermeneutiek wat holisties oorvleuelend en multiversintegrerend werk, word algemene moderne en postmoderne benaderinge oor tekse, teorieë, menslike handelinge en die
natuurlike kosmiese gebeurtenisse beskryf. Terwyl die moderniteit – en ook die postmoderniteit –
uitgaan van die hoofsaaklik opponerende verskille tussen sinmakende beskouinge word hier gepoog om
eers die oorvleuelingsareas refleksief te betrek en daarna aandag gee aan die verskille. Die drie
breë benaderinge wat hoofsaaklik beskryf word is die van fundamentalistiese spieëling, liberale interpretasie en die konsinlike onderhandeling van tekse, teorieë, menslike handelinge en natuurlik kosmiese gebeure.Juis teen hierdie agtergrond word diverse SDA omgangspatrone met die Bybel,
ervaringe in die kerklike arena en alledaagse ervaringe in ʼn draaikolk van multivers oorvleuelende en differensiërende refleksiwiteit beskryf. / In the thesis Adventist approaches making use of modernist and late/postmodernistic reductionist
philosophies are not rejected out of hand. Not only are the reductions which emerged in the modern
and late/modern era part of our experience but they are in a modified sense the building blocks of
a hermeneutical approach in which an attempt is made to work in an overlapping holistic and
multiverse way with approaches of the ancient world, modernity and late/post modernity.
In a hermeneutics that operate holistically with overlaps and in a multiverse integrative sense,
the quadruple setting of actions and movements of God, the conscious human self, neighbour(s) as
the other human and the natural cosmic world forms a mystery of foursome active presences that do
not exist together in a mixed sense but are very close to each
other as the continuous experiential map of every context and situation.
The dislocation of the foursome active presences in our experiential worlds forms the backdrop of
modern theologism in which God is the sole player in the game, psychologism with the conscious
human self as the captain of his or her soul, humanism in which
humanity as the collectiveness of being human is the only stirrer of the human concoction in
history and naturalism in which the natural cosmic environment is the only naturalistic agency that
arranges the cosmic chaos.
Cutting radically through the holistic overlapping and multiverse integrative approach is that the
foursome presences are carried and built into what come to the fore in the biblical historical
timeline as the four grand acts of God of continuous creation, reconciliation in Jesus Christ, all
embracing renewal through the Holy Spirit and fulfilling fulfilment as in the dawn of the new
heaven and the new earth.
Within the embrace of a hermeneutics which works with overlaps in a holistically and integrating in
a multiverse sense general modernist and late/post modern approaches regarding texts, theories,
human doings and natural cosmic events are described. While modernity – and late/post modernity -
depart from mainly opposing differences between sense making views the attempt is made here firstly
to engage oneself in a reflexive sense with the areas of overlapping and only then to pay attention
the differences. The three broad approaches mainly described are that of fundamentalist mirroring,
liberal interpretation and consensual negotiation of texts, theories, human doings and natural
cosmic events. It is against this background that diverse SDA engagement patterns with the Bible,
experiences in the arena of the church and everyday experiences is described in a vortex of
holistic overlapping and multiverse integrative reflexivity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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