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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣媒體記者駐點中國的工作控制與因應 / The response strategies against governmental and organizational controls of Taiwanese journalists working in China

游蓓茹, Yu, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣媒體記者駐點中國在採訪時所遇到的工作控制、以及所採取的因應策略。透過對多位實務工作者的深度訪談,本研究發現,對駐點中國記者最直接的控制來源,分別是「中國官方」與「台灣媒體組織」。中國官方雖然仍會使用較為粗暴、強硬的新聞控制手段,不過也越來越懂得用軟性的互動手法,干涉的深度與廣度與兩岸政治關係也有相當關係。駐點中國的台灣媒體記者採取的因應方式,則包括新聞現場快速反應,平時不斷增加專業知識、以提升對「爆料與網路線索或刻意餵新聞」的判斷能力。再者,台灣媒體接受中國官方的「置入」,再透過組織要求對記者產生影響。駐點中國的台灣媒體記者除了工作量因此增加之外,還成為台灣媒體在中國的業務代表;為了應付稿量需求、搶快、搶獨家,而利用網路消息作為新聞線索,同時並需保護自己,因此在寫作上需以「事實陳述」、「找名人背書」等方式轉移責任歸屬。 / This study focused on Taiwanese journalists’ practical strategies against governmental and organizational controls while working in china. Through empirical in-depth interviews with journalists, we came to identified how government of China uses both aggressive and subtle ways to influencing news reporting. Journalists in China need rapid responses action on sight and train themselves with extensive knowledge. In addition, one of the subtle ways to deal with Taiwanese media is to use product placement, but the more Taiwanese media receive product placement from china, the more chances are China government can further influence on the controversial news content in Taiwanese media. Receiving product placement only making these cross-strait journalists became sales representative of Taiwanese media in china. In order to meet the needs of organization, Journalists need to use internet as sources. But they also need to be extra careful by using “fact-based statement” or “quote from celebrity” in their daily writing skills.

所有權制度改變對新聞工作者之影響: 以臺灣電視公司為例 / The Impact of Ownership Shifting on Journalists: A Case Study of TTV

曾偉旻 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣無線電視「老三台」(台視、中視與華視)所有權制度,在2000年代中期發生劇烈變化。華視朝公共化發展,中視與台視則民營化成為商營電視台;雖然走向不同,但以往「官控商營」的三台,卻也都各自進入「媒體集團」的所有權模式。民營化後的台視由非凡電視台入主,新資方揭櫫「低成本、高收視」之方針,在製作成本大幅降低與人事預算縮編下,新聞從業人員直接面臨工作負擔增加等問題。本研究希冀以台視2007年公股釋出、走向民營化、集團化的的歷程為例,探究所有權變動對於新聞組織與工作者的勞動影響。 台視勞動條件隨民營化組織變革有著幾個時期的轉變,首先在優離優退的人事瘦身後,留任員工雖明顯感受工作負擔加重,然因資方塑造「共體時艱」共識,勞動者與工會多以順從承擔代替抵抗。新聞部員工則因工作性質,不僅缺席工會運作,也少有為自己勞動權益發聲的行動。民營化之初,台視透過外購與合製等方式節省成本,但資方也不忘逐步提高節目自製之比例,在有限人力下,留任的勞動者身兼數職以成就資方揭櫫之方針。而資方棒子與紅蘿蔔賞罰兼施,逐步在薪資福利上調整,持續凝聚勞資雙方的共識。總體而言,黨政軍三退、民營化的台視,政治勢力脫離官控商營的侍從關係,不過藉由業配等商業運作,政治力則以較迂迴的方式滲透新聞製作獲得發語權。 / The central concern of this thesis underlines ,after Free Radio Movement, how the ownership shifted and what Taiwan Television Enterprise has done to the process of the privatization before and after 2007. It asks how media workers reflect and adapt themselves to the strategies of new employee. Through the method of in-depth interview, this thesis interviewed nine employers, including 5 reporters, 3 supervisors of the news department as well as the head of the union. From the interview, it shows the solidarity and the consent which established and conveyed by TTV employee from many aspects to have their employers and labors ‘’Making out’’ all of the process, regardless of the overtime and overload works. Another finding of the thesis is ,without the political wrestling and after Free Radio Movement, TTV’s privatization process did get rid of the direct control from government and the political party, however, TTV develops the commercial way to penetrate into the news production.

O controle das contas municipais / The control over municipal accounts

Fagundes, Tatiana Penharrubia 05 March 2012 (has links)
Só é possível estudar o tema O controle das contas municipais em um Estado que apresente, em sua Constituição, o princípio da separação de Poderes como uma de suas pedras angulares. Além de competir a cada órgão do Poder uma função típica, também reflexo da teoria da separação de Poderes de Montesquieu é o sistema de checks and balances pelo qual um Poder controla o outro evitando a prática dos abusos. Em matéria de contas públicas, este controle recíproco se apresenta com o dever que o Chefe do Poder Executivo tem de prestar contas ao Poder Legislativo do uso que conferiu ao dinheiro público que, na verdade, pertence ao povo. Fala-se, portanto, na função de controle externo que o Legislativo realiza sobre as contas prestadas pelo Executivo. Em âmbito municipal, o controle externo é exercido pela Câmara Municipal com o auxílio do Tribunal de Contas, ao qual compete o dever de elaborar um parecer prévio sobre as contas de governo anualmente prestadas pelo Prefeito e encaminhá-lo ao julgamento político da Câmara Municipal. À Corte de Contas compete, pois, o controle técnico das contas, através das fiscalizações contábil, financeira, orçamentária, operacional e patrimonial e à Câmara dos Vereadores, o controle político de tais contas. / To study The control over municipal accounts it is mandatory that a State has the principle of separation of powers as a cornerstone of its Constitution. Besides that each branch of Government has specific responsibilities, another reflection of Montesquieus theory of separation of Powers is the system of checks and balances, under which each branch of government controls the other to prevent abuse of power. In terms of public accounts, this reciprocated control is represented by the duty the Head of the Executive has to account for the destination of the public money, which belongs to the people, to the Legislative; i.e., the external control carried out by the Legislative Branch over the accounts of the Executive Branch. At municipal level, external control is carried out by the City Council and the Court of Auditors, which has to prepare a previous opinion on the government accounts annually presented by the Mayor and send it for the political judgment of the City Council. Thus, the Court of Auditors is responsible for the technical control of the accounts, running accounting, financial, budgetary, operational and equity audits, while the City Council is responsible for the political control thereof.

O controle das contas municipais / The control over municipal accounts

Tatiana Penharrubia Fagundes 05 March 2012 (has links)
Só é possível estudar o tema O controle das contas municipais em um Estado que apresente, em sua Constituição, o princípio da separação de Poderes como uma de suas pedras angulares. Além de competir a cada órgão do Poder uma função típica, também reflexo da teoria da separação de Poderes de Montesquieu é o sistema de checks and balances pelo qual um Poder controla o outro evitando a prática dos abusos. Em matéria de contas públicas, este controle recíproco se apresenta com o dever que o Chefe do Poder Executivo tem de prestar contas ao Poder Legislativo do uso que conferiu ao dinheiro público que, na verdade, pertence ao povo. Fala-se, portanto, na função de controle externo que o Legislativo realiza sobre as contas prestadas pelo Executivo. Em âmbito municipal, o controle externo é exercido pela Câmara Municipal com o auxílio do Tribunal de Contas, ao qual compete o dever de elaborar um parecer prévio sobre as contas de governo anualmente prestadas pelo Prefeito e encaminhá-lo ao julgamento político da Câmara Municipal. À Corte de Contas compete, pois, o controle técnico das contas, através das fiscalizações contábil, financeira, orçamentária, operacional e patrimonial e à Câmara dos Vereadores, o controle político de tais contas. / To study The control over municipal accounts it is mandatory that a State has the principle of separation of powers as a cornerstone of its Constitution. Besides that each branch of Government has specific responsibilities, another reflection of Montesquieus theory of separation of Powers is the system of checks and balances, under which each branch of government controls the other to prevent abuse of power. In terms of public accounts, this reciprocated control is represented by the duty the Head of the Executive has to account for the destination of the public money, which belongs to the people, to the Legislative; i.e., the external control carried out by the Legislative Branch over the accounts of the Executive Branch. At municipal level, external control is carried out by the City Council and the Court of Auditors, which has to prepare a previous opinion on the government accounts annually presented by the Mayor and send it for the political judgment of the City Council. Thus, the Court of Auditors is responsible for the technical control of the accounts, running accounting, financial, budgetary, operational and equity audits, while the City Council is responsible for the political control thereof.

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