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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a robust index of abundance for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) through aerial surveys in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea / Développement d'un indice d'abondance robuste pour le thon rouge (Thunnus thynnus) en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale obtenu par suivi aérien

Robert Klaus, Bauer 30 November 2015 (has links)
Le déclin du thon rouge de l'Atlantique nord-est et de Méditerranée (ABFT, Thunnus thynnus) qui faisait suite à une forte surexploitation a été largement médiatisé au cours de la dernière décennie. Pour contrer cette tendance et reconstituer ce stock, d’importantes mesures de gestion ont été mises en place à partir de 2007. En dehors des difficultés liées à leur mise en œuvre et à leur contrôle, la gestion des pêcheries thonières est aussi limitée dans les capacités à suivre précisément les variations d’abondance de ces espèces dont les observations reposent principalement sur les données de pêche. Le manque d’indice d’abondance fiable fait que l’évaluation du thon rouge, comme celle des autres espèces de poissons grands pélagiques, est entachée d’importantes incertitudes. Cependant, les suivis aériens pourraient permettre de fournir un indice d’abondance du thon rouge. Ils sont en effet fréquemment utilisés pour l'évaluation de l'abondance des mammifères marins et aussi par les pêcheurs pour détecter les poissons épipélagiques, comme les thons. Dans ce contexte général, cette thèse a pour objectifs : (i) d'évaluer des facteurs qui affectent potentiellement la détectabilité des thons pendant les suivis aériens, (ii) d’analyser leur comportement horizontal et vertical et les facteurs environnementaux qui l’influencent, et (iii) d’intégrer les connaissances acquises pour développer un indice abondance robuste du thon rouge en Méditerranée Nord Occidentale. Les analyses reposent sur des suivis aériens conduits depuis 2000 dans le golfe du Lion, une zone de nourricerie importante pour le thon rouge. Une modélisation des données basée sur le « distance sampling » montre des effets significatifs des observateurs, de la taille des bancs de thons et de l'état de la mer sur l’estimation d’abondance. Cette étude confirme par ailleurs une augmentation importance des abondances entre 2003 et 2009, probablement en réponse aux mesures de gestion mises en œuvre depuis 2007 (notamment la taille minimale de débarquement de 30 kg). Pour évaluer les effets du comportement sur les estimations d'abondance, une étude a porté sur les trajectoires de thons issues du marquage électronique. Ces analyses montrent une disponibilité des thons rouge ainsi qu’une présence en surface dans la zone et la période (Août-Octobre) des suivis aériens ; résultat confortant la fiabilité de l’indice d’abondance. On note également des changements saisonniers du comportement, avec un approfondissement des thons à partir de mi-Novembre correspondant à la dé-stratification de la colonne d’eau. Le comportement de plongée profonde était particulièrement fréquent pendant les mois de forte productivité biologique (février-Mai), mais des plongées profondes ont également été observées à la fin de l'été en relation avec des fronts thermiques. La variabilité des schémas migratoires sur l’horizontale et du comportement sur la verticale indique une forte composante opportuniste, probablement liée à la disponibilité des ressources alimentaires. Les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse démontrent la faisabilité d’obtenir un indice d’abondance de thon rouge robuste à partir des suivis aériens (donc indépendants des données de pêche) et fournissent un cadre théorique et méthodologique pour une extension de ce type de suivi afin de diminuer les incertitudes autour de l’évaluation de ce stock. Outre le thon rouge, les suivis aériens ont également permis un suivi du rorqual commun (Balaenoptera physalus) et des dauphins rayés (Stenella coeruleoalba). La présence des mammifères marins semble également être liée à la productivité élevée et l'activité méso-échelle de la zone d'étude. Si les dauphins présentent une distribution spatiale en partie corrélée à celle du thon rouge, les rorquals ne présentent pas de forte co-occurrence avec le thon rouge, résultat qui confirmerait une certaine proximité des régimes alimentaires des thons et des dauphins. / Declines in Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks (ABFT, Thunnus thynnus), due to extensive over-fishing, have been widely publicized in recent decades. To counteract this trend, regulatory measures have been introduced by the fisheries managers, aiming at the rebuilding of ABFT stocks. However, apart from difficulties in controlling the implementation of these measures, fisheries management is limited in its capabilities to track their efficiency due to major uncertainties in the stock assessment. Indeed, there is a general need of reliable indicators of ABFT abundance. Aerial surveys may provide a helpful tool for the abundance monitoring of this highly exploited fish species. They are frequently used for the abundance assessment of marine mammals and also by fishermen to detect epipelagic fish, such as tunas. The aim of this thesis was to address these issues and to create a robust fishery-independent abundance index for ABFT through aerial surveys. To achieve this goal, the focus was set on (i) the assessment of factors that potentially affect the detectability of ABFT during the aerial surveys, (ii) the habitat use of ABFT, i.e. their horizontal and vertical behaviour as well as the factors driving it, and (iii) the integration of the knowledge gained through these analyses in the development of a robust index of ABFT abundance. Surveys were conducted from 2000 onwards in the Gulf of Lions, an important nursery ground for ABFT in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Line transect modelling of the sighting data revealed significant effects of detectability changes on abundance estimates, related to the observer teams employed, the size of detected ABFT schools and the sea state during the aerial surveys. Derived estimates of ABFT abundance confirmed a significant increase from 2003 to 2009, likely reflecting the success of recently implemented management measures (e.g. minimum landing size of 30 kg since 2007). To assess behavioural effects on abundance estimates, auxiliary archival tagging experiments, conducted since 2007, focused on the presence and surface availability of ABFT during the aerial surveys, and aimed to identify factors influencing these variables. The data gained from these experiments demonstrated seasonal changes in the migratory behaviour of ABFT, but also a high area and surface presence of ABFT in the study zone during the survey period (August–October), supporting the reliability of the abundance index. Surface presence of ABFT decreased with the breakdown of the thermal stratification of the water column (mid-November), when the fish left the survey zone and moved South. By contrast, deep diving behaviour was particularly frequent during months of high biological productivity (February--May), although deep and unusual long spike dives were also observed during late summer in relation to thermal fronts. However, the variability in the migration patterns indicates a strong opportunistic component in both, the horizontal and vertical behaviour of ABFT, probably related to the availability of food resources. Apart from ABFT, the aerial surveys also allowed an abundance monitoring of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) as well as an analysis of their co-occurrence with ABFT. In fact, similar to ABFT, the presence of these species appeared to be related to the high productivity and mesoscale activity of the study zone, improving our understanding of their habitat use, essential for the conservation of these much less abundant and endangered species. Regarding the stock assessment of ABFT, the results gained through this thesis prove the feasibility to derive robust fishery independent abundance indicators for ABFT through aerial surveys, providing the theoretical and methodological background for an extension of these efforts for a more sustainable management of the stocks of this species.

Origine, mémoire et épiphanie du réel dans l'oeuvre narrative de François Bon / Origin, memory and epiphany of reality in the narrative work of François Bon

Portugais, Daniel 21 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’œuvre narrative de François Bon. Elle concerne donc les romans, récits, autobiographies et biographies qui ont été publiés par l’écrivain de 1982 à 2016. De ce fait, la question centrale d’une nouvelle approche de la lecture et de l’écriture liée au développement du numérique ne sera abordée que lorsqu’elle permettra d’éclairer le mode de fonctionnement des livres de l’auteur de Sortie d’usine. Ce travail s’intéresse ainsi à trois dimensions essentielles du contemporain que l’œuvre questionne de manière incessante et récurrente : l’origine, la mémoire et la problématique d’un réel qui est à la fois imposé comme évidence dans ses manifestations les plus flagrantes et escamoté comme rejeté lorsqu’il remet en question l’ordre et le déroulement du monde dans lequel nous nous trouvons immergé. Elle aborde ainsi un certain nombre de thèmes et réflexions sous-tendus par une littérature au présent : l’émergence du nouveau au sein d’un monde ancien, des signes contradictoires même que ce phénomène induit, l’importance fondamentale que l’époque pourrait revêtir du point de vue de l’histoire. Elle explore, en outre, le lien entre la machine économico-industrielle et un nouvel ordre du monde néo-libéral qui évacue, escamote et recycle à la fois passé et présent en même temps qu’il écrit une histoire dont nous pouvons être assurée qu’elle ne correspond en aucune manière à l’expression d’une vérité. Dans ce travail de recherche est exploré le plus souvent ce qui relève de formes nouvelles, dans la relation même que l’auteur entretient avec des domaines qui ne constituaient pas jusqu’à une époque récente des préoccupations éminemment littéraires : l’univers pop-rock, une phénoménologie de la mécanique et de l’automobile, la présence d’un monde postindustriel en lequel l’usine et l’ouvrier apparaissent comme autant d’emblèmes et symboles. / This thesis is devoted to the narrative work of François Bon. Therefore it concerns the novels, stories, autobiographies and biographies which were published by the writer from 1982 to 2016. So, the central question of a new way of reading and writing linked to the development of digital technology will only be addressed when it will shed light on the way books by the author of Sortie d’usine work. This thesis is thus focused on three essential dimensions of the contemporary that François Bon’s work constantly and recurrently questions: the origin, the memory and the problematic of a reality that is both imposed as evidence in its most obvious manifestations and retracted as rejected when it calls into question the order and the unfolding of the world in which we find ourselves immersed. It thus addresses a certain number of themes and reflections underlying a literature in the present: the emergence of the new within an ancient world, even contradictory signs that this phenomenon induces, the fundamental importance that the era could have from the point of view of history. It also explores the link between the economic-industrial machine and a new neo-liberal world order that evacuates, escapes and recycles both past and present while at the same time writing a story that we can be sure it does not in any way correspond to the expression of a truth. In this research work, new patterns are most often explored in the very relationship that the author maintains with fields that until recently did not constitute eminently literary concerns: the pop-rock universe, a phenomenology of mechanics and the automobile, the presence of a post-industrial world in which the factories and the workers appear as so many emblems and symbols.

Pop-up public spaces : Explore, experiment, expand / Temporära allmänna platser : utforska, undersök, utveckla

Modén, Erick January 2015 (has links)
The 21st century presents the urban environments with challenges in the form of demo- graphic changes, new urban economies and international and culturally diverse cities. These challenges exist within a globalized context that together with digital technology has created rapidly shifting environments. As a result there is a need for constant innovation in a constantly shifting environment. There is a need for temporary exploratory solutions in the built environment in order to highlight tendencies, visualize unseen conflicts and explore new urban forms in order for cities to grow with their residents and users. By analyzing current local regulation in Stockholm regarding public space, temporary structures, usage as well as social factors and an in-depth analysis of three case studies, this project explores and outlines how temporary user projects can act as a compliment to traditional planning practices. The project also explores the role and the limitations of urban entrepreneurship and examines a clear set of values for urban entrepreneurship within temporary spaces. The final synthesis is a framework that seeks to ensure equal access and achieving solutions that are flexible and local. / Det 21:a århundradet presenterar en rad utmaningar för de urbana miljöerna i form av demografiska förändringar, nya urbana ekonomier samt internationella och mångkulturella städer. Dessa utmaningar sker ur ett globaliserat sammanhang som tillsammans med digitala teknologier har skapat snabbt skiftande urbana miljöer. Därmed finns det ett behov av en kontinuerlig innovationsprocess i kontinuerligt skiftande miljöer. Det finns ett behov av temporära, utforskande lösningar, i den byggda miljön för att kunna påvisa tendenser, åskådliggöra osedda konflikter samt utforska nya urbana former för att städer ska kunna växa med sina innevånare och användare. Genom att analysera rådande regelverk i Stockholm gällande offentliga utrymmen, temporära konstruktioner, användande samt sociala faktorer och ingående analyser av tre fallstudier, utforskar detta projekt temporära användarprojekt i den urbana miljön som ett komplement till traditionella planerings praxis. Projektet utforskar urbant entreprenörskaps roll samt begränsningar och undersöker en tydligen värdegrund för urbant entreprenörskap gällande temporära platser. Slutsyntesen är ett ramverk som ämnar till att säkerställa jämlik åtkomst samt skapa flexibla och lokalt relevanta lösningar.


HUMBERTO BARROS DA SILVA 05 November 2020 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese analisa a narrativa da toy art, com foco na sua história e relações com a cultura Pop. A análise propõe questões sobre seu papel no enfrentamento aos mi-tos urbanos contemporâneos, assim como dialoga e se relaciona com a manifesta-ção dos Bate-bolas dos subúrbios do Rio de Janeiro. A toy art é um suporte ex-pressivo contemporâneo que contém elementos do grafite, do design, e da street art. Apresenta uma narrativa da cidade com violência e humor ácido. O consu-mismo e a pós modernidade são necessariamente investigados ao se estudar o uni-verso da toy art, ou designer toy, assim como as tribos urbanas. Sua forma é a de um brinquedo e sua narrativa é explicitamente adulta. A pesquisa aplicada produz uma linha de toy arts baseados na estética dos Bate-bolas do subúrbio carioca, uma manifestação cultural tradicional do carnaval. O intuito é conhecer os processos que envolvem a produção do objeto assim como as possibilidades de conexões entre o universo pop e a cultura urbana em uma dimensão regional e nacional. / [en] This thesis analyzes the narrative of toy art, focusing on its history and relations with Pop culture. The analysis proposes questions about its role in confronting contemporary urban myths, as well as dialogues and relates to the manifestation of the Bate-bolas in the suburbs from Rio de Janeiro. Toy art is a contemporary expressive medium that contains elements of graffiti, design, and street art. It pre-sents a narrative of the city with violence and acid humor. Consumerism and postmodernity are necessarily investigated when studying the universe of toy art, or designer toy, as well as urban tribes. Its shape is a toy shape and its narrative is explicitly adult. The applied research produces a line of toys based on the aesthetics of Bate-bolas in the suburb of Rio, a traditional cultural manifestation of carnival. The aim is to know the processes that involve the production of the object, as well as the possi-bilities of connections between the pop universe and urban culture in a regional and national dimension.

Cloud Service Selection for Startups : Identifying how Swedish startups prioritize when selecting their Cloud services / Val av molntjänster för startupföretag : En masteruppsats om hur svenska startupföretag prioriterar när de väljer deras molntjänster

ATTAR, ANDRÉ January 2016 (has links)
A startup’s ability to make correct decisions regarding their Cloud choices is essential if they intend to stay competitively relevant in their business. Choosing the Cloud solutions that allow for an optimal level of production can give startups that operate in most industries a competitive advantage. However, new startups have a plethora of factors to consider when choosing a Cloud provider, which is the basis of the thesis. The purpose of the study is to explore and gain insight regarding how new startups can make suitable decisions when selecting different Cloud services. The study’s main data collection method is a set of interviews that were conducted with CTOs from some of Sweden’s most promising startup companies. The study thoroughly discusses the three largest Cloud providers (Amazon Web Services, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform), and attempts to reveal how these Cloud services are positioned in the eyes of the customers that use them on a daily basis. A main finding of the study was that the most important factors to consider when selecting a Cloud provider is its compatibility with your company’s IT-environment, the quality and quantity of its services, how well managed it is, if it offers data protection compliances, and ultimately, the prices of the services it offers. Furthermore, information derived from the interviews imply that new startups ought to make their IT-solution as simple as possible in order to reduce the chances of running into integration problems with different Cloud solutions. The author intends for the study to be a guideline for new startups to better understand what factors they ought to prioritize when selecting Cloud providers. / En startups förmåga att ta de rätta besluten när det kommer till deras val av molntjänster är otroligt viktigt. Genom att välja de rätta molnlösningar så kan man se till att företaget får en bra möjlighet att växa, och att rätt molnlösningar kan det kan ge de flesta startups digitala verktyg som kan ge konkurransfördel. Det finns däremot mycket att tänka på när man väljer en molntjänst, och det är vad studien bygger på. Syftet med detta projekt var att utforska och bättre förstå hur nya startups kan ta de rätta besluten när det kommer till deras val av molntjänster. Studiens huvudsakliga datainsamlingsmetod var tolv intervjuer som utfördes tillsammans med CTOs från några av Sveriges mest framgångsrika startupföretag. Studien utför en noggrann diskussion och jämförelse på de tre största molntjänsterna i världen (Amazon Web Services, Azure, och Google Cloud Platform), och försöker att visa hur dessa molntjänster är positionerade enligt de kunder som använder sig av molntjänsterna vardaligen. Studien visar att de viktigaste faktorerna som man bör tänka på när man väljer molntjänst är: hur pass kompatibel den är med företagets IT-miljö, kvaliteten och mängden tjänster som leverantören erbjuder, hur pass managerade leverantörens tjänster är, om leverantören överensstämmer med regler för uppgiftsskydd, och kostnaden för molnleverantörens tjänster. Ytterligare så fann man indikationer från intervjuerna att nya startups bör försöka sikta på molnlösningar som är så simpla som möjligt och helst att dessa lösningar är integrerade lösningar som molnleverantören själv erbjuder, och detta på grund av att det kan vara svårt att integrera molnlösningar från olika företag. Författarens avsikt för denna rapport är att den ska vara en riktlinje för nya startups så att de kan förstå vad de bör tänka på när de väljer sina molntjänster.

Pharmacothérapie de précision des aminosides en unités de soins intensifs

Duong, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Les aminosides sont majoritairement utilisés pour le traitement d’infections causées par des bactéries Gram-négatif. En raison de leur index thérapeutique étroit, les aminosides doivent être administrés avec des doses adéquates afin d’optimiser la guérison clinique tout en minimisant les risques de toxicité. De plus, le suivi thérapeutique posologique est d’autant plus important pour les populations spéciales. En effet, ces dernières, telles que les patients aux soins intensifs, peuvent présenter des conditions physiopathologiques pouvant influencer la pharmacocinétique des aminosides. Ce projet, séparé en trois volets, a permis la description des habitudes de posologies et de suivi thérapeutique des aminosides auprès des patients aux soins intensifs du Québec à l’aide d’un questionnaire. De plus, ce projet inclut également une revue des modèles pharmacocinétiques par approche populationnelle (PopPK) des aminosides pour des patients aux soins intensifs. Finalement, ce projet consiste en l’évaluation de la performance prédictive des modèles de gentamicine avec une base de données-patients provenant de deux établissements de santé du Québec. Le volet 1, sous forme d’un questionnaire, a obtenu un taux de réponse de 64.7%, représentant 42% des lits aux soins intensifs de la province. Les régimes posologiques administrés de façon uniquotidienne, sont plus utilisés que l’administration multiquotidienne avec des doses allant de 5 à 7 mg/kg pour la gentamicine et la tobramycine. L’amikacine est très peu utilisé dans les établissements du Québec. Les cibles thérapeutiques respectaient généralement les cibles recommandées dans la littérature. Le volet 2 a permis la description de six, onze et cinq modèles PopPK d’amikacine, de gentamicine et de tobramycine respectivement. Les modèles à deux compartiments décriraient mieux la pharmacocinétique de l’amikacine et de la tobramcyine, tandis que les modèles à un compartiment décriraient mieux la pharmacocinétique de la gentamicine. Les covariables les plus souvent considérées comme significatives étaient la clairance rénale et le poids corporel. Dans le volet 3, malgré qu’une performance prédictive adéquate a été déterminée auprès des 4 modèles évaluées avec la base de données-patients du Québec, de la variabilité demeure présente concernant la prédiction des concentrations et l’application de ces modèles dans un contexte doit ainsi se faire avec prudence. À partir du meilleur modèle, des régimes posologiques a priori ont pu être simulés. / Aminoglycosides are mostly used for treatment of severe Gram-negative infections. Due to their narrow therapeutic index, aminoglycosides should be administered following adequate dosing regimens in order to optimize clinical efficacy while minimizing the risks of toxicity. Moreover, therapeutic drug monitoring is even more important for frail populations such as the critically ill patients. In fact, the latter often present pathophysiological changes that may influence aminoglycosides’ pharmacokinetics. This project was divided in three parts. Firstly, a survey was developed to describe the usual dosing and monitoring practices of aminoglycosides in critically ill patients in the province of Quebec. This project also includes a literature review of aminoglycosides population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) models in critically ill patients. Finally, this project also consists of evaluating the predictive performance of gentamicin PopPK models with a validation dataset composed of patients from two Quebec institutions. The survey had a response rate of 64.7%, therefore representing 42% of all intensive care unit beds in the province. Once-daily-dose regimens are more used than multiple-daily-dose regimens. Most common gentamicin and tobramycin administered dose regimens ranged from 5 to 7 mg/kg. Amikacin is rarely used in Quebec’s institutions. Therapeutic targets were generally in-line with findings from the literature. The literature review described six, eleven and five amikacin, gentamicin and tobramycin PopPK models, respectively. Amikacin and tobramycin pharmacokinetics were mostly described by bi-compartment models whereas gentamicin pharmacokinetics were mostly described by single-compartment model. Most common covariates used were renal clearance and bodyweight. In the third part of this project, although an adequate predictive performance was determined in all four evaluated models, variability in the predicted concentrations by the model still remains. Therefore, usage of these models in clinical settings should be done cautiously. Based on the best performing model, a priori dosing regimens were simulated.

Året runt i bigården : Ett arbete om hur en upprepande cykel kan gestaltas och användas för att beskriva en omfattande process

Sundberg, Alissa January 2023 (has links)
Pollination är den process där växter befruktas och är vital för överlevnaden och spridningen av växterna. Vid avsaknaden av naturliga pollinatörer så som bin behöver människor göra det arbetet istället, vilket kan ses i exempelvis kina (Sahlberg, 2008). Genom att bidra till en större förståelse och kunskap om bin och deras levnadsförhållanden kan man belysa hur vi behöver anpassa världen runtomkring för att främja ett välfungerande ekosystem och biologisk mångfald i enlighet med de globala målen. Denna rapport är ett examensarbete inom Informativ Illustration på Mälardalens Universitet och handlar om hur ett interaktivt medium kan användas som resurs för att förklara komplexa eller omfattande ämnen. Gestaltningsförslaget grundas i teorier om extern kognition, visuella förstärkningar och gränssnitt. Under arbetets gång har metoderna intervju, sekundär forskning, prototyp, think aloud-test och analys använts för att samla information och utforska möjliga lösningar. Gestaltningsförslaget som tagits fram är en hemsida bestående av flera nivåer med information och använder bild, text och interaktivitet för att förmedla information. Resultatet visar att de visuella hjälpmedel som användes bidrog till användarnas förståelse av processen och ämnet. / Pollination is the process of plant fertilization and is vital for the survival and spread of plants. In absence of natural pollinators such as bees, humans need to do it in their stead, as seen in china for example (Sahlberg, 2008). By contributing to the understanding of bees and their living conditions, it is possible to illustrate how we need to adjust the environment to foster a high-functioning eco system and bio diversity in accordance to the Sustainable Development Goals. This is a bachelor’s thesis in Informative Illustration at Mälardalen University and is about how an interactive medium can be used as a resource to explain complex or extensive subjects. The design proposal is based on theories about external cognition, visual bias and interface. Methods used for the project are interview, secondary research, prototype, think aloud protocol and analysis and have been utilized to gather information and explore possible solutions. The design proposal resulted in a website consisting of several layer containing information and uses illustrations, text and interactivity to deliver information. The outcome shows that the visual aids used contributed to the users understanding of the process and subject.

Retrogressive Harmonic Motion as Structural and Stylistic Characteristic of Pop-Rock Music

Carter, Paul Scott 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.


VERONICA SOARES DOS SANTOS 03 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação relata uma proposta de identificação e descrição das configurações existentes nos recursos e técnicas empregados na engenharia do papel, enquanto dispositivos narrativos e ilustrativos na construção do livro móvel. O objetivo foi demonstrar as relações de coerência e coesão entre os textos verbais e não verbais aplicados ao livro pop-up. O livro pop-up (livro móvel) permeia e cativa o universo infantojuvenil com suas peculiaridades e multiformas. Os mecanismos da engenharia do papel tornam-se cada vez mais arrojados no intuito de atrair e expandir os potenciais sensoriais e sinestésicos que estimulam a imaginação e intensificam a interação do leitor com a leitura. Como metodolologia foram desenvolvidos estudos sobre as funções da linguagem, sobre coerência e coesão que se estabelecem no design de um livro pop-up. Vinte mil léguas submarinas, de Sam Ita, editado em 2010 pela Publifolha serviu como caso exemplar. Com o entendimento das relações entre o textos literário, ilustrativo e escultórico, foi possível concluir que, aproveitando as magnitudes das esculturas de papel, as bases ilustradas das páginas e os elementos dinâmicos das histórias em quadrinhos para encaminhar a narrativa, possibilitaram que as distintas linguagens se tornam complementares. Dessa forma, os estudos sobre a linguagem verbal e linguagem não verbal são igualmente importantes, visto que a maioria de escritores, designers e engenheiros do papel têm a mesma intenção, colaborar e agregar valor ao livro, seja ele pop-up, picture book, livro brinquedo ou qualquer outra ramificação do livro ilustrado. Na adaptação de Sam Ita a soberania dos pop-ups e a dinâmica criativa dos quadrinhos, aguçam o imaginário e, principalmente, os sentidos sensórios e sinestésicos do leitor. / [en] This dissertation reports a proposal of identification and description of the existing configurations in the resources and techniques used in paper engineering, as narrative and illustrative devices in the construction of the mobile book. The objective was to demonstrate the relations of coherence and cohesion between verbal and non-verbal texts applied to the pop-up book. The pop-up book (mobile book) permeates and captivates the universe of children and youth with their peculiarities and multiforms. The mechanisms of paper engineering become increasingly bold in order to attract and expand the sensory and synesthetic potentials that stimulate the imagination and intensify the reader s interaction with reading. As methodology, studies were developed on the functions of language, on coherence and cohesion that are established in the design of a pop-up book. Twenty thousand leagues underwater, from Sam Ita, published in 2010 by Publifolha served as an exemplary case. With the understanding of the relations between the literary, illustrative and sculptural texts, it was possible to conclude that, taking advantage of the magnitudes of the paper sculptures, the illustrated bases of the pages and the dynamic elements of the comics to guide the narrative, enabled the different languages become complementary. Thus, studies on verbal language and non-verbal language are equally important, since most writers, designers, and paper engineers have the same intention, to collaborate and add value to the book, be it pop-up, picture book, book toy or any other branch of the picture book. In Sam Ita s adaptation of the sovereignty of pop-ups and the creative dynamics of comics, they sharpen the imagination and especially the sensory and synesthetic senses of the reader.

Music discovery methods using perceptual features / Användning av metoder baserade på perceptuella särdrag för att upptäcka musik

Nysäter, Richard January 2017 (has links)
Perceptual features are qualitative features used to describe music properties in relation to human perception instead of typical musical theory concepts such as pitches and chords. This report describes a music discovery platform which uses three different methods of music playlist generation to investigate if and how perceptual features work when used for music discovery. One method abstracts away the complexity of perceptual features and the other two lets users use them directly. Two user testing sessions were performed to evaluate the browser and compare the different methods. Test participants found the playlist generation to work well in general, and especially found the method which uses emotions as an interface to be intuitive, enjoyable and something they would use to find new music. The other two methods which let users directly interact with perceptual features were less popular, especially among users without musical education. Overall, using perceptual features for music discovery was successful, although methods should be chosen with the intended audience in mind. / Perceptuella särdrag är kvalitativt framtagna särdrag som beskriver musik med fokus på mänsklig perception snarare än musikteoribegrepp som tonhöjd och ackord. Den här rapporten beskriver en musikhemsida som använder tre olika metoder för att generera spellistor med avsikt att undersöka om och hur perceptuella särdrag fungerar för att hitta ny musik. En metod abstraherar bort perceptuella särdragens komplexitet och de andra två metoderna låter testare använda dem utan abstraktion. Två användbarhetstest utfördes för att utvärdera musikhemsidan och jämföra de olika metoderna. Testanvändare tyckte överlag att genereringen av spellistor fungerade bra och att speciellt metoden som använde känslor som gränssnitt var intuitiv, rolig att använda och en metod de skulle använda för att hitta ny musik. De andra två metoderna som tillät användare att direkt använda perceptuella särdrag var mindre populära, speciellt bland användare utan musikutbildning. Överlag var användandet av perceptuella särdrag för att hitta musik en framgång, dock bör metoderna väljas utifrån användarnas kunskap.

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