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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

政策體系與政策變遷之研究:停建核四政策個案分析 / Policy Systems and Policy Change: The Case Study of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Policy Discontinuity

莊文忠, Wen-Jong Juang Unknown Date (has links)
公共政策是藉由重大公共議題的討論來分析政府活動的一種研究途徑,將公共政策的過程切割成議題設定、政策規劃、政策合法化、政策執行、政策評估及政策終結等階段,雖可以獲致清晰的流程架構,但此一單向的線性思考方式,不但簡化了政策問題解決的複雜性,亦會喪失政策過程的動態本質。再者,公共政策的研究領域日益蓬勃壯大,研究途徑與方法亦漸趨多元發展,理論概念與分析架構的整合自然日趨重要,如此將有助於研究者將研究議題與經驗資料作最佳的組合。是以,本研究採取非線性的政策動態概念,對政策的演變作一有系統性的探索,在融合有關政策變遷的各種觀點後,提出「政策體系」的理論概念,建立「宏觀」的分析架構作為探索政策變遷現象的基礎。 政策體系乃是以政策過程為焦點,所有與政策性質相關的要素,都可視為政策體系的構成要素。首先,政策是在開放的體系中形成、維持、接續與終結,自環境中汲取養分同時受到環境的限制,由此觀之,外在環境因素是政策體系中不可忽略的一環。其次,討論政策體系自然不能遺漏政策本身的因素,政策乃為解決社會問題而生,沒有社會問題的存在,當然就不會有政策制定的需求,另一方面,政策本身的組構方式則是攸關問題的解決與否。再者,在民主體制中,任何的政策形成與改變都必須取得正當性的依據,只有問題的存在並不保證一定會被政府所處理,必須通過政治結構的考驗才可能有政策產出。最後,政策體系是一個互動的體系,政策參與者之間就政策方案的選擇所從事的各種行為與活動,都可能影響最後的政策產出。歸納言之,一個完整的政策體系至少應該包括幾個要素:外在環境的因素、政策本身的特性、結構性因素的作用及政策行動者的互動行為,這些要素的互動作用會導致政策的變遷。 最後,政策是政府選擇目標與工具來解決社會問題的重要活動,它不是在真空中運作,而是不斷與社會進行互動的連續性過程,這也是政策走進歷史之前會出現變遷的原因,本研究雖然提出具有規範意涵的分析政策變遷的理論架構,但是基於「真實個案是檢驗理論效度的最佳途徑」的法則,本研究以民進黨首次執政時期所推動的停建核四政策個案為例,利用文本中所建立的分析架構來詮釋此一政策變遷的過程,並在結論中整合理論與個案的研究發現,就政策體系的各個面向提出幾個有關政策變遷的假設性命題,以供後續研究之參考與檢證,進而促成政策變遷知識的深化。 / Public policy is a research approach to analyze governmental activities by discussing public issues. However, in most articles, the policy process is seen as a logical succession of steps: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation, policy evaluation, and policy termination. Although this progression of stages provides a clear and useful framework, it often obscures the complexities of public issues. In other words, most policies are not a process of linear development, from agenda setting to policy termination. Policy change is a common phenomenon. In this way, if we want to understand the dynamics of policy, it is helpful to take a nonlinear perspective. Policy change is used by a wide range of authors in public policy and other disciplines, but there is no consensus on what the definition of policy change is. In fact, this question has not been systematically explored until now. Policy change is not simply a label, but is an important part of the policy process. It is worth drawing more attention to this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to construct an analytical framework of policy change. Within this framework, we distinguish between different types of policy change: policy succession and policy termination, firstly. And we can find some cues from policy change, including organization, statutes, budget, personnel, and media. Secondly, we use the concept of policy system to connect with policy change. This concept contains several elements: external environment, policy attributes, institutional factor, and policy networks. These elements interact with each other to produce policy change. We use this framework to analyze policy discontinuity for the fourth nuclear power plant in 2000. Finally, policy is essentially about government. The major activity of government is seen as choosing goals and instruments to solve social problems. Policy does not exist in a vacuum; it is made in a concrete environment. We should see policy as a continuing process of social action and interaction. This is why policy may be changed before it is terminated. Finally, we provide some hypotheses and suggestions for further research at the end of this study.

Approche multi-agents pour la gestion des fermes éoliennes offshore / A multi-agent approach for offshore wind farms management

Paniah, Crédo 21 May 2015 (has links)
La raréfaction des sources de production conventionnelles et leurs émissions nocives ont favorisé l’essor notable de la production renouvelable, plus durable et mieux répartie géographiquement. Toutefois, son intégration au système électrique est problématique. En effet, la production renouvelable est peu prédictible et issue de sources majoritairement incontrôlables, ce qui compromet la stabilité du réseau, la viabilité économique des producteurs et rend nécessaire la définition de solutions adaptées pour leur participation au marché de l’électricité. Dans ce contexte, le projet scientifique Winpower propose de relier par un réseau à courant continu les ressources de plusieurs acteurs possédant respectivement des fermes éoliennes offshore (acteurs EnR) et des centrales de stockage de masse (acteurs CSM). Cette configuration impose aux acteurs d’assurer conjointement la gestion du réseau électrique.Nous supposons que les acteurs participent au marché comme une entité unique : cette hypothèse permet aux acteurs EnR de tirer profit de la flexibilité des ressources contrôlables pour minimiser le risque de pénalités sur le marché de l’électricité, aux acteurs CSM de valoriser leurs ressources auprès des acteurs EnR et/ou auprès du marché et à la coalition de faciliter la gestion des déséquilibres sur le réseau électrique, en agrégeant les ressources disponibles. Dans ce cadre, notre travail s’attaque à la problématique de la participation au marché EPEX SPOT Day-Ahead de la coalition comme une centrale électrique virtuelle ou CVPP (Cooperative Virtual Power Plant). Nous proposons une architecture de pilotage multi-acteurs basée sur les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) : elle permet d’allier les objectifs et contraintes locaux des acteurs et les objectifs globaux de la coalition.Nous formalisons alors l’agrégation et la planification de l’utilisation des ressources comme un processus décisionnel de Markov (MDP), un modèle formel adapté à la décision séquentielle en environnement incertain, pour déterminer la séquence d’actions sur les ressources contrôlables qui maximise l’espérance des revenus effectifs de la coalition. Toutefois, au moment de la planification des ressources de la coalition, l’état de la production renouvelable n’est pas connue et le MDP n’est pas résoluble en l’état : on parle de MDP partiellement observable (POMDP). Nous décomposons le POMDP en un MDP classique et un état d’information (la distribution de probabilités des erreurs de prévision de la production renouvelable) ; en extrayant cet état d’information de l’expression du POMDP, nous obtenons un MDP à état d’information (IS-MDP), pour la résolution duquel nous proposons une adaptation d’un algorithme de résolution classique des MDP, le Backwards Induction.Nous décrivons alors un cadre de simulation commun pour comparer dans les mêmes conditions nos propositions et quelques autres stratégies de participation au marché dont l’état de l’art dans la gestion des ressources renouvelables et contrôlables. Les résultats obtenus confortent l’hypothèse de la minimisation du risque associé à la production renouvelable, grâce à l’agrégation des ressources et confirment l’intérêt de la coopération des acteurs EnR et CSM dans leur participation au marché de l’électricité. Enfin, l’architecture proposée offre la possibilité de distribuer le processus de décision optimale entre les différents acteurs de la coalition : nous proposons quelques pistes de solution dans cette direction. / Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has grown remarkably in last few decades. Compared to conventional energy sources, renewable generation is more available, sustainable and environment-friendly - for example, there is no greenhouse gases emission during the energy generation. However, while electrical network stability requires production and consumption equality and the electricity market constrains producers to contract future production a priori and respect their furniture commitments or pay substantial penalties, RES are mainly uncontrollable and their behavior is difficult to forecast accurately. De facto, they jeopardize the stability of the physical network and renewable producers competitiveness in the market. The Winpower project aims to design realistic, robust and stable control strategies for offshore networks connecting to the main electricity system renewable sources and controllable storage devices owned by different autonomous actors. Each actor must embed its own local physical device control strategy but a global network management mechanism, jointly decided between connected actors, should be designed as well.We assume a market participation of the actors as an unique entity (the coalition of actors connected by the Winpower network) allowing the coalition to facilitate the network management through resources aggregation, renewable producers to take advantage of controllable sources flexibility to handle market penalties risks, as well as storage devices owners to leverage their resources on the market and/or with the management of renewable imbalances. This work tackles the market participation of the coalition as a Cooperative Virtual Power Plant. For this purpose, we describe a multi-agent architecture trough the definition of intelligent agents managing and operating actors resources and the description of these agents interactions; it allows the alliance of local constraints and objectives and the global network management objective.We formalize the aggregation and planning of resources utilization as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), a formal model suited for sequential decision making in uncertain environments. Its aim is to define the sequence of actions which maximize expected actual incomes of the market participation, while decisions over controllable resources have uncertain outcomes. However, market participation decision is prior to the actual operation when renewable generation still is uncertain. Thus, the Markov Decision Process is intractable as its state in each decision time-slot is not fully observable. To solve such a Partially Observable MDP (POMDP), we decompose it into a classical MDP and an information state (a probability distribution over renewable generation errors). The Information State MDP (IS-MDP) obtained is solved with an adaptation of the Backwards Induction, a classical MDP resolution algorithm.Then, we describe a common simulation framework to compare our proposed methodology to some other strategies, including the state of the art in renewable generation market participation. Simulations results validate the resources aggregation strategy and confirm that cooperation is beneficial to renewable producers and storage devices owners when they participate in electricity market. The proposed architecture is designed to allow the distribution of the decision making between the coalition’s actors, through the implementation of a suitable coordination mechanism. We propose some distribution methodologies, to this end.

Application of the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics to the hydrogen issue in level-2 PSA. Application de la Stimulus Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD) au risque hydrogène dans les EPS de niveau 2.

Peeters, Agnès 05 October 2007 (has links)
Les Etudes Probabilistes de Sûreté (EPS) de niveau 2 en centrale nucléaire visent à identifier les séquences d’événements pouvant correspondre à la propagation d’un accident d’un endommagement du cœur jusqu’à une perte potentielle de l’intégrité de l’enceinte, et à estimer la fréquence d’apparition des différents scénarios possibles. Ces accidents sévères dépendent non seulement de défaillances matérielles ou d’erreurs humaines, mais également de l’occurrence de phénomènes physiques, tels que des explosions vapeur ou hydrogène. La prise en compte de tels phénomènes dans le cadre booléen des arbres d’événements s’avère difficile, et les méthodologies dynamiques de réalisation des EPS sont censées fournir une manière plus cohérente d’intégrer l’évolution du processus physique dans les changements de configuration discrète de la centrale au long d’un transitoire accidentel. Cette thèse décrit l’application d’une des plus récentes approches dynamiques des EPS – la Théorie de la Dynamique Probabiliste basée sur les Stimuli (SDTPD) – à différents modèles de déflagration d'hydrogène ainsi que les développements qui ont permis cette applications et les diverses améliorations et techniques qui ont été mises en oeuvre. Level-2 Probabilistic Safety Analyses (PSA) of nuclear power plants aims to identify the possible sequences of events corresponding to an accident propagation from a core damage to a potential loss of integrity of the containment, and to assess the frequency of occurrence of the different scenarios. These so-called severe accidents depend not only on hardware failures and human errors, but also on the occurrence of physical phenomena such as e.g. steam or hydrogen explosions. Handling these phenomena in the classical Boolean framework of event trees is not convenient, and dynamic methodologies to perform PSA studies are expected to provide a more consistent way of integrating the physical process evolution with the discrete changes of plant configuration along an accidental transient. This PhD Thesis presents the application of one of the most recently proposed dynamic PSA methodologies, i.e. the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD), to several models of hydrogen explosion in the containment of a plant, as well as the developed methods and improvements.

A Numerical Study of the Gas-Particle Flow in Pipework and Flow Splitting Devices of Coal-Fired Power Plant

Schneider, Helfried, Frank, Thomas, Pachler, Klaus, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
In power plants using large utility coal-fired boilers for generation of electricity the coal is pulverised in coal mills and then it has to be pneumatically transported and distributed to a larger number of burners (e.g. 30-40) circumferentially arranged in several rows around the burning chamber of the boiler. Besides the large pipework flow splitting devices are necessary for distribution of an equal amount of pulverised fuel (PF) to each of the burners. So called trifurcators (without inner fittings or guiding vanes) and ''riffle'' type bifurcators are commonly used to split the gas-coal particle flow into two or three pipes/channels with an equal amount of PF mass flow rate in each outflow cross section of the flow splitting device. These PF flow splitting devices are subject of a number of problems. First of all an uneven distribution of PF over the burners of a large utility boiler leads to operational and maintenance problems, increased level of unburned carbon and higher rates of NOX emissions. Maldistribution of fuel between burners caused by non uniform concentration of the PF (particle roping) in pipe and channel bends prior to flow splitting devices leads to uncontrolled differences in the fuel to air ratio between burners. This results in localised regions in the furnace which are fuel rich, where insufficient air causes incomplete combustion of the fuel. Other regions in the furnace become fuel lean, forming high local concentrations of NOX due to the high local concentrations of O2. Otherwise PF maldistribution can impact on power plant maintenance in terms of uneven wear on PF pipework, flow splitters as well as the effects on boiler panels (PF deposition, corrosion, slagging). In order to address these problems in establishing uniform PF distribution over the outlet cross sections of flow splitting devices in the pipework of coal-fired power plants the present paper deals with numerical prediction and analysis of the complex gas and coal particle (PF) flow through trifurcators and ''riffle'' type bifurcators. The numerical investigation is based on a 3-dimensional Eulerian- Lagrangian approach (MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D) developed by Frank et al. The numerical method is capable to predict isothermal, incompressible, steady gas- particle flows in 3-dimensional, geometrically complex flow geometries using boundary fitted, block-structured, numerical grids. Due to the very high numerical effort of the investigated gas-particle flows the numerical approach has been developed with special emphasis on efficient parallel computing on clusters of workstations or other high performance computing architectures. Besides the aerodynamically interaction between the carrier fluid phase and the PF particles the gas-particle flow is mainly influenced by particle-wall interactions with the outer wall boundaries and the inner fittings and guiding vanes of the investigated flow splitting devices. In order to allow accurate quantitative prediction of the motion of the disperse phase the numerical model requires detailed information about the particle-wall collision process. In commonly used physical models of the particle-wall interaction this is the knowledge or experimental prediction of the restitution coefficients (dynamic friction coefficient, coefficient of restitution) for the used combination of particle and wall material, e.g. PF particles on steel. In the present investigation these parameters of the particle-wall interaction model have been obtained from special experiments in two test facilities. Basic experiments to clarify the details of the particle-wall interaction process were made in a test facility with a spherical disk accelerator. This test facility furthermore provides the opportunity to investigate the bouncing process under normal pressure as well as under vacuum conditions, thus excluding aerodynamically influences on the motion of small particles in the near vicinity of solid wall surfaces (especially under small angles of attack). In this experiments spherical glass beads were used as particle material. In a second test facility we have investigated the real impact of non-spherical pulverised fuel particles on a steel/ceramic target. In this experiments PF particles were accelerated by an injector using inert gas like e.g. CO2 or N2 as the carrier phase in order to avoid dust explosion hazards. The obtained data for the particle-wall collision models were compared to those obtained for glass spheres, where bouncing models are proofed to be valid. Furthermore the second test facility was used to obtain particle erosion rates for PF particles on steel targets as a function of impact angles and velocities. The results of experimental investigations has been incorporated into the numerical model. Hereafter the numerical approach MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D has been applied to the PF flow through a ''riffle'' type bifurcator. Using ICEM/CFD-Hexa as grid generator a numerical mesh with approximately 4 million grid cells has been designed for approximation of the complex geometry of the flow splitting device with all its interior fittings and guiding vanes. Based on a predicted gas flow field a large number of PF particles are tracked throughout the flow geometry of the flow-splitter. Besides mean quantities of the particle flow field like e.g. local particle concentrations, mean particle velocities, distribution of mean particle diameter, etc. it is now possible to obtain information about particle erosion on riffle plates and guiding vanes of the flow splitting device. Furthermore the influence of different roping patterns in front of the flow splitter on the uniformness of PF mass flow rate splitting after the bifurcator has been investigated numerically. Results show the efficient operation of the investigated bifurcator in absence of particle roping, this means under conditions of an uniform PF particle concentration distribution in the inflow cross section of the bifurcator. If particle roping occurs and particle concentration differs over the pipe cross section in front of the bifurcator the equal PF particle mass flow rate splitting can be strongly deteriorated in dependence on the location and intensity of the particle rope or particle concentration irregularities. The presented results show the importance of further development of efficient rope splitting devices for applications in coal-fired power plants. Numerical analysis can be used as an efficient tool for their investigation and further optimisation under various operating and flow conditions.

Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique / Reduction and treatment techniques of pollutants in thermal machine

Alkadee, Dareen 10 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, a consisté, dans une première partie, à introduire d’une part, la notion de l’analyse du cycle de vie « ACV » et celle des biocarburants. D’autre part, à présenter l’intérêt d’appliquer une ACV sur des biocarburants afin de valoriser leurs bilans énergétiques et analyser leurs impacts environnementaux face aux carburants conventionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons comparé, d’un point de vue énergétique et environnemental, 3 scénarios de production d’électricité : 2 scénarios de cogénération (turbine à vapeur et ORC) pour la production d’énergie électrique et thermique à partir de biomasse, et un scénario de cogénération par moteur diesel. Ces scénarios sont comparés à l’aide de deux méthodes orientées « analyse des dommages »: Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et IMPACT2002+Dans une troisième partie, on a abordé la valorisation du biogaz sous forme de carburant dans des moteurs "dual fuel" pour des engins agricoles dans le but de déterminer l’impact environnemental lié à l’utilisation de ce carburant alternatif au diesel par rapport aux autres biocarburants. Les méthodes Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et CML ont été utilisées ici. On a pu ainsi identifier les principaux polluants générés à chaque étape du cycle de vie de l’agrocarburant et les étapes qui ont les plus grands impacts environnementaux et on a identifié, selon nos critères et par rapport au contexte, le scénario énergétique le plus compatible avec le principe de développement durable. / This thesis has consisted in a first part to introduce, on one hand, the concept of each of: lifecycle assessment "LCA" and biofuels, on the other hand, to present the benefits of applying aLCA on biofuels to evaluate their energy balances and to analyze their environmental impactsagainst conventional fuels.In a second part, we compared, from point of view energetic and environmental, 3 scenariosof electricity production: 2 scenarios of cogeneration (steam turbine and ORC) for theproduction of electrical energy and of heat from biomass, and a scenario of cogeneration by adiesel engine, these scenarios have been compared using two damage-oriented analysismethods: Eco-indicator 99 (E) and IMPACT2002 +In a third part, we worked on the evaluation of methane as fuel in "dual fuel" engines foragricultural purpose, the aim was to determine the environmental impact associated with theuse of this alternative fuel for diesel compared to other biofuels. Methods Eco-indicator 99(E) and CML have been used here.We were able to identify the main pollutants generated at each stage of the life cycle ofbiofuel and the steps that have the greatest environmental impacts, and to identify, accordingto our criteria and to the context the energy scenario the most consistent with the principle ofsustainable development.

Climate action strategies for the University of Texas at Austin

Hernandez, Marinoelle 24 November 2010 (has links)
This report analyzes the current greenhouse gas emissions inventory for The University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), reviews the carbon reduction strategies being implemented at UT-Austin and other peer institutions, and offers recommendations for strategies that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions at UT-Austin in the future. / text


早川, 義一, 尾形, 和哉, 松村, 司郎 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(2) 課題番号:08555101 研究代表者:早川 義一 研究期間:1996-1997年度

Dynamische Modellierung des Gaspfades eines Gesamt-IGCC-Kraftwerkes auf Basis des SFG-Verfahrens

Bauersfeld, Sindy 08 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden dynamische Modelle eines IGCC-Kraftwerkes mit CO2-Abtrennung unter Verwendung des Modellierungstools Modelica/Dymola entwickelt. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Gaspfad der Gasreinigung. Es ist vorteilhaft, für verschiedene Aufgaben, Modelle mit unterschiedlicher Tiefe zu verwenden. Mit den detaillierten Modellen werden Simulationen der Teilprozesse durchgeführt. Für den Aufbau eines Gesamtsystems werden vereinfachte Modelle verwendet. Anhand des Gesamtsystems werden drei Regelkonzepte (Gleitdruckregelung, Leistungsregelung der Gasturbine, Leistungsregelung des Vergasers) untersucht und bewertet. Des Weiteren werden drei Störfallszenarien (Ausfall des Sättigers im Brennstoffsystem, Betriebsstörung in der Vergaserinsel, Unterbrechung der Stickstoffzumischung im Brennstoffsystem) getestet.

Utvärdering av potential för värmeåtervinning från laborationsutrustning : Möjligheten att använda en kylvattenbassäng som termiskt säsongslager

Hammarström, Anton January 2018 (has links)
HETA utbildningar i Härnösand har ett ångkraftverk för undervisningssyfte som kyls ner med vatten från en underjordisk bassäng på cirka 329 m³. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur bassängen med spillvärmen från kraftverket kan användas som ett säsongslager i kombination med en befintlig 7,8 kW värmepump för att värma upp maskinhallen i deras laboratoriebyggnad. Ett kalkylark skapades i Microsoft Excel för att kunna genomföra beräkningarna. Då mätdata saknades skapades ett simulerat scenario baserat på temperaturstatistik och körschema för kraftverket från år 2017. Transmissionsförluster beräknades för bassängen och maskinhallen. För bassängen användes mestadels observationsdata och kännedom hos personalen, medan maskinhallens isolering i huvudsak fick uppskattas efter byggår. Resultatet blev att värmepumpen med aktuellt körschema kunde täcka cirka 45 % av maskinhallens årliga uppvärmningsbehov. Av de 276 GJ som tillfördes genom kylning av ångkraftverket under ett år beräknades endast 2,7 % kunna utnyttjas till uppvärmning av maskinhallen, på grund av för lite isolering i bassängen. De största begränsningarna för högre täckning och större nyttjande av spillvärmen bedömdes vara placeringen i tid av kraftverkets körningar, och värmepumpens effekt. Om körningarna skulle förläggas i huvudsak till november–april och värmepumpen ersättas med en på 10 kW, skulle 74 % av värmebehovet kunna täckas och över 18 % av spillvärmen utnyttjas. Andra saker som förbättrad isolering i bassängen och större vattenvolym bedömdes också kunna förbättra bassängens kapacitet som energilager. / HETA Education in Härnösand has a steam power plant for educational purposes which is cooled with water from a 329 m³ underground basin. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine how the basin with the waste heat can be used as seasonal thermal energy storage with an existing 7.8 kW heat pump in order to heat the machine room of their lab building. A spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel in order to carry out the calculations. As no measurement data was available, a simulated scenario was created based on temperature statistics and the operating schedule for the power plant from the year 2017. Transmission losses were calculated for the basin and the machine room. For the basin, mostly observational data and knowledge among the staff were used, while the insulation for the machine room mainly had to be estimated based on the construction year. The result was that the heat pump, with the current operating schedule, could cover around 45% of the yearly heating demand of the machine room. Of the 276 GJ that were added through cooling of the power plant during a year, according to calculations, only 2,7% could be used for heating the machine hall, due to lacking insulation in the basin. The greatest limitations for achieving a higher heating coverage and a greater usage of the waste heat were assessed to be the placement in time of the power plant runs, and the effect of the heat pump. If the runs would be placed mainly in November–April, and the heat pump replaced with a 10 kW one, around 74% of the heating demand could be covered and 18 % of the waste heat used. Other things, such as increased insulation in the basin and larger water volume were also assessed to be able to increase the capacity of the basin as heat storage.

Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique / Reduction and treatment techniques of pollutants in thermal machine

Alkadee, Dareen 10 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, a consisté, dans une première partie, à introduire d’une part, la notion de l’analyse du cycle de vie « ACV » et celle des biocarburants. D’autre part, à présenter l’intérêt d’appliquer une ACV sur des biocarburants afin de valoriser leurs bilans énergétiques et analyser leurs impacts environnementaux face aux carburants conventionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons comparé, d’un point de vue énergétique et environnemental, 3 scénarios de production d’électricité : 2 scénarios de cogénération (turbine à vapeur et ORC) pour la production d’énergie électrique et thermique à partir de biomasse, et un scénario de cogénération par moteur diesel. Ces scénarios sont comparés à l’aide de deux méthodes orientées « analyse des dommages »: Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et IMPACT2002+Dans une troisième partie, on a abordé la valorisation du biogaz sous forme de carburant dans des moteurs "dual fuel" pour des engins agricoles dans le but de déterminer l’impact environnemental lié à l’utilisation de ce carburant alternatif au diesel par rapport aux autres biocarburants. Les méthodes Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et CML ont été utilisées ici. On a pu ainsi identifier les principaux polluants générés à chaque étape du cycle de vie de l’agrocarburant et les étapes qui ont les plus grands impacts environnementaux et on a identifié, selon nos critères et par rapport au contexte, le scénario énergétique le plus compatible avec le principe de développement durable. / This thesis has consisted in a first part to introduce, on one hand, the concept of each of: lifecycle assessment "LCA" and biofuels, on the other hand, to present the benefits of applying aLCA on biofuels to evaluate their energy balances and to analyze their environmental impactsagainst conventional fuels.In a second part, we compared, from point of view energetic and environmental, 3 scenariosof electricity production: 2 scenarios of cogeneration (steam turbine and ORC) for theproduction of electrical energy and of heat from biomass, and a scenario of cogeneration by adiesel engine, these scenarios have been compared using two damage-oriented analysismethods: Eco-indicator 99 (E) and IMPACT2002 +In a third part, we worked on the evaluation of methane as fuel in "dual fuel" engines foragricultural purpose, the aim was to determine the environmental impact associated with theuse of this alternative fuel for diesel compared to other biofuels. Methods Eco-indicator 99(E) and CML have been used here.We were able to identify the main pollutants generated at each stage of the life cycle ofbiofuel and the steps that have the greatest environmental impacts, and to identify, accordingto our criteria and to the context the energy scenario the most consistent with the principle ofsustainable development.

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