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A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3sJatto, Lucky Bryce Junior 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.
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Miljöbalkens avhjälpandeansvar - särskilt om verksamhetsutövarbegreppet och bakomliggande aktörer : En analys av nuvarande reglering och framtida möjligheterSamuelsson, Per January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är i första hand att utreda, analysera samt utvärdera den närmare innebörden av verksamhetsutövarbegreppet i 10 kap. 2 § MB och, i andra hand, om begreppet, utifrån de aktuella intressena på området är ändamålsenligt utformat. Den övergripande frågeställningen utgörs av om någon annan än den som formellt sett driver verksamheten kan omfattas av verksamhetsutövarbegreppet och därmed det dit tillhörande avhjälpandeansvaret. I anslutning till denna mer övergripande problemställning aktualiseras flertalet andra delfrågor, varav de mest centrala kan sammanfattas enligt följande. i) Under vilka förutsättningar kan bakomliggande aktörer svara såsom verksamhetsutövare och därmed omfattas av avhjälpandeansvaret? ii) Kan Sverige, i avsaknad av en mer precis verksamhetsutövardefinition, anses leva upp till sina unionsrättsliga åtaganden? iii) Hur förhåller sig verksamhetsutövarbegreppet till ansvarsgenombrottsinstitutet iv) Föreligger det ett behov för en mer effektiv eller tydligare reglering rörande verksamhetsutövaransvaret och hur kan en sådan i sådant fall kan utformas? I förevarande uppsats aktualiseras därmed, av naturliga skäl, tre olika rättsområden; miljö-, EU- och associationsrätt men utgångspunkten är primärt miljörättslig.
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A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3sJatto, Lucky Bryce Jr 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.
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Radio resource sharing with edge caching for multi-operator in large cellular networksSanguanpuak, T. (Tachporn) 04 January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to devise new paradigms on radio resource sharing including cache-enabled virtualized large cellular networks for mobile network operators (MNOs). Also, self-organizing resource allocation for small cell networks is considered.
In such networks, the MNOs rent radio resources from the infrastructure provider (InP) to support their subscribers. In order to reduce the operational costs, while at the same time to significantly increase the usage of the existing network resources, it leads to a paradigm where the MNOs share their infrastructure, i.e., base stations (BSs), antennas, spectrum and edge cache among themselves. In this regard, we integrate the theoretical insights provided by stochastic geometrical approaches to model the spectrum and infrastructure sharing for large cellular networks.
In the first part of the thesis, we study the non-orthogonal multi-MNO spectrum allocation problem for small cell networks with the goal of maximizing the overall network throughput, defined as the expected weighted sum rate of the MNOs. Each MNO is assumed to serve multiple small cell BSs (SBSs). We adopt the many-to-one stable matching game framework to tackle this problem. We also investigate the role of power allocation schemes for SBSs using Q-learning.
In the second part, we model and analyze the infrastructure sharing system considering a single buyer MNO and multiple seller MNOs. The MNOs are assumed to operate over their own licensed spectrum bands while sharing BSs. We assume that multiple seller MNOs compete with each other to sell their infrastructure to a potential buyer MNO. The optimal strategy for the seller MNOs in terms of the fraction of infrastructure to be shared and the price of the infrastructure, is obtained by computing the equilibrium of a Cournot-Nash oligopoly game.
Finally, we develop a game-theoretic framework to model and analyze a cache-enabled virtualized cellular networks where the network infrastructure, e.g., BSs and cache storage, owned by an InP, is rented and shared among multiple MNOs. We formulate a Stackelberg game model with the InP as the leader and the MNOs as the followers. The InP tries to maximize its profit by optimizing its infrastructure rental fee. The MNO aims to minimize the cost of infrastructure by minimizing the cache intensity under probabilistic delay constraint of the user (UE). Since the MNOs share their rented infrastructure, we apply a cooperative game concept, namely, the Shapley value, to divide the cost among the MNOs. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tuottaa uusia paradigmoja radioresurssien jakoon, mukaan lukien virtualisoidut välimuisti-kykenevät suuret matkapuhelinverkot matkapuhelinoperaattoreille. Näiden kaltaisissa verkoissa operaattorit vuokraavat radioresursseja infrastruktuuritoimittajalta (InP, infrastructure provider) asiakkaiden tarpeisiin. Toimintakulujen karsiminen ja samanaikainen olemassa olevien verkkoresurssien hyötykäytön huomattava kasvattaminen johtaa paradigmaan, jossa operaattorit jakavat infrastruktuurinsa keskenään. Tämän vuoksi työssä tutkitaan teoreettisia stokastiseen geometriaan perustuvia malleja spektrin ja infrastruktuurin jakamiseksi suurissa soluverkoissa.
Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tutkitaan ei-ortogonaalista monioperaattori-allokaatioongelmaa pienissä soluverkoissa tavoitteena maksimoida verkon yleistä läpisyöttöä, joka määritellään operaattoreiden painotettuna summaläpisyötön odotusarvona. Jokaisen operaattorin oletetaan palvelevan useampaa piensolutukiasemaa (SBS, small cell base station). Työssä käytetään monelta yhdelle -vakaata sovituspeli-viitekehystä SBS:lle käyttäen Q-oppimista.
Työn toisessa osassa mallinnetaan ja analysoidaan infrastruktuurin jakamista yhden ostaja-operaattorin ja monen myyjä-operaattorin tapauksessa. Operaattorien oletetaan toimivan omilla lisensoiduilla taajuuksillaan jakaen tukiasemat keskenään. Myyjän optimaalinen strategia infrastruktuurin myytävän osan suuruuden ja hinnan suhteen saavutetaan laskemalla Cournot-Nash -olipologipelin tasapainotila.
Lopuksi, työssä kehitetään peli-teoreettinen viitekehys virtualisoitujen välimuistikykenevien soluverkkojen mallintamiseen ja analysointiin, missä InP:n omistama verkkoinfrastruktuuri vuokrataan ja jaetaan monen operaattorin kesken. Työssä muodostetaan Stackelberg-pelimalli, jossa InP toimii johtajana ja operaattorit seuraajina. InP pyrkii maksimoimaan voittonsa optimoimalla infrastruktuurin vuokrahintaa. Operaattori pyrkii minimoimaan infrastruktuurin hinnan minimoimalla välimuistin tiheyttä satunnaisen käyttäjän viive-ehtojen mukaisesti. Koska operaattorit jakavat vuokratun infrastruktuurin, työssä käytetään yhteistyöpeli-ajatusta, nimellisesti, Shapleyn arvoa, jakamaan kustannuksia operaatoreiden kesken.
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Dítě s diagnózou ADHD na prvním stupni (kasuistická studie) / A child diagnosed with ADHD at Primary school (casuistic study)SLANAŘOVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with child problems with ADHD/ADD at Primary school and their next diagnosis.The aim of the theoretical part was to focus on the latest and available knowledge in the sphere of education and upbringing. Some thematical plans were analysed and they consider of ADHD/ADD and Specific learning disorders.The aim of the practical part was the analysis of school experience with children with ADHD/ADD. The problem was assessed from many points of view through casuists and interview with children, teachers, parents or assistents. That comes from the theoretical part.
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The relationship between the forward– and the realized spot exchange rate in South Africa / Petrus Marthinus Stephanus van HeerdenVan Heerden, Petrus Marthinus Stephanus January 2010 (has links)
The inability to effectively hedge against unfavourable exchange rate movements, using the
current forward exchange rate as the only guideline, is a key inhibiting factor of international
trade. Market participants use the current forward exchange rate quoted in the market to make
decisions regarding future exchange rate changes. However, the current forward exchange rate
is not solely determined by the interaction of demand and supply, but is also a mechanistic
estimation, which is based on the current spot exchange rate and the carry cost of the
transaction. Results of various studies, including this study, demonstrated that the current
forward exchange rate differs substantially from the realized future spot exchange rate. This
phenomenon is known as the exchange rate puzzle.
This study contributes to the dynamics of modelling exchange rate theories by developing an
exchange rate model that has the ability to explain the realized future spot exchange rate and
the exchange rate puzzle. The exchange rate model is based only on current (time t) economic
fundamentals and includes an alternative approach of incorporating the impact of the interaction
of two international financial markets into the model. This study derived a unique exchange rate
model, which proves that the exchange rate puzzle is a pseudo problem. The pseudo problem
is based on the generally excepted fallacy that current non–stationary, level time series data
cannot be used to model exchange rate theories, because of the incorrect assumption that all
the available econometric methods yield statistically insignificant results due to spurious
regressions. Empirical evidence conclusively shows that using non–stationary, level time series
data of current economic fundamentals can statistically significantly explain the realized future
spot exchange rate and, therefore, that the exchange rate puzzle can be solved.
This model will give market participants in the foreign exchange market a better indication of
expected future exchange rates, which will considerably reduce the dependence on the
mechanistically derived forward points. The newly derived exchange rate model will also have an influence on the demand and supply of forward exchange, resulting in forward points that are
a more accurate prediction of the realized future exchange rate. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The relationship between the forward– and the realized spot exchange rate in South Africa / Petrus Marthinus Stephanus van HeerdenVan Heerden, Petrus Marthinus Stephanus January 2010 (has links)
The inability to effectively hedge against unfavourable exchange rate movements, using the
current forward exchange rate as the only guideline, is a key inhibiting factor of international
trade. Market participants use the current forward exchange rate quoted in the market to make
decisions regarding future exchange rate changes. However, the current forward exchange rate
is not solely determined by the interaction of demand and supply, but is also a mechanistic
estimation, which is based on the current spot exchange rate and the carry cost of the
transaction. Results of various studies, including this study, demonstrated that the current
forward exchange rate differs substantially from the realized future spot exchange rate. This
phenomenon is known as the exchange rate puzzle.
This study contributes to the dynamics of modelling exchange rate theories by developing an
exchange rate model that has the ability to explain the realized future spot exchange rate and
the exchange rate puzzle. The exchange rate model is based only on current (time t) economic
fundamentals and includes an alternative approach of incorporating the impact of the interaction
of two international financial markets into the model. This study derived a unique exchange rate
model, which proves that the exchange rate puzzle is a pseudo problem. The pseudo problem
is based on the generally excepted fallacy that current non–stationary, level time series data
cannot be used to model exchange rate theories, because of the incorrect assumption that all
the available econometric methods yield statistically insignificant results due to spurious
regressions. Empirical evidence conclusively shows that using non–stationary, level time series
data of current economic fundamentals can statistically significantly explain the realized future
spot exchange rate and, therefore, that the exchange rate puzzle can be solved.
This model will give market participants in the foreign exchange market a better indication of
expected future exchange rates, which will considerably reduce the dependence on the
mechanistically derived forward points. The newly derived exchange rate model will also have an influence on the demand and supply of forward exchange, resulting in forward points that are
a more accurate prediction of the realized future exchange rate. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Die Rolle kommunaler Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen im Zentrum einer kooperativen Aufgabenerledigung zwischen Staat und Privatwirtschaft im Bereich der örtlichen Elektrizitätsversorgung / The Role of Municipal Electric Utilities in Cooperative Execution Agreements between the Government and Private Sector within the Context of Local Electricity SupplyNönnig, Constanze 24 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Verantwortung der Kommunen für die Versorgung der örtlichen Bevölkerung mit Elektrizität: Woraus kann sie hergeleitet werden, welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich aus ihr für die Kommunen und welche Bedeutung kommt hierbei der Kooperation mit der Privatwirtschaft zu? Die in drei Teile gegliederte Arbeit befasst sich in ihrem ersten Teil mit den allgemeinen Grundlagen und der Entwicklung kommunaler Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die gesetzlichen Zielvorgaben in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft und die kommunale Verantwortung für ihr Erreichen. Der dritte Teil schließlich befasst sich mit den Voraussetzungen kooperativer Staatstätigkeit und dem Potenzial der Anwendung von Kooperationsmodellen im Bereich der örtlichen Elektrizitätsversorgung. / The dissertation ist focused on the responsibility of municipalities to supply local populations with electricity: Where can it be derived from, what consequences for municipalities arise from it and what role does the cooperation with private sector have in this context? The thesis is divided into three parts; the first part deals with the basic principles and the development of municipal electric utilities. The second part focuses on both statutory normative targets in the electricity supply industry and the municipality's responsibility to achieve them. Finally, the third part discusses the preconditions of cooperative government activity and the potential of cooperation models for application to local power supply.
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Die Rolle kommunaler Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen im Zentrum einer kooperativen Aufgabenerledigung zwischen Staat und Privatwirtschaft im Bereich der örtlichen ElektrizitätsversorgungNönnig, Constanze 14 June 2011 (has links)
Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Verantwortung der Kommunen für die Versorgung der örtlichen Bevölkerung mit Elektrizität: Woraus kann sie hergeleitet werden, welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich aus ihr für die Kommunen und welche Bedeutung kommt hierbei der Kooperation mit der Privatwirtschaft zu? Die in drei Teile gegliederte Arbeit befasst sich in ihrem ersten Teil mit den allgemeinen Grundlagen und der Entwicklung kommunaler Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die gesetzlichen Zielvorgaben in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft und die kommunale Verantwortung für ihr Erreichen. Der dritte Teil schließlich befasst sich mit den Voraussetzungen kooperativer Staatstätigkeit und dem Potenzial der Anwendung von Kooperationsmodellen im Bereich der örtlichen Elektrizitätsversorgung. / The dissertation ist focused on the responsibility of municipalities to supply local populations with electricity: Where can it be derived from, what consequences for municipalities arise from it and what role does the cooperation with private sector have in this context? The thesis is divided into three parts; the first part deals with the basic principles and the development of municipal electric utilities. The second part focuses on both statutory normative targets in the electricity supply industry and the municipality's responsibility to achieve them. Finally, the third part discusses the preconditions of cooperative government activity and the potential of cooperation models for application to local power supply.
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Projeto Educativo E Político-Pedagógico Da Escola De Ensino Médio: Tradições E Contradições Na Gestão E Na Formação Para O Trabalho / The Midlle Schoool Educational and Politic Pedagogic Project: traditions and contradictions in the managment and formation for work.RAMOS, Jeannette Filomeno Pouchain January 2009 (has links)
RAMOS, Jeannette Filomeno Pouchain. Projeto educativo e político-pedagógico da escola De ensino médio: tradições e contradições na gestão e na formação para o trabalho. 2009. 245f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-09T11:46:49Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / The Brazilian education, founded by the logic submission of the educational project from the Jesuits, and the influences from the French, English and Americans, passed on to be considered a national problem with the proclamation of the republic in 1980. The attempt to regulate and to consolidate the social function propaedeutics, which denies the work, the industrialization who demanded the instrumental education for work and the reestablishment of the democracy in the state which reorganized the flexible production and impose the formation of a new type of worker (KUENZER, 1998) presents contradictories movements. In agreement with transformation the scientific technical conception of organization adopted participative democratic mechanism. Recognizing the contradiction in keeping distinct types of logic and the tendency of the liberal logic over the social logic, the challenger of the work management is to reverse this premise. As an alternative to the educational middle class project, the polytechnic education proposes to overcome the dual structure and history by omni lateral formation (SAVIANI, 2003). The elementary and middle school should be guided by the work as an excellent base for education (PISTRAK, 2005). The school, known as the work product of man, should be linked to school life as a social transformation combined with school education with material production and to promote self and social emancipation. In context, the general objective is to analyze the experience of reorganizing the educational work in creation of the politic pedagogic project of middle school, identifying perspectives, limits, possibilities, and resistances. The specifics objectives are to examine the evolution of the educational project in the social politic and economic history of Brazil, highlighting the management of school work and the formation of the young for work; analyze fundamentals, intentions and practices which guide the politic pedagogic project and identify and analyze the limits, possibilities and ways of group resistances in the management project. We choose as a theoretical methodological referential the Critic Theory and the method with materialistic history base. As instruments of qualitative and quantitative data collection we applied questionnaires, semi-structures interviews and focal groups. Among hypothesis should public school follow the educational project of middle class or should it follow the lines of vocational extent, instrumental; to attend to middle class project of the popular sector? The hard format of school has accomplished changes in the lines of directions? The politic pedagogic project working at Liceu do Maracanaú establish four pillars which reorganize the work in the school bearing in mind the full formation of the young. This school thinks, conceives and evaluates opposition to the others schools; it breaks with the traditional format of the work organization. The multiples intelligences are understood as principles, the project of work is the means to transformation of popular knowledge to the scientific knowledge with practice and social application of ideas in development of competencies and abilities, as means an half-yearly organizational and the evaluation as the learning observation. Scientific initiation in middle level education attends the interests of the school, highlighting the talents, improving the indicators and presenting results. This project is contradictory because the fundamentals and practice pedagogic reassures the principles of the traditional format and the process of schooling. This way the study confirms that is possible reorganize the work and this is done by the politic pedagogic project (PPP). Faced with the new demands the schools find themselves in a cross road and their functionality is placed at doubt. As a result of this, we point out the crises of education, formation of young and the society. It is necessary to invest in the contradictions of the system and take possession of them to construct another, the opposite and reverse. It is up to the intellectuals and educators to do their job. / A educação brasileira, permeada pela lógica da submissão do projeto educativo dos jesuítas, das influências francesas, inglesas e dos Estados Unidos da América, passa a ser considerada como problema nacional com a Proclamação da República em 1890. As tentativas de regulamentação e consolidação da função social propedêutica, que nega o trabalho, a industrialização que demandou a educação instrumental para o trabalho e a redemocratização do Estado que reorganizou a produção em flexível e impõe a formação do novo tipo de trabalhador (KUENZER, 1998) apresentam movimentos contraditórios. Em consonância com estas transformações a concepção técnico-científica de organização adota mecanismos democráticos-participativos. Como alternativa ao projeto educativo burguês, a educação politécnica propõe superar a dualidade estrutural e histórica por meio da formação omnilateral (SAVIANI, 2003). A escola fundamental e média deve guiar-se pelo trabalho como base excelente da educação (PISTRAK, 2005), portanto, deve vincular a vida escolar com a transformação social combinando educação escolar com produção material e promover a auto-emancipação e a emancipação social. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral é analisar a experiência de reorganização do trabalho educativo na constituição do projeto político-pedagógico da escola de ensino médio, identificando perspectivas, limites, possibilidades e resistências. Os objetivos específicos são examinar a evolução do projeto educativo na história sociopolítica e econômica do Brasil, destacando a gestão do trabalho escolar e a formação do jovem para o trabalho; analisar os fundamentos, intencionalidades e práticas que norteiam o projeto político-pedagógico e identificar e analisar os limites, possibilidades e formas de resistência coletiva na gestão do projeto. Optamos como referencial teórico-metodológico pela Teoria Crítica e pelo método de base materialista-histórica. Como instrumento de coleta de dados quantitativos e qualitativos foram aplicados questionários, grupos focais e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Entre os questões levantadas destacamos se escola pública deve seguir o projeto educativo da burguesia – propedêutica – ou deve se pautar na dimensão profissionalizante, instrumental, por atender ao projeto burguês para o setor popular? A escola mineralizada tem conseguido ressignificar diretrizes? O projeto político-pedagógico (PPP) em curso no Liceu do Maracanaú estabelece quatro pilares que reorganizam o trabalho na escola tendo em vista a formação integral do jovem. Esta escola pensa concebe e avalia e na contramão da maioria das escolas, rompe com o formato tradicional de organização do trabalho. As inteligências múltiplas são compreendidas como princípio, os projetos de trabalho como meio para a transformação do saber popular para o saber científico com aplicação prática e social dos conteúdos no desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades, a organização semestral como meio e a avaliação como monitoramento da aprendizagem. A iniciação cientifica destaca os talentos, melhora os indicadores e apresenta resultados. Este projeto é contraditório, pois os fundamentos e a prática pedagógica reafirmam os princípios liberais e o processo de escolarização excludente. Deste modo, o estudo confirma que é possível reorganizar o trabalho e este se concretiza por intermédio do PPP. Diante destas novas demandas, as escolas se encontram numa encruzilhada e sua funcionalidade é colocada em dúvida. Como prognóstico, apontamos o aprofundamento da crise da educação, da formação do jovem e da sociedade. Urge investir nas contradições inerentes ao sistema, apropriar-se delas para construção do outro, do contrário. Cabe, portanto, aos intelectuais e educadores cumprirem com a sua tarefa.
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