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The income evaluation is one of the basic methods to establish a price of a real estate. It deals with a discount rate. But there is any obligatory methods how to establish the discount rate. The principle of yield property valuation method is the determination of future net profits transferred to the present value. The amount of the discount rate is affected by the large amount of criteria that take into account the risks associated with the property. The risk represents the financial loss which the owner of real estate created if the immovable thing ceased to produce such income, which is calculated in the valuation. But at present experts the risks associated with the real estate does not quantify and discount rate is determined mostly by the professional estimate. The main aim of the Ph.D. Theses is to propose a methodology to more accurately determine the discount rate. This methodology will be based on the free risk rate and risk premiums. The free risk rate shall be determined on the basis of income on government bonds, which are considered the least risky asset. Risk premiums will reflect the technical quality of the property, economy of real estate and legal level of real estate through eleven criteria. The discount rate could be by this methodology simply calculated using the software support of Microsoft Excel.
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Immobilier de bureaux et environnement économique en Europe : essais sur les réactions et interactions de marché / European office market and economic environment : essays on the reactions and interactionsLefebvre, Benoît 08 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les marchés de bureaux en Europe au travers de différentes perspectives. Dans une première partie, nous étudions les effets des politiques monétaires non conventionnelles sur le marché des bureaux. Tout d’abord, nous analysons les effets de l’offre de monnaie sur la dynamique du marché des bureaux londoniens puis sur les principaux marchés européens. Nous trouvons que l’offre de monnaie a un effet positif sur les prix des bureaux suite à une augmentation de la demande. Ces résultats sont attendus théoriquement suite au développement d’un modèle théorique IS-LM de MundellFleming. Cependant, cet effet est fortement hétérogène en Europe avec une plus grande capacité pour les principaux marchés à capturer l’afflux des capitaux. Enfin, nous analysons les dynamiques des valeurs locatives en Europe en utilisant une modélisation à deux niveaux : à un niveau pan-européen et à un niveau local. Nos résultats montrent que même si l’Europe tend à être considérée comme une union fédérale, les marchés immobiliers possèdent toujours une hétérogénéité importante qui doit être étudiée par les investisseurs. / This thesis studies the European office market through different perspectives. In the first part, we study the effects of the unconventional monetary policies on the office market. First, we analyse the effect of the money supply on the dynamics of the London office market and then, on the main office markets across Europe. We find that the money supply has a positive effect on the office prices through an increase of the demand. This result confirms our theoretical expectations based on a IS-LM Mundell-Fleming framework. We find also an important heterogeneity across the European markets, with the biggest ones that have more benefited from QE policies and the others that were not able to attract the available liquidities. Finally, we analyse the dynamics of the rental values across the main office markets in Europe using a twostage modelling: at a Pan-European level and at a local level. Our results highlight that, even if Europe could be considered as a federal union, real estate markets still have important heterogeneities that need to be studied by investors.
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Hétérogénéité, financiarisation et formation des prix dans les marchés dérivés de matières premières / Heterogeneity, financialization and price formation in commodity derivative marketsJaeck, Edouard 23 February 2017 (has links)
Les marchés futures de matières premières existent depuis des siècles. Néanmoins, depuis le début du 21e siècle, le développement en parallèle de la financiarisation et de marchés futures sur une matière première non-stockable (l’électricité) a bouleversé leur fonctionnement.Les trois essais de cette thèse étudient théoriquement et empiriquement les marchés futures de matières premières dans différentes conditions de fonctionnement.Le premier essai est une étude empirique qui montre l’existence de l’effet Samuelson sur les marchés futures d’électricité. Ce faisant, il montre que le stockage n’est pas une condition nécessaire à l’existence d’un tel effet.Le second essai est un modèle qui montre comment le comportement dynamique des prix d’une matière première stockable sur un marché futures segmenté du reste de l’économie est impacté par ses caractéristiques physiques, et notamment par le coût de stockage.Enfin, le troisième essai est un modèle qui montre que la financiarisation modifie la fonction de partage des risques des marchés futures de matières premières, et ce, quelle que soit la maturité concernée. / Commodity futures markets have a long history. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, both the financialization process and the development of futures markets on a non-storable commodity (the electricity) have shake up their functioning.The three essays of this thesis study theoretically and empirically commodity futures markets in different situations of functioning.The first essay is an empirical study that shows that the Samuelson effect exists on electricity derivative markets. As a consequence, it shows that storage is not a necessary condition for such an effect.The second essay is a model that shows how the dynamic behavior of storable commodity prices on a segmented futures market is affected by its physical characteristics, and more precisely by the cost of storage.Further, the third essay is a model that shows that financialization changes the risk sharing function of commodity futures markets, whatever the concerned maturity.
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Propojenost akcií, jejich ceny a riziková prémie / Asset Prices, Network Connectedness, and Risk PremiumProcházková, Vendula January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis introduces the measures of network connectedness in the context of asset pricing. It proposes an asset pricing model in which the factor of connectedness is included as one of the risk factors together with the three Fama-French factors. The goal of the analysis is to examine whether the con- nectedness represents a signifcant risk factor that should be considered while determining the risk premium of the portfolio in diferent sectors in the market. Using the realized volatilities and returns of 496 assets of SP 500 index over the period 2005 - 2018, that are divided into 11 sectors, we frstly determine the linkages of connectedness between the assets in the same sector. Applying Fama-MacBeth two-step regression model, we explore the signifcance of the connectedness factor for the determination of the risk premium. We argue that the sector overall connectedness represents a signifcant risk in most of the sec- tors and should be therefore taken into account by the investors in all sectors. Moreover, the total directional connectedness that captures the spillover of shocks to one asset from the other assets in the sector, is a signifcant risk fac- tor that should increase the risk premium of the portfolio, especially in sectors such as the fnancial, health care, consumer...
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Kön Skillnader i risktagande på svenska PPM-systemet / Gender Difference in risk taking in the Swedish PPM System.Ndayizeye, Fernand January 2015 (has links)
Retirement is one part of life that everybody will sooner or later come too. It is very important to prepare and plan for it by looking for the best possible alternative(s) to save and invest money in order to get enough capital to live on when it is time to retire. In Sweden like in many other countries women tend to have lower wages than men and the maternity leave is a life event that can affect the income of women during their labour time. This can then result in women having less disposable income during the retirement period. In general, women are living longer than men therefore they should get more money to live on but this is not the case in most of the time. In finance taking high risk can be rewarded by high return. Several researches that have been conducted in different fields came to the same conclusion that women are more risk averse than men. This risk averse can be explained by physiological, psychological, social and intellectual aspects. In this thesis I study the investment behaviour of both genders in Premium Pension Funds managed by the Swedish Pension Authority (PPM). In contrary to what many researches in several fields have come to, I found that men tend to invest less than women when the risk level involved in investing in Premium Pension Funds increases. This observation can be seen as an attempt of the women to increase their pension capital in a shorter of time by investing in riskier pension funds. A further study on this subject will be suitable in order to confirm if the women’s attempt to increase their pension capital by engaging in riskier pension funds is rewarded by a higher return by including annually returns as an additional independent variable / Pensionering är en del av livet som alla förr eller senare kommer också. Det är mycket viktigt att förbereda och planera för det genom att leta efter bästa möjliga alternativ (s) för att spara och investera pengar i för att få tillräckligt med kapital för att leva på när det är dags att gå i pension. I Sverige liksom i många andra länder kvinnor tenderar att ha lägre löner än män och moderskapsledigheten är en händelse i livet som kan påverka inkomster kvinnor under sin arbetstid. Detta kan sedan leda till att kvinnor har mindre disponibel inkomst under pensionstiden. I allmänhet, kvinnor lever längre än män och därför bör de få mer pengar att leva på, men detta är inte fallet i större delen av tiden. I finans ta hög risk kan belönas med hög avkastning. Flera undersökningar som har genomförts inom olika områden kom till samma slutsats att kvinnor är mindre riskbenägna än män. Denna riskaversion kan förklaras av fysiologiska, psykologiska, sociala och intellektuella aspekter. I denna avhandling studerar jag investeringsbeteende båda könen i Premiepensionsfonder som förvaltas av Svenska Pensionsmyndigheten (PPM). I motsats till vad många forskare inom flera områden har kommit till, fann jag att män tenderar att investera mindre än kvinnor när risknivån med att investera i Premiepensionsfonderna ökar. Denna observation kan ses som ett försök av kvinnor att öka sitt pensionskapital i en kortare tid genom att investera i mer riskfyllda pensionsfonder. En påbyggande studie i detta ämne kommer att vara lämplig för att bekräfta om kvinnornas försök att öka sitt pensionskapital genom att delta i riskfyllda pensionsfonder belönas med en högre avkastning genom att inkludera avkastning som en ytterligare oberoende variabel.
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Skall vi begrava värdeinvesteringar? : En kvantitativ studie om värdeinvesteringars applicerbarhet på den svenska börsmarknaden under 2010-talet. / Should we bury value investing? : A quantitative study investigating value investments applicability on the swedish stock exchange during the 21st century.Pekkala Settland, Henric, Gunnarsson, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Värdeinvesteringar bygger på att handla lågt prissatta tillgångar i förhållande till värde. Många har under åren formulerat olika strategier för att identifiera underprissatta tillgångar. Särskilt populärt är strategier baserade på att handla bolag med låga nyckeltal såsom P/B- och P/E-tal. Dessa strategier visade i flertalet studier förmågan att generera riskjusterad överavkastning på 80- och 90-talet. Just dessa strategier har dock visat upp sämre resultat i senare studier gjorda på 2000-talet. På den svenska marknaden har riskjusterad överavkastning mellan åren 1980-2010 uppvisats. Det har dock förblivit obesvarat hur resultatet hade blivit på den svenska marknaden efter 2010. Syfte Syftet med studien är att analysera i vilken utsträckning en värdeinvesteringsstrategi baserad på P/B-, respektive P/E-talet, genererar riskjusterad överavkastning. Metod Studien har antagit en kvantitativ strategi med en deduktiv ansats. Genom en tidsserieundersökning har portföljer skapats och analyserats utifrån främst avkastning och risk. I studien avser riskjusterad överavkastning sådan avkastning för portföljen som överstiger vad som kan förväntas enligt CAPM. Parvisa t-test har genomförts för att avgöra resultatens statistiska signifikans. Bolagen som ingår i studien har varit sådana noterade på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap mellan 2010-06-30, till och med 2020-06-30. Slutsats Samtliga portföljer genererade en riskjusterad överavkastning och, med utdelningar inkluderade, en sharpekvot som översteg ett. Strategin baserad på P/B-talet genererade högre riskjusterad överavkastning än strategin baserad på P/E-talet. / Background The fundamental aspect in value investing is to buy assets for a lower market price, than its fundamental value. Over the years a lot of investors have tried to create strategies in order to identify undervalued companies. Particularly popular is value investing strategies based on buying stocks with low P/E and P/B ratios. These strategies have, according to several studies, managed to gain risk adjusted excess returns during the 1980s and 1990s. But during the 2000s, studies have shown inferior results on the American market. On the Swedish market, studies have shown that excess return was possible during the period 1980-2010, but it is still unanswered how the strategy would have performed during the period 2010-2020. Purpose The purpose is to analyze to what extent a value investing strategy, based on the P/E and P/B ratio, respectively, generates risk adjusted excess return. Methodology The study is based on a quantitative strategy with a deductive approach. Through a timeseries analysis, portfolios have been created in order to analyze return and risk. Risk adjusted excess returns is in this study, is defined as all returns who exceeds expected return from the CAPM model. Paired T-test have been used to determine the results statistical significance. The assets included in the sample is companies listed on Stockholm Large Cap index between 2010-06-30 and 2020-06-30. Conclusions All constructed portfolios gained risk adjusted excess return during the period and, with dividends included, a Sharpe ratio higher than one. The strategy based on the P/B ratio outperformed the strategy based on the P/E ratio.
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Zabezpečení v nemoci a mateřství očima občanů ČR / Security in sickness and maternity from the point of view of inhabitans of the Czech RepublicChotěborská, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
Presented diploma theses evaluates the sickness insurance system in the Czech Republic and Europe from the point of view of the Czech Republic citizens. The aim of the work is to analyze the sickness insurance system in the Czech Republic regarding the system changes and also to find out the reform impacts on insured. Simultaneously the aim is to compare the impacts of the Czech insured with the impacts on those migratory workers who draw a claim to the insurance benefit from foreign systems of Europe. The theory of the social capital focused on the social policy and the social security and its legitimacy, theory of the inequality and poverty, the theory of the human capital and the theory of the bureaucracy were the basis of this work. In order to acquire the objective data at first it was made the comparative analysis of the chosen sickness insurance systems in Europe. Other part of this work is focused on the reform of the sickness insurance system in the Czech Republic and it analyses and compares some chosen indicators of the system focusing the years 2008 and 2009. The first half of the empirical part of the work is made on the basis of the qualitative research and it shows the impacts of the reform on the employees, presents their attitudes, their impressions and their opinions on contemporary shape...
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Výběr pojistného na sociální zabezpečení v kontextu reformy veřejných financí / Collection of premiums for social security in the context of public finance reformSlámová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
These thesis present an analysis of the status and trends in the selection of social security in the context of public finance reform and social policy. The aim is to analyze the development of the collection of premiums in the period 2007-2010 in connection with the reform of public finances, to define the role of factors having a substantial impact on the collection of premiums and to explore the attitudes of individual actors to legislative changes in social security. The starting point for the work is the concept of the state and its economic function and solidarity, which are provided through the instruments of economic and social policy. The parts of the foundations are the social rights and the theory of redistribution. Equally important starting point is the concept of bureaucracy, which is the theoretical basis for the institutional arrangements and management of social insurance. The research is devoted to the analysis of events and analysis on the underlying attitudes of the actors, but also for planned maintenance work in the field of social security. The analysis further factors have a significant impact on the indicators and the collection of social insurance. On the basis of the analysis are formulated conclusions and recommendations for decision-making on the future direction of...
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The impact of industrial diversification on corporate transactionsNöllgen, Bruno 20 January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis consists of three articles: one literature overview and two empirical articles. The first article provides a literature overview about industrial diversification, corporate acquisitions and the intersection of both research areas. This thesis secondly analyzes whether conglomerates invest externally differently from focused firms. This investigation provides new insights on the question how industrial diversification influences corporate investment. It allows to draw conclusions whether internal investment is independent from external investment in diversified firms, or whether weak internal investment in conglomerates is (at least partially) offset by more efficient external investment, or even whether value-destructive internal investment is accompanied by external investment eliciting the same effects. In this case weakly managed multi-segment firms could be also identified by their behavior and success in corporate acquisitions. Third, the thesis copes with the question how conglomerates are perceived and treated as potential targets of corporate acquisitions. This analysis adds further aspects to the question whether multi-segment firms are discounted due to their organizational form. Assuming that the sum of the single segment of a diversified company is higher valued than the conglomerate as a whole, one could expect that investors should strive to acquire such companies, to dismantle them subsequently in order to create additional value by reshaping these inefficiently composed entities. However, there are also contradicting effects of lower synergies and higher integration costs compared to the acquisition of stand alone firms. New insights in these discussions allow us to draw conclusions whether a diversification discount potentially being harvested by a bust up takeover outweighs lower synergies and higher integration costs.:List of Tables … vi
List of Figures … viii
List of Abbreviations … ix
List of Symbols … x
Introduction … xiii
I. Literature review … 1
1. Literature review about diversification and corporate transactions … 2
1.1. Introduction … 5
1.2. Impact of diversification … 7
1.2.1. Diversification and firm value … 8
1.2.2. Diversification and investment … 15
1.2.3. Diversification and further firm characteristics … 20
1.3. Corporate transactions … 29
1.3.1. Drivers of acquisitions … 29
1.3.2. Characteristics of acquisitions … 40
1.3.3. Impact of corporate transactions … 47
1.4. Intersection between diversification and transactions … 54
1.5. Conclusion … 56
II. Diversification and acquisitions … 74
2. Diversification and the likelihood of acquisitions … 75
2.1. Introduction … 78
2.2. Theoretical background … 81
2.2.1. Diversification and the likelihood of acquisitions … 81
2.2.2. Diversification and deal characteristics … 84
2.2.3. Diversification and deal performance … 86
2.3. Data and methodology … 87
2.4. Descriptive statistics … 91
2.5. Diversification and corporate transactions … 92
2.5.1. Diversification and transaction probability … 92
2.5.2. Diversification and deal characteristics … 95
2.5.3. Diversification and post-acquisition performance … 98
2.6. Conclusion … 100
III. Diversification and takeover likelihood … 109
3. Do acquirers of conglomerates benefit from the diversification discount? … 110
3.1. Introduction … 113
3.2. Theoretical background … 115
3.2.1. Corporate performance, diversification and takeover probability … 115
3.2.2. Entrenchment, diversification and takeover probability … 117
3.2.3. Synergies, integration costs and takeover probability … 119
3.2.4. Bid premiums and post-acquisition returns … 120
3.3. Data and methodology ... 123
3.4. Descriptive statistics … 127
3.4.1. Successful bids and diversification … 127
3.4.2. Bids and conglomerates: univariate analysis … 129
3.5. Diversification and the likelihood of being acquired … 130
3.6. Diversification and the bid premiums paid … 134
3.7. Diversification and the CAR of the acquirer … 138
3.8. Conclusion … 140
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Hyresgästers betalningsvilja för smart teknik i kontorslokaler / Tenants’ willingness to pay for smart technology in office premisesAyarra, Karolin, Chong, Cissi January 2020 (has links)
I dagens digitala era utvecklas tekniken med en imponerande hastighet och fastighetsmarknaden är inte oberörd. Hyresnivån på kontorslokaler påverkas av attribut inomhuvudkategorierna byggnadsegenskaper, läge och hyresvillkor på kort sikt. Syftet medexamensarbetet är därmed att undersöka mottagligheten och betalningsviljan för smart teknik ikontorslokaler som påverkar byggnadens egenskaper. Fem teman har valts ut somfokusområden: säkerhet och inpassering, beläggningsmätning av kontorslokaler,inomhusklimat, applikationer av bekvämlighetstjänster för anställda samt lokalisering avmedarbetare. Arbetet baseras på två koncept: stöd i tidigare empiriska data samt en explorativundersökning genom att kombinera en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativametoden genomfördes först genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer påkontorsmarknaden, inkluderat hyresgäster. Enkätundersökningen, bestående av denkvantitativa metoden bestod, skickades ut till ett urval av hyresgäster i Stockholmsområdet. Dåhyresgäster med stor sannolikhet saknar tidigare erfarenheter av smart teknik, presenterades deundersökta teknikerna i form av scenariofrågor i både enkät och intervju. Enkätresultatet visarpå en oenighet i respondenternas attityd till scenariofrågan gällande digitala nycklar, vilketsammanfaller med intervjuresultatet. Vidare indikerar enkätresultatet att majoriteten avhyresgästerna är villiga att betala varken mer eller mindre för digitala nycklar i jämförelse meddagens kostnad för det aktuella inpasseringssystemet. Intervjuerna och enkäterna visar enövervägande positiv inställning till beläggningsmätning genom sensorer och reglering avinomhusklimat i realtid. Betalningsviljan för beläggningsmätning är noll eller låg och förinomhusklimatet varken mer eller mindre samt något mer i jämförelse med dagens kostnad.Inställningen till bekvämlighetstjänster visar inte ett entydigt resultat och likaså för tematlokaliseringsverktyg, där majoriteten inte uttrycker någon betalningsvilja. Den första slutsatsenär att intresset för smart teknik finns hos hyresgäster, medan betalningsviljan har generelltresulterat i två huvudsakliga utfall. Ett odefinierat svar eller låg betalningsvilja kan bero påhyresgästens bristande erfarenhet av för- och nackdelar vid användning av smart teknik. I detandra fallet, då ingen betalningsvilja finns, kan det tolkas som att hyresgästen har krav på attsmarta teknik ska ingå i fastighetsägarens ansvar i framtiden. Vidare är den andra slutsatsen attsmart teknik kopplat till beläggningsmätning och inomhusklimat kan potentiellt genererautökade intäkter för fastighetsägaren. Den sista slutsatsen avser mervärden som smart teknikkan tillföra hyresgäster och fastighetsägare. Till exempel, kan hyresgäster få ett mer effektivt lokalutnyttjande medan fastighetsägare kan få konkurrensfördelar och nöjdare kunder. / Technology is advancing to become smarter at an impressive pace and the real estate industryhas not been excluded. The rental premium of an office premise depends on different attributesof the building, the location, and the terms in the lease agreement in the short-term. This thesisaims to examine the acceptance and willingness to pay (WTP) for smart technology, whichimpacts the attributes of the building. Five themes are chosen as the focus: security and access,occupancy level of the office, indoor climate, app of convenience services for employees andlocalization system of employees. The thesis is based on two concepts: existing empiricalresearch and an explorative study by combining the usage of a qualitative and a quantitativemethod. Semi-structured interviews with actors at the office market, including tenants, ischosen as the qualitative method and was conducted firstly. The survey, or the quantitativemethod, was sent to a sample of tenants in the Stockholm area. With the assumption that tenantslack former experience of smart technology, scenario questions were used to present therelevant technology in both the interviews and the surveys. The respondents’ attitudes differedin both the interviews and survey, regarding the scenario question of accessing the officethrough digital keys, the first theme. The survey results indicated that the tenants WTP weremore or less than today for the proposed solution. Both the interviews and survey show anoverall positive attitude against measuring occupancy with sensors and regulating indoorclimate in real time. Regarding the WTP for occupancy measurement, it was either nothing orlow. The WTP for indoor climate was not more nor less or slightly more in comparison to thecost today. The respondents’ attitudes varied in relation to the app for convenience services andlikewise for the localization system, where the majority of the tenants expressed zero WTP.The first conclusion is that the tenants have an interest for smart technology, whereas the WTPresulted in two general cases. Firstly, an undefined answer or low WTP may be due to lack ofexperience regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the smart technology. On the otherhand, no WTP could be interpreted as a future demand from the tenants, where the propertyowner is responsible for smart technology in the premises. The second conclusion is that smarttechnology with regard to measurement of occupancy and indoor climate can potentiallygenerate additional rental income for the property owner. Lastly, the added value which smarttechnology can accomplish for the tenants is, for example, a more efficient usage of the officepremise. Furthermore, property owners can achieve competitive advantages and more contentcustomers.
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