Spelling suggestions: "subject:"proenvironmental"" "subject:"fromenvironmental""
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Applying Bayesian Belief Network To Understand Public Perception On Green Stormwater Infrastructures In VermontREN, Qing 01 January 2018 (has links)
Decisions of adopting best management practices made on residential properties play an important role in reduction of nutrient loading from non-point sources into Lake Champlain and other waterbodies in Vermont. In this study, we use Bayesian belief network (BBN) to analyze a 2015 survey dataset about adoption of six types of green infrastructures (GSIs) in Vermont’s residential areas. Learning BBNs from physical probabilities of the variables provides a visually explicit approach to reveal the message delivered by the dataset. Using both unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms, we are able to generate networks that connect the variables of interest and conduct inference to look into the probabilistic associations between the variables. Unsupervised learning reveals the underlying structures of the dataset without presumptions. Supervised learning provides insights for how each factor (e.g. demographics, risk perception, and attribution of responsibilities) influence individuals’ pro-environmental behaviors. We also compare the effectiveness of BBN approach and logistic regression in predicting the pro-environmental behaviors (adoption of GSIs).
The results show that influencing factors for current adoption vary by different types of GSI. Risk perception of stormwater issues are associated with adoption of GSIs. Runoff issues are more likely to be considered as the governments’ (town, state, and federal agencies) responsibility, whereas lawn erosion is more likely to be considered as the residents’ own responsibility. When using the same set of variables to predict pro-environmental behaviors (adoption of GSI), BBN approach produces more accurate prediction compared to logistic regression.
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German Generation Y’s PurchaseIntention towards Packaging-Free Products: A TPB ApproachSenger, Pia, Özülkü, Esra January 2018 (has links)
Background: The problem of increasing amounts of food packaging waste especially in Germany leads to the challenge of how to minor waste by using no packaging in order to listen to environmental-conscious generation y consumers. This is why retailers need to understand the factors impacting the purchase intention and thus, need to act in higher extend in terms of a preventive sustainable approach. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the purchase intention of German generation y consumers towards packaging-free products. An extended Theory of Planned Behavior forms the theoretical foundation to investigate which factors are influencing the purchase intention the most. In addition to the original TPB factors attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, the research model was extended by two new factors, namely environmental concern and barriers. Method: Through an explanatory research method, the data was collected in a quantitative online survey based on a sample of 422 respondents. In order to investigate the relationships among the factors and to further support or reject the study’s hypothesis, the data was analyzedby using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and simple and multiple regression. Finally, to determine differences among groups additional tests have been conducted. Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed new insights about predictors of the purchaseintention: German consumers’ intention is mainly impacted by their attitude, followed by thefactor barriers, and perceived behavioral control, whereas subjective norms do not. Further, the other newly added factor environmental concern indirectly impacts the purchase intention through attitude. Moreover, the importance of including new added factors to the original TPB model is shown as the extended TPB model has improved its power in explaining German generation y’s purchase intention towards packaging free. By that, the respondents of this studyare highly environmental concerned and overall intent to purchase packaging-free products in mainstream grocery stores, oats and milk respectively. This study’s results provide valuable insights for marketers of German mainstream grocery stores who are interested in selectively integrating packaging-free shopping to their stores.
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Perspective temporelle future et communication engageante : une approche psychosociale du rapport au futur dans le domaine de l'environnementDemarque, Christophe 28 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à apporter des éléments de réponse au sujet du statut théorique de la Perspective Temporelle (PT) et plus précisément de l’extension temporelle future (mesurée par l’échelle Consideration of Future Consequences - CFC). Nous centrant sur l’idée de double contextualisation, nos résultats montrent, d’une part, que la CFC a bien un rôle contextualisant puisqu’elle influence la façon dont les individus appréhendent les problématiques environnementales. Si cette dimension contextualisante est bien établie dans la littérature, nous montrons d’autre part que l’effet de la CFC est un effet contextualisé, dépendant des enjeux sociaux associés à la situation. Cet angle d’approche de l’expérience temporelle est moins exploré dans la littérature, alors que c’est justement cette nécessaire prise en compte du contexte qui fonde l’approche psychosociale et la distingue d’une approche plus différentialiste. Afin de mettre en évidence cet effet contextualisé, nous avons d’abord montré que la CFC était dépendante de l’insertion sociale des sujets. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence le caractère dynamique et socialement inscrit de la relation entre CFC et comportements écocitoyens, médiatisée par la perception des risques écologiques, variable sociocognitive. Dans une visée de triangulation, nous avons également réalisé une série de recherches expérimentales dans le cadre du paradigme de la communication engageante. Les résultats indiquent que le score de CFC des sujets influence leur sensibilité aux arguments présentés dans un message persuasif et leur acceptation face à une requête coûteuse engageante (rôle contextualisant), ces effets étant modulés par le contexte (condition contrôle vs. communication persuasive vs. communication engageante). Enfin, nous avons observé qu’il était possible de modifier, au moins momentanément, la sensibilité des sujets aux conséquences à long terme de leurs comportements dans le cadre d’une procédure de communication engageante. / This thesis aims to provide elements about the theoretical status of Time Perspective (TP), and more specifically of future time extension (as measured by the Consideration of Future Consequences scale - CFC). Focusing on the idea of double contextualization, our results show, on the one hand, that CFC plays a contextualizing role since it influences the way in which individuals apprehend environmental issues. If this contextualizing role is well established, we show on the other hand that the effect of CFC is a contextualized effect, depending on the social issues associated with the situation. This way of dealing with time experience is less explored in the literature, whereas it is precisely by taking account the context that a psychosocial approach distinguishes itself from a more personality-based conception. To highlight this contextualized effect, we first showed that CFC was dependent on the social insertion of the subjects. We then put in evidence the dynamic and socially marked character of the relationship between CFC and pro-environmental behaviors, mediated by the perception of ecological risks, a socio-cognitive variable. In an aim of triangulation, we also conducted a series of experimental research based on the binding communication paradigm. The results indicate that the CFC score influences the sensitivity to the arguments of a persuasive message and the acceptance of a costly query (contextualizing role), these effects being modulated by the context (control condition vs. persuasive communication vs. binding communication). Finally, we observed that it was possible to modify, at least momentarily, the sensitivity about long-term consequences of behaviors through a binding communication procedure.
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Förnybar energi ur ett kvinnligt och manligt perspektiv : En attitydundersökning med avseende på att kartlägga hur synen på fönybar energi påverkas av om individen är kvinna eller man / Renewable energy from a female and male perspective : An attitudinal study for identifying how the view on renewable energy is affected by whether the individual is female or maleWärme, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Abstract The extraction and usage of energy give rise to immense environmental problems which helps to accelerate climate change. Energy is an important resource for the community and there are a variety of different types of energy sources available, that are either classified as renewable or non-renewable energy sources. The usage of renewable energy sources cause less environmental impact than the usage of non-renewable energy, which in turn means that the energy’s strain on the environment is strongly affected by the type of energy source used. The aim of the study is to describe to what extent attitudes towards renewable energy are affected by whether the individual is male or female, by examining the hypothesis regarding how women have a closer connection to nature and to a larger extent shows on an pro-environmentally friendly behavior than men, and if it also can be detected on issues related to renewable energy and thus imply that women have a friendlier approach towards renewable energy than men. A number of ecofeminist believe that women have a stronger bond with the nature through her embodiment as a woman and by her maternal role, which according to previous research also leads to the fact that women shows on a more extensive environmental behavior.Through a qualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews has three female and three male respondents been asked questions with regards to the environment, individual responsibility and energy. All of the respondents have an understanding of the environmental problems that exist and what they are caused by, and that individual responsibility is of great significance for a reduced environmental impact, which enabled further evaluation of all respondents' views on renewable energy. Differences and similarities can be seen between women's and men's attitude towards renewable energy, but in the end, the similarities are too great and the differences too vague in order to be able to verify that women’s closer connection to the nature and their pro-environmental behavior means that they have a more positive attitude towards renewable energy than men. There is therefore no basis in my study to claim that attitudes towards renewable energy are affected by whether the individual is female or male. / Sammanfattning Utvinningen och användningen av energi ger upphov till stora miljöproblem och bidrar till att påskynda klimatförändringen. Energi är en viktig resurs för samhället och det finns en mängd olika typer av energikällor att tillgå, som antingen kategoriseras som förnybara eller icke-förnybara energikällor. Förnybara energikällor ger upphov till mindre miljöpåverkan än icke förnybara energikällor, vilket i sin tur innebär att energins belastning på miljön starkt påverkas av vilken typ av energikällas om används. Syftet med undersökningen är att redogöra för i vilken utsträckning attityden gentemot förnybar energi påverkas av om individen är kvinna eller man, genom att undersöka om hypotesen som handlar om att kvinnor har en närmare koppling till naturen och visar på ett miljövänligare beteende än män också kan påvisas vid frågor som rör förnybar energi och således innebära att kvinnor är mer vänligt inställda till förnybar energi än män. En rad ekofeminister menar att kvinnor har ett starkare band till naturen genom sitt förkroppsligande som kvinna och genom sin modersroll, vilket enligt tidigare forskning också leder till att kvinnor visar på ett mer omfattande miljövänligt beteende. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre kvinnliga respektive tre manliga respondenter har frågor kring miljö, individuellt ansvar och energi ställts. Samtliga respondenter har en förståelse för vilka miljöproblem som finns och vad de orsakas av samt att ett individuellt ansvarstagande får stor betydelse för en minskad miljöpåverkan, vilket möjliggjort för en fortsatt utvärdering av samtliga respondenters syn på förnybar energi. Skillnader och likheter kan utläsas mellan kvinnornas och männens attityd gentemot förnybar energi, men i slutändan är likheterna alltför stora och skillnaderna alltför vaga för att kunna verifiera att kvinnors närmare koppling till naturen och att deras miljövänliga beteende medför att de har en positivare attityd gentemot förnybar energi än män. Därmed finns det inte någon grund i min undersökning för att hävda att attityden gentemot förnybar energi påverkas av om individen är kvinna eller man.
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Pro-environmental behavior: the post-consuming of food packaging used by restaurants / Comportamento pró-ambiental: o pós-consumo de embalagens de alimentos utilizadas em restaurantesFlávia La Villa 06 February 2007 (has links)
This study approaches pro-environmental behavior aspects and the variables that can influence it, regarding generation and destiny of solid residues originated on restaurant activities in the city of Campos do Jordão, SP, as seen by restaurant owners and employees. The adopted methodology was the Stern proposal to classify the pro-environmental behavior with focus in two proposed types: environmental activism and environmentalism in the private sphere. Results do not evidence environmental activism; there were indications of proenvironmental activism in the private sphere. The most mentioned pro-environmental behavior was the residue sorting and separation in different types, for selective collection. The purchase decision by restaurants did not highlight the consideration of environmental questions. Immediate costs product price indicates what will be purchased. Personal competences to perform residue separation are present. The environmental concern, noticed in interviewees opinions and even their decision do participate in this study, allows to suppose a pro-environmental attitude. Contextual factors seem decisive. The organization of public systems facilitate selective collection of solid residues is probably responsible for this pro-environmental behavior being mentioned more frequently. As a result, among the group studied, the increase in public policies for selective collection has the major probability of adherence; the group can approve other policies, if contextual conditions are established enhancing their advantages making the behavior possible. / Este trabalho abordou aspectos de comportamentos pró-ambientais e de variáveis que podem influenciá-los, no tocante à geração e destinação de resíduos sólidos derivados da atividade do restaurante na transformação de alimentos, na visão de proprietários e funcionários de restaurantes em Campos do Jordão, SP. Adotou-se a proposta de Stern para classificação de Comportamentos Pró-ambientais, com foco em dois tipos propostos, Ativismo Ambiental e Ambientalismo na Esfera Privada. Os resultados não evidenciam Ativismo Ambiental. Houve indicações de Ambientalismo na Esfera Privada. O comportamento próambiental mais mencionado neste estudo foi a separação dos resíduos por tipos, para participação na coleta seletiva. O processo de decisão de compras do restaurante não evidencia considerar questões ambientais entre seus parâmetros. Os custos mais imediatos os preços do produto controlam o que será comprado. Capacidades pessoais para executar a separação dos resíduos estão presentes. A preocupação com o meio ambiente, que permeia as falas dos entrevistados e mesmo a sua decisão de participar desta pesquisa permite supor uma atitude próambiental. Dos fatores investigados, os contextuais parecem
decisivos. A organização pelo poder público de sistemas que favorecem a coleta seletiva é provavelmente responsável pela maior menção desse comportamento próambiental. Concluise que, dentre o grupo estudado, a ampliação da coleta seletiva é das estratégias de política pública a que tem maior probabilidade de adesão e que o grupo pode aderir a outras, se estabelecidas condições contextuais que evidenciem suas vantagens e que tornem possível o comportamento.
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Learners’ understanding of the impact of air pollution on the environment in rural communitiesMalebye, Valerie Essie 17 August 2005 (has links)
This research is an attempt to determine learners’ understanding of the impact of air pollution in rural communities. The study focuses on the need to teach learners through Environmental Education about air pollution as an environmental problem that prevails in their areas and worldwide. The main aim of the study is to assess learners’ perceptions and understanding of air pollution and its impact in their various residential areas. It is revealed in chapter one that knowledge of the causes and effects of air pollution is essential. In chapter three various factors that are contributing to environmental problems are indicated as a result of lack of knowledge of Environmental Education. Environmental Education does not reflect in black schools’ timetables, nor is it taught; therefore learners are not familiar with the role they have to play in protecting their environment. A literature study together with an empirical investigation by means of a questionnaire has been used in this regard. The data collection methods used proved to be useful in providing insights into learners’ understanding of the impact of air pollution on the environment in rural communities and the role of EE in assisting them to partake in the whole exercise. The findings and recommendations of the study are expected to assist learners in dealing with air pollution in their area and other related environmental issues they may encounter. Based on the findings of the study it is recommended that Environmental Education be actively taught, especially in black schools. Schools should have a plan that suits them to include EE in their curricula. Schools together with their immediate communities should be involved in environmental projects. / Dissertation (MEd (Environmental Education))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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The influence of values, beliefs, norms on thepro-environmental behavior of Generation Z : The case of the aviation industryMadeira, Gabriel, Rello, Salomé January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to deepen the knowledge of the field of sustainability,more specifically, the current understanding of how values, beliefs, and norms influencepro-environmental behavior towards the aviation industry, within Generation Z. Background: Sustainability is now a topic of focus from governments and companies. Theaviation industry is one of the most polluting industries within the transportation sector, however,with promises to change this phenomena. Furthermore, Generation Z is now the most digitallyknowledgeable, environmentally friendly generation, which could support this change. Methodology: The Value Belief Norm model was applied in order to study the influence ofvalues, beliefs and norms on pro-environmental behavior and the impact of eco-guilt. Aself-completion questionnaire was responded by 174 French members of Generation Z, for aquantitative and deductive approach, using a PLS-SEM analysis. Findings: The research held in this thesis found that biospheric values were the only values tohave a strong positive impact on awareness of consequences, that in turn, had a strong influenceon ascription of relationship. Following this causal chain, ascription of responsibility stronglyinfluenced personal norms and the same for the latter with pro-environmental behavior. Eco-guiltwas found to have no moderator effect between personal norms and pro-environmental behavior. Value: This thesis demonstrates how physiological characteristics can influencepro-environmental behavior, creating scientific and practical knowledge on a field of increasedimportance (sustainability), within a generation which has not yet been studied in detail(Generation Z) and in a context of substantial environmental damage (aviation industry).
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Mindfulness for sustainable consumption behaviour - inisghts into consumer cultureKadel, Lena January 2021 (has links)
A large body of research implies that modern human behaviour threatens various life – sustaining resources. The excessive consumption patterns of resources by humans has been identified as one of the main causes of the environmental crisis. Automatic and unconscious decision-making behaviours have become deeply internalized among individuals, resulting in unsustainable and unnecessary consumption patterns. Emerging literature has begun to explore the concept of mindfulness in relation to sustainable consumption, and reports on a positive relation to lower ecological footprints, connectedness to nature and sustainable consumption patterns. This particular study builds upon existing empirical findings and addresses the relationship between mindfulness, impulsivity and consumption. An extensive literature review and primary data collection method based on a convenience sample, were used as methodological approaches for this study. Based on the data gathered through an online questionnaire, the study finds that mindfulness has a negative relation to impulsive buying behaviour, suggesting a decrease in impulsive consumption among individuals with a higher level of mindfulness. Contrary to existing research, this study found no significant relation between mindfulness and pro-environmental behaviour. However, there are several limitations to this study due to method bias, measurement issues as well as due to the format of the questionnaire approach, that need to be considered when discussing the findings. Overall, this research indicated that by tapping into mindfulness, individuals may become less vulnerable to automatic processing, helping to break routines and make consumers become more aware of negative effects of consumption choices. This paper recommends continued research and suggests possible future pathways.
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Communi(ty)cating Climate Change-A qualitative analysis of the zero waste movement in CologneKurzner, Jo Anna January 2018 (has links)
This research analyzes the zero waste movement in Cologne, Germany, aiming to findout how media and communication influence pro-environmental (consumer) behavior ofan already environmentally aware target audience. A special focus lies on what dominantchannels and mediums are used as well as what role social media influencers play.Therefore, 15 interviews were conducted in two of the three existing zero waste stores inCologne. The material was subsequently analyzed with a qualitative text analysisaccording to Mayring (2014). The findings revealed that pro-environmental contentresearch online and offline through media and communication can indirectly influencepro-environmental (consumer) behavior of the zero waste movement in Cologne in termsof motivation, inspiration, for information research, or a lively exchange. This dominantlyhappened through the offline community and through face-to-face conversations, but alsowith the use of new and social media. To some extent, social media influencers affecteda younger audience, possibly leading to a consolidation of the individuals’ awareness andattitude as well as an encouragement to take action. However, media and communicationare not the only factors influencing the zero waste consumption behavior. Furtherinfluencers are environmental awareness and consciousness, education, and personalityfactors. Latter can also be an interior barrier, along with family, lack of knowledge, time,and experience. Meanwhile, exterior factors are the economic and organizationalinfrastructure, contradicting lifestyles of the community, and economic constraints thatcould possibly hinder the process towards pro-environmental consumption and behavior.Overall, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the zero waste lifestyleand its drivers as an ideal for pro-environmental behavior, enabling the fight againstclimate change on a local and communal level in Cologne, Germany.
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Conversion to a fossil free industry : Investigating certifications as motivatorsfor pro-environmental initiativesVinnars, Jacob, Vinnars, Johan, Buratovic, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Climate awareness is growing every day and pressure and expectations of powerful measures from companies are increasing. At the same time, the incentives for many companies to address climate change are small due to limited economic benefits. This master thesis will therefore examine how external certificates that address carbon neutrality can act as a motivator for more sustainable environmental initiatives. The work will also examine the important success factors that exist regarding the design of environmental certificates. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from several large companies and pro-environmental organizations. Through a detailed analysis, the results showed that an external certificate can strengthen a company's legitimacy and competitiveness, which in previous studies have proven to be motivators for increased environmental initiatives. The certificate itself cannot, however, be seen as a motivator. The conclusion further showed that a global standard is more sought after than a certificate. The study also resulted in the identification of three cornerstones for a successful certificate. These are: working with a credible NGO to achieve high credibility, base all criteria on research, and take into account the views of the industry. Three separate in-depth technical advancement studies have also been carried out and are presented separately in the appendix.
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