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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifikace a měření výkonnosti procesů ve vybraném podniku / Identification and Qualification of the Efficiency of Processes in a chosen Enterprise

Dobešová, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
I identificated of processes in company ENVINET a.s. and made proposal qualification of the efficiency of processes. I applied to indicators of the efficiency of processes. I recommended new possibilities qualification of the efficiency of processes.

Caracterização de um processo de software para projetos de software livre / Characterizing a software process for Free Software projects.

Reis, Christian Robottom 23 April 2003 (has links)
Software Livre é software fornecido com código fonte, e que pode ser livremente usado, modificado e redistribuído. Projetos de Software Livre são organizações virtuais formadas por indivíduos que trabalham juntos no desenvolvimento de um software livre específico. Estes indivíduos trabalham geograficamente dispersos, utilizando ferramentas simples para coordenar e comunicar seu trabalho através da Internet. Este trabalho analisa esses projetos do ponto de vista de seu processo de software; em outras palavras, analisa as atividades que realizam para produzir, gerenciar e garantir a qualidade do seu software. Na parte inicial do trabalho é feita uma extensa revisão bibliográfica, comentando os principais trabalhos na área, e são detalhadas as características principais dos projetos de software livre. O conteúdo principal deste trabalho resulta de dois anos de participação ativa na comunidade, e de um levantamento realizado através de questionário, detalhando mais de quinhentos projetos diferentes. São apresentadas treze hipóteses experimentais, e os resultados do questionário são discutidos no contexto destas hipóteses. Dos projetos avaliados nesse levantamento, algumas características comuns foram avaliadas. As equipes da grande maioria dos projetos são pequenas, tendo menos de cinco participantes. Além disso, existe uma distribuição equilibrada entre algumas formas de organização descritas na literatura, incluindo o \'ditador benevolente\' de Eric S. Raymond e o \'comité\' exemplificado pelo projeto Apache. Dentre um conjunto de domínios de aplicação determinados, os projetos de software livre se concentram nas áreas de engenharia e desenvolvimento de software, redes e segurança, e aplicações multimídia. Com relação às atividades do processo de software, pode-se dizer que a maioria dos projetos tem requisitos fundamentalmente definidos pelos seus autores, e que a base de usuários de grande parte dos softwares é composta dos seus desenvolvedores e da comunidade de software livre. Uma parcela significativa dos projetos baseia-se em outros softwares pré-existentes, e em padrões publicados previamente. Pouca ênfase é dada à usabilidade, assim como às atividades de garantia de qualidade convencionais. Surpreendentemente, também recebem pouca atenção as atividades de revisão de código e teste sistemático. Entre as ferramentas que os projetos utilizam, se destacam as listas de discussão e os sistemas de controle de versão. Foi estabelecida uma correlação entre a dimensão da equipe do projeto e as atividades de engenharia de software que realiza, mas não se confirmou um vínculo entre estas atividades e a idade do projeto. Foram também estabelecidas relações entre o número de linhas de código do software do projeto e a sua idade, tamanho e domínio de aplicação. Estes resultados são exibidos neste trabalho, e estarão publicamente disponíveis no site Web do projeto. O trabalho conclui descrevendo partes essenciais do processo de software em projetos de software livre, e oferecendo sugestões para trabalhos posteriores. / Free Software (or Open Source) is software provided with source code that may be freely used, modified and redistributed. Free Software Projects are virtual communities of developers that work on a specific free software product. These developers work geographically dispersed, using simple tools to communicate and coordinate their actions over the Internet. This work analyzes these projects with respect to their software process; in other words, the activities they do to produce, manage and ensure the quality of their software. In the initial sections, I perform a large review of related work in this field, and provide an overview of the main characteristics of free software projects. The main contents of this dissertation is based on two years of participation in free software projects, and on a survey based on a questionnaire that describes over five hundred different free software projects. 1 present thirteen initial hypothesis, using them as a framework to analyze the results of the survey. Among the projects evaluated in this survey, some common aspeets were observed. For instance, most projects have a small team, with less than five developers. I also found a balanced distribution of leadership systems described in other works, including Eric Raymond\'s \'benevolent dictator\' and the committee exemplified by the Apache project. The domains in which these projects tend to concentrate are software engineering and development, networks and security, and multimédia applications. Concerning the software process activities, most projects have their functional requirements established by their authors: the user base for most of the projects includes the development team and the free software community. A large proportion of the projects surveyed are based on pre-existing software, or on previously published standards. Little emphasis is placed on usability and conventional fornis of quality assurance. Remarkably, this lack of emphasis on conventional process includes activities like review and testing. Among the tools used by the projects, mailing lists and versioning systems such as CVS come out ahead by a strong margin. A correlation was identified between the size of the project\'s team and the software engineering activities that it realizes, but I could not establish a link between the age of the project and these activities. Other correlations were established between the size of the project\'s codebase (in terms of lines of code) and its age, size and application domain. The dissertation concludes describing essential parts of the software process in free software projects, and offering suggestions for future work.

Modeling the decision making mind: Does form follow function?

Jarecki, Jana Bianca 07 December 2017 (has links)
Die Verhaltenswissenschaften betrachten menschliche Entscheidungsprozesse aus zwei komplementären Perspektiven: Form und Funktion. Formfragen behandeln wie Denkprozesse ablaufen, Funktionsfragen behandeln, welche Ziele das resultierende Verhalten erfüllt. Die vorliegende Dissertation argumentiert für die Integration von Form und Funktion. Ein Schritt zur Integration von Form und Funktion besteh darin, Prozessmodelle aus der Kognitionspsychologie in die evolutionäre Psychologie und Verhaltensbiologie (welche sich häufig mit Funktionsfragen befassen) einzuführen. Studie 1 untersucht die Eigenschaften kognitiver Prozessmodelle. Ich schlage ein Rahmenmodell für allgemeine kognitive Prozessmodelle vor, mit Hilfe dessen Prozessmodelle entwickelt werden können. In Studie 2 untersuche ich Klassifikation aus Perspektive der Form und Funktion. Verhalten sich Menschen gemäss einer statistischen Annahme, die sich in der Informatik als robust gegenüber ihrer Verletzung herausstellte? Daten aus zwei Lernexperimenten und Modellierung mittels eines neuen probabilistischen Lernmodells zeigen, dass Menschen zu Beginn des Lernprozesses gemäß dem statistischen Prinzip der klassenkonditionalen Unabhängigkeit kategorisieren. In Studie 3 geht es um Risikoentscheidungen aus der Perspektive der Form und Funktion. Sind Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse abhängig von der Zielgröße der Entscheidung? Ich messe Prozess- und Verhaltensindikatoren in zehn Risikodomänen welche die evolutionären Ziele wiederspiegeln. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass Risikoeinstellungen domänenspezifisch sind. Insbesondere sind Frauen nicht universell risiko-averser als Männer. Auf der Prozessebene hat die Valenz der entscheidungsrelevanten Argumente geringeren Einfluss auf die Domänenunterschiede als die am häufigsten genannten Aspekte für/gegen das Risikoverhalten. / The behavioral sciences investigate human decision processes from two complementary perspectives: form and function. Formal questions include the processes that lead to decisions, functional aspects include the goals which the resulting behavior meets. This dissertation argues for the integration of form and functional questions. One step towards a form-function integration is introducing cognitive process models into evolutionary psychology and behavioral biology (which are mostly asking about the goals of behavior). Study 1 investigates the properties of cognitive process models. I suggest the first general framework for building cognitive process models. In study 2 I investigate human category learning from a functional and form centered perspective. Do humans, when learning a novel categorization task, follow a statistical principle which was been shown to perform the goals of correct classification robustly even in the face of violations of the underlying assumption? Data from two learning experiments and cognitive modeling with a novel probabilistic learning model show that humans start classifying by following the statistical principle of class-conditional independence of features. Study 3 investigates risk attitudes from the perspective of form and function. Does the information people process relate to the goals of risky behavior? I measure process- and behavioral indicators in ten domains of risks which represent different evolutionary goals. The results show that not only do risk attitudes differ across domains, but also that females are not universally less risk taking than males. Further, on the process level, the valence of the aspects related to perceived risks is less related to peoples’ risk propensities compared to the most frequently mentioned aspects.

Significados atribuídos às atividades cotidianas de mulheres após a morte  em até seis meses do cônjuge idoso / Meanings attributed to daily activities by women after the death of their elderly spouses up to six month

Batista, Marina Picazzio Perez 12 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A morte do cônjuge representa diversos desafios a serem enfrentados por mulheres, especialmente nos primeiros seis meses. O enfrentamento deste processo, comumente predispõe a declínios da saúde e impacta a vida cotidiana. Para sua compreensão, destaca-se o \"Modelo do Processo Dual do Luto\", o qual pressupõe que um dos fatores estressores que os viúvos precisam lidar são os orientados para a restauração. Estes incluem o engajamento em atividades cotidianas que não se relacionam diretamente à perda, sendo singular e dependente do significado atribuído pela pessoa a estas atividades. Objetivo: Conhecer os significados atribuídos às atividades cotidianas relacionadas ao enfrentamento orientado para a restauração de mulheres após a morte por câncer, em até seis meses, do cônjuge idoso. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, do tipo exploratório e descritivo. Constitui-se como população alvo do estudo, viúvas: do sexo feminino; que mantinham relacionamento com o falecido por meio de casamento ou união estável; residentes no Estado de São Paulo; cujos cônjuges, falecidos de 2 a 6 meses em decorrência de câncer, tinham acima de 60 anos e foram atendidos pela equipe do Núcleo de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de maio a outubro de 2015. As viúvas que aceitaram participar do estudo foram convidadas para uma entrevista individual, que ocorreu entre outubro e dezembro de 2015. Para sua condução, foi utilizado um roteiro semi-estruturado que buscava conhecer se os participantes realizavam ou pensavam em realizar atividades cotidianas relacionadas ao enfrentamento orientado para a restauração, e quais os significados que atribuíam a seu desempenho. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi gravado, transcrito e posteriormente analisado pelo processo de codificação, gerando temas abrangentes. Resultados: Identificou-se um primeiro tema nos resultados que se relacionou aos fatores que influenciavam no significado das atividades cotidianas relacionadas ao enfrentamento orientado para a restauração, os quais foram: a) sofrimento decorrente da percepção da ausência do marido no cotidiano; b) desempenho do papel de cuidadora; c) percepção negativa sobre a qualidade do relacionamento prévio com o cônjuge; d) participação nas circunstâncias que envolveram o óbito e nos processos decisórios de tratamento no período de adoecimento do cônjuge; e) apoio da rede informal e a presença de animais de estimação; f) espiritualidade. O segundo tema que emergiu dos resultados se referiu ao relato das entrevistadas sobre sua participação nas entrevistas conduzidas nesta tese. Discussão: O reconhecimento dos fatores que influenciavam no significado das atividades cotidianas favorece a reflexão sobre o apoio prestado às viúvas após a morte do cônjuge, especialmente ao se considerar que as mulheres se beneficiam mais de intervenções com ênfase no enfrentamento orientado para restauração. Entende-se que estudos que utilizam entrevistas como procedimento de coleta de dados podem beneficiar o enfrentamento do processo de luto dos participantes, pois potencialmente os auxiliam a elaborarem as experiências vivenciadas. Conclusão: Acredita-se que esta tese represente avanços na compreensão acerca do engajamento em atividades cotidianas no processo de luto, o que favorece a abordagem em Cuidados Paliativos prestada aos familiares após o óbito do paciente / Introduction: The death of the spouse represents several challenges to be faced by bereaved widows, mainly during the first six months. It commonly predisposes to health decline with impact in daily life. To understand the grieving process the \"Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement\" is highlighted. To this theoretical model, one of the types of stressor that the widows have to deal with is the restoration-oriented. It includes the involvement in daily activities that are not related to loss. This involvement is unique depending on the meaning given by the person to daily activities. Objective: To know the meaning attributed to daily activities focused on restoration by women after the death of their elderly spouse due to cancer, up to six months after death. Method: It is a qualitative exploratory and descriptive study. Its target population is constituted by widows: a) female; b) who had a relationship with the deceased exclusively through marriage or stable union; c) residing in São Paulo state; d) whose spouses have died within the past 2-6 months due to cancer and were over the age of 60; e) and whose spouses had been attended by the Palliative Care Service of The Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School during the period May- October 2015. The spouses that agree to participate in the study were invited to a private interview, which occurred from October to December 2015. To its conduction a semi-structured guideline was used which aimed to know if the participants took part or thought about taking part in restoration-oriented daily activities, and the meaning they attribute to them. The content of the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the coding process. Comprehensive themes emerged from this process. Results: A first theme was identified on the results related to the influencing factors upon the meaning of daily activities focused on restoration which were: a) distress resulting from the perception of the husband\'s absence in daily life; b) caretaker role performance; c) negative perception about the quality of the previous relationship with the spouse; d) participation in the circumstances that involved the spouse\'s death and in the decisionmaking procedures of treatment during his illness; e) support from the informal network and the presence of pet animals; f) spirituality. The second theme that emerged from the results referred to the interviewees\' report about their participation in the interviews conducted in this thesis. Discussion: The recognition of the influencing factors upon the meaning attributed to daily activities gives opportunity for reflection on the support given to widows after their spouses\' death, especially taken into account that women benefit more from interventions focused on restoration. It is understood that studies using interviews as data collecting procedure can benefit the participants facing the bereavement, since it can potentially help them to elaborate their experiences. Conclusion: It is believed that this thesis represents advances in the understanding about the involvement in daily activities during bereavement, what helps the Palliative Care provided to the family after the patient death

Elektronické volby v podmínkách VŠE Praha a ČR / Electronic voting at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic

Kaltoun, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The focus of this paper is research of electronic voting topics applied to conditions of University of Economics, Prague and the Czech Republic. It therefore consists of not only theoretical research but also of applied work. First goal of this paper was to provide information base both about (especially electronic) voting and significant electronic voting projects realized throughout the world. Consequent second goal was analysis and design of electronic voting solution for chosen elections type at the University of Economics, Prague and proposal of possible process changes in chosen type of elections in the Czech republic should electronic voting be implemented. In it's first part the paper gathers, summarizes and presents information about (especially electronic) voting and chosen electronic voting implementations. The second part then describes chosen types of elections at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic and analyzes their processes. In former case the analysis is followed by proposition and evaluation of possible electronic voting implementation variants of chosen elections type and detailed elaboration of the most suitable one. In latter case the paper goes on to describe possible process changes that could arise should electronic voting be implemented for chosen elections type in the Czech Republic. Author's contribution lies in fulfilling the goals of this thesis and performing the necessary activities leading to them. Following the (electronic) voting research the author has provides the reader with information base needed to quickly orientate tehmselves in the field of electronic voting. The author then leverages this information to research and process-analyze chosen types of elections at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic, propose changes in mapped processes needed for eventual electronic voting implementation, present alternatives of electronic voting implementation of chosen elections type at the University of Economics, Prague and elaborate on the chosen most suitable one.

Loneliness and Student Health: Replication and Exploratory Analysis

Copeland, John 01 January 2017 (has links)
Loneliness occurs in the absence of belonging or social connectedness and has been linked to many physical and mental health problems. Among these conditions are depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and stress. College students report these four conditions as the largest barriers to good academic performance. For as much is known about loneliness, much less is known about belonging and health or the role loneliness plays in these relationships prompting a need for investigation. Using a sample of 301 university students, we replicated previous findings that loneliness predicts depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and stress. Next we replicated and contributed new findings for the relationship between social connectedness and the same health outcomes of interest. Previous research has found gender to be a moderator in the relationship between loneliness and social connectedness. The current study found no evidence of moderation. Based upon the available literature, it was hypothesized that loneliness would mediate the relationship between social connectedness and the health outcomes of interest. Using conditional process modeling, loneliness was found to be a mediator in every case. These findings validate previous findings on the effects of loneliness on health. They also highlight the significance of social connectedness as a factor in health. Future research should investigate the effectiveness of social connectedness as focal point for treatment of mental and physical health conditions.


潘明正 Unknown Date (has links)
全球消費者需求快速改變,產品生命週期明顯縮短,不允許過多的存貨屯積,故產品的配送傾向於「少量、多樣、快速」的配送服務,企業希望擁有一個高效率的國際物流服務網路來提供企業在供應鏈管理上更有效率的監督與管控。   就國際物流(Global Logistics)來說,海運業者是否能共享正確即時(real time)的資訊,正是其關鍵成功因素。而海運產業中各角色資訊與資源的整合,有賴於企業建構其電子化企業的應用系統架構藍圖;因此,海運產業除了建構企業電子化之應用資訊系統外,更應著重於各系統間的整合與資料交換,發展或利用適當的資料整合與交換技術;對海運而言,系統整合不僅僅是應用系統間資料的交換,更應達到與流程緊密的搭配,才能真正完成進出口流程電子化、資訊與資源共享等目標。然而,各應用系統間資料模式的不一致性、資料交換的不即時性,也為資料交換帶入雪上加霜的困境。   有鑑於此,本研究以「個案研究」方式提出一個利用流程分析,建構海運跨組織企業流程模型。主要作法為從海運企業個案營運流程的分析,利用IDEF0與IDEF3方法定義海運產業企業流程模型,並且整合各不同企業流程。透過個案資訊架構分析,提出適合海運業跨組織資料交換之資訊架構,並以此資訊架構改善各企業流程,最後整合改善後流程模型,建置海運跨組織進出口流程模型。

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.

The face-in-the-crowd and anxiety and cognition

Lahti, Dawn 05 March 2008
Hansen and Hansen (1988) found that angry targets in happy crowds were found more quickly and accurately than happy targets in angry crowds. This finding, they dubbed the Face-in-the-Crowd effect. Gilboa-Schechtman and colleagues (1999) found that high anxious participants show a greater enhancement of detecting angry versus happy targets. The purpose of the current studies was to replicate these findings, and to determine whether Rational and Experiential decision-making styles play a role in target detection (Study One) and crowd searching (Study Two), and if these decision-making styles interact with affective predisposition for both reaction time and galvanic skin response in the face-in-the-crowd task. In Study One, I replicated the anger superiority effect and the Anxiety x Target interaction. I also found that the Rational Group tended to be faster than the Experiential Group overall. I found that the High Trait Anxious group had higher GSR than the Low Trait Anxious group averaged over both target conditions. The Rational group had higher GSR when presented with happy targets than when presented with angry targets whereas the Experiential group did not show this difference. In Study Two, I failed to replicate the anger inferiority effect of crowd searching, but I did find that the Rational group tended to be faster than the Experiential group, especially for angry crowd searching. I also found that the Low-State-Anxious-Rational group had lower galvanic skin responses than all other groups across all analyses. The most exciting finding of these two studies was that he Rational Group demonstrated a facility for the face-in-the-crowd task, validating decision-making style as an important dimension to be considered in future face-in-the-crowd research. The research also provided support for network theories and it is hoped that future studies might endeavor to explore facial processing with this theoretical framework in mind.

Supporting flexible workflow processes with a progression model

Stavness, Nicole Ann 02 March 2005
<body>Users require flexibility when interacting with information systems to contend with changing business processes and to support diverse workflow. Model-based user interface design can accommodate flexible business processes by integrating workflow modelling with other modelling approaches. We present a workflow model, the progression model, to help in developing systems that support flexible business processes. <p> The progression model tracks a users interaction with an application as a set of data elements we refer to as a workflow transaction. The steps a user takes to create a workflow transaction and the state of the workflow transaction at each step is made explicit. By making the workflow status and workflow transaction state explicit, the user can change the order of the steps in a process, manage multiple workflow transactions, keep track of data as it is accumulated, and so on. The intent is to provide the user with a mechanism to deal with partial information, interrupted and concurrent workflow transaction entry, and the processing of multiple workflow transactions. <p> This thesis describes the progression model, an XML-compliant notation to specify the progression model, and a prototype system. </body>

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